Grant and V

Story by Thirdeye on SoFurry

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This story started as writing practice and turned into porn. Since you are all still waiting for Edmund and the Lions Part 3 (which I am working on) hopefully this will placate you until it is done. This story is more "big, strong female anthro on human male" smut. That seems to be my new thing. Hope you like it.

A bead of sweat rolled down Grant's suntanned forehead and collected painfully in his eye. He grunted, blinking, as he strained against the leather straps the bit into the flesh of shoulders and chest.

"PULL," rang the booming voice of the slave driver, "HARDER!"

Grant threw all the weight and strength he still possessed against the straps. The muscles in his legs and back burned as the sled of broken stone finally lurched forward. The piercing snap of whip in the air punctuated his labored breathing as the human hauled the stone from the quarry. This was his final trip of the day and soon he could return to his sleeping pallet, collapse on his mat of rotten hay, eat his mealy bread, and try to sleep just like the rest of his fellow slaves.

The quarry worked from sun up to sun down, its workers of all races, genders, and types gathered by harsh and uncaring nomads from their farms and villages to be sold into slavery. Grant was a simple human, a cheap disposable labor source, kidnapped from his farm two months ago and sold a month later. Familiar with the physical demands of a farm this new setting was still challenging to the young man. His body had always been lean and powerful with little fat to hide the cut of his muscles though now with what little food his athleticism was stained. He also had once had a head of hair that was the color of ripe wheat which flowed around his neck but the slavers, worried about lice they said, had shaved him bald like all the other humans.

Grant's body ached from head to toe and his shoulders bore the cutting marks of the straps in bright red against his browned skin. He staggered wearily into the camp, stopping only to get his rations, a thick, muddy oat blend with rough chunks of potatoes and gristly meat floating in it. Most of the slavers were so exhausted and so famished that they devoured the gruel eagerly but Grant reluctantly returned to the hay pile the served as his bed with his meal uneaten. There the human sat down cross legged and looked to the bed beside his own.

"How are you feeling?" Grant asked as he set the bowl of gruel down.

The large form that lay on the bed shifted at the familiar voice, the thin, dirty blanket covering the hulking form flowed in obedience to the shifting bulk. A brown equine muzzle emerged from the shroud followed by the rest of a horse's head as the creature squirmed with obvious discomfort to see the human. "Better," the horse head replied.

"I brought you dinner," the human said as he slid the bowl to the horse. The nostrils flared in response as they took in the scent of life giving food.

The horse's ears flicked back, "This is your dinner again, isn't it."

"I already ate," Grant lied. Both he and his equine neighbor knew the slavers had a hard and fast rule that those that did not work did not eat and did not provide second helpings.

"This is the third night," the horse protested.

Grant pretended not to hear as he passed the horse the bowl to eat.

With a snort of pain the horse sat up and let the blanket fall away letting it expose her body to the rapidly cooling air. Part human, part horse the equine would have stood nearly seven feet tall from the tip of her ears to the bottom of her hooves. She was covered in a mostly nut brown horse hide, all but an irregular patch of white that covered her ample left breast and arm and a patch on her forehead that made a white "V" shape. Her hands ended in thick, four fingered hands with large, black nails of a material not unlike her solid, black hooves.

She had dark brown eyes, so moist and dark they seemed almost black. Her mane and tail had been cropped not unlike the human's hair and what remained were jet black. The equine's body was, to Grant's eyes, stunning. She was powerfully built like an overzealous sculpture had chiseled her body out of pure muscle. Her muscles rolled under her thick skin creating a hypnotic dance even as she did simple things such as pick up a bowl of gruel to eat.

Despite her size and build she retained a unique femininity. Her face was soft and her eyes almost pleading. Her chest supported two breasts which while proportional for her frame were enormous to the human. She had six pack abs that Grant was jealous of and her waist narrowed noticeably only to flair again into wide hips where her bobbed, black tail began. She, like all slaves, had been allowed only meager clothing, her tattered shirt and abuse hung loosely off one shoulders and the drooping neck line exposed the cleavage of her bosom almost eagerly. The pants given her were equally inadequate, a rope belt held them up only by virtue of her wide hips, letting them slip low and teasingly accentuated her powerful rump and allowed the human a glimpse of the begin of the swell of the equine's mons pubis.

However, the horse's back was crisscrossed with angry red welts and scars. Despite her value as a strong worker the massive equine had resisted the slave drivers one time to many and had paid the price in flesh. She had been lashed cruelly, Grant could not even count the number of wounds that stripped her back, and left to either die or learn her place. Had the human not taken pity on her, she may very well have perished.

A sloppy snort shook Grant from his reverie as the equine licked the bowl clean, her thick, pink tongue sliding effortlessly along the inside to collect every bit of food, her thick horse lips sucking up every drop. Suddenly aware that the human was watching her, her ears drooped in embarrassment as the massive beast set the bowl down and wiped her muzzle across her arm.

"Thank you," she muttered as she handed back the bowl and self-consciously adjusted her shirt as it slipped further down her shoulder.

"No worries, V," Grant replied with the nickname he had given her in response to the flash of white on her broad muzzle. He did not know the horse's real name and she had never offered it just as she never spoke her past. "I'm just glad to see you are healing."

V smiled down at the smaller human as she said, "Yes, I think I'll be fine by tomorrow." She twisted her waist one direction and then the other to show her renewed vigor though she winced from the pain of doing so.

Grant frowned. "Don't rush yourself, V. You'll just make it worse." He chastised.

The horse blew out a breath in an equine snort, "I can't let you keep working for me. I have to work again before you work yourself to death."

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine," Grant chimed up with feigned enthusiasm as his stomach gurgled audibly.

They both sat in silence for a moment as somewhere in the camp they could hear the muffled sobs of one of the other slaves echoing into the darkness.

Two more days passed before V could stand and move without pain. By day three the equine was determined to return to her work so that Grant would no longer feel the need to share his food.

"I will be fine," V stated flatly.

"But what if they whip you again," Grant protested.

"Then I will be whipped," the equine replied as she crossed her arms under her breasts forcing the large orbs up against the thin material of her shirt.

Grant sighed. "That's not really much of a solution." His eyes lingered on the heave of the horse's bosom a moment longer than he intended.

"You will die if I do not work for my food. It is that simple. I will not have you die for me," V huffed.

"I keep telling you that I'm fine," the human said though his voice quavered slightly as he spoke the words.

The horse shook her hair, "No. You are getting weak. I can see it; the other slaves can see it. The drivers can see it. If you fall, they will whip you! Where does that get us... get you." The equine corrected herself. "There is nothing else to discuss. I will work, you will work. If we don't we shall die."

"But when we get out of here," Grant started.

V harrumphed loudly. "There is no out. We will work until we die. Like the rest of them," she gestured to the squalid camp of slaves.

"There's always hope," the human said. "We might escape. Or rescue might come."

V gave an exaggerated sigh. "Every night you go on about escape or rescue. I'm tired of it. We are here and now. We will work, we will live and what will be, will be."

Grant frowned. Admittedly he had known the horse girl for barely more than a month but he had never been able to puzzle out her strange fatalism. Surely, he reasoned, if anyone stood a chance of escape or survival a creature as strong as her did. "Why are you so closed to the possibility? To even the dream of it?"

The horse snorted once more and lay down on her hay pile mattress, intent on ignoring the rest of this conversation.

"Oh come on, V," Grant said, "You can at least answer that." V flicked her ears in response. "Ugh. You are stubborn as a mule sometimes."

"I am NOT a mule," snarled the reclining horse, suddenly sitting up and far more animated, her nostrils flared and ears back. "That is an insult to my family."

Grant threw up his hands defensively. "Sorry! I didn't mean anything by it! I was just saying you were stubborn! I especially didn't mean to insult your family."

"Good," V snarled her thick horse teeth clicking with the word.

Grant looked taken aback at the equine, he had never seen her act like this before, not even when discussing her own injuries and whipping. "V, can I ask about your family?"

"No," she replied.

Grant hesitated. "Why not? I've told you about mine."

V sat silently for a moment. "Because, I lost my parents long ago and I was to be married when the raiders came. My mate-to-be died defending me. I have no family. So there is no one to rescue me and no one for me to return to should I escape." She blinked her large, black eyes to hold back tears which welled up in them. "So there is no family for me to discuss."

The human's mouth hung open at the sudden out pouring. "I... I didn't know... I'm sorry."

"There is nothing to be sorry for. You have helped me and for that I am grateful but I have nothing to hope for. So I will work and what will come, will come," V stated as a matter of fact.

"But..." Grant began.

"Enough. Let me sleep, I have to work tomorrow," V replied as she lay back down and pulled her meager blanket over herself.

Grant followed suit, unable to find any words that seemed to fit the gravity of the situation. He laid his head down on his arms, turned to look at the resting mare. The silhouette of her body was very comely as his eyes traced the line of her shoulders to the swoop of her waist back up her hips. Faintly Grant heard a sniffle and then a muffled sob come from V. every ounce of his being burned to comfort her yet what could he, as a small unfamiliar human, offer such a proud and sizeable creature?

Two more weeks passed of grueling labor and soon it began to become clear that the quarry was nearly depleted of workable stone. The hours of hauling, chipping, and digging yielded less and less material and the slavers grew agitated. The sharp crack of their whips was heard more often and with growing frequency it was followed by a pained yowl.

Grant and V had found themselves fortunate to be spared the lash and though the physical wounds that marred V's back healed that did little to lift the spirits of the increasingly brooding mare. V had not mentioned her lost family or betrothed again since the last time they spoke of it and Grant was loath to bring it up and reopen those clearly tender wounds. Instead Grant tried to occupy the little free time they possessed in the evening by telling the equine tall-tales, poorly timed jokes, or folktales.

"and that is why the stars are aligned in that cluster. They say that they are the matted hair of the wild man who jumped into the sky to catch the goose, which is that constellation there. Or at least that is what my mother told me," Grant said as he laid on his back pointing skyward.

"A strange story," V replied without enthusiasm.

"Well, yes, but that makes it more fun," the human replied as he rolled onto his side and propped himself onto an elbow. V also lay on her back on her straw pile, giving Grant a flattering look again at the shape of her body. Her hands resting on her toned belly, she seemed oblivious to the hungry eyes of the human as they roamed her body.

"My people believe that constellation is a bush," the horse snorted.

"Like a shrub?" Grant said distractedly.

"No. The stars to the sides are her legs."

Grant swallowed a lump in his throat as his mind assaulted him with the image of what might lie between V's powerfully muscled legs. "Oh," he mustered.

The mare turned her head to look at the human. "Does that make you uncomfortable? Because the constellation you call a goose my people believe to the phallus of her lover," V probed.

"I... guess I can see that," Grant hazarded suddenly comfortable with the highly sexual tone of this conversation.

V turned to look at the human more intently, her ears perked in amusement, "Why does that make you uncomfortable?" She asked without waiting for a response, "You spend so much looking at my body. You clearly like pondering such things."

Grant stammered. "I never! I mean, not that you aren't..."

V waved a large hand dismissively, "I have smelled your arousal nearly every night since we met and I've heard your labored breathing as you pleasure yourself. To say nothing of the smell that makes."

Grant's sunburned face flashed a deep red. "I... I'm so sorry," he began.

V snorted and tossed her head. "No you're not. You are just surprised I know. If I cared I'd have let you know." She lay back down and stared at the sky as small gray clouds caused the stars to come and go in a sparkling dance.

"You... don't mind?" Grant asked warily the thought of a hoof to the balls or other equine punishment sounding unpleasant and dangerous. It had crossed his mind before that V could crush him without much effort if he angered her and the slavers while likely annoyed by the loss of a slave would probably find it funny and let her do so.

"It was nice to think someone thought me attractive," the mare said with a sigh.

Grant quickly spoke up, "I do! I think you're beautiful! Your eyes are like..."

"No," V pointedly declared as she rolled to face the human, her glower lost in the dark night.

"No?" Grant replied.

"No romance. Tell me you find me sexy, not that you love me," the horse said, her watery black eyes fixed on the young human.

Grant ran his hand across his head, the stubble of a few weeks growth again teased his palm. "Okay. I can do that," he said, "I think your... breasts... are amazing. They are so large and I love how they heave as you move and the way they curve off your strong, muscular body."

The mare chuckled, "Good start," came the reply.

"And, and your ass is stunning. Your hips are so wide and you have such a tight, round ass. The way your tail hangs just a bit down over it..." Grant shuttered in delight at the thought as his mind recalled all her tantalizing details. "And your body is so... curved... You are so strong but still so sexy."

V grunted a pleased response. In the darkness Grant could not see that she had slipped one hand into her shirt to play with her large breasts, her thick fingers rolling her nipple between them, while the other slipped into her loose pants to rub her slit.

"I love how your muzzle is so long and the cute, little white mark between your eyes. Your lips are so strong and your tongue is so thick, I..." he hesitated, "I want to feel it on my cock. And I want to feel my cock inside you. I want to fuck you so bad it makes my balls hurt just thinking about it."

The mare snorted in amusement and pleasure as she rubbed a finger on her clit. "You are terrible at this," she chuckled.

Grant suddenly aware of everything he had said, and how hard he found himself, blushed. "I am? I'm sorry... I just..."

"That's enough," V said, "Now shut up and come fuck me. I could use some fun." The mare pushed off her loose pants and pulled off her top letting the cool air blow across her bare form. Much like Grant had always imagined her womanhood was large and black with thick lips and a pronounced clit. The attention V had already given herself had left a wet sheen on her pussy which winked in invitation to the excited human.

For a brief moment Grant was dumbstruck at how quickly everything was moving. V moved to her hands and knees and turned her tight, round ass to the human. She flicked her bobbed tail at him as Grant hurriedly untied his rope belt and threw off his shirt. Grant was nicely endowed for a human, his thick, long cock bobbed in the breeze as he shuffled over to the waiting equine. Despite his size he was slightly worried that for a creature as large as V he would be unsatisfying but there was only one way to find out.

Grant reached out and placed his hands on V's haunches and stroked her. He could feel her bristly horse hair, her thick skin, and the powerful, tight muscles that lie underneath it. She was warm to the touch and this first act of intimacy sent a thrill through the lusty human. He leaned his head forward and licked his lips as he eyed the mare's winking, wet slit. Grant could smell her animal arousal and her thick, slippery juices. Repositioning his hands on either side of her cunt Grant leaned in and licked along the black flesh of her body and elicited a nicker of pleasure in response.

Grant set to work on her pussy, licking his tongue up and down the length of her slit and letting his tongue graze her swollen black pearl. Each trip up and down her privates made the mare shudder and whiny. The human found the taste of the horse femme to be exotic, it was musky and strong and he struggled to think of a comparison but to say that it tasted, smelled, and felt like sex. Without warning he slipped his tongue inside her body, the black flesh parting to welcome his invasion.

V grunted as she let the human eat her out. It had been months since anyone had touched her and while she was anxious for release she did not want to rush the moment. So little pleasure was available in the quarry she wanted to savor the attention of the needy, horny human. A human, she mused to herself in between staccato bursts of pleasure from his tongue, this was going to be interesting.

After showering her pussy with attention Grant reached under himself and pumped his cock a few times to be sure he was ready. He was. The human moved himself again to press against the equine's rump and he rubbed his erect cock along the line of her inviting, winking cunt. He could feel the warmth of her insides from just touching her as a bead of precum dripped from him onto her body.

"Ready?" Grant asked as she placed the tip of his cock against her dark nethers.

"Hurry up," snorted V.

Grant complied. He reached forward over her, his arms thrown across her back and waist as he gripped her hips. For a moment that seemed to last an hour Grant looked over V's back and the intricate pattern of scars the crisscrossed her hulking frame. The muscles of her back traced out captivating lines as she held herself up by her arms, the flesh around her shoulders displayed their muscles prominently. The thick scars that marred her back had always been hidden from the human and it was only this passionate moment that he realized how much the mare had suffered and how strong she remained. Grant hoped that the pleasure he would bring her could help offset at least some of her pain.

The human thrust forward to the sounds of a pleasured whinny. V's dark lips yielded eagerly to the human's sizeable cock as he slid forward. Grant groaned in lusty abandon as he felt the silky walls of the equine wrap around him. Her pussy was tight and her inner muscles unsurprisingly strong. Grant felt as though she was actively pulling him deeper into her wet, warm channel. "Oh god," Grant moaned.

V pushed back urgently against the human as he filled her body. Their mutual worry about Grant's size faded as the mare squeezed down on the human's cock and found the simple, smooth shaft to be quite satisfying. The discomfort that accompanied a flaired equine penis was not there, instead just a pulsing, satisfying fullness as the human began to thrust forward and back. Grant's hands roamed up and down her sides as he began to fuck her, teasing along her hips, ribs, and just barely along her ample, hanging bosom.

Grant had no words for the sensations he was experiencing. The mixture of hard muscle, bristly horse hair, and exquisitely silky, moist smoothness was intoxicating. His hands roamed wildly over V's body though he struggled to reach her delicious breasts from behind her. His balls slapped against her womanhood and came back wet from the aroused animal. V's bobbed tail rubbed against his chest as he thrust deeply into her and squeezed her firm rump and he bit his lip to restrain screaming out in pleasure.

The mare grunted and thrust back against the human more. She lowered her upper body to the ground, letting her large breasts help hold her up, as she reached under herself to finger her clit while the human fucked her needy pussy. His hands on her haunches, eagerly squeezing and caressing her broad posterior, amused her as she began to rub herself. The human was so eager and so determined she could not help but be swept up in his lust and let herself bathe in the warmth of his body and attention.

Together they rolled against one another, their cries of pleasure restrained into muffed grunts and knickers. After several minutes on intense mating, V began to shift her position and Grant pulled out for a moment to accommodate. The mare rolled over onto her back and spread her legs in renewed invitation as she beckoned the human to lie on top of her. Grant wasted no time and moved himself between her strong thighs and leaned forward over her. For a moment he desired to kiss his equine lover but found that her muzzle was an awkward range for that and that she seemed uninterested in his affection, just his sex.

Willing to content himself with this, he braced himself, realigned his cock and dove back in. V squeezed him between her thighs with a whinny as he reentered her and Grant moved to kiss, lick, and mouth her ample bosom. The human proved adept at dividing his attention between her pussy, where he kept an intoxicating rhythm, and her breasts. He kissed her breasts and gently sucked at her sensitive nipples. V moaned as the human gently gripped her right nipple in his teeth, the sharp sensation so intensely pleasurable it almost hurt. She could feel the heat of her orgasm rising as the human mounted her and teased her breasts; she would not last much longer.

"I'm close," she wheezed her breath coming in long, deep draws which made her breasts heave hypnotically. "Harder," the mare insisted.

Without a word Grant grabbed V by her powerful thighs to leverage himself deeper and harder into her wet, tight pussy. He thrust into her with complete abandon, only obeying the demands of his body and hers. Her pussy spasmed around his dick as her legs twitched. V let out a series of gasps as she began to peak, her inner walls slammed down around the human's cock in hungry, lusty ecstasy.

"Cum in me," the mare demanded.

"Are you," Grant grunted as her tight pussy milked him towards his final moments, "sure?" He was not worried about siring a child with the mare but still felt it best to ask.

V could barely answer as her whole, muscular body shuddered in orgasm. She managed a barely audible, "yes". With that, Grant let go.

Groaning, Grant leaned forward over the mare hilting himself to his balls inside her. His cock throbbed as he climaxed, his pent up load spraying deep inside of V's body. The warmth of his seed pooled in her womb as she squirmed at the thrilling feel of his cock throbbing inside her. For what seemed an hour Grant could only grip the horse's sides as his cock unleashed load and after load into her, her pussy clamped around him to greedily ensure not a drop was lost.

Finally Grant began to feel other sensations again especially his labored breathing, his suddenly over-sensitive cock, and the slick feel of sweat over his whole body. Exhausted he leaned forward over the mare, resting his head on her flowing breasts. The smell of animal, sweat, and sex permeated everything.

V sighed. Every muscle in her body was tense from her climax. She could still feel the heat of the human's cock and seed inside her as he came down. His body stretched over her in exhaustion as she reached up the gently stroke him.

"That was amazing, V," Grant hoarsely said, "Thank you."

"It was very good," the mare replied. "But my name is Deanna. Next time, I want you crying out Deanna, not V."

Grant looked dumbfounded at the horse as she peered down her muzzle at him, a smile tugging at the corners of her thick, equine lips. He finally knew her name and on top of that he knew there would be a next time...

Black Claw and the Past (Edmund Part 2)

The Chief leaned his muzzle into one massive paw with a sigh. His newest wife, standing attentively beside the prodigious Leonid male, offered his a drink while the petitioner rambled. The Chief looked over at the offers drink with a toothy smile, his...

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Edmund and the Lions (M/F)

Edmund hiked his pack up to his back, for the twenty five year old, clean shaven human male who had dedicated his life to studying the strange, savage animal people of the Great Savannah; the day he long had waited had finally come. One tribe of the...

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Lincoln and Chase (M/F)

The weather was terrible. It was an early spring rain with a still wintery wind behind it that bent the rain so that it whipped under umbrellas, past raincoats, and beneath awnings. The rain had begun the night before and showed no interest in...

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