Jess on the Reservation

Story by Thirdeye on SoFurry

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I am still alive as proof I am posting this little cute story I wrote some time ago. Sorry for being quiet, real life has been busy but hey, you don't care about that.

This is a short story about a human and a fox. There is some build up then BAM. Intercourse. Enjoy.

In the corner of the room something scurried out of sight as Jess dropped the last cardboard box of his things onto the cheap green-gray carpet. The sun filtered in through dirty windows making the insides look caked in grime and dust. Jess ran one finger along the counter and looked at the gray slime that clung to the tip. No, it actually was that dirty. He let out a sigh. Even at $400 a month this was a rip off but then again... it was a trailer park... in the hills on an Anthro Reservation. What did he really expect?

History aside, Anthros had been dealt a bad hand and most now lived in reservations. Small areas of unwanted land they had been given where they could live their lives and not bother humans or, less cynically, live by their own culture and values without outside interference. Either way, the reservations were largely dirty, poor, uneducated, and lacked for almost everything. This explained the run down trailer Jess was now renting and his very presence in the town. You see, Jess was a do-gooder at heart and when as a young boy he first heard about the plight of the Anthros he was moved and filled with a passion to help out. So when he went to college he studied Anthro Issues and Politics with a minor in Education, much to his parents' horror.

And now the twenty four year old human male had set out to right some wrongs and got himself a job with the Bureau of Anthro Affairs. He had been sent to this remote reservation to help with their schooling system which currently boasted a staggering dropout rate. Still, he hadn't imaged social justice to be so... dirty or smell so much like old mustard. But he would not be so easily discouraged! The 24 year old puffed out his chest and triumphantly tore open the first box and began to unpack. First things first, cleaning supplies!

As the sun was setting Jess was feeling better. The trailer was cleaner than before, his clothes were unpacked, the bed was made, and his fridge had the basic foods of a 24 year old. Things were looking up. Jess had just finished plugging in his television when he the door to his trailer boomed with a metallic thud as someone knocked on his new door. The human jumped and scrambled over to the door, opening it with some hesitance. Who could be knocking now?

In answer to his mental question stood a burly stag Anthro in a tight t-shirt and equally tight jeans stretched over his chiseled, muscular frame and uncomfortably bulging crotch. His cervine face, topped by graceful antlers, split into a merry grin showing off thick, herbivorous teeth. "WELCOME NEIGHBOR!" the deer practically yelled raising his arms in celebration a six pack of beer dangling off one hand's thick, hoof-like fingers.

"Umm... thanks?" Jess said as the stag invited himself in and stepped past the much smaller human.

"I brought you a welcome gift," the buck said as he offered the off-brand six pack to the human.

"Thank you," Jess said as he accepted the beer while the stag seated himself on his sofa, crossing one leg across his knee and bouncing his hoofed foot.

"They call me Chevy," the stag said, "I live across the road with my wife Gloria and thought I'd come over and say hi and see if you needed any help getting settled. Can't be easy being a human in an Anthro Rez and all." The stag had a heavy accent, typical of Anthros, giving his English a slow almost lazy tone to it.

"Chevy?" Jess asked.

"Yup!" the stag replied as he leaned forward and flexed his muscular shoulders and chest for emphasis. "Like a muscle car," he added his large brown eyes checking out the trailer and settling on the six pack Jess was still holding. "Settling in?"

Jess pulled one of the beers from the plastic rings and tossed it to the stag who caught it with a grin. The human unhooked and opened one for himself and took a sip. It was, quite simply, awful yet the stag drained his can in seconds. Jess controlled his expression and tried not to belie his disgust at the cheap beer's taste. "So far, yes. Everything seems... nice."

The stag laughed, "Come now, if you're gonna live here you need to learn to be honest with us. Its shit, it's okay to say it. This trailer is shit, the Rez is shit, the way we're treated is shit. Be honest! Not like we don't know!"

Jess smiled thinly. "Well, I don't want to be ungrateful..."

"Ungrateful for what? That you are paying for shit? Come on now. Don't be like that. When most human's come to town they try so hard to pretend they love our 'folksy' ways. Fuck that! We're just poor and most of us ain't got an education to speak of. We ain't folksy. Just dumb, poor, and drunk." Chevy said. "And horny. Myself included. And my wife. That part works out well actually."

"You have kids?"

"One," Chevy replied, "so far at least. Nina. She's my little angel. Looks just like her momma. What about you?"

"No, no kids," Jess replied.

"Got a woman?" Chevy asked.

"Not really. I was dating a girl but she didn't want to come out here so we broke up," he said.

"Ah well," the stag replied as he helped himself to another beer. "You'll find some tail if you want. A lot of Anthro girls dig humans. Not sure why, frankly, probably all the movies. You got a type?"

"I... no... I mean, thank you but I'll be fine," Jess said.

"You don't like Anthro girls? Or you like boys? I mean, I don't care..." Chevy started but stopped as he downed his second beer.

"It's not that, I've met some very attractive Anthro women but with my job I don't think it'd be appropriate," Jess explained.

"I wouldn't let that stop ya," Chevy continued, "not like you can get anyone pregnant. Hell, if I was in a human city, I'd have some fun." The bulky stag stretched out his arms and unhooked another beer. "Well, I don't wanna keep ya but I wanted to say hi and let ya know that if ya need anything I'm just across the road. Come on by."

"Thanks," Jess said as Chevy downed one final beer and stood, his antlers brushing the ceiling. The stag showed himself out and the human could hear him whistling to himself as he returned home. Jess set aside the inexpensive beer and leaned back into the old seat. What an odd start to this journey.

Word had already gotten around that a human had moved in and as Jess stopped by the local grocery he could tell he was the subject of gossip. It was a strange experience for him. As he shopped for a few basic good he would catch Anthros of all sorts watching him curiously. In one row a bear, in another a horse, and in another a squirrel. No matter the type, they all had the same somewhat amused somewhat leery expression. Jess hurried through his shopping the scrutiny making his skin crawl. He rushed to the counter and dropped his basket with a thump making the attendant jump.

Behind the counter stood a tall fox Anthro, her ears perked high and her eyes wide at the sudden sound. She was six foot tall with another few inches in triangular ears above her head with luxuriously smooth red fur over most of her body excluding her white neck, belly and a few black highlights. She had simple black eyeliner around her eyes which drew out the bright green of her irises. She had an athletic build highlighted by a pair of volleyball shorts and a t-shirt that fit snuggly over her tight rear and perky breasts. She had a typical large, bushy red tail with white tip and delicate legs that ended in canine ankles and paws. On her shirt was a small pin that said "Darcy".

"Sorry," Jess said as she unloaded the shopping basket for the vixen. "It was heavier than I thought."

The vixen smiled toothily as her graceful paws moved the items over the scanner, the beep of the machine being a welcome familiarity. "That's a'right," the fox said as she looked down her muzzle at the human. "You're the Anthro Affairs guy?" she asked.

"Uh, yes. That's me. I'm Jess. Well, Jessie but I go by Jess," he answered with less wit and grace than he had hoped.

The vixen smiled again, "I'm Darcy." She said with a wag of her bushy red and white tipped tail, a grin teased along her black lips showing off her pearly teeth. "So what'ca gonna be doin' here?" she asked with the funny accent some Anthros had, her green eyes fixated on the human.

Jess finished unloading his groceries onto the belt, "Well, my main job is to help with the local education. Help Anthros get their high school diplomas, enroll in training programs, maybe get into college. That sort of thing."

The vixen's ears drooped a bit, "Oh yeah? I never did well in school," she said as she idly rolled an apple in her paws. Her black fingernails carefully trimmed least they become to claw-like.

"I'll be offering one on one tutoring," Jess said with more enthusiasm than he intended, his eyes looking over the attractive female. He cleared his throat before he continued. "I mean, if you want some help. Or group sessions. Or whatever..." he trailed off awkwardly mentally cursing this failed first engagement.

Darcy bagged the apple and gave the human a quick smile, "My momma would like that. She's always said I should go to college. Your total is $32.46."

"That's great!" Jess said as he fumbled for his wallet. "I'll be starting sessions on Monday. I mean, I don't know when would be best for you," he rambled as he dug out his cash. He handed over two rumpled twenties as he continued to explain his tutoring structure. "I mean Monday afternoons I'm starting an after school program and then in the early evenings I'm doing one on one tutoring. Then on Tuesday..." A quiet cough from the tall vixen snapped his attention back to the present.

Darcy nodded her animalistic head ever so slightly at the counter as she counted out the human's change, her bright green eyes guiding the human to the shiny golden foil of a condom that had fallen from his wallet and now sat on the sales counter with a hand written note beside it.

Jess. Just in case you bag a fuzzbutt. But I hear you don't need them. -Your Brother Jimmy

_ _ Jess' eyes went wide and his cheeks flushed a red as dark as the vixen's fur as he sputtered. His hand darted out and hurriedly snatched the condom up and shoved it deep into his pocket. "I'm so sorry," he mumbled more than spoke, "Jimmy is my brother and he..."

"Don't worry about it," Darcy said as she held out the human's change. Jess, his eyes fixed on the floor in utter embarrassment, reached out to take the money. He felt the vixen's hand brush his own as she placed the money in his open palm and he faintly heard her whisper, "He's right thought."

Jess snapped his head back up to see the female fox's expression change from a mischievous grin back to a neutral smile. "What?" he said, barely able to form the words.

"Have a good day," Darcy replied, "and I'll stop by Monday about the tutoring."

Had he imagined the vixen saying something? Jess gathered the plastic bags with his purchase and hurried out. His thoughts cascaded at a mile a minute. What had just happened? And why was Jimmy such a dick?

The next day Jess found himself going around town meeting all the important Anthros. The mayor, an obese cat, had been less interested in his work as much if he had any pull on federal grant money. The principal of the school, a severe she-wolf, explained in great detail how many ways Jess' work was doomed to fail and most of the students either failed to come to class at all or just wanted to get drunk, high, or steal for a living. Even the receptionist at the town hall, a rat woman, had seemed unimpressed by his project but at least wished him well.

Finally after this dispiriting day Jess got home to his run-down trailer. He got out of his car and started to walk towards his door when he heard a familiar bugling voice.

"HOWDY, NEIGHBOR," Chevy boomed from across the road where the muscular stag leaned against a pickup truck with the hood up, his overalls covered in oil and grease stains.

Jess waved politely, "Hi, Chevy," he replied as he kept walking towards the door.

"Heya, you had someone come by looking for you today while you were out," the buck said.

The human looked over his shoulder, "I did?"

"Yup. That fox girl that works down at the market. What's her name," Chevy said as he scratched behind an antler in thought.

"Darcy?" Jess answered quicker than he meant to.

Chevy snapped his thick fingers. "That's it! Said something about setting up a tutoring session or something. She left you a note."

"That's great!" Jess replied with a smile as he began to look around for the note hurriedly.

The heavy stag leaned against the side of his truck and watched the human for a minute before he spoke up again, a smile on his broad muzzle. "I have the note here," Chevy said as he rubbed one hand on his overalls before rooting into his pocket and taking out a folded sheet of paper. Jess came over, embarrassed as he took the note, trying not to look the taller stag in the eyes as he beamed at the smaller human in amusement. "Do you already have a little crush?" Chevy asked.

Jess took the paper and unfolded it, ignoring his noisy neighbor. Written in curly, almost illegibly feminine letters was:

Jess. Sorey I missed u! Id like some tutoring. Can u come by my trailer tomorrow at 8pm? C u! ;) -Darcy

_ _ The human couldn't help but smile as he folded the note shut when suddenly his whole body reeled and his staggered on his feet as it felt like a freight train struck his shoulder.

Chevy was laughing loudly as the human nearly tumbled over from his friendly slap on the shoulder. "You've got quite the fan!" he boomed.

Jess made a nervous laugh as he rubbed his shoulder. "She's just a student..."

"Uh-huh," Chevy replied crossing his thick across his chest. "Just a student who comes all this way an' leaves you cute little notes that smell like her?"

"Yes! She... wait. Smell like her?" Jess said, confused as he held up the letter under his less sensitive human nose and sniffed. The letter smelled oddly like a mix of animal odors and apple blossoms.

The stag chuckled. "She looks like a nice one. I think she'll treat you right."

"I..." Jess started and hesitated. "I'm not really sure what to do here ..."

Chevy grinned at the flustered human. "I think you need to relax. The girl likes you, you seem to like her. Just go with it." He shrugged his thick shoulders nonchalantly.

"But I'm supposed to be her tutor..."

"You worry too much," the stag replied as he closed the hood of his truck with a bang. "Just go with what feels natural and you'll be fine."

"Alright," Jess said quietly as the big stag walked back to his front door. "Thanks, Chevy."

"No problem, neighbor! Have a good night," Chevy replied as he opened the door to his trailer.

"Good night," Jess replied as the deer Anthro disappeared into his trailer leaving the human alone with the sweet smelling note. Jess chewed his lip as he stood beside the old truck. "Now what..."

Jess shifted from foot to foot while he stared at the door to Darcy's trailer. Maybe he had misunderstood the intent of the note. Maybe she was just friendly and meant nothing by it. Maybe it was just a joke. Then again, her note was written rather poorly... maybe she does need tutoring. The human chewed his lip as he nervously reached out to rap his knuckles on the metal door, the echo making him reflexively shudder. The door swung open almost instantly to the tall vixen smiling down at the human, her white teeth flashing as she grinned behind her thin lips.

Darcy was wearing an oversized gray hoodie that hung off her athletic frame, the local college's emblem emblazed across her chest and belly. The hoodie was large enough that her hands disappeared inside the sleeves and the bottom hem hung down to the midpoint of her thighs. Her tail poked out of the back of the hoodie and swished back and forth in a slow wag. Jesse could not tell, though he assumed, that she was wearing the small, tight volleyball shorts she liked so underneath the over-sized hoodie.

Darcy yipped excitedly, "Come on in!" as she stepped deeper into the trailer, Jess' eyes following her long graceful legs.

"Thanks," he said as he followed the vixen inside. The trailer was a simple affair, like most on the reservation, it was aged and sparsely decorated. The living room they were in had an old sofa; an equally old television, a coffee table, and nothing else save a few knick-knacks and pictures on the walls. The floors were carpeted with unappealing green-brown shag. Jess glanced about, "Should we set up in here? Would we be bothering anyone?"

The tall vixen said, "No one else is home, we can go anywhere." The impish smile crept across her muzzle again, "Though my room is more comfortable."

"I..." Jess started, not sure how to reply.

"Right down here," Darcy interrupted as she walked down the hall to the last door on the right. "This is my room," she said as she disappeared through the open portal leaving human behind.

Jess followed quickly; suddenly anxious he'd be caught standing in the living room staring like a confused burglar. He looked into Darcy's room which seemed almost from an entirely different home. The vixen's room was surprisingly... girly. The walls had been given a light, almost white, pink paint job, thin white curtains hung over the windows, her bed was draped with a thick, soft pink comforter which was piled with pillows and plush toys. On the walls were a number of awards that Darcy had won, mostly in track and field along with a few posters from a few boy bands, all curiously human ones.

Darcy bounced on her delicate pawed feet over to her bed. "Sorry there aren't many chairs," she said. "We can sit on the bed. Let me get my things!" The vixen said. Without waiting for a reply she turned her back to the human and leaned over the bed to grab her backpack. From his place just inside the door Jess discovered that despite his assumptions the fox girl was not wearing volleyball shorts. Under her hoodie, she was only wearing a pair of simple, white cotton boyshorts that hugs the intimate details of her boy.

Darcy's hoodie was lifted up by her tail as she bent over and Jess admired Darcy's tight, toned ass and legs. The cotton cloth was pulled tight over her womanhood leaving little to the human's imagination. Darcy's soft red fur looked so silky and inviting that Jess bit his lip to control himself. The vixen's tail flicked casually as she bent further over the bed, raising her hips up as through in invitation.

"Where is that backpack," the vixen said to and unseen object on the far side of the bed, her hips wiggling tauntingly as she rooted around.

Jess politely coughed in his hand, hoping to draw Darcy's attention to the fact that she was flaunting her very desirable posterior at him. The vixen either did not hear or chose not to hear him. Darcy squirmed teasingly along the bed, stretching her long, lean body across the pink girly comforter temptingly, standing on her toes to maximize her reach.

"Where did I put that pen," she asked coyly as she rooted around, flicking her bushy red and white tail as she did so. "No, not that one..."

"Um... Darcy?" Jess said unable to wrestle his eyes from the hypnotic display that was wiggling and bobbing in front of him.

The vixen's ears perked up and swiveled towards the human. She looked over shoulder at him, not lowering her hips by even an inch. "Yes?" she asked innocently as she daintily raised one paw off the floor.

"You're... well... I can..." Jess stumbled.

"Hmmm? Speak up." Darcy said still bent over the corners of her muzzle pulling at a hidden smile.

Jess frowned as he fumbled with words in light of the situation.

"Anyway," the vixen continued, turning back to rummaging through her backpack. "I was thinking you might help me with... biology? Maybe some... anatomy? Or do you have a specialty?"

Jess could almost hear the young fox girl smirk as she spoke. Her hips cocked teasingly, her tail flitting about ensuring her hoodie never fell over her backside. She knew exactly what she was doing. Finally, it was just too much. Jess dropped his study notes off to the side and swiftly closed the door behind him. "We can study later," he said to no one in particular as he decided Chevy was right. Why shouldn't he enjoy himself?

The vixen squeaked in happy surprise as Jess closed the door and stepped up behind her, his hands darting to her tight, perky ass. He laced his fingers into her exposed fur and let out a pent up moan as he felt the silky smooth texture of her fur and the firm flesh of her body in his palms. He gently squeezed her ass and stroked his hands up along the line of her simple cotton panties. His palms tingled from the amazing sensation of fur, flesh, and cotton as he groped shamelessly along Darcy's behind, causing the vixen to make quiet little yips.

Jess slipped one hand along the line of her panties and cupped her soft mound through the material. He could feel the heat of her body and the growing moisture that now bloomed on her white panties. He stroked his finger along her slit through the fabric making the foxes' body shiver and her tail twitch.

"Oh god," Darcy gasped, "Do that again!" Jess complied. "Mmmm, yes!" the vixen barked.

Watching Darcy moan and squirm under his hands delighted Jess. She was beautiful and bringing her pleasure filled him with a strange sense of satisfaction. As his fingers teased her through her panties, Jess watched the material darken with the vixen's natural lubricant. Once a sizable bloom had developed on the cloth he slipped his hands back up her firm behind and laced his fingers into the elastic of her underwear. With a gentle tug Jess freed her panties from her narrow waist and down her hips to hang between her graceful legs, leaving her wet snatch exposed.

Jess knelt down behind the bent over vixen and took a deep breath as he admired his handiwork. Darcy's red and white crotch fur was soaked from her arousal and she whined at the lack of attention as Jess looked at her cute, pink slit. Jess reached out and stroked her bare furred bottom as he leaned in and licked her slit, tasting her body for the first time and coaxing out another pleasured yip. One hand on each perky cheek Jess set to the task at hand. His tongue moved up her slit, teasing her swollen, sensitive clit first and then moving slowly up her lips in a long, slow lapping motion. Each trip of his tongue up her tangy body made the leggy vixen moan, groan, and whine in delight.

Darcy squirmed in ecstasy. Her long, red furred legs danced from paw to paw and she tried to hold her hips still as Jess ate her out. The human's short but thick tongue danced along her most tender and sensitive areas and privileged Jess with the sharp, musky smell and taste of vulpine sex. After several minutes of oral attention Jess' jaw began to ache and the vixen was becoming so wet it was almost difficult for the human to manage. He pulled back his head and wiped his forearm across his mouth with a smack.

The fox girl was still lying across the bed, her tongue lolling out of the side of her mouth and her eyes unfocused as Jess stood up and undid his belt. He let his pants fall to his ankles and he quickly pulled down his boxers to expose his rock hard cock. Jess needed no further preparation for the next step as the prolonged teasing and oral had left his ready to go. As he moved himself into position a bead of pre already formed on the tip of his cock. Jess slipped the tip of his dick against Darcy's swollen, wet lips and looked down at her. She nodded eagerly and gave him a wag of her tail.

Jess pressed himself forward eagerly but carefully letting Darcy's body welcome him in. Jess let out a passionate moan as he felt the intense warmth of the vixen as her body gently squeezed around him. The human sheathed himself in the bent over vixen in one long, smooth motion. Darcy gasped at the sensation of the human filling her needy body as Jess gripped her by her waist and slowly pulled back only the thrust back in, making her firm buttocks bounce as the human fucked her.

Jess watched as Darcy laced her fingers into the pink comforter as she yipped and barked in raw, animal pleasure. The feel of fucking such a beautiful, young vixen was amazing. She was tight and giving and watching her squirm beneath him was a thrill. Jess pumped his hips against her perky butt, his balls slapping against her as he drove himself in and out of her body. After a few minutes taking the vixen from behind, Jess slipped his hands under her hips and gently rolled her onto her back. Darcy lifted her long, graceful legs into the air as the human positioned her. She rested her legs across his chest and shoulders, letting the human wrap his hands around her firm thighs as he resumed fucking her, now face up.

Through the soft fabric of the hoodie Jess could see Darcy's pert breasts bounce with each thrust. His hands dug into her soft, smooth red fur as he stroked her long legs with each hump.

"You're so beautiful," Jess wheezed between breaths and gasps as the youthful vixen's body squeezed down around him. The fur between his fingers was almost as silky as the insides of her body.

Darcy yipped merrily, "More! More!"

Jess leaned into her legs letting the flexible vixen fold her legs so he could rest his hands on the bed. Standing beside the bed the human gripped the fox by her hips and fucked her harder as she writhed in pleasure. Darcy pressed her hips into the human her head lolling back and her green eyes half lidded in ecstasy, the thrill of the taboo mating with a human adding to her enjoyment.

Jess could feel his climax building as he ran his hands up along the vixen's body and under her hoodie.

"I'm close," he wheezed.

Darcy grunted in reply, "So am I."

"Should I," Jess gasped as the vixen clenched around him, "pull out?"

Darcy shook her vulpine head no. "No."

Jess was too close to the edge to argue, he kept fucking as his body felt like it might explode. Finally, Darcy's tight, wet pussy was just too much and Jess couldn't hold it back any longer. He gasped loudly and clutched her narrow waist as he bottomed himself out in her and came. He felt his cock jerk as his orgasm rocked him and Darcy's hips jerked up and she let out a howling yip as her pussy clenched around the human. The feel of the human cumming inside her pushed the vixen over the edge and she came as well her tail swishing erratically against Jess' legs as she howled out an orgasm.

Panting, Jess looked down at his and Darcy's crotch. They were a mess of matted wet fur and a bit of cum that dribbled out of her stuffed slit. The human pulled back and shuddered at the sudden cold as his cock was freed from the heated insides of his vulpine companion.

Darcy panted in ecstatic exhaustion. "That was awesome," she said as she caught her breath.

Jess fumbled with his boxers and pants, "That was amazing." He managed to rebuckle his pants, his cock painfully sensitive inside his boxers and smelling of sex. "But I don't think we're getting much tutoring done."

Darcy shrugged her shoulders. "I don't really need any, anyway. I'm already at the top of my class," she said with a smug, mischievous smile "and I'm going to college this Fall".

"Seriously?" Jess said, "This whole thing..."

The vixen just smiled at him as she sat up, her comforter now adorned with a darker pink spot where their fluids had mixed.

Jess sat on the bed beside her, avoiding the wet spot. "Well at least I don't feel guilty about not doing any lessons then."

"Are you so sure about that? There's a lot I could still learn about human anatomy," Darcy said her paws straying over the human's chest as she leaned against him.

Jess looked at her in disbelief. "Again? Already?"

Darcy wrapped her arms around the human giving him an affectionate lick. "I'm just getting started," she said one paw slipping into his pants.

Midday the next day Jess was sneaking back to his trailer, the collar on his shirt popped to hide a sizeable love bite. He reached for the door to his trailer when a familiar voice echoed out from across the street.

"HEYA NEIGHBOR!" The stag belted out.

Jess froze his hand on the doorknob.

"Busy night?" Chevy asked with a cocked eyebrow as he trotted over.

"Umm... a lot of... tutoring... and... stuff," Jess said.

The muscle bound deer man chuckled. "Well you should go get some rest then."


"A cute little raccoon dropped this off for you," Chevy replied as he gave the embarrassed human a folded piece of paper. Inside it read:

_My name is Red. I'm friends with Darcy. I could use some tutoring as well. I'll stop by tonight. I'll bring food and Gatorade. -RED _

p.s. Do you offer group sessions?

_ _

Jess looked at the stag his expression one of mild panic. "Chevy, what have I gotten myself into?"

Chevy grinned at the smaller human. "I told you..."

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