Mind Control Stream Story 12: Hardrock Rocked Hard

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Brought to us by FA: Sanmer is the climax of the Hardrock stories. Beginning with Groped on the Grandstand, continued in The HardRock Costume, and developed further in Conditioned by the Costume, we come to the finale (perhaps with an epilogue later, who knows) of Hardrock's journey.

Hardrock Rocked Hard for Sanmer by Draconicon

"Well, I guess I should get this over with."

Hardrock didn't know why he felt this sense of trepidation as he approached the olinguito's store again. It wasn't like Olly had been at all difficult with him; on the contrary, the store-owner had been the sole reason why his career as a superhero wasn't in the toilet right now. The suit he'd bought from the store had been everything advertised and more, keeping him from humiliating himself when he was molested or abused by that clothes-manipulating villain that was still out there.

Nor was it Olly's fault that things had been very weird the last few nights. He'd been having more and more dreams about the supervillains he fought, and specifically, about their cocks and the way they looked in uniform. The dragon frequently thought of how it would feel to open up his suit, let them under his tail and -

No, you're a hero, not a slut! Hardrock shook his head rapidly, trying to clear the thoughts away, but his body was already reacting. Inside its latex sleeve beneath the suit, his cock was already shooting up. Not that it had far to go; it was almost always semi-hard, these days.

He'd even taken to keeping the cock-sleeve on when he slept, just to stop the mess at night. His dreams had rather...messy endings, and if he didn't keep his cock covered, it tended to mean a lot of clean-up in the morning.

But even with all that, he had his career back, and he could thank the olinguito store-owner for that. Hardrock pushed the door open and stepped inside. The back door to the stockrooms was just closing as he stepped in, and the olinguito turned to face him. The dragon waved.

"Hey, Olly."

"Mr. Hardrock? I didn't expect to see you back here so soon. Is the costume working out for you?"

"Better than I ever expected. I'm actually wearing a bit of it under these civvies, as a matter of fact."

"Ah, nanites. They're a wonderful thing, aren't they?"

"Well, they've saved my career, and I wanted to say thanks for recommending them."

"Oh, well, if you feel that way, you should thank their inventor. He's actually here today, looking at some of the stock and updating it."

"I'd love to. Is he in the back?"

Click, went the back door.

"I'm right here, Hardrock."

That voice... The dragon slowly turned, his eyes widening as he looked towards the far door. Standing in it was a white-furred fox, wearing a gadget belt that would put cyborg heroes to shame in the number of things it carried. Worse, each thing had some sort of sexual component to it. He recognized him immediately.


"Yes, me. It's so nice to see you again, Hardrock. Or should -"

The dragon leaped at the fox, arm outstretched. This time, he would finish the job. This time, he would take the villain in, and put him in jail for the rest of his life.

"- I say...Rock Hard."

The humiliating name from the tabloids burned in his brain, but that wasn't all. The dragon gasped as he suddenly went still, panting as he felt a rapid drain from his mind and a sudden squeeze down below. He collapsed to the ground, falling on his back as he clutched his hand.

White Tail and Olly stood above him, the latter holding out a hand that glowed, fingers moving in the same rhythm as the rapid strokes of his crotch.

"Y-you...did this..."

"Sorry, Hardrock, but you were too sexy not to mess with."

"And he set things up for my plans quite brilliantly. Now, Rock Hard -"

That name! It made his head and cock throb, both for very different reasons. It was like all of his thoughts were heading down to his balls, throbbing down there. It was so hard to think, and even harder to act as his cock was squeezed by his own underwear, milked and teased and stroked and -


"Cum, Rock Hard. Cum your identity out."

With one final squeeze down there, the dragon did just that, his balls pouring his cum, his thoughts, and his very identity as Hardrock out through his cock, into the waiting latex nanites.

As the dragon twitched on the floor below them, Olly chuckled as he finally stopped teasing the dragon. He shook his hand a few times, rubbing his fingers to get rid of the 'sleepy' feeling that always lingered after using his ability. Something about the ultra-vibrations in the nerves that released the energy left them all tingly.

"Well, that was fun."

"You timed that well, Olly. I almost thought you were going to let him hit me, for a moment."

"Heh, only if he was going to punch your dick at my ass, Whitey. I just like dramatic timing."

"Apparently. Help me get him up."

The two of them were just barely strong enough to drag the big dragon towards the back room. After helping the White Tail get the dragon on a hover-table (another of the fox's inventions, just like the nanite ring) he ran back out into the main room, putting a "Closed" sign on the front door.

No sense in letting any other heroes find out what we're doing just yet, he thought as he walked back. After all, the White Tail was presumed either dead or missing, and he was just a little shop-owner, as far as most people were concerned. That was one of their best advantages, and he didn't think that the White Tail would like him messing that up. Hell, he wouldn't like messing up that deal.

By the time he'd returned, the fox had already gotten rid of the hero's civilian clothes. What fragments remained were nothing more than piles of dust on the floor, the rest of the fabric disintegrated by one of the fox's many weapons. Olly wasn't too surprised; considering the durability of dragons, Hardrock would have been able to take a couple of shots from the rays before actually getting hurt.

Now that the dragon was naked, it was pretty nice to get a good look at him. Apparently the hero hadn't been lying about using the latex to cover him a bit; it was little more than a cock-covering, though, almost like a sock of latex hung over it. The thing was still hard, too. Not cumming - he hoped not, at least - but definitely hard. And it would stay that way, probably forever if the White Tail had his way.

"He's quite the stud, isn't he?"

Olly blushed at the fox's comment, but nodded.

"Yeah, he really is. A pity that he keeps trying to cover himself up, isn't it?"

"Both the front and the back."

"But at least he's showing more of the front lately."

"For us, anyway. But you know the other guys."

"Yeah, total tops. Man, they should learn to live a little."

The White Tail chuckled at that, patting him on the back.

"Heh, I ever tell you that you're my favorite partner?"

"I'm your only partner."

"Yes, yes. No less true."

After sharing a quick kiss with him, the White Tail walked around to the other side of the hover table. Pressing two buttons, he both lowered the table and raised the dragon above it, leaving Hardrock - or Rock Hard - floating about at groin level for the two smaller villains. Olly smiled as he stroked the dragon's head, chuckling to himself.

"I wonder if he's as good a cock sucker as me, after all those techniques we implanted him with."

"Only one way to find out."

"You mean -"

"Yep, we're testing him out today."


Olly grinned as his partner walked over to one of his many workbenches, lifting a little tube-gun from it.

"Just one thing first. I want to make sure that he keeps up with his conditioning, and see if we can speed it up a little bit."

"Sure. Need any help?"

"Hold his head still; we don't want to cause any brain damage here."

He nodded, gently gripping the dragon's head. Hardrock was definitely still conscious, from what he could see. The dragon's eyes were open, but glazed, not really looking at anything. He looked drugged, for that matter.

Still, he twitched as the tube slid down his earhole, and Olly got a tighter grip on the sides of his head and snout. The White Tail pressed a few buttons on the Mental Re-Programming Pistol (or MRP for short), and Olly watched him work the programming codes.

"Oh, trying to change his costume?"

"Yeah, I think the dragon's up for a different look. What do you think, speedo or thong?"

"Let's go with speedo; thong might break him."

"True, and dragons can pull it off better."

"I think he could use a harness, too."

"Oooh, very good, Olly, very good."

He felt rather proud to be told that, as the fox put in the new instructions. Besides that, though, there was another command, a direct behavioral change.

"I didn't think the nanites had done that good a job; isn't he going to feel weird coming here and to your club every night?"

"Don't worry. After our fun, he'll need it every night."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure. It's science, after all, and if there's one thing the White Tail knows..."

"It's a good hot piece of tail?"

"It's science! Science, I tell you!"

Olly stifled a laugh as the fox looked at him like a traditional mad scientist. It took almost three seconds for the fox to realize that Olly had been joking.


"You know you love me for it."

"...Quiet, you."


With the programming complete, the White Tail pulled the trigger of the MRP, and the blast of nanites and electrical information was fired into the dragon's brain. Hardrock twitched beneath the olinguito's hands, but not hard, and definitely not enough to damage anything.

"So what now?"


White Tail smiled, pulling open his lab coat. His cock was already up and throbbing, starting to swell as Olly looked at it.

"Now, we practice science."

"Sex science?"

"Sex science."


Olly pulled down the zipper to his pants as well, walking back to the dragon's mouth. Hardrock was already processing some of the new commands, turning his head and opening his mouth, even as the White Tail spread the dragon's legs.

One hero down...so many to go, the olinguito said as he slid his cock down the dragon's throat.

The End

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