Family Tradition V: Turian Calibrations

Story by IQ_Bear123 on SoFurry

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#5 of Family Tradition

If some of this sounds familiar then you might have seen this:

So, yes: Garrus.

A blue holograph lit up and a familiar figure appeared. "Wrex, it's Garrus."

"Ah, the one Turian who thinks he's funny."

"I've been training with Joker, I have some good ones now."

"But you're not calling me because of some gags."

"No. The Dalatrass has finally agreed to your joint venture. They'll be transferring that Yahg to Tuchanka. Shepard's pretty busy so I'll act as her representative and oversee the transfer for the Council."

"Glad to hear that. Can't wait to show you a bit of 'Krogan hospitality'", Wrex said and winked.

"Nice offer but I won't be able too stay long."

"One night. I INSIST." Wrex's tone left no room for any objections.

"OK, I guess one night should be fine", the Turian answered, clearly recognizing that he couldn't argue with the clan chief. The creature's transfer would take some time anyway. "Didn't think I'd ever see Tuchanka again."

"I knew you'd be reasonable", Wrex said and laughed.

"I always am. See you soon."

"Yep. Wrex out."

Garrus accompanied the Salarian transport shuttle that delivered the Yahg. Apart from one time the creature woke up and had to be numbed again there had been no problems along the way. The journey from Sur'Kesh to Tuchanka proved to be surprisingly uneventful, boring even.

On Tuchanka they put the Yahg inside of his new habitat. Here he would have much more space than in his tiny cell on the Salarian home-planet. Then Wrex invited him for dinner. A bottle of ryncol followed. They shared it over some stories and banter.

Garrus sat on a surprisingly comfy couch between Wrex and Grunt. Their conversation had just grown a bit quiet. Wrex broke the ice. "Let's blow of some steam", he suggested. "What are your into, Garrus?"


"When you rub one out whatta ya look at?"

"Wrex, I won't discuss porn with you."

"Ooh, that kinky!", Wrex smirked. "Knew you'd be into weird stuff."

Garrus sighed loudly. "I'm definitely not into 'weird stuff' but I won't tell you anyway."

"Fine, how about we'll put something on here", Wrex nodded towards a screen on the on the living room table. Grunt pushed a button and a vid started, clearly pornographic in nature. "This something you like?", he asked.

Spirits! Garrus paled. They had actually managed to choose one of his favourite porn vids. The Krogan both looked at him and grinned. There was no denying it. "*harrumph* Yes... this... uhm... vid seems to be *harrumph* quite good."

"Already too hot and bothered to speak?", Wrex laughed. "Vakarian, you gotta slow down. Take it nice and easy."

"Wrex, I really don't know what you two want to achieve with this. Other than to embarrass me."

"No need to be embarrassed. It's a hot vid on and you're getting horny. All completely natural. I'm horny as well. And I'm sure Grunt is too. Aren't you, boy?"

"Wrex, you know that I'm ALWAYS horny. Hehehe."

The Krogan were definitely up to something and Garrus was beginning to feel way to uncomfortable. "Uh... guys, thanks for the nice evening but I think I need to go do some... c-calibrating."

"You're not going anywhere", Wrex said. Just a statement, not a threat. But he was a Krogan so everything he said always came across a bit intimidating.

"Please, just let me leave. I'm not feeling very well."

"You stay. We'll make sure that you feel good." Garrus wanted to stand up but a heavy hand on his right shoulder kept him in place. "Vakarian, buddy, just relax. Have some fun."

"Garrus, we're not gonna hurt you", Grunt added.

"Coming from two Krogan that's hardly comforting."

"Now you're just being racist", Grunt said. "If we wanted you dead, you'd already be rotting. But why should we kill a good friend?"

"OK, guys, I know where this is going. And I know that you know that I am in a relationship with Shepard."

"So? That doesn't stop you from having a bit of manly fun with your buddies."

"I'm not going to cheat on her with some Krogan."

"Grunt, did he just call us 'some' Krogan?"

"Yeah, Wrex, I think he did."

"We should show him that we're capable of more than just 'some', don't you think?"


"You are not gonna show me anything. Let's just forget about this."

"But I think I might have something you'd like to see", Grunt said and whipped out his cock and his four balls.

Wrex instantly recognized the look on Garrus's face. "Yeah, the kid's pretty big. Even has me beat."

"C'mon, Garrus, grow a quad and join us."

"If anyone finds out about this I WILL blow your heads off."

"How about we start with you blowing off onto our heads?"

"I'm still not sure about this..."

"But we are. And this guy's too", Wrex said and took out his member.

"Damn, you Krogan just have to be enormous everywhere", Garrus said, clearly impressed by the size of both the Krogan's cocks.

"Yeah, it's a terrible curse", Grunt chuckled.

"I don't think I would call those things a 'curse'", the Turian laughed.

"Wait until you see them hard", Wrex growled. "Now show us yours."

"I... just don't laugh."

"Volus-sized, eh?", Grunt joked.

"More or less", Garrus said. Spirits, why was he doing this? He opened his armour and pulled his cock out, its colour somewhere between light blue and purple.

"Not bad, Garrus! You're bigger than I thought", Wrex said.

"Yeah, that meat's definitely something you can be proud of."

"I... uhm... thank you. I might not really compare to you but I guess it's big enough."

"Hey, it's unfair to compare yourself to a Krogan if you aren't one", Wrex explained. "Also we're a bit bigger than most other males of our species. But none of us is hard yet. How about we change that?"

"Yeah, I wanna see how big this thing can get", Grunt said and nonchalantly grabbed Garrus's penis.

"What are you...", the Turian tried to say as both Krogan took his hands and placed them on their dicks. "Oh... *gulp*... I... uhm..."

"Do it", Wrex rasped in a deep, lusty tone. "You want it."

Wrex was right. Somehow he really wanted to do this, to feel both Krogan's gigantic cocks. His own one slowly but steadily expanding in Grunt's grip, the tank-bred's strong, rough hands doing wonders to his shaft. Spirits. He exhaled loudly and seized the two fat, meaty organs. They were warm and heavy, the ridges and barbs that covered them surprisingly soft to the touch. Soon both Krogan started growing hard. They kept growing. And growing. He was having more and more trouble just rubbing them with one hand.

Grunt liked stroking Garrus's cock. It was a bit lankier than his own one, the Turian's blue penis seemingly mirroring his overall leaner body structure. But it definitely did not lack in length. A fat vein separated two sides, slight diagonal grooves ran across each one. Two nice, nuggety balls hung below it. "And you thought we would laugh at you. Garrus, you're hung!"

The sniper blushed. Hearing such praise from a big Krogan was a bit humbling. He could only mutter a quiet "Thanks".

"So, Vakarian. Who you gonna suck first?", Wrex asked.


"I knew it, old friend", there was an unxepected warmth in his voice. "Get started."

Up close the Krogan's cock looked almost frightening. Garrus began licking it anyway and a deeply musky taste began spreading across his taste-buds. Bit by bit he started taking it in his mouth.

The Turian was having far less trouble sucking his cock than Wrex expected. There was only one conclusion. "You've done this before."

Spirits... of course Wrex would notice it.

"Admit it."


"Speak up."

Garrus stopped sucking for a moment. "I may have had an... 'encounter'... or two... while I was younger..."

"You're a dirty man, Garrus Vakarian."

"Takes one to know one", the Turian said and returned to orally massaging the Krogan's enormous meat. Wrex just laughed.

In the meantime Grunt had gotten behind Garrus and started lapping at his pucker, the big tongue continuously probing the Turian's tight hole. Once again the pointy tip proved to be tailor-made for this task. By now he really liked doing this. But he wanted more.

"Hey, Garrus, think you can take me?"

The sharpshooter stopped sucking Wrex. "I'm no virgin, my teenage years made sure of that, but most adolescent Turians are a bit tinier than you, Grunt."

"Wanna give it a try?"

"If you promise to take it slow and gentle."

"Those aren't really my specialties..."

"Spirits... I'm going to regret this... let's do it."

Grunt rubbed the tip of his cock along Garrus's hole, slightly teasing him. "Guess we'll find out if you Turian's really have a stick up there. Hehehe."

The massive manhood stretched the former C-Sec officer's body to its limits but still sent waves of pleasure through his entire system. Keeping up slurping on the older Krogan was turning into quite an effort as the younger one steadily sped up the rhythm of his vicious pounding.

"Damn, he's almost as tight as the Yahg", Grunt grunted.

Had Grunt really just said that? But two enormous Krogan penises thrusting inside and out of both his orifices kept him from further thinking about it. Soon he felt his climax drawing nearer. Without even touching his manmeat he began to shoot his load. The sudden tightness that clenched around him made Grunt cum as well, his juicy offering proving far too generous. Most of it just ran down the Turian's balls and legs, dripping to the floor. Garrus could only swallow the first two copious blasts of Wrex's seed then the clan chief pulled out and sprayed him with his slimy essence.

After recovering from his post-orgasmic bliss Garrus just had to ask: "You fucked with a Yahg?"

"Uh... yeah... we kinda did", Grunt admitted. Actually he and Wrex had planned to never tell anybody. "Great fun. Hadn't thought it would be THAT good."

Spirits... where did these ideas come from? "Do you think he might let me take a ride?"

Wrex and Grunt just stared at each other flabbergastered, then they started grinning.

"Vakarian, you're a really dirty man."

Spirits. What was he doing here?

"Hey, lil fella. We have brought you a new friend", Wrex greeted the big lug.

The Yahg sniffed at the new animal. Oh, he smelled like fun. Would he play another game with him? A nice, fun game like last time that would make him feel good and happy?

"Look, how excited he is", Grunt laughed. He went down in fron of the creature and started lapping at his monumental cock and balls.

Yes, this was a game. His friend had already started licking his things, playing with them, making him feel good and happy.

Wrex and Garrus moved behind the Yahg. "You prep him while I prep you."

Garrus started licking the creature's hole, its strong male taste washing through his mouth and numbing his senses. It took him some time to register that Wrex had also started rimming him. They continued for quite a while until Grunt called.

"You guys actually gonna start doing something?"

Spirits. Spirits, Spirits, Spirits. His blue member slowly entered the Yahg's dark gray butt. And Wrex's yellow dick buried itself in the Turian's backside.

Garrus couldn't believe that he was actually fucking a Yahg. A Yahg pup even. Though it looked like an adult one. But still it was a youngling. With an extremly tight anal tunnel that massaged his meat and spurred him on to really fuck it. Yes, Grunt was right, it really felt good. Garrus thrusted with all his strength while Wrex battered his ass. He pounded as deep and hard as he could. But even the best feeling of pleasure cannot last forever and after he had given the Yahg's buttocks quite an extensive workout the enormous creature started bellowing and blasted Grunt with his gigantic load. The young Krogan only needed one more stroke to explode himself. As the Yahg's hole tightened around him Garrus started filling his ass with load after load after load of hot Turian cum while Wrex did the same to him.


"Again: If you as much as say one word about what happened today to anyone, I'll have a bullet for each of your heads and blow your brains across the wall. You won't even see me coming. Understood?"

"Vakarian, you have a quad."

"No, but reach and flexibility."


"Yeah, you are one funny Turian."

Family Tradition IV: A Big Problem

"I beg your pardon, clan chief, but you have an urgent call. It's from the Salarians." "The Salarians?" That was definitely unexpected. The war against the Reapers and Shepard's actions had changed the galaxy quite a lot in the last few months....

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Family Tradition III: Shamanic Rides

Somehow the one-shot just received its third chapter. And there might even be more to come. I still can't believe it myself. * * * "Grunt, the Shaman has summoned you", Wrex said. "What? Why?" "I don't know but as our clan leader I'd...

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Family Tradition II: Shower Shenanigans

Well, it seems like the muse struck me for a second time. So the adventures of our newly-found Krogan family continue in the shower. If you missed the first "episode", you'll find it here:...

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