Latex Stream Story 6: Latex Ladies

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: Wolfmage we have the story of a hybrid overwhelmed by a latex parasite coming to play with her lover, friends with benefits fox. Will either come out of it better than they went in?

The Latex Ladies for Wolfmage by Draconicon

Kristen smiled as she pulled away the blankets for her bed, getting the nice covers out of the way for the event that was the come. The fox knew that there was little chance of everything coming out unstained, and she wanted to keep her nicer things from being damaged by...well, things most nice girls didn't think about.

Heh, then again, considering who I'm spending time with, I don't think I'm much of a nice girl anymore, Kristen thought with a shake of her head. Who knew that just spending a little time with Kaelin would have made her so naughty? The dragonwolf was someone that just brought out the worst in her, she swore; anything that Kaelin thought of doing just became something that she had to try.

Like this. When the dragonwolf had come to the door dressed in nothing but a latex bodysuit, Kristen had gasped in surprise. But even as shocked as she was, she'd let Kaelin come in and sit down for a while, and in less than five minutes, had agreed to have an impromptu bit of fun. Before meeting her friend, the fox would never have considered going from shock to sex in so short a time, but that was Kaelin for you; she did things to people.

Despite her amusement, though, Kristen was still a bit nervous. There was something strange about her friend. The way that Kaelin had stood on the doorstep, glancing around blankly before setting eyes on her, had been unsettling. Almost like something from a zombie flick, rather than something that a person would do. More than that, the hunger in Kaelin's eyes, that burning need for sex, had been so intense that Kristen had been a bit worried that the dragonwolf was going to pounce her in the living room. Not that she would have minded the action, but there was enough fragile stuff there that she would have been worried about breaking something.

But here...

Well, it was Kaelin. She was strange, and that was all there was to it. Kristen had lived with it this long, and she would live with it for longer still.

"Alright, I think I'm about ready in here."


The dragonwolf stepped through the bedroom door, and despite Kristen's memories of her friend's appearance, her breath caught in her throat again. The dragonwolf's wings were folded down against her back, pushed in by the bodysuit that she was wearing, while her arms and legs were completely covered in it. It must have been freshly shined, too, because it looked almost unnaturally shimmery and wet. Something she approved of, really; it made it look all the nicer.

The only thing that was particularly strange about it was the way that it clung to her friend's privates. Around the crotch and in the chest, it looked more like she'd been painted than she was wearing a suit. What had Kaelin spent on the thing, she wondered; it had to have been a fortune, to get something of that quality.

"You're not naked yet."

The irritated tone in her friend's voice caught her by surprise. Kristen looked at herself. No, she wasn't naked, but she was down to her underwear, and little more than that.

"It's not that bad, is it?"

"We're gonna have sex. You should be naked."

"But I thought you liked this."

"I like you bare more."

It was strange, but she sort of liked it. Sort of. Kristen put on a smile that she didn't entirely feel as she pulled her clothes off, taking off her bra and then her panties and throwing them on top of the discarded blankets. She'd barely stood up again before Kaelin was on her, pushing her towards the bed.

They hit it with a soft 'oof' that left them bouncing up and down a few times, and Kristen giggled as they lay against each other. The fox was the smaller of them, though not by much, and she pushed at the dragonwolf above her.

"Okay okay, you got me. I'm naked; why don't you join me?"

"Mmm. Kiss first."

"A kiss?"

She chuckled; she was thinking that she might get pinned and made to lick her friend out first. A kiss was an easy price.


Kristen leaned up and pressed her lips to Kaelin's, feeling her friend push back. Her lips parted -


The fox's eyes opened wide as something that was most definitely not a tongue pushed out of the dragonwolf's mouth. She couldn't see it, due to how close they were, but it was bigger, thicker than anything someone should have in their mouth. Kristen pulled back, but she was barely able to brush the back of her head against the bed. Pinned down as she was, all she could do was hold her lips tight against the thing trying to get in.

Not that it was an easy task, either. As Kaelin held her down, Kristen was forced to deal with the thing trying to force its way into her mouth. She turned her head to the side, but Kaelin grabbed her, forcing her to look up. It took all her jaw's strength to keep her mouth closed, and even then she was feeling something wet trying to get through her lips, something flowing over her tongue. It tasted almost rubber-like, but that couldn't be it. No rubber flowed like liquid without burning someone.

It didn't help that Kaelin was much stronger than she expected, too. Her friend was holding her in place with just one hand, while the other was running down her body. Kristen whimpered, trying to pull her head away, trying to squirm out of Kaelin's grip, but it wouldn't work. Nothing worked. She was trapped.

Suddenly, she felt the dragonwolf's fingers down between her legs. Kristen whimpered, arching her back and bucking against Kaelin to try and knock her off balance, but her friend was ready for her .Nothing that she did so much as budged the bigger female. All she did was waste her breath, trying to get herself free. If anything, it seemed to make Kaelin more excited, or at least Kristen thought it was excitement she saw on her friend's face. It could have been any number of things.

When a finger slipped inside of her, Kristen gasped, and in her moment of weakness, the thing at her lips slipped inside. She gagged around the semi-solid mass, feeling like she was swallowing half-melted ice cream, but something that was far weirder, more unnatural than that. She coughed and gagged, but something from Kaelin seemed intent on shoving it down her throat, forcing it into her body. Faced with the choice of choking or swallowing the strange mass, she swallowed.

It went down like a glob of underchewed meat, catching at her throat and making her gag and choke multiple times, but it never stopped going down. Kaelin grinned at her, and it was only then that Kristen saw that her friend's lips were dripping the same latex that covered her entire body. It dripped all over her face, smothering her fur in the strange, warm goo, and she coughed.

"You...what is this..."

"It only seems bad when you fight it. Just give in, and you'll love it."

"But what -"

"Just...give in."

The sentence was punctuated by another finger inside of her, and Kristen arched her back, involuntarily swallowing around the glob in her throat and pushing it further into her body. She swore she felt when it landed in her stomach, spilling around and...

She slipped. She slipped on her bed. Why? She turned her head, and stared at her arm. What had been a soft fur was turning into something black, her fingers looking smooth and her claws blunted, her fur weighed down by the latex that was somehow coming out and flowing over it. How was it coming from nowhere? How was it taking her over like this? It was impossible.

Kaelin's lips pressed against hers again, and this time, as those two fingers started thrusting into her, Kristen felt them dripping as well. More of the goo, more of the latex that had surrounded her friend was filling her. The vixen gasped, throwing her head back, even as the goop started flowing up her throat and over her face, falling out of her mouth as she started to drool it all over herself.


"Because I need you."

The latex was over her chest and stomach, now, pouring out of her, sweating from her pores to cover her body in a strange, new suit. Beneath it, she burned, on fire with a new, strange need. Kristen gasped, trying to catch her breath as she felt like she was burning up from inside. Only the touch of her lover's fingers seemed to do anything, and her body pushed against it, wanting more, craving the relief that Kaelin, and only Kaelin, seemed able to give.

Over and over those fingers pounded into her, as her belly shook and her body burned with the latex that was spreading over her, through her. In rare cases, she saw her veins through her fur, and she saw the black replacing her blood, taking over where the body had been in charge before. It was...enticing, exciting to be converted like this, to be made into something new, something different.

She bucked against the dragonwolf's fingers now, her pussy dripping with latex onto the bed, the goo drops solidifying as soon as they left her body. Kaelin grinned at her, drooling with the same goop.

"You are almost want it more than I did."

"It feels so good...oh god, oh god..."

"Take it, Kristen. Let it take you."


She screamed as she came, squirting hard as she finally went over the edge. Her entire body, save for her head, was covered in the black, shimmering latex. She could feel it solidifying around her, forming a tough but flexible suit. It was inside her, around her, of her, and she knew that she could no sooner get rid of it than get rid of herself.

As she slowly came down from her orgasm, Kristen realized that Kaelin's other hand was down between the dragonwolf's legs, rubbing at her sex. What had seemed like an overly realistic camel-toe was really Kaelin's skin, the latex swooping up inside her holes as much as it swept over her skin.

Kristen smiled up at her.

"Want some help?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

As the dragonwolf straddled her head, and Kristen started eating her out, she wondered what she had been so afraid of. After all, this was Kaelin; she found weird stuff, and she made the fox like it. Just like always.

The End

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