Family Tradition III: Shamanic Rides

Story by IQ_Bear123 on SoFurry

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#3 of Family Tradition

Somehow the one-shot just received its third chapter. And there might even be more to come. I still can't believe it myself.

"Grunt, the Shaman has summoned you", Wrex said.

"What? Why?"

"I don't know but as our clan leader I'd advise you to not leave him waiting. OK, son?"

"OK, dad. I don't like the guy but I'm gonna see what he wants."


"Shaman, you called for me?"

"Ah, Urdnot Grunt. Yes, indeed I did. It's good to see that Commander Shepard honoured her promise and kept you safe. She's a good battlemaster."

Grunt nodded. "The best. So, what's this about?"

"I'm afraid you have to undergo another tradition, another rite."

'Tradition', eh? Yeah, Grunt had grown to love those. "What do I do?"

"First you will need to face this challenge without any artificial objects covering your body."

"If you wanna get me naked, just say so", Grunt grinned and started stripping of his armour. He liked where this was going. The Shaman just stared unabashedly. Grunt didn't mind. Not at all. He grinned at the look of surprise and utter disbelief that formed itself on the Shaman's face once he saw his package.

"That is one exceptional symbol of Krogan maleness", the Shaman stammered.

"It's not even hard yet. If you already like it while it's little, you gonna love it once it's fully grown."

"Young man, the term 'little' certainly does not apply to your ample endowment."

"I know, but I'm humble. Not everybody has to know that my cock's this huge", Grunt said, grinning. "Kinda spoils the look of surprise on their face. Get started."

"What?", the Shaman kept staring at Grunt's cock. He had to shake his head to fight his trance.

"The rite."

"Oh. Yes. The most promising male Krogan have to show their strength by dominating me."

Nice. This was getting better and better. "But isn't it a bit unfair with me naked and you in full armour?" Grunt asked, trying to sound as innocently as possible. Which wasn't easy.

"A fair point, young warrior. We shall meet on even ground", the Shaman said and took of his protective gear. While still impressively muscular you could see that he didn't do much active fighting. Without his clothes the older Krogan looked almost a bit tubby. Grunt liked that. Very much. His quad and penis were of decent size but paled in comparison with Grunt's package.

"OK, old man, let's start," Grunt said and sat down in a nearby chair. "Grab my cock and stroke it."

The Shaman was completely perplexed. "What?"

"I'm showing you my dominance. You want this meat, you're practically drooling over it. Come and get it, or I'll leave."

"Young warrior, I admire your audacity."

"Yeah, quit stalling, start stroking."

This was not the way this usually went. Normally most young Krogan were shy, respectful, even afraid. Urdnot Grunt just oozed confidence. The younger Krogan was of course right, he did want that magnificent piece of maleness. He knelt before Grunt and took the weighty member into his hand. Now it was of a pink and grey hue but the Shaman knew that it might still change its colours into darker shades. Except for Urdnot Wrex he had never felt such a big, fat cock in his hands. The young Urdnot was really blessed. He kept rubbing and massaging it but it remained flaccid.

"Young warrior, I don't mean to embarass you, but might you have trouble getting an erection?"


"Then why doesn't it react to my touch?"

"Because I don't want to get hard. Not yet. It'll only grow once you take it into your mouth and suck on it."

"Your willpower is unparalleled."

"Yep. Wanna start sucking?"

Never before had a young Krogan been so completely in charge of this rite. Urdnot Grunt was special in many ways. The Shaman wanted to see this already impressive member to grow into the tower of meat he was sure it would become. So he started using his mouth.

And indeed it started growing. It grew fatter. It grew longer. It grew harder. It became quite intimidating. It was too big to swallow all of it. But the Shaman didn't have to take it completely to worship it. Suddenly he felt two strong hands firmly gripping his head. The young warrior started fucking his mouth.

"Yeah, old man. Take it", Grunt growled, continuously using more power to push the Shaman's head onto his cock. The older Krogan was completely surprised by this display of raw force. "You. Want. Dominance? I'll. Show. You."

There was no escaping the grip of those hands. The young Krogan was even stronger than he had ever imagined. So he had to breathe through his nose while Urdnot Grunt relentlessly fucked his throat.

"Yeah. Dominance. Feel. That. Dominance. Pure. Krogan. Power. Dominance."

He hoped for a swift end but he knew that the young warrior had more than enough stamina to wear him out. Grunt kept on fucking his mouth. Eternities seemed to pass. Then he suddenly slowed down.

"Dominance. Big. Man. Gonna. Show. You. TAKE! IT!"

Roaring loudly Grunt started pumping his hot cum into the Shaman's mouth. Soon he loosened his grip, a chance the Shaman instantly used. He couged and gasped for breath while Grunt sprayed him with his seed. After the younger Krogan had finally finished the Shaman started to speak.

"Urdnot Grunt, you have passed this traditional rite. You have proven your dominance."



"We're not finished yet, dear Shaman. I haven't even started showing you how dominant I can be."

The older Krogan gulped. This might prove to be more than he bargained for. To think that Uvenk wanted to deny the Rite of Passage to this paragon of power. He was far more worthy of it than most members of this species.

"Urdnot Grunt, I must admit that I am intimidated by your display of strength."

"Must have never had a real big man before", Grunt smirked.

"It should seem that way, yes."

"Well, while you're already down there you might start to lick this big man's hole." Yeah, he had learned quite a bit from Wrex. "This will be a lot easier if you cooperate", Grunt growled through gritted teeth.

The Shaman did as he was told. He licked and sucked and tongued at the younger Krogan's hole. And Grunt really enjoyed it.

"This a part of every rite? Would explain why you're so good at it. Keep going!"

The Shaman kept going. He was wise enough not to anger the obviously much stronger warrior.

"Stand up and turn around. Gonna return the favour."

Soon the Shaman felt Grunt's tongue enter his asshole. And while he really loved the wonders that appendage did to him, he knew that this was actually just the preparation for something several times bigger. And he wasn't sure if he was ready for Urdnot Grunt.

After a while Grunt stopped.

"Now, dear Shaman, why don't you sit down in this big man's lap."

"Young man, I don't know if I'm able to take you."

"Oh, but we will find out. Though I'd prefer the easier way. Your choice."

The Shaman was afraid. Grunt's huge meat wouldn't take any prisoners. He just had to hope for the best. Slowly he started descending onto Grunt's rock-hard cock. He felt the head, which was already several magnitudes bigger than almost all of the men he head taken, enter his body, yet he kept pushing down.

"Eager, aren't you? Come on, take this big man!"

"Yes... *hng* you... *urg* are... *hmph* a really... *hng* big... *hrm* man."

"I know you can do it."

"Young man... *hrf* I appreciate your... *hff*... optimism."

"Come on, just a little bit more."

"*hrg*... *hmph*... *ung*... *mpf*... *hng*" The Shaman couldn't really believe it but after a while he actually felt his own balls touching Grunt's much bigger quad.

"Yeah, old man, you... *grr* did it! I'm proud of you. Time to turn this *hng* rite into a 'ride'. Hehehe."

He was impaled on Grunt's gigantic cock and didn't really dare to move. But if he had to do this it would be at his own pace. He didn't want to risk being overpowered by the younger warrior. Slowly he started moving up and down, the enormous meat sending wave after wave of pleasure through his body.

"Here, lemme help", Grunt said and gripped his buttocks with his two strong hands.

"Please, be gentle", the Shaman whispered, hardly being able to breathe.

"Can't promise... *hng* anything but I'll... *hmph* try."

The Shaman was lost in pure bliss while he felt the younger Krogan starting to fuck him. Slowly but steadily he was pushed up and down. He felt the rhythm getting faster but he couldn't do anything about it. Honestly, he didn't mind. This was the best fuck he ever had, the young Krogan really wanted to leave a lasting impression. Soon Grunt moved him up and down at a maddening pace. Until he felt himself blasting the young warrior's chest with his seed.

That send Grunt over the edge who kept pumping his hole full of boiling-hot cum. Most just ran down Grunt's cock and over his four gigantic balls. Both collapsed, wheezing and gasping for air.

As he finally caught his breath Grunt decided to finally drop the charade: "So, Shaman, still gonna pretend that this was some 'ancient ritual'?"

"But it was!"

"Look, even if I may look like it, I'm not stupid. Okeer implanted me with nearly every information about Krogan rituals he could find. And I did enough research myself. Just spill out the truth."

"Fine, young man, you caught me. Urdnox Wrex told me of your extraordinary endowment. I couldn't believe his tale so I had to prove the veracity of his statement on my own."

"Still can't quite believe it either. Until Wrex showed me his I actually thought that I was only average."

"Let me assure you, young warrior, there is absolutely nothing of mere averageness about you."

"I know. Hehehe", Grunt laughed his trademark deep chuckle. "And I'm damn proud of it. Like I always say: I'm pure Krogan, you should be in awe."

"I was already awestruck when you conquered the Thresher Maw but after what you just did..."

"It's just fucking, I'm still a bit new to this."

"Then this feat was even more impressive."

"I'm flattered that you liked the number I did on you but do you really tell every fuckbuddy that they're some kinda mythical hero?"

"Well, young warrior, most Krogan don't possess your sharpness of mind."

"OK, they're too dumb and you get your butt pounded. Clever."

"To speak plainly: Yes, that's mostly what this amounts to. Can you blame me?"

"Heck, no. Yeah, you lie to these guys but your little mind game doesn't hurt them."

"I would never do anything to put my Krogan brethren in harm's way. Especially those whose first marks of budding maleness show a promising greatness in the future."

"Do you always talk in big monologues?"

"I tend to, yes. But giving speeches is part of my job and I'm never really a private person anyway."

"I couldn't do that."

"And that, young man, is the reason why I'm a shaman and your a warrior."

"A damn good warrior."

"There's no one on Tuchanka who would dare to doubt that."

"Pity, I could use a real fight."

"Save your strength for the Reapers."

"You see this?" Grunt said and flexed his very impressive muscles. "I'm plenty strong to fight the Reapers and anyone else."

"How I admire your youthful energy."

"Wanna go another round?"

"Young man, I'm afraid you'll wear me out completely ."

"Yep. That's the plan."

The Shaman gulped but nodded.

"So, Grunt, what was the deal with the Shaman?"

"Fucked him. Twice."

Wrex burst into roaring laughter. "Damn, son. You're making your daddy really proud."

"He said that I had to undergo another rite. Turns out he just wanted to see my cock after you bragged about it. I turned the rite into a ride."

"Son, I like your style."

"Yeah, I do too. But please don't tell everyone about my dick. Some people should find out for themselves."

"OK, I'll try not to brag too much about the size of my son's package."

"Thanks, dad."

Family Tradition II: Shower Shenanigans

Well, it seems like the muse struck me for a second time. So the adventures of our newly-found Krogan family continue in the shower. If you missed the first "episode", you'll find it here:...

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Family Tradition I: Father & Son

Just some random thing that somehow turned into a smutty story about Grunt and Wrex. Most likely a one-shot. It's better than I make it sound here. Or at least I hope so. * * * "That was some nice fighting, runt." "Yeah, but I would have preferred...

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