Edmund and Black Claw (part 3 of Edmund series)

Story by Thirdeye on SoFurry

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#3 of Edmund and the Lions Series

Here we go. Part 3 of Edmund and the Lions. I did not edit for typos because I'm to lazy. This is the end of this series for now though I might revisit it later. For now I want to move on to new characters.

This chapter includes bondage, sort of rape, and other kinky things. If you do not like those then do not read it.

Edmund and Black Claw (part 3 of the Edmund and the Lions series)

Everything glowed a golden yellow on the savannah as the sun poured down on the gently blowing grasses which swayed in the breeze. The warm afternoon was quiet save for the chirps of a few insects and the scribble of a pen on paper. Edmund, the twenty-five year old human scholar, sat beneath a tree taking notes after witnessing a Leonid ceremony for newly minted hunters and huntresses. In addition to the book and pen in his lap, a familiar young lioness rested her head on his legs. Fire Eyes, the teenaged leonid, lie sprawled lazily across his legs taking a short nap. Her nude gold-brown fur luxuriously soaked up the afternoon sun and her tail twitched in whatever happy dream she was having, perhaps one reminiscent of the couple's most recent love making which had ended only moments ago.

Edmund smiled down at his Leonid lover. Fire Eyes and he had a strange relationship, it was intense and very sexual as Edmund soon learned that the sex drive of a young leonid was startling high. It was a thrillingly taboo situation, Fire Eyes would surely be punished if others in the village knew they were having sex. Even for a dishonored female such as Fire Eyes a human lover could only bring further shame.

As far as the human knew the only other person who knew about their dalliances was Fire Eyes' mother, Black Claw. Edmund set his pen down for a moment as he considered his current situation. The past few days had been slightly strange. Black Claw had been furious that Edmund had slept (and continued to) with her daughter so much so that for a time the human worried she would attack him or expose him to the Chief. Instead over the course of the past week she had calmed and had even told Edmund the story of how she came to mate with a male from another tribe and her resulting dishonoring.

The human had been excited to get a glimpse of this history and he documented it in his study journals. The Leonid cultural practices were fascinating to him and these sort of stories were ones he loved to gather. The story of Black Claw's youthful indiscretions was now saved for other scientists to read when he finally returned him. However, Edmund chose not to record his own dalliances with Fire Eyes. There were some things the other academics did not need to know.

Fire Eyes' stretched out with a yawn, her tawny, athletic body twisted one way and the next in a feline awakening ritual that seemed to transcend species. Whenever she yawned Edmund could clearly see her long, sharp teeth and claws and was reminded for a moment how vulnerable he really was. Fire Eyes looked over her shoulder at the human, her eyes a radiant orange, as she smiled a toothy smile at him. Edmund closed his book and reached over to scratch the teenager behind the ear like she so loved. The lenoid teen squirmed in enjoyment and pressed her head into his hand and made an inarticulate growl of enjoyment.

"Did you have a good nap," Edmund asked.

"Yes," she replied as she sat up with fluid grace. Fire Eyes checked the placement of the sun in the sky before looking to the human. "We should go home. Mother will have dinner ready by the time we get back." With that she hopped up onto her broad animal feet and gathered her discarded clothes.

Edmund slipped his book and pen into his bag and rose to his feet as well, though he took a brief moment to enjoy watching Fire Eyes slip back into her leather top and loincloth. He tossed the bag across his back and reached out to the lioness, slipping his arm around her waist and pulling her close. She smelled of warm sun, grass, and large animal which to Edmund it was a heavenly scent. Fire Eyes beamed merrily and leaned against her lover as they walked back to the village, enjoying the privacy of the walk to be like a normal mated couple before they would again have to pretend that there was nothing between them.

As the two slipped back the hide door flap into their hut on the edge of the village they could smell cooking meat and vegetables. Inside the large lioness Black Claw squatted by the fire stirring a thick stew. Where Fire Eyes was the graceful, athletic embodiment of leonid youth and beauty her mother was, by leonid standards, unappealing. Black Claw was curvaceous with large breasts and wide hips, none of which the local males appreciated. She did not have defined abs but instead a softer curve to her belly. She was too soft, too curvy, and too large for her tribe all as part of her punishment for her youthful relations outside the tribe.

Edmund however had thought her ravishing since he first laid eyes on her. Where the leonids saw waste and laziness he saw alluring femininity and even though she was more ample that the others in the village there was no question that she remained a powerful creature. The cords of her legs were still obviously powerful and as she crouched by the fire Edmund could clearly see the lines of her thigh muscles as a reminder of her power. Her hands and feet in sharp, jet black claws which served as her namesake and as a warning, disgraced or not, she was still a lioness.

Black Claw looked up as her daughter and the human came in. She forced a pleasant smile. "Was the ritual of interest, human?"

Edmund set his bag in the corner that was given to him. "Yes, it was very interesting. I'm a bit curious about the meaning of the designs they painted on their faces though."

"They are family marks," Black Claw replied as she idly stirred the stew.

"Ours is three red marks along the forehead," Fire Eyes chimed in as she sat beside the fire between her mother and the human. Black Claw nodded in agreement as she gathered three bowls.

"Dinner is ready," the matriarch said as she ladled the stew into the bowls. "Eat up, tomorrow will be a long day," she added with a smirk that revealed her long predatory teeth.

"Why is that?" Fire Eyes asked as she took her bowl.

"I'm sending you on an errand," Black Claw said, "to pick up some rare herbs from the White Tails."

Edmund took his stew and asked curiously, "Who is that?"

"A family friend about three days away," Black Claw replied.

"I haven't seen them in ages!" Fire Eyes chirped excitedly "Not since I was a cub!"

Black Claw's smile grew a little more as her deep, brown eyes seemed to darken. "It will be a nice visit then. Perhaps you can stay a day or two to visit with them. They would love to see you again."

"That sounds like fun!" The teen said with a smile as she sat to eat her meal.

"Excellent. You will need to leave early in the morning, daughter," Black Claw said. "I've already made all the arrangements. Obviously, the human will need to stay here. The White Tails would not be so... hospitable as we are."

"Okay," Fire Eyes said with an excited tone her tail lashing in anticipation at seeing old friends.

Edmund spooned up a mouthful of the stew; it was a rich and hearty dinner and something he would normally quite enjoy. He had some to like their food and something about it made him feel vigorous but something about this conversation stuck him as off. He had never known Black Claw to send Fire Eyes away for longer than a day but it was clear she was excited by the prospect. Maybe it was nothing; maybe he was just being a jealous lover who would miss his partner. As he sipped from his stew he could have sworn he saw Black Claw eyeball him from the corner of her eyes. Surely, he reasoned, he was just being paranoid. Right?

The next morning Edmund woke without the usual warmth of Fire Eyes in his arms. He rubbed his eyes sleepily as he sat up and spied Fire Eyes and her mother, Black Claw, carefully packing provisions.

"You remember the way," Black Claw asked before continued without an answer. "Walk east to the Plateau then South for one more day. Then follow the river South for the rest of the way."

Fire Eyes, in a moment befitting a human teenager, rolled her opalescent eyes and sighed, "Yes, Mother, I remember!" Fire Eyes slipped her water skin over her head, the strap nestled between her perky breasts accentuating them, and hopped up energetically. Her tail lashed eagerly behind her as she gathered her remaining things.

Black Claw glanced over the groggy human for only a brief moment and inscrutable feline expression on her face before turning back to her daughter. "Then you best be off," she said as she rose to give her daughter an affectionate hug and lick. "Be careful," Black Claw added.

"I will, Mom!" Fire Eyes said as she slipped free and skipped gleefully over to Edmund. She leaned down and pressed her lips against his, her rough tongue darted out to lick his face. She had devised this ritual to simulate human and leonid kissing and nothing Edmund had said could dissuade her from it. "I'll see you in a week," Fire Eyes said to Edmund and gave him a parting nuzzle.

"I'll see you then," Edmund replied with a wave as her lithe form slipped out the hide covered door and out into the bright, savannah sun.

The hut was suddenly very quiet and seemed very empty as Edmund sat on his bedding across the room from Black Claw. Her deep brown eyes were fixed on him though she did not say a word. Edmund thought to himself she looks like she is hunting, stalking something even. The human squirmed where he sat when he realized that that something was probably him.

Edmund spent the day consulting with the Chief who peppered him with questions about military strategies, weapons, and related. Edmund, though by no means a warrior or general, told the Chief what he could though he was distracted for much of the discussion as one of their Chief's wives massaged his large clawed feet while they spoke. It soon became clear the Chief was more interested in his wife's touch that Edmund's advice so he excused himself.

"It is growing late, Chief," Edmund said as he gathered his books and tried to not notice the Chief's growing arousal as it lifted his loincloth. "I will leave you to your... dinner..." Edmund awkwardly added as he stepped backwards out of the hut. As soon as the hide door fell over the portal Edmund was confident he heard the Chief order his wife to suck his cock. The human took this as a further sign to return home before he witnessed anything he shouldn't see or hear.

He walked back to the hut he shared with Black Claw and Fire Eyes somewhat nervously. What would he say to Black Claw? Would she even speak to him without Fire Eyes there? He knew she did not approve of their relationship, perhaps she planned to lecture him or threaten him to make them break up. Edmund frowned at the idea. He quite liked Fire Eyes, it was not a relationship that could last forever but for the time she was a wonderful companion and guide, he would be loathe to break off their relationship.

However, if Black Claw demanded it he did not know what else he could do. She was, after all, his hostess and her mother. Fire Eyes and he were not officially mates and so had no legal status in the tribe to say nothing of the fact that he was human. But if she made them break up where would he stay? The Chief had only let him stay with Black Claw because she was the lowest ranked leonid in the tribe. No one else would accept the dishonor.

With these heavy thoughts crowding Edmund's mind he pushed over the door and stepped into Black Claw's hut. Black Claw sat by the fire preparing a meal, the fire light throwing shadows across her curvaceous frame. She glanced up at the human but said nothing to him as he placed his things aside and sat down across from her by the fire. She could see and smell that the human was nervous. A smile crept across her black lips as she leaned over to pick up a jug and pour the human a drink. "Timqua?" Black Claw offered.

Edmund hesitated. The human had come to appreciate the heady, Leonid liquor with a bitter taste and extremely high alcohol content. It was no unpleasant to drink and enjoy yet even small amounts made the human very drunk. His first sexual encounter with Fire Eyes had been the result of timqua and many more had followed suit. Black Claw herself rarely seemed to drink it and on the rare occasion she did Edmund had noticed she seemed little affected by it. A glass would intoxicate the human while Black Claw had downed a jug with little affect. Finally, to avoid the appearance of being rude, the human reached out and accepted the drink.

Black Claw made a toothy smile as she began to portion out the dinner and the human sipped his timqua. "It is quiet without Fire Eyes," she said as she handed the human his meal.

"Very," Edmund replied as he took and began to eat.

"I'm sure you miss her," the matron Leonid said.

"Yes," Edmund cautiously replied around a mouthful.

Black Claw watched the human eat, her whiskers attentively turned forward and her ears perked on her head. "I'll make sure you don't get bored," she said.

Edmund blinked in confusion at the curvaceous lioness as he suddenly began to feel flush. The heat of the fire, the warm air, all seemed to rush over him at once and he began to feel woozy. The human shook his head and set down the plate unsteadily as his head swam and his hands responded sluggishly to his commands. "I..." he stammered, "I don't feel..." As the irrepressible wave of darkness flowed over the human he vaguely recalled seeing Black Claw rising to her feet, her white teeth flashing in the fire light as her deep, brown eyes looked at the human hungrily and then nothing.

Edmund awoke to the taste of rawhide. His head throbbed as he tongued what felt like a roll of leather that was wedged in his mouth but it was tied in place with a loop of cord around his head. He moved to pull it free only to find his wrists were bound with a coarse rope. Panicking the human tried his legs to find the same material there. Staining his neck he managed to look down his body and saw that he was naked and tied to four stakes in the dirt floor of an unfamiliar hut. He struggled against the bonds to no avail; he tried to shout around the leather roll that was tied into his mouth but he could only make a muffled groan.

Edmund suddenly realized Black Claw had drugged him. With a renewed sense of panic the human struggled against his bonds, straining his arms and wrists against the rough cords and managed only to cut himself and burn his flesh. He laid his head back down and looked at the straw ceiling where a few scant beams of sunlight slipped in and highlighted the dancing dust. He was trapped. He was at a mother Leonid's mercy.

The human quickly lost track of time as his only clue was the slow movement of the sun through the thatched roof. He slipped in and out of consciousness as much from boredom and shock as much as from the drugs slowly clearing from his system. He awoke with a start when he heard the door flap push aside and he felt the weight of someone enter the room.

Edmund struggled to turn his head so he could see. Peering over his arm he saw Black Claw pulled the hide door closed and tie it to a post to keep it closed. The lioness, always larger than the human, seemed to loom over the supine, restrained him. Her clawed, animal feet trod over to him, her long, black nails scraping small scratches in the uncovered dirt floor. Edmund whimpered through the gag.

Black Claw crouched beside the human and leaned over him. She smelled of animal, timqua, and perhaps even arousal. From his restrained position she seemed at once astonishing voluptuous as he peered up at his breasts but deadly as he saw her sharp claws, predatory eyes, and powerful muscles. The human swallowed weakly, his mouth and throat dry.

"Hello, Edmund," snarled the mother, his name dripped from her muzzle like a drop of spittle. Edmund squirmed helplessly. Black Claw reached out one large, clawed hand and brushed it along the human's face letting the tip tease along his jaw line. "I much prefer you like this," she purred as her dark eyes roamed his naked body. "I like seeing you in your place," she added.

Edmund didn't know what to do and there were few options at his disposal. Black Claw leaned over him and he could feel the heat of her body as she drew her claws over him, examining him. She traced lines along this face, neck, and shoulders then down his chest and exposed belly. She snorted and sniffed his scent, his tantalize mix of fear and a little arousal, as her clawed hands moved to his exposed genitals.

"These have been so troublesome," Black Claw growled as she palmed the human's penis and testicles. The rough fur of her palm teased the sensitive human and he whined as he began to harden. Black Claw seemed not to notice or mind as she ran her powerful fingers along the underside of his shaft. "At first, I thought I'd rip them off," she mused to her captive, "for defiling my daughter. I thought I might leave you for the hyenas and vultures." Edmund closed his eyes and bit down on the rawhide. "But now I've decided that would be a waste," the leonid continued.

Edmund's mind raced through a thousand deaths the lioness could inflict on him. Disemboweling. Tear his throat out. Leave him to die of thirst. Sell him into slavery. Abandon him in the savannah naked. Choke him. Crush him. He was helpless to stop her. His mind raced in terror unable to focus on anything until suddenly he felt a rough, wet sensation across his cock. Edmund's eyes snapped back open as Black Claw drew her sandpapery tongue up the underside of his dick causing Edmund to groan into the gag in a mixture of pleasure and pain.

Fire Eyes and he had learned early on the leonid tongues were too rough for oral play on a human. The sensation was equidistant pleasure and pain but Black Claw did not care. "Instead," she smacked after she tasted his strange, barbless cock, "I'm going to keep you as a toy. You will please me and obey me. I will take you when I wish and how I wish." Her feline muzzle closed over his cock once more, surrounding his prick in moist, hot breath, saliva, and a gratingly pleasing tongue.

Edmund could not resist the sensation and quickly found himself painfully hard. Black Claw's muzzle and paws played with his tender manhood like a house cat with a mouse but Edmund's obviously conflicted response pleased the lioness. "I will tell my daughter we shall share you and you will, obviously, agree. If you tell her I forced you then my game will end." She squeezed his cock for emphasis, eliciting a yelp into the gag. "Agreed," Black Claw said, her eyes smoldering at the human.

Edmund nodded in reply.

"Good," the leonid said as she stood. She reached behind her back and untied the cords that held her jerkin on and tossed it aside, her large, golden yellow furred breasts bounced in the savannah air, her pink nipples swollen with arousal. Still standing beside the human she untied her loincloth and threw it into a pile with her top, exposing her feline mound to him. The flesh of her lips was a dark pink and swollen from arousal, already her slit was moist in anticipation and the yellow and white fur around it darkened from wetness.

Black Claw stepped over the human's belly so she straddled him and sat herself just above his crotch. The human grunted at the sudden weight as her tail flicked over his cock and she slid her large, furred behind against his erection letting her cheeks cradle the human's phallus. "Lucky for you," she purred as she stroked the human's face once more, "I don't expect much." The older lioness ground her haunches against the young male, letting her fur and tightly muscled ass tease him to full hardness.

Edmund mentally grappled with what was happening as physically he was already responding to Black Claw's practiced, skilled attention. Part of Edmund wanted to cry out and demand she stop what was tantamount to rape but an equal part called out for her to go on. Her voluptuous body was on display for Edmund every inch of her feline form seemed designed for sensuality. Edmund had long admired her from a distance but up close where the smell of her arousal and pheromones was overpowering highlighted how beautiful she was. A mix of muscle, curves, and ferocity Edmund found he could not resist, even if he had not been restrained.

Black Claw grinned toothily at the human as she teased her haunches along his crotch. She was so aroused that as she raised herself up on her powerful legs she left a wet spot behind on his abdomen where she sat. The human whined into his gag and his eyes rolled back in his head as she watched him twist in a mix of fear and lust. It had been so long that a male's hungry eyes roamed her body, even if they were a human's, she intended to enjoy it. The female leaned forward so that her ample breasts almost rested on Edmund's face and she rubbed her wet slit along his cock, her silky lips contrasted by the tickling fur around her womanhood.

"You like my large breasts," Black Claw growled at the human as she cupped one in each hand. "To humans this is attractive?" she asked without expecting an answer. She ran one clawed finger over each nipple and let out a rumble of pleasure as her nipples grew increasingly sensitive with arousal. The human could not speak but his lustful gaze gave her all the answer she sought as she squeezed her tits. No Leonid would dare look at her with such obvious lust, she mused, but this human could barely contain himself.

The female leonid gave the human a little more of a show before she moved on as she teased her breasts and played with her sensitive nipples, enjoying the human's rapt attention. Suddenly she reached herself to grasp the human's smooth shaft and press it against her wet, swollen slit. She rubbed her dark pink lips along the tip of his cock making the human's hips twitch and jerk in anticipation. Her warm, womanly fluids ran down his cock and cooled on his exposed flesh. Edmund bit down into the rawhide to avoid releasing before the show even began. Finally, without a word, Black Claw sat back onto the human.

Edmund moaned into the gag as his cock suddenly was wrapped in the hot, slick, silky body of Black Claw. Her taunting womanhood now gripped him in a smothering embrace that nearly drove the tormented male over the edge instantly and only the oppressive weight of the large leonid woman who rested her sharp, clawed hands on his shoulders and whose heavily toothed maw was near his face let him contain himself. Black Claw's inner muscles clamped down around the human as she let out a moan of pleasure the aching need to have a male inside her body finally quenched after many long years. She wiggled her hips back and forth in wonder at the feel of the warm, throbbing flesh inside her and so she could watch the helpless human squirm in delight.

Satisfied she had pacified the human, Black Claw raised herself up and then back down establishing a rhythm on the human whose hips jerked in time with her. It took every ounce of willpower that Black Claw still possessed to not dig her claws into the soft human or to bite him like she would a leonid mate. Her powerful claws flexed on his shoulders as she drove herself and down on his hard shaft and she panted, nearly drooling from erotic overload. Edmund could not hope to compete with a Leonid male in many ways, he lacked the pronounced muscles and he did not snarl in the throes of passion yet his willful submission to the powerful female awoke an unrealized joy in the lioness.

Black Claw had anticipated enjoying taking the human. She had longed for carnal relations for many a year but she was surprised at how her loins burned in extra delight at the feeling dominance. So long on the edge of the village, shunned by the others, forced to care for this puny human against her will. Now she was in control and she loved it. It was unfit for a female leonid to be so sexual aggressive, to desire dominance but she did and she loved it. Her powerful legs held the human by the waist, her mighty claws held his shoulders, even if he had not been tied up he would have been helpless; helpless and hers to do with as she pleased, as long as she liked, however she desired.

Edmund was overcome by his sense. The physical touch of the powerful, horny lioness was maddeningly delightful but so to the small hut filled the smell of animal sex. Heavy pheromones filled the air, the stink of sweat, dirt, and sexual fluids. The vision of Black Claw's bosom bouncing with the thrust of her hips was stunning and the human was, despite the circumstance, glad to see her so pleasured. Yet Edmund could not help but feel a twinge of fear when he looked into Black Claw's dark eyes and saw only an animal madness.

The lioness began to slow her pace and she leaned back to hilt herself on the human's cock. She squeezed him with her inner muscles, her body warm all over and ready to peak at a moment's notice. Black Claw reached down to her clit to finger herself and control the exact moment she came. She rubbed her pearl and growled at the human as her body seized around him. Her legs gripped his sides tightly, her pussy clenched around him, and Edmund cried out into the gag as she came. Black Claw's whole body burned with a prickling ecstasy as her orgasm triggered the humans. Edmund moaned as he finally lost control and came into the wet, hot insides of Black Claw. His cock jerked inside her body as his seed spattered her walls and Black Claw chewed her lip at the intensely satisfying sensation of her and the human's climax. She rode the human's orgasm like it was a wave, moving her hips, gripping with her inner walls, all to hold herself and the human at their peak as long as she could.

After what seemed an aching eternity it ended. Black Claw panted, her tongue handing from her broad muzzle, Edmund covered in sweat, mud, small scratches, and sexual juices. Black Claw sat for a moment on the human as she could feel him slipping free from her body. It was done but she still wanted more. She needed more but the human was exhausted and she reluctantly stood again, letting their comingled fluids spill on his abdomen.

Still panting Black Claw looked at the human who lay feebly before in between awake and exhausted sleep. She reached down and pulled the gag from his mouth and smiled in satisfaction at the teeth marks he had left behind. The lioness untied his wrists and ankles, letting the human rub his sore body as she watched. His weakness excited her as she looked at him and a dominate growl slipped from her lips as she gathered his clothes and threw them in a bunch onto him.

"Clean up and be home in time for dinner. It is best you rest as well," she said matter-of-factly. "Now that I have finally found a use for you, I expect you to work for your food and bed." Her dark eyes glittered with a lustful fury. "This has only partially repaid your debt to me," she added as she gathered up her own garments again and began to redress.

Without another word the lioness slipped out of the hut and left the naked human sitting on the floor to ponder what had happened and his predicament. Part of him was furious that Black Claw would treat him like this yet part of him enjoyed himself. Black Claw was, after all, quite the beautiful creature.

Edmund stood and pulled on his pants his sore and battered body wincing as he redressed. He could try to run away but that would likely be a death sentence. The savannah was unforgiving and he was not prepared for a multiday hike. He could try to go to the Chief but how would he explain what had happened let alone his relations with Fire Eyes? No. It seemed to Edmund his only choice was to submit to the powerful lioness. Submit and make her happy.

The human gathered himself and did as he was ordered. He took a long bath in the stream and returned to their shared hut in the early evening. He stepped into to find the mighty lioness sprawled on her sleeping mat naked waiting. A long smile crept across her muzzle as her thin lips pulled back to show her sharp teeth. She licked her teeth with her rough tongue and ran one hand down her body. Edmund obediently began to undress before her as Black Claw growled in delight.

She had won and Edmund had no recourse but to obey and learn to accept his place at the beck and call of two lionesses, Black Claw and Fire Eyes, one who loved him and one who owned him. Edmund had come to learn about Leonid culture and society only to discover that all his reading had not prepared him for the love of a daughter or the wrath of a mother. But Edmund pushed these thoughts asides as Black Claw spread her legs demandingly. There was work to do, he thought to himself as he kneeled down to please her once again.

-The End (for now)

Grant and V

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Black Claw and the Past (Edmund Part 2)

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Edmund and the Lions (M/F)

Edmund hiked his pack up to his back, for the twenty five year old, clean shaven human male who had dedicated his life to studying the strange, savage animal people of the Great Savannah; the day he long had waited had finally come. One tribe of the...

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