Syntha-Pets (LLC)

Story by Thirdeye on SoFurry

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I don't even know what to say about this. It is the story of a male human having consensual sex with a male drake (a wingless dragon) and then being swallowed whole. I mean, what does one say to that? It is a weird fetish story so explaining it is... awkward.

Anyway. If that is your thing enjoy this installment about Syntha-Pets! The custom pets of the future than can be made to do ANYTHING. For the right price.

Syntha-Pets (LLC) for all your custom creature needs! All created in a professional, discrete, non-judgmental environment!

Onyx is a Drake-FACVC model, standing for Fully Anatomically Correct-Vore Capable. He appears to be a large, wingless dragon approximately twenty feet long from nose tip to the end of his body if he stretched out, with a large head, broad muzzle and an extra fifteen feet of tail. Onyx has a patent black with a gloss to his reptile-skin that gives him an almost vinyl appearance though a quick touch shows his flesh to be delicately pebbled like a massive snake. His body is bulky and muscular with thick pectoral muscles and haunches to support his weight, strong neck muscles to raise his large head, and a tail that he can lash and manipulate almost like an extra limb.

Onyx's face is surprisingly supple and expressive, great care has gone into giving the drake expressive eyebrow ridges and thick, articulated lips so he can communicate emotions. Two horns arch back over his head and give him a dignified, regal countenance. Of special note is his large muzzle and jaws the inside of which shade from dark blue into a midnight purple. He has a long serpentine tongue and rounded, ivory teeth with thick, vicious saliva that pools in the bottom of his jaw and throat.

Onyx's undercarriage is anatomically correct, with liberties taken for him being a fictional creature. His manhood and testicles are contained in a tight sack and sheath between his hind legs and mostly out of sight when not aroused. When excited his cock emerges exposing a generous twelve inches of rich, dark blue flesh colored like his maw that ends in a triangular point and the bottom punctuated by small ridges. Onyx's pre-cum is especially slippery and voluminous allowing the drake to be self-lubricating and his cum is equally plentiful and custom designed to taste musky but pleasant if consumed.

And finally, Onyx is custom designed to be able to swallow whole up to two medium sized humans at a time. His artificial internal structure supports two stomach-like pouches. One serves as a a crop, a throat pouch for storing food, and behind that is the full stomach. Both of Onyx's digestive pouches are fully muscled and can constrict around a subject in simulation of digestion, the second pouch even secrets a liquid that stimulates the skin with a tingling sensation that mimics digestion but feels euphoric and is not harmful. Onyx is built with full safeguards such that each breath he takes also supplied his two pouches with breathable air and his second stomach never fills with enough liquid to endanger a partner.

In addition, Onyx is designed with patent-pending mental inhibitors to ensure that he is compliant with the desires of his owner. Carefully calibrated to customizable standards of dominance or submissiveness Onyx is fully adjustable to any preferred relationship type. In addition features such as affection and aggressiveness can be custom tuned. In rigorous lab testing Onyx has never once over stepped his design specifications nor ignored the desires of an owner.

Onyx is Syntha-Pets (LLC) premium product and we are very glad you have chosen us for your pet needs.

Arthur was a thirty three year old male who had made some wise investments in his youth during the early boom in Synthetic life forms. Thanks to careful investments he was able to retire in absolute luxury at the age of thirty and had moved to a remote mansion in the mountains. Arthur had always tended towards seclusion and with the freedom his wealth granted him he had chosen to indulge in his new home to allow him solitude.

The mansion was sprawling with three floors of wide open luxury living including seven bedrooms, eight bathrooms, two kitchens, an Olympic swimming pool, guest house, eight car garage, full sized home theatre, home gym, and other luxuries. Arthur frequently immersed himself in high end video gaming, exercise, and cooking but after three years these solitary pursuits, he had begun to grow bored with them. It occurred to him that perhaps despite his love of solitude he should consider a companion but he feared, perhaps rightly, that anyone he found would only want him for his money. He did not think himself miserly and did not mind the notion of sharing his wealth but he longed for more from a relation.

Arthur toyed with the idea of a Syntha-Pet for some time. He browsed their website for long hours considering his options. At first he had settled on an anthro-vixen named Scarlet. Attractive, affectionate, very sexual it seemed a good choice. However the more Arthur considered it the less interested he became. He had never had much luck with women and somehow purchasing a woman, synthetic or not, seemed strange to him. He could not put a finger on it but it just did not seem like the right choice right now.

One day while idly flipping through the Syntha-Pet catalog he passed the entry for a new model a creature called Onyx, a Drake-FACVC model. Arthur sat up in his seat as he read over the listing. Since he was a young man he had like dragons and though he was loathe to admit it, the idea of a powerful dragon capturing and devouring him stirred something in him more intensely than anything else did. Onyx seemed to offer everything Arthur wanted. A companion who was more pet than partner, who seemed capable of satisfying his darkest sexual urges, and who was entirely incapable of only being interested in him for his wealth. Onyx was perfect.

The next day Arthur called Syntha-Pets (LLC) to place the order. He was so excited that he struggled to answer even the basic questions that the sales attendant asked him.

"On a scale of one to ten, with one being passive and ten being extreme, how dominant do you want your Model Drake-FACVC?" the drool phone asked over the phone.

"I... uh... well I don't know. Pretty dominant, I suppose."

"One to ten, sir," came the reply.

"Eight?" Arthur replied unsurely.

"Okay, eight. Now on the same scale how affectionate do you want your Syntha-Pet. One being inattentive and ten being highly and constantly demonstrable."

"Err..." Arthur chewed his lip. "Maybe a three? I don't want it... him... to ignore me but I don't want it to follow me around or anything."

"Three then. Okay, do you have a preferred name or title you want your pet to respond to? The default is Onyx but popular choices include nicknames like Honey, Sweety, or titles like Master."

"I like Onyx... but..." the person on the phone sat patiently in stony silence, "Master might... no no. Onyx is fine."

"Okay, Onyx it is with an eight in aggressiveness and a three in affection. Is that correct?" they asked.

"Yes, that sounds right. Can... can I change things later?" Arthur asked.

"Modification packages are available but require a licensed service technician," the sale attendant said.

"Oh that's good. So... what else do you need?" Arthur said.

"How do you wish to pay, sir?"

"I have an account with you," Arthur said as he fumbled for the sheet containing his number.

"Very good. Can you read me the account numbers?"

The following weeks were busy for Arthur. He decided that to accommodate his new pet he would make modifications to his mansion home and arranged to have the first and second floors altered. He had the doors widened into French-style doubles, the stairs reinforced to tolerate more weight ascending them, and he transformed a spare room into what could only be called a den. Arthur covered the windows with heavy velvet curtains and had large, custom cushions made and piled on the floor so that his new pet might have a place to rest. With all the preparations made Arthur could do nothing but wait. Such complicated pets took time to make and Arthur waited with growing impatience and anxiety.

Finally, six months after the first phone call the day arrived. A massive truck winded its way up the remote roads to Arthur's home, its trailer heavy with cargo. Arthur spied the truck coming from some distance and he rushed to pull on a shirt and pair of pants. He hopped down the stairs pulling up his pants as the doorbell rang. Arthur adjusted his pants, to hide his anticipatory arousal, as he opened the door. A cheery looking man in a Syntha-Pet's monogrammed shirt, black slacks, and a trucker hat stood at the door with a clipboard.

"Hi, Arthur Benedict?" he asked.

"Yes," Arthur said, his voice almost cracking in excitement and anxiety.

"Great. Just sign here and we'll start unloading." The man offered him the clipboard. "Is there... anywhere you want us to... let him out?"

Arthur signed hurriedly and looked up, "Uh. Can you... maybe at the garage? I'll go open the door."

The deliveryman smiled, tucked the clipboard under his arm and nodded. "I'll bring him around."

Arthur hurried through the house and ran into the garage, his feet slapped on the poured concrete floor in excitement. He slapped the button to open the door which lurched into life and rolled up to expose the truck backing up closely to the entrance. The truck parked and the deliveryman came around. Arthur danced from foot to foot in excitement as the deliveryman unlatched the door and rolled it up with a flourish.

In the darkness of the trailer Arthur could see little but a slow shifting of bulk in the darkness. Suddenly two glowing yellow orbs appeared in the blackness, slit black pupils dividing the golden irises. The drake slowly uncoiled itself from its slumber and rose, a silhouette in the darkness. Arthur gasped in awe as Onyx took his first step into the pale light that filtered between the trailer and garage. The shaft of light cast across the beast's black skinned body, the muscles in his neck and shoulders rolled beneath his thick flesh in an impressive display.

Onyx took a deep snorting breath, filling his lungs with the new smells of his new home, and most importantly with the smells of his new owner. The great black drake carefully descended from the trailer his clawed feet spreading on the ground, his nostril flared, and his wide tail lashing slowly. Onyx's eyes scanned his surroundings and settled on the human dressed in a simple t-shirt and pants. He lowered his broad head close to the human and sniffed him deeply, his eyes fixed on his response.

Arthur gasped in awe as Onyx moved before him and smelled him. The creature seemed all the more powerful and amazing in person than he had in the catalog. Arthur reached out one cautious hand to gently stroke along Onyx's jaw, feeling the pebbled black skin, tight muscles, and sturdy bones that made it up. Onyx sniffed at the hand and his lips parted slightly showing Arthur his ivory teeth and midnight blue flesh his tongue slipping quickly between his teeth and flicking along the offered hand.

The truck drove away, leaving the pair alone as Arthur closed the garage door leaving the two alone. Once alone, Arthur walked around the drake, his hand running along the beast's neck, sides, and haunches as he went. The ripple of muscles beneath thick skin made the human shudder as he admired his new pet. As he passed Onyx's haunches he shyly peaked underneath him an embarrassed blush coming to his face as he examined the creature's most intimate bits. Onyx's maleness sat still in the leathery pouch that contained his testis and his black sheath hid his penis though the very tip of his sheath flashed a dark blue as a hint of his arousal shone through.

Arthur hurried around to the front of the drake who watched him with a quirk of an eyebrow, raising one rear leg slightly to give the human a better view. Arthur coughed into his hand in embarrassment after he ogled the drake and at his resulting excitement. "I suppose I should show you your new home," the human said as the drake watched him with gold eyes. Onyx bobbed his large head in acquiescence as Arthur lead him into the house.

Onyx's claws clicked on the tile and wood floors as Arthur showed him about the house, each room receiving a curious sniffing and visual examination by the synthetic drake. Arthur could not explain why but it relived him that Onyx seemed to find his new home acceptable and seemed especially pleased by the dark room Arthur had appointed with cushions for him. The drake let out a purring growl as he tested the cushions with one large, dexterous paw.

"Do... do you like it?" Arthur hesitantly asked the drake.

In reply the drake rolled over onto the cushions, his muscular bulk making an audible thump as he landed. His tail lashing, Onyx settled himself among the cushions his belly facing the human.

"I guess that is a yes," Arthur said with a smirk as his eyes roamed down the considerable length of the drake. His gaze was at once appreciative and lurid as he examined the flow of the beast as it rested. "You... you are... beautiful..." Arthur stammered as he walked cautiously over to Onyx. He reached out to gently stroke his chest, luxuriating in the feel of his cool reptile flesh and dense muscle. He traced the lines of his pectorals and shoulders which elicited a rumble of enjoyment from the drake.

Onyx watched the human caress him, the human's hands warm against him. The drake carefully squirmed his body under his hands so that ever so slowly Arthur's hands drifted lower on his serpentine body. Arthur found his hands close to the drake's sheath and pouch where a pointed blue inch of flesh was already emerging. Glancing back up Arthur saw the drake looking pointedly at him, his legs spread in clear invitation.

Arthur's hands trembled with excitement as he reached out to touch the delicate inch of flesh that protruded from the black sheath. The drake's cock throbbed warmly in his palm as he ran his fingers along the crown of his length. Onyx rumbled approvingly as more of his length emerged from his sheath, the first bead of his viscous pre-cum building on the tip and smearing into Arthur's palm. Arthur had not given a handjob since he was in college and awkwardly began to stroke the proffered blue shaft, the thick pre-cum lubricating the motions. Quickly though his memories returned and he found his hands gently clasped around the blue shaft explore it.

Under the ministrations of Arthur's exuberant hands the drake's full length was quickly exposed. Arthur gasped in awe as he stroked the dark blue flesh, his attention making the bestial animal growl in pleasure. Onyx rolled fully onto his back, his great length proudly displayed for the human to admire and caress. Arthur stroked him from his pointed tip, along his gently ridges, to the base of his swollen balls. The drake watched the human through partially lidded eyes, a rumbling purr shaking his broad chest until he could tolerate no more.

Onyx let out a different more demanding growl, lashed his tail, and raised his head to look pointedly at the human. Arthur paused in surprise from his exploration of Onyx's body and looked at the drake in confusion. Onyx snorted and tossed his head at the human, his gold eyes conveying his message. Arthur hesitated but a second snort from the beast along with a meaningful click of his teeth inspired him to remove his shirt and he toss it aside. With fumbling haste, Arthur undid his pants and removed them tossing them into a pile followed by his boxers. The black drake's large head swiveled close to the naked human and sniffed him. His dark blue tongue flicked against his bare skin making Arthur shudder as the drake rumbled his approval.

The drake pressed his nose against the bare human and pushed him towards his hind quarters. Arthur giggled as he stumbled back to where the beast's cock remained exposed and erect a bead of pre-cum oozing down his shaft. The human gulped back his anxiety as he examined the reclining drake. Onyx glowered down at the human as he hesitated. A second snort and Arthur pressed himself against the drake's side and, like mounting a horse, threw one leg across Onyx's middle. He looked up the length of the drake to see Onyx's large, slit pupil eyes watching him, a strange almost pleased smile tugging at his reptilian lips.

"Be... be... gentle," Arthur whispered.

In reply Onyx reached out with his agile forepaws and wrapped one around each side of the human's middle. Arthur's cock was hard and rubbed against the leathery belly of the drake as Onyx maneuvered him, the reptilian cock sliding along his legs seeking his anus. Arthur gave a nervous laugh as he felt the thick, midnight blue cock press against his backdoor a thick bead of pre-cum smeared against his sphincter. The drake's claws were tight but not painful around him as Onyx held him in place and pressed the human down against his pointed tip, his tongue lolling from his jaws in ecstatic anticipation.

Arthur's tight anal ring resisted and then stretched around the protruding cock as Onyx thrust against him making him gasp. Onyx growled, his paws gripped the human tighter as he pressed harder. The pointed tip of the drake's cock eased its entrance into Arthur's body, lubricated by Onyx artificial cum. Arthur cried out "Oh GOD!" as Onyx penetrated him. The drake's gold eyes watched him an amused tilt to his black eyebrows, his blue tongue licking along his lips, as he thrust deeper into the human.

Inch by inch Arthur felt the long shaft filling his body, the ridges on Onyx's cock rubbing along the inside of the human's body making him groan in pleasure like nothing he had ever experienced before. Onyx grunted in enjoyment as the human's tight ring wrapped his shaft. Raising and lowering the human on his cock he carefully thrust into the human so that his leathery balls slapped against him lewdly.

Created to pleasure his owner, the drake expertly angled his thrusts so that each trip up and down his shaft ground against Arthur's prostate. Arthur squirmed in agonizing pleasure as Onyx fucked him, his tight ass stretched to its max and his cock rubbing against the beast's belly. He could not recall the last time he felt such carnal delight as he relaxed and let Onyx do with him as he pleased. Held tight in Onyx's claws, impaled on his midnight cock, Arthur could do nothing but accept the exquisite experience.

Regrettably, in a matter of minutes Arthur tensed around the drake's cock and let out a gasp as he came, spattering Onyx's black chest with his white cum. Onyx looked down at him, his brow furrowed between amusement and slight annoyance. Not quite done himself, the drake sped up his thrusts into Arthur's bowels and bottomed himself out in the human. Arthur gasped as the beast's balls pulled up against his body and with a victorious growling roar Onyx came inside him. His body filled with a hot, liquid as the drake cam voluminously, a bit of cum dribbling down his blue shaft out of Arthur's stuffed hole.

"Holy shit..." Arthur gasped as between breaths, Onyx still holding him in place as his cock softened and slipped free spilling more cum and lube across the drake's crotch. "That was amazing..." the human said as he leaned forward onto the drake's chest to rest the intense afterglow leaving him almost insensate. It had been everything he had hoped for and more.

Onyx watched him for a moment with glittering gold eyes, his own desires still not fully met. Already, unknown to Arthur, the beast salivated in anticipation of what came next his preprogrammed desire to taste, savor, and swallow the human guiding him. With great care and tenderness the drake lifted Arthur from his chest causing the human to start. He looked up to see the drake licking his lips with his thick blue tongue a predatory glint in his gold eyes. Onyx opened his wide maw and let Arthur see inside.

His palette and tongue were dark blue shading into a midnight purple where the black hole of his throat began. Onyx's teeth were ivory and carefully blunted so that they appeared dangerous but were of no real risk. Between his teeth and under his tongue rapidly pooled his thick saliva as the creature nearly drooled in anticipation. Arthur gasped in excited disbelief as the drake moved him closer to his jaws and slipped his thick tongue along the human's face, savoring the taste of his owner and leaving a smear of saliva across him.

Arthur moaned meekly as Onyx slipped his head into his waiting maw, a blast of warm breath blowing over the human which, unlike a real animal, did not smell foul. The drake was pleased to find the human fit perfectly into his maw as he slipped head first past his teeth and rested him against his tongue. The thick muscle rubbed over his face and shoulders exploring his shape and savoring his taste. A rumble of delight came from the drake as he gathered his first sampling of the human and found his taste to be extraordinary.

Onyx tilted his head back and Arthur slipped further in. The human groaned, his abused cock hardening again as his head slipped into the back of the beast's maw and against the pucker that began his esophagus. Arthur was nearly overwhelmed with excitement as he felt the smooth tongue explore his body as he submissively rested against the blue muscle. His naked body was being generously coated with a layer of the drake's thick saliva.

A small pool of saliva collected at the base of his throat and Arthur admired the rich colors of Onyx's flesh when suddenly the hole opened and his head and shoulders were pulled into the muscled abyss. Onyx's tongue lasciviously explored Arthur's chest and abdomen as he swallowed his head and shoulders taking in every delicious scrap of the human. The tight ring of his throat began to pull on the human dragging him into the warm, wet, blackness that was the drake's innards. Another swallow and Arthur disappeared to his abdomen his body forming a sizable lump in the top of Onyx's flexible neck. The drake's tongue teased along his crotch, rubbing his sensitive erection and wrapping around his legs exploratively.

Onyx groaned in delight, the human's warm body filled his maw and throat with intense, delicious flavors. He almost regretted swallowing him only because it deprived him of the delight of feeling his owner squirm against his tongue yet he longed to feel the sensation of fullness that devouring him was sure to provide. Another gulp pulled the human in till just his feet remained outside the dragon's mouth, which licked curiously along his soles. Onyx raised his head fully up so that the human's descent would be easy and with a final gulp and snap of his teeth Arthur became nothing more than a human-esque lump in his throat as the drake swallowed.

Arthur was fully encapsulated inside his new pet. The tight walls of Onyx's throat pushed him deeper, leaving him coated in saliva and groaning at the intense sensation of pressure and warmth as strong muscles pushed his deeper and deeper. In only a matter of seconds, though it felt like minutes, Arthur was dragged into Onyx's crop. The throat pouch suddenly opened up around Arthur as he slipped into it. Onyx smacked his lips in satisfaction and casually stood a great bulge evident at the base of his neck where the human rested for the moment in his throat pouch, awaiting the drake's stomach.

Casually the great lizard stood and stretched, his joints popping as he decided now that his owner was securely in place he would explore his surrounds more thoroughly. Arthur had curled into a ball inside the crop, the warm flesh pulled tight around him and cradling him as he felt the drake move. The human positioned himself so that he could reach his cock, determined to pleasure himself in his excitement. As he began to rub himself he felt the muscles of the pouch squeeze against him, shifting and turning him in his place and felt himself being pressed against a second puckered hole.

Onyx examined the second floor and found the master bedroom. He sniffed the sheets that Arthur had neglected to change for some time and crawled up onto the large king sized bed. As the beast eyed the human's bed and personal quarters he decided this would be the perfect to rest and enjoy his meal. Arthur felt the hole behind his head suddenly open and the crop contract, pushing him deeper in Onyx's digestive tract. The drake stretched his neck out and swallowed once more and Arthur found himself forced from the small, muscled pouch into a larger, more heavily muscled and wet stomach.

The lump at the base of the drake's throat disappeared as the human made his final decent and suddenly the beast's belly distended with the arrival of Arthur. Onyx smacked his lips in satisfaction as the human filled his stomach. The sleek profile of the drake now was distorted by a belly that hung low and round with his prey, the human filling him completely. His belly filled so fully that it protruded in a way that, as Onyx admired in Arthur's bedroom mirror, pleased the animal greatly. Onyx laid down on the human's bed and stroked one great clawed hand across his belly, rumbling in satisfaction.

Inside Onyx's stomach Arthur curled into the fetal position as the muscles of the drake's stomach closed in on him. The belly filled partially with a warm, tingling liquid that made Arthur's skin sensitive to touch and he moaned in pleasure as the walls that surrounded him squeezed and massaged him. In the darkness of his pet's belly Arthur squirmed and moan in ecstasy as his fantasies came to life. It was difficult to tell time but after Arthur climaxed again, his cum mixing with the warm digestive fluids, he dozed off. He had never felt so warmed or wanted before in his life.

Onyx found the human most agreeable, pleasurable, and delicious. The great drake enjoyed using his bulk to force the human to his knees where he could suckle at his blue cock or bend him over and mount him like an animal. Arthur had taken a submissive role to drake that pleased him greatly and Onyx took great pleasure in demanding sexual favors from the human. Onyx would then swallow the submissive human, savoring his body, and while his belly was full of his squirming owner he would sprawl across his bed or wander the house reveling in his complete control.

For his part, Arthur had no complaints. The drake was a potent lover who's aggressive and dominate behavior satisfied some previously unknown need in him. He relished the experience of surrendering to Onyx, allowing the animal to do as it wished to him knowing that their lovemaking would end with him being swallowed and carried about until Onyx choose to release him. Arthur was proud to be able to satisfy the needs of his pet and came to love his new role.

Both parties soon forgot who the owner was and who the pet was and it became a relationship between lovers and nothing else. At the one year anniversary of his purchase a letter came in the mail asking Arthur to rate his satisfaction with his pet as well as a coupon for 20% off should he desire a second one.

"What do you think?" Arthur asked the drake as he leaned back against his black chest, holding aloft the coupon for him to see. "Maybe a female..."

Onyx looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding his large head and giving a grunt of agreement. That could be fun the drake thought...

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