Syntha-Pets (LLC)- Fang

Story by Thirdeye on SoFurry

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I was in a mood when I wrote this. It is nothing more than overly detail bestiality porn and non-fatal soft vore with only the thinnest veil of a plot. If you want to read about a human woman getting nailed by a giant cat, this is for you. If not... well... go read something else.

Because I am slightly ashamed of this work it is not edited as nicely as some of my pieces. I apologize but re-reading it makes me want to delete it. At least this way you get to read it with a few typos.

The massive wooden crate shook as Amanda leaned back into the plush cushions of her sofa, daintily crossed her milky, smooth legs and opened the owner's manual that had been attached to the crate. She sipped from a glass of imported wine as she read.

Congratulations on your purchase of a quality Syntha-Pet! Your model FANG-FACVC has arrived and comes fully ready for use. Your model is fully equipped with anatomically correct genitalia and Syntha-Pet (LLC)'s patented, unique fully safe and quality assured Vore-Capabale simulation system. Please be aware that even with Syntha-Pet (LLC)'s Vore-Capable system bruising and superficial injuries can still occur.

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_ Please note that your FANG-FACVC model has been customized to your specifications. Personality traits can be altered at a later date only with a licensed Syntha-Pet technician. You have chosen to following traits:_

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_ Dominance (1-10): 10- Maximum dominance_

_ Affection (1-10): 2- Minimal_

_ Thank you once again for your purchase and we at Syntha-Pets (LLC) look forward to catering to your future pet and toy needs._

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_ _ "Fang," Amanda mused as she finished her wine her eyes fixed on the wooden crate that now filled the living room of her spacious manor. "What an adorably simple name. I think I'll let you keep it."

The wood of the crate creaked as the creature inside pressed against it a low growl coming from the straining box.

Amanda stood up gracefully, her slender toned legs freshly shaven. She slipped the silken bathrobe she wore off her shoulders and let the cool air-conditioned air blow across her naked body. She was beautiful, everyone knew that, with long legs, a toned body, perky ample breasts, and black hair that fell from her head in an ebony sheet and hug down to her narrow waist. Even home alone, more or less, Amanda had elected to apply ruby red lipstick to her full lips and dark eye shadow to enhance her moody sensuality. The graceful woman walked with practice delicacy to the side of the crate and rested one hand on the long metal pin that held it shut.

"What is that, Kitty?" she purred at the crate, "Do you want out? How do I know you won't... misbehave?" Her fingers ran along the rough wood to the smooth metal and she gently tugged the bolt, making it slip ever so slightly but not release.

The crate shook and a muted roar make from inside, its contents demanding to be released.

Amanda savored the moment as she hooked a finger and delicately painted nail through the loop on the bolt. She glanced across the room at the open door to the bedroom wondering if she'd be able to make it in there before her new toy caught up to her. She shivered in anticipation as she felt her body grow wet and hot in anticipation. "Will you give me a head start?" she asked as she pulled the bolt, the metal rasping against its cylinder. "I doubt it," she said as the final inch of bolt slipped free and she tossed it aside.

Amanda quickly leapt towards the door her nude form sprinting across the bare wood floors her feet slapping on the expensive imported wood as the front of the crate fell open from a forceful blow by the creature inside. She couldn't help herself and peered over her shoulder as she ran, knowing it would slow her down.

Fang leapt from the crate his tremendously large paws slamming the wood box side onto the floor with a deafening crash. Amanda got her first glimpse of her new toy, as she fled, and a shiver down her spine. Fang was a replica, with artistic license, of a Smilodon Populator the largest breed of saber-toothed cat ever to exist. Fang stood six feet tall at the shoulder and four feet wide and was built of solid muscle covered in an orange-yellow hide with darker almost brown stripes running down his back and a lighter yellow-white belly. He had a short stubby tail that flicked in the air in agitation; he had massive paws with long black, blunted claws and as he let out a bellowing roar Amanda could admire his enormous maw with its rough pink tongue and pallet, and long blunt saber-like fangs.

Fang's nostrils flared and his crimson and orange eyes surveyed the room with the speed and hunger only an alpha predator could muster. Amanda was hardly as swift or as cunning as a deer and the great feline's head snapped to track her as she ran. She heard the beast snort as it took in her scent as she darted into through the doorframe into the relatively safety of her bedroom. She flung herself onto her bed, rumpling the fine silk covers that her maid had so attentively organized just this morning. An intrusive thought crept into her mind; did she remember to tell the maid to not come by tomorrow?

The saber-toothed cat thundered across the floor with a chesty roar that shook the paintings on the walls as it pursued the fleeing bit of meat. Fang's great paws thudded across the floor, his toes spreading for balance on the slick surface as he covered the distance to the bedroom in mere parts of a second. His primeval head thrust into the dark bedroom, his slit pupil eyes glittering, as he snorted loudly. The doorframe proved to be a challenge for the hulking beast which gave Amanda time to admire her predator as it came.

She had secretly dreamed of this for years but seeing it was believing. The smilodon's frame was silhouetted by the lights of the living room leading into the dark bedroom and Amanda watched with in lurid fascination as his muscles rippled under his heavy hide. Her fingers found their way to her womanhood and she began to rub herself as she watched the feline force his head and one shoulder in and then by twisting the other through. Fang was at once graceful, terrifying, and sensual his presence triggering some deep, instinctual fear in the human female. His body was dense and heavy with killing force yet he carried himself with absolute control, every movement seeming purposeful, calculated, and predatory.

Great globs of saliva dripped from Fang's muzzle as he snarled at the human. Amanda swirled her fingers on her clit making her legs jerk in stimulation as the animal twisted itself free of the door and fully into the room with a victorious snarl. The stink of the aroused human was heavy in the air as the great cat stalked closer his tongue hanging loosely from his jowls. Amanda pleasured herself on the edge of the bed her fingers moving quickly smearing her juices across her shaven cunt, groaning she said breathlessly "That's right, Kitty. Come and get me."

Fang moved in cautiously and sniffed at the human's legs as they dangled off the bed. She smelled of expensive soaps and the indefinable yet alluring scent of a human woman. His nose brushed her smooth leg making her gasp at the cool sensation followed by the tickling of his fur and whiskers and then the hard ivory of his great ivory fangs. He snorted as his nose passed by her crotch, the great head stopping as Amanda pulled away her hand to let the animal smell her arousal unhindered. Fang took another step closer his large head pushing Amanda's legs apart as he pressed his muzzle against her slit curiously.

Amanda laid back on the bed in complete surrender letting the cool silk sheets contrast on her bare skin with the heated breath of the smilodon. Fang's muzzle parted and his broad rough tongue slipped between his black lips to wipe along the inside of the human's thighs and along the whole of her slit in a massive lapping motion. Amanda squealed in pleasure as the feline tongue, customized to be teasingly coarse and not sandpapery, slide along her sensitive thighs and pussy. "Fuck yes," she hissed through clenched teeth as she placed her hands on head in pleasured anguish.

The great cat paid no attention to the pathetic noises his prey made and gave her a second lick, curious to find the source of the interesting smells and tastes. Amanda writhed again causing Fang growled in annoyance as her legs squirmed against his muzzle. Fang's red-orange eyes glittered in the dim light as he explored the human's nethers, his tongue making long, slow lines across her crotch and up onto her mons pubis. The cat's thick, strong tongue left trails of heavy saliva as he licked up her body his long front teeth dragging ominously up her legs and fit perfectly on each side of her narrow waist, framing her fragile body with his powerful jaws.

Already Amanda chewed her ruby painted lips as the beast investigated her body, his tongue having brought her to an orgasm once and already priming her body again. As his enormous muzzle slipped over her she could feel the fur on his chin and neck drape over her and she marveled at the exquisite softness of it. Amanda could smell the heady scent of the feline now, both his hot breath that rolled over her body with each exhale and the odour of great cat. It was musky and feral and beneath it was a hint of arousal that greatly pleased the submissive human. She lay back and let the animal do it what it wished, after all, what hope did she have of overpower so many hundreds of pounds of hungry muscle?

Fang's exploring licks moved up Amanda's body as the animal crawled over her. The bed creaked in protest as the front quarters of the smilodon climbed onto it and over the prostrate human. Fang's tongue pressed against Amanda's breasts making them bounce and making the human groan between grit teeth. The smilodon licked her bosom several times, coating them in his thick, viscous saliva his gritty tongue causing electric sparks of pleasure to radiate from her swollen nipples. The smilodon pressed himself forward, his thick fur dragging over Amanda's naked body. She moaned at the feeling of his warm fur and powerful body lying over her.

The human had nearly disappeared under the tremendous cat save her head and arms when she first felt something new brush along the inside of her leg. She smiled as she realized Fang was moving himself into position to claim her as his thick cock prodded at her thigh. The feline's hips squirmed against he dragged his cock her body looking for the sweet hole he found before. Amanda moved to assist the feral beast but Fang growled at her and she froze in place. "The big man can do it himself, eh?" she teased as the smilodon fumbled blindly for her slit.

Suddenly Amanda felt the tip of his cock press against her lips, she could feel the heat of his arousal and a felt a bead of pre-cum run from the tip of his shaft. Fang grunted in satisfaction as he lined himself up and without hesitation thrust his hip forwards and speared the human onto his erect penis. Amanda cried out in surprise and delight as the amply feline thrust into her filling her body to its perfect limit. She let out a lewd moan of pleasure as she felt Fang's heavy, full balls slap against her and he began to withdraw. The great cat's cock was barbed though only slightly so that his cock teased and stimulated the inside of the human without harming her. Instead she gasped and rose up her hips in a needy request for more.

Amanda had never felt so full in her life, the beast was both long and thick and she could feel his heart beat inside her as he took her body. She had never been so aroused as she was lying underneath her new pet, his soft fur covering her, his muscles rippling as he humped her, and his perfectly craft cock stimulating every inch of her most intimate parts. Part of her wanted to reach down and rub her clit as well but her feline lover objected whenever she moved and she did not want to displease him.

Fang shifted his upper body over the human to hold her place, letting his powerful bulk restrain the squirming female so he could mate her. With animal disregard he thrust in again and began setting a pace of quick and sustained pounding. The feline's hips rocked in the pleasure of mating the much smaller female, his small tail up in excitement. She was tight, wet, and warm around his cock and the noises she made pleased the dominate animal. Amanda moaned in wanton ecstasy as Fang fucked her and there was nothing she could do to stop him. Not that she wanted him to.

Thrust after powerful thrust Fang persisted as the human screamed in orgasm underneath him. The smilodon's jaw hung slightly open as he focused on mating the smaller creature, his heavy breathing spattered the human's face with drool. Fang's eyes were mostly closed as it slammed its hips against Amanda making the bed frame slam loudly into the wall. The human felt the animal shift its weight and change pace moving to short but faster thrusts. The cat's tongue now lolled full from its massive jaws as it blissfully fucked the human like a fleshy sexy toy.

Fang began to grunt and growl as he pounded away at his mate, his short, quick thrusts starting to slow. Amanda cooed up at the animal, "That's right, you're close... give it to me." The smilodon ignored the human and pressed his considerable weight down on her as he shifted to hilt himself into the human's tight pussy. "Fill me up, you fucking animal," Amanda snarled as Fang thrust into with a snarl that melted into a roar, his balls slapped against her and seized up as the prehistoric cat came.

Amanda's body spasmed in orgasm as she felt Fang's cock jerk and throb inside and release heavy, thick blast of cum after blast into her womb. The massive cat's legs shook as he came voluminously into the petite female until she overflowed. The feeling of the animal's seed filling her and then spilling out on her expensive sheets made Amanda euphoric as screamed in delight. Her pussy raw from the rough treatment of the great cat she still felt sad and empty as he backed slowly off her, his cock still dripping pearls of cum onto her legs and floor.

Fang still stood over the human, panting as his cock retreated into its sheath his sexual needs satisfied for the moment. The great striped cat looked down at his satisfying toy as Amanda sighed in post-coital bliss. The smilodon licked his chops noisily as it eyed the smooth, pale skin of the human her body framed by the cascade of ebony hair. The ride in the crate had been long and he had many hungers that needed satiating.

Amanda looked up at the feline as it eyed her, its intent apparent as climbed off her and looked at her appraisingly. Fang's jaws were enormous and as the beast salivated in anticipation Amanda too grew eager for the next step. The slender and athletic human sat up on the bed, earning a cautious growl from the hungry predator as she tucked her legs under herself and rested on her knees looking Fang in the eye.

"I'm ready," she whispered to the animal unsure if it understood her at all. Fang's pupils dilated as he watched the human position herself on the bed in the dark. "I know what you want," Amanda continued, "Take it. Take me." She could still feel the heat of the smilodon's seed in her body, the warmth radiating smoothly throughout her. She was his to do with as he pleased, she wanted this.

Fang moved in cautiously his great jaws parting as he neared letting the submissive human see inside. Between the two ivory fangs was a wide bed of pink tongue and blunt off-white teeth swimming in saliva. The back of his throat was a fleshy pink wall with a waiting black hole and a growing pool of drool. Amanda leaned forward, resting her hands on her knees, and offered herself to the primordial predator, his breath hot on her face as Fang accepted her gift.

The smilodon's maw glomped over her head swiftly his enormous muzzle taking in her head and shoulders in a single swift motion. Fang's long curved teeth hooked underneath her arms, locking her head in his maw. His rough tongue pressed against her face and she gasped in surprise as he licked her, smearing her with the thick drool and dampening her hair against her head. Fang quickly snapped forward, pulling more of the docile human into his maw and pressing her face against the puckered hole at the beginning of his throat.

Fang's tongue caressed along her breasts as her face was buried in the pool of slimy drool that had gathered at the back of his throat. The predator held the slender human there in his jaws, savoring the complex and exotic tastes that filled his mouth. She was robust and hearty, not unlike fresh lamb, her skin so carefully cared for with crèmes and ointments that she was supple and tender beyond the feline's dreams. The cat began to purr as his tongue roved over Amanda's body, the undulating waves of the muscle teasing her breasts and reviving the heat between her legs.

With a more modest gulp Fang swallowed Amanda's head fully, plunging the woman into a wet, hot, darkness as he toned belly and narrow waist slipped into the smilodon's mouth. Again the feline paused to savor her, his tongue slipping down her firm abs and along her mons pubis, the cat purring in approval. Amanda could feel her nether's burning in desire as Fang raised his head and lifted her wholesale from the bed, her legs dangling helplessly from his muzzle, held in place by the great sabre-like fangs.

Fang's tongue slipped along her body, the rough texture teasing her as he tasted her, and he tucked it up between her legs and along her slit. His tongue held her nethers where he tasted their combine sexual juices that dribbled from her recently and well used pussy. He swallowed again and a great lump formed in his throat as the first third of Amanda disappeared into the dark of his throat. The powerful peristaltic muscles gripped her head and shoulders and aided the predatory beast in this final struggle. Coated now from head to waist in the thick, heady saliva of the animal she slipped effortlessly down his throat. Her finely toned legs that she was so proud of slurped up by the big cat like little more than dangling noodles.

Amanda could not see anything but she could feel the exquisite sensation of being swallowed whole. Her arms were pinned to her sides as she helpless slide into Fang's gullet. All around her a tunnel of dark pink muscle pressed down on her pushing her deeper and deeper in until with surprising suddenness it opened out into a fleshy pouch. Fang gulped the last of the human down, her feet slipping along his tongue and into the darkness, a satisfied sigh escaping his feline mouth. The human had been delicious.

Amanda slipped into the belly of the beast, the mighty muscles of it pressing and pushing against her until she was curled into a ball. The walls pressed in around her like as she bathed in the warm, wet room. Fang seemed pleased with his swollen belly and he stood, almost proudly, on the bed where the human once sat. No sign of her remained save a spattering of drool and cum and the smilodon's bloated abdomen. Fang trotted happily to where the human had artfully arranged the pillows on her bed and flopped unceremoniously on the silk cushions. He was full and finally satisfied, all he wanted was to rest and enjoy the feeling of being stuffed full of succulent human.

Inside him Amanda relished her surrender, her hand found its way to her clit more than one time. She knew there was no escape, no hope of resistance; the only thing to do was submit and enjoy the ride. True, the added knowledge that Fang was designed to regurgitate her after about two hours gave her comfort that she was not really going to die but it also meant that this game was far from over. She'd get to play it again and again and again. As Amanda rested her head against the gently squeezing side of Fang's stomach she sighed contentedly. It was good to know she was so satisfying.

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