Drew and His Captors Part 1

Story by Thirdeye on SoFurry

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#1 of Drew and His Captors

Hello all. This story is the start of a short series I am planning and so this piece has a longer than usual build up of characters, locations, plot, etc. But no worries, there is still some dirtiness. The story is about a scientist captured by anthros in a world where the two are at war, with sexy results.

The sound of gun fire penetrated through Drew's hands which were clamped over his ears as he cowered behind the lab table. He could hear the sound of explosions, gun shots, screaming, and pain. They were attacking and from the sounds of it, they were winning. Drew had long feared this day would come as he sat on the cold tile floor in the white and chrome laboratory. He was a scientist, a geneticist specifically, and he was part of a project designed to help control the human-animal Hybrids that had risen up in revolt some thirty years ago.

The project had begun innocently enough. Human/animal hybridization was originally for medical purposes to mimic animal healing, vision, hearing, and the like. However it did not take long for the work to become nearly exclusively to military and slavery like applications. Bull-men, lion-men on the front lines, cheetah-men running as scouts, horse-men for manual labor, dogs and cats as household slaves, and the list went on. The first generations were controllable, if only because their life spans were short and their mental faculties not fully human. The second generation was more advanced but it was not until the third that were the most humanlike that they rose up. Like Mamluks and Janissaries of old, a whole society built solely for war attacked their masters who slept unprepared.

Drew, at twenty six, had only lived during times of conflict and was a prodigy of genetic therapies and modification. Drew and his lab worked in secret on making genetic processes that would sedate the hybrids, make them controllable, or failing that kill them. His lab was far into lands still held by humans but as the building shook from an explosion and flakes of dust fell from the ceiling onto him he reasoned it was clearly not far enough in.

Bile rose in Drew's throat and he choked on it as he held three shots just outside his door and a loud thump. Drew mouthed "Henry!" as he knew the last of his security team stood by that door trying to protect him. He could hear the sound of movement on the other side of the door and faint voices. The door rattled against its frame as someone attempted to open it only to find it locked followed by a terrible lingering silence. Drew curled into a tighter ball pulling his lab coat around him straining to hold back tears his black hair falling into his face as he hid.

CRACK CRACK. Drew whimpered as the lock to the door exploded outward as it was shot and the door swung open with violent speed. Time slowed for the scientist as he heard feet coming into the room and one inhuman voice call out "Hands up! Hands up or I shoot!" Drew threw his hand up as two figures came around the table one on each side. In front of him stood a female human-rabbit hybrid, she stood little more than five feet tall, was covered in dusty gray fur from head to toe, with distinctive long lop-like rabbit ears hanging down her back, reverse ankles and large rabbit feet. She was wearing a skin tight black Special Forces outfit that traced the athletic shape of her body with a small hole for her fluffy triangle tail. Across her chest and sizable breasts was a rifle in tactical webbing, the straps of which accentuated her cleavage, she held the rifle pointed at the human. The rabbit had a face that in different circumstances would be cute, with a small twitching pink nose, whiskers, and bright blue eyes but her brow was furrowed and her lips curled into an inhuman snarl.

Behind Drew was a female jaguar-human hybrid. Taller than the rabbit, she stood close to six feet tall, covered in golden yellow fur and black rosettes with a white belly, she wore a similar skin tight black suit with a hole for her long sweeping black and yellow tail. The jaguar snarled at the human as well with golden orange eyes and Drew noted a broken fang among her terrifyingly sharp ivory teeth. "NAME AND RANK!" the jaguar growled at the human, flecks of spittle flying in her battle rage.

In his terror Drew forgot his own name for a moment. "Uh uh..." he stammered as the jaguar adjusted her aim to point squarely at the human's chest. "Drew! Drew Folcan! I'm a scientist! A... a geneticist! Unit... unit 18!"

The rabbit nimbly pressed a button on her shoulder, never letting her rifle aim waiver, "We found one. Folcan, Drew. Unit 18." The rabbit waited, her blue eyes watching the human closely before she nodded to an unseen voice. "Listen up, human," she said matter-of-factly "you are now our prisoner. Hands behind your back, no sudden moves, and you'll survive this. Lucky for you, we need you."

Drew stammered in confusion as the jaguar grabbed his arms and roughly pulled them behind his back. He yelped in surprise and pain as the one fanged muzzle of the feline moved beside his ear. He could hear her breath and felt the warmth of her as she tied his arms behind his back with the zip and click of plastic ties that bit into his wrists. "Resist and I'll break you," she whispered to him. "And I'll enjoy it."

The carnage Drew witnessed as his captors lead him from the ruined lab nearly made him vomit. The security captain, Henry, laid dead at the foot of his lab door, two bullets in his chest and one in his head, his blood pooling beneath his lifeless body. The other soldiers that had guarded the lab were scattered like rag dolls, some shot, some torn apart with explosives, and as they neared the entrance Drew spied one who it looked like had their throat torn out by a wild animal. A large, black, windowless van idled in front of the building, several bullet holes marring its otherwise smooth surface.

The two hybrids moved quickly, precisely, and with great caution across the open ground between building and van. The sliding door to the van opened as they neared and Drew was thrown unceremoniously into the darkness landing on his stomach with a thump that knocked the wind from him. The two hybrids scrambled in, the jaguar taking the passenger seat and the rabbit climbing into the back with him. Drew looked past the rabbit as the door slide shut, the last wink of sunlight disappearing taking his last hope for escape with it.

The van sped off, a third hybrid sat at the driver's seat. From his position on the floor Drew could not see the driver well but guess she was some sort of rodent from the silhouette of her head. The rabbit tapped her shoulder again, "We're clear with the cargo." She paused. "Roger that. Take us back to base, Elektra."

"Yes, ma'am!" squeaked the driver.

The rabbit sat on the bench that lined one side of the van, leaving Drew lying on his stomach with his hands tied behind his back. He strained to look around as his eyes acclimated to the dark. The rabbit hybrid seemed much more relaxed now, though she still held her rifle aimed at him. She sat calmly watching the human as Drew tried not to be sick on the floor.

From the human's point of view he could see clearly the power contained in the lapin's body. She had thick, strong legs that ended in broad rabbit paws. Her bright blue eyes seemed to have no trouble seeing in the dark and Drew was confident that her large ears, which hung to the small of her back, were not purely for show. They rode in silence, every bump in the road making Drew feel sicker as he bounced against the dirty steel floor. Finally the jaguar sitting in the front spoke up.

"I don't like it," she said.

The rabbit rolled her eyes and shifted in her seat, one large foot settling inches from the human's face. "You don't have to. We have orders."

"They're bullshit orders," growled the big cat.

"That's not for us to decide," the rabbit said tersely.

"We should have just said he died in the fire fight. Better that way," the jaguar continued.

The rabbit sighed. "Enough, that's an order."

A faint growl rolled from the front seat. "Yes, ma'am."

The rabbit looked down at Drew. "You, Folcan. You are a doctor, right?"

Drew strained to look up. "Yes."

"Good. As I was saying, Doctor Folcan, you are a prisoner of the Hybrid Liberation Front. You will be treated fairly so long as you comply and do as I order. So long as you obey you'll be fine."

"O...okay," Drew said straining to look up at the rabbit, "what am I going to be doing?"

"You are from Unit 18. You were working on the genetics of my people?"

Drew swallowed a lump, "Y... yes..."

"You are going to fix the flaws our genetics. Can you do that?" the rabbit's finger slipped along the side of her gun and traced the safety switch.

"I... I mean... maybe. For Third or Fourth Gens... I don't know about before..." he answered hurriedly.

The rabbit nodded. "Good enough. From here on you'll address me as Artemis." She nodded at the jaguar, "She is Nemesis and her," she nodded toward the driver, "she's Elektra. Are we clear?"

"Yes... yes, Artemis."

"Good. We'll be watching over you in your new home. So don't forget your manners."

Drew was surprised by the quality of the lab facilities. The building, hidden in an underground bunker far behind Hybrid lines, was well equipped, well appointed, and well secured. The lab had genetic scanners, augmenters, reprocessors, state of the art sequencing equipment, and computer modeling programs. Drew was simultaneously impressed and scared as he surveyed the equipment as he was marched through the bunker. The Hybrids were better supplied than commonly believed and he feared more knowledgeable about the human-implanted genetic limitations than was assumed. It also meant he had enough equipment to do the job they asked of him which while good in that it would protect Drew, he worried what unlimited Hybrids could do to the rest of humanity.

Artemis lead Drew his living quarters. His living quarters were Spartan but tolerable with a relatively comfortable bed and space for him to spread out his books and gear. The lapin removed the cuffs, letting the human rub his sore wrists and look about. Everything would be under lock and key at all times and Artemis announced she would personally control the keys but he was largely free to do as he pleased so long as work was being done.

The three hybrids had adjacent living quarters to the human's. Artemis' were across the hall from Drew's with Nemesis and Elektra on either side. The bunker had a shared toilet and shower which made Drew slightly uncomfortable and a nice galley for cooking, a common room with television, and an exercise room with a number of heavy weights, punching bags, and fitness equipment clearly used with some regularity. The bunker was tightly sealed and self-contained with the only access out being through the garage or a set of blast doors, both of which were locked. There was no means of escape and all four knew that the human had no chance of overpowering any of the hybrids. He was here to stay.

Drew looked about his new quarters; he found the bluish-gray paint that uniformly covered all the walls particularly drab but it was all serviceable. He sat on the edge of the bed and frowned at the firm mattress and thin sheets as Artemis stepped into the door frame holding a large green duffle bag. The mission over the lapin had changed into more casual clothes, a pair of camo shorts and an olive green sports bra that showed off her toned legs, abs, and arms as well as the swell of her breasts. She tossed the duffle bag into the room.

"There are clothes, toiletries, vitamins, and other necessities in there. Get settled, get something to eat, and rest. You start work tomorrow." She pronounced without pomp. Artemis turned to leave, her fluffy tail poking over the edge of her shorts which held snuggly on her round, toned ass. "Oh and we live differently than you humans do. You'll have to adjust."

"What do you mean?" Drew asked.

Artemis chuckled as she walked off, "You'll see."

Drew blinked in confusion and shrugged off the cryptic warning as he unloaded the duffle bag to find a change of clothes. Inside were a few simple t-shirts and pants as well as boxers, socks, and new shoes. They looked like they had all been stolen or more likely looted from a mall somewhere judging by the motley collection of logos and unrelated brands. As the human contemplated the odd collection of clothes the smell of cooking food wafted into his room and his stomach growled in reply. Quickly donning a pair of black pants and a white t-shirt he headed to the galley, hungry and slightly worried about what the Hybrid's ate.

The galley was simply yet effectively equipped. A stove, microwave, fridge, and hot plate were all they had to work with and as Drew stepped in he saw that all three of the Hybrids were already there. Artemis sat at a table in the corner looking over some documents on a tablet, a serious look on her face. The rodent, Elektra, sat on a stool opposite the cooking area chatting merrily with Nemesis as she fried something on the stove. Elektra was a rat-hybrid with the long muzzle, round ears, bald tail, and dexterous paws of a domestic rat. She had short brown, white, and gray fur covering her body in haphazard patterns like spattered paint and an assortment of earrings and piercings lining her ears, lips, and nose that dangled and rattled as she moved her head.

Like the others she was well-toned and athletically built but most attention grabbing for Drew was that she was only wearing a yellow cami-style shirt that hung off her shoulder barely covering her ample breasts and nothing else. Elektra sat facing the door, leaning forward as she chatted with Nemesis giving Drew a clean view of her brown and white furred cleavage and letting his eyes follow the line of her toned legs to the cleft where she sat, her womanhood hidden by a small shadow. Drew averted his eyes from the semi-nude rodent only to turn to see the jaguar-hybrid standing in the kitchen holding a skillet entirely nude.

Nemesis's yellow and black spotted body was entirely bare before Drew's eyes. Were the others were toned, Nemesis' body was that of a professional athlete, weightlifter, and warrior. Beneath her fur and skin rolled powerful muscles, every inch of her body designed for efficiency and strength. There was not even a single scrap of fat on her body and Nemesis' hide traced out every defined muscle boldly which combined with her animalistic face gave the female a feral, dangerous look.

"WHAT?" the jaguar growled when she saw the human looking over her body, his attention lingering on her smallish, perky breasts and thickly muscled thighs.

Drew turned his face away as he blushed.

Elektra let out a giggle, clapping her pink paws over her pierced muzzle. The jaguar shot her a withering look follow by a feline hiss.

"I'm sorry," Drew started.

"Well I'm not," Nemesis snarled back interrupting the human her making no attempt to cover her nudity or her exposed privates. "Clothes are a stupid human... thing... I hate them. If you don't like it to fucking bad. I'm not wearing them just because a stupid human is around."

"No, I..." Drew stammered but stopped before he said anything inappropriate or looked to intently as her body.

"Oh, I think he likes it alright!" the rat squeaked mirthfully stifling a laugh. "Look at him blush! I love it when humans do that! It's so cute!"

Nemesis made a disgusted expression and snarled at the embarrassed human. "I hope you can eat spicy food. I'm not making you anything different."

"I... no, well, yes... I like spicy food..." Drew said as he shifted from foot to foot in the doorway, not entirely sure what to do. There was a frank casualness to his capture that unnerved him and somehow the leisurely attitude the Hybrids had to their nakedness only unsettled the human more. It was as though his compliance was so assured, his surrender so complete, that nothing more needed to be said or be done. It was simply fact: Drew Folcan was a prisoner and everyone had to live with that.

Elektra swung her pink tail behind her as she beamed a cheery smile at the bewildered human. "Well, come in. You might as well. You can't eat in the hall. And Nemesis only bites sometimes! Or if you ask!" The rodent's smile broadened and her two front incisors protruded from her pierced lips.

The jaguar snorted as she turned around to throw meat into the hot skillet, the sizzling sounds and smell of seared meat suddenly making Drew very hungry. Her back turned Drew dared another glance at the feline both amazed and terrified by the detailed cut of muscles down her back, the incredible tightness of her buttocks, and the power in her legs all covered in delicate, soft looking yellow and black fur. Drew hesitantly stepped into the room and moved to take a seat opposite Artemis and safely away from the cooking feline.

Artemis glanced up from her tablet, her blue eyes twinkling with amusement at the human's discomfort with the nudity of her fellow soldiers, before she returned to her reading. Elektra turned on the stool and resting her paws on her knees leaned forward to talk to the human, her bosom almost spilling from her loose shirt.

"So you're a doctor?" the ratgirl asked.

"A geneticist, yes," Drew said as he struggled to look up from her breasts and the intricate patterns of warm brown and crème white spots on them to her brown eyes.

If Elektra caught the human eyeing her bosom she made no sign of it, "Neat! So you can fix the problem with our bodies shutting down as we age? And the vitamin processing? And the fact that 95% of us are born female?"

Drew swallowed again, "I... maybe... but I mean... that was... well..." he stammered as the eyes of all three Hybrids fell on him. He squirmed uncomfortably under their combine gaze as his mind raced. What was he to say? He probably could fix it but he wasn't sure he should all of those defects were designed to control their population to protect humanity. Would they kill him if he refused? Hurt him? So far he was unharmed, would he stay that way if he refused? What would happen if he did fix it? They wouldn't need him anymore, would they kill him? Would they let him go? Would they force him to make them even stronger? The human chewed his lip in anxiety as he struggled to answer the curious rodent. "Uh... well... I think maybe..."

Artemis interrupted his stuttering. "Dinner is almost ready, Dr. Folcan, Elektra, get out the plates and silverware. No more talk of genetics for the evening, the Doctor has had dealt with enough today."

The ratgirl bounced off her stool with a squeak. "Yes, ma'am!" she chirped as she zipped around the cooking jaguar to gather plates which she passed to the still baffled and terrified human. "Go put these on the table," she instructed. Drew nodded dumbly and followed her orders finally numb from the confusing day, confused but appreciative of the rabbit's intervention.

Nemesis it turned out, to Drew's shock, was a surprisingly good cook and the human busied himself with the excuse of eating to avoid any further awkward conversation. He kept his eyes pointedly on his food so they did not stray to the nude or semi-nude bodies of any of his captors. The three Hyrbids ate in equal quiet though seemingly more from simple hunger than discomfort, their general ease with the situation only heightening Drew's discomfort. Quickly and with practiced efficiency the dishes were scrubbed, the kitchen cleaned, and Artemis ordered everyone to bed.

As Drew climbed into the unfamiliar bed and looked at the blue-gray walls and Spartan furnishings he let out a long sigh. Whatever was he going to do now that he was a prisoner? And worse, why were they so nice to him? Was it a trick to make him compliant? Was it possible that the Hybrids had the same capacity for kindness humans did? As the fog of sleep slowly over took him his final thought was that at least they were rather attractive... wait... what?

The next morning Drew woke to the sound of clanging metal echoing through the bare halls of the compound. Bleary eyed and confused Drew staggered out of his room forgetting he was just in his pants to find the source of the sound. Another resounding clang and he peered into the far room where he spied the jaguar-hybrid, still completely nude, working out. The ringing metal clang the sound of the tremendous weights she was lifting falling back into place with each rep. Drew knew Hybrids were stronger than humans but he could not help but gawk as the feline bench pressed 400lbs of weight with a snarl across her muzzle and a roar of triumph with each rep.

Drew's eyes were transfixed watching Nemesis' powerful body ripple as she worked out; focused entirely on her weights she never noticed the human gawking. Her smallish, perky breasts stood out on her chest as the only softness on her body as the muscles on her chest and arms strained against the weights. Her tongue lolled from her mouth as she panted from the labor, her tail lashing in strain and excitement. Her powerful abs easily visible even through her smooth, white belly fur and Drew's eyes wandered over her body in a mix of scientific curiosity, lust, and fright.

Drew, fixated on the muscular feline, he did not hear the nearly silent padding of feet coming up behind him until a pierced muzzle slipped beside his ear and whispered in his ear.

"Moring, Cutie!" the rat chimed. Drew reflexively jumped as Elektra giggled and gave him a playful swat on the rear, making him blush and suddenly become very aware that he was not wearing a shirt. "She's beautiful in her own way, isn't she?" she whispered in the human's ear looking past him at the jaguar. Elektra smiled broadly at the human, showing off her large incisors. She was wearing a white lab coat with only two buttons closed in the middle and nothing underneath it or below it much like the evening before. The white coat did little to hide her attractive body and Drew's eyes instinctively flicked over her ample cleavage and along the mottled fur of her thighs.

"I was just seeing what the noise was!" he said defensively.

Elektra smirked, her whiskers bobbing, "And liking what you found?" she gestured at the human's pants which had tented suggestively. Drew blushed brightly making the rodent girl giggle as she lead the human away from the gym before Nemesis noticed. "Don't worry about it!" she said, "it's natural. Now we should get to the lab and get everything going before Artemis finds us slacking off and ogling Nemesis!"

"We?" Drew said as the red in his cheeks slowly faded.

The rodent nodded the piercings in her ears jangling against one another. "Yup! I do all the technical and mechanical work. And all the driving. And all the maintenance... and I'm going to be helping you in the lab. Oh! And I like to think I keep morale up!" she bounced on her heels as she spoke making Drew's eyes dart down to her chest as her breasts bounced precariously close to escaping the minimally buttoned lab coat. Elektra's browns eyes in turn strayed over the bare-chested human which made the human blush yet again.

"Well... I need to get dressed then..." Drew stammered as he slipped around the ratgirl to head back to his room.

"You don't have to," Elektra replied her pink tail swinging behind her with a wink as she watched the human hurry off. "We don't care about clothes, you know!" The corner of her lips teased at a smirk as Drew darted out of sight into his room.

A few minutes later, and a fresh change of clothes, Drew entered the lab to see what needed to be done. Elektra had busied herself turning on the computers and machinery, humming a song to herself as she went. Drew came into the room as she bent over to adjust a machine, her lab coat pulling up her back flashing the human a complete view of her tight, firm ass, her fur made a black and white heart along the tops of her cheeks the point sliding down to her womanhood. Her pink tail moved aside, perhaps not by accident, letting the human see her pink lips for a brief moment before she stood up.

"We're all set!" the rat chirped as machines hummed to life around her. "What do you think?"

A great sense of familiarity and comfort came over Drew as he looked at the lab with all its equipment and devices. This was where he felt the most comfortable in the world, in a lab working on machines and with genetic codes that were far divorced from the subjects they came from. Being forced to interact with Hybrids whose genetic codes he had manipulated for years made him uncomfortable, the professional distance he had maintained was gone. To make matters worse, Elektra watched him from across the lab table, her brown eyes watching him for a response, an expectant hopeful sparkle in them, and looking very attractive.

"It's wonderful," Drew replied and Elektra smiled cheerily.

The human and the rat-hybrid worked through the morning stopping for a short lunch before resuming their labors. Many of the machines needed calibration, reference materials, and other preparation done before they could even be used for genetics research. In the windowless bunker it was difficult to tell how much time passed though through the whole process Elektra proved a font of conversation. Finally Drew set one of the last machines to calibrate and leaned back against the lab table with a sigh. The machine's digital display showed a countdown of an hour before it would be ready for use.

"That's the last one," Drew breathed as he idly scratched his head.

Elektra came over and leaned against the lab table beside him, her lab coat somehow transitioning from two buttons done to only one. "We got a lot done!" she said perkily, "I'm ready for a break."

Drew nodded in weary agreement, his tired eyes drifting down the rat's curvy body before settling on the floor and her pink dexterous feet. The human smelled a strange scent in the air but dismissed it as something in the lab.

"I know how we could relax and blow off a little steam," Elektra said, her round ears perking up making her numerous earrings jingle.

"Oh?" Drew said.

Elektra undid the last button her lab coat and let the white top slide off her shoulders to the floor. Though she had always been partially nude the suddenness of her full nudity surprised Drew. The spots of black, white, gray, and brown over her athletic body lured his eyes into exploring her in her sensual fullness. Ample, soft breasts, smooth belly, wide hips, sensual thighs, soft mound, and tight ass; she was a very desirable woman. Drew gawked wordlessly as the ratgirl pressed her body against him, the strange smell he noticed from before wafting from her body made his head swim. With a quiet squeak, Elektra slipped one hand behind his head to pull him into a kiss and the other hand slipped into his pants seekingly.

The ratgirl pressed her thin, rodent lips against the human's lips and kissed him. Stunned and confused Drew hesitated a moment before reciprocating, for reasons beyond his ability to explain suddenly desiring this more than anything else. Elektra's other hand closed around his cock, gently stroking him inside his pants, her palm silky and soft. Drew's hands quickly found Elektra's breasts and lustily wrapped around them, her nipples resting in his palms as he gently squeezed her. The rodent Hybrid shuddered in pleasure, a squeak of delight escaping her lips as the human fondled her and she groped him.

Drew lustily kissed Elektra's neck and shoulders the combination of firm flesh and soft fur was foreign but delightful. His hands hungrily gripped her breasts, until his hands ran down her soft belly, caressed the curve of her waist, squeeze her buttocks, and teased along her womanhood. Like a man possessed, the human explored the ratgirl who writhed in his arms moaning and squeaking out her delight. Drew's lips kissed down her neckline to her chest as he knelt before the spotted rat. He kissed her breasts, his tongue teasing over her hardened nipples making Elektra tremor and moan. His hand cupped her shapely behind as he gently held one nipple in his teeth making the rodent squeal. The human continued on his lips grazing her belly and down to her bare womanhood.

Already Drew could smell more of the strange, intoxicating scent coming from her as he moved down her body and he could see her arousal. The fur around her nethers was wet and as he lowered his face so that his mouth was against her tenderness he too groaned in delight. Her pussy was swollen and moist, a bead of liquid already slipping down her leg as the human pressed his lips to her, his tongue sliding along her slit separating fur and flesh in a tingling exploration. Elektra shuddered and rested her paw-like hands on his head, guiding the human to the exact spot she most desired. Her tail lashed wildly behind her sending a clipboard crashing to the floor but neither noticed as Drew drew long slow licks along her silky slit making sure to drag his tongue across her sensitive button.

Elektra squeaked and moan in pleasure as the human's tongue probed and teased her. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her ears shook as she ground her hips into the human's face. Drew luxuriated in the soft fur, firm body, and delicious taste of the rodent. His hands gripped her buttocks and thighs as he worked until he felt her body spasm, her tail snap straight, and a strained squeak escape her lips. Elektra's hands pressed his head into her nethers as she orgasmed, her breath coming in ragged panting as the human eagerly licked her clean as she came.

While the ratgirl was recovering Drew stood up and quickly disrobed, his erect cock bouncing free as his pants and boxers were tossed aside. Drew reached out and wrapped his arms around Elektra, pressed his lips to her pierced muzzle her juices still on his lips and guided her to lie on her lab coat on the floor. Elektra complied with a squeak of excitement. Drew laid himself on top of the rodent propping himself on his arms and kissing her neck and shoulders enthusiastically as she spread her legs, knees up, in invitation. The extremely aroused human wasted no time and placed his hard, erect cock against her wet and ready slit and pressed him into her silky, warm body.

Both Drew and Elektra let out passionate moans as the human hilted himself in the ratgirl's body. Her passage squeezed down on the human in a carnal embrace making Drew moan at Elektra's tightness. His body pressed against hers he could feel the alluring mix of softness, power, smoothness, and coarseness that made up her form. Her soft breasts pressed against his chest, her fur tickled his whole body, her strong legs squeezed his sides, and her dexterous hands stroked his back, while her head was thrown back in the heat of the passion. Drew thrust into her body, pulled back, and thrust again. Each thrust making her body quake and the rodent squeak as the human filled with his smooth, hot shaft.

Were it not for the machine's digital timer ticking away the seconds neither would have had any clue time was passing, they were so enraptured with their feel of their bodies colliding and rolling and heaving together. The rodent's silky inner passages wrapped around Drew and squeezed him enthusiastically. Elektra was stunningly tight so much so that the human wondered if this was natural or the rodent was a virgin but he could not find the time to ask as his lips were too busy kissing Elektra's face, neck, and shoulders. As he thrust into she would press her hips back against him, hilting him until his balls pressed against her.

Drew's body started to ache from a combination of need and exhaustion. He could feel his body edging to climax as he kissed, caressed, and fucked Elektra. The rodent too felt the building heat of a second orgasm growing in her as the human took her wrists and held them to the floor over her head and pounded himself into her. The ratgirl arched her back into the human as he held her down, her pink tail lashing underneath them like a metronome in time with their carnal pleasures.

"Elektra," Drew wheezed as he neared the end, his dick throbbing in preparation. The ratgirl squeezed down around him with a meek squeak as she felt him jerk inside her preparing to explode. She wanted to feel the human fill her and her body gripped his cock in response. Drew let out a loud carnal groan as he climaxed, his cock unleashing its load into the spotted rodent's womb. He felt himself drain his body into hers, his seed spattering and filling her as his cock jerked inside her body again and again. Elektra gasped in erotic delight as she felt the heat of the human's cum inside her, pushing her over the edge of her climax as well. Her body gripped the human in an instinctual desire to gather every drop of potent seed, her knees squeezed his sides as her pussy squeezed his cock.

The pair jerked, moaned, and squirmed in the final throes of their passion until Drew, utterly exhausted, nearly collapsed on the rodent. The spent human rolled to the side, his cock slipping from the warm embrace of the rat, to stare at the ceiling in a confused but happy afterglow. Elektra cuddled against him, resting a paw and her muzzle on his chest. Drew took several long, slow breaths as his sense slowly returned to him.

He turned to look at the rodent, her fur mused and wet with sweat and cum. Her brown eyes looked into his and she smiled sweetly.

"I... I don't know what came over me," Drew said quietly.

Elektra traced a line down his chest with one hand idly. "Yeah, I should have warned you about that..." she said.

"About what?" Drew said his eyebrows rising in curiosity.

"Pheromones," Elektra replied.

"Pheromones?" Drew repeated disbelievingly. The human paused as he pondered this new information. "The others... do they?" he asked warily.

Elektra looked up at him from her position on his chest, "Yes."

The human swallowed a familiar lump in his throat. "Oh my..." the human started but before he could say anything else he noticed a figure in the doorway to the lab.

Artemis stood in the door looking in an impatient expression on her lapin face. "Are you two quite done? We need this equipment up and running."

Elektra hopped to attention a small rivulet of cum and sexual juices tracing down her leg. "Almost, ma'am!" she replied.

Artemis' blue eyes survey the room slowly. Drew was developing a large hickie on his neck, Elektra's fur was matted between her legs, the room smelled of sex and sweat, but the machines were all online, the final calibrations were finishing on time. The grey furred rabbit gave Drew an inscrutable look before she looked back to the rat. "Good. Finish up and go take a shower, both of you. That's an order." She turned to leave but stopped and looked back over her shoulder. "Take them separately, the drains were just cleaned and I don't want to deal with it."

Drew blushed a deep red.

Elektra said, "Yes, ma'am!" and glanced at the human. "Oh, he's doing it again! It's so cute!"

Artemis smirked despite herself as she walked off down the hall. She now knew for sure that the human was susceptible to their pheromones. Her broad rabbit feet padding along the hallway silently and she smiled to herself. The home office would appreciate this new information and it meant that this assignment just got much more interesting.


Drew and His Captors Part 2: Animals in the Night

Drew and His Captors Part 2: Animals in the Night Drew pressed his eye to the microscope's eye piece, his black hair falling down around the device tickling his cheeks. The human geneticist watched the cells absorb the chemical bath he had placed...

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Syntha-Pets (LLC)

Syntha-Pets (LLC) for all your custom creature needs! All created in a professional, discrete, non-judgmental environment! Onyx is a Drake-FACVC model, standing for Fully Anatomically Correct-Vore Capable. He appears to be a large, wingless dragon...

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Jason and Nikki

Jason sat in a small, unlit room typing away at the keyboard, the clicking of the keys echoing off the fake wood paneling of the basement office. He let out a frustrated sigh as he put in the last entries and set the document to print from the dusty,...

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