Fucking Machine/Milking Stream Story 5: Paint the Town White
Another story for FA: animorph59 with the Park of Mirari, however this time we have something new going on. A new goal for the park, and a new way for all those Transformed employees to help out.
Paint the Town White for Sunkit by Draconicon
David couldn't help but smile when his master called up the Transformed of the park. When Rannoi called for everyone, and it wasn't a talent night, then it meant that something big was going to happen. Considering that there was no immediate threat to the park - other than a few agents that had been turned aside from the park gates earlier that day - the otter knew that they weren't being summoned to prepare a defense. Which meant that it could only be a good thing.
He followed the others into the golden tower in the center of the park. Most people were just getting off of the roller coaster, having taken a rather literal joy-ride to the center, but he had taken the walking paths. For a change, the otter was enjoying his current form, and he wanted to keep it for tonight rather than change it.
As a result, he was one of the last to arrive, and got a chance to see the still transforming individuals getting off of the roller coaster. All of them were leaking from their backsides, oozing the transformative juices from the ride's machinery in the seats. The otter chuckled to himself as he remembered his first experience with that, shaking his head a bit as he recalled the feeling of being penetrated from beneath. Back then, the experience had been as scary as it had been intense. Nowadays, it was just another way of changing bodies.
He spotted Bailey at the steps and waved to the former Koopa. The bull waved back, gesturing down the hole by the base of the tower to show where he was going. David waved back, and glanced around.
"I really did get the lottery that night, didn't I?"
It wasn't something that he thought of very often. When he and his friends had been trapped in the park by Rannoi, the six of them struggling to stay human and get back out, there'd been nothing about the park that interested him. Well, not entirely; the transformation had, but intellectually, not emotionally. He had done his best to get out, and failed.
Now he looked back on that night and laughed. If the master ever gave him the opportunity to leave and never come back, he'd laugh and turn it down. No way was he giving this up, no matter what the nut-cases in the 'real world' had to say about their lifestyle. Admittedly there weren't many people that knew about them, but the few he'd met had been nearly universally disapproving before their transformation.
That changed after, of course. He could even see a few of them in the crowd, and one was riding as nothing more than a cock ornament on a stallion as they went into the tower. The park improved everyone's lives, it seemed, even those that hated it.
It wasn't until the crowd was nearly gone that the otter realized that he was still standing there, staring at nothing. Yelping at the thought of being left out alone, David started running, rushing across the open courtyard, and ducked into the hole in the ground just in time before it closed behind him.
The otter rubbed the back of his head, swearing that he was missing some hair from the sudden sealing, before the underground cavern lit up. It really was a cavern, too, considering that there was little machinery or metal pieces down here. The only bits of metal surrounded a huge vat in the middle of the room, and even that was just for the bindings around it, rather than to actually make it up. Rannoi floated over it, using his magic to keep himself aloft from everybody else as he spoke.
"My friends and 'employees.'" He paused, the Transformed laughing around him. "I want to start this meeting by telling you all one simple thing. And that is thank you. Thank you for all the work you do, every day, in an ever-changing environment and an ever-changing job site. Thank you for giving up your old lives, and thank you for giving your all with everything you do, every single day. It means the world to me. So before I go on, give yourselves a round of applause."
David joined the others in the brief applause. Though he was thankful for his master's words, he was curious as to what the dragon needed them for. He was starting to think that it was a bit more serious than before.
"But I'm afraid tonight, I'm going to have to ask you to give a little more."
"Why? What's the matter?"
The otter could have asked the same thing, but he couldn't stop himself from glaring at the wolf that interrupted. The master would have answered shortly.
"Today, we were approached by various government agents. Several were turned away from our gates, while one managed to get through by disguising himself as a security guard. While our security division has been appropriately chastised -"
"More like Chastitied!"
"- we still have an issue. They were reacting to reports from the nearby city, where we were going to be performing next. Apparently, there are a number of reports that we haven't been hearing. All of them wrong, of course, but none of them painting us in a good light, what with them accusing us of kidnapping, child endangerment, molestation; the list goes on and on, and it doesn't leave us looking like a bunch of school-children or church-goers.
"Now, before any of you get the idea of chasing down those agents, let's not forget that they're part of a larger problem. The more that these reports come in, the more we'll be harassed. Eventually, someone is going to find something. So we're not going to deal with the agents."
"No, Bailey. Instead, we're going to deal with the city. This time, we're going to bring an entire city into Mirari's grip."
Holy cow...is that even possible?
His question seemed to be one that everyone had, because the entire room was buzzing with people talking to each other. Not a one of the Transformed seemed to believe the dragon's announcement. David figured that his master had a plan, but it was still a bold statement.
Before the buzzing could turn to shouting, Rannoi spoke up again.
"This undertaking is the greatest I've ever attempted. Even with Mirari's help, this would have been impossible a hundred years ago. But a hundred years ago...I didn't have you.
"You, all Transformed, all my friends. You are here, and I ask you now. Will you help me spread our gift to the rest of the world? Will you help me turn an entire city into something like us? I just need your help for tonight, and by tomorrow, we will be able to share our gift, not with a crowd or a hotel full of people, but with an entire city."
There was barely a moment of silence before the entire crowd burst out with their approval, David among them. The idea of spreading their gift to an entire city was beyond anyone's sense of possibility, but the very idea of seeing so many people embrace their pleasurable lifestyle was too much to pass up. They had to have it.
The otter grinned as the master bowed to them all, and then raised his hands. The light of his power surrounded them, and a dozen at a time, they were lifted off of the ground. David watched from the back of the crowd as they were pushed towards the ceiling of the cavern, held there as the stone molded around them, keeping them from falling down. Bailey, Adam, and other friends of his were plastered to the ceilings.
As David was lifted up to join them, he wondered just what their help would be. He couldn't imagine that the master would want them to use magic; so far only he and Adam could do that, so it wasn't like they could help him in the transformation game that way. How would the master use them to accomplish his goals?
The last of the Transformed were just getting placed on the ceiling when the stone beside Rannoi parted. A female rose out of it, looking almost human save for her rocky appearance. She was chiseled and hard looking, but she smiled at all of them.
"Hey, Mirari. How are you?"
"Fine, David. Nice to see you're helping the master with his idea."
"Always happy to help. What's going on, anyway?"
The dragon chuckled, slowly spinning in place.
"My magic and Mirari's isn't enough to change an entire city at once; we can't encompass it, or change it piecemeal fast enough to avoid being caught. So instead, we will cover it. All of you can transform a person with your touch, with your seed, with your juices. Combining that with our power, we can transform the entire city in a wave -"
"Or rain, Rannoi. Rain would work too."
"But a tsunami would be so much more awesome."
"And rain would be more practical."
"We'll decide later."
The dragon turned back to the crowd, holding his hands up. The golden light of his magic reached out in many streams, in many tubes, connecting the various Transformed to the giant vat in the room. David groaned as the glowing light surrounded his sheath, feeling it start to pulse and suck almost immediately.
Everyone else joined in, from the elephant on his left, the jackal beneath him, and the spitting image of Fox McCloud above him. Nobody was left untouched; everyone was treated to the experience of helping their master fuel his next spell.
David soon stopped thinking of them, however, instead focusing on his own pleasure. The master's magic felt completely insubstantial. Though he'd used a cock pump before, the otter couldn't think of anything that he could compare this feeling to. It was like there was nothing at all around his cock, no pressure, no rough material, no forced bending, nothing. Yet, despite that, he was getting all the best parts of sex, his cock getting stroked, squeezed, sucked on, and his pre was flowing away before it could get stuck on him or make him feel over-lubed.
Annoyingly, he couldn't buck back and forth, but no sooner was he annoyed at his lack of mobility than the tube gave him more. It slid up and down his shaft, stroking him, teasing him even more. The otter moaned, gasping in pleasure as it seemed to speed up, squeezing his cock tighter than any hole, and rubbing at his cock head better than any tongue.
Suddenly he threw his head back, moaning hard as his first orgasm was teased out of him. Others moaned with him as they felt the same thing, their seed shooting down the tubes that connected their cocks to the vat below.
When he lowered his head to look down, David saw that a bit of the bottom of the vat was covered. It wasn't much, and bits of the bottom were still visible from where he was. It was both humiliating and embarrassing.
This is going to be a busy night, he thought as the tube started up again.
The End