Drew and His Captors (Part 3): An Unexpected Discovery

Story by Thirdeye on SoFurry

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#3 of Drew and His Captors

It is finally done! Part 3! It is longer than the rest and life has been busy so forgive my slowness. Anyway, this continues after part 2 and for those who were turned off by the violent sex, no worries. You can read this one. The plot is (slowly) thickening as are other parts of anatomy. Har har. I hope you enjoy it and if you don't, well, screw you.

Without being able to see the sun Drew lost track of the date. His days blurred together into an indeterminable cycle of work, eat, and sleep. Based on the rate of his wounds healing from his sexual experience with the muscular jaguar-hybrid, Nemesis, Drew reasoned it been nearly a month since the feline had taken her pleasure from the human and left him clawed up, bruised, and beaten. The days and weeks that had followed their encounter had been, for Drew, awkward. He was conflicted about his sexual experience with the dominate female.

On the one hand there was no denying that Nemesis was beautiful and sensual and though he was loathe to admit it Drew had enjoyed letting the powerful woman take him as she pleased. However now her attitude to him had changed from disgust at his very presence to a haughty superiority, Nemesis had not taken the human to her bed again since then though she had on several occasions forced the human to perform sexual favors for her.

Just a few days ago Drew had been finishing up his exercises when Nemesis grabbed him from behind and forced him to orally please her. Once the feline had orgasmed she chased the human off and resumed her workout like nothing had happened leaving Drew frustrated, horny, and with an aching jaw. Drew had attempted to complain to Artemis, the team's commander, but the rabbit-hybrid saw no reason to involve herself in the matter. After all, the lapin had said, Nemesis wasn't hurting him. With no alternative, Drew resigned himself to being the periodic plaything for the jaguar and largely took to avoiding her when she gave the human a particularly feral, horny look.

Drew spent more and more of his time in the lab in part to escape Nemesis' attention but equally because he had begun to make significant process unraveling a solution to the genetic flaws in the 3rd and 4thgenerations of hybrids.

Drew drummed his pen impatiently on the counter as the computer screen loaded the test results. Each passing test batch he had been getting closer and closer to a breakthrough, already the test cells were surviving longer and dividing more rapidly. The screen flickered and displayed the results: 97.8% efficiency. Drew let out a yelp of excitement as he threw up his arms in celebration sending his pen flying across the lab.

Elektra the rat-hybrid and Drew's lab assistant looked up from her station startled by the sudden noise her large, round rodent ears standing alert. The heavily pierced rodent blinked in confusion as she came over to see what excited Drew so much.

"What is it, Cutie?" she asked as she leaned herself over the human resting her long muzzle on his head, her ample breasts pressed against his shoulders and neck.

"I think I got it," he said excitedly as the rat-hybrid let her dexterous paws slip down onto the human's chest.

"Really?" she asked, her dark eyes scanning over the results on the screen. "You rewrote the RNA to resequence the 17th through 23rd alleles? That's where the problem was?"

Drew beamed proudly as he looked at the screen. "I think so! I think that fixes the majority of the cellular degeneration. I mean, it doesn't address the enzyme problem but that can be resolved with supplements or diet changes. I really think this is it!"

"That's great!" Elektra chirped as she affectionately stroked the human's chest. "We have to tell Artemis!"

"Tell me what," rang a voice from the doorway. Both Drew and Elektra jumped making the lapin chuckle to herself as she padded over to the computer. Artemis was wearing her olive drab shorts and a cami top in her favorite forest green. The gray furred rabbit-hybrid's wardrobe seemed to be entirely limited to greens, browns, and grays Drew had concluded.

Elektra reluctantly lifted her paws off the human and stepped aside as Artemis came over to look. Drew swiveled in his chair and gestured at the screen. "I've isolated and resolved one of the major genetic flaws."

"Really?" Artemis said one hand coming up to hold her chin as she looked intensely at the screen. "And this works?" she asked her blue eyes twinkled in interest.

"Well, I've only tested a few batches but so far it is very promising. I mean, it doesn't solve everything but..." he hesitated. Drew hated discussing the genetic limitations his human forebears had placed on the hybrids, not because he thought it was a bad idea at the time but because it made for very awkward conversations. "It should prevent the pre-mature organ failure and mitigate the elevated cancer rates among 3rd and 4th generations. At least most of them, I mean, I don't have samples of all subtypes... I suppose there could be unexpected variations in some..."

Artemis cut the human off, "This is excellent news..." the lapin started before she trailed off into an unexpected quiet.

"Artemis?" Elektra said a puzzled look on her face as she watched her superior office.

"Hrm? Oh sorry." Artemis replied with a small shake of her head, "I need to go make some calls. Keep up the work and get me some documentation I can send out."

"Okay," Drew began as he chewed the inside of his lips at Artemis' sudden change of behavior. "I'll have something for you in a few hours."

"Good," she said. "Good work, both of you." Artemis turned on her heels and hurried out of the room leaving the human and rodent hybrid alone in the lab more than slightly puzzled.

"What was that about?" Drew asked.

"No idea," Elektra replied as she agilely slipped onto the human's lap, tossing an arm around his neck, resting her other hand on his chest. "This is big news. We should celebrate!" She said with a coy wink as she nuzzled the human's chin a familiar, arousing odor filling the air around her.

Drew did not argue with the amorous rat but instead wrapped his arms around her waist, eliciting a squeak of delight. He kissed her muzzle and slipped one hand up her shirt, feeling along her short fur and soft skin. "Good idea," he replied...

Three days later Artemis called the bunker together for a meeting. In all the weeks that Drew had been living in the small, self-contained facility he had never known a meeting to be called like this. Himself, Artemis, Elektra, and Nemesis gathered in the dining hall and sat around the table. Drew's face was writ with worry, what did this mean? He assumed this was a bad thing. Surely, it was, he reasoned. Why else not just tell everyone individually? The human squirmed in his cheap wooden chair, the wood creaking with his anxious energy.

Artemis cleared her throat and stood up, tucking her arms behind her back and taking an official pose. "I'm sure you all are wondering why I gathered you all. I have news," she began. "We are moving base."

Nemesis made a groaning-growl and slapped a paw on the table making it shake. "Already?"

"Yes," Artemis said a flicker of annoyance crossing her face before she regained her composure. "This is good news though. Since Dr. Folcan has made the breakthrough before schedule we are moving him to a facility where his theories can be tested more effectively."

Unlike the jaguar, Elektra smiled excitedly. "Are we going back to Olympus?" she said her pink tail swishing in excitement.

The lapin nodded solemnly. "Yes and no." Drew, Nemesis, and Elektra looked confused. "Nemesis and Elektra, you two will pack up the bunker and return to Olympus. Drew and myself are going to Delphi."

Nemesis' face broke out into a fanged grinned at the news. It was clear to Drew that she was glad to be rid of the human. Elektra's face looked sad and she cast the human a disappointed gaze. Drew spoke up, "What does that mean? Where is Olympus? Where is Delphi? What is Delphi? Why are we splitting up?" A hint of nervousness crept into the human's voice as he spoke.

"Olympus is our unit's base. Delphi is... a facility," Artemis began, "much larger than this one. And we are splitting up because we will not need Nemesis and Elektra when we get to Delphi. Their skills will be better utilized elsewhere."

"I see... what... about my skills?" Drew asked.

"You will be fine at Delphi," Artemis said. "Now. Enough discussion, we have our orders. Nemesis, Elektra: you two need to have the base packed and empty within a week. Drew, gather your research and pack your bags. We leave first thing in the morning."

"But..." he began.

Artemis cut a paw across the air, "No more discussion. You have your orders. And team; good work." The rabbit-hybrid smiled proudly at her troops, and the human, as they each stood and begin their preparations to disembark.

Drew hurried to the lab to gather the copies of his research. He had compiled the data as ordered onto an external hard drive and as he picked up the little black box a thought struck him. This was his chance. He could undo all the work he'd done easily, right now, and no one would be the wiser. He could damage the hard drive; accidentally press it against one of the lab machines that was magnetic, drop it forcibly; any number of things and it would all be gone. All the research he'd done that would help the Hybrids live longer and be more effective in their war against humanity. Drew's hands shook as he held the small box and he chewed his lip, conflicted.

"Drew," came a voice that made the human jump and almost drop the hard drive. He spun on his heels, clutching the drive to his chest. The spotted rat-hybrid stood in front of him and pressed herself against him without warning, wrapping her arms around his neck and nuzzling his chin with her long muzzle and whiskers. Her body was warm, soft, and familiar against the human. "I'm gonna miss you, Cutie," she whispered to the human.

Drew set the hard drive on the desk and wrapped his arms around Elektra's waist. "I'll miss you too," Drew said surprised with how much he meant that. He kissed the rodent on top of her head, between her large ears. "It'll be fine, I'm sure we'll see each other again."

Elektra nuzzled him, her short fur tickling his jaw. "I'll ask if I can get a transfer to Delphi if you want," she said.

"I..." Drew hesitated, "is that a good idea? I don't know anything about that place."

The rodent smiled, "It'd be good if I meant I got to keep seeing you, Cutie."

Drew blushed at Elektra's affection and stammered, unsure how to reply. So much was happening so suddenly... Drew let out a deep sigh causing Elektra to look at him curiously.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

"No," Drew replied, "You just helped me make a decision is all." Elektra looked confused by as Drew pressed his lips against hers and his hands cupped her rump, she let it go.

The black van idled in the bunker's garage as Artemis tossed Drew's duffle bag into the back unceremoniously. Her own bag already sat slumped against the wall of the van. The lapin looked over her shoulder impatiently as Drew said his farewells.

"I'll... um... see you," Drew said to Nemesis who leaned against the wall, her thick arms crossed under her breasts. She scowled down at the human.

"Whatever," she growled.

Drew swallowed nervously as he turned away to Elektra. The rat-girl was wearing one of Drew's t-shirts, a parting gift, and held her hands behind her back shyly.

"I'll miss you," she said with a shy squeak.

"We'll see each other again, don't worry," Drew said as he hugged the rodent who had been so valuable as a lab assistant and companion in these past weeks. The human kissed her on the end of her muzzle.

Artemis rested her hands on her hips and let out an irritated snort. "We are falling behind schedule, let's go."

Reluctantly Drew let go of the rodent who slipped something into his pocket as he stepped back. The rodent winked at him as he walked to the van as the doors out of the bunker opened for the first time in weeks. The metal hanger doors noisily rolled back and slowly exposed the outside world; a rush of fresh air forced its way into the bunker like a long held breath.

Drew shaded his eyes with his hand as he looked into natural light for the time in weeks as his eyes tried to snap shut instinctively. Through the haze of the now unfamiliar light he could see that the bunker was part of some long abandoned military base and all around were empty, disused concrete and cinder block buildings. A watchtower lay toppled across a ruined chain link fence and beyond that was cratered wilderness.

The slam of the driver's door on the van snapped the human to the present. Artemis sat behind the wheel looking pointedly at the human through the open passenger door. Drew, his feet almost shuffling as he struggled to lift them in anxiety, climbed into the van and closed the door, looking forlornly as Elektra waved goodbye and Nemesis walked back into the bunker dispassionately. Artemis stepped on the gas and the black van rolled forward, the bunker quickly retreating from view.

At once Drew was excited and terrified. To be free of the bunker was a relief but the unknown of this Delphi worried him. He found it reassuring that Artemis was his guide and companion, her steady hand and level head reassured him that at the very least he was probably safe and that there was a plan in place. What that plan might be was a different issue.

Artemis did not prove to be an exciting travel companion. The gray furred rabbit hybrid kept her eyes on the road as she drove the pair through the ruins of a city somewhere, Drew speculated, near the Eastern side of the Great Lakes. The Hybrids had taken control of Northeastern North America early on in the conflict and Drew was far behind their lines now. Drew tried at times to ask questions about their destination but Artemis gave him vague answers. He managed to learn it was about a twelve hour drive and that they would be stopping for the evening shortly after eight hours.

The one upside of the drive, beyond the lack of traffic, was that it was entering autumn and the leaves had begun to change making the winding trip scenic if nothing else. The roads, deprived of quality maintenance for years now, were rough and at times forced the van to seek alternative routes. One particularly bumpy stretch left Drew rubbing his ass uncomfortably.

"The van could use new shocks," Drew commented idly.

"I've driven worse," Artemis replied, "besides we are almost at our way stop."

"Good," the human said with a sigh of relief. His deep breath caught a new scent, one that he had never noticed before. A light sweet smell not unlike honey was in the air and Drew wondered if he was imagining it. "So... can I ask what our resting point is?"

Artemis glanced at him before turning back to the pothole filled road. "A safe house I keep."

"You keep? It's yours and not... whoever keeps up that bunker?" Drew said curiously.

"That's right," the rabbit replied.

"Oh," Drew said with more surprise than he intended.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, I just... I don't know. I didn't expect that. I mean there's no reason for you to not but..." he trailed off awkwardly.

"But since we are Hybrids... why would we want our own places? Instead of holes in the ground?" Artemis finished.

"I didn't mean it like that," Drew protested.

"We don't want to live in military bases and camps constantly you know. We've even started our own cities. We aren't that different. We want homes, lives, some even want families," she said indignantly.

"I know, I know!" Drew said, "I didn't mean for that to sound like that..."

Artemis harrumphed as she suddenly turned down a narrow dirt road, the van bounced and jumped along the unpaved surface. The van drove into the woods, out of sight of the roads, and after what must have been a mile or two entered into a clearing and revealed a two story, white painted house that sat overlooking a small lake that was ringed in trees bursting with Autumn colors. Drew's mouth hung open.

"Home," Artemis said as she parked the van outside of the garage and turned off the engine.

"It's lovely," Drew said his eyes darting around taking in the explosion of coloring in the trees, the peaceful lapping of the lake, and the gentle shading of the sky into the evening in vivid orange and reds.

"Thanks," the rabbit said as she climbed out and gathered both of their things. Like most hybrids Artemis' athletic build belied her strength and she hefted both duffle bags without trouble to the front door. Drew trailed behind her still dumbstruck by the pastoral scene around him.

Artemis opened the front door and stepped inside, dropping the two duffle bags with a thump and calling out, "We're home!" into the sparsely decorated entryway. The furnishings inside seemed to be a mix of whatever the original owner had abandoned, such as a light blue sofa that was worn and stained, and other scavenged items. Drew was so lost in his examination of the house that it took a moment for him to realize that Artemis had called out to someone else.

Drew looked at Artemis, the gray haired rabbit's ears were perked up and her whiskers alert. Her bright blue eyes sparkled with an excitement and joy that Drew had never seen before in her. Even her puffy little tail, nestled over her tight rump, twitched and quivered in excitement.

"I'm coming," rang an unfamiliar but excited voice from deeper in the house. Down the hall that lead, Drew believed, to the kitchen a form suddenly appeared. "Artie!" the figure squealed before dashing down the hall to the waiting, open arms of the lapin commander.

Artemis hugged the other hybrid and pressed her short muzzle against the other hybrid who hugged the rabbit back as the pair squeaked in excitement. Drew shy looked away as the two kissed with the tenderness and neediness of long separate lovers. Finally Artemis pulled back her hands still on the hips of the other hybrid.

"Circe," she said to the other hybrid, "this is Drew. The human I mentioned."

The new hybrid, Circe, beamed a smile at the human. She was tall, taller than the human by a head, and her lean, vigorous body was covered from the tip of her black nose to the tip of her tail in flawless, pearl white fur. Her muzzle was rodent-like but blunter with a maw full of pointed teeth, her hands in ended in long claw-like nails, and she had dark eyes that seemed like onyx spheres. Circe had a hourglass figure favored with generous curves that was covered only by a kitchen apron, spattered and stained with age, that hung eschew off her graceful shoulders and exposed much of her alluringly soft and heavy bosom.

Drew was stunned by the hybrid's attractive form and this sudden revelation that Artemis had not only a lover hidden away but a stunningly beautiful one made him freeze as he wondered what animal she was hybridized with when she spoke.

"Mink," she said with a needly-toothy smile. "I'm a mink."

Drew blinked and shook his head; her voice was even surprisingly beautiful and clear like a practiced singers. "I'm... Drew. Drew Folcon," he managed without, he hoped, leering "it's nice to meet you." He glanced at Artemis with a reproachful look, wondering why she did not warn him they would be meeting her lover.

"Artie has told me a lot about you," the mink hybrid chirped, still leaning against the lapin. "I'm glad to meet you and I look forward to getting to know you," Circe winked one black eye at him.

Artemis cleared her throat and unlaced herself from the white furred mink. She gathered the bags. "Get settled in while Circe finishes dinner," she suggested.

Drew nodded dumbly and followed. Of all the things he expected to find at Artemis safe house, this had not been one of them.

The bedroom that Drew was shown to was simple but comfortable; it had a window that overlooked the lake that gave the human a relaxing view, something he had not had in sometime. The bed, indeed the whole house, smelled lightly of jasmine and the ever-present scent of animal-hybrids. Drew changed into clean clothes and washed his face merrily. For whatever reasons, he felt comfortable here and he wanted to look nice for the two hybrids. He rationalized that it was simply because he wanted them to know he appreciated their hospitality but the slow burn in his loins suggested other motives.

In short order dinner was ready Drew entered the kitchen to the sight of a table laden with freshly cooked food and, even more surprising, a fully nude seated Artemis. The gray furred lapin, in the comfort of her own home, had forgone her usual militaristic garments in favor of the full nudity most hybrids enjoyed. Drew's eyes flicked over her body and his face registered his surprise as he took in the athletic frame of the rabbit.

Artemis was by nature of being hybridized with a rabbit pear shaped with strong, thick legs and large paws in place of feet. However, also like most rabbits, she lacked much body fat and under the thin layer of her gray and white fur was etched the body of an athlete. Her abs were easily picked out under her light fur and her small breasts were enhanced by the cut of her pectorals. The rabbit paid no mind to the gawking human as she hungrily eyed both the plates of vegetables the mink placed before her and the mink herself.

Drew followed Artemis' gaze and he was again struck by Circe's beauty. In the warm light of the kitchen the white furred mink seemed to practically glow with womanly radiance as she served her guest. Her hips swayed alluringly as she brought over roast chicken, potatoes, and iced tea. Her tail swished behind her as she made sure everything was in order before she sat down with poise and grace urging Drew and Artemis to eat and eat they did. Not only was she beautiful, Drew thought to himself as he bit into a piece of chicken, but an amazing cook.

The meal ended almost too quickly and the clean up was done with practiced military efficiency. As Drew dried the final pot he stood beside the tall mink-hybrid, her pearl white fur within inches from him and he could smell her delicate mustelid scent. He sniffed the air and realized that the omnipresent jasmine smell seemed to come from Circe herself. The mink smiled toothily at the human as he put the pot away her closeness forcing the human to accidently brush against her as he did so. Drew shuddered in delight at the feel of her silky fur on his bare skin.

"Now that the chores are done, we should relax. Don't you think?" Circe asked the human as her fluffy tail teased along the back of his legs.

Drew smiled up at her; the flowery smell of the hybrid thick in the air making his head woozy and slightly warm, "That sounds wonderful."

Circe gave the human a predatory grin, "That's a good boy," she cooed as she stroked one clawed hand under his chin. "Follow me," she said with a flick of her hips and tail. Drew obediently followed the graceful mink, his eyes tracing along her white silhouette. Circe led the human into the main bedroom where Artemis sat on a massive bed with an old white comforter pulling on a pair of long black gloves and stockings.

"Be a good boy and get undressed," Circe ordered.

Drew nodded excitedly and he pulled off his shirt and tossed it aside followed quickly by his shorts and boxers.

Artemis adjusted her gloves, wiggling her fingers while doing so, "I told you he was susceptible," the rabbit said to the mink as she looked over the naked human. Artemis chuckled to herself as she looked at the human's rapidly hardening cock. The weeks with little to do but work and exercise had been good to the human and he was in better shape now than ever before in his life. Drew felt sexy as the female hybrid's examined in the bedroom.

Circe's muzzle split into a beaming smile. "This is more than I had expected," the mink said as she walked around Drew dragging one claw gently along his shoulders and giving him an appraising look. "Thank you for bringing him to me, my love," Circe said to the rabbit as she leaned over and affectionately kissed Artemis.

"Anything for you," the lapin crooned back, her gloved hand roaming affectionately along the mink's naked body.

"Come over," Circe said as she gracefully slipped onto the bed beside Artemis. Drew walked over excitedly. "Tell me, Drew. Do you think you could handle both of us? Or are you more a one on one type?"

"I... I...," Drew said his mind overwhelmed by the possibility and addled by the fragrant smell of the white mink. "I think I can handle you both." Somewhere deep inside the human knew that their pheromones were driving him but, unlike with the violent jaguar, he did not mind this time.

Artemis chuckled and Circe smirked. "Is that so? Well then a word of advice, Artemis loves having her feet rubbed," the white mustelid said as she reached out to tease a claw down Drew's chest towards his erect cock. The lapin playfully pushed Circe's shoulder in reply as Drew nodded and moved over to stand in front of the gray furred rabbit.

The normally taciturn and serious rabbit smiled at the human, her blue eyes glittering in amusement as she offered up one large paw to him. Drew knelt down and took her paw gently in his hands and began to caress the delicate pads under them, spreading her toes affectionately. Artemis moaned in joy and leaned into Circe in delight. The mink wrapped her arms around Artemis and pulled her into a kiss, their animalistic muzzles intertwining in practiced, familiar pleasure. Artemis' hands roamed up to Circe's ample breasts and cupped them, squeezing her lover's ample bosom lustily.

Drew's eye flicked between watching his careful ministrations of Artemis' sensitive feet and the erotic show of the two female hybrids making out in front of him. He watched as Circe and Artemis leaned into one another's embrace, their muzzles interlocked, and their hands greedily buried in each other's fur. Drew made long slow strokes with his fingers along Artemis' paws, making the lapin shudder in delight, as Circe's hands roam through her gray fur, down her toned belly, and slipped between her thick, stocking clad thighs. Artemis squirmed as Circe's hand disappeared between her legs and out of Drew's sight.

The rabbit broke off the kiss with a gasp, her toes spread in body shaking pleasure as the mink's fingers probed into her and the human's hands stroked and rubbed her tender pads. Artemis let out a wordless moan as Drew pressed his lips against her foot and teased each pad on her animalistic foot. Drew rubbed his fingers along the leathery pads of her feet and over the tops, her gray fur smooth and soft even on her feet. Drew kissed her delicate pawed feet and stroked his hands up Artemis' calves and thighs as he watched the two females, painfully aware of how aroused he was as a spectator of a carnal show.

Circe made a fangy grin as she fingered Artemis and slipped her other hand under the rabbit's firm ass. Artemis squirmed in her mink lover's arms as Circe teased her clit. Drew watched intently as he pressed his lips to Artemis' legs and slowly kissed and stroked his way up her firm and powerfully muscled legs. Somehow the black stockings made her thick legs even more sensual.

Circe's dark eyes watched the human eagerly moving up the rabbit's legs; she smiled at the human's enthusiasm. Circe carefully worked her fingers and hands to spread Artemis' legs giving the explorative human a view of the rabbit's nethers. Circe brushed back the gray and white fur, revealing the soft pink flesh of Artemis' pussy to the human's excited eyes. The fur around her slit was wet with her arousal as Circe's finger slipped down to tease her clit again in invitation to the lusty scientist.

Drew moved quickly slipping his hands and lips up Artemis' powerful legs and soft downy fur. The mixture of firm flesh and soft fur was tantalizing and seeing the aloof rabbit squirm in delight filled the human with a desire to please her like few he'd ever known. He kissed the inside of Artemis' thighs as Circe pulled back her hand, wet with her lovers fluids and licked it clean with her quick tongue all while giving the human a lusty smile.

Circe carefully repositioned herself to the side and guided her lapin lover to lean back against her. The mink smiled down at the human. "Be gentle. She's surprisingly sensitive," Circe said as she stroked her hand along Artemis' exposed pussy and mound.

The human moved between Artemis' thighs and leaned forward to press his mouth against her wet slit. Drew took in the scent of her arousal as he admired the powerful, beautiful body laid before him. He pressed his mouth against her pink lips and licked, savoring the unique taste of the female rabbit. He reached up and stroked her ropey, muscled thighs as much to relish the feeling of fur, flesh, and stockings as to keep the horny female from crushing him between them.

Artemis groaned and leaned back against Circe as Drew's tongue slipped coyly along her damp slit as the mink rubbed her sensitive clit before relinquishing it to the human's probing tongue, instead moving her dexterous paws to Artemis' perky breasts and teasing her swollen nipples. The rabbit squirmed in pleasure from the dual attention; a quiet gasp escaped her short muzzle as Drew's tongue probed along her pussy and flicked against her pink nub.

"Oooh gods," Artemis whined and threw her head back letting long ears dangling behind her. Circe took advantage of the motion to press her triangular muzzle against the lapin's and kiss her lustily. From between Artemis' legs Drew watched the pair kiss, their tongues entwining with passionate familiarity. For a moment the human wondered if he was an unnecessary third wheel but Artemis down and pressed his head back against her womanhood demandingly. Drew obediently resumed licking and tasting her body.

"Is he good, my sweet?" Circe asked as her hands stroked down the rabbit's toned body.

Artemis squirmed in enjoyment, "Very... ah... good," the rabbit hybrid replied breathily.

"I'm glad you brought him for us," the mink said.

"Ah, more to the right," Artemis ordered. The human complied. "AHHHH! YES!" Artemis said her strong legs closed in around the human's head as she jerked in sudden pleasure. "I'm so close."

The white mink wrapped her arms around Artemis waist and looked down at the top of Drew's head as he worked his now aching jaw deep into the rabbit, building her to climax. "Three fingers in and lick hard," Circe instructed.

Drew could barely hear the instructions from between the thick, soft thighs of the rabbit. It took him a moment to work his hand free and to slip his three fingers into Artemis' body. She clenched around his digits tightly as he licked against her swollen clit and her legs pressed against his head. Drew felt her body tense as she leaned back into Circe's arms, her pussy gripping his fingers, her thighs clutching his head almost painfully as Artemis screamed and climaxed in the arms of her lover and from the attention of the submissive human.

Artemis moaned in blissful satisfaction, her legs loosened their grip on the human who looked up rubbing the rabbit's juices from his face. Artemis' chest heaved as she panted her blue eyes half lidded as she leaned against Circe. Circe lovingly stroked the lapin's gray pelt and gave the human an approving nod. "You did well, Drew. I thought I was the only one that could do that to her," she said with a toothy smile. A small smile crept across Artemis' face as she sleepily murmured her appreciation.

"It was my pleasure," Drew said as he admired the scene before him. The gray furred hare had an uncharacteristic calm expression as the elegant mink gently guided her to lie on the bed and rest her long eared head on the mismatched pillows. Artemis stretched out, the powerful legs that just moments ago were squeezing around Drew's head now relaxed as their owner nestled comfortably into her bed. Pleasured and now satisfied past her capacity, Artemis yawned once and quickly dozed off leaving the human kneeling by the bed and Circe sitting on the far side with an amused smile.

"I don't see how you plan to satisfy me from over there," Circe purred giving the human a pouting look.

Drew stood up, suddenly very aware of his erection as the mink's eyes followed his bobbing manhood. "Are you sure? Won't we wake her up?" Drew asked with a glance at the sleeping rabbit hybrid.

The white furred mink chuckled, "No. When she's used up like that she can sleep through anything. Now, no more excuses." Circe stretched back onto the bed, her long, mustelid body graciously showing the human her womanly curves and tempting details. Flawless white fur framed her from triangular muzzle, the swell of her soft, generous breasts, the soft curve of her belly, swell of her hips, the flow of her graceful legs and her fluffy tail. Not a single hair on her body was color but perfect, flawless white white and were it not for the flashing of dark flesh she would be nearly monochromatic.

In the dim light, to Drew she looked a goddess and he took in a sharp breath in awe as he came over his eyes tracing the line of the mink's body. Circe's dark eyes watched him, a grin on her animalistic lips. Her eyes half lidded in a smoldering gaze she reached out to gently guide the human onto the bed. Drew drew himself up beside the mink on the bed and wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed his face into her neck taking her sweet, jasmine like smell. The feel of her silky fur pressing against his naked body made him shiver in delight.

"Circe," he said quietly as he kissed her soft neck and pulled her tightly against him.

The mink churred softly as Drew pressed his lips her neck burying his face in her thick fur. His hands stroked along her sides and belly, exploring the sensual thrill of her curves. The human's hand cupped one of her large breasts and gently squeezed, his palm rubbing her sensitive and swollen nipple. The feel of the soft, warm orb in his hand drove Drew to kiss the mink's neck and face desperately. There was just something about Circe that he couldn't place but that made him burn with uncontrollable desire.

The human pressed his lips against Circe's short, triangular muzzle, her whiskers rubbed against his face as he kissed her. Drew stroked her head and soft ears as he slipped his tongue into her mouth, rubbing it against hers. Even the fur on her face was soft and Drew looked into her dark, black eyes adoringly. Pressed tightly against her, Drew could smell the delicious scent of her body and taste her in his mouth.

Circe slipped one dexterous paw down the human's chest and stomach to cup his balls and stroke along his erect cock. Her fingers slipped nimbly around his length and teased up and down it the fur on her palm tingling exotically. Circe's fingers teased him expertly as she let her claws graze the underside of his shaft, not hard enough to hurt but tickle and stimulate. A gasp escaped the human's lips as he slipped his hand down the mink's body to her crotch, intent to return the favor. Drew's finger buried themselves in the soft fur between Circe's thighs and sought out her womanhood, quickly finding the mink already generously wet with arousal.

Drew slipped his fingers along and inside Circe's swollen lips making her chirp cutely as the human probed her. "You're so soft," Drew whispered more to himself than Circe.

The mink playfully squeezed the human's cock gently. "And you're so hard," she reply coyly.

Drew took the hint and pulled out his fingers and slid himself on top of the mink, his breath speeding up in anticipation. Drew carefully placed his hands on either side of the reclining mustelid as Circe spread her legs in lurid invitation; she guided the human with her soft paws into place. His hard cock pressed lightly against her wet slit as Circe smiled up at him with a lusty, predatory look. Drew pressed himself forward luxuriating in the feel of Circe's fur against his body and the incredible silky warmth of her body as he buried himself inside her.

The mink made a throaty churr of pleasure as the human slipped inside her and she reached up, lacing one hand through his hair and guided his face against her own as she kissed him. Drew's tongue met Circe's in a passionate embrace as his hips pressed in against hers and the human hilted himself in the tight, alabaster mink. In that moment Drew only knew Circe. Her smell and taste filled his nose and mouth, her soft body and fur pressed against him sensual, her pussy gripped him, and she moaned lustily into his ear. In all the months since Drew's life had been thrown upside, this moment was the first he felt fully at peace and content.

Circe was, Drew discovered, a power bottom. The mink expertly guided the human through a combination of verbal commands, gentle nips, and her agile paws to satisfy her needs. Drew obeyed her every command willingly and eagerly. He thrust harder, slower, adjusted his weight, squeezed her breasts, and kissed her all on her command.

Drew's arms wrapped around Circe's long body and pressed her ample bosom into his chest as he fucked her, driving his cock into her as deep as he could. Circe laced her legs behind his back and hooked her ankles together as she threw back her head to moan in pleasure as Drew kissed her soft neck.

"More! Faster!" Circe screamed as her legs pulled against Drew's hips, driving the human deeper into her.

Drew was panting as he fucked Circe like he had never fucked before, a small part of him wondering if the needy mink was satiable at all. Circe could feel Drew tiring as his thrusts slowed and his breath grew labored. Without saying a word she used the leverage of her legs to reverse their positions and rolled the human underneath her. Drew suddenly found himself pinned beneath the pure white mink, still inside her, though he wasn't completely sure how.

"I'll finish things up," Circe said with a grin, her pearlescent teeth flashing in the dim light as she gently raised and lowered herself on the supine human her large breasts bouncing as she did so.

Drew looked up in dumbstruck awe as he admired the mink as she rode him like her personal stud. His hands stroked her thighs and ass as he thrust in time with her motions, eliciting little squeaks with each thrust.

"I can't last much longer," Drew said, his voice begging.

Circe grunted her reply, her onyx eyes closed as she focused on her body, precariously close to orgasm. Her body clenched around the human's length, her whole body trembling. Drew gasped as he felt her body spasm and squeeze him, the heat inside her building to nearly uncomfortable heights.

Drew arched his back, head pressed into the pillows as he felt his dick jerk inside her and the first fires of his orgasm ignite. The mink leaned forward over the human as Drew grabbed her firm ass as he came, heavy gouts of cum filled her elegant body. Circe's body clenched around the human in reply, her nails dug into his shoulder as she let out a hissing cry as she climaxed. Drew felt a rush of heat around his crotch as they both climaxed and he felt Circe's juices flow down his cock and balls saturating her fur and the sheets beneath them.

Their shared orgasm seemed to last far longer than anything Drew had ever experienced before. Exhausted, Circe laid down on top of him and his dick slipped free of her tight, heated body. The couple kissed as Drew wrapped his arms around her waist and held her tight his fingers interlaced into her fur.

"You did well," Circe said in between kisses as she stroked the human's face affectionately. "Very well, in fact."

Drew smiled, oddly happy that he pleased the mink. "That was amazing," he said.

"And a fine show," Artemis said. Drew looked over in startled surprise to see the rabbit-hybrid leaning on her elbow with a grin. "What do you think, Circe?"

The mink rolled herself so that she was lying between the human and the lapin. "Like I said, very good."

Artemis nodded her head approvingly as she leaned in and kissed Circe. Drew felt an unexpected twing of jealously as the two females kissed. Circe looked between her two lovers and gestured for both of them to press in close to her, Drew and Artemis both willingly ascented their arms wrapping around the mink in mutual affection. Drew nuzzled in close letting the soft warmth of the mustelid lull him into a well earned post-coital sleep.

Drew awoke to smell of bacon wafting in from the kitchen. He quickly surveyed the room and found that he was alone in the bed. He scratched himself idly as he climbed from bed and looked for his clothes in the early morning light. They were still piled haphazardly in a corner from the night before and Drew hurried redressed and headed to the kitchen and the intoxicating smell of frying bacon.

The human came into the kitchen to find Circe at the stove, her radiant white fur seemed even more luxurious in the gentle light though for the first time she was wearing clothes. Drew took her in as he admired the hip-hugging jeans the mink was wearing, the waistband tailored to dip under her tail leaving a tantalizing glimpse of her hips, as well as a black, tight crop top shirt that was pulled snuggly over her ample breasts with no bra. One of Circe's round ears swiveled to the sound of someone entering and she glanced over her shoulder with a smile.

"Morning," she said as she lifted the pan from the heat and slid the bacon onto a plate that she held out to the human.

Drew took the plate, heaped with bacon, eggs, and fruit and sat down at the kitchen table. "This looks delicious," Drew said as he shoveled a fork full of bacon into his mouth. "You look beautiful this morning," he added.

Circe flashed him a smile. "Thanks, and you don't look as bruised as I worried you might be. I wasn't sure how tough humans are."

"Oh no, I'm fine," Drew said between bites, ignoring the claw marks on his shoulders. As they spoke Artemis stepped into the room, the gray furred lapin wearing her more customary olive drab top and camo patterned shorts, her expression was no longer affectionate but her more normal, business-like expressions. Drew smiled up at her as she picked up an apple and bit into it, her large incisors tearing out a meaty chucky.

"Eat quickly, we leave in an hour," the rabbit said around the apple.

"What?" Drew said as the fork hung awkwardly from his mouth.

"We need to get to Delphi by nightfall," Artemis replied.

Drew glanced at the white mink, her decision to wear clothes suddenly making sense. "All three of us?"

Artemis tore another chunk from the apple, "Yes."

"Great!" Drew said with an excited smile. "I'm happy Circe is joining us I..." he started but let the words die as he caught the stare of the blue eyed lapin. Artemis' expression seemed to dare him to say any more. Drew cleared his throat, "Right, one hour."

Artemis nodded, her long ears bobbing as she walked off the sound of her crunching the apple fading with her.

"Can I ask why you're coming," Drew said as he finished his breakfast.

Circe turned to face the human and leaned against the counter, her soft belly exposed by the high cut shirt and low riding pants. "I have business in Delphi as well," she replied her black eyes watching the human.

"Well, I'm glad you're coming," Drew said as his eyes lingered on the sensual mink.

Circe gave him a toothy grin as he put his dishes in the sink. "Me too."

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Drew and His Captors Part 2: Animals in the Night

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