Family Tradition II: Shower Shenanigans

Story by IQ_Bear123 on SoFurry

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#2 of Family Tradition

Well, it seems like the muse struck me for a second time. So the adventures of our newly-found Krogan family continue in the shower. If you missed the first "episode", you'll find it here:

Grunt shuddered as he felt the freezing stream of water hitting his body. "Damn, that's really cold. I like it."

"I prefer hot showers."

"You're a big softie, dad."

"That supposed to be an insult?" Wrex just laughed. "Better luck next time, runt. I fought Asari who hit harder than that. Trust me, I had more than enough cold showers in my life while you enjoyed the luxury of living aboard the Normandy."

"The Normandy's not that luxurious...", Grunt mumbled, knowing well enough that Wrex was right.

"I just spent two whole weeks aboard that ship. The second one's even better than the one that got blown up. Be glad that you had such a good start."

"I am. We both owe a lot to that ship. And its Commander."

"That we do."

They spent some minutes showering in silence, scrubbing off the remains of their recent fucking session until Grunt gathered all of his courage.

"Dad... do you think that... maybe next time you could... uhm... take me?" Grunt looked down at the floor while he stuttered those last two words so he couldn't see the proud look on his father's face.

"Son, I will gladly pound your tight little ass. But you'll need some training first."

"What? But you took me without any problem."

"Because I have experience. My hole's been fucked enough times to take any cock. Even that monster you got swinging between your legs." Grunt once again looked down, blushing. "But if I tried to fuck you now, I'd hurt you. And I don't want to hurt my son."

"OK... so what are we gonna do about this... 'training'?"

"Uvenk's tiny prick would have been a good starter", Wrex smirked.

"You would let Uvenk fuck me?"

"No, of course not. That pyjak would never have gotten anywhere near your butt."

"I kinda remember that he tried to kill me during my rite."

"That's the point. He tried. You tore that worthless idiot apart. Something I should have done a long time ago. Still a bit proud that he was killed by my own son."

"Nothing to be proud of. Even Tali could have taken him down." As soon as Grunt had uttered those words he felt Wrex's strong hands at his throat.

"You dare to insult Tali?", Wrex almost whispered which made him really threatening.

"No... no... I... I wasn't thinking."

"Then start using your brain!" Wrex shouted into Grunt's face. "She may not look like it but the girl is stronger than both of us. Is that how you talk about your friends? You should learn what 'respect' means." With a bit of biotic help Wrex threw Grunt down onto the wet floor of the big shower room.

"OK, father. You're right. I will."

"I think we should start your training right now. With you sucking me off."

"Now? Still got another load in there?", Grunt asked, being honestly impressed.

"Enough to choke you", Wrex growled menacingly. Then he burst into roaring laughter. And Grunt knew that he was just stating facts.

"Uhm... well..."

"Aw, big man's afraid of his daddy's meat. Yeah. We'll need a lot of training."

"Cut me some slack. You've been REALLY scary right now. Harbinger's got nothing on you."

"Because I had to show you your place. And don't you ever forget it." Wrex stared at his son, then gave him a small wink. "Come on, boy, my cock's waiting."

"OK... *gulp* how we gonna do this?"

"Just start with something. Daddy will guide you through it."

"Please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong."

"I will. If I don't rip your head off first."

"Not funny."

"You should see your face."

"You're getting off on this, aren't you?"

"Yeah... but can you blame me? One second you're 'BIG MAN', then we talk about sex and you're shrinking in front of my eyes. It's really funny."

Grunt didn't say anything but instead he looked a his father's penis. Now that he knew that they both were exceptionally well endowed Krogan specimen he was a bit intimidated. Wrex's cock was of a beige colour with some red ridges and barbs. It looked completely different from his own pink-grey one but also very familiar.

He took the fat member into his hand, trying to get used to its hefty weight. Seriously, who gave him that stupid idea that his own cock and balls were merely average? Didn't Okeer want him to know his own size, how he compared to other Krogan? He started playing with the red barbs on Wrex's cock. At first glance they looked like they could hurt you but in fact they were surprisingly soft. Grunt slowly felt his father's meat stiffening. Soon he had to use both hands.

"Kiss it."


"I said: Kiss it."

Grunt gave the angular head a little peck with his lips. "Like that?"

"Do I have to use stasis?", Wrex growled.

"What?" Grunt shouted. "You would use that?"

"I'd prefer not to. Come on, you know you want to taste daddy's big cock."

Grunt once again felt himself falling for Wrex's dirty talk. The older Krogan always seemed to know how to push his buttons when it came to sex. Tentatively he started licking his father's cock-tip.

"Yeah, boy, that's more like it."

Even with the recent shower Wrex's dick still tasted very musky, very manly. Grunt liked that. Precum was starting to leak from its slit. He tried to lick up the slimy substance. Then finally took its head into his mouth and started sucking on it.

"Ooh... doing good so far, big man. But watch your teeth. You wouldn't want to make daddy angry, would you?"

No. Even if he was just dirty talking, he really did not want to anger Urdnot Wrex. So he tried not to scrape him with his teeth. After he got used to it he slowly tried going deeper. Damn, that thing had to be bigger than Liara's neck and it was already filling his mouth with tasty precum. Grunt began moving up and down, slowly but surely getting more of the gigantic maleness into his mouth. And soon his throat. His gag-reflex was turning into a real enemy now. Grunt had to pause. He backed up and gasped for air. Then he felt callous fingers gently rubbing his head.

"Son, relax. You're doing really great", Wrex said, trying to calm down the coughing Krogan. "Don't get too greedy. You don't need to take all of me. You don't have to prove anything. Not to me. And especially not to yourself, big man."

"OK, you're right. Once again."

"I'm your father, that's what I do."


"Back to work again", Wrex said. Grunt complied and continued sucking him. He still tried to go as deep as he could but soon he accepted the fact that he couldn't take all of his father on his first try. That huge dick was just too damned big for that. But some day he would manage to feel all of his father inside of him. So he gladly sucked and slurped on the considerable portion of Wrex's meat that he could fit inside his throat.

He soon grew to love that feeling. Wrex kept mostly quiet but his lustful noises betrayed him. Hearing them gave Grunt a feeling of power. He was in charge of giving pleasure to another male Krogan and he slowly learned which actions received the most intense reactions.

"My quad demands some attention."

"And your cock doesn't?"

"Variety can spice up things quite a bit, kid."

Grunt did as he was told and begin nuzzling Wrex's heavy balls. Sucking on those enormous four orbs of maleness he began to understand why the quad was so important to most male Krogan. Licking such impressive nuts made him really appreciate them as a symbol of male virility. He tried to take them into his mouth but he could only fit one at a time. So he sucked on each of Wrex's four balls individually. Until...

"Son, I won't last much longer. Get back to my cock."

"Gimme a warning if you're about to shoot."

"Will do."

Once again his father's long, fat and very hard member entered Grunt's mouth. Once again he really liked toying with those little red barbs all across that mighty cock. But he wasn't really prepared for what was to, literally, come. He kept sucking and slurping and licking and nibbling but he also kept listening for a warning sign. Grunt doubled his efforts. He wanted to push his dad over the final edge. Wanted to make him shoot. Then he heard his warning.

"Gonna... *hng* cum."

Grunt felt his mouth getting flooded with his father's semen and he found the thick liquid to be surprisingly tasty. He tried to swallow and swallow but there was just too much so he had to pull off. Taking Wrex's cock into his right hand he aimed it at his face.

Grunt closed his eyes, afraid he might get cum into them. Shot after shot covered the proud Urdnot warrior's face, splattering across his still not fully formed headcrest. It almost looked like tribal warpaint.

Wrex's manjuice ran down his muscular chest, his tight abs. His left hand somehow found his cock and soon Grunt was shooting his own load. Still of an impressive amount, especially considering that he had already climaxed twice shortly before.

Wrex hosed him down with a seemingly never-ending flood of hot cum. But eventually it came down to a trickle until it finally stopped altogether. Grunt was completely covered in his father's seed.

"Damn, dad... I mean, I already knew you weren't kidding when you said you'd choke me but that load was something else. You always shoot that much?"

"Yep. More or less. But those three loads you gave me weren't half bad either. Chip of the old block, I'd say."

"Yeah. Still think we need Padok Wiks to prove that we're related?"

"Well, I personally have seen enough proof but all the other Krogan might want to know how Urdnot Grunt somehow just turned out to be the son of Urdnot Wrex."

"They're stupid."

"They're Krogan. Most of us are stupid. That's why they need our guidance after all this is over."

"Sometimes I forget that most Krogan don't grow up reading Hemingway."

"Who's that?"

"Some human writer. He wrote about sharks and stuff."

"Oh, I heard of those. Would love to fight one."

"Yeah, me too. Let's hope the Reapers leave us some. But before we do that we still need to clean the locker room."

"Fuck...", Wrex cursed. "I almost forgot. OK, let's shower again. This time without making another mess. And then you'll ask for some cleaning equipment."

"Why me?"

"Because I'm your father and I just told you so." Wrex said and started chuckling.

"Not sure I like everything about this new family stuff", Grunt smirked.

"I'll remind you next time you're horny."

"Point taken."

"Welcome to Armax Arsenal Arena. How may I help you, sir."

"We need some cleaning equipment. We had an... 'accident' and need to wipe the floor."

"That's fine, our staff will take care of it."

"No, that's not necessary, we'll do it ourselves."

"At Armax Arsenal Arena we offer full service. I must insist that you as our guests don't need to worry about anything."

"Look, just gimme the stuff", Grunt said, trying hard to sound as annoyed as possible. "I'm a Krogan, I have some very impressive anger issues and I'm a good friend of Commander Shepard, who is a SPECTRE. Trust me, you don't want this to get messy."

The Turian clerk's perfect smile disappeared for a moment while she seemed to think about her options. Then it returned and she almost sang her polite answer: "Very well. If you would just follow me, sir, I'll gladly provide you with everything you might need."

"Thanks. Just so you know: I'm not a bad guy, even if I am a Krogan. But right now I'm really not in the mood for lengthy discussions."

Grunt only received a perfect smile as an answer.

Family Tradition I: Father & Son

Just some random thing that somehow turned into a smutty story about Grunt and Wrex. Most likely a one-shot. It's better than I make it sound here. Or at least I hope so. * * * "That was some nice fighting, runt." "Yeah, but I would have preferred...

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