Latex Stream Story 4: Paralyzing Payback

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The sequel to "The Big Brawl Bash" (#147) is not only the continuation of Bash's story, but also the debut of a character of mine, a hippo villainess (retired) named Latexia. Enjoy the show.

Paralyzing Payback for Idesin by Draconicon

"I can't believe he's making me apologize to a villain. A villain, of all people."

Bash grumbled as she walked up to the front door of the club that said villain owned. Even standing outside, the rhino hero felt out of place. Maybe it had something to do with the sign up top, reading "Lewd Latexia's Club." Yeah, that would do it

It's not like it was my fault, anyway. I only went through the holes to get the person that made them; not my fault that I had to make them bigger, the rhino thought as she walked up the steps. She felt her costume tighten a bit as she got closer to the club, and had to pull on it to loosen it again.

A few other costumed men and women stood outside the doors, most of them smoking while others stood like hookers, one leg up and their assets on display. Bash recognized most of them; she had worked with a few of the heroes, and the villains...well, she knew them by sight, if not by reputation.

One of them, a leopard wearing a red spandex bodysuit, stepped in front of her. Bash arched an eyebrow.

"Get out of my way, Springboard."

"What are you doing here, Bash? Come to do more demolition work? We just barely got the holes fixed up from last time."

"It was on the job. Besides, I came here to..."

"Came here to what?"


"Yeah? Well, you better be taking that to Latexia herself. And I can't wait to see that."

"She isn't going to do anything to me, so knock yourself out."

She shoved him out of the way and stepped through the door. Almost immediately, she was assaulted with the smell of alcohol and sweat, with a fair bit of sex stench beneath the others. She waved her hand in front of her face, as if that would make it dissipate.

The walls were shimmering in the multi-colored stage lighting, each one reflecting it like light off of water. Hanging from several points were people, of all things, with just an anonymous mouth - and on a few, several other openings - visible beneath the wall material. Bash shuddered at the sight, and not just from the idea of being pinned like that.

Others were bound to the counters, to the ceiling, and to different parts of the floor, their bodies wrapped up in the same shimmering material as the walls. They seemed to serve as water fountains, beer taps, and who knew what else, depending on just where they stood. Not a one seemed to be acknowledged as a living being rather than a piece of furniture.

You better be right about this place being neutral territory, Lupe; I don't want to get stuck in a fight around here.

"So where's Latexia? I want to get this over with."

"Heh, she's around."

"Then why don't you go -"

"Deary, you might want to watch your demands. After all, you're in my house now."

Bash whipped her head around to see a plump hippo walking out from behind the bar. She looked like she was completely naked, but her skin was covered in a pink latex bodysuit. At least, Bash hoped it was a bodysuit; if that was the hippo's natural coloring, she didn't want to know what had happened.

The hippo stopped in front of her, and Bash realized that she wasn't all that big. Maybe five and a half feet, at most, though big in the chest and hips, and not exactly small in the stomach.

Clearing her throat - and doing her best to ignore the camel toe that the hippo seemed to flaunt - Bash extended her hand.

"I'm here to apologize."

"Hon, an apology means nothing if you aren't going to tell me your name or what it's for."

"You know who I am."

"Honestly, girl, I don't know you from Eve. There's so many heroes and heroines that want to be super these days, so you'll have to give this old pro a hint."

"I trashed your place last week."

"That narrows it down to three..."

"I'm Bash!"

"Not a name I know, but I do remember one thing. Turn around, girl?"

Not understanding what that would be good for, Bash did as she was asked. As she did, she saw the leopard and several other villains lined up behind her, and she folded her arms, glaring at them as they smirked at her.

Her glare turned into a wide-eyed look of shock as she felt a sudden breeze against her rump, as well as a pair of slippery hands jiggling her ass cheeks. Latexia laughed.

"Yep, I know that ass. Bare and running straight through after the Infernator, just last week; must have scorched your little tush pretty bad, to get you flaunting that."

"How did you - gllk!"

The ground had suddenly shifted beneath her, a dozen tendrils of incredibly powerful latex rising out of the ground and grabbing her by the arms. One of them had enlarged and shoved itself down her throat, gagging her and forcing her mouth wide open at the same time. The tendrils turned her around, holding her above the ground, and she suddenly saw Latexia's fingers glowing.

If those guys do anything to my ass, I swear, I'll boot them into the hospital for a month!

"Something you might want to know, girlie. I set this up years ago as neutral ground. I understand better than anyone that we're gonna get some damage from the supes, but all I ask is a willing, heartfelt apology, and I'll usually let it slide.

"Come in all righteous and fired up, though, and I'm gonna show you why nobody messes with the Lady Latexia."

"Show the bitch what for, Latexia!"

"Yeah, put her in the VIP rooms, we need a new toy."

"Nah, make her a bar toy; she's got the boobs for it!"

"Boys, boys. Do I need to remind you whose bar this is?"

The villains fell silent, and Bash started to sweat. If this hippo could drown out the villains behind her - some of which she knew were pretty damn strong - then she could be in for a lot of trouble. She turned her head - well, more was forced to turn her head - back to the hippo. The tentacle in her mouth pulled out, and Latexia leaned in.

"Now you were apologizing, weren't you? I'd like to hear it in full, this time."

"I'm...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to really damage your bar; I just wanted to catch the Infernator before he could get away."

"Now that's better, honey. That's much better."

Bash suppressed a groan as the hippo patted her head.

"So, does that mean I can go?"

"Honey, I said better, not finished."


"If you wanted to walk away free and fine, you would have come back right after. Instead, you waited a couple of days."

But Lupe said...oh, goddamn that werewolf!

"So, you'll be set up in the Ladies Lounge for now. I'm sure that they'll have a wonderful time with you, and if that randy young Lupe told me right about you, you'll enjoy it too."

"Whatever he said - gak!"

Not again! This time the latex tentacle didn't pull out of her, instead shoving itself in her mouth and snapping a piece off. It rapidly formed into a gag that held her mouth wide open, keeping her from saying anything comprehensible, while still - she knew from salty experience - allowing people to 'use' her face.

The hippo's gestures along her body were worse, though, as her uniform was melted away. She blushed like the sun, her arms held out to the side and her legs spread by the tendrils holding her, her bare ass joined by her bare breasts and bare crotch. And just when she thought she couldn't blush any more, one of the tendrils reached up between her legs and stroked along her pussy. When it was lifted up to the light, she saw her juices on it. And so, apparently, did Latexia.

"My my. Looks like he was right. Don't worry, girl; you'll have a fun enough time. Not enough to make you break my rules again, but you won't hate me when you're done."

The hippo smiled and patted Bash on the cheek, much to the rhino's humiliation. She couldn't protest, though, and was forced to follow along as Latexia turned around. The villainess didn't walk so much as ride, as the floor beneath her rolled like a wave, carrying the Mistress of Latex along. Now that Bash thought about it, it seemed that the whole place was made of it, including the patches over the parts she'd damaged those couple of days ago.

She was pulled along with the hippo, dragged towards the far end of the room. They were past the dance floor, down a hall, and into a large, deep-set room, where the 'floor' and chairs were several feet down from where the door opened.

Latexia floated her into the room with the tentacles, but as soon as Bash's foot touched the ground, she felt the latex from the floor spreading up her body. It covered her from head to toe in seconds, blinding her, deafening her as it covered her eyes and ears. Her nose was left unplugged, but just barely, while her arms were pulled behind her back and crossed together, almost like her arms were in gloves that were stitched together.

Her pussy, her ass, and her mouth were the only things left uncovered, and her mouth was still held wide open by that damn latex ring. She swallowed to clear some of the drool from her mouth, trying to say something, anything, but it only came out as babbling.

"Don't worry, hon. You won't be left alone for long. I'll send a few girls down to keep you company."

No, no, don't let them see me like this...

"I'll take that blush and oozing pussy as an enthusiastic yes. See you in a couple of days, deary."

Bash gasped as her leg was suddenly pulled up, leaving her with one leg on the floor and the other high up in the air. She wasn't flexible enough to do the splits, so it wasn't all the way up, but it was certainly pretty close from what she could feel. Her head was turned towards the seats - in fact, her head rested on one of the cushions, which was how she knew where it was - and she couldn't move. Everything was bound up, everything was still.

The silence was deafening, particularly after Latexia sealed up her ears. She couldn't hear anything but the soft roar of her own pulse, see nothing but total darkness. The only thing she could smell were the bar scents, and the only thing she could feel was the humiliating gush of her own juices down her pussy and over her leg.

I do not enjoy this. I don't enjoy this. I am not a plaything. I'm not -

A sudden finger - coming completely from surprise, considering she hadn't heard any footsteps - slammed into her pussy. Bash gasped, arching her back and tightening down. It was new, different. She blushed as the finger slammed in and out of her, fucking her roughly before a second was put in. Then a third.

It wasn't until she felt someone grab her head and turn it to a wet pussy that she realized just what her job would be at the ladies lounge. And it wasn't until she had her first taste of pussy that she realized she was gushing worse than ever.

The End

Latex Stream Story 5: Foxie's Enslavement

Foxie's Enslavement for Bluedude by Draconicon Foxie blushed as he started taking off his clothes, folding them up carefully and putting them down on the far side of the room. It wasn't so much the fact of stripping that embarrassed him,...

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Latex Stream Story 3: A Pleasure to Meet You

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Latex Stream Story 2: Conditioned by the Costume

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