Jess on the Reservation Part 2: Lesson Plans

Story by Thirdeye on SoFurry

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The sequel to Jess on the Reservation. Read the first one for context. This is pretty straightforward and vanilla so it doesn't need much from me here.

"You can do it, Rosie," Jess said as he watched the young, Arabian horse girl. Rosie chewed the end of her pen; her thick equine lips wrapped around the end of the pen as she rolled it between her thick teeth and poked it with her strong, flexible tongue. The young mare had a dappled, gray coat that shaded into silver across her chest with spattered white spots that danced haphazardly along her bosom. Her chest also happened to be a problem at the moment as the filly was wearing a mostly unbuttoned white blouse that exposed her heavy, ample bosom which strained against the mint green fabric of her bra.

Rosie huffed, her ears flopped dramatically back on her head and her blonde mane cascaded back over her chair. "It's too hard," she moaned with a dramatic flourish as she threw back her head in despair and arched her back against her chair, thrusting her chest forward in the process. The buttons on her blouse strained against her weighty breasts. "I'll never get this right!"

Jess took a deep breath and closed his eyes to refocus on the math problems at hand and not at the chesty equine. "Remember your order of operations. Please, Excuse, My, Dear, Aunt, Sally," he said softly, opening his eyes only reluctantly.

"UUugh," the teenaged horse bemoaned. She turned back to the worksheets before her, her straw-colored eyes looking over the mess of numbers, pencil marks, and eraser smudges. "Parenthesis first, then exponents..." she muttered as she scribbled on the page.

Jess nodded as he watched Rosie work. "That's right. Good!" The horse-girl's pen scratched on the paper more. "Carry the remainder..."

Rosie narrowed her eyes in concentration, the tip of her tongue sticking out from her mouth. "Um... X equals seventeen?"

"Yes!" Jess said with a sigh of relief. After several hours of hard work over three days he finally felt like Rosie was improving. The filly was suppose to take her final math exams in a few weeks and Jess worried about her ability to pass in part because she didn't seem particularly interested in her studies as much as... other things. "That's great! You've made a lot of progress!"

Rosie beamed proudly at her accomplishment; her expressive, equine lips curled back flashing her broad white teeth. "It's not so hard!" She batted her yellows eyes and long eyelashes at the human, "especially not with such a great tutor."

Jess smiled politely before he instructed her to try the next equation. Life had gotten strange for Jess on the reservation after the whole Darcy thing. Word traveled quickly in the Anthro reservation and it seemed to travel especially fast among the young adults and teenagers of the community. Jess soon found himself in a strange paradox of wonderful opportunity and troublesome temptations all while trying to do his job.

For example, Jess' after school tutoring programming was showing remarkable results in just the couple of months he had been there. Especially among the youngest of the Anthros there was a marked improvement in reading, math, and science due to a few changes the talented human had taught the local teachers and the materials he provided for engaging their parents. Similarly, the adult education program he had piloted was flourishing and several of the more senior members of the community were engaged in working on long delayed high school graduations or just learning for the sake of learning.

However one problem loomed large for Jess, his teenaged/young adult program was struggling. He found himself troubled by what to do with students like Rosie: young Anthros who needed assistance learning their test materials but who were disinterested in learning or easily distracted but other matters. Their very first session Rosie had seated herself beside the human and over the course of the lesson scooted closer and closer until, near the end of their time, she slipped one hand down Jess' leg and groped his crotch while giving him a smoldering look with her yellow eyes.

Jess had, though he would not admit it, yelped in surprise and barely managed to talk the aroused equine down with promises of rewards if she passed her test. The promise had been made in haste but Jess found it seemed the only thing that motivated Rosie and now as the test drew near the young Arabian filly struggled to maintain her focus.

"The test is soon," Jess said as he began to put away his supplies. "How are you feeling about things?"

"I dunno," Rosie replied with a puff. "Pretty good, I guess."

Jess unzipped his backpack and slipped his study materials into it. "I'm sure you'll do great. We've made great progress. I mean, you've gone from struggling with the basics to algebra in just a few weeks!"

Jess enthused about the filly's progress as he packed his things, as he chattered mindlessly his ears caught the sound of a hoof on the floor a moment too late. Suddenly two gray furred arms wrapped around his waist and Rosie's silver haired muzzle pressed up against Jess' face. Her thick lips brushed his earlobe, the short hairs of her face tickling him. The equine nibbled at his ear, her teeth teasing along his soft skin making him shiver involuntarily.

"Rosie!" Jess started as her hand slipped down his belly and into his pants and past his boxers. Her soft lips made the human shiver as her surprisingly gentle hand slipped around his hardening length."ROSIE!" Jess said again. The human tried to squirm out of her arms but the young Equine Anthro was surprisingly strong and kept a gentle yet firm grip on him. Her thick tongue slipped along his check and jaw, leaving a line of saliva. Rosie tenderly stroked his growing erection, wordlessly teasing her human tutor.

"Come on," Rosie whispered into his ear as her fingers massaged his testicles. "I'm ready for the reward you promised."

"I said once you passed," Jess protested as her muzzle nuzzled him. Jess accidently let out a soft moan as she stroked her hand along his cock. The fur on Rosie's hand was silky soft as she squeezed and stroked his manhood. "Rosie..." Jess said.

The young horse blew out a sigh. "Aw..." she huffed. Rosie teased her fingers tenderly along Jess' painfully hard erection as she withdrew her hand. Her fingers spattered with the human's precum, she raised her hand up in front of Jess' face and her muzzle and licked her fingers clean. Her long, flexible tongue darted teasingly over and between her fingers savoring the taste of Jess' pre. Her tease complete, the busty horse Anthro unlaced her arms from his waist.

"My exam is only two days away," she said as Jess scrambled to adjust his pants and to reclaim his dignity while trying to hide the lump in his boxers. "You better rest up because I'm gonna pass." Rosie winked one yellow eye at the human as she turned to leave. She flicked her blonde tail with a flourish to draw the human's eyes to her round, shapely ass highlighted by her skin tight denim pants. "See you soon," Rosie nickered as she slipped out into the late afternoon light leaving Jess alone in his trailer again with his painful hardon.

"I didn't know what else to do," Jess said as he leaned back into the rickety lawn chair with its green and blue plastic webbing. The evening was warm and a gentle breeze blew as the human sipped unenthusiastically from his off-brand beer. Sitting on a wood bench and leaning against a handmade porch railing, little more than a 2x4, was Jess' hulking, cervine neighbor Chevy. A collection of beer cans already gathered around his black hooves.

The buck scratched between his impressive rack of antlers. "Well, it works don't it?" Chevy asked with a shrug, his chest and shoulders rippling under his oil stained white t-shirt.

Jess swirled his cheap, bitter beer. "Almost too well! The grades among my students are sky rocketing."

"Well that's good then! They're learnin' and that's what ya wanted, right?" Chevy said as he popped the top to another off brand beer.

"Yeah, but this isn't exactly how I want things to play out. I mean, how will I explain this to my boss?" Jess asked as she shook his head, sipping the beer.

Chevy downed his beer and let out a porch rattling belch. "I dunno. I guess I'd just say you had good... what's the word...." The stag snapped his meaty fingers as he thought of the word. "rapport!" He laughed at his own joke before smiling broadly at the human. "You worry too much, my friend! You are forgetting, you are on the Rez!"

The human looked up from his beer, "What do you mean?"

"If there is one thing I know for sure, the human government doesn't care what happens here. No one will probably ever even ask you how you did it!"

Jess smirked, "But what if they do?"

Chevy shrugged again, "they won't."

"But what if someone here starts to ask question?" Jess said as he swirled the beer in his hand, its hops heavy smell make him gag a little.

"What? On the Rez?" Chevy asked as he looked at the little human. " Cause, I mean, they already know."

Jess froze. "What? Who knows?"

Chevy shrugged dismissively, his broad shoulders rippling, "I dunno. Everyone? I mean, they was talkin' about it down at the store the other day. I mean, they were happy. It was that raccoon girl's mom. Said she's doing better school than ever." Jess blushed a deep red. Chevy laughed and gave him a friendly slap on the shoulder, "I wouldn't worry! No one cares. I mean, everyone knows but hell, ain't no one blaming anyone."

"What about... like the Principal?" Jess asked. "Or the Mayor?"

"The mayor doesn't care and I think the Principal's got a stick so far up her ass she'd ignore anything if they grades go up."

"So... I've got nothing to worry about?"

Chevy downed his beer and crushed the can in one enormous hand, "Far as I can tell."

Jess leaned back against the cheap railing. "Huh..."

Jess rubbed the fluffy towel across his chest as he stepped out of the shower with a yawn. He wrapped the beige towel around his waist with one hand while he used the other to wipe the steam from the small, cracked mirror on the wall. He needed a haircut, he mused, as he got out his toothbrush and toothpaste. He paused as the sound of what sounded like someone at the door drifted into his bathroom. He leaned out of his tiny bathroom at the clock sitting in his bedroom. 9:07am.

"Coming! One second!" he shouted as he fumbled out of the bathroom and groped around for something put on. His hands grabbed a pair of workout shorts in their wild flailing. "Good enough," he said as he pulled them on hurriedly without even stopping to find boxers. Next he found a white undershirt, snatched it up and squirmed into it as he hurried to the door. The knocking continued. "I'm coming! Hold your horses!" he shouted thoughtlessly as he reached the aluminum door and threw it open.

Much to his surprise, Rosie was standing at his door wearing a black girl's tank top with a faded Disney princess on it; the thin with age, low cut top failed to fully cover her favorite mint green bra underneath or the swell of her ample bosom with their cute white spotted dappling. Covering the mare's graceful, well tone legs and taut haunches were a pair of baggy plaid pajama pants. Her mane had been put into a messy, quick blonde braid as though she had just rolled out of bed yet even in this hurried, sloppy dress she looked stunning.

"Hold your horses?" the mare said with faux indignation.

"Rosie?" Jess stammered as the young Equine pushed a sheet of paper into his chest.

"Look at it!" she said as she planted her fists against her hips defiantly, cocking her weight onto one hoof.

"What? Okay..." Jess held up the paper and began to read. "Rosemary Akron. You're real name is Rosemary?" Jess read aloud.

"Not that part!" she huffed giving the human a pouting look as she batted her straw-gold eyes beguilingly.

Jess smirked as he resumed reading. "Yadda yadda took the test... and scored 81 out of 100. That's great, Rosie! I knew you could do it!" Jess hesitated, "But why did you need to show me this at 9am?"

A grin crept across the filly's face as she stepped into the human's trailer, forcing him to step back. The door closed behind her with a strangely final click. "Because we made a deal," Rosie said, her pink tongue slipping along her thick lips meaningfully.

"I said we'd..." Jess paused. "Oh..."

"You said we'd spend ALL day," Rosie said as she stepped up to the human, pressing her hands against his chest. "And I'm not wasting a minute of it." The young mare smiled at Jess, an almost feral lust glittering in her eyes.

Jess suddenly became aware at how little he was wearing in the compromising situation. Rosie's hands kneaded his chest affectionately, her equine tail swishing behind her in excited agitation. "Well, I did but I didn't..." he started.

Rosie pressed one finger to his lips to silence him. "Shh. When did you last masturbate?"

Jess blinked in surprise. "What?" he murmured around her finger.

Rosie rolled her eyes, "You heard me. Did you get off yesterday? Or this morning?" She added accusingly.

"I... no... I... like three days ago..." Jess stammered.

The equine nodded and gently took the human's hand and lead him over to his sofa where she pressed her hands against his chest to sit him down on the threadbare reddish-brown fabric, Rosie's ears flicked in excitement as she licked her lips in anticipation. Jess was unsure what the Equine had in mind as he was guided to sit. Rosie pulled her messy blonde braid out of the way as she knelt down in front of the human, her silver gray furred hands reached up and grabbed the waist band of his shorts.

"Three days, huh," she said, her eyes fixated on the angry mound in Jess' shorts; "I'll need to deal with that so you don't finish to quick on the ones that really matters." Her pink tongue again licked eagerly along her thick, dexterous lips as she yanked Jess' gym shorts down to his knees in one smooth motion exposing his already erect cock.

Rosie had been anticipating this for months and her yellow eyes looked hungrily at the human's manhood, a bead of precum already forming on the tip. "Rosie, I," Jess started, his sentence hanging in the air as the horny filly wrapped her strong lips around the tip of his dick before swallowing his length into her muzzle in one smooth motion of her head. Rosie's lips brushed down his shaft as her tongue wrapped around Jess' organ surrounding him a warm, wet, tight embrace. Rosie sucked gently on him as she began to bob her head up and down lubricating the human with her saliva.

Her silver and blonde furred head bobbed on Jess' cock easily taking his full length in her long muzzle with each stroke. Rosie sucked on his cock, making Jess's body shake in pleasure. "Ah! Rosie!" Jess gasped. Rosie's hay yellow eyes looked up from her work and a smirk crossed her busy maw as she saw the human's look of rapture. Slurp after delicate slurp Jess squirmed on sofa as Rosie wrapped his cock with her tongue and sucked on him like she was a suckling foal.

The young mare's equine muzzle gave her a unique advantage in pleasuring a male, each stroke she made up and down Jess' cock was as thrilling as a deepthroat because the mare had so much mouth to use. Her strong tongue, meant for handling tough grasses was able to tease, torment, and coax the human's member in ways he had never even dreamed of. Rosie's attention was fixed on thing, making Jess cum and he had to admit she had both the tools and skills to manage it. Jess leaned back into the chair dumbstruck as Rosie set an aggressive pace.

Jess was, as Rosie surmised, a bit pent up and her masterful attention was too much. Jess grabbed the rough fabric of sofa in his hands with a gasp as he came into the equine's muzzle. Rosie smirked and reply and wrapped her lips tightly around the base of the human's cock, slurping up every last drop of his orgasm. Jess shuddered at the sensation of the horse girl drinking up his cum, her eyes closed in blissful concentration. Finally, Rosie let go of his cock and pulled her head back with a smack of her lips and a satisfied grin.

"I was right," she said, "you were pent up."

"Sweet Jesus, Rosie," Jess said, "that was amazing. Thanks."

Rosie stood up and brushed her left arm along her muzzle. "Oh I didn't do that for you, I did that for me." Jess looked at her quizzically. Rosie's yellow eyes flashed with the same feral, lusty look, "We are just getting started." Rosie reached out and took Jess by the arm and tugged him up from the sofa. Jess staggered and tried to catch his shorts as they fell off his feet but the eager equine pulled him away quickly and lead him back towards his bedroom. "I didn't want you to finish that fast the SECOND time," Rosie explained as she dragged the still slightly dazed human into his own bedroom.

Jess instantly regretted having not made the bed. His bedroom was a mess, the sheets were half off of the bed, the pillows stacked all on one side, a magazine of dubious character lay on the small table beside the bed openly. The morning sun filtered through the pulled shades making the untidy room look dirtier than it really was. Rosie grinned as her hooves clicked across the floor, her blonde tail flicking excited as she pulled the human in after her.

"Get that shirt off and get on the bed," Rosie said breathily, her nostril flared as she nodded her head at the disheveled bed pointedly. Jess hesitated a moment preparing to object but he held his tongue as Rosie slipped her fingers into her baggy pajama bottoms and slipped them off her shapely hips with a flourish of her blonde, equine tail. The young filly's perky, round rear bounced as she kicked aside the pajama bottoms leaving only a pair of white and mint-green stripped bikini style panties covering her taut silver furred body.

Rosie felt Jess' eyes on her and she smiled at the attention. In response she made a show of slowly taking off her tank top for his enjoyment. Rosie gripped her top by the bottom hem and slowly raised it up to reveal her hourglass figure inch by tantalizing inch. She rocked back and forth on her hooves as the top slipped up and her ample breasts bounced in the confines of her green bra. The black top slipped up and off her muzzle where she tossed it aside with a flourish as she shook our her blonde mane, the loose braid falling out completely giving her a bad case of bed-mane. Rosie rested her hands on her cocked hips and smiled at Jess, letting him take in the full picture. There she was the curvy, young, filly wearing nothing save her favorite mint green bra and panties, her silver and gray fur contrasting seductively with the small bits of fabric giving her trim body a smoldering look as her blonde mane fell haphazardly across her neck and shoulders.

Jess' recently abused cock was already eagerly refilling, he blushed at his own enthusiasm as he struggled to take off his shirt and obey the sensual mare's command to get on the bed. He scrambled onto the bed and laid on his back so he could watch the elegant equine anthro as she did... whatever she had in mind. Rosie smiled a toothy equine smile as she traced her hands down her body in a teasing display, making sure Jess took note of just how enticing and voluptuous she was. She slipped her fingers into the waistband of her panties and slipped them down her smooth, silver thighs letting Jess see that the middle of her panties were dark and wet from her intense arousal.

Rosie tossed the panties aside and climbed up onto the bed on all fours. She leaned in and pressed her soft lips to Jess' legs letting her short whiskers tickle his bare flesh as she took in his scent. She crawled slowly up his body, kissing and teasing the human as she went. Jess shivered in excitement as the mare moved her soft lips up him, his vantage point giving him a rare view of her soft, inviting cleavage still barely held in place by her mint-green bra. Rosie stopped as she reached his again erect manhood and gave it an affectionate kiss and lick, letting her flexible tongue curled around it momentarily. Rosie pulled herself up on the human and positioned herself so she was sitting on his stomach with her soft thighs gripping his sides.

"Mmm. I'm going to enjoy this," Rosie groaned to herself, "After all, I earned it." Rosie rocked her hips against the human, letting her wet slit slide tauntingly along his shaft. Jess moaned at the feel of the filly's silky flesh teasing him, suddenly very grateful that the young mare had already milked him least this sensation alone be enough to drive him over the edge. Rosie closed her eyes and nickered quietly as she stroked along Jess' length and she reached up and unhooked her mint-green bra letting her ample bosom spill out of the tight material.

Her ample breasts free, Rosie cupped one of them in her hand and gently massaged it, her sensitive nipples almost aching with pleasure. Jess watched in rapture as the equine anthro played with her breasts and she gently bit her bottom lip in excitement. Jess stroked one hand along Rosie's thigh, delighting in the feel of her felt-like pelt and warm flesh. Rosie raised herself up and Jess took his cue, slipping his hand under her leg to aim his erect cock at her waiting, needy slit.

The gray and silver furred Arabian sank down onto Jess' penis, her slick, silky lips parting and taking him with lusty abandon. Her eyes closed, Rosie threw back her head, letting her blonde mane cascade down her back as she groaned in satisfaction as she filled herself with the horny, older human. The feel of her body clenching around his length made both the human and mare shudder in unison. Rosie lowered herself fully down onto the human before beginning her slow ride back up, her voluptuous body shivering as she did.

"Fuuuuck yes," the mare hissed as she pressed her hips back down then slipped back up. She began to set a demanding pace as her wide hips ratcheted up and down rhythmically on the supine human. "Fuck, I'd do a hundred more math problems..." Rosie said through clenched teeth as she pounded her hips against Jess. "Unless they have fractions," she added teasingly.

Jess grabbed a greedy handful of the mare's haunches as he thrust up into her tight yet yielding body. He had never imagined how luxurious a mare could feel, the dynamic combination of muscle and soft pelt, strong build but womanly shape, it was almost as though Rosie had been born for this very purpose, to fuck a man dry. Her gray fur and lighter belly almost shimmered in the low light as she rode the human, her blonde mane bouncing freely with each stroke.

"Sweet Jesus," Jess murmured as he groped at the young filly. His hands moved wildly from her ample bouncing breasts which would nearly pour through his fingers when squeezed to her firm thighs and ass. All while his body screamed in ecstasy from the liquid motion of her body riding him cowgirl style.

The bed frame knocked against the metal wall of the trailer, each rise and fall of the filly's hips marked with a ringing clang as well as Rosie's neighs of delight. Jess lost track of time as his world became a blur of plush gray fur, soft curves, and the sounds of lovemaking. Rosie's body rose and fell, her hips grinding against the human's in a passionate, needy embrace. The luxurious curves of her young body tantalizing as her tight body squeezed Jess' length lustily. Her insides quivered and squeezed the intruding member eagerly, as though Rosie's whole body eagerly wanted to drink up everything Jess had to offer.

After what seemed hours Rosie began to slow her ride and instead she leaned over the human, placing her hands to each side of the human's head. She let her ample breasts rest against Jess chest as she lowered her head and pressed her wide lips to his human ones. The couple kissed, Rosie's wide tongue filling Jess' mouth with smooth soft flesh as he slipped his tongue into her mouth is response. The equine's short whiskers teased Jess' face as they sloppily kissed, their mismatched lips smearing saliva on both of their faces.

From her new angle the gray equine ground herself down onto Jess and squeezed him with her thick thighs between kisses. Jess reached up and cupped her tight, round rear in his hands and took advantage of the new direction, thrusting aggressively into her from below. The young equine trembled in delight and let out a quiet moan between messy kisses with her broad muzzle as the human pounded himself home inside her. It was not an ideal angle but Jess managed nevertheless to find a pleasurable spot inside the mare and he leveraged his length against it aggressively.

Rosie's soft lips teased along Jess' face as she whispered, "I'm close," between tired gasps for air as the human's cock filled her needy body. Jess shifted both hands to her pliant, heavy breasts and carefully cupped them each one filling and overflowing the human's palms. Rosie's sensitive nipples pressed into his palms as he squeezed her soft orbs, the mare shuddered, "Do that again," she begged as she continued to grind onto the human. Jess smiled coyly as he teased her ample breasts and took her left nipple between his thumb and forefinger and carefully rolled the tender flesh. Rosie let out a neigh of delight at the sharp stab of pleasure that lanced through her and her body clenched around the human, making him gasp in turn. "Again!" Rosie screamed.

A devious smile split the human's face as he gingerly took a nipple in each hand and with calculated effect pinched and rolled her swollen buds. Rosie roared out her approval, her legs squeezing together as her body seized around Jess' shaft. Rosie's whole body shuddered and Jess felt a suddenly blast of heat and pressure around his cock as she came. The sensation of the mare gripping him and moaning in ecstasy was too much for Jess and he gave in to his orgasm as well, slamming himself as deep into the equine as he could before he orgasmed with a halting "ROSIE!" His pent up cum spattered the inside of her body with gout after successive gout.

The horny filly nickered loudly at the feeling of the human cumming inside her, the sensation of his hot cum filling her made her body twitch in orgasm a second time. Her breath came in short, ragged bursts as she tried to control herself least her powerful thighs squeeze her human lover to tightly. Finally the radiating heat of her orgasm cooled and Rosie's legs shook as she collapsed onto of the human in post-coital bliss. Jess could feel the mess of their fluids spilling out onto him as the equine slumped on top of him and Rosie nuzzled his face. "That was amazing," she whispered into his ear. "I hope you can do that again..." she yawned. "In an hour or two."

Jess chuckled as Rosie unceremoniously rolled her nude form off of the human, gathered the haphazardly scattered sheets up, blinked twice and dozed off, without another word. Jess smirked to himself as he admired the napping equine. With a shrug he squirmed close to the filly, wrapped his arms around her warm, soft body letting one hand cup a large, soft breast and the other rest on her messy crotch in an affectionate spoon. He pressed his face into her soft blonde mane and closed his eyes. After all, he'd need more rest as well if he planned to keep up for the rest of the day. And he planned to keep up.

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