Fucking Machine/Milking Stream Story 6: Becoming Father and Mother

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This is what happens when you get kidnapped and used all the time. You get rather blase about it. And that is when it all starts getting funny, even if you've been turned into a herm and strapped down for milking.

Becoming Father and Mother for DrakeHavok by Draconicon

Havok had been in a number of dungeons in his lifetime, so he wasn't surprised he'd ended up in another one. Dragon or not, being caught, kidnapped, or imprisoned was one of the perils one assumed when they traveled, and he was rather used to it. The white dragon almost liked to 'review' them, comparing them to each other. By and large, he'd have to give his current accommodations a three out of ten. The cell was too small, barely letting him stretch out, and he wasn't given anything more than his own coat to lay on. Not to mention the food sucked.

Oh, and the gender change. Couldn't forget that.

He glanced down at his chest, idly poking one of his new breasts out of boredom. They wobbled and jiggled, as expected, and he shook his head. They still felt very strange, like they weren't entirely 'there' compared to the rest of his body. Maybe that was because he'd gone to sleep without them and woken up with them, the way that someone didn't feel right if they woke up somewhere other than they'd fallen asleep. Then again, he didn't get that anymore, after falling asleep in hotels and waking up...well, he never knew where, but generally underground somewhere.

Rolling onto his side, Havok craned his head to look over his breasts and out of his little cell. It was more of a cage, really, considering the low roof and the lack of ability to stand up (or sit up, for that matter) but 'cell' sounded better. He could just barely see some machinery being set up outside of it, something like a miniature table with various leg bindings.

"Bondage. Must be a Sunday."

"Not really. More of a Saturday thing here, but it's a Friday."

"Really? I thought your culture would have masochism on a Friday."

"No, that's Tuesday."

"Then what's Friday?"

"More of a do what you want sort of thing."

Well, at least the staff are nice. Don't think that's getting you a better rating on Dungeons.net, though, Havok thought.

He rolled back onto his back, more for the sake of keeping his balls intact than for any other reason. It was difficult to lay on his side ever since the gender change, not just for the breasts, but also because of his new pussy. It leaked almost constantly, and he tried to keep his thighs from brushing up against it. Unfortunately, his cell was so small that he couldn't accomplish it without crushing his balls or laying on his back and keeping his legs apart. The latter wasn't that easy, either, as it meant almost crushing his head against the upper part of the cell to get the room to spread his legs in the first place.

"Are you almost done out there?"

"What's your hurry?"

"My head's killing me; I need to get up."

"Don't worry, you'll be getting up."

"Is that another innuendo?"


"The fact that I had to ask..."

"I'm almost done, though. You'll be out in a minute."

Don't do me any favors, the dragon thought. Despite his dissatisfaction with his general kidnapping, quarters, and gender change (not the first time for any of them), Havok still felt a little bit of worry about what was going on. Unlike most of his kidnappings, the kidnapper hadn't really shown themselves, save through their voice, and hadn't spilled the beans on their plan, either. It was a little unnerving to not have a megalomaniacal fiend at the controls, for a change.

Nevertheless, he felt a definite sense of relief when his cell door was pulled open and he felt a scaly hand against his ankles. Just the feeling of not having the grate against his soles was good enough to overcome fear, at least for a few seconds.


"Don't mention it. You're a lot lighter than you were four nights ago."

"And you didn't have to mention that."

Havok was all too conscious of his different body. It was much leaner than he had been previously, though it wasn't like he'd been that bulky. His chest and waist had slimmed down even further, and he swore that something had trimmed off most of his shoulders as well, leaving him skinny as a stick. The only new bits of weight were the padding along his hips and chest, and apparently a great deal of water weight to keep him leaking so much down there.

As his head cleared the cell, he looked up to see a black dragon looking down at him. Unlike him, the dragon was dressed (a big difference) in a labcoat (less of a difference) and didn't seem to have any co-workers around. Havok looked back and forth before pushing himself to his feet, grunting as his legs nearly gave out from lack of use.

"So...any reason I couldn't just run?"

"Well, you could stay for the fun."

"Besides that."

The dragon just smiled and snapped his fingers. A series of metal arms seemed to leap out of the floor and walls, and in less than a second, Havok was pinned down by at least a dozen of them, several on each limb. He groaned, looking up from his spot between the dragon's feet, and nodded.

"Okay, yeah. That's...that's a good enough reason not to run."

"So glad you see it my way."

His captor snapped his fingers again, and the arms retracted. Havok submitted to the other dragon, letting himself get carried over to the machines set up further in the room.

He was a little surprised at the lay-out, though. He had seen the table being put up, but he hadn't seen the other tubes and machinery that were put out near it. There was what looked like a suction vat - two of them, in fact - connected to a series of pumps. There was also an obligatory tray of toys laid out towards the back end of the table, and a machine he recognized as a toy-pump.

"So, your Friday activity is...milking?"

"And a bit of impregnation. Doesn't always work out, but it makes a nice side dish of kink, you know?"

"I see. And you couldn't get a female to go along with a male?"

"Budget cuts, what can you do?"

Havok turned, arching an eyebrow.

"Yes, we have a budget."

"For what?"

"Kinky stuff, mostly. And cameras. Lots and lots of cameras."

"You can't spend that much -"

"Trust me, we do."

I'm not sure if I want to know or not...

His captor took him across the room and laid him over the table. It wasn't uncomfortable, thankfully (Hmmm, 7/10) and it allowed his breasts and his cock to dangle down towards the floor. It was a little strange, considering it left his pussy drooling down over his balls, but it wasn't an unpleasant sensation.

As his arms and legs were tied down, Havok tested them with a few tugs, seeing how he liked them. They were better than that time in Istanbul, considering they were at least padded, but not quite as good as the silken ropes that he'd been tied with back in New York City. Still very good, though, and the security they offered made them a bit better.

He was about to comment on that, but his captor stopped him with a simple gag. A tube went halfway towards the back of his throat, pinning down his tongue, and it was tied in place with no less than six straps. Another tube, coming out from one of the storage vats, slid up his pussy. It was the first time that anything had gone up there, and he grunted in protest as it opened him up wide.

"Ah, right, not quite aroused enough for easy penetration. Easy fix."

Havok rolled his eyes, up 'til he felt a needle jab into his hip. He bucked against his bonds, turning his head as much as he could to glare at the other dragon.

"You'll thank me later. I think. Depends on how much you remember."

It wasn't long before he felt the effects of the injection. As the black dragon slid a larger tube over Havok's cock, the white dragon started panting, his breath coming hotter as his body felt like it was burning up inside. His pussy squeezed repeatedly against the tube inside, and almost felt like it was trying to pull it in further.

His cock was likewise affected, twitching and bouncing inside of its milking tube. It hadn't even been turned on, and he swore that he was already filling it up with pre. At the very least, he could feel it gathering around the end of his cock, soaking it with his own fluids. And with the way his balls were churning, he was pretty darn sure that he had a lot of stuff to start pumping out when the machine started up.

Another pair of suckers were placed right over his nipples, with vibrators around the seals, he felt. They were turned on first, and almost immediately he felt something sliding through them. His head was too tilted for him to be able to make it out, but -


He almost gagged as he was force-fed milk, and not the stuff he was used to drinking, either. Havok gagged around it twice before he managed to swallow it, and he realized that he was being fed his own breast milk.

How the heck did they get me to start lactating already?

As he was forced to drink down his breast milk so it didn't build up, the machine started to turn on the other pieces as well. The suction around his cock started almost immediately, and Havok bucked as much as the table would let him. It was like being surrounded by a warm, wet mouth and a vacuum, and his balls felt like they were getting sucked up through a straw in all the best ways.

The toy pumper started just as he had his first orgasm, the end of a dildo sliding under his tail just as the machine sucked away his first load. The dragon panted, hanging his head a little bit - though still unable to stop swallowing - as he felt some small sense of relief, his balls feeling slightly less full.

Yet, even as he felt the first chilling spurts of his own cum into his new hole, it didn't slow down his need. His pussy needed more cum, more filling, more...everything. The dragon groaned, squirming in his bindings, humping as much as his body could towards his cock tube and back against the toy.

"Ah, this seems to be working quite well. I do hope we can get you pregnant by yourself; it'll be a wonderfully new phenomenon."

Havok wanted to quip something back, but with the combined need between his legs, the dildo hammering his ass, and the suction around his cock and nipples (not to mention the all-important milk-spitting gag in his mouth) there was no way he could mouth off. All he could do was groan, the suction squeezing down on his cock and making it ooze more, against his will.

God...damn...Alright, 5/10, but no higher! he thought as more pre splattered into his pussy, more milk into his mouth. He swore he wasn't going to enjoy this...he hoped.

The End

Fucking Machine/Milking Stream Story 5: Paint the Town White

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