Wayne and Mary (M/F)

Story by Thirdeye on SoFurry

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This is another fap piece. There is something of a back story but not much. It contains teenage sex, oral and vaginal, between a human male and a female sheep anthro.

It is not art by any stretch of the means but I enjoyed writing it, so hopefully you will enjoy rubbing a few out to it.

If people keep liking my crap I might try to make more. I have a few others started that I pick at when I have the time.

Happy fapping.

Wayne was a 23 year old human male. He stood 5 foot, 11 inches and weighed a reasonable 165 pounds. He was sturdy but not muscular and lacked any meaningful amount of fat. He had kept his sandy blonde hair cut short, little more than a buzz cut with some extra on top, and wore comfortable and trendy clothes. Wayne was a handsome guy and while not likely to be asked to come an underwear model anytime soon he was an attractive college-aged guy.

Wayne studied at the local university to become a teacher and like many college students he had taken on odd jobs to make ends meet and his most profitable and enjoyable on was tutoring. He had carved out a small niche in the local market as one of the few humans willing to tutor Anthros since most humans saw them as little more than fancy animals though Wayne had always enjoyed their vibrant approach to life, living in the moment and taking things as they were.

He had several students but as the school year was coming to an end most had ended their sessions for the summer. However tonight he had a final session with Mary. Mary was such a sweet thing, Wayne thought to himself as he walked to her house. She was a high school senior, she had recently turned 17, but was struggling in school. She was a sheep-Anthro, not a species known for their brains, but she was amazingly sweet and friendly and being covered in a thick layer of snow colored wool, rather amusing to see.

Mary usually wore loose fitting clothes because her wool was so thick that anything else was doomed to split or stretch. Wayne thought it made her look cute, in a childish sort of way, and it made her look far younger than she really was. Still, she was a sweet person and the job paid so Wayne didn't really care if most of his sessions he felt like he was talking to a cotton ball with a muzzle and two yellow eyes. Despite this she was a dutiful student, tried her best and over the past few months had moved from a D average to a C+ and even a few Bs, both Wayne and Mary had been delighted.

Wayne rounded the corner and walked up to Mary's house. It was a nice home in the Anthro part of town, a comfortable two story building with a small yard. Mary's father was a police officer in the Anthro-Affairs department and her mother an attendant at a nursing home outside of town. Mary was their only child and a bit spoiled but it had not been a major issue outside of the moments when she was petulant and demanding, like most single children.

Wayne rang the doorbell, the familiar chime echoed through the house. He waited a minute but there was no reply. He pursed his lips and rang it again. Through the door he faintly heard hooves scurry about and then Mary's voice shout, "Come on in, door's unlocked!" her sheep accent making the word door sound like "dah-or" with a bah at the front. Wayne shrugged his shoulders, opened the door, and stepped inside.

He closed the door behind him and turned around to see Mary but Mary was very different that evening. Mary had shorn her wool off, all but her head, her back and neck, and though Wayne could not see, her round, firm buttocks and thighs. Her lips were ringed in cherry red lipstick, her eyes treated with dark eyeshadow, and the wool on her head styled back like human hair. Her loose fitted clothes had been replaced with a tight, white blouse with the top several buttons undone which revealed her extremely ample bosom that was held in place by a lacy, black bra visible along the line of her blouse. Her midrift was exposed by the blouse and red thong straps poked up from her red and black plaid miniskirt which was tucked under her little tail and ridding low on her sensual hips. Up Mary's long, graceful legs were stretched knee high red and black striped socks and her hooves had been painted the same cherry red as her lips.

Wayne stammered, "Mary?!?" The sheep-Anthro, whom Wayne had always seen as more a lamb than an ewe smiled at him and licked her powerful lips a feral, lusty gleam in her eyes. Without a word the ewe stepped towards Wayne, her painted hooves clicking on the tile floor. Wayne stepped back reflexively and bumped into the door, his hands groped at the wood at a loss of what to do.

"Remember when I said I wanted to get you a thank you present?" Mary bleated as she closed the distance and pressed herself up against the older human, her ample bosom pressed into his chest as she stretched up to kiss Wayne's neck and face. Wayne sputtered an incoherent reply as Mary's hands slide over his body which, despite his best efforts, had responded enthusiastically to this sensual display. Mary was, as Wayne discovered, anything but a lamb.

"Where..." Wayne started before he was interrupted as Mary gave him an affectionate nip to the neck, "where are your parents?!?" he finished. Wayne closed his eyes, he hoped that if he could not see Mary's breasts pressed against him and strained in their tight garments, that he might resist her somehow. The softness of her body amazed him, and deep down Wayne remembered the many lurid fantasies he had had about Mary. It had never occurred to him that Mary might share his lusts or even that under all the wool was hidden such a curvaceous and womanly body.

Mary nuzzled his neck, her hand explored his chest and slid under his shirt as she groped the trapped human. Indeed, Mary had shared Wayne's fantasies and had ones even more lurid herself. She had dreamed of sleeping with Wayne since their second tutoring session and she had longed to give him something very precious, her virginity. Unknown to Wayne she had saved her money and slowly bought the pieces of the outfit and snuck them into the house while her parents were away. Piece by piece she had assembled the perfect trap. She raised up one floppy ear, "On vacation. All week." she murmured as she moved her lips to Wayne's and sought his attention more directly.

Mary's lips pressed against Wayne's and he knew this was the moment. He had felt her fumbling with his belt and as she admitted her parents were gone he knew this could only one of two ways. Either Wayne had to accept Mary's gift or he had to leave. He hesitated as his mind swirled. Mary was to youn, part of him cried, she's barely 17 and you're almost 24. Only 6 years or so apart, another part retorted. Besides, a third part added, look at her she is no lamb, that is clear. Mary's lips, like many ovine creatures, were strong as was her tongue, her breasts were larger than any human's of her size because her people had once carried utters. She was warm, soft, eager, and gentle.

Wayne pressed his lips into hers, his hands finally raised from the door to gather the young ewe in his arms as his tongue slipped into her mouth.

Mary gasped as Wayne leaned into her, his tongue darted into her mouth and she thrust her tongue into his. She groped at his belt as they kissed, she unlatched it and quickly unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. She had spent so much time fantasying, masturbating, and dreaming of this she simply could wait no longer. Her hands eagerly pulled open his pants and she groped his engorged member through his shorts. He was aroused and, Mary thought, very well endowed. She only had pictures on the internet by which to judge but she was pleased with what she had found when she pulled down his boxers.

Wayne gasped as Mary's lips left his own and her hands pawed at his already hard erection. He was a well-endowed guy and after several days without time to attend to himself his cock was eager and hard. Mary slid down his body and licked her lips as one hand stroked Wayne's large dick. She kissed along his shaft, her strong sheep lips mouthed around him exotically. She licked along the bottom of his shaft which elicited a groan of delight from Wayne as she cupped his balls in one hand and took the tip of his penis into her mouth.

One hand on the door, Wayne grunted as he was teased by the horny ewe. He reached down and stroked her wooly head as she licked his shaft and mouthed at his cock. Wayne tried hard to enjoy the moment but all he really wanted was for her to take his dick, now. A bead of precum leaked from his tip as he reflexively nudged his hips forward towards the sheep's attentive mouth. Mary enjoyed Wayne's squirms and moans of delight and took the hint when he thrust gently towards her and opened her mouth wide to take in his rigid length.

In her mouth Mary could feel every inch of Wayne. Her tongue curled around his shaft and she sucked gently on him as she bobbed her head forward and back. Her strong lips and tongue drove Wayne mad with stimulation as she suckled on his cock, one hand still teasing his heavy sack and while her other hand drifted down her body so she could stimulate herself. Wayne stroked Mary's head and helped guide her but quickly found he didn't need to do much, she was a natural.

Minutes seemed like hours and Wayne's body burned from the pleasure. He gasped, "I'm gonna cum!" as Mary tongued his cock. Mary's hand had strayed inside her thong and she had been busy fingering herself, her body wet with arousal and anticipation. Wayne groaned out, "OH GOD!" as he peaked, his body clenching as Mary closed her lips around his shaft while he ejaculated. Mary had not planned what to do as Wayne released himself in her muzzle, his salty and warm cum filling her mouth. She hesitated a moment and then decided simply she would swallow his jizz. Wayne nearly collapsed from pleasure as Mary eagerly sucked up his orgasm, her tongue licked him clean, as she peered up at him in a mix of dominate delight and arousal. Mary had not only pleased her first male but had made him weak in the knees.

Mary leaned back and licked her lips clean, she looked up at the gasping human and she smiled a long smile. Wayne looked down at Mary and couldn't help but grin at the cheery ewe and also at his top down view of her bosom. Wayne held out a hand for Mary and helped her stand as he stepped out his pants. "I think I need to return the favor," he said as he walked Mary into the living room and toward the sofa. Mary giggled in excited delight, she didn't know what Wayne had in mind but was happy to find out.

Wayne led the sheep girl over to the side of the sofa and placed his hands on her hips. He leaned in and kissed her muzzle, the smell of his cum still on her breath, before he turned her around so she was facing the arm of the sofa and he stood behind her. Mary quirked a brow but did not argue and Wayne placed his hand on her back and guided her to lean over. Obediently, Mary leaned over the arm of the sofa and gathered up the pillows in her arms for support.

Her firm, round ass pointed up, her little tail quivered in excitement as Wayne stroked her thighs and haunches. He squeezed her rump and dug his fingers into her soft wool as he explored her youthful body. "You are amazing," Wayne murmured to himself as he caressed her and he hooked his fingers under her red thong, already spotted with moisture from the aroused ewe. He pushed her skirt up and pulled her thong down to expose her snowy, white mound and her pink, womanly lips. Already wet from excitement, Wayne smiled and kneeled behind her and leaned in to kiss her.

Mary held the pillows to her chest, she shifted her weight slightly nervous as Wayne examined her. She let out a ringing "bah!" of pleasure when the human kissed her womanhood and began to pleasure her in turn. Wayne stroked Mary's ass with his hands as he licked at her pussy, his tongue teased the outside of her body and he got his first taste of her. Wayne had not known what to expect when he went down but he found that Mary tasted somewhat sweet and as she bucked back against his face in surprised delight, she tasted even better. He licked at her several times, enjoying the feel of her flesh and the intensity of her arousal. Her smell filled his nose.

Wayne grinned at Mary as she squirmed and leaned in again. This time he spread her lips with his fingers and slipped his tongue into her. She was extremely wet and Wayne, being the good man that he was, slid his fingers down to her swollen clit. He buried his tongue inside her and fingered her button almost aggressively. Mary bahed again, her tail flicked straight up in surprise and stimulation. Between tongue and fingers Mary did not last long. She pushed her hips back against Wayne's face and let out a long, low "baaaaaaaaaah" follow by a gasped "Oh god!" as she came. The human licked at her pussy as she orgasmed and leaned back. He stroked her firm ass once more as he stood up and rubbed his cock with his juice covered hand.

"Are you ready?" Wayne asked as he teased at Mary's wet pussy with his again engorged cock. Mary looked up from the pillows she clutched and nodded.

"Take me," the ewe growled. Wayne grinned broadly and slid the tip of cock along her slit, he felt her heat, her moisture. She was ready.

Wayne slipped himself inside of Mary, the warm, wet folds of her body wrapped around him. She was incredibly tight and Wayne groaned in pleasure as he slipped deeper and deeper in. He felt a moments resistance and hesitated when he realized what he had found. He looked down at Mary as she quivered in ecstasy. Wayne pushed himself deeper in and broke her hymen, Mary yelped a moment, but relaxed again as her lover pressed himself deeper. Mary was not tall and her species of Anthro were not very large so Wayne's generous dick filled her virgin pussy snuggly. Mary felt, much to her delight, like they had been made for each other and her body clenched around his shaft.

"Oh gods!" she bleated, "More!" the sheep demanded as she pushed herself back onto her lover. Wayne grunted and grabbed onto Mary's hips and thrust rhythmically into her. His balls bounced off her as both grunted, moaned, and squirmed in sexual ecstasy. Wayne had never felt a woman as tight as this, let alone one who was so tight and so enthusiastic. Her body seemed to ripple with sexual energy, her heavy breasts swung with the pattern of their humping, her little tail upright, and her tight ass slapped against his hips.

Neither knew how much time passed. They shifted positions at some point and slide forward onto the sofa. Mary reoriented herself to face Wayne who climbed onto of her and she wrapped her firm legs around him. They kissed each other passionately as they fucked, Mary's lipstick smeared across Wayne's face and her eyeshadow smudged from tears of pleasure. Wayne pounded into her, her body wrapped around him in a tight, wet, hot embrace. The tight tunnel of her body was exhilarating as her formerly virgin pussy gripped Wayne has he grunted and thrust himself deeply and passionately into Mary. Somehow the pair managed to take off his shirt and unbutton her blouse, letting her heaving bosom press against Wayne's bare chest.

Wayne felt Mary clench around his shaft and orgasm again underneath him. Her body shuddered as she let out a drawn out bah and her legs gripped his sides. Having already blown his load once in her mouth, Wayne discovered a new stamina and he kept going. Mary groaned as her body convulsed under Wayne's lusts, she had rarely orgasmed before and now twice in one day; it was almost too much as she felt a third rising deep inside her. She reached around Wayne and grabbed his ass and guided him to the perfect place, his cock rubbing and pressing on her g-spot deep inside. She could feel Wayne's body twitched inside her, she felt that he was almost done.

Wayne's orgasm built as Mary guided him home. He cried out inarticulately as he came inside her, his hot seed filled her waiting body. Mary climaxed one last time in unison with Wayne and locked her lips to his as they orgasmed, she accepted his cum inside of her, his gift to her. She panted as Wayne collapsed on her, exhausted. She stroked his head and back and kissed him as he gazed into her yellow eyes with a satisfied smile. "That was amazing," he said.

Mary kissed him, "It was."

"This was the best thank you present I've ever gotten," Wayne said as he slipped himself out of the ewe.

Mary smiled down at the mess they had made on the sofa, it would need a good cleaning. "You know," she added, "my parents aren't back till next Tuesday."

"Yeah?" Wayne said as he looked for something to clean up with.

"Yeah," Mary replied, "and I might need a few more tutoring sessions between now and then."

"I have been working on a new curriculum on anatomy that I could use some feedback on..."

Sam and Darren (M/F w. implied Hypnotism)

The sun had long since set and the moon was high when Darren finally slumped into his small, one bedroom apartment in the basement of a high rise. The old heater on the wall whistled loudly as threw his keys on the scavenged table in his joint...

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Mindy and the Tiger (M/F w. vore)

In the future science has mastered all things genetic and two new creatures have come to be. One of these is known as Hybrids, human and animal clones that are custom built with physical, mental, and emotional traits all designed to the buyer's...

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