Master/Slave Stream Story 1: Slave of the Black

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The last story of Dexter's time in the Black's dungeons, started back in Breaking Down Rebellion, continued in Subdued by Scaly Soles, and most recently with Bound to be Broken.

Slave of The Black

for Dexter

by Draconicon

He was no longer sure if he was laughing or crying. Maybe both. Probably both. It had been so long since he stopped doing either that he couldn't be sure anymore.

Dexter gasped for breath before another laughing yelp escaped him, his entire body tingling and aching from his constant shouting and screaming for relief. His feet burned from the constant bursts of lightning over his soles, and his cock was swallowed up in the lightning storm beneath the master's cushion.

The master. The master. The master. He couldn't avoid thinking of the dragon - the master - like that anymore. His mind was burning with the smell of the dragon's musk, the master having left so many cum rags around the lab, and having used his face repeatedly as the repository of his cum. Half of the marks on the otter's face were from the master's cum settling in, while the other were fading from the things the master had drawn over him during the nights when he had managed to get some sleep.

And through it all, he'd been forbidden to cum. Not just forbidden, but kept from it. Everything pushed him towards climax, but the enchanted objects the master had placed on him kept him from going over the edge. The most he could do was need it more, and more, until it was driving him mad.

He was gasping for breath again when the door opened. Dexter whipped his head to the side, looking at the master in the doorway.

" more...I can't...take it..."

"My my, but we have come a long way, haven't we? No more anger, no more resentment, no more rebellion. Just a simple, quiet need."


"Or not so quiet. We can work on that."

Dexter whimpered, trying to bite his lip to keep from shouting again, but it was so hard. His cock throbbed, and his feet burned with both the stimulation and the relief that the crystals brought to his feet with their constant discharges, everything drawing him to laugh, moan, cry, squirm, anything to relieve the constant influx of sensation. The otter's tears of joy and pain ran down his face in equal measure, and his toes curled repeatedly as they were assaulted by the crystals.

The dragon seemed to almost teleport from the door to him; one moment he was there, and now he was here. The Black leaned down, stroking his head lightly, and the otter smelled the master's musk stronger than ever. The master must have just had a little 'fun'.

"There there. Are you ready to submit now, otter?"

"Anything...please...just stop this..."

"Ah ah. I want to hear it from you."

The dragon grabbed the back of his head, pushing him to look up.

"Say it. Say, 'I serve the dragon overlords.'"

"I...I dragon..."

Dexter groaned, his back arching. He wanted to say it, but something was stopping him. He couldn't finish the sentence.

The dragon seemed almost disappointed, shaking his head as he let go. Dexter's face fell, but he yelped as the dragon suddenly pulled the foot-rest off of his crotch. The otter's cock seemed to throb all the harder, and just like when the crystals had been removed from his feet, he felt a brief sense of relief before the burning itch hit him harder than ever, leaving his cock aching as well as sensitive.

"What a-are you doing?"

"One last test. Just to see if this will break down your barriers."

"And...and if it doesn't?"

"Oh, we'll just have to lock you up permanently. Defectives, you know? Wouldn't do to let you wander around."

Wander around? Defectives? What?

The dragon didn't answer his thoughts, instead pulling down a different looking ring. It was sort of like the cock ring that Dexter had around the base of his cock, but this one was pure white, and didn't look like metal.

"I don't envy you this, otter. In a little bit, I think you'll be begging me to put the other ring back on."


"Why, sir?"


"See? Learning." The dragon chuckled, slowly pulling Dexter's current ring around the base of the otter's cock off. "See, this was keeping you all pent up. No orgasm, just a constant rising need. This one? Heh, this one is the opposite."

It was like having his stomach drop out as the dragon slammed the white ring down. All the pleasure, all the tension that had been rising in him for the last three months (if not longer, he had lost count) exploded in a massive cumshot, shooting up into the air and nearly hitting the ceiling before coming down again, splashing all over his chest and stomach. The Black smirked down at him.

"Constant orgasm."

Dexter howled as his cock throbbed again, the first sets of cumshots not getting a chance to do more than slow down before his cock exploded in another orgasm, twitching and stiffening as his swollen balls were finally allowed to release. Even when the master's tail pushed his cock down against his belly, he barely cared. The feeling of relieving that pressure was too good, too much of a relief for him to dare complain about.

Even when the Black pushed a warm, musky foot in his face, it only enhanced his pleasure. The otter sniffed at it on instinct, the smell the same salty, warm scent that the cum-cloths that had been thrown around him were drenched in. His cock throbbed all the harder, spurting yet another set against his stomach, soaking his fur with his own seed.

It wasn't until the third orgasm came, his cock bouncing, dancing against the dragon's tail, that the otter groaned in discomfort. It was his third orgasm in less than thirty seconds, and his cock ached from the sheer tension that was being forced through it. The inside of his cock burned from the rapid expulsion of more seed, and Dexter winced as he arched his back again, forcing yet more of his pent-up seed against his stomach.


"I'm sorry, stop? We've barely started."

The ring sent a zap through his cock. It was like the lightning, but far more powerful, immediately drawing him into a fourth orgasm. Dexter howled, but no sooner had he opened his mouth than it was stuffed with several sweaty toes. His shout was muffled by it, but not extinguished, even as his tongue pressed instinctively to the musky digits.

"That's it. Take them in, little slave. Learn your place again. Show me that you have learned something in all this time underground."

His body reacted on its own, licking against the dragon's toes without any further prompting. It was like his body knew what to do, even if his overwhelmed mind didn't. His toes constantly curled at the forced pleasure and release, and at the continued blasts of lightning along his soles.

Fifth orgasm, and the otter's balls were starting to ache, while his cock was starting to hurt. Dexter whimpered around the toes, even as he huffed in the scent of the dragon's feet, sucking in the scent from between the toes.

Sixth orgasm, and his cum shots were starting to slack off in size, barely shooting up to his chest rather than splattering against his chin and mouth. The otter groaned, whimpering around the toes, pressing his face against the undersides of the dragon's feet for as much comfort as he could get.

Seven, eight, nine. On the tenth orgasm, the feet were pulled away, and Dexter whimpered, needing something, anything to distract him from the constant tension, constant swelling, constant squirting. His cock felt like it was on fire from the many squirts, and his belly and body were soaked with cum, the thick white oozing down over his sides and underneath him, forming a puddle on the ground.

As the eleventh throb of climax went through his cock, a different musk pressed against him. He opened his eyes, barely able to see the tip of the dragon's cock through his bleary vision.


The Black's voice brooked no argument, and now, Dexter would do anything to get away from his latest punishment. He opened his mouth wide, pulling the dragon's cock inside and sucking it as hard as he could. The scent of dragon male was inescapable, and the otter moaned at the flavor that filled his mouth. Dexter could remember at one point finding it reprehensible. Now, he couldn't think of anything better.

Twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth; with each successive orgasm, he felt more of the dragon's cock sliding down his throat, filling him up and making him moan more. He was in such pain below the waist, but the relief - in his head - was worth it. He was getting what he needed. Master's musk and -

No, he didn't want relief. He wanted master's -

No, that wasn't it. He wanted master's...musk...

He couldn't think it. All he knew was that he wanted the master's cock, the master's scent, the master's body. It was what he needed to serve, and it was what he was bound to for the rest of his life.


The Black smiled down at the otter, watching the prisoner's cock twitch in its twelfth dry orgasm. It had been rather impressive to see the otter shoot out all the seed he'd stored up over the past six months; it was more impressive still to see that his body had kept going, even after he'd been fully emptied. Not all slaves were so capable as that.

Pulling his erection out of the slave's mouth, the Black bent forward, laying one hand on the otter's cock ring and placing the other under his chin.

"Who do you serve?"

"The dragon overlords...overlords are masters."

The Black smiled, slowly wiggling the orgasm ring off of the otter. Almost instantly, the forced-hard cock fell flat, retreating away. He reached out to the crystals and pulled them back as well. As the otter squirmed below him, he reached into his robes, pulling out a third, and final, ring.

"You are a slave. Perhaps, in another time, you might have been nothing but a servant. Perhaps a soldier, if you were unlucky, sent to fight and die."

The dragon slid the ring down, forcing the otter's cock back up. Not to a full erection - as that would be too cruel - but to a semi-hard state.

"Heh, if only more of you would rebel. We only want the best to break for our slaves. The others..." He broke off, chuckling. "The demons can have the fodder. The dragons have the cream."

Not that you understand any of this, do you? he thought, patting the otter's head.

"Let's go, it's time to present you..."

The End

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