Edmund and the Lions (M/F)

Story by Thirdeye on SoFurry

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#1 of Edmund and the Lions Series

So I'm still alive, look at that. This piece is more of the same: a prolonged intro that leads to sex with a cliffhanger ending. I might actually follow up on this because I think human on big cat (or vice versa) is about as sexy as it gets.

Anyway. This story contains male human on female furry action. The female furry is of dubious age so bear that in mind for your personal tastes. Otherwise, enjoy, have a fap, and don't waste my time with whining. If you like it let me know. If you don't, I don't care.

Edmund hiked his pack up to his back, for the twenty five year old, clean shaven human male who had dedicated his life to studying the strange, savage animal people of the Great Savannah; the day he long had waited had finally come. One tribe of the lion people, collectively called Leonids, had given him permission to come into their village and stay with them to study their culture and ways. Edmund had worked for years for this day; first in a University studying what little was known of their culture, the language, and their history before he came out for a field study. It had been a difficult several months, what he had learned in school had proven to be dated and the first Leonid he spoke to laughed at his accented attempts at their language, then pushed him over, and stole his food supplies.

Another time a male warrior had nearly killed him for coming to close to the waterhole, the spear had landed at his feet and the message had been clear. It was only after months of work he had managed to get a message sent to the Chief, a particularly massive male, promising to teach him human military tactics that finally won him an audience. In exchange for lessons about war and giving up his finely honed machete the Chief had agreed to let him stay for a time.

Edmund could not believe his luck as the chief's warrior lead him through the village to where he'd be staying. All about him were the implements of a simple, savage life. Much of their food came from hunting and gathering but a few cattle huddled in a far pen being tended by the youth. Lanky while young the teenaged Leonids still stood as tall as Edmund, easily reaching five foot six inches to five foot eight. Adults, male and female, universally loomed over the human.

His warrior escort was a sizeable male, six foot four inches or maybe more, Edmund mentally noted, and easily over two hundred and thirty pounds. He was wearing the traditional outfit of a warrior Leonid, a leather tunic stretched over his sprawling chest and a small undergarment that was barely adequate to contain the male's manhood. Edmund suspected this particular male was attempting to impress the local females or at least make the human uncomfortable. Despite the somewhat lewd display, Edmund marveled at the male. Like most of his people this warrior possessed mostly feline facial features including a large muzzle, feline eyes, and a flowing red-gold mane of hair. His hide was an amber-gold over his back with a white belly and under his thick pelt was etched a sea of taunt muscles. In Edmund's eyes the creature was both regal and terrifying.

Suddenly the male stopped and pointed to a small mud hut on the edge of the village. With a gesture of his spear the male growled to the human in simple words, "you will live here. With them," he said the disgust in his voice apparent. Confused and slightly worried Edmund approached the hut as the warrior stalked off and pulled aside the hide flap that served as a door. Inside was a simple, round room with a fire pit in the middle, a conical straw roof, two beds made of grass and hides on either side of the fire pit and in the middle of the room a female Leonid.

The female looked up as Edmund peered in. She stood by the small cook fire, the light that it threw cast shadows across her ample figure as she eyed the human. The female appeared to be a mature Leonid woman, she was clearly taller than Edmund and powerfully built. She had broad shoulders and powerful arms, thick thighs, a muscular neck but, surprisingly, a curvaceous feminine form. The Leonid people, as Edmund well knew, favored strength and athleticism above nearly all things, the ideal Leonid woman was lithe, agile, strong, and fast. Leonid males favored small breasts and defined muscles, not the voluptuous curves that this female had. Edmund tried very hard not to stare but his eyes could not escape the draw of her ample bosom straining against her tight leather tunic or the curve of her narrow waist to the bloom of her hips.

The female snapped at him in the Leonid language, "Are you the weakling I have to take care of?"

Edmund shook himself out of his stupor, "Yes, Lady," he added an honorific to be polite, "I am Edmund. The Chief said you would be my host."

The female snorted, clearly aggravated by the situation, "Fine. You can have that corner," she gestured to an unused portion of the mud hut, "I hope you like meat. I'm not cooking anything special."

Edmund chewed his lip uncomfortably as he placed his pack down in the designated spot. This was not going as well as he had hoped. "I'm sorry to..." he struggled for the word in Leonid, "be a problem for you."

The lioness looked up from her poking at the food on the fire, one large, clawed hand on her hip, her large yellow eyes glittering with contained frustration "What is one more problem? Pft." She waved dismissively at the human.

"What should I call you?" Edmund hazarded.

The lioness looked back down to the cooking, "I am called Black Claw. My daughter is Fire Eyes."

"Your daughter?" The human sounded surprised, if her daughter was the second bed that meant there was no male in the household which, while Edmund's knowledge of their culture was still limited, he knew this a grave and insulting situation. Mating and child bearing were strictly controlled by the tribal chief, if Black Claw had had a cub without permission it was no surprise she was relegated to the far edge of town. She was likely seen as a slut, an honor-less woman, or even a witch. Edmund realized that the Chief also had made a statement sending him here. She was being punished by being forced to care for the weak and tiny human.

"Yes, my daughter," the mother lioness growled, "she is out gathering herbs for the shaman." A harrumph escaped her lips, "She will be excited to meet you." It was clear that Black Claw herself was not.

Edmund awkwardly shifted from one foot to the other in the corner. None of this was going according to his plan... He had not thought that he would be sent to live with an extremely low ranked family, naively he had assumed he would he treated as an honored guest in the Chief's house. He mentally cursed his foolishness when he heard the scrambling of feet outside and the hide door flapped over.

In bound a young Leonid, Fire Eyes the bastard daughter of Black Claw, she stood close to Edmund's height at five foot six inches and was a slender, graceful creature. Unlike her mother she was a lithe and athletic creature, her body toned by a life of running and chasing insects and wrestling with the other youth. Dressed in the simple leather tunic and loincloth common to her tribe Edmund's eyes were drawn to her tight body and small, perky breasts but were drawn back to her feline face as she spied the human, her muzzle split into a toothy grin and her namesake eyes glittered like two red-yellow marbles that contained tiny, beautiful suns.

"You're HERE!" the excited feline squealed as she charged up to Edmund who flinched instinctively. Fire Eyes shoved her muzzle into Edmund's face and sniffed him, her eyes looking over the fascinating human. "You have no mane! And no muzzle! Where is your tail? Don't you get cold without fur? What is the name of that? What are those on your paws! Why do you have so many clothes? What are they made of?" the teen-aged lioness spewed. Her curiosity and enthusiasm made Edmund chuckle despite the awkwardness of having a young, sensually built female examining him very closely.

"I'm Edmund," he started trying to slow the flow of questions which rapidly outpaced his skills in their language.

"Give him some room," Black Claw barked at her daughter.

Fire Eyes bounced back on her paw-like feet to let Edmund breath, "Sorry!" she chirped, "I'm Fire Eyes! It is so neat to meet you!" The excited teenage Leonid's whiskers flicked forwards the human curiously, her muzzle twitched as she took in all the unusual smells.

"It's okay," Edmund replied, "I'm happy to meet you as well." After the cold reception by Black Claw, the enthusiasm of her daughter was a welcome change of pace. "I'm here to learn about you and your people."

The bouncing feline cocked her head to the side, her ears perking up curiously. "That sounds fun! I can teach you a lot!" she chirped excitedly. Black Claw looked up from her cooking as her daughter and Edmund chatted. She caught Edmund's eye and the look that she gave him was quite clear, he had best be careful around her daughter. A mother lioness was protective; a mother Leonid was a force of nature.

Despite the rocky start Edmund settled into the village routine and true to her word Fire Eyes was eager to be a guide to Leonid life. Many a morning Edmund would wake up to a warm breakfast prepared by the curvaceous but ornery Black Claw and then would be lead off into the village by Fire Eyes to meet someone, learn about a craft, witness a hunting party, or some other bit of useful information. In exchange for her help Edmund had begun to teach her human languages and even shown her how to write her name, much to her delight. Soon the young feline taught the other youth the same trick much to their shared joy.

Edmund also spent many hours with the Chief of the village teaching him everything he could. The Chief proved to be a quick study for military matters but showed little interest in Edmund's lessons on art, languages, or farming. Still Edmund upheld his promise to teach the Chief for fear of being thrown out of the village or worse. It also became clear overtime that Edmund's status in the village was equated to that of Black Claw and Fire Eyes, which is to say very low. And finally after many months he learned that Black Claw had mated with male from another tribe whom she fancied when she was young despite being promised to another male in her own.

Black Claw's affair was discovered when she was with child and her mate executed. Without a husband she was demoted to a low rank, forbidden from hunting and nearly all honorable work a fate her daughter shared. Rarely did their poor social status seem to bother Fire Eyes, though it clearly grated on Black Claw often. Black Claw was forced into menial work, cleaning huts and trading herbs, to care for herself and her daughter. Without the physically demanding work that the hunters and huntresses performed she gained more weight than was considered acceptable. Though Edmund found her curvaceous body appealing he more than one caught her looking disappointedly at her large breasts and wide hips bemoaning that she will never find a mate again.

Fire Eyes suffered was also banned from becoming a huntress but found work as the tribal shaman's assistant and as a messenger between villages. Edmund noted in his journal that while Fire Eyes and Black Claw survived they never were treated like full members of the tribe. They were gossiped about, spied on, distrusted, and the addition of the human visitor had only made things worse. Luckily, it was soon harvest season and Edmund hoped a celebration would help everyone feel better and give him new data to record.

"Edmund," whispered a voice as the human rolled over groggily on his straw bed. "Edmund, wake up!" it came again. "Eddddmund, its Festival! Get up!" insisted the voice and it was soon followed by a prodding finger.

"I'm up, I'm up," Edmund replied as he rolled over. Squatting beside his bed was Fire Eyes, her feline face smeared with red and blue paint tracing along her muzzle and her plain leather tunic replaced with a dyed yellow and red, festive one. The lioness bounced back on her heels excitedly giving Edmund a good view of her strong, athletic legs and firm backside with twitching tail. The human sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Does the Festival start this early?" he whined.

"Well no," Fire Eyes replied, "but I thought you'd want to see it get setup. For your book!"

Edmund couldn't help but smile. She was right after all so he made haste in gathering his things so that the excited Leonid could how him what was to come.

Fire Eyes excitedly lead the human to the town common, pointing out different decorations on various huts, where certain games would be played. Already the smell of cooking food wafted through the air and Fire Eyes' muzzle twitched excitedly while Edmund made notes.

"A whole zebra?" he inquired.

"At least one," replied the lioness.

"And a gazelle?"

"Of course!" she replied again.

"And what is that?"

"That's timqua!"

"What's timqua?" the human asked.

"Spirits made from roots. It's delicious! You'll have to try some, it sets a fire inside you!" Fire Eyes chirped with a lick of her chops, her thick tongue laying back her whiskers at the thought of the potent drink.

"Right," Edmund made a note in his book. "So what does everyone do at this party?"

The lioness beamed happily. "There is dancing and eating and drinking. And this is when all the young males try to impress the females with contests and tests of strength."

"So it's a courtship ritual?"

The leonid furrowed her brow, "Maybe, I guess. More like showing off."

"Do the females do anything?"

"Why do you think I have this cute tunic my mother made!" Fire Eyes replied excitedly as she spun on her footpaw to show it off. Indeed, the outfit had clearly been made to show off that the young woman was fit, strong, and attractive. The leather hugged every curve and left little to the imagination with colorful designs that seemed geared to point out the young lioness' breasts and buttocks. Edmund made a note in his book about the role of outfits but did not include his own observations that indeed, Fire Eyes was a lovely young woman and any male would be lucky to have her.

By nightfall the village was transformed. Mud huts had been decorated with paint and dangling streamers, the village green was filled with tables of food, jugs of timqua, sweets, and a clearing where the young males wrestled one another for show. Males and females alike gathered to watch the young men demonstrate their prowess and to prove their worth as mates and establish their place in the tribe. The Chief sat on the sidelines, as umpire and officiate, with his numerous wives bringing him the choicest meats and a large jug of the pungent timqua. Others played instruments and some danced while still more gathered to gossip, largely about who would take who as mates this night.

Edmund wandered the party taking notes. He documented the different foods, the contests the young men engaged in, the outfits of the women, and what rules he could figure out about who took who as mates. Over the course of the evening he began to note that some couples would disappear from the party, their decision to become mates finalized and the parties eager to consummate it. As hours passed more and more pairs disappeared, including a few older leonids who seemed to be inspired by their younger counterparts, from the Festival.

"Edmund!" called a familiar voice. The human turned around to find Fire Eyes bouncing up to him carrying two sizable jugs. "I brought you timqua! You have to try it!" she said as she pushed the jug into his hands, the white, thick liquid sloshing inside.

Edmund sniffed the liquid dubiously but with the eager look Fire Eyes gave him, he could not refuse. Raising the jug to his lips he held his breath and sipped the drink. The texture struck him as similar to slightly spoiled milk while the taste was herbal, spicy, and aggressively alcoholic. The human coughed after his first swallow, the unfamiliar liquid felt like fire as it went down.

"Come on," chided the young lioness, "like this!" Fire Eyes lifted her jug to her muzzle and Edmund watched with a mixture of horror and surprise as she gulped down the liquor without trouble.

The human raised his jug to his lips again and began to drink. For some reason he did not want to disappoint the young leonid so he downed the heavy liquid and choked back the burning sensation as he did so. He was rewarded for his efforts twofold. One was the beaming look of pride on Fire Eyes face and two was the steadily growing warmth he felt throughout his body. Edmund mused to himself that whatever was in this timqua it was very strong. So strong in fact that the world began to swim and he stumbled. A loud ringing overtook Edmund and the last he could remember were the faint words "are you okay?" and then blackness.

Fire Eyes' strong, pawlike hands ran over Edmund's exposed chest, his chest hair tickled between her fingers. The lion-like teen huffed a hot breath over Edmund's face as she threw aside his shirt and pressed her muzzle against his face again. Edmund's hands groped at the young lioness, one hand gripped her firm buttock while the other slide behind her head and between her feline ears to press her face into his own. His full, human lips pressed against her thin, leonid lips, her whiskers spread along his face and cheeks. Her rough, sandpapery tongue invaded his mouth bringing with it the taste of the heady timqua they had drunk.

Fire Eyes hands roamed over the human's chest and back and explored the fascinating smoothness of his form. Soft, pliable skin over muscle and bone her clawed fingers left red marks where she gripped Edmund eagerly. Her hands reached down to fondle his crotch, feeling his manhood through his cloth pants, the swell of his shaft, the shape of his balls both alien and erotic to the aroused, young feline.

Edmund in turn pulled the shoulder strap from her tunic and greedily embraced her left breast as it slipped free of the leather top. Her short fur teased his palm as he cupped her smallish breast in his hand, her nipple in his palm. The female leonid let out a lusty growl as Edmund squeezed her breast gently and brushed his hand along her sensitive teat.

The feline responded by gently squeezing Edmund's cock through his clothes before her excited hands groped at his waistband. "Off," she coarsely grunted as she pulled roughly at his pants. Edmund did nothing to resist as his pants were pulled down and in turn brushed aside the last strap holding Fire Eyes tunic up. The pair, human and leonid, momentarily clung to one another, their bodies naked but for undergarments and afire from the powerful effects of the timqua. Suddenly the moment passed and Edmund, with one hand on Fire Eyes' lower back, laid her down on the straw and hide mat he called a bed.

Fire Eyes sprawled with feline grace before Edmund's eyes on the mat; she was from ear tip to tail tip stunning. Her amber fur reflected the sputtering fire light while her lighter belly drew attention to her well toned abs and the swell of her perky breasts. Her neck swooped up to her feline face, her muzzle parted slightly as she breathed heavily in obvious anticipation. Her long legs were slender but muscular and graced by delicate, animal paws which for all their dexterity still held deadly claws. And there in the middle was her womanhood for the moment hidden by a thin cloth garment already wet and smelling of her animal desire.

Edmund lowered himself over her, the smell of her body thick in the air and intoxicating. With the back of his hand he stroked her cheek, the giant feline pressed into the affectionate gesture, as he traced his hand down her body to her delicate mound. He slipped a finger into her undergarment and drew it away, the aroused Fire Eyes watched him impatiently her thick, rough tongue running along her teeth hungrily.

She had enough teasing and gave the human a playful yet needy growl as she reached out to yank his shorts down. The human's aroused cock bounced merrily in its sudden exposure, a bead of precum already perched on the tip. So unlike a leonid, Fire Eyes though for a moment, no sheath, no fur, no barbs, just one long, smooth, delicate shaft. A shaft that she wanted and now. Her clawed hand reminded Edmund to hurry along with a squeeze on his buttocks.

Message received Edmund laid forward onto the feline, her fur sending tingling, thrilling alerts all through his body. One strong leg slipped up along his side as he reached between them, his hand taking his cock and aligning it with her wet lips. Edmund could feel the heat of her body radiating from her nethers as he pressed himself against her. Fire Eyes let out a throaty moan as the human's smooth shaft slipped past her dripping, silken lips and into her body. She growled and gently raked her claws up the human's back as he pressed himself into her and she shuddered at the sudden, satisfying sense of fullness.

Edmund grunted as he sheathed himself in the leonid's body, her pussy was almost painfully tight as she gripped him but decadently warm and wet. His first thrust filled her entirely as he felt his balls bounce gently against her. For a moment he held his cock there, the thrill of what was occurring flowed over him and the sensual contrast of her rough fur against his naked flesh thrilled him. He drew back; the sudden difference between the cool air on his exposed cock versus the warmth of his lover begged him to return. He thrust back in to another groan of delight. "Fire Eyes..." Edmund wheezed as he began to settle into a rhythm in time with the horny, young lioness.

Fire Eyes' firm, athletic body ground against Edmund as their bodies collided over and over like waves on shore. Her perky breasts pressed into his chest as he kissed and bit at her furred neck, eliciting cries of delight. The couple settled into a blissful pattern of coupling. Fire Eyes pressed her hips lustily into her human mate, their faces interlocked in desperate lovemaking. Edmund gripped the lioness' hips for leverage, her claws dug into the straw. Somewhere deep in Edmund's sex and drug addled brain he realized that Fire Eyes was a virgin, her body was to tight for any other explanation.

The human leaned forward to kiss Fire Eyes gain, her tongue again invading his mouth and he invaded hers. Her rough tongue made for a strange experience and her muzzle was a poor fit against his mouth, leading to a horny, drooling mess of a lover. However, the desperate and feral nature of their lovemaking inspired him.

Edmund, clearly the more experienced of the couple, tired of behind on top so he rolled the writhing lioness onto her side, pulled her leg up and took her from behind. With one arm hooked around her waist he stroked her firm belly as he held up her leg with his other hand and again thrust deep into her quivering sex.

The young lioness dug her claws into the straw mat as the human fucked her. Her tail lashed in anxious energy as she felt a building heat forming inside of her. The sensation of the human's arms possessively around her body thrilled her as she pushed her hips back to greet each of his eager thrusts. Though she was new to mating she knew that she wanted to time her finish with Edmunds and bit her lip to try her best to reign in what she knew was coming.

Edmund huffed as he gripped the squirming lioness, he could feel her pussy spasming around his length as she built lustily towards orgasm. Edmund let the arm the held her waist slide down her body. He took in the rapturous feel of her toned abs until he reached her pussy. Edmund maintained his thrusting as he slicked his fingers in their comingled juices before he gently teased them along her exposed clit.

Fire Eyes jerked with a snarl at the sudden stab of pleasure that coursed through her body as the human caressed her button. Unperturbed the human stroked her clit gently again in synch with his thrusts, causing the lioness to shake and drool with pleasure. Her breath came in ragged, heaving draws as she panted and moaned. Suddenly the building fire in her body exploded and she grabbed onto the human's arm, her claws nearly breaking the skin, as she screamed in an overwhelming mix of ecstasy and shock. Her body clenched instinctively onto Edmund's throbbing cock, locking the human in place.

Her body gripped Edmund in every way from claw hands to tight pussy, and Edmund felt her tunnel twitch and his hard cock get drenched by her orgasm. Finally at his end as well the human relaxed and let his own orgasm over take him. He shuddered as he sprayed his seed into his feline lover, months of unacknowledged lust released into her youthful, nubile body. Spurt after spurt of Edmund's human seed filled her belly, Fire Eyes' breath came in ragged gasps as Edmund continued to press his hips against her eager to ensure every drop of his seed was released inside her. Finally the couple shuddered together in pleasure as Edmund kissed the back of her neck, his cock slowly deflating and the hot mix of their fluids escaped onto his mat.

Exhausted the human slumped on his back, his penis popping free of the lioness' body. The young leonid, equally spent, rolled over onto his chest and licked his chin affectionately before snuggling her muzzle under his neck. Quickly, darkness overtook both and they slept holding each other closely.

Edmund awoke to a throbbing headache. The timqua's effects finally wearing off and leaving behind only bursts of pain and color in his vision. He reached up to stroke his temple only to realize his arm was penned beneath something and as he looked down he realized what had happened. A nude, beautiful Fire Eyes lay cuddled against him, her crotch fur matted with sexual fluids and one paw rested possessively on the human's crotch.

But more importantly was the Black Claw sat in a chair beside him, her dark eyes burned with barely constrained anger as she looked at the small, weak human.

"What have you done..." growled the mother lioness...

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