Drew and His Captors Part 2: Animals in the Night

Story by Thirdeye on SoFurry

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#2 of Drew and His Captors

This is part 2 of my Drew series. This chapter contains bondage, D/s content, very rough sex, choking, and other kinky shit. If this is not your cup of tea come back for later chapters and odds are good it will be over. This picks up more or less where the last chapter ends with our poor little scientist held captive in a bunker with three anthro females. More entries in this series are planned.

Drew and His Captors Part 2: Animals in the Night

Drew pressed his eye to the microscope's eye piece, his black hair falling down around the device tickling his cheeks. The human geneticist watched the cells absorb the chemical bath he had placed them in anxiously. The hybridized cells, one of many samples that he had been given, had signs of genetic degeneration which Drew hoped to halt and maybe even reverse. The cells shuddered before his eyes as their membranes failed and expired.

"Fuck," Drew swore as he pushed the microscope away and rubbed his forehead pushing his black hair behind his ears. Two pink, dexterous hands gripped his shoulders and gave him a reassuring squeeze.

"Don't worry, Cutie," Elektra, the rat-hybrid, said as she massaged the tense human's shoulders. "You'll get it yet." She smiled disarmingly, her long rodent muzzle lined in piercings which curled up with her lips in a grin.

In the two weeks since Drew had been stolen away from his military lab he had come to value the rat's companionship in the small bunker. She was technically skilled at much of the day to day lab work which was very useful and she was physically quite attractive. Her refusal to wear pants and her preference for low cut tops that showed off her ample breasts only highlighted that trait. The two had been intimate a number of times as a means to blow off steam from the tedious work of genetic experiments but more than any of that Drew had come to value her cheerful spirit and friendly nature.

The other two hybrids he shared space with were quite unlike the jovial rat. Nemesis the jaguar was gruff and taciturn, rarely even acknowledging the human's existence as she spent countless hours in the small gymnasium pushing her genetically enhanced body to inhuman limits. By design she was a powerful human-jaguar hybrid but her dedication to her physique had transformed her into a Greco-Roman statuesque warrior. Every inch of her feline body was carved out of muscle and there seemed to be no hint of fat or tenderness to her. Nemesis treated the human at best as a nuisance or at worst as a threat. She was both terrifying and beautiful. However her disgust at human clothing and refusal to wear even the most meager of clothing made it difficult for Drew to avert his eyes when she was near and her spotted body was on display.

Artemis, the rabbit-hybrid, was the leader of the troupe and kept largely to herself. The gray furred lapin was the most level headed of the group and she remained aloof of the daily affairs of the bunker. She was the only hybrid who wore a full set of clothing and Drew found her presence to be somewhat relieving. She was, by Drew's reckoning, the most human in her mannerisms and reminded Drew of any number of commanding officers he had known in his service in the human military. She treated Drew with respect but would rarely engage him in conversation outside of his work, progress, or future plans. Her bright blue eyes seemed to look through Drew and he found himself deferring to her leadership even though she was a hybrid.

The only concern that Drew had was that Artemis had caught him and Elektra having sex and she seemed strangely nonplussed by it. If anything Drew slightly suspected she had encouraged the outgoing rodent to keep the human sexually distracted. It seemed a strange suspicion and at times the human worried he was becoming paranoid but he had noticed several occasions now that shortly after he and Elektra fucked he would catch Artemis talking to her out of ear shot and then Artemis would take out the tablet computer she used and she would write some notes. Drew had never had the courage to ask about it or try to steal the tablet but he increasingly wondered if something else was afoot as it seemed unlike Artemis was tracking prurient details for fun.

Elektra leaned against the human as he sat at the lab table, her breasts pressed warmly against his back. Today, as was her norm, she had picked out an old band t-shirt to wear and nothing else. She wrapped her arms affectionately around the human's shoulder and nuzzled his jaw, her long whiskers tickling him.

"Why don't you put it down for the day and come... relax?" she said, trailing the fingers of one hand along his chest, a now familiar smell starting to fill the air around her.

"I would but I want to try one more..." Drew shook his head to try to ward off the effect of the rodent's potent pheromones. "Thing." He managed to say as he felt his mind grow hazy with a growing lust.

The smell faded away as the rodent unlaced her arms from his chest and gave a casual shrug. "Alright, if you want," she kissed the human on the head before turning on her pink toes and walking out of the lab. "I'm going to go relax for a bit myself. If you change your mind I'll be in the rec room!" she punctuated the sentence with a flick of her bald, pink tail and a cock of her curvy hips.

Drew took a deep breath once Elektra had left to clear his head. The powerful pheromones that the rodent had were a matter of growing curiosity for the human and he had, when he felt no one was looking, began to run a few tests on her DNA to try to locate the source of the pheromones. Drew discreetly opened the file where he had his notes on the subject and glanced over them adding a new note that Elektra seemed able to control if she was releasing the pheromones: they were not simply a natural response to her sexual excitement.

The human chewed the end of his pen while he pondered the matter. Drew's examinations of Elektra's genetic material had lead him to believe that his captors were a new generation or an off-shot of the last generation he was familiar with, perhaps manufactured by the Hybrids themselves or the result of interbreeding. The latter seemed unlikely as persons, not unlike Drew, had designed the Hybrids to be both sterile and overwhelmingly female.

The original theory had been that female Hybrids would be easier to control. That proved to be inaccurate but the few males that were made proved to be to strong so their creation was ceased. This meant that somewhere a small group of non-sterile males was breeding, they had developed their own means of genetic manipulation, or they were the results of a genetics project he knew nothing about. None of the possibilities made him feel very comfortable.

Drew rolled the pen in his mouth as he pondered. What did this all mean? If they could alter their own genetics why did they need him? Did they not understand enough to fix their genetic code themselves? Maybe they just needed a fresh pair of eyes? Maybe they hoped he knew some dark secrets? Maybe this was all a setup for something else? With a frustrated huff Drew bit down on the pen causing it to crack and explode blue ink across his lips and dribble down his chin. Instinctively he jumped up and dropped the pen with a muttered "Fuck!"

The human threw the pen in the trash and hurried to the bathroom to wash off the ink before he had blue lips for the next three days. He rushed to the sink and as he reached it on he realized he could hear someone talking down the hall. He froze with one hand on the faucet.

"Why me!" snarled the deep voice of Nemesis.

"You know why," Artemis replied in a measured tone. "This is part of our mission."

"Well I don't like it," the jaguar growled back.

"Elektra assures me it works just fine and he's proven himself quite capable," the lapin said.

Drew's face screwed up in confusion as he listened.

The jaguar scoffed loudly. "What does the rat know," Nemesis snapped.

"Enough," Artemis said, "you have your orders. I expect you to follow them."

Drew heard a defeated sigh followed by a growled "Yes, Ma'am."

"Oh don't be so dour. You just might enjoy yourself," the rabbit said somewhat flippantly as Drew heard her walk away from the jaguar.

The human stood at the sink looking at his blue stained lips in the mirror, confusion written across his face. What were they talking about? He was capable of what? Before he could think any further on the issue the human heard the sound of feet approaching the bathroom. He turned the dial on the sink and began to wash his face.

Artemis rounded the corner and stopped her crystal blue eyes lighting up with amusement. "What happened to you?" she asked the human, looking at his ink spattered lips.

"I was chewing a pen," Drew stammered as he wiped at his lips.

The lapin smirked, her short whiskers bobbing. "I see. Dinner is at 18:00, try not to be blue by then."

Drew nodded as the rabbit turned on her padded heels and walked away, her puffy tail flicking behind her. The human couldn't help but be drawn to the movement of her tail and then to her tight, round ass framed by the tight fabric of her olive drab shorts.

Dinner was a simple affair in the bunker. Food was cooked and then set out family style. The three Hybrids and one human ate their fill and clean up duty rotated amongst them. Tonight Nemesis was on clean up duty a fact which the nude jaguar fumed about throughout dinner.

"I have better things to do," the jaguar snarled as she gather the plates and roughly dropped them into the sink. "I have barely worked out today."

Elektra brought over a dirty pot and placed it beside the sink, "You were in the gym all day! You can afford a break to do some dishes. Gives other people time to use the gym too."

The jaguar harrumphed in reply as she snatched the pot up and dropped it into the sink with a splash and clang.

Drew thought to himself that Elektra made a good point. When was the last time he worked out? And for once he knew that the terrifying jaguar hybrid would not be in the gym. This would be the perfect opportunity to relax and do some badly needed exercise. The human dropped off his dishes and hurried to his room, Nemesis wouldn't take that long to do the dishes after all.

Drew changed into workout clothes quickly before he snuck into the gymnasium. It was a simple square room with the same bland blue-gray paint on the walls as the rest of the bunker. A surprisingly wide array of exercise equipment filled the room ranging from a treadmill, to a barbell bench, to a squat rack, a variety of loose weights, kettlebells, and bars for pull ups and more. All of the exercise equipment was immaculately cared for perhaps, Drew mused, because the Hybrids largely panted instead of sweat and Nemesis would not tolerate improper use of her tools.

As the human moved to gather a few weights to put on the bench press he noticed an odd smell in the air. It smelt, unsurprisingly, like a large cat but beneath the rather potent natural smell of the jaguar-hybrid was a musky, heavy smell. Drew struggled to place it as she sniffed the air, wondering if maybe Nemesis did actually sweat but he had never seen any signs of it on the bestial yet sensual hybrid. No, he pondered as he sniffed again, it was a wild smell, wholly unfamiliar, but oddly pleasant. Drew shrugged it off as he slipped on the weights and crawled onto the bench to begin his workout.

It felt good to work his muscles again after everything that had happened and Drew pumped the iron enthusiastically. A former military scientist he had been required to maintain a certain physical fitness level and the feeling of solid exercise had been habituated in him. The human lifted the heavy weights, his heart rate increasing, and his lungs taking in deep, full draws of the gymnasium air including whatever the source of the pungent smell was.

Finishing his chest exercises the human switched to the treadmill, determined to do some run off some stress. He felt extra vigorous today likely because he was just feeling good from the exercise, he reasoned. The sound of his feet thudding off the belt of the treadmill echoed in the small room along with the sound of his regular breathing as he took in yet more of the strangely scent air. Drew's nose tingled as he slowed to a walk to cool down, content with his workout. He glanced at the clock and was shocked to find that he had been exercising for over an hour and yet he still felt great. Great and kind of horny.

It was all a little odd but Drew wrote it off as simply a combination of stress and just needing some exercise. He wrapped an off white towel around his neck to dry his sweat as he decided to go take a shower before the evening meal was served. He turned to leave the gym but just as he was about to step through the doorway he hesitated and turned around to take one more extra long breath. The musky, animalistic odor filled his nose with its increasingly pleasant scent. Drew's nose and lungs tingled, his head felt murky taking in the air yet he couldn't help himself and for some reason he yearned to know what the source was.

Drew's head was still swimming as he left his room and began to walk down the bunker hall to the shower, his bare feet slapping on the bare floor. His stride slowed as he walked past Nemesis' door, his nose picking up a faint hint of the strange smell he smelt back in the gym even though the jaguar's door was closed. The human came to a stop in front of the door, not completely sure why he felt the strange need to stop here.

Without warning a peculiar impulse overtook the sweaty human and he knocked on the door. Suddenly aware of what he did he looked around in alarm prepared to run as the door swung open and the muscular frame of the jaguar hybrid filled the door frame. The feline's golden orange eyes glittered as she looked at the human her pupils narrow and her lips back in an expression somewhere between a grin and a grimace. Her one intact fang and one broken fang made the expression look slightly unhinged as she stood in the doorway. With the door open a rush of warm air blew over the surprised human with it came a heady blast of the heavy, musky odor from the gymnasium. Drew's legs felt weak and he wobbled unsteadily.

Nemesis grabbed the human by his shirt, her clawed fingers ripping into the fabric as she yanked the unsteady human into her room with ease. Drew stumbled past the threshold as Nemesis closed the door behind him and slide a latch into place locking the heavy door shut. Nemesis' room was painted the same dull blue gray as the rest of the bunker but the jaguar had taken the liberty of putting up a number of posters on the walls, all from various Death and Black Metal bands with gruesome images of corpses, blood, ravens, and demons on them. She had also unscrewed the majority of the lights leaving the room dim and shadowy making her eyes shine in the darkness. Through the haze in his mind Drew also noticed that her bed was larger than all the others and built of studier materials, likely to support her considerable weight, he assumed.

In the dim light Nemesis was in her element. Her powerful body was highlighted by the contrast of light and dark, the clefts of her muscles casting small shadows that picked out the definition and dedication the jaguar had to her form. Each one of her abs was visible beneath her white belly fur, her pectorals strong definition drew attention to her two pert breasts, the cords of her thighs strained just beneath her hide and yellow-black spotted pelt. Her ears were raised in attention, her nostrils flared as she took in the smells of the small room, her whiskers were pointed forward attentively, and her tail lashed behind her as she held the seemingly fragile human in one hand by his bunched up shirt.

Drew felt like he should have been terrified yet as he stared at Nemesis he felt oddly safe, even as her clawed hands ruined his shirt and sweat beaded on his brow. She looked at the moment like a vengeful angel, both beautiful and wrathful and wholly deserving of Drew's adoration. The human stood still, letting the mighty huntress look him over her gaze predatory and hungry. Drew heard his shirt tear as she tore it open to look at his chest, still pumped from his work out he looked more impressive and athletic than normal, something he hoped the jaguar both liked and appreciated.

Somewhere in Drew's mind he wondered why he was taking this all so well, he knew intellectually that something was wrong but those thoughts were overrun by the mounting desire to please and obey the jaguar hybrid. The human stood stone still as Nemesis examined him, her strong paws groped over his body roughly testing his chest, buttocks, and her claws leaving little red lines crisscrossing his body. She grabbed his crotch in a handful, kneading his genitals in her paw. Nemesis looked the human in the eyes, her muzzle inches from his face as she growled at him. "You're my bitch tonight. Got that?"

Without thinking Drew nodded as a weak "Yes, Mistress," squeaked out of his lips. He wasn't sure what inspired him to say that now why he could not bring himself to resist or even object to this rough, sexual attention. In fact, Nemesis threatening and demanding demeanor only made Drew happier because he knew it made her happy to see him submit.

"Undress," Nemesis commanded, "I fucking hate clothes." Drew hurriedly pulled off his pants and boxers, the athletic cat watched him appraisingly her slit pupil eyes scrutinizing his naked body and his semi-hard cock. "This is what the rat likes so much?" she huffed. "Turn around." Drew obeyed. Nemesis scoffed again. "You should spend less time in the lab and more in the gym," she said with a haughty tone. "You'll have to do," Nemesis growled her tail flicking in agitation.

"I'll do my best," Drew said eagerly the musky smell building in the small bedroom. The human shook his head to loosen the cobwebs. What did he just say?

"Shut up," Nemesis growled.

Before he could respond, the powerful jaguar stepped close to him and Nemesis' muzzle moved in to Drew's neck her orange eyes never ceasing to watch him as she sniffed his neck loudly, the musky smell of her body again flooding Drew's nose as she pulled him close. Her one fang brushed the human's soft, vulnerable neck as her rough tongue flicked out to run along his neck, the tiny hooks on it pricking at his skin as she tasted his sweat. Drew trembled as the jaguar's rough tongue teased along his throat and she opened her maw wide, fitting the human's neck easily in her mouth. He could feel the heat of her breath and the prick of her teeth on his skin.

A growling purr came from the big cat as the human's body tensed under her grasp, the muscles in Drew's neck clenching as her teeth grazed them. Nemesis let go of the human's neck and watched his shoulders drop in relief. Nemesis licked her lips, her feline tongue playing along her teeth folding back her whiskers as she did so. Drew shivered at the feral look in her eyes but remained still, just as she had ordered him to. Satisfied with his obedience and the taste of his sweat and fear Nemesis turned on her heels and stalked over to a large metal footlocker.

"Lie on the bed," she ordered as she opened the lid and bent over to look into it, giving the human a view of her tight ass, thighs, and her moist slit. As Drew complied her couldn't help but admire the dominate female's body, for all her ferocity and power she was still very sensual. Her straw yellow hide and spotted fur did little to hide the fact that underneath all the muscle and anger was a beautiful woman. Drew lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling, least he get caught ogling Nemesis and displease her. The yellow spotted cat soon came over and roughly grabbed the human by one arm. "Over your head," she growled.

Drew complied as the jaguar easily pulled one arm over his head and up to the simple metal bar that made the headrest of the bed. He felt her wrap something leathery around his wrist and cinched it tight. Drew gave it an experimental tug and, as he expected, found he could not move his wrist more than two inches. While Drew was distracted with the first wrist the jaguar climbed up onto the bed and straddled him, her sudden weight taking Drew by surprise and making him gasp as she sat on his abdomen.

Nemesis grabbed his second wrist and bound it to the railing as well and looked down at the restrained human. From this position Drew was given a new angle to view her, he could admire the comely shape her body made where her waist narrowed and bloomed into her feminine hips. He could see her perky small breasts better and admire the almost liquid, graceful flow of her movements as she tightened the restraints around his wrists. She grinned, a toothy maniacal expression, "Much better. Now here are the rules. You shut up and lie still until I'm done. You do what I say when I say it and nothing else. Got it?"

Drew nodded. The jaguar leaned forward, the muscles in her upper body flowing under her pelt as she moved, reached out, and wrapped one strong paw around the human's neck, her thumb under his jaw on one side and the rest of her fingers on the other as she held his head up.

"And don't you dare fucking say anything," she snarled squeezing his throat for emphasis, her clawed fingers pricking his soft skin.

Drew swallowed with difficulty but could not help but be intensely aroused as he was forced to submit to the powerful huntress.

Nemesis' eyes glittered in predatory delight as she shifted her weight on the human; her muscular legs settled against his sides and gripped the human tightly. Her fur was surprisingly soft contrasted against the strong muscles of her thighs. Her tail lashed behind her, slapping across Drew's erect penis as she kept her hand on his throat, a dribble of saliva slipping down her muzzle as she reveled in her absolute dominance.

A warm liquid pooled on Drew's abdomen as the jaguar loomed over her prey, the feline's neck tight as she struggled to control herself. The human was straining to breathe as Nemesis held his throat the ragged breaths he drew in only bringing more of the heavy, scented air with it. Nemesis ground her crotch on the human, smearing her juices along him in a lewd display. The white belly fur that slipped down between her steely legs was darkened by her copious, slippery fluids.

Nemesis' legs tensed as she raised her self up and let go of the human's throat so that she could roughly grab his erect cock. Her paw wrapped around the warm shaft, wet with a bead of pre-cum, she lined him up with the lips of her slit. Drew gasped as he felt the heat coming from her loins as she placed his tip against her letting her feminine secretions run down him and prepare his human phallus for its job. The jaguar released the human's cock and plunged herself down on the waiting cock, hilting herself in one swift motion.

Drew let out a gasp of pleasure, and some pain, as the jaguar-hybrid's body closed around him. She was astonishingly, almost painfully, tight as her silky insides squeezed down on him. Nemesis gave the human no time to acclimate himself to the feeling of her tight pussy, she raised her hips up and back down roughly setting an aggressive, demanding pace. A strange look overtook her face as she fucked the restrained human, her eyelids partially hooded her eyes, her mouth hung slightly slack, and her constantly tense body seemed to relax a little as she let out a throaty growl.

Nemesis shivered in delight as she felt the human's dick fill her. It had been far too long since she'd had a male or anything more substantial than her own paws. The human was not acceptable as a mate, she concluded, but he would do just fine as a toy. She arched her yellow and black spotted back as she rode Drew completely without regard for his enjoyment or comfort but solely focused on the bliss that flowed out from her nethers throughout the rest of her body. Her thighs squeezed his sides leaving carpet burns from her fur, his hips were likely to be bruised from her forceful thrusts, yet thanks to the pheromones he had been breathing in steadily for the past hour he was perfectly compliant and obedient. Nemesis was in heaven.

The human closed his eyes as his body was overwhelmed with sensations. From soft fur to strong muscle to potent pheromones, Drew was overwhelmed and could only writhe in a mix of pleasure and pain. Nemesis leaned over him, her small breasts bouncing as she rode him. A low growl built in her throat and chest to become a victorious growl as she reach down and wrapped her paw around the human's neck again. Her orange gold eyes flickered with a feral light as she looked the restrained human in the eyes.

In that moment Drew feared for his life as the jaguar placed more and more pressure on his neck causing him to choke and cough. Nemesis licked her feline muzzle as the human struggled beneath her as she slammed her hips down and squirmed against him, squeezing and milking his cock inside her. Suddenly Drew felt the big cat femme's body clench painfully tight around him and a rush of wetness as Nemesis exploded into a roar, her thighs crushing into his sides. The world swam as Drew struggled to draw a breath as the feline orgasmed her grip on his throat tightening as she peaked. His eyes began to roll back in his head when she let go letting Drew suck in air desperately.

Nemesis rocked her hips on the still hard human, letting the heat of her first orgasm wash over her, her tongue lolled from her maw in esctacy. She continued to pump herself up and down on Drew, keeping him hard her wild expression making it clear she was not done. Nemesis wiped her muzzle with an arm, cleaning away a line of saliva as she nearly drooled in excitement.

"Good work," Nemesis growled. "Now. Again!" The jaguar demanded and raised herself up and slammed herself back down onto the bruised and sore human. This time her powerful paws gripped his shoulders, her clawed fingers digging into his flesh. Drew lost track of time as he discovered Nemesis was both a madly demanding lover and highly skilled at keeping the human on the edge of an orgasm and then denying him the satisfaction. Sometimes she would deny him his orgasm by choking him, sometimes by clawing him, even once by biting him.

After what felt like hours, and Nemesis had cum at least twice more, a bruised and battered Drew felt his orgasm build again, his body drenched in sweat, cuts, and bruises he ached for release. He groaned in desperate need when Nemesis suddenly dismounted him, pulling herself off the human and swinging her body off of his in a fluid motion. Already past the point of no return Drew came as his messy, sticky cock slapped against his belly spattering his own chest with his cum.

Nemesis looked at the messy human with a haughty glower. "You aren't worthy of cumming inside me," she casually informed the human.

Exhausted Drew could not even bring himself to respond. His head fell back onto the thin pillow and he blacked out. The last thing he saw was the jaguar-hybrid leaving the room, her fur covered in sweat, a trail of liquid running down her legs, and a pleased grin on her predatory face. The door closed behind her, leaving the human alone and still tied to her bed.

Drew awoke to a pounding headache as well as every inch of his body hurting. His shoulders and arms ached from behind over his head for an unknown period of time, his neck was badly bruised and scratched in several places from Nemesis' clawed fingers, his shoulders had long cuts in them, his sides had abrasions, and his crotch was bruised and sore. He was greatly relieved to find that his arms were free to move and as he sat up he realized he was back in his own bed and someone had bandaged the worst of his injuries.

The door to his room opened and Artemis stepped in. The gray furred lapin was wearing a loose white t-shirt that was a size to large so that it slipped down her shoulders and showed off a considerable amount cleavage. The shirt hung low over her waist and for a moment Drew wondered if she had decided to forgo pants like the other two but he caught a glimpse of a pair of tight pink workout shorts underneath. Artemis was carrying a first-aid kit. The rabbit's blue eyes caught his as she gave him an appraising look.

"You seem to have had a rough night," She said with surprising casualness as she walked over.

Drew blushed. "I... well... Nemesis..." he stammered.

Artemis waved a furred hand dismissively at the human's attempt to explain. "I heard all of it. She's not quiet."

Drew blushed an even darker read.

"Nemesis has a habit of breaking her partners so I moved you back when she was done and checked to make sure you weren't to badly damaged," the lapin said casually as she sat on the side of the bed and opened the kit, taking out some alcohol swabs and more bandages. "This is going to sting."

Drew winced as Artemis dabbed at a cut on his shoulder. "I don't understand," he said, "You seem... really... okay... with all of this."

Without looking up from her ministrations the lapin replied. "Why wouldn't I be? I knew this would happen. Males are rare amongst our kind and besides that I ordered her to fuck you."

Drew blinked disbelieving. "What? Why?!?"

"She needed to blow off some steam," Artemis noted matter of factly.

"She almost killed me!" Drew stammered as the rabbit-hybrid cleaned his shoulder.

Artemis nodded in agreement, her long ears bobbing with the motion. "Yes but she didn't. You underestimate her ability to gauge how rough she is being."

Drew sputtered wordlessly. "But... I don't understand..."

The lapin-hybrid stretched a bandage across the human's injury before she looked up at him with a slightly perturbed expression. Her brow knit and her crystal blue eyes fumed slightly. "What is there that you don't understand? The part where you are a prisoner who we are treating quite kindly? Or the part where you are a prisoner who happens to be fortunate enough to be given sexual favors by my team?"

"No! None of that!" Drew said with more force than he intended, "I mean why I can't say no! You can do something... well at least Elektra and Nemesis can. Something they do makes me... weak..." he said a sheepish tone slipping into his voice.

Artemis chuckled at the human, making Drew scowl. "The pheromones? That is what bothers you?"

"Yes!" Drew snapped. "I've studied all generations of Hybrids. I've never seen this before or even heard of it!"

A smile crept across the lapin's short muzzle. "You've never seen us before, I assure you."

"How can you say that?" the human petulantly objected. "I am, or was, one of the leading military geneticists out there."

"We weren't made by the military," Artemis casually replied as she slipped off the bed with animal grace her broad rabbit feet padding softly on the floor.

"Then by who?" Drew said.

"We were CIA, MI-5, SVR, Mossad, and so on," Artemis said as she walked over to the door and leaned against the door frame. The light behind her cast a shadow through her t-shirt and showed off her hourglass silhouette.

"You were spies?" Drew said, his eyes widening slightly.

"Something like that," Artemis replied. "Now get some sleep. You need to heal up and get back to work. We have a lot to do and the clock is ticking."

The gray furred lapin stepped out into the hall and closed the door behind her leaving Drew alone. The lump in his throat returned and he swallowed heavily. This was much worse than he had imagined...

Drew and His Captors (Part 3): An Unexpected Discovery

Without being able to see the sun Drew lost track of the date. His days blurred together into an indeterminable cycle of work, eat, and sleep. Based on the rate of his wounds healing from his sexual experience with the muscular jaguar-hybrid, Nemesis,...

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Drew and His Captors Part 1

The sound of gun fire penetrated through Drew's hands which were clamped over his ears as he cowered behind the lab table. He could hear the sound of explosions, gun shots, screaming, and pain. They were attacking and from the sounds of it, they were...

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Syntha-Pets (LLC)

Syntha-Pets (LLC) for all your custom creature needs! All created in a professional, discrete, non-judgmental environment! Onyx is a Drake-FACVC model, standing for Fully Anatomically Correct-Vore Capable. He appears to be a large, wingless dragon...

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