The Order of Future: Special 3 – The Fahrar

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#20 of The Order of Future

Like I promised here is the latest special. From now on there will be a longer break until the next chapter comes out (I think 1-2 month) because I want to finally get a bit of my life sorted.

This chapter will be focussed a lot around Cole (Cole Arc) but it is the starting shot for the Amra Arc.Another reason for the longer break until the next chapter comes out is the order I will write the chapters. One of my next chapters will be the second last one (and an extra chapter to the main arc).

Please read my journal for more information:

I wish you a happy eastern and hope you will enjoy this special. (It features 31 pages.)

Please let me know if you liked the story.

Disclaimer: This story is based on the game Guild Wars 2 and the story at the beginning of the race Charr, an antromorph sabretoth cat race with horns. While you might notice some setups and characters being close to NPCs they were influenced by the personal story in the game but crafted new with names and characteristics. The race Charr is owned by NCSoft. The story is copyright by me (Imya). Feel free to do art about characters or scenes in the story but please link to the story or name the story and me.

This story includes catmorphs and sexual content. If you do not like these kinds of content or if you are under the legal age in your country (normally 18) please stop reading here. For the rest: Enjoy and please give me comments.

Special 3 - The Fahrar

Amra caressed the head of the young panther that lay next to her. She was just one day away from her new Fahrar and spent the last night in a cave with her new companion before she would return. Amra had intended to find herself a male panther companion but the young cat was a female. She was very young, possible a month or two before her first heat, and purred while Amra let her hand roam over the feral cats head. Amra tried to find a nice grown up panther like Shadow for over a weak until she ran into this young panther. She had eyes with a mix of grey and a very faint blue that looked like ice crystals. When Amra found her she had been trapped in a rift in the rocks with one leg. This being the first feral cat Amra had seen in the week and also given the apparent need of help for the feral cat she did not hesitate to free her. The young panther had been thankful and followed Amra und cuddled up next to her at that night. The rest had been the natural flow. Amra did not intend to make this feral cat her companion but after a few more days searching the area without finding any other panther she finally accepted the affection of the female panther and named her Luna. It was more like Luna decided to be Amra's companion and the charr just gave in at the end. Amra pulled Luna close to her and purred herself. Luna was just a bit bigger than her cubs and most likely only a few months older. On her chest she had a small white marking that looked like a crescent moon. If it were not for the ears, Luna only had two instead of the four her hybrid cubs had, she could have been the sister of her kids. Amra thought about the fate that toyed with her. She had intended to get a strong and hansom tom like Shadow to make her feel loved now and then like Lari felt when she was on a mission with Shadow. Then again the first companion of Lari was Silver, a female as well, and Lari had told Amra that they had some intimate time as well before. This was a bit early for Luna as she was still young but maybe sometime in the future they would have a fine relationship like Silver and Lari.

At the evening of the next day she arrived at the Hybrid Fahrar and Lari praised her for finding a young companion with potential to develop. They did the first training with Silver and Shadow together and Lari showed her the important parts of training a companion. Shadow seemed to be interested in the young panther and sniffed at her. He must have noticed that she was still too young because soon he let her be and went with Silver again leaving Luna confused with Amra. The hybrids though directly loved the feral cat. Amras kids started to race and play with her making it very hard for Amra to follow the training. When it was time for bed her kids fought with Luna for the best spot next to Amra. Watching the kids rolling over each other with very little differences between Luna and the others made Amra smile and when they finally decided their favorite spots Amra closed her eyes caressing over each of her kids heads and Luna. "Your kids are lucky that you are here." Lari mentioned. Amra knew what the older charr meant; normally kids were not with their parents at this age but in a Fahrar and it was a very rare situation that they would come into the same Fahrar than their parents if they were trainers. The next day Mia and Lari bid their farewell from Amra and the kids and returned to the black citadel. Amra knew that from this day on she would be mostly alone with the cubs. Because this hideout was so far away they would most likely not come more than once a month and for Trellock it would be impossible to take a trip of a week just for coming here more often than once a year or so. Maybe the next time she would see her alpha would be when the cubs were all adult. The two older charr had a parting gift for Amra though. In the week she had been out to find Luna they managed to build a raw shed next to the rock. It was nothing more than three walls with one wall having a door and a roof atop. It was only 4 meters into each direction and so not very big but it would be enough to separate the toms when the time would come for the females to go into heat. That they thought about this possibility to happen before they would be able to return and build a house showed Amra that she would be here with the cubs for a long time before seeing them again. Even though the hybrids seemed to follow the growth and circle of feral cats they had at least a few month time until their first heat would start but maybe Amra would have a good use for it when Luna would come into heat which should be one or two months from now.

The next weeks were a lot of work for Amra. She managed to get the kids to improve in their fighting, endurance and speed. She decided to train Luna along with them and deepen her bond while training all of them together. Luna was accepted by the other kids and as they were communicating in the feral language she seemed to understand them very good. Amra soon knew every different pitch of mewl, growl or purr of the hybrids and whenever one of them called out to Amra she knew exactly what they wanted. With the time flying by Amra held the hybrids dear as if they were all her own cubs and the month was drawing close before a change breached into their daily routine. One day in the morning she woke up to someone nudging her. She heard a nervous purr of Luna next to her and opened her eyes. Something was not right. The feral cat seemed to notice something she was not used to and ran back and forth nudging Amra every few turns to wake her up. Sleepy Amra rose into a sitting position and yawned. "What is wrong Luna?" she asked. The hybrids kids around her only had lifted their heads for a short moment but then put them back on the pelts to continue sleeping. The sun was not yet up. Only a very faint light blue in the sky showed a sign of the dawn. Amra looked around. She counted 7 black heads lying around. The three kids of Silver were missing. Their white heads would be clearly visible if they were still in the cave. It was not unnatural for them to be the first to get up but at this time it was weird that all of them would leave the cave. Maybe this had to do with the nervousness of Luna. Amra got up and signaled Luna to follow her. The nights were warm at this month so she had not even used a cover and like she was used from their hideout she did not wear any clothes. The hybrids were not wearing anything at all anyways and it was just them and her so she did not bother putting them on. With Luna she stepped outside and sniffed the air to get the scent of Snowflake, Whity and Lilly. Luckily their scent came upwind and so she could clearly determine where the adolescent hybrids went. They were into the direction of the entrance towards the black citadel. Lari wondered why the cubs went there so early in the morning but followed by Luna she started to follow the scent. There was another scent in the air that seemed familiar but also strange. She did not remember the scent at all but if she had to guess it was a male scent. Amra guessed that this was the reason for Luna to be so restless but the other kids must have sniffed the scent as well. Why were they not as restless as the feral cat? Following the scent through a small forest she soon saw the missing kids in the distance. All three were coming back and circling a big figure. 'A stranger' shot through the head of Amra and Luna also bared her fangs when she noticed him. Amra wondered why the three were not attacking him. Maybe they were still too inexperienced. After all they only knew the charr from the hideout and maybe would not find any stranger to be a danger. Amra decided that this would be the next thing she had to teach them but at this moment only getting them into safety was the priority. Whoever this male charr, because she now clearly made out that it was a charr, was could not have come here by mistake. Maybe someone followed them here the last time? But why did he wait so long to break into this valley? Maybe he did not find the right entrance directly. Amra prepared for fight. She unsheathed her claws. Not bringing any weapons was a bad thing but she would not give in easily. When the white hybrids noticed that he was someone bad they would help her, she was sure of that. She waited behind the trees for them to pass. It was a lucky thing that they were upwind. So the charr would not notice their scent before it was too late. The four came closed. The charr did not speak but just followed the three hybrids that seemed to lead him the way. When he just passed her hiding she jumped right behind him and raised her claws to strike. Luna also jumped next to her with bared fangs. The male charr turned around.

"STOP" Amra yelled and held her paw in front of Luna to stop her from attacking. Surprised the feral cat stopped in her tracks and looked surprised to Amra. "Cole?!" she gasped surprised and looked into the brown eyes and the laughing black face of her friend. "Quite the welcome you offer me." He answered. He recovered from his surprise very quickly. "I prefer their welcome though." He joked and caressed the head of Snowflake. "I think they noticed me when I got in through the secret gate. They came running a few minutes later to pick me up. Without them I think I would have had to search the whole valley because with this wind..." he made a move with his arms to symbolize the surrounding, "... I could not get any scent of you." Amra pulled Cole into a hug. She was relieved that it was just him and not a stranger who found out about this hideout. He had grown a bit and his scent was more adult and male than it had been a few months ago when they last met. This was why the scent had been both strange but familiar. "What are you doing here?" she asked while still holding him in her embrace. She could feel the confused cat Luna licking her hands demanding to get an explanation. "Oh sorry!" she excused herself and broke the embrace. "Cole, this is Luna, my companion." She pointed at the panther cat. "Luna? This is Cole. He is one of our order and a very good friend." She smiled and the feral cat closed in shy and licked his hands with reservation. Cole crouched down and ruffled the head of the feral cat with his paws. "Nice to meet you Luna." He greeted her and the feral cat let him caress her head and started to purr. That Amra classified him as a friend seemed to have her let lose all her reservations and caution. "So? What are you doing here?" Amra demanded to know again from Cole. "I just wanted to visit you. I went back to the black citadel for a visit and they told me that you are here. I also got a request from Trellock to make sure you are okay and help you out with the shed, or so he said." The sky turned brighter and Amra led Cole to their cave together with the girls. "That is so sweet of you. How was your first mission? How are the others back in the black citadel?" Cole grinned. "All fine. Nana got a bit of a problem with keeping the energy of Enid in check. It seems Trellock sent all of them into the Fahrar of the ash legion to have Nana keep an eye on them. They develop very good and Enid is a handful." He chuckled. "They told me to say hi from them. The others are all busy with their task except my sister. At least she finally decided to risk going outside the hideout. She joined Nana in the Fahrar and helps her to train the kids. Man, they have grown. But as I see your kids have grown quite nice as well." He caressed over the head of Snowflake that ran next to him. The hybrid girl snuggled her head against his paw. She seemed to enjoy the reencounter with Cole. "And your mission? How was it going? What did happen to you after you left us?" Amra had the suspicion to see him smirk but this could also have been a reflection of the sun. When she looked again he just smiled. "I will tell you all about it later but for now I can say that it was a great success. I have to go back soon but I will be able to spend one or two weeks with you helping you to train the kids. But do not tell Trellock. He said that I should simply help you and stay a few days to let you take care of the kids and not disturb their training." Amra nodded. She was happy to have a charr here to talk. Also she was interested in the mission of Cole and what he had experienced and wanted to tell him all about the last weeks. She would show him how much they improved and maybe she would get him to scratch the itch that she felt in the last months. She had pleased herself and sometimes got Luna to lick her when the cubs were sleeping but now that Cole was next to her and she got a good whiff of his scent she knew that she really missed to have a cock in her snatch once in a while.

"You know I wish I had the liquid Trellock gave me back then." Amra was sitting the the sun together with Cole and just told him about how she met Luna. "I like Luna a lot but in reality I wanted to catch a male panther like Shadow and have him breed me. If I had this liquid maybe I could have put myself into heat and beckoned one like Lari did with Shadow." The older charr had told her how she caught Shadow and Amra just told this story to Cole who seemed to be very interested in it. "Have you asked him for it?" Cole asked. Amra shook her head strongly. "How can I ask him? He would never give it to me to do as I please. You know he wants to be in control and I am afraid he would not take it kindly if I asked him." Cole chuckled. "You know I don't think he is that bad. But I know what you mean. You wanted to get knocked up without him knowing, right?" Amra nodded shy. "Well, he will not come here anyways and I just love my kids and... well you know... I wished I would be able to get a new set of them." Cole seemed to be pleased by this answer for some reason. Amra noticed that his member crawled a bit out of his sheath. He seemed to be aroused by the thought of Amra getting knocked up by a feral beast. Cole had stripped off his gear and put it into the shed with his entire luggage after he arrived. He explained Amra that it felt more natural to be naked when he was with Amra and the adolescent cubs. "But they sure grew up fast." Cole changed the topic while watching the hybrids play together with Luna. "You are training them well I guess because they look fit and healthy. How are you managing the food supply?" Amra was ripped of her thoughts. "There are a lot of small animals like rabbits in this valley. It seems they reproduce so fast that we do not need to worry about our supply. But we also planted some fruits and vegetable at the north wall of the valley. There is no need to go outside for food and we can concentrate on the training." - "Nice to hear that! Would you have guessed that you would be a trainer of hybrids a year ago?" he asked. "To be honest I would never have guessed that in my wildest dreams. I mean becoming a mother and having so healthy and gorgeous children and then training them like that? It is like a dream I never dared to dream come true." - "So it was a dream of you to get knocked up by a feral beast?" Cole joked but Amra only giggled. "No, I never would have thought about this being possible but... it is my dream now to continue this way." This time Amra was sure that a smirk crawled over Coles face for a moment before he answered. "Well some dreams do come true my dear friend Amra. With this mysterious comment he changed the topic again and soon they joined the hybrids and Luna in their game and Cole helped Amra with her evening lesson of hunting. The kids became quite good at this and they caught the dinner of the day in the woods and plains of the valley.

At the evening when the kids went to bed Amra and Cole moved to the shed to not disturb their sleep and talk a bit more. Luna also joined them because the feral cat did not want to leave Amras side. "Actually I brought a present for you. Or better a souvenir from my mission." He mentioned and got a vial out of his bags. "This is a special brew a friend of mine, an asura girl named Jukki, created. I think you will find it quite pleasuring." Amra was surprised by this sudden gift but took the vial interested. "What is it?" she asked and slowly opened the seal. "It is best to taste it. You will find it nostalgic." His words were mysterious but with the open vial the scent reminded her of something. It had a strong smell of herbs. With an encouraging smile Cole gestured her to drink. She trusted Cole and so she just put the vial on her lips and let the whole vial gush down her throat. The vial tumbled out of her paws when a sudden heat hit her belly when the liquid entered her stomach. Her nether lips juiced up and her body felt hot. It took Amra ten seconds to realize that her body was going into heat. But not slowly but instantly and her pussy was drenched in her fluids. The air was heavy from her heat scent and her craving for a dick was increased by hundred within seconds. She felt her mind clouding and her body aching. She rolled around on the ground and onto her belly. She raised her hinds presenting to the only male available. "How do you like this improved version?" Cole whispered into her ear. She could barely hear him from through the clouded mind swimming in hormones. "Believe me you will not have to ask Trellock. If you do not tell I can give you as much of this liquid as you want. It is stronger and it also allows you to crossbreed. For us this effect will not be needed though." He continued and she felt him prod at her entrance. She saw the surprised gaze of Luna who was watching them and then she felt what she longed for in the last months. Cole's big rod parted her lips and pushed all the way through her cervix into her womb. If there had been reason within her before this moment it was taken away by this push. She just moaned loud, spread her legs to support the weight of Cole and pushed her pussy towards his hilt. This was stronger than the slowly artificially created heat of her first time. This feeling was driving her mad with lust within seconds. The one moment she wondered what happened but the next moment she did not care anymore. She just turned into a moaning breeding female for Cole. She did not care if someone heard her. She moaned loud, closed her eyes and just rode the pleasure and arousal from the liquid and Cole's rod that slid in and out of her with a fast pace. When she climaxed and also felt him spurting inside her she directly started to grind against his lions. She drove over the strong dick of Cole wanting this climax to go on forever. She felt him fill her breeding chamber with his cubs until it pressed into her fallopian tubes and gushed over her released eggs. She felt him pull out to have her bulged belly empty and then re-enter her. This was so different from the past. In the past he would have tried to spurt her full until she felt like bursting but now there was no pain. Only endless pleasure again and again until the world faded and Amra felt her energy deplete fast. Before she fainted after her third climax Amra heard a loud moan but she was unable to determine if it was her own moan or Cole's.

Cole felt Amra clamp around his dick. Her slick tunnel was hot from her artificially induced heat. It felt good to pound his colorful friend. Without Trellock here no one would stop him from finally claiming her fertile womb and have one of his first lovers bear his child. He had planned on doing this directly after he heard that she was far away in this training camp and would not return for long. Trellock was sure not to hear anything of this unless Amra would tell him and Cole trusted his friend. It was fortunate that he had a bag full of these vials with him. Originally he had planned to present them to Trellock for the order to increase his rank but when he heard about Amra and that the order was not very active on breeding right now he changed his plans. It was not the pure lust that drove him. He had a lot of attractive females in his own hideout near Lion's Arch. He sure still thought a lot about Amra and doing this with her brought satisfaction and he hoped she would think the same after the craziness of her heat went down but what he needed even more right now was allies near the black citadel. He was sure that Mia would be with him. He noticed at his visit that Nana would follow Trellock and not him. But Amra had always been on his side. He knew that she loved Shadow and that she also loved her hybrid kids. When he would provide her with the chance to get even more of them even without Trellocks will he would have her loyalty for sure. Cole did not want to overthrow Trellock, at least right now he was not planning on this, but his time with his new order raised concerns about their future and safety. For the time of their pregnancy they had excuses for the families and races of them. But he wasn't sure if their families would approve of their love and the order. He was also not sure if Trellock would approve of it once he got wind of what he was doing. Not only that he had intercourse with other races and breeding hybrids with them he also hosted two girls that were outcasts of the black citadel. If he wanted to get them accepted he needed to find out why they were outcasts and for that he needed insider in the black citadel which would help him to get information without telling Trellock.

Right now he was a male tending to a female in heat though. Trellock had asked him to help Amra. Cole was sure that this was not what Trellock meant... well maybe he meant for Cole to help out Amra with her sexual frustration a bit but definitely not to impregnate her. Cole would help Amra though. He had sent a message to Jukki telling her that he might be away for a month. Bahija, the first of them, was due in two month more or less so he had time before they would have their cubs. He naturally wanted to be there when his firstborn would see the light of the world. The last weeks showed Cole that he wanted to be there and not here. His times in the order of the future were of the past. He would still help them but not play any big role here. He did not want the order of the future anymore. All he needed was the order of peace. Cole listened to the moan of Amra and looked to the side where Luna, the young Black Panther, sat. He could see that the young panther got a bit aroused by the display of them mating and the heavy scent in the air even though she seemed not to understand this yet. She sat on the ground facing to him with her legs spread and licking one hind leg. Her nether region was clearly visible and her pussy glistened in moisture. Cole was not sure if she was displaying for him on purpose or if she was just oblivious of the fact that she showed off to him. It was a hot view thought. Her body looked even younger than the snow leopard form of Bahija. Cole remembered the wonderful slick passage of his first Norn lover and erupted inside Amra while she had her third orgasm. He felt Amra getting limb and ride out her orgasm when he pulled out. Jukki had trained him well to care about the wellbeing of his females and not stretch them over the limit. It was like a routine for him to pull out and he would also rarely fuck them after they went unconscious.

Cole smiled. He had not planned on this but now that he was here it was just natural for him. He grabbed his bag and got another vial of the liquid. Why not giving Amra's new companion a ride as well and let her experience this joy for the first time and on the fly also impregnate her with more hybrid cubs. He was sure Luna would not mind. Not after he gave her the liquid at least. "Come here Luna." He beckoned her and she looked up from her bath. "Do you want something wonderful as well?" the panther was curious and looked at the vial in his hand closing in to them. Cole opened the vial and caressed the muzzle of Luna. The young cat, now acquainted with him, seemed to trust him because Amra did. He urged her softly to open her muzzle a bit and managed to pour the liquid inside her mouth. "You need to drink it. It is good!" he encouraged her and the cat seemed to like the taste and so gulped it down. Cole always had been surprised by the fast effect of this liquid. Within seconds Luna was moaning while Amra now sank down on the ground and started to sleep. Cole put a pelt over her while he watched Luna. The cat did not know what hit her. Her pussy went red and puffy within thirty seconds and she moaned and mewled rolling on the floor just like Amra did before. The scent of her heat had Cole erect directly and he pushed his muzzle into her nethers and licked her. He pushed his tongue inside her virgin folds until he felt her barrier. She was a virgin and Cole was happy that he would really be the first to take her. It took him all his will to not pound her right away. He licked the feral cat until she came down with her first ever orgasm. The young cat was so surprised that she just lay there with spread legs panting and with a soaking wet pussy.

Cole rolled her around and placed her on all fours with her hind legs spread to give him good access. "This might hurt a little bit at the start but don't worry. You will feel really good soon." He warned the feral cat that did not listen to him but mewled and moaned in ecstasy. "Here we go!" he said and skillfully bit the scruff of her neck. She moaned and it turned into a groan when he pushed into her heated folds. He pushed slowly and felt her narrow passage give way very reluctantly. She was tight and when he hit her maidenhead he pushed through it with small and slow movements. The third push made her groan in pain and him break through the barrier. He continued to do small movements back and forth with the push going further than the pull and so gained ground slowly. Her tunnels clamped and he was sure it went sore pretty fast. He was pulling after all and her groans showed him that his barbs caused her a bit of discomfort. Cole felt himself getting aroused very fast and he was concerned that he would not reach the womb before blowing his load. His pushes went harder and faster and he poked at her tightly sealed cervix a few time before he pushed in with a strong motion and erupted when he hit the back of her womb. The tightening walls around his dick that signaled her whirling orgasm and she started to milk him. He felt the seed seep out of him and fill her small womb. He did not move. He just laid atop of the moaning cat, licking her neck and shoulder and letting her body milk him of his live giving seed. He felt a bit of pressure on his tip and pulled out which had her groan. He pulled all the way until he was only in with the tip but nothing flushed out of her yet. Her cervix had sealed her womb and prevented his spunk from getting out. Cole roamed with his hands over her belly and felt that it was bulging out a bit. Nothing as strong to be a concern and so he started to push in again and establish a slow rhythm. He pierced her womb again and his barbs scooped out his own semen with every pull back. The young cat mewled and moaned in pleasure and when Cole came down with his next Climax he just kept inside her bulging belly again. Luna had been trained well. Even though she was still young she had endurance and even though she was panting Cole was able to come two more times inside her before he felt the energy of the cat to deplete. "Sleep well little Luna. I promise you that tomorrow will be just as fun." He whispered before starting his duty and cleaning up both females, moving them onto some pelts and then covering them with more before lying next to Amra and put an arm over her. His slick member pressed against her back and Cole took in the wonderful smell of his kittens in heat. There was a lot of training to be done the next day. He had to train Luna to give in to the pleasure. Amra already was trained so this was just having her enjoy her heat like he was enjoying her. With a lick over her head he closed his eyes and fell asleep as well.

The next days were more like a training of endurance for Cole. Having two cats in heat he had to tend to was a lot already and he pushed in and out of the moaning bundles of fur every hour. Between his sessions he had to take care of the adolescent hybrids and he continued their training, had them run and hunt and made sure they got enough to eat. The females were very interested in the smell on his crotch and sniffed him there but he sent them away promising that one day he would teach them about this smell. Amra and Luna were unable to put any thought about the hybrids into their head. Their mind was just swimming in the overpowering doze of the liquid and when they were awake they lifted for him nonstop. When he went outside he locked the door so they would not get out and taunt the male hybrids they mewled until he returned and took them again. Cole was reminded of Amra during her first training. She was behaving as mindless as back then. The scent of the girls had not gone unnoticed by Demon and Shun. They stalked around the shed taking in the high intoxicated air and their members were erect. Cole had a hard time to prevent them from entering when he opened the door to go out or in. "I will introduce you into this in a few days." He promised them to have them wait outside. They accepted this and did not try to force their way in anymore but they still lingered around the shed and even slept in front of the door to smell the heavenly scent.

At the third day the heat diminished and Cole noticed that it went away which was a sign that both of them took the seed. They still had a faint smell of heat around them and the shed was reeking of heat still. "Shun! Demon!" he called out this morning before the girls woke up. The two boys were just in front of the shed like they had been for the past three days. "I promised you that I would introduce you to what we did here in the shed the last days and if you promise to stay in the shed for the next week I will let you train this game as much as you want." He smiled when he saw the happy faces of the boys. He would teach them to be fine males. He let them inside the reeking shed and saw that their penises were hard from the strong smell as much as his own. Amra began to move when they entered and Cole closed the door. Luna still was curled in a corner and fast asleep. "I will show you how to do it first and you are to train the rest of the week until you are fine males, understand?" the two nodded. Cole remembered that they were just like charrs in intelligence just that they were unable to speak. This made it much easier. He bent down to Amra and pulled her cover. A strong scent weaved through the room. He licked her neck carefully waking her up. Amra seemed to be still sleepy and a bit tingly. She was clearly not in heat anymore but Cole knew that she had been antsy even after her heat before and with this smell in the air would be itching for attention at least one of two more days. Half asleep her body just assumed the mating position and she raised her hunch and put her tail out of the way to present them with a perfect view of her slick and wet pussy. Cole had the boys take note of everything he did and started to bite down on her neck. Then he moved his erect member inside her and established a slow pumping motion which made her moan. He pulled out and sat next to her while beckoning Demon to come closer. "Start with licking your mother under her tail." He suggested and the young hybrid began to sniff and then lick over her tail hole and slit. The smell and taste had pre-cum drip down from his member and Cole could see that he was ready to go. "Now you carefully jump on her from behind and bit softly in her neck at this spot." He explained further and helped the eager youngster to slowly mount his mother and with a few tries Demon found the right spot and earned a moan from the slowly waking Amra. The member of Demon already pushed through her libido. "Now just try to go as slow as possible and just do what naturally comes to you." Cole instructed even though he knew that Demon would not go slow on his first time. He was right with his suspicion. As soon as Demon pushed inside of Amra he went crazy and with a fast pace pushed in and out until he burst in his first ever climax after a minute. "Do not pull out!" Cole instructed and pushed the adolescent hybrid who just wanted to pull out back into his mother. "You just rest until you can go on. When you feel that she is clamping around you or there is too much pressure you may pull out." With these words he left the cub with his mother and faced Shun. Demon did not hold back and Cole noticed that Amra was slowly coming to even though her mind was most likely swimming in endorphins. She moaned loud and Cole wondered if she thought it was still him. Luna also woke up and looked at the scene surprised. Cole waved her to come closer and take position next to Amra. The mind of Luna was clearly not fogged by the heat anymore but she complied and Cole was sure that she still felt the itch as her pussy was also sloppy and wet and she presented to Cole the same way she did in the past. Cole helped Shun with mounting her the same way he did with Demon before and soon both of the boys were moaning as well as the females. Cole moved in front of Amra and presented his dick to her. At this moment she seemed to notice that it was not him but someone else atop her because she turned her head and looked up. "What is happening here?" she asked in shock when she noticed that her own son was atop of her. "Demon sto..." Cole silenced her with his slick dick that he pushed into her muzzle and drew her gaze to him again. "Please Amra teach your son and his friend. I promised them that I would train them because they managed to control themselves the last three days." Amra looked at him with a stern face but her tongue swirled around his dick and cleaned it. "Don't be mad. Why aren't you happy? He would have to learn about this in a few months anyways. This way you can make sure that he will grow up to be a fine male." Cole chuckled and pulled his cleaned dick out of her muzzle. "You could at least have consulted me about this before." She shot at him angrily between her moans. Demon just erupted inside her for the second time while Shun got his first climax in Luna. The feral cat seemed not to mind as much as Amra. She enjoyed the male that scratched her itch. "Well I apologize for that my love. Do you forgive me when I promise to get you a stock of cross breeding liquid to fulfil your dreams?" he asked and he saw that Amra tried to think between her moans. "Don't tell me you let him impre..." - "No worries." Cole calmed her down. "I already knocked you up before I let him atop of you." Amra seemed to still be a bit angry but at least her gaze was not so much in shock anymore. Cole was sure that she preferred Cole to knock her up before her own son. "Will you train your son and Shun while I continue the training of the others for you?" he asked and Amra just moaned and nodded. "But... we... will... talk about this later." She mentioned between her moans. Cole was sure that he would get something to hear after this week but he did not mind at this moment. He grabbed his bag and turned around once at the door. "Make sure you learn a lot guys." He called out to them while he saw both of them coming to a halt panting with a new climax. Then he closed the door behind himself and locked it to make sure the males would not get out of the shed in the next days. He would bring them something to eat but he did not want them to go around outside. They would most likely be occupied anyway.

Amra still was half asleep. A lick and a voice had woken her up. This was most likely Cole who wanted to mate her again.

The last days she did not remember much apart from intense pleasure and Cole mating her and Luna. The liquid he gave her had an effect like the heat driving herbs of Trellock, just a lot stronger and quicker. Her heat had been worse than ever and she remembered that her body lifted for Cole nonstop without her brain ever deciding on it. It was not that she did not want this as her brain called for her to get laid all the time. It was just that her brain had no control over her body. She knew this feeling from her test in the order of the future but this time she remembered a bit more about what happened. After she fainted from his mating after he put her into heat she had slept while her subconscious heard the moan of Luna. When she woke up again she presented to him and when he filled her she watched him take Luna. There had been no second thought about him taking her young companion. She just had been jealous that she had to wait for the next time he took her and then she moaned again and her mind blurred until he stopped and she watched him fill the panther girl. Amra lost sense of time. There were only the times he pushed into her and filled her with his seed and the times where she felt empty and crazy in need. Even in her sleep her dreams all were about being mated by Cole. He seemed more caring than in her memories. He did not stretch her belly out and fill her like a balloon but pulled out in time and let her rest. He also did not fuck her unconscious even though in her love daze Amra would have loved to feel only him pushing in or sleep like it had been at her test. She had have many sessions with Cole after her test but just now she realized again that mating felt the best when she was in heat.

Amra raised her hind to present her hind to him. She still felt an unbearable tingle that she would have him take care off but her mind was nearly clear now and she knew that this was only the afterglow and her heat had ended. She felt him lick her pussy and tail hole while he said something. Amra was still half asleep and did not understand what he was saying but the pleasure started to clear and cloud her mind at the same time. She took in his heavy musk with a long sniff and also noticed the diminishing scent of Luna's heat. Finally her lover pushed into her and she started to moan. He was more eager than before and pushed in very fast. It did not feel like he was the last days but rather how he had been at the start. But maybe the heat was having the better of her so she just enjoyed until she felt the gush of his semen inside her. He slowly pulled back scraping her insides with his barbs but then suddenly pushed in again. He rested spurting into her womb and then started to pump again. Amra only could moan as her body was getting ready to feel her own climax soon.

Suddenly a strong doze of Coles musk hit her nose and she opened her eyes just to see his dick in front of her. But if it was in front of her who was it that still hammered inside her? She stole a look from atop of her and got hit by a shock. Her own son clearly in pure bliss was humping her like a breeding bitch. Amra wanted to stop him but at this moment the slimy dick of Cole pushed through her lips silencing her protest. On reflex she started to suckle on it and lick it clean but she was angry at him. Soon he pulled out she shot at him but he just answered calmly. Her own words and the words of Cole never reached her mind. It was occupied by the constant pleasure of her own son mating her. She just understood something about cross-breeding and while she would surely remember later her mind now only got a cold shower in the thought of Demon knocking her up. Her mind could not pick up that she must already be pregnant from the last days. But she did not know if this had been Demon as well so it was a valid concern. The scent of Cole vanished as he left the shed and Amra looked to her side seeing Luna being fucked by Shun in the same eager pace Demon was pushing in and out of her. Amra knew that there was nothing that could change that Demon already came inside her and even if she still felt a bit awkward that she was being fucked by her own young and eager son the pleasure decided for her to enjoy it and not fight it anymore. She let herself sink into the feeling of being filled by Demon again and again and finally reached her own climax. The eager youngster did not pull out or let her rest. He was as eager as Cole had been in the past but there was no Cole and no Trellock to stop him. Like the last days Amra turned into a moaning bitch but this time her mind registered everything that happened around even though it swam in endorphins and the reminders of her heat. The still lingering heavy smells of her their heat and the increasing musk of Shun and Demon mixed in her nose together into a potent lust. She felt herself bloat until it hurt but she did not mind as her body carved for her own son to take her again and again until she finally collapsed. While she faded she felt the eager hybrid still pumping inside her.

The next time Amra woke up she was still, or again, in mating position and she felt someone waking her up by fucking her hard. Her belly was not painfully filled and she felt a wet puddle beneath herself. Amra purred by the pleasure radiating from her womb into her whole body. When sleep totally wore off she looked to the moaning Luna next to her and noticed Demon atop of her. The boys must have swapped places and when she looked up her own back she saw Shun taking a ride on his best friend's mother. Amra was not able to decide who was more pleasurable. Both of the boys still were pretty new to this but their eagerness and never ending hammering had a delayed pleasurable effect and covered for the inexperience. Amra remembered something about training the boys but right now she was not in a state to teach anything. It took all her energy to keep in position for the eager Shun and moan and this tickling pleasure that filled her made her mind not wanting anything else right now. She imagined what pleasure Shun's or Demon's dicks would bring when they were fully grown and their members would be even thicker. Their body was nearly fully grown but Amra just hoped they would be even more like their father one time. On second thought now with her mind swimming in lust and pleasure she was very pleased with the fact that Cole introduced the boys to sex and told them to fuck her. The thought of defiling her own son and his half-brother never crossed her mind but now this seemed like the solution for her growing itch in the last months. Whenever she felt the itch she would just take one of them here and have him scratch it. She felt Shun climax inside her and fill her bulging belly even more. He did not pull out. He just lay atop of her for a minute and then started again. The mind of Amra was beginning to drift off again. She felt the barbs of Shun scratch over her cervix and her tunnel. She felt them rub her clit and rake her pussy lips. All this mixed together into a weird feeling between pain and pleasure. She felt her tunnel slowly turning extremely raw and sore and at the same time the effects of her heat diminishing more and more. Amra totally lost the sense of time and so she did not know if hours or days had passed when Shun finally pulled out completely and she hit the floor exhausted. She could hear Cole. Her friend returned and most likely stopped them. But why did he stop them? If felt so good. Her mind was not able to grasp a solid thought. She felt that someone picked her up and placed her on soft pelts. She was fed and her body started to chew and replenish the lost energy before her mind caught up with it. She felt Demon snuggle or Shun snuggle up with her and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Cole greeted the girls that welcomed him outside. Whity, Lilly and Snowflake had seen the boys enter the shed and waited outside curious if they could also get in and find out what Cole did with Amra. "The boys are trained by Amra and Luna for the rest of the week but in exchange I will be with all of you at the same time." He told them. The three white hybrid girls still looked at the door he just locked from the outside curiously but when he made a gesture with his paws to run along with him they followed him. Snowflake again came close to him and wanted to observe the smell at his crotch but he just ruffled her head and sent her away. "I will teach you about that soon little snowflake." He whispered and winked her with one eye. Cole made them run a lot at this day. It was very hot and at noon he had them rest and eat something. Naturally he had them hunt their food themselves and he also had them catch a few rabbits that he would later bring Amra, Luna and the boys. Cole enjoyed the sun and just relaxed while the hybrids preferred to rest in the shadows. For the rest of the day he taught them about scouting and sneaking. He practiced their ambush skills by having half of them trying to ambush the others and when dusk hit them and they returned to the cave they were tired but happy. They seemed to enjoy the lessons of Cole and except for the white sisters none of them even stole a peek at the shed before running into their beds. The three sisters though stopped in front of the shed and listened to the noises. They were a bit muffled by the thick wooden walls but Cole could tell the moaning of the females and the grunts of the males apart. He wondered if they took a rest at all. "Off to bed girls." He hurried the sisters and made sure they went into the cave before he opened the door and slipped in. The puddle on the ground and the bellies of the girls showed how much fun Demon and Shun had with them. When Cole entered it was Shun who took Amra and Demon pushed into the moaning Luna. "Quite eager boys, right?" Cole chuckled and put the rabbits on the ground when he heard the girls and the boys climaxing with only a short delay. "I brought you something to eat. You need to keep your energy up." He explained and smiled. The boys dismounted and Amra and Luna let themselves fall to the side and rested lying on the ground. They panted as heavily as the boys were and cum started to ooze out of their full bellies. "Did you enjoy it?" he asked Shun and Demon who nodded with a big grin. "How was it for your girls?" Cole asked and Amra opened her eyes to look at him. "Could use a break now but they are better than you were at the beginning." She answered. Cole looked at the state of both girls and chuckled again. "So it seems. Well they seem to take it from their father." He prepared the meal for the four with the rabbits and dry meat that he got from his backpack and then lectured the boys." You need to let them rest now, okay? You had your first experience now but in the next day's listen to Amra and let her teach you how to do it right, okay?" Demon and Shun looked to the exhausted Amra and then back to Cole. A purr and the cuddling of their heads against him was their answer. The girls stopped leaking and their bellies were only a bit bulged. Cole took it back to his first meeting with Amra seeing her like that. He picked Amra up and commanded the boys to clean her and Luna up. After they were clean he put them into a dry corner on some pelts and gave them food that they ate hungrily. After that he noticed that they drifted off to sleep. "Make sure they have a nice night and a good sleep." He ordered the boys before covering them with a pelt. The hybrids lay down next to them. Demon next to his mother and Shun next to Luna and with their heads over the shoulders of their females they also closed their eyes. Cole could see that their penises were still outside their sheaths. He smiled and left the shed through the door. They were good boys. He doubted that they would go against his orders and he was sure Amra would teach them well in the next days. After all it was her son that was in there and she sure wanted him to grow up to be a great lover.

The girls already settled for the night when Cole entered the cave. They all looked pretty exhausted. Only the childs of Silver were awake and greeted him with curious gazes. "You are not tired yet?" he asked them and smiled when they shook their head. "Then come with me. We do not want to wake up the others, do we?" he chuckled silently and grabbed his bag while leaving the cave again. The three sisters rose silently and sneaked out with him. Cole could hear the calm breath in the shed when he passed and a smile creeped over his face. He had the boys and Amra occupied for a few days so this should give him time to have a bit fun with the girls. He had pondered the whole day with which girl he would start but in the end it was the three girls of Silver who took the decision from him by being the only one awake. He risked a look back at them. They were the splitting miniature image of Silver. He noticed this already at the training. When they had their ears flat on their heads or now in the darkness they just looked like young snow leopards. He was sure that they also would be very exhausted from the day and would not last long after he gave them the liquid but he had three of them after all so for tonight it would still take him to the test as well. And when he thought about that this was only the beginning and that there were more girls waiting in the cave to be turned into his breeding cats he started to purr. Cole led the girls a few hundred meters away from the cave to not wake up the rest. He was sure that they would not be silent when he fed them the liquid. After all there would be three cats in a sudden and strong heat. He stopped in the middle of a small forest on a spot with a lot of soft moos around. He let himself fall on the moos and the girls came close to see what game or training Cole would show them. "You were wondering what training I had for the boys, right?" he smiled at the curious faces of the girls. "Well then I will show you. I think you are ready. Who wants to be first?" he looked into the faces of the three sisters and read from their excited gaze that each of them wanted to be first. "Snowflake how about you?" he decided and the hybrid cat jumped in the air happy that she was chosen and came closer. "Whity and Lilly sit down and just look. You can watch and learn something." He grabbed inside his bag and received a vial of the liquid. "Okay Snowflake. I thought the boys a bit about a situation of girls when they grow up called heat. You would naturally experience this in a few months but with this..." he showed her the vial, "... you will be able to cut a bit short and learn about the heat already." He continued. Snowflake purred and shot a look to her sisters who sat a few meters away and listened to Cole and observed what happened. "As soon as you drink this you will feel your body heating up. Just don't worry and let me handle it okay? It might hurt a bit at the beginning but it will feel real good after a short while. Are you ready to learn about it?" Snowflake was ready and her purr got louder. The reaction of the sisters showed Cole that Amra did not talk about the heat with them. Maybe they had seen Trellock mate with the adult females but they were still too small back then. Also Cole remembered that Trellock normally did not do it in the middle of the room in front of all the cubs so they might have not paid any attention to it. He decided to give the liquid to them one at a time and also only give them half of the vial each. His experience with the liquid showed that this way they were still going crazy into heat but their mind would not completely be clouded. They would, for most part, still be aware of their surrounding and remember later what happened. He wanted to train them after all and in addition he lived his mean streak the last three days with Amra and Luna. Now he would enjoy and train the girls like he promised Amra he would do.

Snowflake licked her lips when he opened the vial and opened her muzzle. He carefully put half of it into her muzzle and she savored the taste and gulped it down. Cole closed the vial and put it away while noticing the sudden increase of her scent. A long mewl and a movement had him turn around and he saw Snowflake rolling around on the moos. Her pussy was clear on display for them and even if the light was very low he was able to see her puffy slit. Not knowing what to do with the new found pleasure Snowflake just rubbed her back against the ground weaving around her heavy heat scent. "By this smell you can tell that she went into heat." Cole explained and beckoned the sisters to come closer. "Right now, like the name says, your sister's body feels really hot. You can help her to feel comfortable by licking her down here." Cole pointed at the pussy of Snowflake. "Girls?" he asked as Whity and Lilly just started at the juicing pussy and after another gesture of him they understood and started to lick at her pussy. Snowflake directly started to moan and her sisters seem to like the taste because they started to lick stronger. One licked more around the lower edge and the tail hole while the other took care of the clit. The way they now stood over their sister Cole had a perfect few on their hind. The smell and taste already aroused them as well as Cole saw their tails rising and that their pussies, even if they were not puffy, were glistening in a bit of juice. Cole took in the faint scent of the two girls that totally was washed away by the overpowering scent of heat of their sister. "I will show you how good you make your sister feel. Just imagine it feels hundred times better and you know what it feels for your sister." He commented before he started to lick their pussies in turns. They had a very nice taste and Cole enjoyed making them moan while Snowflake was moaning and mewling like crazy and he noticed that she would soon get her first climax. He stopped licking Whity and Lilly and softly pushed them to the side to lick Snowflake into her orgasm. She splashed some juice into his muzzle when it hit her. He looked at the wide opened eyes of Snowflake and saw that she was in a lust daze. "Okay girls, I will now show you the next step and this will feel really nice for your sister and me. You will experience it as well so go a bit back and observe." He licked the dugs of Snowflake which earned him a few moans but as he went slowly her breath calmed down and he felt her coming down from her first climax. He wanted the girl to be full conscious at her defloration. "Now this might hurt a bit at first Snowflake but just stick with it. It will very soon feel much better than it did just now." He explained and with nudges he signaled her to turn around. When she was on all fours her heat taught her to raise her but and have the tail out of the way presenting her dripping cunt in front of Cole. He was hard and ready for her and did not lose any second. He mounted her and when he bit her scruff she let out a high pitched mewl of pleasure before a groan pushed it away. Cole had gone slow and steady and pushed through her hymen and the hot and slick tunnel right to her cervix. Snowflake was the size of Luna approximately but she felt much tighter. Cole slowly pulled out raking her inside and made her wince and groan. He went slowly in the first minute checking on the girls on the side line now and then noticing that they were entranced from the show. Cole could feel the juice of Snowflake flow along his shaft and his balls and then drip to the ground. Her tight tunnel was shivering and twitching. He was sure that pain and pleasure brought her close to another orgasm. When her groans turned into moans and mewl again he started to increase the pace and soon his members head poked through her cervix and finally breached it. He let go of her scruff and licked the back of her head while Snowflake began to push back at him every time he pushed in making him slide in up to the hilt and hit the end of her womb. When he felt her tunnel contracting Cole also felt himself getting close to his climax. He pushed in a few more times until he came to a halt hilted and with his balls snuggling close to her drenched pussy. His hot spunk splashed into his kitten and he felt her womb being filled with his fertile semen. He grunted and rested atop of Snowflake while he felt contracting and spasm around his member. She milked him of what he was worth and Cole caressed her belly with his hands, scrubbing over her teats and feeling her belly bulge a bit from his load. His spurts died down a bit but he kept inside Snowflake. The girl felt wonderful still twitching around him. "Ooohhh..." he moaned when he felt a sudden lick over his balls. He gazed back and saw Lilly behind him licking over his balls and the hind of Snowflake making her sister moan as well as Cole. He had not thought her that but she must have come up with it by herself. Cole did not complain though. He closed his eyes, let his body rest on his lover and enjoyed the twitching tunnel around his member and the strong licking tongue at his balls. Lilly even licked over his tail hole and roamed over his legs cleaning him from all the juice of Snowflake that coated his fur. He felt his balls getting close to burst again and while Lilly continued to lick his orbs a new climax hit him and filled the already stretched womb of Snowflake even more. Even though he felt her belly fill up like a balloon at this moment he did not act like Jukki had told him and pulled out directly. He still rode out his orgasm, spurting more and more inside Snowflake, and marveled in the feeling of Lilly licking his balls all the time. When Snowflakes moan turned into groans because her belly started to hurt he came to and quickly pulled up and slipped out of her snatch running his cum coated member across the nose of Lilly. The surprised cat was directly showered by the mix of his cum and Snowflakes love fluids but instead of retreating she just opened her mouth and tasted the mix. From her purring and the licks that went over Cole's member, that was dangling over Snowflakes tail hole now, he was sure that she found the taste good. The purr that was transferred through her tongue on his member had his half erect member starting to harden again. He looked down on Snowflake and found her panting and weakly moaning as Lilly now also licked her pussy clean. He understood that with all the running this day the girls did not have much energy left and that this was the limit of the hybrid right now. It was fine with Cole as he knew that he had two kittens waiting for his service. He dismounted her and helped her to lie down on her side and rest. She panted but had a big smile on her face. "I would say you liked that." Cole stated while he caressed over her now only slightly bulged belly up to her head. "You can rest now Snowflake. I will make your sisters feel as good as you do."

Lilly left no question about her choice to be the next one. Whity still kept her distance observing what happened. She did not seem to be afraid but interested even though she seemed to be much shyer than Lilly. "Well guess you will be next then!" Cole chuckled and caressed the eager girl that licked over his balls again. "Don't you want to suckle a bit on it?" he asked her. The night was young and he would not let this chance go by to have a taste of her muzzle. Lilly did as he requested and put her muzzle around his hard member. Lilly did not need the liquid to be hot for him. She was not in heat but her smell grew stronger and Cole loved the innocent smell of her pussy that mixed in with the heat of Snowflake. He leaned back on the moos and pulled Lilly around so she was standing over him with her slick glistening pussy right over his head. While she still sucked on his dick he pushed his tongue into her folds without a warning and earned a long moan from her. Even without being in heat this naughty cat was aroused and wet. Cole licked over her maidenhead and clit making her shiver in pleasure. Lilly began to mewl around his member and Cole loved the feeling of her tongue twirling around his rod. He pulled out his tongue and started to lick over her clit and slit up to her tail hole. He was thanked with a mewl of pleasure when he pushed his slick tongue into her tail hole and licked it while playing with her clit with one of his hands. His other hand roamed over her erect nipples and teased them. Despite not being in heat and being so young that she surely had no experiences with this whatsoever Lilly was very sensitive and receptive to the pleasure he brought her. Cole saw her tail already twitching a bit which was a sign that she was reaching her climax soon. He took in the smell of her innocent virgin pussy and his member also started to twitch and produce pre-cum. Cole was not sure what had this kitten on the trigger. Maybe it was his musk or the heat smell of her sister or even just that she was very sensitive. He had never seen a girl this wet without being in heat or aroused by a few session of sex. He nibbled at her clit which drove her over the edge and she splashed her juices all over Cole's nose. The smell and taste together with the mewling purr around his member pushed him to his limits of holding back as well and he erupted in her muzzle feeding her off with more of his delicious spunk. Lilly still twitched a bit when Cole softly pushed her off himself and got up. Her whole backside was drenched and she just stood there on all fours with cum dripping from her open muzzle looking down on the ground. The climax had surprised her and she was still in a kind of pleasurable shock from her first ever orgasm. Cole looked over to his bag and then back to the backside of Lilly. Without a second thought he mounted her and pressed the tip of his member against her wet folds. "I think we can start even without the liquid for now. Brace yourself for a bit of pain at the start but don't worry. It will feel good again very soon." He whispered to her. Then he bit down on her neck making her body ripple in another small orgasm and with a wet slurp he slowly pushed in. Lilly let out a loud mewl but not of pleasure this time but from pain. Cole could feel her whole body tense and he was happy he held her on her scruff. He was sure that she would have jumped or even fought when he did not have her pinned like that. He realized that penetrating her for the first time without her being in heat was much more painful than with the soothing effect of the heat which turned pain into pleasure. She sure had been in the middle of an orgasm and so a bit of the pain surely was stopped by the pleasure but he noticed that she felt the pain stronger than her sister did before. There was no going back now though. He knew it from the way she gripped around his member when he popped her cherry. Her whole body tensed up and her tunnel became so tight that Cole was not able to push any further just now. He remembered the tightness. Only Yu and Sal had been this tight... and maybe Ariana... but it aroused and terrified him at the same time. Not the thought of hurting himself was it that he was afraid of. He was shocked that he miscalculated the effect his entry into the tight girl without her being in heat. He remembered how Ariana had been crying from his entry and this here was the same, the same tightness and the same pain. A glance down showed tears dropping down from the eyes of the mewling cat. He was sure if he did not have her in control by biting down she would trash around. But he could not go back. On the one hand when he now pulled out he would most likely not get another chance with Lilly. On the other hand she would only remember her first time with pain and maybe even get frightened of sex. He could quickly give her the liquid but for that he would have to let loose of her neck and he knew that there was too much risk in that. He also could not talk to Whity and a quick glance on her scared face showed him that it would take a lot to get her out of this shock. He came to a halt inside her because he was unable to push further. Her tunnel was just this tight and cramped. So he did the only thing possible. He pulled back which made Lilly wince and cry even louder and took momentum. Then he slammed his dick into her piercing through her tight clamped tunnel stopping only for the cervix. His member was rock hard and he felt every barb that dug deep into the clenching tunnel. He pulled back hard to even be able to move and raked her inside mercilessly. It hurt his feelings as much as it did her inside. He was so sorry but he did not want her to start hating sex because of him. It was hard for him to cause her even more pain but he had to go through with this until it would feel pleasurable for her again. But this was most likely not to come soon as she breathed heard and fast and her mewl turned into a sob. She did not have enough energy to scream anymore and so turned to the more energy saving sob. When his tip was at the position where her maidenhead had been he pushed in again with all his power but even though he could feel that her sore tunnel relaxed a bit from the pain he still stopped at her cervix that was denying him the entry. It took a lot of energy from him to push in and out but he established a brutal hard hammering and he felt her inside burning like she was in heat. Her lubrication though made clear that she was not in heat. She still was wet but not as drenched as a kitten in heat. He mumbled sorry into her neck while he pushed in and out and after a few minutes of merciless hammering he pushed through her cervix and came to a halt inside her womb. Her sob had become more silent in the last minute and she actually had started to moan a bit with each of his pushes. Cole was sure that her sore tunnel went numb blocking the pain and leaving only the pleasure. He reached down with one paw and played with her clit to stimulate her even more and she started to moan a bit more. Her pussy juiced up a bit and started to twitch softly around his hilt. Her passage felt hot and tight and with her twitching, Cole was not sure if from pleasure or pain, he finally reached his climax and spurted inside her belly. The twitching of her insides grew stronger with each spurt and his hot cum seemed to bring pleasure to the abused girl under him. He risked letting loose of her neck and when he looked at her face more clearly he saw that she was too exhausted to fight and would not go anywhere even if she wanted. He licked over her face cleaning up the salty tears. "I am so sorry Lilly. I think I was a bit careless in thinking you could take it without the liquid. Your first experience was a bit more painful than it normally should be." He hugged her while she just panted and moaned in turns. Free to stretch Cole reached over to the bag and recovered the half full vial. He opened the vial, poured the rest of it into the open mouth of Lilly and then closed her yaws with his paw and made her gulp it down. He pushed the empty vial into the bag and whispered into her ear. "In a short while it will be fine. You will feel really good and I will show you a better time." He felt her beginning orgasm explode within seconds with a husky moan from his female. His member had started to go flaccid but now returned to live again. Her walls clamped down and got even hotter so that he nearly felt like it was burning around him. The walls juiced up and he could easily slip in and out now. Without further ado he started a slow but steady pace pulling back out of her womb and pushing in. His tip never left her womb and therefore made sure that the cervix was sealed. She started to mewl again and this time it was a different type of mewl. It was a mewl of pleasure and fulfillment. Cole pushed her through her orgasm and established a faster pace. Like he had felt with other females Lilly went into a whirling orgasm but her inside felt hotter than Snowflake before. She milked him while he pushed in and out now even pulling back until he nearly left her tunnel and slamming back in. Her pussy splashed each time when he pushed in but he was not sure if it was only her juice but also his cum that followed his member into her tunnel. He felt himself starting to inseminate her again but he still continued to push in and out. Suddenly he felt her legs wobble and he came to a halt inside her to check on her. She was panting fast and he noticed that she was on the edge of losing her consciousness. With him stopping her breath slowly calmed down a bit and the twitching of her inner tunnel also slowed down and soon followed the rhythm of his last spurts. When Cole noticed that she was filled so much that her womb must painfully stretch he pulled out and let a stream of his cum splash on the moos. A strong smell of fresh flesh, heat and his musk filled his nostrils. When he looked at the puddle he could see even in the very dim light that there was more blood in it than with Snowflake. He was sure that he raked her tunnel raw and he felt guilty to make her go through this. He was sure that Lilly would be sore for the rest of the week but probably still itching for him because of her enhanced heat. The only good thing was that the heat would make the pain pleasurable but he swore that he would be extra careful and extremely caring about Lilly in the next days to make sure she was compensated for the pain. When Cole cleaned Lilly up and had her lie down next to her sister he looked at Whity. The exhausted Lilly directly fell asleep like her sister with a purr. In the end at least she seemed to have enjoyed the ride.

Whity looked at Cole with a scared look on her face. Her eyes told him that she wanted to run but was still frozen by the shock. He smelled pee and noticed that the girl had peed in the fear of the situation that she did not understand. "Listen Whity, you do not need to be afraid. I promise you it will not hurt like for your sister. That was my mistake but..." Whity let out a cry and stumbled back when he made a step towards her. She stumbled back and mewled. Cole sighed. This situation in itself was nearly as hard to decide on like the one with Lilly. If he just let Whity go now it would not necessarily be good for the girl. She would be frightened of him and of sex and what happened. She would have a trauma for her live... maybe she had already. Would he make it worse by forcing her to have sex with him? Would her heat make her forget or have a pleasurable impression on the whole night? Was it okay for him to take her when she was so scared? He had taken a new vial from his bag and moved it in his paws. On the one hand it was truly wrong to force her. Lilly had let him mount her voluntarily even though both of them did not predict the outcome. It would be different this time. "I promise you that it will not hurt so much..." Whity backed off again when he put a step forward. He heard her pee again in fear. Something rustled a bit to the right. Maybe a small animal or just the wind but Whity turned her head with wide opened eyes. This moment of inattention was all that Cole needed and his body moved without his head coming to a conclusion yet. Before Whity could react he was next to her and bit her neck making her immobile. She opened her muzzle to gasp in surprise and fear when he pulled the vial open and flushed the whole content into her muzzle. Cole could hear her gulp down all of the liquid. The vial landed on the ground and rolled a few meters away while Cole moved atop of her to pin her completely in place. He felt the ripples in her body. Her gasp turned into a long mewl and a moan. Her eyes glistered in the dim light for a moment and Cole could see them move from fear to pleasure and then to the clouded daze he knew would follow a full doze of the vial. He did not even have planned for this but it happened and he found this situation the best outcome. With being in a daze she would most likely not remember anything but the pleasure later. It was unfortunate that she would most likely not remember much of the days to come on her first heat but at least this would possibly save her from a trauma of what she saw with her sister. Cole felt his member grow fast again before his mind even picked up the strong scent of her heat. His body moved on its own already pushing the half erect member between her soaked nether lips. Cole moaned while his member grew to full strength once again poking at her cervix and even though Cole was exhausted himself, or maybe because he was, he just let his instincts flow and pushed in hard. He popped her cherry which only drew out a small groan and pierced her cervix in one go. The hard entry was followed by a rutting that Cole did not fully remember later. It was intense and fast. He was moving in and out of the hot kitten in heat making her squeal in pleasure and himself come before her. But his body took over and he had energy to spare still so he just continued with the rutting and when eh filled her a second time she also came down with a powerful orgasm. After two more orgasms he felt her collapse to the side and he also was totally spent. He felt wet moos under them, soaked from the puddle of fluids that ran over it. He felt her bladder releasing pee again soaking his balls and legs but he did not mind. He pulled her close to his stomach still spurting inside her and roamed over her bulged belly and the erect nipples. He licked her twin ears, the only detail that showed that she was not a normal snow leopard, and his paw caressed over her throat and chest. His tongue cleaned her face and licked around her muzzle while he heard her breath becoming steady. His body remembered the last time he stayed inside the pussy of a kitten in heat while sleeping and the last thing he did before he drifted off to sleep was pulling out, feeling the cum gush over his balls and push his cum slick prick into her tail hole. His arms locked around her chest and his head on her neck he fell asleep next to her.

When Amra woke up the next time she felt her love tunnel burn. The heat had totally worn off and her sore tunnel now only hurt from the heavy assault of the boys before. Demon already licked her pussy and hind to urge her to go into mating position. "No Demon, mama is sore and can't do it today." She told her son and pushed him away. The eager youngster did not give up. Amra opened her eyes and saw greed in his red eyes that had him look even more like a real demon. "I said no!" she scolded him and pushed his muzzle away with her paws. Demon continued to lick her and his rough tongue slit over her paw pads. Amra tried to get up and at the same time drive Demon away. She rose to her knees but suddenly something pushed her forward and she landed in front of Demon facing her own son. Before she could comprehend what happened she felt the piercing pain in her neck and endorphins flushing through her abused body. She groaned in the pain that followed as Shun jumped her and pushed into her sore pussy fast to begin the hammering. Amra saw Luna jump up when Amra groaned to check what was wrong with her master but before she could understand the situation Demon had already turned to the feral cat and mounted her. Pinned like that they both had no way to fight off the males on their backs and by the groan of Luna it was clear that she was as sore as Amra. It took about three climaxes of the boys until Amra's tunnel went numb and the pain turned into a strange pleasure. She began to moan and soon Luna joined in. Amra cursed herself when Cole came in as he came too late to see that the boys were forcing and hurting them. She was sure he would have stopped her but all he saw now were moaning girls and boys who enjoyed the sex. There was a strange smell around Cole when he put down fresh food; a smell of strong musk and heat. Amra could not thing straight at this moment and so it only struck her strange but nothing more. She wanted to utter a word to explain Cole to help them get a rest but when she looked up again he already left and locked the shed. After a long while Amra finally climaxed together with Shun. She did not know how many times the hybrid came into her but he dismounted her and let her rest. Demon also was done with Luna and the boys settled for breakfast. At least Demon was gentleman enough to bring food to Luna and Amra and the exhausted girls ate hungrily. Luna took her meat and chewed it loud while her belly deflated until only a small bulge was visible. While the boys still were at their meal the feral cat cleaned herself up and then moved into the corner with the pelts. She rolled into a ball and closed her eyes for sleep. Amra was sure that her companion did not want to give the boys a second chance to rape her and she agreed. After the meal she would also make clear that she would not follow the whims of the boys. While she continued her meal she looked at Demon. He looked so cute and innocent right now. He chewed on his meat like always and looked up to her with puppy eyes that Amra had to smile. He was her son after all and no matter what he did she loved him. He could not help it that he carved for the new experienced pleasure. Amra knew from Cole that males were as much a prisoner to the need as a kitten in heat. But Amra had to teach him to hold back and control his feelings. 'I am not one to talk.' She thought remembering the last days and how she had not been able to control herself while being in heat. "Stupid son of mine." She whispered and ruffled his head. "You take after me too much." She could not be cross with him and smiling she watched him and Shun eat up while she caressed him behind the ears.

"For today let us rest, okay?" she asked the boys who just finished their meal. Both of them just looked at her without showing any reaction. They purred when she caressed their heads and kissed their forehead. "Luna and I are sore and it hurts when you do it now. Give us a few days boys." Amra was sure that they understood. They were not aware of it before but now they knew. "I will help you out in a different way." She offered and urged Shun to roll around on his belly by ruffling and caressing his chest. The hybrid purred while Demon watched his mother licking over the chest of Shun and then at the sheath of the young male. His penis slowly extended and Amra took it into her muzzle and suckled on it. She heard a moan from Shun next to her hips. The boy seemed to like it. Amra noticed that it had been a mistake to turn her back to Demon when she felt his teeth in her neck. "Demon, no!" she screamed but her son would not go back. He slammed home made her groan and pushing her head onto the dick of Shun. The young boy under her erupted and Amra got a dessert of a different kind. She moved to the side so that Shun could stand up and start to clean himself. Amra's muzzle was painted in his spunk and while she continued to groan, because the numbness had worn off while she was having her meal, she also licked her muzzle clean and gulped down the salty side dish. The mistake of Demon was to let her neck go when he climaxed in her. Amra shot forward raking his barbs painfully through her tunnel and slipping away under him. When she was free she tried to stand up. WHAM! She felt a body pressing on her shoulder and bringing her hands back to the floor. The teeth pierced deep into her neck and her body froze at the spot. She checked from the corner of her eye for the attacker and saw Shun who was preparing to mount her. "Shun! Stop it!" she shouted but her voice was very silent as her body rippled from the gushing endorphins. Amra did not have much time to think. Her mind quickly understood the situation. The boys were full of energy and horny and Luna had skillfully escaped leaving only her to defile. It had been a mistake to wait for the boys to finish. She should have escaped while she had time as well but now she knew that she had to take the part of Luna as well. There might have been a chance to escape one of the boys but now both were after her and she knew that she would have no chance to fight off both of them. She felt Shun poke at her sore entrance and her mind made a quick decision to avoid this immense pain. She forced her body to push down a bit until Shun was poking at her tail hole. No second to early. The young hybrid boy pushed in without mercy and Amra groaned from the sudden breach of her tail hole. She was happy that she had been trained so it was only a bit uncomfortable because it was not lubricated yet but soon Amra moaned and enjoyed the ride as much as Shun. Amra could not tell if it was for the next hours or days but Shun and Demon shared the red eyes boy's mother in a never ending circle. They took turns until one came and then switched. This way they were not only more eager but also had more energy while the energy of Amra depleted fast. Her tail hole was as sore as her love tunnel now and because her belly already bulged from cum that traveled from her tail hole into her stomach she had them take her pussy again. When she finally collapsed she felt them cleaning her up and finally letting up from her. They dragged the charr into the corner where Luna was sleeping and snuggled up next to them.

Cole woke up to the mewling of three kittens a lick over his member that had slipped out overnight but was erect. He could hear the demanding tone in the mewls. All three wanted him right now but Whity was the loudest. The sun was barely poking at the horizon. The heat scent was overpowering. He opened his eyes and saw Lilly and Snowflake begging for attention and Whity still seemed out of her mind from the strong heat. "Good morning girls. Lick each other a bit while I start with Whity. You will be next Lilly." He would have taken Lilly first to apologize for the last night but Whity was so strong in need that it would be cruel to leave her hanging. He pushed her to roll on the stomach while his member already poked at ther libido and pierced through it. He rutted as fast as last night with her. She felt just this hot and the scent of the two other mewling cats that pushed their pussies into his face instead of pleasuring themselves drove his mind crazy. He could feel his own head beginning to cloud a bit from the intoxicating smell. While he pushed in and out fast he licked the other girls in turns to satisfy their need at least a bit. This time Whity came together with him and he filled her again while resting and nibbling on the clit of Lilly. In one motion he pulled out of Whity, jumped forward, landed on Lilly and pushed into her red puffy pussy. She moaned hard when he bit her neck and he did not slow down but went the same speed as for Whity. Cole was not sure if Lilly still was sore. She must be but her inside were so soaked and she moaned like there was nothing that could be better than being filled by him. Cole managed to hold on until he could feel her twitch and then spurted his large load into her. The sun was creeping up and making the sky bright even though she was not visible behind the mountains around yet. Cole looked to the side where Snowflake was presenting and pulled out of Lilly. His cum dripped down from her cunt and on the face of Whity but the moaning cat did not mind at all. Snowflake met his push with a counter-push and hes slammed inside her. She actively moved her hips while he was rutting her like her sisters before. This extra pleasure by her slick passage being pushed against him made him cum within a few minutes and he did not hold back. He just pushed through it splashing his cum inside her pussy and outside by the fast movement in and out. He could feel his legs becoming wet in the mix of fem juice and cum. He also pushed through the orgasm of Snowflake that mewled in ecstasy and started to breathe harder with each of his pushes into her sensible flesh. He just stopped when he released in her a second time and exhausted he rested atop of her still spurting into her twitching womb. He looked at the beautiful white snow leopard hybrid cats that panted even though Lilly and Whity were not as exhausted anymore as Snowflake. When he recovered a bit he pulled out and marveled in the looks of his females. They all had a slightly bulged belly that was barely visible underneath their fur. Snowflake was still a bit more bulged out but it deflated quickly with cum dripping out of her. "You look gorgeous girls!" he praised them. "But I need to go to the others and start their training. You should wait here. You can please each other and try out a few things. But first..." he smiled, "... please help me clean up." He stood in the middle of them and all three came closer and started to lick his tail, his ass, his member and his legs clean. It felt so good that he came all over Snowflake in front of him in the middle of the cleaning. When they were finished he smiled at them. "I really do not want to leave you but I promise I will come here when we have a break. Be ready for me." And with these words he departed to the others.

The other girls already waited for him and grouped around him when he got into the cave. "Good morning girls. Ready for the training?" he asked. He saw that they already had their break first and were ready to go. Alina nudged him and when he looked down she pointed to the place where Whity, Lilly and Snowflake used to sleep. Cole smiled. "No worry Alina. They are just on a special training already." The hybrid in front of him had a cute surprised look on her face. She looked very alike Demon with her black fur and red eyes. Cole ruffled her head. "Let's work hard." And he led them outside into the opposite direction of the three kittens in heat. Cole worked them hard, had them run and fight, trained hunting and kept them busy so they could not wonder about the three white sisters. He noticed that Alina were gazing his way a lot of times and he had the suspicion that she was curious about these three. When it came to the break they already caught their lunch and Cole had them rest. "I will now look for the special training of Whity, Lilly and Snowflake. You wait here until I come back, okay? You may play if you want but rest well for the training this evening. I think I will be off for a few hours. "Most of the adolescent girls let out happy mewls and dashed to the spots in the shadows with their lunch, grouped together and enjoyed their meal. Cole smiled and left them alone to get to his kittens in heat. He stopped by the cave to put some fresh food into the shed. They still had enough food but it was not bad to give them a fresh meal every day. Demon and Shun were at it with vigor. Luna and Amra moaned when Cole entered and he just left the food with a smile without disturbing them. Then he left again and closed the door. He had a strange feeling when he continued from the cave and looked around a few times but he could not find out what this feeling was about. He could hear and smell the three girls before he could see them. The heat smell was so strong that he directly went aroused and when he got to the spot in the forest he saw all three of them in a circle licking each other with loud moans and mewls. The knocking of a branch made him shoot around and there he saw Alina and Dana, the sisters of Demon, standing and staring at the three white fellow girls. "He there!" he greeted them. "Look who did not listen and followed me!" with a smile he went to the two black girls who were so entranced by the display of the three sisters that they did not react until Cole kneeled down and ruffled their head. "Curious, aren't you? Well the three there are in heat and so I had them split up from you. Want to join us in some fun?" The girls just stared at him and then back to the cats in heat. They seem to not understand the full situation. Cole was a bit disappointed by Amra that she had not taught the girls about heat yet as it would come to them naturally in a few month anyway. He was sure they must have witnessed a heat of Amra already but maybe she made sure that they did not notice or she just did not explain it. "You did leave in the middle of your lunch, didn't you? Drink at least a bit." He told the two black kittens with a smile and recovered a vial from his bag. He opened it and while Dana and Alina still gazed at the three other girls he poured half of it into the muzzle of both and made sure they gulped it down. Then he slowly put his bag down, taking a deep breath and smelling the heat surrounding him increase by the smell of two virgin hybrid cats. When he turned around they mewled and rolled around on the floor from the sudden heat that filled their bodies. He certainly could have explained it in more detail to them but after all they did not listen and needed to be punished. He picked them up one by one and put them in the middle of the three white girls with their puffed pussies open for display. "You got two more playmates. Give them a good time." He called out to the other girls and to his satisfaction they let up from each other and started to lick the pussies and nipples of Dana and Alina. The black girls moaned loud and Cole could see that the surprised kittens were swimming in pleasure right now. Aline put her head into her neck and started to lick Dana while she mewled louder than her sister.

Cole decided that while the triples got Dana and Alina ready for him he would award their patience this morning with making them squeal under him. He turned to Whity as he knew that she had the strongest doze of the liquid. Her mind looked nearly clear but when her sister stopped licking her she did not turn to the other girls but started to lick herself in frenzy. Cole rolled her over and took a lick from her drenched pussy. Her taste was wild but sweet and he continued to lap up her juice for another minute while his member became unbearable hard. He did not even bite down on her knowing that this kitten would not go anywhere but starve for him. Without any hesitation he mounted her and with a loud sigh he pushed his hard member into her heated folds. She was twitching already after he entered and Cole was sure that she had a few orgasms before with her sisters. Because he knew that she was close to another orgasm he did not hold back trying to make the most for her. He just slammed home in a fast pace until his balls exploded and he flushed her inside quenching the thirst of her womb and making her moan in satisfaction. Her insides were twitching like crazy in the orgasm that was triggered by his hot cum splashing inside her. When he recovered from his climax he remembered that he had two more white kittens to serve and pulled out. He made sure Whity now joined the effort of her sisters. Dana and Alina just had their first ever orgasm and he could see the girls moan and mewl while fem cum splashed over the muzzle of the other three girls. Lilly next to him already was in a mating position and from the corner of the eye looked at him. Her hind was lifted high and presenting. He knew that she demanded him to give her a ride too. He approached her to lick her pussy while his member slowly returned to action. When he met her backside a deep guilt stroked him again. Her pussy was extremely red, more than the one of the others, and when he parted her lips a bit he could see that her tunnel was sore and red. The smell of heat and fresh flesh was coming out of the tunnel and Cole pushed his tongue into her to make her feel good. She moaned and pushed back at him. Her sore inside and the heat made her extremely sensible and seemed to make every touch inside her into an explosion of pleasure. She exploded in an orgasm shortly after and Cole pulled back and his member was hard again. Lilly was raking the ground in pleasure and Cole did not lose any time to push his member inside her with a wet squelch. The hot walls of her inside made his dick twitch directly and he pushed in and out nearly as fast as with Whity before. He saw the tongue of Lilly dangling out of her open muzzle and her eyes becoming dull like Whity's. She came down with a second orgasm shortly before Cole was spurting inside her and he rested on top of her breathing hard while his member filled her with his cubs to the brim. He enjoyed the hot kitten tunnel that milked him while he watched the black cats in front of him mewling and moaning in pleasure and overflowing of love juice. Whity was rolling around and licking herself again but Cole did not think it would be fair to take her again and leave Snowflake waiting. The hybrid cat already presented to him and her gaze showed demanding lust. Cole pulled out of Lilly who let out a moaning sigh and walked over to Snowflake to greet her with a lick over her pussy. She mewled and splashed her fem juice into his muzzle. Cole licked over her tail hole and wondered how tight it would be but for now he would not test it. He needed to make sure she was bred good and taken the cubs inside her before he could take her only for pleasure. He dragged his tongue over her tail base and slowly moved over her until he was licking her neck and his member, that got hard again, pushed into her heated folds. He moaned in unison with Snowflake and could not help it to bite down on her neck for a few seconds because it felt so good. He used a much slower pace for Snowflake to not tire himself out before his main dish. He came to a halt and inserted his cum inside his female when Dana and Alina got their second climax from the licking of the sisters.

Cole took his time seeping his seed inside Snowflake before he climbed off and stepped over her. Right in front of him was Dana and her black eyes looked at him in a state close to a daze and her pussy was twitching from her orgasm. He licked her juicy pussy earning a long moan and then moved his tongue over her belly along the nipped to the chest. He licked her front legs and the throat while his body settled between her spread legs. His member already was pushing at the entrance of her virgin hole. When his tongue reached her ears he whispered: "You are so hot my black beauty. This will hurt a bit for a moment but don't worry. I will make you feel very good for that." And he pressed his muzzle on hers, pushing his tongue in and locking her in a deep kiss. His member softly parted her nether lips and he stopped at her maidenhead applying only a bit of pressure. He could feel her groaning inside his muzzle and pushed harder to pierce through her hymen. It took him a few seconds before it gave way and the groaning got stronger until it exploded in a muffled scream in his muzzle when he popped her cherry. While his tongue swirled around Dana's tongue and he suckled on it his rod pushed forward slowly but steadily. He felt the head of his member sliding along her tight tunnel until it hit a solid barrier what Cole knew was her cervix. He pulled out his member until only the tip was inside. His barbs made Dana groan and shiver from the pain but Cole just continued to kiss her and moved without hesitation. He started a slow pumping rhythm sliding in and out of Amra's daughter. He looked into the eyes of Dana and saw that a few tears dropped out of them. Cole was sure that they had been from the pain at the start because right now Dana was only moaning inside his muzzle and actively sucking on his tongue. The fact that Dana was the daughter of Amra excited him in addition to the sensation of this tight hybrid cat. He had to breed her and Alina good and make sure they would be full of his cubs like their mother. His pace picked up with his excitement and with the slowly relaxing body of Dana he finally managed to press past her cervix and push all the way into her womb. He pushed in a few more times before he felt Dana's tunnel clamping around him. This was too much for the highly aroused boy and he pushed in one last time and then erupted in a powerful orgasm breaking the kiss and moaning together with Dana. "You really are a hot little girl." He whispered and leaned back to see her belly slowly beginning to bulge from his load. He played with her clit until she climaxed as well and milked him of his live giving spunk. He bent down and licked over her nipples to coax her into the continuation of her milking orgasm. When his last spurt entered her womb he moved her to the side and lifted her left leg. He started to lick her paw while his hips moved again and pushed inside her and pulled back in a reasonable pace. Her mewls became high pitched chirps every time he pushed in hard. Her pussy emitted squelching sounds and his balls slapped against her other leg. Her slick twat took him in and made him feel wonderful. The tight passage, the squeezing and the heavenly smell had his mind go into auto mode. He fucked her this way until he came again and made her belly bulge a bit more. He did again not pull out but just rolled her on her belly and had her lift the rear while he continued to bury his member inside her. The frenzy breathing of Dana showed him that she was close to her limit. She was only holding on for one more orgasm and also gliding with his paws over her belly he determined that she would not be able to take a full additional load of him there. He hammered her hard making her bulged belly jiggle and her moan. "You are a good kitten." He praised her when he felt her twitching around his member and with one last push he started to shoot his third load inside her. In the middle of spurting inside his tight girl Cole pulled back and broke the seal within her. His spurting member plopped out of her snatch and painted the bulged belly of the black kitten white. Dana let out a satisfied little moan when the cum flooded out of her and the feeling of the sticky content gushing out of her brought her to her last orgasm. Cole licked her cheeks. "Take a good rest my black beauty." He whispered and stepped over her towards Alina who had watched her sister and him mating. Dana ley down on her side and closed her eyes while her breath slowly calmed down. Snowflake and Lilly started to clean Dana up while Cole locked Alina in a kiss and while the surprised kitten just looked at him with big eyes he stepped over her until his slick member was directly in front of her face and he rested his head on her hind. "How about you clean me up and get me ready Alina?" he asked and pushed forward. His dick parted the lips of the surprised girl and went into her muzzle. She slid her tongue around his member and when he looked back he saw that her nose was taking in his musk from his crotch and her muzzle had a coating of cum. He started to hump her muzzle while the girl did her best to suckle on the big meaty rod. Cole noticed her gagging a few times when he pushed too far and tried to not be too eager.

The scent of Alina's heat made Cole starving to take her. He pushed into her muzzle while he licked her tail base and moaned. He would breed her as good as her sister but first he needed to serve her lunch. It took him only a few minutes to come in her muzzle and feed her on his slick fluid. He felt her suck and slurp around his spurting member and gulping down his load. "Good girl, Alina." He praised her and when his second last spurt splashed inside her muzzle he pulled out, turned her around and pointed it at her snatch. The last spurt of cum hit her libido and made her hot body shiver. Her heat had him stay hard and crave for more. He bit her neck and without hesitation or warning speared her with his boner. Alina groaned loud and her red eyes popped open in the sudden pain. Cole did not care about it but pierced right into her womb breaching not only her hymen but as well her cervix on the way. He drew out a scream when he forcefully pulled back but when he pushed in with a squelching sound of her pussy she moaned and mewled. The heat was making the pain fade away quickly and exchange groans with moans. Cole only thought about mating Alina and all other reason vanished from his mind. The overpowering intoxicating smell of the five kittens in heat had him in a rut without control. Alina did not seem to mind his hard rutting though. She mewled and moaned and chirped under him while he pushed in and out only concentrating on the smell that clouded his mind, the feeling on his dick and the squelching sound. Behind all this he could hear the moan of some of the other girls but he did concentrate on the female under him and paid no mind to what the others were doing. When he splashed the first load of his semen inside the tight hybrid girl Alina also came down with a powerful orgasm. Cole did not stop his rutting but continued his hammering into the contracting tunnel. He released her neck and started to lick her cheeks and ears while his member pumped in and out of her womb filling her love tunnel and womb with his spunk. Cole's paws roamed over her nipples and belly softly while he continued to push inside her. Every time he pulled out his barbs scratched her inside and scooped a bit of cum in her tunnel outside together with her own fluid. This mix splashed against his sacks and they soon were soaked and slapped against her clit with a wet smacking sound. After his second climax Cole felt her belly slightly bulging despite cum leaking out of her by his frenzy rutting. Her belly became sticky and wet from cum that got on the fur over her clit by his smacking orbs and then ran down to her belly. Coles hand massaged the mix into her fur while he still did not stop to mate her. After a new climax Cole had a short moment of clear mind and felt her belly stretching to its limit. His instinct, driven by the smell around, still had him wanting to push into this female more but he controlled himself enough to pull out and line up with the tail hole of Alina. He hilted her in one go with his slick member and drew out a mix of groan and moan from the exhausted kitten. Cole pushed in and out of her tail hole while he felt the fluid gushing out of her pussy, splashing against his balls and soaking the fur around her nethers before dripping on the ground. Her anal tunnel was in spasm and squeezed him hard every few seconds. It became harder and harder to pump into her and finally he just kept buried inside her and let her inner walls massage him. A tongue started to lick him and he looked back. Whity licked the mix of cum and fem juice from his balls and legs as well as from the pussy and legs of Alina. Now that he came to a halt Cole's mind cleared up a bit as he caught his breath. The other kitten seemed to be satisfied and tired and had made their way to a dry spot of moos to cuddle up with each other. He could see that their pussies still were slick from his cum and Dana still dripped a bit of it. Whity seemed to be far from being satisfied. Her eyes looked clouded and Cole knew that she was just thinking about being mated because her heat was so much stronger than that of the others. The sensation of Whity licking him and Alina milking his member inside her anal tunnel had Cole come into her anus finally and he pulled out of the exhausted kitten. This was the first time he looked at the condition of Alina and the girl looked pretty exhausted and close to losing her consciousness. Cole sat down next to her to catch his breath while Whity cleaned the black girl up with her tongue and the stream that was gushing out of Alina slowly subsided. Her belly was, like the belly of Dana, still slightly bulged. These girls had so tight tunnels and seals from their cervix that they kept a good amount of fluid stored away in their womb even after relaxing. Looking over the three sleeping girls and Dana who was just drifting away and then Whity who finished cleaning Alina Cole could not help but smile. He was one lucky guy to have so many hybrids for himself and being able to breed them. They were all cute and lovely and he knew that they would be wonderful mothers in a few months. He rose to his feet and picked up Alina to lay her down with the other three. She purred in her sleep and mewled when he licked over her teats. "Sleep well my little kittens. I have one job left to do here now." And with these words he finally turned to Whity who was already presenting to him with a pussy that overflew with kitten juice. Cole took a sniff and a lick from her pussy and the smell and taste brought his member back to live. He rutted her as strong as Alina before, pumped her womb and anal tunnel full of his seed and had her lick him clean until he finally exhausted the kitten on overdrive. Cole noticed when he put the now sleeping girl next to her sisters that his energy also was pretty much empty. He wanted to lie down beside the girls and sleep as well but he knew that he had three more girls waiting for him for the afternoon training. He grabbed his bag and forced himself to stand up. Tired he left the small forest and a gaze to the sun showed him that the lunch was over for an hour already. He hurried back to the training area and when he arrived there the three other girls were playing catch with a few rabbits. They just caught them and let them free because they already had their fill for today.

"Girls! Playtime is over!" he yelled for them and they came running to him while he sat down in the shadow of a tree. He could see their heated faces when they stopped in front of him. Despite the warm weather they seemed to have played very intensely. Three pairs of eyes looked at him in excitement for their afternoon classes. "Okay girls. I am a bit exhausted from the special training of Whity, Lilly and Snowflake and Dana and Alina found us and insisted in participating." He explained his exhausted state. "I will need to rest a bit and meanwhile you will do some endurance exercise okay? Run around the field until I tell you to stop." He ruffled the head of the three girls. Two of them, Midnight and Dawn, were his nieces as they were Mia's childs and the last one was Sari, the daughter of Wyan. Cole was happy for the break and soon he watched them from the shadows in running over the grass in a big circle trying to outdo the others. Cole challenged them who would run the most rounds until dusk. Cole watched them run until he drifted off to sleep without noticing it.

Cole woke up by a soft touch on his balls and he moaned as he felt a tongue licking at his sacks. His half asleep mind did not pick up the situation and so he just enjoyed the feeling of his sack being licked while his member started to emit from its sheath. When two other tongues joined the first one and licked over his half erect shaft he suddenly realized that this was no dream and that he must have fallen asleep while the girls were running. He shot his eyes open and looked down to his nether region. Sari was between his softly spread legs and licked his balls while Midnight and Dawn were on each side sniffing and licking his shaft interested. "What are you doing girls?" he asked and startled them. They winced and jumped back a meter. He realized his musky smell and that there still was a bit dried cum and fem juice around his nether region. He must have been so tired that he did not clean up properly when he departed to go back to this girls. Naturally these girls used his exhaustion to observe the strange smell and their curiosity seemed to have taken them on some experiments. Cole rubbed his eyes to shake off the sleepiness. He saw the sun beginning to set over the mountains. He felt that a bit of his energy returned to his body. "No reason to be afraid. Did you want to investigate this smell?" the girls nodded and Cole sighed. "Well then go ahead. I do not mind." He invited them. He was not sure if he was rushing things but these girls were already willing and after all he would have introduced them into the activities he did with the other girls in the next days anyway. Sari was the first to return and sniff and lick his balls again. He ruffled her head and moaned from her soft tongue. After a minute the other two girls also got over their shock from his sudden awakening and started to lick his shaft interested. Cole caressed their heads in turns and showed them where to clean him up. "Sari, come here for a moment." He requested from the girl and the surprised hybrid cat walked around the others to his side. Cole lay down and picked Sari up to place her on top of himself facing her towards his dick. Her pussy was right above his muzzle now and he saw her pussy glisten in a bit of moisture. Licking off the strong smelling dried cum had aroused her without even knowing why. "I want you to slide my penis into your muzzle and suckle on it, okay?" he asked her. "This will make me feel real good and I will return the favor." With this words he raised his head and licked over her untouched clit. "Moonlight and Dawn, you should lick my balls like Sari did before. I will show you some fun later as well." Sari moaned from his licks and just stood there. He felt her saliva drop on his dick and knew she had her muzzle open from the sudden pleasure. "You go to work as well Sari!" he requested and started to eat her out. She moaned but it was muffled when she closed her muzzle over his dick like he requested her to do. Soon Cole moaned into her as strong as she was because it just felt wonderful to have the kitten suck him off while his nieces licked his balls. He spread Sari's legs a bit more and made her crouch down a bit so he did not have to raise his head anymore. He just plunged his tongue into her and probed as far as it could go. Her hymen blocked the access to her inner tunnel but Cole found other ways to penetrate her. He started to stuff his tongue into her tail hole and noticed that she was very sensitive there. It did not take Cole long until he made her come and moan around his dick while he was still not half way to his own climax. He slurped down her delicious fem cum and licked over her tail base. Then he leaned back and let the last drops of her fem cum drop into his open muzzle while he moaned from the triple attack on his dick and his balls. Sari did her best but it was apparent that she was very inexperienced. But what she could not manage alone she got in help from Midnight and Dawn. Cole grunted and let out a lot of his sperm inside her wonderful warm muzzle. She yipped surprised when her muzzle was filled with cum and pulled her head back so that Cole spurted all his spunk over the heads of the three kittens. The other two gasped in surprise as well but soon he could feel three muzzles around the tip of his dick and the tongues licking over it to catch the spurts. When his spurts finally died down he felt Midnight and Dawn lick over his balls that were bathed in cum. "Okay girls, this was the warm-up!" he told them and nudged Sari at her flanks to make her step off him. He pulled his bag near and rose into a sitting position. Cole recovered a vial from the bag and opened it. "Sari, come here. Drink half of this vial and..." Sari was so eager that she directly closed her muzzle around the vial, ripped it off his hands and held her head into the air to have the liquid flow into her muzzle. "I told you half of it." He scolded her while the vial fell on the ground and Sari began to roll around. Cole had not intended to let any of them drink one vial like Whity. He sighed as he saw her directly going into frenzy from the heat that hit her hard. "You are a bad kitten!" he told her but he noticed that Sari was not listening. She rolled around, mewled and presented herself for him. Her eyes were half shut and he knew that she was not thinking anymore. "Okay, I did not intend this but now she will have to bear with it. Girls?" he turned to Midnight and Dawn who were watching the behavior of Sari startled. "Don't worry, she is okay. I will explain you what this is and I wanted to explain it to Sari too but she was too impatient." He grabbed Sari and made her stop rolling around. He pinned her on the ground and spread her legs. "This, girls, is called heat. You can see her folds becoming puffy and red, right?" the two other girls closed the gap now curious about this new thing called heat. "You can also smell it." He took a deep breath and his member twitched by the fresh and innocent heat smell. He noticed that Sari tried to get up and possibly lick herself. He felt her body trembling in need and her pussy was drenched in fluids that dripped over her tail hole onto her tail base. "There are a lot of names for this liquid that comes out of her but for now let's call it girl juice." He continued. "Go ahead and taste it." The girls started to lick a bit of the juice and soon lapped at the pussy making Sari moan crazy and pushing her hips against the welcome tongues. Cole made them stop. "The heat is a sign that the body of a girl is ready to have cubs and when she is mated by a boy while in heat she will have cubs." The girls looked at him with big eyes. "Yes, Sari will have cubs soon. But for this I need to put this white spunk that you tasted earlier from my dick into her womb that is deep behind her pussy." He parted her libido to show them the inside of the pussy. "This is called a hymen. The first time you mate it will be broken. This is a sign for you to become adults. Don't worry, it will only hurt a bit at the start." He let her folds close and licked at his drenched finger. The taste made him painfully hard. "I think making her wait any longer would be cruel. Step back a bit and observe. I will show you what mating looks like." He explained them and let Sari go. She directly turned around and presented her wet folds to him. Cole did not want to wait any longer. He climbed atop of the young hybrid cat and parted her lips with his penis. He saw the other two girls looking at the way the head of his member pushed inside of Sari. When Sari's libido gripped the tip and he felt the heat of her juice he stopped thinking about the two who watched. He bit her neck making her mewl in ecstasy and popped her cherry with a strong push. She groaned loud two times. Once when he popped her cherry and once when he pulled out and scratched her tunnel. He went with a fast pace splashing her juice over his balls and their legs each time he pulled back. The groans with every pull got more silent and after a minute she was only moaning and mewling. He knocked against her cervix as if it was a door and he wanted it to open. And then in a hard push he pierced her cervix and slapped his balls against her clit while he was in to the hilt. He hit the back of her womb hard but it stretched to let him sink in completely. He did not stay in her womb but pulled out to push in again. He continued his hard hammering until she climaxed around him and he came to a halt inside her womb letting her tunnel milk him to climax. His spurt filled her small womb very fast and he felt it stretching from the volume that was inserted. She mewled in pure bliss and Cole decided to give her one more ride. The climax of her body did not stop for the whole second hammering until he gushed a second load into her making her bloat to the limit. Cole licked her neck while he enjoyed the afterglow inside her and roamed over her bulged belly. Having played the whole day and now the intense and energy depleting crazy heat with his mating took a toll on the body of Sari and he felt her slowly relaxing while her mewl got weaker. He pulled out of her and laid her under the tree while half of her filling was leaking out and running along the roots of the tree. "Sleep well my bad kitten." He whispered into her ear and turned around to the other two girls who looked excited and by the faint smell they emitted were quite aroused.

Soon Midnight and Dawn also rolled around on the ground mewling but they were at least completely conscious because he only gave them half of a vial each. Still the sudden heat had them overpowered by the hot feeling of arousal. Cole enjoyed the view of them mewling and spreading for him. Their scent was wonderful and he teased them by having them lick his member instead of taking them. He had something special planned for them and had Midnight lay on her back while he placed Dawn right above her so that their heat puffed pussies were touching. Their nipples were touching each other and this stimulated them in addition making them overflow in love juice. Cole licked their pussies and tail holes making them mewl in unison. Finally he climbed atop of them and whispered into their ears. "You are two beautiful girls Midnight and Dawn. I will warm you up with a fun game we can play together." With these words he slowly pushed his dick between their heated pussies and moaned together with the two cats. When he pulled back and scratched the sensitive libido of both girls he earned a long groan from them but he pushed back directly and turned it into moans again. Cole continued the slow pumping motion making the girls overflow with juice that soaked into the tail base and fur of Midnight. The fur between them was already soaked by the juice that he transferred with his big rod. He could feel his barbs rake over their skin and soaked fur as well as through the nether lips. By now the slight pain had turned into pleasure and when he pressed between them the next time they both rippled in their first climax in unison. Cole felt their nether lips gripping at his member and he pumped a few more times before he sprayed his semen into the belly fur between the twins. He could feel the fur absorbing his spunk but there was a lot and when he looked down between their heads he could see that their chests were soaked in it as well. He pulled out between them and pained their tail holes and pussies with his hot seed. The girls just mewled in their climax not caring about anything he did. Cole lined up with Midnights nether lips. He was not sure what the cat would do when he popped her cherry as he could not bite down like that but with her sister above her there should not be much she could do anyways. "There will be a bit of pain now Midnight. But don't worry it will soon be over. Why don't you give her a deep kiss Dawn to make it feel better?" he suggested and pushed Dawns muzzle on Midnights. He could hear the muffled load groan when he pushed through her hymen and he could feel Midnight trashing a bit in the pain. The wet fur between them was rubbed over their nipples and Dawn moaned from the high stimulation. Her orgasm still went on and Cole could feel her hot pussy clenching on the upper side of his pumping dick. He penetrated the cervix of Midnight very soon and her groans had turned into moans like with any other girl he had this day. Cole just pushed through her orgasm and build up his own next climax but with the extra stimulation of their clits and nipples rubbing against each other's Midnight beat him to that and got a second orgasm half a minute before he pushed in a last time and inseminated her with strong spurts. Her clenching walls milked him from his live giving seed until he pulled out after the last spurt. He was horny and ready to go again but this time he aimed a bit higher and already pierced through the lips of Dawn. "Now it is your turn. Don't worry about the pain at the start. Like you noticed with your sister it will soon be over." He bit her neck and felt her body ripple in pleasure. Then he pushed into the last kitten and deflowered the last of the hybrid cats here. The pleasure in Dawn kept her from groaning more than twice. Only the initial breach of her hymen and his first retreat from her tunnel with raking barbs made her groan. Afterwards there were only moans and mewls. The twins had broken their kiss and now were both panting very fast. Cole made Dawn moan like the breeding bitch that she was right now. She was the last female he needed to claim. The last to impregnate and make this bunch of hybrid cats his breeding stock. He was not sure what Trellock would do if he ever found out about it but Cole did not care about it either. He bred these females in need and helped them overcome their first heat. It was true that without him they would not be in heat but after all this was his vacation and what could be more heavenly than 8 females in heat around him and no one stopping him to mate them. Dawn actually waited for him with her climax. When he erupted inside her womb this triggered her own powerful orgasm. He noticed while lying there and inseminating Dawn that his balls that slapped against the pussy of Midnight only were wet from her juice but not sticky from his cum. He was sure that this meant that the girl had a tight seal on her womb to not let anything leak out. When he pulled out of Dawn he verified that she as well did not leak his recently freshly deployed load. The view of the twins lying there on each other, sticky and wet from their own fluids and his sperm that was between them excited Cole. He took both of them again until his cum leaked out of their cunts and their seal was not able to hold it back. The girls looked spend and lay there heavy panting and with their eyes half closed. He lay atop of them and pushed his dick between their folds again and kept it nestled in the sticky mix in their belly fur. He felt them twitch a bit but it calmed down with their breaths and Cole also closed his eyes. "You two were wonderful." He praised them but they did not hear him anymore. They already took a head start to the dream land and he soon followed happy and pleased with the fact that he just had every girl in this valley.

Cole woke up to licks at his balls and when he realized what was happening he started to spurt into the warm space between the twins. He still lay there atop of Dawn who was lying on top of Midnight. Cole looked over his shoulder and saw Sari who mewled and licked cum from his balls. When she noticed that he was away she dashed next to him and pushed him her pussy against the nose. He strong heat scent had Cole's member stay hard even though he just erupted. On top of that he now felt hot juice coating his member from the pussies around it. He licked over the folds of Sari and made her mewl in pleasure before she pulled away from him and crouched down into mating position. He knew what she wanted and that she was burning inside. It would be cruel to leave her waiting and so he pulled out his dick from between the twins and earned a moan from them as he moved over to Sari and bit her neck. He did not go slow but fast like before their rest. He could hear her moan and mewl and soon she started a high pitched chirping noise every time he pushed in. Dawn and Midnight had woken up as well by now and watched them mate. Sari climaxed before him but he was not far behind. He came to a halt in her twitching womb and refreshed the load inside her belly with new cub juice. When he finally pulled out Sari seemed to not have enough yet and she mewled and presented to him again. "Not now Sari. We need to get the others and return to the cave." He disappointed her. The whole way to the small forest Sari was licking him, nudging him, presenting to him and mewling like crazy. When they arrived the other girls were already at it with licking themselves. Whity looked nearly as strong in need as Sari. With a deep breath Cole took in the scent of eight kittens in heat and his member directly reported for service. To help Whity out, who had been waiting for him for the whole afternoon, he climbed atop of her and started to rut the mewling cat. Even though the other cats were helping Sari to satisfy her burning desire, and in the process also licked the twins clean, she mewled demanding and taunting towards Cole. Sari snuggled against the dripping pussies of the other girls rubbing all their heated fluids into her fur and then slowly went past Cole waving her scent all over him. The sudden strong smell of all this heat had Cole cum on the spot and fill Whity with his spunk. The white cat followed 10 seconds later with a powerful contraction that was the beginning of her climax.

Cole pulled out and looked at the sky that was barely visible behind the tree tops. The sky had a dark blue and he knew that the night was coming fast. "Now we need to hurry girls. We want to sleep in the cave tonight, or not?" the girls all mewled agreeing but Sari continued her nagging mewl. The young black cat was unsatisfied and Cole noticed that he would have to tend only to her if he wanted her to keep silent. He made the girls run and at least while running back to the cave her mewl was more like a mumbling because she had to keep up with the others. They came past the shed and Cole got a quick idea. "Go on girls, Sari I will have something special for you. Stay here with me." The other girls, even Whity, followed his command. He could see their pussies dripping in need but they had themselves more under control than Sari and even without the liquid the black cat had been very demanding and hyperactive at times. Cole made sure all the other girls were out of sight when he opened the shed and pushed Sari inside following right behind her. He turned around to close the door and Sari started her mewl right away when she noticed Demon and Shun who looked at her surprised. They seemed to have slept and he could see Amra and Luna slowly waking up while Demon closed in very fast with blown nostrils and taking in the overpowering scent of all the kittens in heat from the fur of Sari. The hybrid girl directly presented her drenched pussy to him and he bit into her neck and started to mount her. Cole grabbed him by his neck with his claws and dragged him off Sari. "Hey Demon! Did I give you any approval to mount her?" he asked and Demon looked at him confused. "I am the Alpha here and I will tell you when you can mount a female, is that clear?" the red eyes of Demon followed him but he could see the lust in these eyes and that he was not really listening. Shun, who also got to his sister, had more control. He purred and snuggled his head along her fur taking deep breaths to take in her scent. His member was swaying below him but after Cole so forcefully pulled Demon away he seemed not to dare to mount Sari. "Cole, what is going..." started Amra sleepy but Cole interrupted her. "Shun! You make sure that your sister gets a good fuck while I discipline Demon." He told the brother of Sari and with a gesture allowed him to mount Sari. Shun did not have to be asked about this twice. Breathing strongly through his nostrils he mounted her. Bit her in the neck and started to hump her. For him it was of no concern that she was his sister. Cole saw his balls smack wet against her pussy when he hilted her and establish a fast rhythm. A stern look towards Amra had her stop the words she was about to utter and then Cole crouched down next to the still startled Demon and bit him in the neck. Demon groaned and Cole moved atop of him. While he pulled the tail of Demon aside he pulled him on his neck backwards. Cole's member poked at the sphincter of Demon and smeared cum and fem juice, that still coated it, over his tail base. While Sari mewled happily and Shun moaned in pleasure Amra could only watch as Cole pushed inside the backdoor of her son and made him groan in pain. The lubricant helped Cole to slip in easily but it was nonetheless painful for Demon as his anus stretched and when Cole pulled back he raked the sensible flesh of his anus. Cole started to pick up his pace and soon had the same pace as Shun next to him. After a few minutes of groaning Demon slowly started to shift to moans. Cole could hear Sari and Shun reaching their climax but the boy next to him continued his rutting just like Cole. Cole could not hold on much longer as well. The tightness of the anal tunnel of Demon was sucking him in. It was not as hot and slick as his sisters' pussy but at least on the slick part Cole planned to change this pretty soon. He pushed in a few more times until he made one final push and hilted the young hybrid. His balls slapped against the balls of Demon when he started to inseminate the youngster. The tight tunnel became slick and slippery and Cole started to slip in and out more easily while spurting more of his spunk into him. Cole let go of the neck of Demon as the moaning of the young boy showed him that he would not fight it now. After his spurts died down he continued his assault. "Let's see how long the siblings do their mating. Should we try to compete with them?" Cole whispered into the ear of the hybrid. He saw in the eyes of Demon that he felt humiliated but also that the pleasure made him enjoy the ride. "You have a tight ass like your sister." He continued and licked over the ears of Demon. "Be a good girl and moan for me." If he would not have had fur Cole was sure he could have seen Demon blush. He could see Demon trying to fight the urge inside him but soon he was moaning again even stronger at the pleasure and it made him also cum and spray his spunk on the floor. Cole smiled and continued to hammer inside the stretching tail hole of Demon. When he came the second time he started to roam over the belly of Demon to check how much it bulged. It took a while until the bulge was clearly noticeable and Cole finally pulled out of the boy and left him panting on the ground with a big belly full of his spunk. "This is a nice pregnant girl." He whispered into his ear. "Come and help me clean up." And with this he presented his dick in front of Demon and the exhausted boy complied. Cole had made his position clear and showed him who the Alpha in control was.

When Shun climbed down from Sari and his semen gushed out of her she still mewled and wanted more. Cole saw that she was very exhausted herself but still had a bit of endurance. "Now go and get her Demon. I don't want you to miss out on rimming a cat in heat." And Demon did not need any additional request. His energy was back in seconds and he jumped atop of Sari and hilted in one go while biting her neck. His big belly pressed hard against the cats back. While Demon filled Sari again and again Cole also took Shun on a ride and made his belly bulge as much as Demons. Now he had brought the boys on equal ground again and when he was finally finished he just looked at the face of Amra who still watched all this in disbelieve. "I have to admit that this was not what I had planned but it sure was fun." Cole mentioned and chuckled while his paws pointed at the belly of Shun. "She was just too demanding for me and I thought you would want a break as well. And the boys should feel what a real kitten in heat is like." Cole ruffled the heads of Shun and Demon and then kissed the nose of Sari. "Make sure that she gets what she demands, okay boys? And share equally and let her rest when she is exhausted. I will go now. Have fun my dear girls." He said to the whole audience in the shed and without allowing any more questions from Amra he exited the shed and locked it from the outside. He could hear the mewl of Sari and the moan of one of the boys who was riding hard.

The next days were a test of endurance for Cole. All the training he did these days was mating the girls in turn. With so many eager girls in heat he was on it nearly nonstop the whole day for the next three days keeping a bit of his spunk inside their wombs all the time. When Cole opened the shed a few days later the smell of heat in the cave had become faint. Shun and Demon looked exhausted but happy. Sari had taken them to their limits and still now Demon and Shun were around her all the time and mounted her even without the heat. The next week Cole told Amra about his new order, the liquid and promised her to bring more of it next time. Only four vials were left form his original stock but he gave them to Amra as a present. She only had to promise to never tell Trellock about the liquid or the new order and also not to tell the other females in the order that were not on his side. At his last night he sat at the entrance of the cave balls deep inside Amra and caressing her cum swollen belly. They looked over the sleeping kittens. Shun and Demon slept next to Sari. The boys had become very attached to the girl in the one week they were locked away in the shed. Her brother had always been close to her for another reason but it was clear that also for Shun Sari was now special. Cole suspected that the reason for this was most likely that no one could tell whose cubs she was carrying around in her womb. "You know, you will always be special to me too." Cole whispered to Amra. "I want you to be happy and when our little cub is born you should name it. I will not tell you what to name it like Trellock." Amra purred and licked his muzzle that was next to hers. "You have to come back soon." She returned with a whisper and Cole pushed her forward to be able to twist her on his rod and when he lifted her upper body she faced him, sitting on his lap with his dick deep inside her womb. "I love you!" said Cole and while his hips began very small movements up and down he pulled Amra into a deep kiss.

The Order of Future: Special 4 - The Order of Peace

## Special 4 - The Order of Peace Cole returned just a few days before Bahija would deliver. All of the girls were in the house and showed their pregnancy with big bellies. Even Yu and Sal showed an unexpected big bulge at their bellies. It was not...

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The Order of Future: Chapter 17 – The next Generation #2

## Chapter 17 - The next Generation #2 Amra watched the sleeping Nana and her red cub that was safely rested at her belly with a smile. Then her gaze fell upon Cole who lay in a corner sulking because Trellock forbid him to mate with any females right...

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The Order of Future: SPECIAL 2 – The Order of Peace

## Special 2 - The Order of Peace The air in the sleeping champer of the Fahrar was warm but there was a cold chill in the air. Cole noticed that he was wet from sweat and that his member was erect. Like so many nights before he had dreamed of the...

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