Master/Slave Stream Story 3: Ender of Pain: Chapter 4

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The fourth chapter in the Ender of Pain series.

Ender of Pain: Chapter 4 for Idesin by Draconicon

It was a somewhat confused puma that was staked out around the Coyo bonfire. His clothes had been stripped away hours (maybe days?) ago, and his loincloth had been discarded as soon as the wolves brought him out to the fire. Ender could barely stand on his own, his balance still all out of whack, so he was almost thankful for the bindings they put him in. Yes, it kept him from moving around much, but it also kept him upright.

A number of tribals stood around it, though most of them wouldn't have matched up with the ones back home. They were much bigger, but less...noble, he supposed. It was like looking at the difference between a street fighter and a well-trained boxer. Both had the same sort of build, and both had the same strength, but one felt a lot nobler than the other. These ones felt more like they'd cut his throat if the Coyote told them to, with much less loyalty to each other than his own people.

My own people...

Strange how quickly he started thinking like that. Being here, in this strange time and place, he shouldn't have been thinking of any place or people as his. Yet, the puma did. He just hoped that they could understand why he was doing what he was doing.

A soft hand on his ass got him to look back. He recognized the slightly more spindly legs of the coyote, as well as the thicker thighs and the less than immaculate cock a bit further up. It rubbed against his rump a few times before he heard the chief speak.

"This little cock-sucker has decided he'd like to enjoy our, heh, hospitality, for a little while longer. Just until the new moon, for now, but who knows? Perhaps we can tempt this bone-shaker with a few bones of our own."

The big warriors laughed, and the chief slapped his cock against Ender's ass. The puma was a little ashamed of how it left his cock throbbing a bit under him, but said nothing. Besides, the chief was saying enough for him.

"As of now, until the moon is dark in the sky, this Doctor Fabulous -"

Where is he getting these lines?

"-is my property. And in return, he gets to learn about little old us. Who knows what he wants to know?" The coyote leaned up, just enough to press the point of his cock against Ender's ass. Just enough for the puma to blush as his hole parted slightly for the head. "Personally, I think he wants to know just how big we all are, and how well we compare to those cubs back at his tribe. Well, we all know the answer to that!"


"That's right, boys, that's right! We're all bigger, we're all badder, and we're all bigger studs than anybody they got over there."

The Coyo tribe cheered, and Ender blushed worse than ever, particularly as he could feel how big the coyote's cock was. It felt enormous between his ass cheeks, even bigger than it had looked when he was sucking it. Had the chief grown somehow?

He was jerked out of his thoughts as the big guy spanked him, rocking him back and forth.

"Hey, you gonna say something? Don't leave me hanging here."

" sound just like -"

"Ah ah. First. Rule. About me. You don't TALK! About me."

I swear, nobody else here talks like this. What the hell has he been doing in there?

The coyote grabbed his ass again, leaving Ender gasping as his hole was suddenly spread wide. The thick shaft sliding in was pushing him even wider open than the milking pod had, and the puma's eyes went just as wide.

"Now, Doctor Fabulous, if you'd just lean forward a bit like a good little 'Nightingale', I'll see if you can relieve some of my 'swelling'."

Ender could barely breathe as he was fucked hard and fast, feeling his hole get pushed wide open with each and every thrust. He'd never taken another guy like this, not back home, and certainly not back in his other tribe. They were nice, and they were gentle, and they knew how to be gentlemen, particularly in the case of the better hung men. This chief, though, he was...he was a beast.

And he hated to admit, he liked it.

Groaning in time to the coyote's thrusts, Ender felt his cock start spitting pre in his face, oozing and leaking already from the chieftain's assault in his ass. The puma coughed around some of the squirts that hit his mouth, but couldn't stop moaning.

"And here I thought it was your patients that did the moaning, 'Doctor.' Or were you just a slut that went around the clinic so much that they thought you worked there?"

As mis-aimed as the comment was, Ender couldn't help but blush. He shook his head, biting his lip, but the thrusts kept coming.

"Come on, you can tell your owner. Were you ever a doctor? Or did you just go around sucking dick and taking it until you got what you wanted?"

Ender wasn't sure if he should laugh or moan; everything that the coyote said just sounded wrong, and humiliating at the same time. Even as his ass was hammered - and he could feel his own cock rising - he kept hearing the chief's words. The thought of admitting he wasn't a doctor was humiliating enough (particularly as it was technically true) but the way that it reminded him of so many thoughts back then...


"What was that, bone-chaser?"

"I...I like it...Harder..."

"Heh, say it again."

"I like it harder!"

"Thaaaaat's what I like to hear."

The coyote shoved forward almost hard enough to knock the puma off his feet, and he only stayed up due to the specific way he was tied up. Any looser with the ropes and he would have gone down, hard. He groaned as the coyote's knot rubbed against his ass, bumping against his hole again and again.

"Say you want it, Doctor."

"I want it!"

"What do you want?"

"I want your cock!"

"When do you want it?"

"NOW!" did you get that - oh right...male cheerleader practice...

The blood rushed to his face as he wondered what else the chieftain had gotten from him, and how. He needed to find out that information in order to figure out how the machine worked, and how much he had compromised his other tribe.

His other tribe. He just realized he'd thought of it that way twice now. Not as his people, not as his home, but his other tribe. Was he falling into the Coyo people that quickly?

He grunted as the knot nearly pushed past his hole, only to pull out at the last minute. Ender was left whimpering as the coyote's seed splattered all over his ass, painting it whiter than it was, and leaving him feeling much warmer back there than he had been. The puma blushed as the chieftain rubbed it in.

"Heh, a creamy little treat for you. I'm sure that a cat like you will love all the cream my men can give you."

"Mmmph...I'm not..."

"Alright, everyone. Now that I've had my fun, let me share my gift with you."

What? Oh, oh god can't be serious!

"The healer, the great Ender of Pain, is the whore for the tribe tonight. I grant you leave to do whatever you want with him, as long as you don't hurt him. Heh, if that ever happens, it'll be me that does it." The coyote's palm slapped his cum-covered ass hard enough to make the puma jump. "Consider it my welcoming gift to you, 'Doctor'. I'm sure that you'll have all the cock you can handle tonight."

And then some, the puma thought as the tribe started getting up. More pieces of wood were thrown on the bonfire as they started approaching him from both sides, and he could see more than a few loincloths getting pulled up and thrown aside. Most of them seemed to be of the well endowed sort, too; from what the chieftain was saying, he was in for a very rough night.

An otter was the first one to come to his face, but the tribal was bigger by far than any of the same species back home. Ender had thought that the otters had an upper length of seven inches as a species, but this one walked around with more than ten dangling from his crotch. Ender stared at it as it was presented to him, the musky shaft slapped against his cheek twice before the head was pressed to his lips.

"Heh, no teeth, but take some time. I wanna feel those lips for a while."

That request sent up a storm of complaints behind the otter, but it wasn't like Ender could do much. As tied up as he was, he doubted that he could do much to speed up the otter's orgasm. It depended on whoever got behind him, and how much they -

"Hey, boys. Let's see if the cat's as good as the females."

Ender's eyes went wide at the huge hands that grabbed his hips. He couldn't look back with the cock sliding in and out of his mouth, but he could damn well feel their size. They felt like dinner plates shoved down on his hips, and the fingers reached around his belly, almost touching each other.

And that was nothing compared to the cock of whoever was behind him. The rumors about big hands were most definitely true when it came to the tribal about to use him; it felt like the big guy's shaft was nearly as big as the coyote's knot. It spread his asscheeks further apart than anything he'd looked at before, let alone seen.

"Hey, Gut. You're gonna rip him in half."

"God-machines will fix 'im if I do."

"Yeah, but what about the rest of us?"

"I want this hole. You have it after I turn to female hole."

With something that big, he literally COULD turn my ass into a pussy, the puma thought, feeling the tip starting to press against his hole. Even with all the cum spread around his ass, it still hurt like hell as the tip slid in, leaving him gasping and gagging around the thick cock plunging into his throat.

"Watch it, Gut! He almost bit me."

"Don't care. Got a nice ass."

"Yeah, but...ah fuck it."

Ender gagged and gasped as he was taken from both ends at once, fucked like a toy. He'd only heard that phrase before. He never thought that he'd actually live it...or that there would be that one little piece of him that liked it.

Just doing it for information...just doing it for information. He kept telling himself that, but he wondered just how true it was anymore.

The End

Master/Slave Stream Story 4: In Service to the Fox Mage

**In Service to the Fox Mage for Sanmer by Draconicon** "So you are clear on your assignment?" "Yes, Sir Galra. I am to examine the tower, and check to see if it is inhabited. It it's empty, I return; if it's not, I remain to identify the...

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Master/Slave Stream Story 2: Team Building Lessons

**Team Building Lessons For Necross By Draconicon** Axel smiled as he looked out the door. Three cars had just pulled up outside the house, and one of them still had its police lights on. The drivers of the others - his father and another...

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Master/Slave Stream Story 1: Slave of the Black

Slave of The Black for Dexter by Draconicon He was no longer sure if he was laughing or crying. Maybe both. Probably both. It had been so long since he stopped doing either that he couldn't be sure anymore. Dexter gasped for breath before...

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