Family Tradition IV: A Big Problem

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#4 of Family Tradition

"I beg your pardon, clan chief, but you have an urgent call. It's from the Salarians."

"The Salarians?" That was definitely unexpected. The war against the Reapers and Shepard's actions had changed the galaxy quite a lot in the last few months. Several old grudges had been overcome. But there were still many Salarians who did not approve of the healing of the genophage. Hell, the Dalatrass even tried to sabotage that. Only Shepard's sincerety as a friend of the Krogan race had revealed that disgusting plan. But there were also guys like Mordin, Wiks and Kirrahe who opposed that evil bitch. Wrex honestly didn't know what to expect.

"Thanks, Thraak. Let's hope this is something good."

Manur Thraak left. Wrex pushed a button on the communication system. A blueish holograph of a Salarian began to emerge.

"Urdnot Wrex, this is Padok Wiks."

Well, at least someone you could actually reason with. "What do you want?"

"Not wasting any time, I see. We have a problem on Sur'Kesh you might be able to help us with."

"And why should I help you with that?"

"Because I know that Urdnot Wrex never turns down a challenge."

"Haven't had a real one in ages. Gimme the rundown. Then we'll see if it's an actual challenge or just something you squishy Salarians are too weak to handle", Wrex said and chuckled.

"Polite as always. You remember our research facility where we kept the female Krogan?"

"Yeah. That's not something I'll ever forget."

"Neither will I. Our scientists did some research on Yahg there."

"Lemme guess, it's like I said: those big guys are too much for you to handle."

"Your keen perception amazes me every time."

"Yeah, it's really surprising that not every Krogan has pyjak dung for a brain."

"This would be easier if we could just skip these ancient stereotypes. You know that I never bore your species any ill will. You would be dead if I had not intervened."

That was true. "Fine. You want me to deal with the Yahg. What's in it for me?"

"Our cloning facilities on Sur'Kesh are the best in the galaxy. Our mutual friend, Commander Shepard, found fossilized remains of a Kakliosaur with the DNA still intact", Padok Wiks said and deliberately paused for a moment. "We have managed to bring them back."

Wrex was left speechless for a while. The Kakliosaurs were extinct since the Krogan rebellions, most of the younger Krogan didn't even know that their people once rode them into glorious battles.

"I knew that would get your attention. If you help us we will provide the Krogan with their ancient fighting companions."

"You clever little pyjaks", Wrex was really impressed. A part of him still blamed the Salarians for the Genophage but that was dealt with and secretly he actually admired their scientific prowess. If only Fortack was half as smart as them and not constantly thinking about blowing up stuff... "Yes, you definitely have my attention. I'll help you with those Yahg."

"Actually, there is only one left. The others were all killed during the Cerberus attack. It is a young male specimen and we cannot quite figure out why it is behaving the way it does."

Wrex smiled. "I might have an idea. I will visit your facility along with Urdnot Grunt."

"The tank-bred perfect Krogan? I would like to meet him."

"You will. See you on Sur'Kesh. Wrex out."

"Urdnot Wrex, it it a pleasure to meet you again", Padok Wiks said as Wrex and Grunt stepped out of the shuttle that had just landed at the STG base on Sur'Kesh.

"Yeah, let's hope this'll be better than last time I was here."

"I agree", Padok Wiks nodded. Then he saw Grunt. "Ah, Urdnot Grunt! It is also a pleasure to meet you. Warlord Okeer was no Salarian but you are proof that his mind almost rivaled ours."

"Thanks. Guess that you're Padok Wiks then."

"Yes, Mordin and I forwarded the information about the females along to Urdnot Wrex. We had no right keeping them here."

"But you think you have the right to experiment on Varren and Yahg", Grunt said.

"Just behavioural studies. At first they were considered for an uplifting but I convinced the Dalatrass that that would be utterly unethical."

"I HATE that bitch", Wrex growled.

"Honestly, many of us do", Padok Wiks whispered. "But for now we have to deal with her. I will show you were we keep the Yahg."

"Just bring us there and then leave us alone", Wrex demanded. "This won't work if all of your guys are around. Don't think he really likes 'em."

"That is quite a lot of trust you ask for."

"It's your problem. Wanna have it solved? Get out of my way. Else Grunt and I leave. What's it gonna be?"

"We will keep our distance", Padok Wiks answered in a quiet voice. "I trust your judgment regarding this situation. Please, Wrex, do not make me regret this."

"Nah, you won't."

The Yahg sat there, his gigantic ballsack, which contained two huge balls, and his enormous flaccid sheath lazily spread on the floor between his muscular legs that ended in sturdy three-toed feet. Even sitting he already towered over the two Krogan. Like the rest of his body his face was of a dark grey colour but there were several white highlights. Two powerful twisted horns sat atop his head while the protrusions on its side and his chin almost looked like fins. His eight eyes in their deep sockets and triangular shaped mouth were closed, his strong chest slowly moving while he breathed during his sleep. His rounded gut clearly contained some padding but looking at his muscular arms and three-fingered hands it was obvious that the Yahg was quite a powerful being.

"Yep, clearly male", Grunt said as they looked into the cage. "Though Liara's Shadow Broker one was even bigger. Knocked me out with his desk... Please don't ever tell that to anyone. Still a bit embarrassed I went down that easy."

"Son, your secret's safe with me. But I don't trust the Salarians, so lemme just get this", Wrex said and activated his omni-tool. "That should do it."

"But nothing happened."

"This is a program that blocks cameras from recording, got it from Kasumi. We don't really want anybody watching. Or taping this."

"Didn't know you even talked to Kasumi."

"Kid, there's a lot you don't know."

"Yeah, like how this is supposed to work. If we'd just fight him it'd be easy but I guess we want to keep him alive."

"We need to come across as non-threatening as possible."

"Uh... yeah. Dad, you do realize that we both are Krogan?", Grunt deadpanned. "And that we both are also bigger than most of our people?"

"Yep, that's why we go in there without armour or weapons."


"Trust me, this will work", Wrex said and winked. "I know a thing or two about showing kids the ropes."

"Aaah", Grunt said as he recognized his father's plan. "So this is how it'll be."

"Yep. Let's hope the little guy is nice and cooperative."

"Last time stasis worked really well."

"Sometimes you have to force people into having fun", Wrex said grinning and started stripping off his armour. "C'mon, get naked."

Grunt did as he was told. "Done."

"Let's get in there." Wrex deactivated the containment shield and they both entered the cage. He turned it on again, blue static locking them inside. "Kneel down, we have to look small."

The sounds of someone entering his cage woke him from his nap. He opened his eight eyes, blinked and saw something unexpected. Two new animals that were clearly different from those others who kept annoying him. These were much bigger and almost looked a bit like himself. He had to get a closer look, so he stood up. His really low-hanging balls and fat sheath swinging back and forth between his legs as he walked towards the new animals. He sniffed at them and found their strong manly smell to be really tasty.

"Hey there, lil' fella", Wrex quietly said and smiled. "You seem to be a nice one."

"Yeah, a really nice one", Grunt added.

"We're here to show you some fun. Bet you haven't had any in a long time."

Wrex slowly stood up and then started to pet the Yahg's neck. At first it growled but it let him continue. Grunt joined his father and started rubbing the creature's round but strong belly. Shortly afterwards its deep voice almost purred.

"Think I can go lower?", Grunt asked, looking at Wrex.

"Lil' fella liked what we did so far, why don't you just try?"

"OK", Grunt said. He just had to feel the weight of those massive nuts in his hands. Soon each of them cradled one big heavy ball. "Damn, you can lift these for reps. And he's still a pup?"

"At least that's what Wiks said. And I think he's right."

"So they might get even bigger. Nice."

He really liked these two new animals. Especially the one that kept rubbing the things between his legs. They had always been there but he had never known that they could make him feel so happy. Maybe these two could make him feel even better. He tried to encourage them with happy groans.

"The pup definitely enjoys this. How about we lick his balls?", Grunt suggested. "They're large enough for both of us."

"Good idea, I'd like to get a taste of his low-hangers."

The two animals made themselves small again. Then they started lapping at the things between his legs. What were they doing? Why were they licking his things? Did they want to eat him? He was confused. Then he started feeling really good. That's what they were doing, they wanted to make him feel happy! Yes, these two beasts were new friends.

Wrex and Grunt double-teamed the Yahg's humongous pouch. They lapped and licked and sucked and nibbled, sometimes their tongues even touched - which they didn't mind at all. The deeply musky, purely male taste and scent soon overpowered their senses. Both Krogan had already grown rock-hard, their heavy erections continuously spraying their bodies with copious pre-juice.

He had never felt so happy before. His new buddies made him feel incredibly good. He also felt the longer thing between his legs doing stuff it had never done before. Why was it standing up?

Grunt's mind was clouded by musky lust but he saw something he had to tell his father. "Look, getting hard."

"Our anklebiter's doing some growing", Wrex answered. He had to fight hard to shake off the almost hypnotic state the Yahg's fragrance had caused. He slapped Grunt across his cheeks. "Snap out of it, son!"

Rubbing his face the younger Krogan woke from his trance. "Damn, dad, that punch could have killed an Asari."

"Then thank your ancestors that you're not an Asari", Wrex smirked. "Look at the kid's dick!"

The Yahg's fat sheath was slowly rising and soon the tip of his equally thick cock began emerging. It bore some striking similarities to the creature's head. Like his mouth its piss-slit seemed to be composed of three crescents arranged in a triangular shape. There were also some fin-like barbs that looked like the ones at his cheeks. The mighty piece was of an even darker gray colour than the rest of its strong body. One big vein ran along the cock's centre while several others crisscrossed it. All of them throbbed along with the rhythm of the Yahg's heartbeat. Due to its fatness his cock almost looked a bit stubby although it definitely had an astonishing length.

"Are you really sure that he's still a whelp?" Grunt asked, hardly believing what he saw. "Look at the size of that thing!"

"Well, he's a big guy. Everywhere."

Grunt took the Yahg's length in his two hands and started stroking it. "Oh yeah, he's a really BIG guy. And I bet big guy is gonna like this."

He had never seen the thing that was now standing up between his legs. Was this a part of his body? Where had it been before? Why was it coming out now? And why was it making him really happy when his new friend started stroking it? Please, never stop, friend!

Wrex watched silently. Seeing his son jerk off the Yahg's monumental hard-on was simply the hottest thing he had ever witnessed. After some minutes had passed he finally decided to join the fun. He just had to feel the fat length himself. He put each of his hands above Grunt's fingers. Soon they found a nice rhythm and started jacking the creature's meat with four hands.

He was so happy! Now both of his new animal friends where touching his thing and making him feel good! Really good! Really happy! Such nice friends! He had just met them and they were already playing new games with him! New games with his things that felt better than anything he had ever felt before!

The Yahg kept grunting and growling and groaning, his breathing became heavy, laboured.

"He's gonna come! The little pup is gonna come!", Grunt loudly announced the obvious.

"Keep stroking. I want this load."

"I won't stop until his nuts are completely shrivelled."

"That's the spirit!"

Soon the Yahg bellowed at the top of his rumbling voice as his inexperienced cock exploded with new sensations and an almost unbelievable load. His cum just burst out, covering both Krogan. It splattered across every surface of the cage. Some of his seed even hit the containment shield where it instantly evaporated.

The young creature had to sit down. This was the best thing ever! His new friends knew really nice games! He was happier than ever before even if this game had been a bit tiring.

"He's still hard", Grunt was amazed. "Think we can make him shoot again?"

"I could go for a sandwich."

"What? How?"

"You'll take his ass, he'll take mine", Wrex eplained.

"Uh... you really sure you know how to deal with that thing?"

"Yep. You know that I love me some challenge."

"OK... And how do we get him to 'cooperate'?"

"You'll grab his cock and guide him. Once he's in he'll be to busy to care about you pounding his butt."

"Yeah, sounds like a plan. I hope this works."

Grunt went over to the Yahg who had remained sitting on the floor. "Hey, fella. We have another game we want to play with you. C'mon, stand up", he said and showed the creature which motion he wanted him to imitate. After some brief confusion the beast actually seemed to understand what Grunt wanted and rose to his feet. Grunt instantly grabbed him buy his cock and brought him over to where Wrex had been fingering himself with a bit of medi-gel.

Wrex knew that this would be tough but he also knew that he could take it.

"Ready?", Grunt asked.


"OK, here it comes", Grunt said and aligned the Yahg's meat with his father's asshole. He rubbed the rather blunt cockhead along Wrex's crack. After a while he began to push it in. And Wrex actually took it.

"The head's in, boy. Gimme more."

Grunt started talking with the Yahg. "Start pushing it in." He grabbed his own cock as a demonstration and humped the air several times. The critter seemed to understand and started pushing his hips forward and backwards. Grunt patted his back proudly. "Yeah, you're doing good. Keep it up and you'll learn the wonders of fucking. Hehehe."

He really did not know why his friend wanted to him to put his thing into his other friend's hole. But once he felt the tight tunnel surround him he understood. And after his friend's little demonstration he started pushing his thing further in and pulling it out again. He was feeling really happy once again. His new friends really were the best.

Slowly but surely the Yahg started fucking him. This thing was definitely in a league of its own. He probably couldn't take all of it but still enough to give the young whelp a bit of pleasure.

Grunt had crept behind the Yahg and began rimming the big lug's hole. Like his balls it tasted of raw male musk, of pure masculine energy. He licked at its sphincter and couldn't wait to ram his cock in there.

The creature had noticed and slowed down his thrusts a little but soon realized that he liked what his new friend was doing. What both of them were doing. So he let him continue. Then he felt something big and fat enter him. This felt weird but he trusted his friend. Surely this was another new game.

Grunt didn't really bother to go slow on the Yahg. The guy was bigger than Wrex and him so he could easily withstand a bit of pounding. He fucked him with abandon, focusing all of his energy into his thrusts.

Wrex meanwhile had managed to take two thirds of the Yahg's colossal dick. It wouldn't go down any further but the kid didn't seem to mind. For a while he had picked up his pace but now he seemed to slow down. Then a deafening roar filled the room while hot Yahg cum filled Wrex's anus. That sent both Krogan over the edge. Wrex painted the white wall of the cage with his cum while Grunt unloaded inside the alien.

It took them some time to recover. Grunt noticed something interesting. "Still hard."

"Blowjob", Wrex suggested.

"Blowjob", Grunt agreed.

Having just experienced his third orgasm the Yahg collapsed on the floor. He started breathing quietly as he dozed off. Playing all of these new games with his two animal friends had completely exhausted him.

"Gotta hand it to the big lug, he has stamina", Wrex said while he watched the sleeping creature.

"But we've worn him out, so we're better", Grunt answered proudly.

"Remember, he's still a pup."

"Yeah, but he fucks like he's fully grown."

"Let's grab a shower. Without any 'incidents'", Wrex said and activated the cell's VI. It's cleanup protocol started ridding the cage of all the cumloads the trio had spilled.

"Wiks, We dealt with the Yahg", Wrex announced. "He's sleeping. Guess we've worn him out."

"That is good news", Padok Wiks almost sang. "How did you handle him?"

"Trade secret."

"How shall we deal with him if you do not tell me your secret?", the Salarian asked, sounding a bit perplexed.

"I suggest a joint venture. We will move the Yahg to Tuchanka but grant you access to study him."

Padok Wiks had to take a long breath. "Wrex, you know that the Dalatrass will never agree to this."

"Then tell that bitch to pacify the Yahg herself because I won't do it", the Krogan growled.

"I will talk to her."

"Shepard will vouch for this solution, as a SPECTRE she has the council's authorization to oversee the transaction."

"The Dalatrass dislikes Shepard almost as much as she does you."

"But Shepard can get us a Geth to analyze the data."

"That is a really interesting point. I might be able to persuade her."

"Perfect. Now there's one last thing I need your help with."

"Please let it be something easy."

"Just some DNA analysis, shouldn't be too much of a problem."

With a sigh of relief Padok Wiks answered: "No, because that is one of our specialties."

"It's official then. I am the son of Urdnot Wrex."

"Yes, you are. And I couldn't ask for a better son."

"Yeah, you could."

"But I don't want to. I'll have several in the coming years but your my first-born, tank-bred or not."

"Do we tell anyone?"

"Maybe after all this is over. For now, let's keep it between the two of us."

"And Padok Wiks."

"He won't talk. I like him but I made it perfectly clear that I'll personally collect his liver for my dinner if he ever gets any funny ideas", Wrex said and started chuckling.

"Would have liked to see his face."

"You would have laughed your ass off. It was hilarious."

Family Tradition III: Shamanic Rides

Somehow the one-shot just received its third chapter. And there might even be more to come. I still can't believe it myself. * * * "Grunt, the Shaman has summoned you", Wrex said. "What? Why?" "I don't know but as our clan leader I'd...

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Family Tradition II: Shower Shenanigans

Well, it seems like the muse struck me for a second time. So the adventures of our newly-found Krogan family continue in the shower. If you missed the first "episode", you'll find it here:...

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Family Tradition I: Father & Son

Just some random thing that somehow turned into a smutty story about Grunt and Wrex. Most likely a one-shot. It's better than I make it sound here. Or at least I hope so. * * * "That was some nice fighting, runt." "Yeah, but I would have preferred...

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