Lincoln and Chase (M/F)

Story by Thirdeye on SoFurry

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This story has a nice length build up with some character building and a bit of teasing. Don't worry, this all leads to some quality hetero sex. It is a male human/female skunk relationship, nothing kinky otherwise. I kinda like the characters so if people show interest I might write some more smut with them.

As always this is smut. Enjoy it, don't think too hard, and while I am sure a few typos remain I don't care. Just fap .

The weather was terrible. It was an early spring rain with a still wintery wind behind it that bent the rain so that it whipped under umbrellas, past raincoats, and beneath awnings. The rain had begun the night before and showed no interest in letting up as the sun began to set over the city. Anyone caught unaware was in for a nasty night here just outside of the city.

Lincoln pulled into the diner parking lot with a muffled curse. The rain had made the drive from his office downtown to the restaurant miserable and all he wanted was a nice dinner before heading home. Lincoln was a young human, mid to late-20s, the up and coming business sort. He was wearing a nice slate gray sport coat, a blue button up shirt, and matching gray slacks all tailored to fit. Lincoln brushed his brown, shoulder length hair back as he debated the run up to the front door of the diner. Was it really worth the rain for a steak and a beer he wondered? He grunted as he grabbed his umbrella and stepped out into the storm, the pop of the umbrella signified it was open but the rain seemed hardly deterred and merely blew around his feeble shelter.

Lincoln made a dash for the door when he saw something move in the waning light. It was a person, no, as they turned he saw a tail, an anthro. Anthros were a dubious business not really legal and not really illegal they existed in a legal gray area. You could hire them, you could fire them and no one really cared. Most people considered them thieves and criminals by nature and avoided them as a rule. Little more than big animals as far as the government was concerned humans tended to stay away and they usual lived in their own small towns or slums near the cities, not in nicer areas like this.

"Heya, dude," the anthro said as it walked towards him. Lincoln froze with one hand on the pull bar to the diner entrance. The anthro stepped forward into one of the lights; it was a female skunk-anthro, pretty young Lincoln thought, probably a eighteen or nineteen though it was hard to guess anthro ages beneath the fur. She was wearing what Lincoln would have called DIY-punk clothes: torn blue jeans where bits of her black and white fur stuck out of the holes on her thighs, a tight red top that scooped low across her black furred (and surprisingly ample) bosom, a worn leather jacket with hand sewn band patches and custom metal studs, her hair was made into messy spikes that drooped in the rain and behind her swung a massive black and white tail that hung heavy with water. The skunk woman was curvaceous, skunk anthros tend that way in general and their thick fur only made it more noticeable, and her tight clothes served to highlight that she was young, fit and sexy, a message which was not lost on Lincoln. Anthro or human, he knew an attractive woman when he saw one.

On her back she had a beige rucksack of some sort, the strap nestled between her breasts which drew Lincoln's eyes to the ample, furry mounds as the strap enhanced her cleavage. "Heya," she said again drawing Lincoln's gaze back to her yellow, animal eyes, "look I was heading into town and my ride dumped me. I don't wanna impose or nothin' but can ya help a girl out? Trying to get to a friend's place, ya know?" The skunk rolled back her lips in an attempt to smile, her sharp white teeth flashed in the dirty diner lights.

In the skunk's nose, ears, and lips were a number of silver piercings which made her attempt to smile charmingly all the more off putting. Lincoln wondered if anthro's realized that their attempts to smile just showed off their teeth and was more unsettlingly than inviting. "Hitching rides, huh?" Lincoln replied.

"Yeah. My last ride dropped me off up the road but there's a bus the rest of that way that leaves at nine but it cost more than I thought," she started.

"So you need money?" Lincoln interrupted.

"Uh," the skunk's ears fell back against her head apprehensively, more piercing lining her ears flashing silver in the light, "yeah. I guess."

Lincoln looked over the skunk girl as he thought about it. She seemed honest enough and not threatening and while Lincoln suspected there was more to this story than she had shared it was clear she was cold, wet, and hungry. "How about dinner first?"

The skunk girl blinked her yellow eyes as her ears flipped up and betrayed her excitement. "Sure! I mean, that'd be cool. Thanks." She adjusted her rucksack, took the invitation, and walked past the human as he pushed open the door chivalrously. Her tail, nearly as long as she was tall, brushed against Lincoln as she went past him leaving a trail of water on his coat and a lingering smell of wet fur, skunk odor, and a feral musk. Lincoln sniffed at the strange smell as he let her past before folding up his umbrella and following the shapely skunkette inside not completely sure the tail brushing was an accident.

"Two, please." The waitress nodded and led Lincoln and the skunk over to a corner of the restaurant away from the other customers as most people are uncomfortable sitting around anthros, let alone a wet skunk. Some anthros had it easier; the media was favorable to the exotic or the fashionable ones. Felines and canines could do well for themselves as models and actors, horses could easily find a place in some movies and shows or at least in manual labor, but other species, not so much. Rodents, reptiles, and animals with strong odors, like skunks or ferrets, tended to endure discrimination if not outright hostility from most humans so it wasn't too surprising to Lincoln to see a young skunk heading to the city and bumming along the way.

"Thanks," the skunk said as she tossed her rucksack into the booth and slide in after it, her massive tail taking up the space beside her as she tried to wring out some of the water. "I haven't had a good meal in days." She paused as she picked up the menu, "because I've been traveling, not because I couldn't afford it or anything," she added her yellow eyes glanced over the top of the plastic-covered menu to see if Lincoln was buying her story. Buried in her bushy black-and-white eyebrows Lincoln spotted yet more piercings.

"Sure," he decided not to push her on her travels, "but before you order you have to do something for me." The skunk looked up, momentarily concerned. "Tell me your name. I'm Lincoln."

"Lincoln? Like the president?" the skunk asked with a muffled chuff and grin.

"Yup. Like the president, my parents were fans I guess."

"Well, my name is Chastity but everyone calls me Chase," the skunk replied as she stuck out a clawed hand to shake, her nails more like short claws and her palm covered with a leathery pad.

Lincoln shook her hand, mindful of the nails, and smiled back, "Chase then. It's nice to meet you. The dinner omelets here are great."

The two made an odd pair and not one that was welcomed normally. Lincoln paid no attention to the looks from the other guests or the slightly surly attitude from the waitress, while in college he had experimented with a canine anthro for a time and had gone numb to the judging looks of other humans. Chase on the other hand put on a brave face but Lincoln could tell from her twitching and flittering eyes that she didn't care much for this sort of attention. Despite the attention Chase ate with enthusiasm, Lincoln began to suspect that her last good meal had been a bit longer ago than she let on.

Lincoln and Chase talked through the meal, Lincoln explained how he had moved to the city for a job and that while it paid well it didn't leave much time to sociality. Chase shared how she had been born in the countryside to anthro parents who worked in a factory. She wanted to work in music as a roadie or something so she decided to come to the city to look for opportunities. Lincoln chuckled as Chase told about her life and he was quickly surprised that she was Chase was bright, clever, and outspoken. She wasn't simply an anthro running away from home, she was one looking for a home and who was quite passionate about music and art.

Lincoln slipped his credit card into the book for the bill as they finished eating. Chase rubbed her muzzle with a paw to clear off any crumbs and said, "You really didn't have to do this. I appreciate it and all but others might not." Chase added with a head jerk at the unhappy human patrons.

The waitress took the card and hurried off to ring it out and to get the strange couple out of her booth. Lincoln shrugged nonchalantly, "Don't worry about it."

Chase grinned again, still mostly tooth Lincoln thought, before she noticed the time. "I'm gonna miss my bus!" she yelped as she grabbed at her rucksack.

"Woah! Calm down! You won't get there in time in this rain and you don't have the money anyway," Lincoln reminded the skunk girl. Chase frowned in response. "Look, I don't want this to come off wrong but it is still raining like all hell and the bus is gone. Why don't you wait out the storm at my place, I have a spare room, and we can get you into town in the morning? Or I can drive you to a hotel or something if you are uncomfortable sharing space."

Chase paused a moment and chewed her lip ring as she mulled it over. "Alright," she said with a nod and a smile, "your place sounds good. If it wouldn't be too much to ask could I take a shower at your place too, would it? I'm getting kinda ripe."

"No problem," Lincoln said as she was right, she was kind of ripe.

The ride back to the apartment wasn't very long and in short time Chase was oriented to the lay of the land. Lincoln's apartment was decorated in a minimalist but modern style. The living room had a nice, black leather sofa, glass coffee table, and new flat screen television. The two bedrooms were neatly appointed with queen sized beds, dressers, and clean sheets. Chase would have never believed anyone actually lived in the apartment if she wasn't being shown around in it by the owner.

"The bedroom to the left is mine," Lincoln said as he showed the skunk girl where to drop her things. "The right one can be yours for the night."

The skunk stepped into the room and dropped her rucksack at the foot of the bed. "This place is swank," she said a hint of discomfort in her voice.

Lincoln smiled a bit as the punk dressed anthro looked around at the clean, fashionable furniture. "Thanks. I like to keep it tidy just in case I have guests."

Chase bent over and rummaged through her rucksack as Lincoln continued to explain how the apartment was actually a great deal for the location and size. Lincoln's eyes couldn't help but notice that her tight jeans outlined the curve of her ass and hips quite nicely as she was bent over. "Where's the shower?" she interrupted.

"Huh? Oh right. Just down the hall on the right," Lincoln said with a gesture. "I'll get you towels."

Chase slipped past the human, her massive tail brushed along him again leaving a lingering smell that Lincoln struggled to place. "Thanks," Chase said, "I can't wait to take a proper shower."

"Yeah, no problem," Lincoln said as he walked over to the closet and took out a handful of fluffy, white towels. He passed them to the skunk as she stepped into the bathroom, "there's some shampoo in there if you need it."

The door clicked closed and a muffled, "okay" came out as Chase set to getting clean. Lincoln shrugged his shoulders and decided to just relax for now. He undid his tie and hung it up with his coat in how closet, unbuttoned his shirt, and kicked off his shows as he heard the shower turn on. For a moment his mind wandered as he pictured Chase gingerly stripping down, her black and white fur's exotic patterns being carelessly exposed as her clothes were discarded. Her shapely, young body would step into the warm water and her fur would turn damp and cling to her. He shook his head and mentally chastised himself for even thinking like that when he was trying to do a good deal. Despite the chastisement, his loins stirred a bit and his mind clung to the image of water flowing down over Chase's ample bosom and along her hips tauntingly.

Lincoln settled himself on his sofa and turned it on to distract himself from his fantasy. The television leaped to life and he settled on a news show that included a rundown of last night's football game. The sound of the shower in the background continued to distract Lincoln from his show. How long had it been since he'd had any sort of woman in his apartment? Two months? Three? Lincoln and his last girlfriend had separated a while ago and he hadn't had the time to even look for anyone else. Not that he was thinking about Chase in that way, he mentally reminded himself. Besides she seemed pretty set on getting to the city tomorrow anyway.

Lincoln had returned his attention to the television when he heard the door to the bathroom open and felt a rush of wet, warm air rush out. The fog was testament to Chase having enjoyed a long, hot shower and was followed shortly after by the skunk girl herself. Chase stepped out of the bathroom her fur drooping with moisture, her short spiked hair flopped over cutely on the left side of her head, and with a fluffy white towel wrapped under her arms that hung down to just below the curves of her hips. The towel was wrapped over her breasts but did not cover the black furred mounds entirely and hung down just low enough that her tail could protrude from the back without too much trouble and her most private regions were hidden from sight. Barely.

Chase's strong legs were framed by the towel; her wet fur clung to them and drew Lincoln's eyes like a hungry dog. "I hope you don't mind but I need to air dry a bit," the skunk said as she walked into the living room, holding the towel up with one hand while she brushed back her black and white hair. "Towels can only do so much for an anthro and we skunks have a lot of fur so it takes a bit." Her tail swished in the air behind her as she came over.

"Err," Lincoln struggled and swallowed once, "no that's fine. Whatever you need." Lincoln wasn't sure but he thought that for just a moment a grin snuck across Chase's narrow muzzle.

"Cool, thanks!" Chase said as she came over to see what was on the television. Standing in front of Lincoln she struck a rather stunning silhouette, young and curvy she was far from overweight but assuredly... womanly. The shape of her head was decidedly animal but the curve of her body was decidedly human and Lincoln struggled to not leer. "Hey! Is that a Rayvond 6000 receiver?" She suddenly asked and turned to look at Lincoln's stereo.

"What? Oh, yeah," Lincoln replied as Chase walked over to it, her back to the confused and increasingly excited human.

"These things are great! Have you customized the output for the room?" Chase inquired as she suddenly bent over to look at the stereo; the towel wrapped around her waist retreated up her body as she bent forward and her tail rose lifting the towel up. Without warning Lincoln found himself admiring Chase's round, firm ass as the towel pulled away and the soft mound of her womanhood. Her wet fur was black in the front and began to shade into bars of white on the back and traced up her buttocks. Additionally, Lincoln caught the glint of silver in her fur around her nether parts which hinted at more secrets still to be found.

Chase glanced over her shoulder as Lincoln failed to respond and grinned, her toothy muzzle flashing teeth as she did so. She raised her tail up a little more for show as she turned a knob on the receiver. "Like what you see?" she purred.

Lincoln sat up straight and sputtered, "Oh God, I'm so sorry," he said as he turned to look away, "I didn't mean to offend you... it was an accident..." he rambled when suddenly a clawed hand took his chin and turned it back to face Chase who was now standing before the sofa and the seated, embarrassed human.

"What makes you think I'm upset?" the skunk said with a smile as she let the towel fall away. Just like that Chase was nude, every inch of her body open to Lincoln's gaze. Her ample bosom with its black fur was punctuated by two silver bars, one in each dark skinned nipple and her fur bunched up at the apex of her cleavage in a disheveled but alluring tuft. Her waist curved in and her belly, coated in silky looking fur boasted a simple silver navel ring and the promise of a toned abdomen hidden under her pelt that begged to be caressed.

Her hips swelled alluringly past her waist and the edges of her white back stripes teasingly hinted around the sides of her hips and between her legs was her soft, furred mons pubis and a small silver ring dangling from the lips of her womanhood. Lincoln blinked, unable to believe his eyes as the punk-loving skunk girl slipped into his lap, her strong thighs on each side of his legs and her crotch rested suggestively on his own.

Chase's muzzle moved against Lincoln's lips and without any further hesitation he kissed her. Her thin, animal lips pressed against his thicker human ones and his nose took in a deep huff of her heady scent. The unwashed smell was gone, replaced with a mixed odor of shampoo and natural skunk musk as well as a hint of animal arousal. All of these details receded from Lincoln's mind as his hands instinctively reached out and began to caress the woman in his lap, her damp fur and firm body irresistable.

One hand slipped over Chase's hip and instantly Lincoln was struck by how soft and luxurious her fur was. His hand stroked her hips and sides the silky texture of her fur heightened the experience of exploring her womanly curves to levels Lincoln had never known. His other hand reached up, stroked her face, and brushed along her heavily pierced ears. Lincoln's tongue slipped past Chase's thin, black lips and needle-like teeth to tease along her tongue as the skunk returned the favor. Kissing was always awkward between human and anthro but neither cared much for the details at the moment.

Chase rocked in Lincoln's lap; her bushy tail swished across the coffee table and sent remotes and magazines tumbling to the floor. Her womanhood rubbed against the swell of Lincoln's pants and the growing arousal therein, had either of them cared they would have seen a wet stain growing on Lincoln's jeans from their shared arousal. Lincoln's hand slide over Chase's back and down to her perfect furred ass. He reached around her tail and grasped her pert butt and squeezed Chase's rump, her thick black and white fur made it an even more delightful handful. Chase squeaked into his mouth as Lincoln cupped her ass and the pair groaned into one another's mouths.

After a few more moments of frantic kissing, Lincoln's other hand had found its way to one of her breasts and he gently palmed the feminine orb. Chase's piercing felt cool in his hand as he gently squeezed her breast and teased her nipple, a gentle pinch elicited a pleasured moan from the skunk girl. Their lips separated as Chase groaned as the human's hands explored her body, her hips continued to grind against his constrained manhood, sending little spikes of pleasure up her body. "Jesus that feels good," she moaned as she leaned into Lincoln's strong, exploring hands.

Lincoln took this as a clue to move forward and he kissed her neck and shoulders in a downward trail to her ample bosom. The skunk girl groaned and continued to gyrate in his lap as Lincoln kissed her breasts, his tongue teased at her nipples and he gently sucked at her piercings. One of Chase's hands grabbed Lincoln's hand off her rump and forced in between her legs, the heat of her arousal warm on his palm. Lincoln took the hint and while he continued to nuzzle her breasts he also worked his fingers along her slit and teased at her pierced clit. The skunk's pussy was already wet as Lincoln teased along her pussy and slipped one, then two fingers inside. Chase squirmed in his lap, grinding herself on his hand. "Fuck yes," she hissed as her insides clenched reflexively at the human's digits.

Chase unbuttoned Lincoln's shirt, her clawed hands traced over his exposed chest and traced down towards his crotch. Lincoln continued to finger her as she squirmed in frustrated pleasure, Chase enjoyed the feeling as his fingers probed deep in her but she wanted more as a growling hiss of pleasure escaped her muzzle. She grabbed his belt and quickly undid it and buttoned his pants, the swell of his cock covered only by his thin boxers which already possessed a bloom of pre-cum stained on them. Lincoln pulled his hand out of Chase's pussy as she worked his pants off and tore at the cloth of his boxers.

"Gods, you're gorgeous," Lincoln moaned as the skunk drew down his boxers.

"I know. Now shut up and fuck me," the skunk retorted as she drew out his erect penis, the feel of her furred hand on his shaft made Lincoln suck in a breath. Chase had never slept with a human and did not know what to expect but was pleasantly surprised to find his flesh-colored rod was a healthy size, width, and very much hard with anticipation. Chase raised her body up on her strong legs, her furred hands tickled the newly exposed human as she grasped his rod and lined him up with her womanhood. Lincoln felt the heat of her body radiating along him as she placed his cock against her lips, the promise of the warm, wet tunnel was almost too much.

Chase lowered herself onto Lincoln, her silky fur teased him as the velvety sheath of her body took him in and wrapped around him inch by hungry inch. She placed her clawed hands on his shoulders for balance as she slipped herself down until her hips rested on his, his cock trobbed inside her and left her with a blissful sensation of being filled by her new, handsome mate. Both managed little more than a groan of pleasure in response as Chase held him inside her, her slick, muscular walls gripped his cock almost greedily, before she began to raise herself up and then slowly back down.

"Oh God, Chase," Lincoln grunted as the she-skunk slipped up his shaft and then just before he fell out began to slide back down. "Fuck, God, yes..." the human moaned, his hands each grabbed one of her ass cheeks and gave them a generous squeeze. Chase's massive fan-like tail bobbed hypnotically behind her as she rode Lincoln, everything that was once on the table behind her long since knocked aside. Lincoln held on tightly to the horny skunk as her body gripped him rhythmically, her pussy locked around his shaft was heavenly and the feel of her satin fur as it stroked against his chest, legs, and crotch only intensified everything. Her inner walls squeezed and stroked the human's dick almost possessively as the couple rolled together in pleasure.

Lincoln began to thrust up in time with the skunk's downward motions, both of their breath came in ragged jerks as he gripped her and thrust into her. They fucked on the sofa for some time and took breaks to kiss and caress each other before resuming their coitus. Chase's clawed hands exploring Lincoln's chest, her sharp teeth leaving small bites on his neck. Lincoln's hands squeezed Chase's breasts, stroked her flat belly and curvy hips, and grabbed at her ass and legs, every inch of her covered in silky delight. The pace began to build as Chase worked herself closer and closer to orgasm, her clawed hands dug small marks into Lincoln's shoulders as she trembled at the fire building in her. "Ah! Aaaah!" she moaned, "I'm so close!"

Lincoln wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her tight against his chest as he took control and thrust into the young skunk. "So am I," he wheezed as he trembled on the brink. Chase leaned into him, her muzzle pressed against the side of his head as her body quivered as Lincoln took control and she climaxed with a scream of pleasure. A rush of warmth flowed over Lincoln's cock as suddenly Chase's tight pussy clenched like a vice on him, her long nails marked his back as she screamed his name.

Unable to contain himself any longer Lincoln let go as well, he cock throbbed inside the skunk girl's tight pussy as he released his pent up seed. His cock jerked inside her body as he released load after load of his cum into her waiting body. "Fuuuck," Lincoln said as he squeezed the buxom skunk to him, his body flushed with the relief of his orgasm flooding through him.

Chase only managed to let out an incoherent groan, a bit of drool collected on Lincoln's shoulder as she trembled from the powerful climax and pleasurable aftershocks from her climax as she ground her hips against Lincoln. The feeling of his warm seed filled her body and she clenched him with her body to keep it all inside her. Chase panted in Lincoln's ear as he took a deep breath, still buried inside her, and he inhaled another heady dose of her musky odor as the couple held each other and rocked their hips together slowly for several minutes more.

"That was intense," Lincoln said as Chased leaned back and wiped her muzzle with a hand.

The skunk's muzzle split into a fangy smile, "that was amazing. I haven't been fucked like that in ages." She shifted her weight and let the spent human slip out of her and she dismounted to sit beside him on the sofa and catch her breath. She leaned against Lincoln and smiled over at him, "I'll be ready again in about ten minutes."

Lincoln chuckled, "I think I'll need twenty.," he replied.

"You've got ten," Chase replied as she slipped off the sofa, leaving behind a wet imprint, grabbed Lincoln's hand and began to lead him to the bedroom.

"Don't you need sleep to catch the bus in the morning?" Lincoln said in weak protest.

"Fuck the bus," the skunk replied as she pulled the human into the bedroom. "I'm not going anywhere for a while," she added as dragged Lincoln into the bedroom, closed, and locked the door.

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