Master/Slave Stream Story 2: Team Building Lessons

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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It seems that Axel the bat doesn't just hypnotize his father in the park.

Team Building Lessons For Necross By Draconicon

Axel smiled as he looked out the door. Three cars had just pulled up outside the house, and one of them still had its police lights on. The drivers of the others - his father and another police officer - were shaking their heads as they stepped out of their cars.

"Hehehe, showtime."

The bat stepped away from the windows, making his way over to the door. He reached down to his bulge, pushing the rising length to the side so it wasn't so immediately visible. After all, it wasn't a good idea to reveal too much to the chief of police and some of his better officers, was it?

He reached the front door just as it was opening, and stood just out of sight.

"Richard, I've told you a dozen times. Don't use your siren when you're not on duty."

"Come on, it clears the streets like a charm. And don't tell me you haven't done it, too; you might be chief of police, but -"

"But nothing. If it comes down to it, I'll ask Axel to have a look at that head of yours and see if he can help you with your speeding obsession."

Mmmm, tempting, dad, tempting, Axel thought, chuckling. His chuckle got the attention of the two police officers and their chief. His father. The chief smiled, hanging up his jacket by the door.

"Hey, Axel. Have a good day?"

"Yeah, dad. Anything good at the station?"

"Eh, nothing I can talk about. Just a lot of paperwork."

"Anything I need to help with? Any stress or problems?"

"Not today." The older bat nodded towards the kitchen. "We're just gonna get a couple drinks and enjoy some TV."

"Heh, and here I thought it'd be a good time to have building lessons."

Almost immediately, the natural stance of the off-duty cops slackened. They went from standing up straight to slumped forward, their bodies completely relaxed in the space of Axel's three words. The bat smiled, reaching out and touching his dad's shoulder, giving it a squeeze.

"I know you want to relax, dad, but I have a better idea."

Patting the older bat, he turned to the other two officers. They were no less relaxed, and he grinned. It was good to see that the suggestions he'd left during their sessions at the station were still so strong. He stepped around his dad and gave them a small squeeze on the shoulders as well. They looked up, staring at him blankly.

"Scales, Kitty."

Richard and Samuel, respectively, nodded back at him.

"We're going to have a little fun with our team building lessons tonight. There's a whole course set up downstairs. There's nothing to worry about, nothing to stress over. Just a bit of competition with each other. Just a bit of fun."


"Yeah...beat the other guys..."

Shaking his head at Scales' constant need to be the winner, Axel stepped back in front of the group.

"Follow me."

It wasn't exactly a long trip, but the bat took it slow. After all, tranced people were easily distracted, and he didn't want to knock them out of it too early. He smiled as they started walking down the stairs to the basement, recalling setting this all up just a few days ago.

It hadn't been that hard. He was in and out of the police station all the time. It helped that his dad was the chief of police for the town, but it didn't hurt that he was so good at hypnosis. Ever since his dad had found out what he could do for people, almost five years ago, he'd been invited in for all sorts of private sessions with the officers, helping them with their issues and keeping them on point for the days ahead.

Of course, what they didn't know was how much fun he had with them. Axel looked over his shoulder, seeing the officers half bent over, as if their bodies wanted to go down to all fours. He sped up a little, but not much.

They were very eager to listen to orders when they were under trance, and his father had been no exception. With that much power, who wouldn't have a little bit of fun? Oh sure, just a bit here and there, little commands left behind...but he wanted a bit more.

Cue setting up the playroom downstairs and getting three sexy cops to come by after work, something they'd normally never do. He wondered how they'd rationalize it tomorrow; he'd have to remember to ask his dad about that. It would make for some interesting stories from the more macho cops.

As soon as they reached the end of the stairs, the three cops went to all fours. His dad did it the easiest - which stood to reason, considering how many times he'd invoked an individual trigger with the old man - but Scales and Kitty did pretty good as well. They growled a bit at each other, and he reached over and tapped them lightly on the nose.

"No, bad pets. Bad."

They huffed, rubbing their noses with their hands, a bit like a cat or dog might do to get rid of something. It was rather endearing.

Giving all three of them a little head rub, he turned towards the playroom proper. There were three tables laid out on the far end of the room, with a machine attached to each. Normally, one wouldn't find anything particularly naughty there, until they took a closer look. Instead of saws or drills, the machines were breeding machines, made to fill holes and fuck them hard.

And tonight, he had just the people to use them on.

"Come, boys."

He walked across the room, and the three cops followed on hands and knees. They were quick enough, he was happy to see; it was always annoying when someone didn't quite keep up on all fours. He came to the first one, and patted the tabletop.

"Up, Scales."

The lizard pulled himself upwards a bit, sitting back on his haunches and putting his 'forepaws' on the table. He looked a little nervous, so Axel patted the table again. Scales hesitated before pulling himself up, his legs squirming over the edge for a few seconds before the bat pulled him the rest of the way up.

"Not bad, not bad. Next time, a little harder."

Scales just thrummed to himself, and Axel shook his head.

"Right, no talking...might want to get a parrot next time."

It didn't take long for him to tie the lizard down, keeping his arms pulled forward and his legs spread behind him. A little clip on the back of the neck-brace made for a great anchor for the lizard's tail, and it made sure that he would stay in place much easier, as well. He patted Scales' ass a few times before moving to the next table.

He didn't even have to pat it before Beau leaped up. His father circled the center of the table twice before laying down, the bat looking up at him like a cat that had found its favorite spot.

"Hehehe, now that's how a good pup acts, isn't it?"


"Heh, yes, good boy."

Patting his father on the head, he set to strapping the old man in just like he had with Scales. His father licked his cheek a few times, just acting like a happy pup, and every time Axel reached out and scratched under the older bat's chin. Getting a faceful of saliva wasn't exactly his thing, but it was just affection, and it was nice to see his busy dad as happy as this.

That just left Kitty. The snow leopard following him mewled like a cat wanting out, and he shook his head.

"I swear, you need a gag."


"Yes, yes, come on."

He had to help the snow leopard onto the last table, due to the cop's stubbornness. It wasn't that Kitty fought the hypnosis, not at all. It was just...well, cats didn't like to follow orders, and it seemed that applied in hypnosis form as well as it did in real life. He shook his head as he smoothed down the cop's fur, getting him in place before finally pulling the straps tight.

"What am I going to do with you..."


He shook his head, scritching the cat between the ears until it started purring, and he looked back at the line of cops that he had for toys tonight. It wasn't the first time that they'd all played around, but it was a rare occasion that he had everyone together. He enjoyed it, but he was always a little sad that he couldn't have it more often.

With the toys already lubed (something he did before the group arrived) it was time to get them ready. Pulling out a small box-cutter, Axel went from one cop to another, cutting open the back of their pants and their underwear. He already had back-ups set aside for them for later, but he always liked the look of someone otherwise dressed getting fucked hard. With their holes exposed, he lined up the breeding machines and turned them on.

In short order, the basement was filled with the moans of feline, scaly, and bat kind, each one of them penetrated by cocks at least as big as their own. In the case of Kitty, he was pretty sure that the cop was getting fucked by something at least twice his own size, and that was saying something.

He walked over to the snow leopard, rubbing the moaning kitty's head, and got a mewl for his troubles. Axel gently adjusted the cop's head, until his mouth was facing the bat's crotch.

"Now it's my turn for some fun."

Unzipping his pants, the bat let his cock flop out and bounce off of the snow leopard's cheek. The cat mewled at him again, mrowwing softly until Axel pushed his cock head against the feline's lips. It didn't take long for the cop to get the hint and open up, and as he pushed in, he moaned softly.

"Ooooh yeah..."

The machine rocked Kitty back and forth just enough to make for a natural fucking motion, letting his cock slide in and out of those soft lips. There wasn't much technique from the feline, but it was a new feeling to have that raspy tongue under his cock. Axel smiled slightly, leaning forward on the table as his cock was swallowed again and again.

"Heh, that's it...I help you relax, you help me relax..."

A fair trade all around, he thought.

The End

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