Latex Stream Story 2: Conditioned by the Costume

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Continued from "Groped on the Grandstand" (#148) and "The HardRock Costume" (#150), "Conditioned by the Costume" is the third installment in Hardrock's hard life.

Conditioned by the Costume for Sanmer by Draconicon

As Hardrock opened the door to his apartment, the dragon smiled for the first time in a long time. His suit slowly pulled back from his scales as he shut the door behind him, and as it slipped back into his ring, the superhero flopped down onto his couch.

"Looks like things are finally getting better."

The hero couldn't believe how much of a difference the nanite latex suit had made. Despite getting...well, turned on during his last fight, he'd been able to keep going. Even when the mischief maker had gotten him to cum while fighting the Killer Klepto, nothing had been visible through the suit. The nanites had 'eaten' - for lack of a better word - his load before it could do anything, even balloon the suit.

True, it still made it difficult to fight villains, while he was getting teased and molested, but at least he wasn't spending more money on suits or having the tabloids take embarrassing pictures of him soaking through his suits.

The naked dragon looked up at the ring he wore, shaking his head. It had been his best purchase of the year, it seemed. That olinguito needed a big thank-you, Hardrock felt; his product had saved the hero's reputation.

"I'll have to visit him tomorrow, I guess."

But it would wait until tomorrow. After that fight, he needed some rest, and he needed it bad. The dragon yawned, stretching out on his couch before rolling over onto his stomach. He closed his eyes and drifted off to dreamland.

Though Hardrock slept, he didn't sleep unwatched. Far away, on a set of cameras that covered every angle of the hero's small apartment, two shadowy individuals watched him. The naked dragon was nearly as enticing as one of the latex suits the ring could create. Almost.

One of the silhouettes turned to the other.

"Activate conditioning protocol."

On screen, the ring suddenly shimmered, the band giving off three quick blips of light before the nanites within activated. They spread their latex up the dragon's arm, but unlike Hardrock's normal costume, they didn't make sleeves and gloves. Instead, they created narrow bands, more like strings of latex than solid sheets of it. It spread up the dragon's arm, and then down his back much faster than when it created the full suit. Other strings of latex spread out from the main cluster, heading over the dragon's back and down his other arm, forming a series of strands looking almost like puppeteer strings.

As the strands reached the wrist of Hardrock's opposite arm, it formed a band around it, almost like a manacle. With the series of strands, the latex slowly pulled the dragon's arms back, pulling them together until they were tied behind his back. The latex fused at the wrists, keeping it from being broken anytime soon.

The silhouettes paused there, watching, waiting to see if the dragon would wake up. If he did, they had countermeasures in place, but it would be better if he didn't.

Thankfully, Hardrock snoozed on, and the process could continue. The strands of latex moved down the dragon's back, slowly wrapping around the base of his tail. As they tightened, other pieces ran up the underside and lifted it up, holding it above the dragon's back.

"He has a nice ass, doesn't he?"

"Yes, and he's going to be waving it around a lot more when we're done with him."

The latex continued moving slowly, always taking its time. The two silhouettes knew that they had to be careful with this. Despite their countermeasures, once Hardrock woke up, the chances of their success in conditioning him went down remarkably. Better to take their time and keep him asleep than to risk waking him up by moving too quickly.

Thankfully, the dragon was snoring like a log, and didn't show any signs of waking up soon. Even as the latex encased his tail, fusing it with the wrist restraints, the dragon simply turned his head against the arm of his couch and snoozed on. He must have been very tired indeed, to ignore the tendrils snaking over his ass, pulling the scaly cheeks apart and exposing the hole between.

Both silhouettes grinned at each other as the latex solidified, holding the hero's ass cheeks apart and exposing his hole. It was pretty un-used, from what they could see, the little pink star tight and tiny. That had to change.

Another wave of the shimmering black latex flashed over the dragon's exposed hole. It covered up his rim, unfortunately for their cameras, but only for a moment. A quick press of a button, and the cameras changed to a setting to allow them to see through the latex, and see the tendrils and solid tentacle that were forming out of the costume.

The tendrils slowly snaked their way into the dragon's tight rim, oozing slickness as they went. They moved slow, slower than a slug crawling across a garden, but it kept them from being noticed. Bit by bit they pushed in, one by one sliding past that rim. Each one oozed its own relaxant, making the dragon's hole weaken, open, loosen as it absorbed the chemicals. Enough exposure would render the dragon loose enough to take anything, but in the short term, it would just render him completely open so he wouldn't feel the penetration.

The tendrils pulled at the hole as it loosened, stretching it open like a half dozen fingers. It soon gaped wide beneath the latex, and the tentacle slid in. It was just thick enough to mimic the size of a real cock, and the tip soon pressed against the dragon's prostate.

Hardrock moaned, and the tendril stopped, the two silhouettes watching the monitors carefully as the dragon stirred in his sleep. He shuffled back and forth, groaning for a moment, before slipping back into deep slumber.

"Hmmm, almost thought he was going to wake up there."

"He must be more tired than we thought, huh?"

"Or he likes it more than he would want to admit. Continue."

As the tendril slid up and down, in and out of the dragon's hole, constantly rubbing against his prostate, the other strands of latex reached down to the dragon's cock. The view on the monitor shifted to one coming up between the couch cushions, allowing them to see just what was going on beneath the dragon without having to flip him around.

The smaller silhouette turned to the taller.

"How did you manage to bug his apartment so well, anyway?"

"Heroes. They always think that they're untouchable. It's not that hard when he's out fighting crime to sneak in and plant a few things."

"I couldn't do it."

"You're not me. But you have your own skills. And a face nobody knows."

"Heh, I do have that. Not to mention I'm respectable."

"Heheh, you keep telling yourself that."

The camera showed them how hard the dragon hero was getting from the prostate massage, and both of them knew that he was just going to get harder. The latex came into view, snaking around Hardrock's balls and then slowly running up his shaft, encasing it in the same shimmery black that covered his ass.

As the dragon moaned, the latex tightened, becoming completely skintight around every inch of the long, thick shaft. The only part left uncovered was the very tip, the urethra oozing down around the latex covered shaft. The nanites fed on it, taking the proteins from the liquid and breaking them down for energy, even as much, much thinner tendrils began to expand from the latex covering Hardrock's shaft and balls.

"This is going to be the real test, isn't it?"

"Well, the test before the real test, but this one has a bigger chance of waking him up."

"Let's hope that the relaxant works as well here as in his ass."

The dripping mini-tendrils rose over the head of the dragon's cock like snakes over their prey. One lowered, dabbing the liquid all over the dragon's urethra. Upon application, the small hole seemed to open, spreading under the touch. It wasn't much, but considering how tight the little hole would be, anything was better than nothing.

Slipping inside, the tendril applied more of the relaxant inside. It was a special blend, made to relax all the tissue without losing all tightness, and it would increase the stimulation that the tissue received as well.

Unfortunately, the applicator could only go so far, perhaps four inches into the dragon's shaft before it reached the end of what it could do. It pulled back, allowing the other tendril to move forward. Though it was slightly thicker, it would have the advantage of going through relaxed tissue, where the other had been going through more resistant stuff.

It plunged forward at high speed, and the dragon grunted at the sudden penetration. Unlike before, however, the tendril kept going, rushing down through Hardrock's cock towards his balls. The silhouettes watched with wide grins as the dragon's cock bulged from the latex sounding rod pushing through it, following the bulge as it showed through the sleeve wrapped around it.

"Come on, come on..."

"Just a little further."

The dragon moved, but not like he was waking up. If anything, he looked like he was getting ready to cum, his hips twitching and thrusting in little jerks. Nothing serious, nothing that would wake him up, but definitely something to give him wet dreams.

Soon, the bulge reached the base of the dragon's cock. The taller silhouette nodded.

"Inject the aphrodisiac."

"Should I start the mental stuff, too?"

"Might as well. Let him sleep with a good ass-full and his cock throbbing."

The smaller guy typed a few commands into the console, and they watched as a small bulge went down the tube in the dragon's cock. It was a special aphrodisiac, a slow-release, long lasting chemical that would keep the guy at least semi-hard for three weeks, and keep him on a hair trigger for actually releasing. On screen, a series of other monitors activated, showing the hero's heartbeat, resting pulse, and brainwaves. As soon as they started showing signs of Hardrock waking up, the latex would retreat back to the ring, and the dragon would be left none-the-wiser about his night-time invasion.

As the camera angles shifted, they watched as the nanites produced a series of latex ear-buds, pressing them into Hardrock's earholes. The propaganda they would spew while he slept would do a great deal towards giving him the proper 'motivation' to behave as a hero should. They should serve and protect, yes, but not the city. Those people had no right to demand a hero's protection.

No, there was a better service they could provide, to much better clientele.

"We have a few more arrangements to make, but I think a certain hero will be visiting us soon."

"Do you think he'll remember you?"

"I'm sure he will. After all, it's only been four years since our last encounter."

The End

Latex Stream Story 3: A Pleasure to Meet You

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