The Jungle Calamity

Story by Thirdeye on SoFurry

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Long time no see. You can tell from the keywords what this involves. For my more vanilla human/F anthro fans I am working on a few new pieces. I apologize for being gone, I had a major life event to tend to.

So this piece is kinda weird. I don't normally do non-con or weird latexy-encasement stuff but it just happened. So enjoy if that's your thing.

Maxwell ran as fast and as hard as his legs would take him, swinging his machete wilding to try to clear vines and branches from his path as he hurtled through the dense, muggy jungle underbrush. He leaped over rotting logs and bushes, his legs and arms covered in small scratches from branches, briars, and thorns as he fled in a blind panic. His hat had snagged on a limb some three hundred feet back but he abandoned it as he drew burningly painful breath after breath. Max has lost track of time, distance, and he feared direction in his mad rush. His camp was somewhere to the east and so he fled into the underbrush away from the setting sun.

He was not even sure what he was fleeing from, he had only caught a tiny glimpse of the creature. From the glance he caught of it; it looked like a cross between a giant lizard and a dragon covered in a sleek black hide that looked like liquefied rubber or well oiled leather. Four red eyes, two on each side of its monitor lizard shaped head had looked at him when he found the beast slumbering in a cave. The creature rose on four heavily muscled legs and thrashed a long, powerful tail as it let out a long, low hiss a drop of oily saliva falling from its jaw as it bared strangely blunt teeth and a wide, paddle-like tongue at him.

That was when Max fled and behind him he heard the massive creature launch into pursuit. The 24 year old human's only advantage was size. The strange jungle beast was too large to fit many places the human could dart through forcing it to go around or smash through the underbrush like a living bulldozer. Much to Max's horror it had done just that and he had heard the splintering of wood and tearing of vegetation as he fled into the unforgiving jungle depths.

His heart throbbed in his ears and his eyes burns from sweat and dirt dripping into them. Max mopped one arm across his forehead as his footsteps faltered and he bent over, resting his hands on his knees as he drew in a ragged breath. Gnats buzzed around his face and strained to hear over the sounds of his own body but the jungle had fallen silent. He no longer heard the crush and press of the beast behind him. Max clutched his gut as he wretched from exertion into a bush. He wiped his arm across his lips, leaving a smear of bile on his forearm.

Slowly, the normal sounds of the jungle resumed. Birds chirped, insects buzzed. Max sighed in relief as he slowly straightened, his breath calming, and his stomach no longer cramping. He pat down his pants to locate his map and compass hoping beyond all hope that he could find his tools and his way back to the campsite before the sun set.

Maxwell stumbled back into his campsite as the last vestiges of the day's sun cast rays of cold light through the thick jungle canopy and left twisting, dancing shadows across his spacious, green tent. He stumbled over to the tent and hurriedly untied the flap and slipped in, tripping over the edge of the portal and falling to his knees inside. The familiar crinkle of canvas under his knees was a welcome relief as Max scrambled back to his feet and grabbed his emergency lantern. He flicked it on and smiled as it draped the inside of the tent in blue light. It was empty save his bedroll, supplies, and clothes. Everything was back to normal.

The young explorer rooted through his supplies to find matches. He rushed back out the flap to light the pile of wood he had left this morning sitting in the carefully constructed ring of stones and dirt. The dry wood leaped to life and it seemed to Max's still wild mind that the very jungle retreated the tiniest bit from the open flames and gave him the courage he needed to relax. Whatever that beast had been, it was gone. He had escaped. Max shut off the lantern. He had won.

In little more than an hour life had returned to normal. Max had washed the dirt from his face and arms, cleaned the tiny cuts, changed clothes, and munched merrily on a protean bar as he relaxed by the fire. He had taken out his ipod and set it to shuffle as he looked up at the green and black canvas of leaves that stretched above him as far as his eyes could see in the murky night. Max stifled a yawn and retired to his square tent to sleep. After the trials and tribulations of the day he felt he had earned a long night's sleep.

Max settled into the soft padding of his sleeping bag, his ipod still playing his favorite album as he drifted off into sleep. His eyes closed and his mind drifted off to dream of the wild stories he'd have to tell his friends, if anyone would believe him.

The darkness moved as four red points appeared. The beast, known by the natives as the Jungle Calamity, pressed its snout to the ground and sniffed. The natives said it was a demon, an unholy spirit, or perhaps a vengeful ghost but it did not concern itself with such things. A droplet of drool slipped from between its thick, scaled lips and landed in the leaves making an oily smear. He was Calamity, that much he knew. He stood five feet tall at the shoulder and his body was eight feet long with another eight feet in tapering fleshy tail. Calamity's slick black hide looked like well oiled leather, almost synthetic, as it rippled over the dense muscle of the beast. Its four great feet ended in dexterous paws with long claws that could tear, climb, and dig or let it slink between the tree trunks like a legged serpent moving in complete silence.

Calamity could not help himself as he took in the scent of the outside human and let his blunt teeth clack in anticipation. The human smelt funny, his natural odors hidden under layers of fake scents which made him even easier to track. The foolish human had thought it could simply out run him. Calamity almost chuckled. The fire was burning low, unattended and Calamity, not frightened of the flames like some mere vermin stalked low to it. He was not menaced by the heat and even stood near it for a moment, letting the flames flicker and make his glossy flesh look all the more radiant.

The beast, finished admiring himself, turned his large head to the fire and blinked his four red eyes. His throat undulated unnaturally as Calamity called up a great globule of saliva that he drooled out onto the fire. The first hissed and crackled as the dark, oily spit extinguishing it and plunging the campsite into compete darkness. Satisfied, Calamity moved to the entrance of the tent, the small slits on his snout that served as his nose sniffed at the fabric. He pressed the very tip of his nose to the material and felt along the ties that held the flap shut.

Calamity gripped the ties between his lips with astonishing dexterity and shook them loose. In a matter of moments the tent flap hung impotently open and the beast slipped his muzzle inside and sniffed. The human was in there. Calamity slipped slowly into the tent, the canvas brushing down his hide with a quiet zip. Calamity's four red eyes could see in the darkness without trouble and he easily spied the sleeping human. Maxwell, in his sleep, had partially rolled out of his sleeping bag and lay splayed across the floor in an undignified manner.

Calamity's reddish black tongue licked along his lips before they curled back revealing his thick but surprising smooth teeth. He moved closer until the black creature stood with his head looming over the sleeping human. Calamity's chest rolled and heaved followed by his throat as he summoned up his unique defensive and attack mechanism, a peculiar vomitus. Calamity wretched over the sleeping human a thick, black substance like flowed like molten asphalt. Sticky, heavy, warm, and wet it flowed over Maxwell's chest making the human start awake.

Another shower of the leaden vomitus poured over Max as he kicked the sleeping bag off his legs in confused terror. Calamity grunted as he summoned another load of the material from his gullet and vomited it over the human's kicking legs. The weight alone was enough to disorient the human and Maxwell cried out as he felt something heavy on his body grow thicker and stickier with every passing second. Calamity waited calmly and quietly as the human struggled, the vomitus quickly hardening around the panicking human.

"HELP!" Maxwell cried out into the pitiless jungle night. No one was there save Calamity who watched as the black ooze slowly covered the human's mouth, silencing his cries. Mercifully, Maxwell fainted and could not seeing the great beast, the Jungle Calamity, lie down to wait with almost feline disdain and patience as the black sludge solidified around his prey. Finally, content the human could no longer resist Calamity stood, reached out with his powerful jaws and carefully pulled the cocooned human from the floor with a sickly tearing sound. Encased in a black latex-like cocoon Max slept as Calamity carried him away into the night, his long tail swishing in animalistic satisfaction like a cat bringing home a captured mouse.

Maxwell rolled over as he woke with a shiver at the unexpected cold. His eyes snapped open as realized he could feel cool air over his whole body. He looked at down so see his own naked body. To further his confusion, the groggy human was sitting in a circular mat of pressed leaves and grass which looked like some sort of nest.

"What the hell?" Max asked no one as he clapped his hands over his privates and looked around bewilderedly. He was in the back of small, dry cave. No, Max leaned close to the dirt walls and gingerly touched the packed soil tracing his fingers swallowed a lump this his throat as unsteadily stood, his feet squishing into a wet pile at the edge of the grassy nest. He looked down to see a semi-liquid pile of material that looked like the remains of his clothes mixed with an oily, black fluid. He cautiously poked at the remains of what thought was his pants with one toe and the material fell apart as though dissolved by acid.

Nude and in a burrow? Maxwell could not even begin to understand what had happened as he gingerly stepped out of the nest and crept towards the bright spot of sunlight at the far end. The cool soil of the burrow felt soothing on his bare feet as he edged closer to the beacon of light at the end of the tunnel. He stepped on a small stone letting out a stifled yelp. He froze and cast furtive glances around the dimly lit cave like a frightened mouse. Nothing. Max kept going.

He could see the trees and plants of the jungle outside the portal and his footsteps became hurried in his excitement to escape when suddenly a long, sinuous form slithered down from above the burrow to block his escape. Maxwell froze in place his eyes locked onto the four red eyes that looked back at him. The black beast looked at the human intensely as it stepped closer, its clawed feet moving its tremendously long body with feline, almost fluid grace. Maxwell back peddled and stumbled on the uneven floor and fell back onto his ass with a thump.

Calamity stalked closer, all four eyes tracking the human, as Max whimpered in fright and flinched. The beast dropped something from its jaws in front of the human. Max quizzically looked down to see that the monster had dropped a small bundle of bananas at his feet. He stared at the fruit in confusion as Calamity lowered its muzzle and pushed the fruit gingerly towards him with a blunt snout. Was it feeding him? Maxwell looked at the creature, its tail swished behind it in an almost cheerful manner.

"Are you... are these for me?" Maxwell asked it haltingly. Calamity cocked his large head to the side in reply, the expression striking Max as what a confused cat might do. The beast lowered itself onto its belly, crossing its front limbs of its body, watching the human as he reached out and took the offered bananas. Max's began to unpeel and eat the offered meal with a close on the black animal. Before he had not realized just how large it was and now seeing it placidly watching him eat was bewildering.

"So," Max said between mouthfuls, "Um. Thanks?" The beast looked at him, a clear nictitating membrane blinking over its red eyes. "What are you?" He asked as he carefully tossed aside a banana peel. The lizard like monster did not reply. "So do you not understand English or do you not understand anything? I mean, you look like an animal but this," Max gestured to the bananas, "suggests you are smarter than that."

Calamity watched his new human curiously as it babbled at him. The beast did not understand what was being said to it but it enjoyed the sounds humans made. Calamity had observed that human's like the odd yellow fruits and was pleased to see this one seemed to be like the others.

"Well, thanks for the bananas," Maxwell said as he cautiously stood. The beast watched him rise but did nothing to stop him. Maxwell looked over the creature at the daylight beyond it and took a step closer, then another. The four red eyes remained fixed on him and a low growl came from the monster's throat as Maxwell went to step past it. He froze. "What do you want? Can I leave or not?" He stepped towards the exit once more and the creature growled again.

Maxwell stopped and looked at the animal in annoyance. "What the hell do you want me to do? Sit here and eat bananas all day? I need to find my camp. I need to find clothes since you did... something... to them!" The black creature showed no sign of understanding or perhaps it simply did not care about his protests, Max could not tell. He stepped towards the light again and this time the beast rose on its thick, strong legs and moved its long body to block the way, it's over sixteen feet of mass easily blocking the exit.

"Shit," Max said as he crossed his arms on his chest with a huff. "Well I can't live off just bananas you stupid cunt. Besides I'll die of boredom in this cave."

Calamity stood his ground, blocking the doorway as his new toy ranted more. The small slits on his snout that served as his nose flared as he sniffed the human. His toy was getting annoyed as it launched into a vulgar harangue that he couldn't understand.

" stupid lizard! I bet you wouldn't make a decent purse! You just wait till I get out of here and I get a fucking gun. Then we'll see who's the fucking big shit in the jungle! Goddamn this trip is just a fucking calamity," Max howled.

The beast cocked its head curiously. It knew that word. Calamity. It moved closer to the human with a loud sniff as it inquisitively prodded him.

"Hey! What?" Max protested as the beast pressed its snout against his abs and sniffed him. Calamity's flesh was surprisingly warm and the hide was tough yet smooth as it rubbed against him. "What the fuck are you doing!" Max attempted to push the offending snout away to no avail, the snout rubbed against him as it sniffed. "I didn't mean to call you a purse, you know. I was just angry about this whole calamity."

Calamity's four red eyes looked at the human curiously. There was the word again. Calamity liked hearing his name, if that's really what it was. The beast's jaws parted slightly and its wide tongue, black on the edges and red along the middle channel, slipped between its lips and licked up the human's belly leaving a smear of viscous oily, black saliva.

"Stop it!" Max protested but he hesitated to push the animal away least it take it grow aggressive. The thick tongue slurped from his navel up to his pectorals coating his stomach in slippery goo. "What is going on? Do you like the word calamity or something?"

Calamity heard the sound again and rewarded the human with another long, slow lick. This time however his tongue began its exploration lower on his body making the human jerk upright in surprise.

"WHAT?" Maxwell yelped as the lizard's thick tongue slipped between his legs and licked up his crotch bouncing his testicles on its smooth surface and tracing up his hardening length. The oily saliva tingled slightly on his shaft and balls. "Don't do that! Bad, Calamity," Max scolded hoping say what he thought was its name might give him some power of it. The onyx beast looked at him, its nostrils flaring before it smacked its wide jaws and licked the human rudely again. "Aaah!" Max sputtered as the flat muscle teased along his scrotum and curled up along his shaft which was hardening despite his wishes. "Stop it!"

Max placed his hand on Calamity's snout and tried to gently push the animal's head away again. The thick muscles of Calamity's neck made the effort hopeless and as the beast smelled the human's arousal it licked its lips eagerly. Calamity licked at his body again, leaving another greasy smear on the human's most private areas.

"Stop!" Max protested as he stepped back deeper into the den. Calamity took a step further in, following the human. Max covered his privates with his hands as he turned to look for somewhere to try to escape to. In reply, Calamity licked his bare ass, the thick tongue lapping between his cheeks in a teasing gesture that sent a shiver up Maxwell's spine and left his posterior coated in the beats' slippery, saliva.

Max scrambled deeper into the den towards the strange grass and leaf nest, not sure what other option he had. Calamity followed behind him, his tail still swishing in animal enjoyment as his new toy struggled with indecision. Calamity, unknown to the human, chest rippled as the muscles inside its body began to churn up the strange liquids buried in its chest as it pursued the human leisurely.

"Go away!" Max protested as he looked around the burrow for anything, a hiding place, a weapon, anything. Calamity gave his posterior another frisky lick as the human squirmed in a mix of unwanted pleasure and fear. The tingling from the creature's saliva increased as Maxwell panicked and for his head began to swim. Max scrambled unsteadily back near the grass nest that the creature had made when his bare feet slipped on the loose earth and he fell to his knees, his hands planted on the cool ground.

Calamity flowed moved behind the human like a ribbon of black silk and made a noxious, throaty retching noise as he heaved a globule of viscous black fluid onto Maxwell's feet and lower legs. The rich, natural latex-like material bound the human's legs together and began to thicken into a rubbery encasement almost immediately. Maxwell squirmed feebly against the material which stretched but held his ankles as tightly as any cuffs or rope could. Max looked over his shoulder at the beast whose red eyes glittered with predatory intent.

"What," he stammered, "are you doing?"

In reply, Calamity smacked his jaws loudly and pressed his broad tongue to the human's exposed rear and licked him lavishly. Each pass of his thick tongue laid down more oily saliva, making the human's ass slick as the tip of the probing muscle teased his tight anal ring. Content with its preparations Calamity stepped over the restrained human, the beast's muscular body brushing along the human's soft exposed flesh as the sixteen foot long beast casually stood over him in a dominate position.

The underside of the beast felt like fine, oiled leather as it tickled Max's skin. In his delirious haze he struggled to imagine the full consequences of what was happening as he puzzled how to remove his legs from their black oily prison. Two thick legs came to rest in front of Max's head, their long claws a dire reminder of what could be should he do anything to foolish. Max looked up to see the beast crane its neck around to peer under itself and their eyes meet. Calamity's mouth hung slightly ajar, his red and black tongue hanging loose from his lips, an almost strange predatory smile present on the lizard as Max felt something rub against his rear. Maxwell's eyes widen in alarm.

Calamity's manhood had emerged from a discreet slit lower on his body, a relatively small utensil for a creature of his size it was still ten inches of tapered red flesh with a flared tip braced by two black, tennis ball sized testicles. Calamity slipped his penis along Maxwell's well oiled and lubricated rear, letting his shaft tease along the crease of his buttocks, gathering up the slippery saliva as a natural lubricant. Calamity rumbled in approval as Maxwell struggled to free his legs to no avail.

The black beast teased his cock along Maxwell's rear and back stroking him with his lewd flesh, a bead of pre smearing from the tip of the reptile's tool across Maxwell's lower back.

"Stop! Please! I'm sorry I called you stupid!" Maxwell protested.

Calamity ignored the burbling noise of its human as he rolled his hips back and forth against the human's soft, warm, yielding body. The feeling of the warm human under Calamity's serpentine frame was delightful and the beast did not want to rush the fun. The red shaft slipped up and down Maxwell's prone body making the beast growl in arousal as Maxwell felt it tease along his ass, back, and thighs.

Without warning and unearthly dexterity Calamity repositioned himself so that the tip of his cock rested against the slippery, pinched sphincter of the human. Calamity rolled his hips forward, letting his leathery skin and heavily muscled body press down against the human as he pressed himself into his ultimate goal. Maxwell's tight, virgin hole resisted at first as the creature's cock prodded at him but the thick, oily saliva eased the passage and Calamity tip soon found his mark.

Calamity smacked his jaws in satisfaction as he pressed his hips forward driving his penis into the smaller human. Maxwell let out a yelp as his anus stretched to accommodate the foreign object. Calamity's shaft was smooth, slick, and surprisingly warm as it slipped into Maxwell's body suddenly filling his bowels with an unfamiliar, uncomfortable sensation of fullness.

Maxwell had never been with a male before, human or otherwise, and his anal ring protested the rough treatment. He bit down on his lip at the confusing sensation of pain and pleasure as Calamity began to make slow, measured thrusts in and out. The beast's generous licking had laid down copious lubricant which eased the discomfort and, much to Maxwell's horror, the monstrous mating began to feel good.

Maxwell's could hear the beast let out a long, low hiss of pleasure as he began to pick up speed, making Max's body rock back and forth in a carnal rhythm. Calamity began to pick up speed as the human relaxed and loosened around his prick, the human's growing pleasure making him relax, become loose, and making it even easier for Calamity to fuck him. Calamity's black leathery balls slapped against Maxwell's thighs as the beast fucked him with a mix of feral dominance and tender care. Calamity set a demanding pace, his black hips pounding a rough rhythm into the human, yet he never forced him so hard into his human toy that he unduly hurt him. Calamity's tail slapped against the ground in time with the slap of his testicles against the human making a strange cacophony of flesh on flesh and flesh on hard packed earth. Calamity began to let out low grunts of pleasure as he bred his pet human, his thick legs trembling in delight.

Max was beginning to relax into the flow of the bestial mating when Calamity thrust himself deep enough in to prod the human's prostate, a burst of pleasure leaping up the human's spine and his body clenched around the invading member. Calamity let out a hissing growl of pleasure as the human's seemed perfectly designed to pleasure him. Calamity set a grueling pace, the lusty beast grinding his hips against the human mercilessly. A trickle of oily saliva rolled out of his reptilian maw and spattered on the floor in front of Max as Calamity lost himself in mating. Calamity's great claws, so easily capable of rending flesh, dug deep furrows in the soft earth as he curled his paws in ecstasy as the human clenched around his tool.

Every thrust of the muscular creature left Maxwell's body groaning alternately in pain and speared through with pleasure. Max's prostate screamed its delight down his spine as it was struck like a hammer on anvil time and time again. Despite the situation and the humiliation of being mounted by an animal, Maxwell's cock was fully erect and swayed underneath him with the shaking of his body from each ramming thrust.

Maxwell let out a gasping, "Aaah!" as Calamity hit home especially hard. The beast hesitated a moment, shifting his weight on his rear paws to line up another forceful thrust. "AAAH!" Maxwell cried againas Calamity hissed in dominate delight and pulling back thrust even harder at the same spot inside Maxwell's virgin ass. Maxwell shuddered as his body shook from the explosive sensation of Calamity ramming his prostate over and over with his ten inch cock. Max's head swam and his arms buckled under him, leaving him face down in the dirt with his ass up in the air.

Calamity shivered down the length of his serpentine body as he hammered home in the human. Whatever special spot he found made the human clench around his ten inch shaft deliciously. Calamity grunted and hissed as he built up his furor and prepared to brace himself for the final act. Maxwell, nearly insensate from his rough fucking, squirmed feebly as his face smeared in dirt and flecks of oily saliva as he felt the beasts testicles pull tight along his behind.

Without hesitation Calamity slammed himself home once more burying his cock fully in the human so his testicle slapped against Maxwell's ass. The black beast let out a howling sound somewhere between a roar and a hiss as his hips pressed down on the human, dug his claws into the ground, and he climaxed. Max let out a groan as he felt Calamity jerk inside his body and he felt the heated sensation of Calamity cumming inside his bowels, filling him with gout after gout of sticky cum. The sensation of his bowels filling with the beast's seed pushed Maxwell over the edge and much to his embarrassment he shuttered in uncontrollable orgasm and spattered his own seed across the dirt floor of the den with an exhausted gasp.

Calamity's orgasm was titanic as the beast unloaded his balls into the human. Maxwell's body quickly reached its limit and Calamity was forced to withdraw his shaft as the human overflowed with his cum. The last gouts of Calamity's orgasm spattered across Maxwell's exposed buttocks, legs, and back leaving him with markings of thick, white ejaculate as the beast finished on him. Calamity stood over the human, his tongue lolling lewdly as he panted from satisfied exertion. Maxwell slumped forward in a mix of exhaustion and shame from the amount of pleasure he had found in the beasts embrace and, unable to process all that had just happened, lapsed into unconsciousness.

Calamity stretched each leg and shook out his long body. It had been to long since he had had a quality mating and the exertion left him tired. Calamity craned his head around to look at the human passed out beneath him and spattered in cum as he stepped gingerly from his position looming over him. The thick binding agent Calamity had regurgitated on his legs still held the human in place despite the rough fucking.

Calamity leaned down and licked the strange black agent from Max's legs, the enzymes in his saliva easily breaking down the goo and Maxwell squirmed in his sleep as his legs broke free. The beast's tongue moved up his legs, cleaning the human of the excess spunk and dirt that covered his nude form. Each lick handily removed the mix of cum and soil but left another unfortunate smear of oily saliva as Calamity moved over his toy's body tending to him.

Maxwell, now clean save the greasy drool, remained comatose as the black jungle beast moved behind him and licked at his bare feet, the tickling sensation barely registered through Max's unconscious mind as Calamity mouthed his feet with surprising tenderness. Calamity's tail and hips wiggled with excitement as his tongue slipped up Maxwell's ankles and drew his feet into the beast's warm, oily maw the creature's blunt teeth allowing him to grip the human without harm. Already slick with drool Maxwell's limbs slipped smoothly along Calamity's black and red tongue as he lapped down his shins and pressed the soles of Max's feet against the back of his maw.

The tight ashy-black muscle that sealed off Calamity's throat was pooled with thick saliva as it opened to invite Maxwell's feet inside. With a gluking sound Calamity swallowed Maxwell's feet, the powerful muscles of his throat gripping the human's ankles and began eagerly pulling him deeper, Calamity's tongue slid excitedly up the human's bare thighs, savoring and lubricating him all at once, the beast's four red eyes closing in blissful satisfaction as he licked up the insensate human. Maxwell stirred in his lumber as the muscular tongue slipped under his still sensitive cock.

Calamity swallowed the human's knees, the peristaltic muscles of his throat massaging the human down the beast's serpentine throat. Maxwell blinked bewildered as the sensation of blunt teeth gripping his thighs, hot wet breath flowing down his legs, and a large tongue teasing along his groin and lifting him slightly off the ground. It was not until Maxwell felt the sudden gulp and sensation of his legs disappearing deeper into the midnight black hole that was Calamity that Max realized what was happening. Maxwell squirmed and tried to kick his legs but the tight esophagus into which he was descending held his limbs snuggly.

Maxwell thrashed in Calamity's maw as the beast ignored his protests. "Stop! Stop! Wait!" Maxwell shouted. In response Calamity's tongue slipped up his waist and teased along his abs as his thighs were slurped eagerly down and his crotch was pulled into the waiting maw. His groin surrounded by the moist heat of Calamity's mouth was strangely enjoyable and Maxwell blushed as he felt his erection recovering as he was dragged along the smooth, wet palette. "Let me go! I'll get you something else to eat! I'll get you a whole fucking cow!"

Calamity rumbled in happy enjoyment as the human hung halfway out of his jaws. Well past the point of no return Calamity saw no need to mind his toy's continued fretting. The beast would not be denied his pleasures as he licked the human's soft, pliant flesh. There was an unfamiliar sweetness to this human that Calamity could not place. Perhaps it was his lavish lifestyle that left him tender and supple or simply a quirk of fate that made him so delicious. The already messy creature salivated all the more as he savored his protesting, squirming treat.

Calamity raised his head, lifting the human from the ground as he swallowed Maxwell's waist and his jaws closed around the human's chest. The probing tongue slipped up Max's shoulders and along his face, smearing him with oily drool. Maxwell helplessly beat his hands against Calamity's jaw as the combination of gravity and stunningly powerful muscles pulled him deeper into the waiting, hungering maw. Maxwell could feel the living tunnel that gripped him from his feet to his abdomen. The muscles were thick, strong, and yanked him deeper into the heated channel every few seconds. It was only a matter of time, he knew, before Calamity's jaws closed over his head.

Despite himself, Maxwell felt a surge of pleasure are the beast's throat stroked his body. The rolling muscles felt better than any massage the human had ever had and the heat from Calamity's body was soothing on his aching, abused body. Maxwell's erection slipped along the folds of the beast's throat being teased and tormented by the smooth, slippery texture as he was swallowed until only his head and arms remained outside the beast's body.

Calamity sat on his heavy haunches to allow himself to raise his head, straighten his neck, and make a clean angle for the final gulp. Maxwell had stopped struggling, his eyes pinched closed as he struggled not to cum as the beast's throat massaged his body sensually. Calamity raised his head, parted his jaws and swallowed. Maxwell's head disappeared into the reptilian maw dragging his arms quickly behind it. Calamity's jaws closed and he reached up one clawed paw to stroke the lump that now ran from the back of his jaws, down his throat, and into his belly. Calamity swallowed again, easing the captive human deeper into his body, the outline of the human in Calamity's black flesh slipped sinuously further down. The beast hissed in pleasure as he felt the human spasm in his tight, constricting throat in obvious orgasm.

Inside Maxwell gasped out a horrified orgasm as he body trembled in uncontrollable climax from the endless ministrations of the tight, wet, hot channel. As he slipped deeper he had lost control and cum again, his only comfort that in the darkness of the animal's throat he could not see his own cum smearing along his helpless body. The human's reflection on his shameful orgasm were interrupted when suddenly his journey sped up and he found himself pulled quickly into a more spacious chamber half full of greasy, thick liquid. Maxwell squirmed in the leathery prison as he positioned his head about the line of the warm fluid. The human pressed his hands against the walls that pressed and gently pulsed around him as he realized, he was in the beast's stomach.

Calamity smacked his jaws in satisfaction as he slowly stood and turned to leave the den. The creature's belly was swollen and distended with its new inhabitant yet, as Calamity had known all along, Maxwell was in no danger. The organ into which the human had been swallowed would not digest him, it would simply contain him. Calamity was simply tired from hunting and mating the human and wished to rest without the risk of losing his new toy and what better way to ensure the human did not escape than to stash him away?

Calamity sauntered with a proud gait out of the den and into the jungle to find a warm patch of sun to curl up in and take a nap. His belly sloshed and jiggled as his human captive squirmed and shifted in his new accommodations making Calamity shiver in pleasure. As Calamity climbed to his favorite sunning spot he pondered to himself. How long should he keep this human? He was an excellent mate and amazingly succulent. Far better than the any others he had claimed before. Maybe he'd keep him for a week or two.

What would happen then? Calamity curled into a circle around his swollen belly in a patch of warm sun. He'd worry about that when the time came.

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