Beneath the Tree

Story by IQ_Bear123 on SoFurry

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#1 of Beneath the Tree

After having once again seen lovkuma's three glorious animated pictures I came up with a short tale about Po and Shifu.

It was another pleasant day at the Jade Palace. Pink petals danced in the warm air as Po ascended the steps leading to the sacred peach tree. Today's training had not been his best session but it was still pretty decent. But now the big, fat panda had to release some pent up energy. Finding some privacy at the Jade Palace wasn't an easy task but Po knew that the Five had gone to the village to get supplies while Master Shifu was still away on some ambassadorial voyage.

The Dragon Warrior never wore much clothes anyway, his thick black and white fur kept him warm enough, even if the temperature should be falling. But still his plain linen pants were a hindrance for what he had planned so he stepped out of them. Po felt a soft breeze on his nethers, sending a shiver down his spine.

His big pendulous balls and fat flaccid penis flopped along between his sturdy legs. Po knew that he was big down there, his father had already told him so as a kid. And as the monochrome bear grew up to match his species's name, giant panda, his large endowment also enhanced in size.

Po sat down beneath the tree, its blossoming top shading him from the sun, while he propped his back against its trunk. His enormous testicles and soft cock lazily spread themselves on the floor, the soft grass slightly tickling them. The panda grabbed his dick and started rubbing it.

Shifu had returned earlier than expected, finding the Jade Palace almost deserted, except for Zeng who informed him of the whereabouts of the Furious Five. Yet the duck messenger did not know where the Dragon Warrior had gone.

Shi Fu didn't think too long about it, as soon as dinner was served the big panda would return anyway. The red panda decided to meditate beneath the sacred peach tree to ensure his body and mind were in balance. With quiet steps he walked up the stairway. Only to find a sight he had not expected. At all.

Po sat there massaging his penis which while still mostly soft was already of impressive dimensions. Shifu did not want to disturb his pupil, knowing that an intrusion into such a private moment would be very embarrassing. He couldn't blame the bear, all that youthful energy had to be vented before it boiled over. And suddenly he felt a spark reignite a fire inside of himself that had not burnt for years. Shifu decided to hide behind the tree and watch the Dragon Warrior masturbate himself.

The panda's practised hand slowly felt the object of its ministration rising, firming and expanding in its gentle grasp. Soon Po's manmeat had grown to an astonishing size. Big as his paws were, one of them alone wasn't enough to encircle his fat manmeat. Several inches of throbbing flesh kept his fingers and thumb apart as he slowly rubbed his paw along its top half. He kept moving his thick white foreskin across his plump pink head, pulling it all the way down just to cover his bulbous glans yet again.

With deep concentration Po's often-blinking eyes closely watched his work, not knowing that another pair of eyes enjoyed the show as well. At first Shifu only wanted to watch but seeing that girthy member grow even more massive caused some stirring in his own loins. The Kung Fu master slowly stroked himself through the cloth covering his body but that wasn't enough. He put his hand inside his robe and pulled out his own penis. Especially regarding his much smaller body it was of a nice size but he couldn't help comparing himself to the Dragon Warrior stroking his much, much bigger meat. Now there were two legendary heroes of Kung Fu masturbating beneath the blossoms in the sacred peach tree's crown.

While he liked going at a slow pace Po decided to speed up the rhythm and started rubbing with more force. As the Dragon Warrior jacked himself harder his eyes slowly closed and his teeth gritted. By now Shifu was openly staring, his own member gliding through his hand, lubed with copious precum. Thankfully the big monochrome bear's bassy groans drowned out any mumbles that escaped his own mouth, even if the old master tried his hardest not to make any sound.

The colour of his cockhead had changed from a soft pink to a fierce red as Po furiously stroked his dick. His hand was now flying up and down at a break-neck speed. He knew he wouldn't last much longer but the panda didn't dare to break the rhythm. Then he reached the point of no return and grabbed the base of his meat hard, pulling his foreskin all the way down. With a long, deep growl the Dragon Warrior fired his first wad of cum across the green grass. Several others of matching magnitude followed. It gradually slowed down to a trickle and finally stopped altogether.

His chest heaving with laboured breaths, his throat burning from the exhaustion and his strained muscles slowly recovering Po timidly looked at the results of his training. His deflating cock just slipping down from his powerful belly, having given it a short slimy kiss. Obviously he had shot quite a load. As had his master Shifu who had not felt sensations as these in decades having dedicated his life to the search of spiritual fulfillment. But maybe neglecting all of his body's needs was not the way to go, the red panda pondered. He quietly left the giant panda who was sitting beneath the tree, still basking in the afterglow of his orgasmic bliss.

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