The Order of Future: SPECIAL 2 – The Order of Peace

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#19 of The Order of Future

I am sorry for the long wait. I planned to first air the 17th chapter of the main story first because it is before this special in the time line but as I was having trouble with this chapter on this weekend I decided to air this story here first. As soon as I got the 17th chapter finished I will post it here.

(The 17th chapter will most likely end the main story line as the main stories (with all females) are closed with this. I will however add specials like this one here in the future under the "side story" perspective that I did talk about before already.

This special has 28 DinA4 pages (like the last one), features 2 additional characters and a continuation of the last special. I am sure there are a few more questions after this special which will be explained in another special for this storyline in the future. I hope you enjoy this and please do not forget to give me feedback and vote if you liked the story.

Disclaimer: This story is based on the game Guild Wars 2 and the story at the beginning of the race Charr, an antromorph sabretoth cat race with horns. While you might notice some setups and characters being close to NPCs they were influenced by the personal story in the game but crafted new with names and characteristics. The race Charr is owned by NCSoft. The story is copyright by me (Imya). Feel free to do art about characters or scenes in the story but please link to the story or name the story and me.

This story includes catmorphs and sexual content. If you do not like these kinds of content or if you are under the legal age in your country (normally 18) please stop reading here. For the rest: Enjoy and please give me comments.

Special 2 - The Order of Peace

The air in the sleeping champer of the Fahrar was warm but there was a cold chill in the air. Cole noticed that he was wet from sweat and that his member was erect. Like so many nights before he had dreamed of the wonderful days with Jukki and the other girls in this house at Lion's Arch. It had been a great time for him where he did take all of the other kids one after another. No one ever had an idea of what they did because they cleaned up everything and thought out a story of what they did before the five days passed and they were fetched by the adult. Cole had the hunch that Trellock had an idea of their actions though because the adult charr had been sniffing the air when he got them. He sure smelled the faint remnants of their love making that the other species were not able to pick up. Cole's Mentor did not say anything though; not in the house nor on their way back or within the last weeks.

Cole had tried to get his hands on a supply of Trellocks cross breeding herbs or at least the recipe and type of herbs he was using but the only thing he could get was a small vial of the liquid that was created with the herbs. It was a rest in one of the bottles Trellock sent him for Nana and Cole was happy that he found it. He was afraid of telling Trellock what he wanted to do so he was unable to ask the old charr for the liquid. In addition he was sure that Trellock would not like the idea of Cole holding onto this liquid or would take over his newly formed order. Before they parted each of the kids had sworn to protect their order and they called it the order of peace. At the moment they formed it Cole already thought about getting his hands on the cross breeding liquid and get them all pregnant. He did not tell the others though and since then tried to find a way to get a large supply to fulfill his plans.

After a few weeks of pondering he came to the conclusion that he did not have the ways or knowledge to duplicate the liquid and so he secretly sent the liquid to Jukki with a letter to make sure she kept quiet about it. He did not tell her what exactly it did but just that it was for the order of peace, that it was not poisonous and that he needed to have her get the recipe or find ways to make more of this liquid. It had been a week since then and Cole was waiting eagerly for the answer. Nana did hang around with him a lot and it was nearly unbearable for Cole to not jump her. He had been forbidden to mate her to not raise suspicion in the Fahrar. Sometimes, when his urge got too hard to bear, she would give him a blowjob for a release but they were nearly caught the other day and had to stop this. Even at the weekends Cole did not get much activity with the girls because they now all had their litters and had very little interest in mating. When one of them felt like mating it was only Trellock who got the honor and Cole had to settle with a few blowjobs and one time when Amra allowed him to take her rear. Cole pulled his cover over his body and turned around. He needed to sleep and get these thoughts out of his mind. At the next day they would have tests and he needed to be at full strength. It took an hour for him to fade away to the dream land again but the rest of the night he did not wake up again.

Cole aced the tests at the Fahrar and was praised as the best of all in the Fahrar. He thanked Trellock for his private sessions teaching the young boy fighting techniques or knowledge that was far beyond the Fahrar. At the first weekend after the tests he even got a few rare sessions with Nana and Amra to celebrate his success. The second weekend after the test however was even more exciting for Cole. He got a package with a letter. The package only had three vials of a clear liquid in it and the writing of the letter seemed strange to Cole. He checked the signature and noticed that it was Jukki. He felt his heart burst in excitement. It seemed like she had been successful. He stole himself away and hid in a tree in the middle of the forest to be undisturbed when he read the letter. The letter had a decoding they decided on in Lion's Arch. It was not very strong but as they were kids Cole doubted that anyone would put much afford into decoding the letter so it should be safe.

Dear Cole

I was happy to hear from you and thank you for this challenge. It was the hardest work of science I ever had to do but I learned a lot. I still do not know what this liquid does exactly but I hope you will tell me when we meet the next time. Hopefully this time will not be too long into the future. I managed to find out the herbs that were in the liquid and to get my hand on a supply of them. This liquid here is not the same as the one you sent me. I tried different distilling techniques and managed to produce a liquid that does not only have the same characteristics but is even enhanced. The concentration in this liquid is at least 7 times as strong as the liquid you sent me but as I do not know the effect I am not sure if it works the same way. Before I know the effect I also did not want to make tests. Please hurry and tell me what this liquid is and how to use it so I can start my tests.

In 3 weeks I will go on a journey. It was a hard work to get my parents to agree to it but I explained them that it was for science. I would really like to meet up to talk about this project. Hope to hear from you soon.



_ _

Cole grinned from one set of ears to the other and held the vial against the sun. The liquid was totally clear and looked like water. Cole was eager to test it but it would be very dangerous to do it here in the range of Trellock. He had to test it far away and he also knew already with which girls he wanted to test it. He hid the package in a secret place together with the letter and made his way back to the black citadel. He knew that Trellock was in his office so his first direction was there. The talk was short and Trellock allowed him to go on journey and talk to his Fahrar about this. Cole explained that he wanted to visit the kids he met at Lion's Arch to get information and help the peace Trellock managed to gain at the meeting back then. Cole was not sure if Trellock sensed something but at least his Mentor agreed to his journey. Cole said good bye to the girls in their order before he sent a note to Bahija and Cyrene as well as a message to Jukki and fetched the vials. Then he set off to his journey. He had suggested meeting Bahija and Cyrene near a merchants point Wayfarer Foothills. For Jukki he suggested to meet at Lion's Arch and maybe bring the three humans with her.

It did take Cole only a few days to reach the merchant outpost in Wayfarer Foothills but much more time than Bahija needed as it seemed. She already waited near the road towards the outpost and surprised him when she suddenly stood in front of him.

"Hey Cole! Long time no seen!" she greeting him and with a look around she dragged him into the shadows of the trees next to the road. "We need to be careful. I did not tell my father that I was meeting up with you but just that I was going for a hunt. It is not unusual that I spend a month or more for that. I wanted to bring Cyrene but she has special training at the moment. She might join us in the Lion's Arch in three weeks."

Cole did not mention the Lion's Arch so he was sure that the Norn kids and Jukki also were exchanging letters.

"Hello Bahija. That sounds good. Do you know a place where we can hide for now?" he replied.

On the one hand Cole also wanted to keep their meeting secret; on the other hand he wanted to have time alone with Bahija for his tests.

"Sure, I already prepared for that as I knew you would take a few days here. There is a secret cave in Snowden Drifts that I sometimes use when I am on my hunts. No one knows about it but me so it should not have the danger of us running into others."

Cole agreed to this location and she explained him how to get there. To not raise suspicion they would journey there alone to not be seen together. Cole got a large supply in the merchants outpost, where people eyes him with a lot of suspicion, and set to his journey towards this cave. It took him two days to reach it but Bahija already was there and waited for him.

"Welcome to my little hideout." She greeted him and he smiled. "Nice to be here!" he replied.

Cole was eager to start his experiment but he also did not want to break the news too fast. Bahija had come around quite good. Their continuous mating in the days after their fight had made her carve for his member and bring something akin love into her heart. Also she had agreed to the order of peace and he sure was the alpha so Cole felt safe here and knew that Bahija would join his tests for sure. For now they were sitting next to a fire and he held her in his arms while they told each other what happened since they saw each other the last time. Cole did not talk about the order of the future but he told her anything else. He took in her scent and directly felt his member jump to attention. She smelled sweet and lovely like he had her in mind. He loved her snow leopard form but he also liked her Norn form. While they talked to each other he started to roam over her chest and caress her boobs. She moaned silently but let him do what he wanted. Cole laid his head on her shoulder and one paw slid towards her crotch. She was wearing a skirt made of leather and soft pants that were beginning to get soaked by her arousal. Cole put his paw into her pants and sliced along her crotch. Then he took his paw to his nose and sniffed the liquid. It smelled nice and he wondered if Bahija was in heat. He was not able to tell exactly because she smelled much different in her Norn form than as a snow leopard. But the scent seemed to be stronger than the scent of Cyrene back in their first hideout.

"I missed you so much!" he whispered and unbuckled her belt and skirt to take it off. "Me too!" Bahija replied and Cole felt her hand hovering over his tights and towards his member.

Her hands softly moved into his trousers and pants and gripped his half erect member. Her hands caressed his balls and stroke his member very slowly and Cole felt the arousal growing strong and his member hardening within seconds. Cole moved his paw back into her panties and scrubbed her clitoris which earned a long moan from his lover. His other paw moved her shirt up and slipped it over her head before he started to caress her naked boobs. He even extended his tongue and pressed his throat on her shoulder to lick her chest and around her nipples. Bahija was not able to resist this pleasure for long. She soon rippled and moaned in a small orgasm and her hand gripped his rock hard member before relaxing. Cole laid her on a few pelts on the ground and began to strip himself while she recovered from her climax. He moved above her so that his hard member would hover over her head and he was facing her nether region. Cole savored the taste of her fem cum when he licked over her slit. He heard a moan and with his paw he guided his member towards her mouth. He also let out a long moan when Bahija started to lick along his naked flesh. She licked his shaft and sheath and then the furry balls that hang above her. Cole even forgot to lick her because it felt so good. The scent of her pussy drove his arousal on and he just crouched there over her and moaned. The Norn girl was very good at giving oral and Cole wondered if she had trained for him. He felt himself getting closer to his climax and pulled a bit back to push down. His member entered her mouth and slipped along her tongue. A muffled moan could be heart from her when he started to lick her pussy again and even parted her nether lips with his tongue. Cole could feel his member slipping into her throat and a short look back offered him the view of Bahija who had her head in the neck and already took half of his member. Cole was eager to cramp more of his dick into her but he controlled himself to go slow as this was maybe the first time something this big slipped down her throat. For this she was holding up excellent. She did not panic or try to have him pull out. Cole could feel her breath on his shaft while he established a short and slow rhythm. He reached his climax when Bahija's nose was nestled between his orbs and he was in to the hilt. His twitching member started to spurt a lot of semen down her gulled and at the same time the girl came down with an orgasm as well. Still spurting Cole started to pull out and he flooded her mouth as well as her face and upper body with his semen.

Bahija took some time to catch her breath while Cole cleaned her. When he was finished his member was hard again and her pussy was drenched in her girl cum. Bahija herself was pretty exhausted and just lay there panting and moaning on her back. Cole could not wait any longer though and so he moved between her legs, lifted her lower body and lined his member, which was hard again, with her delicate folds. He looked into the eyes of Bahija that now looked up to him. They were filled with love and affection. Cole's member twitched and he pushed in without any second thought. Their moans were in unison while Cole pushed in and out of her tight passage. Bahija was not as tight as Cyrene but much tighter in her Norn form than in her feral form. Cole supported her legs with his legs and bent forward to kiss her. His hips moved back and forth in a fast rhythm and the cave was filled from ecstatic moans of both of them. Cole felt himself slip past her cervix and pulled back until only his tip was inside. With long but fast strokes he speared through her to her inner sanctuary and with each push his furry sack collided with her ass with a wet smack. Her pussy produced a lot of girl juice and her scent became intoxicating. It was nearly as strong as those of Nana or Amra and Cole was sure now that she was in heat. This also explained why Bahija had been so hot about him to take her. In the hideout she had been far more hesitant. At this moment the big Norn girl was nothing more than a moaning female for him to breed. He did not think about anything else. He just pushed in and out of her delicate passage and moaned with her in unison. It did not take both of them long to reach their climax and it hit them at the same time. Cole felt her shiver and then the grip on his member when he pressed in. She convulsed so hard that he had a hard time to push forward to the hilt before erupting strongly in her womb. Cole lifted his upper body to watch his inseminating act. He saw the connection of them between their legs. Her pussy was dripping strongly and his sack was drenched and dripping on the pelt below them. Her muscular belly did not show any signs of a bulge yet but Cole just started and his member seemed eager to change this. Cole caressed her legs and belly and let his furry paws roam over her boobs. Her orgasm did not die down but intensified by his touch. He could see her muscles contracting and trying to milk him off his live giving seed. Cole moaned loud and let his tongue hang out from sheer bliss. Saliva dripped on her pussy and mixed with the fluid that coated their nether regions. The next few spurts managed to give Cole the first sign of his actions on her belly. It began to slightly grow and bulge out. Bahija let out something between a groan and a moan as her belly grew a bit more before the spurts subsided. Cole caressed her belly and rode out his orgasm. He looked at Bahija and she looked exhausted but at the same time Cole could see that her trained body still had a lot of energy left. With a short rest both of them would be able to continue but for now even Cole wanted a break. He bent forward again and gripped behind her back to pull her up. He sat there on his knees with her sitting on his lap and gravity pushed her on his member hard to seal the tunnel and the womb that stretched out from its filling.

"I really missed you!" Cole whispered and licked over her face. "Me too my Alpha." Bahija answered and pressed her lips on his for a long kiss.

They stayed like this for nearly half an hour before Cole lifted Bahija off and the flood of his semen gushed all over the floor. He cleaned her and had her clean him before they moved to a different pelt next to the fire and he held her in his arm to rest.

"Jukki wrote me a letter and said that you were creating some sort of liquid for the order?" Bahija suddenly asked. This confirmed Coles suspicion that Bahija had contact with Jukki. He suddenly remembered that he wanted to test the liquid. "Yes, I nearly forgot. This is an experiment and I will give you the honor to be the first to test it."

Bahija was hesitant because Cole did not say what it would do to her but he ensured her that it would not hurt or poison her. He did not dare to tell her yet what it would result in when the recipe was correct. He fetched one vial from his bag and showed it to Bahija. "Just drink this. Jukki said that the effect has been increased so I think one should be more than enough." Bahija still seemed to feel insecure but Cole put his arms around her, held her tight and licked over her face before he opened the vial and fed Bahija who obediently gulped down the liquid. "This does taste quite good." She mentioned but at the same time let out a strong moan. Cole could smell her scent increasing and he knew that this enhanced potion seemed to kick in directly. "Why don't you turn into your feral form Bahija?" he asked. He had planned this from the start because he really longed to have this experience again. Every time he watched Silver in their hideout he had been longing to pound her.

Bahija did not respond but just moaned. Cole understood that she was feeling an intense arousal and pleasure right now so he moved a bit to the side to not increase this by his tough. He bent over her and whispered into her ear. "You really should change to your feral form now Bahija." And finally she seemed to understand him. While still moaning and rolling over the floor like a cat in heat she slowly shifted her form until a powerful feral scent hit Cole's nose and the perfect beautiful snow leopard lay in front of him continuing to roll on the floor and behave like crazy. Cole observed her to watch the effect of the new liquid.

Her feral pussy was flooding fem juice over the ground and the cave soon reeked so strong that Cole was presenting a rock hard penis. It took a lot from him to not directly jump Bahija and pound her but he wanted to have her settle down a bit before. The big cat mewled and moaned while her tail twitched in the intense pleasure that went through her body. She eyed Cole and his hard member and presented her pussy to him. She taunted him to jump her and fulfil her desire to quench the burning fire within her. Cole decided that it would be too cruel to not do anything and crouched down behind her and started to lick over her pussy. This drove her crazy and the mewling and moaning went frenzy. It sounded like there were 10 snow leopards in heat in this cave. Even with the charr females at home he never had seen such frenzy. This heat must be unnaturally strong and a look at the feral cats face showed Cole that there was only one desire left in her. To get fucked by anyone who would be in range. Finally Cole had mercy with his lover and moved into mating position. He was sure that he did not even need to bite her right now because she already was swimming in endorphins. When he parted her overflowing lips he let out a loud moan. She was so soft, so drenched and so hot inside that it just felt like heaven. Her pussy quivered and her tunnel already squeezed on him. He understood that she was already going through a strong never ending orgasm and the feeling on his dick together with the alluring scent had him close already. He pushed in to the hilt and it felt like he was holding a warm shower head over his member and sack. He was being washed by a wave of warm fem juice and his legs were wet in a matter of seconds. As soon as he hilted inside her he could not hold back anymore. Just with one push he already came and while his spurts entered her womb he felt that this brought her to a new level of orgasm and her whole body convulsed around his member and milked him from everything he could give. Cole did not move but just lay atop of the love crazed cat. Her tunnel was milking him and even after his spurts ended he did not go flaccid but stayed inside this hot female until his penis melted again and filled her with more spurts. Cole never felt something like that before and he was sure that he never let out that much semen as well before. He caressed the belly of Bahija and felt the feral cat showing a big bulge. She felt like she was pregnant already. Cole licked her ears and let her body milk him again. He could feel her legs shiver and knew that her energy depleted fast. He did not have that much exhaustion because he did not have to move but even Cole was panting from his climaxes. At the next time he spurted into her she fainted from exhaustion and her never ending orgasm. Cole was able to catch her and lay her on the side before he laid her on the back while still being inside her. The circling motion brought her to a long moan and him to another release. He also felt exhaustion taking over and sleep knocking at his door so he lay atop of her to rest. He did not pull out but bottled her up. Her body still convulsed even if it was a bit slower now that she lost consciousness. Cole faded into sleep when he hit another orgasm and spurted inside her. This was the sixth time already this night.

When Cole woke up he noticed a strong pressure on his dick. He still was buried deep inside Bahija and when he lifted his upper body he noticed that her belly was bulged out far more than he ever had seen at Silver, even in her pregnancy. Still he could feel a week grip around his member and knew that Bahija must have milked him the whole night and his member did never go flaccid but applied more and more seed into her. His meaty rod hurt and Cole was sure that it was sore. It had not been such a good idea to stay inside this heat crazed cat while sleeping but there was nothing to be done about it now. He carefully pulled out of her and from the wincing of her body he knew that her passage must be sore as well. Bahija was still sleeping and only let out a low growl when Cole pulled out. Waves of semen flooded out of her and her belly did shrink a lot within the next minute. Bahija now lay in the middle of a puddle of his cum. This view and the scent in the air had his member jump to action again and made Cole groan in discomfort. He was not going to take this cat right now. First his member needed to be a bit less sore. Cole noticed that there was not only cum on the floor but Bahija must have emptied her bladder this night. He suspected that the pressure of his load had pressed it out. He could say for sure that at least the heat driving effect was enhanced a lot with this new liquid but he was eager to verify the cross breeding effect as well. He would have to wait for this though. Cole still felt exhaustion but he could not let Bahija lay there in this puddle of liquid. He moved her to another corner of the cave and cleaned her up after the stream of cum subsided. After that he cuddled up with her and closed his eyes. He could feel her breath and a low purr. Her belly still was a bit bulged and pressed against his belly. Her dugs were hard and poked through his fur. Her Body emitted a warm feeling and he pressed his lips on her lips and kissed her. With this he fell asleep again.

The next few days were a never ending circle of copulation. Bahija did never switch out of her snow leopard form. Her mind was so focused on getting fucked by Cole that everything else seemed to fade away. Even her sore passage did not stop her from presenting to Cole and taunting him to take her. He took her whenever the pain in his sore member was not too bad. He was not sure if he ever had cum so often before. Her belly inflated to nearly as big as it was at the first morning but Cole made sure to pull out now and then to let it empty. Soon the whole cave ground was covered by either dry or wet cum. Bahija seemed to not mind that. The heat crazed cat rolled in the cum-puddles when Cole did not yet take her again. Cole made sure that she was eating and drinking well and both of them stayed healthy and in full energy. But other than that he did only think of having sex with Bahija every minute he was able to. At the morning of the fourth day he noticed that the heat was slowly declining. Her body did not feel this hot anymore and the scent grew weaker. This day they still behaved like sex starved cats in mating season but when Cole woke up the next morning the scent of heat only lingered in the remains of fluids on the ground and Bahija was looking at him with a normal look again without the blank minded sex crazed daze.

"Good morning!" he greeted her and she purred as a greeting. "That was one crazy week, wasn't it?" he asked and bent forward to kiss her muzzle. Bahija just mewled and purred as a response. Cole remembered that she could not speak as a snow leopard and smiled at her. His command to get into her feral form still had her bound as it seemed. "You may turn back to your normal form." He whispered and left space for her to transform. He saw her concentrating but nothing happened and a surprised and fearful look appeared in her feral face. "You can't turn back?" Bahija shook her head. Cole thought for a moment but he looked up again when Bahija moved to his bag and shuffled in it. He jumped to her side but she already found what she wanted to show him. She had the empty vial in her muzzle. "You mean it is probably from this? No I am sure that is not it." Her questioning gaze seemed to ask why he was so sure about it. "What this did? Well it was a combination of heat driving effect and allowing a cross breeding. I got my hands on such a liquid but Jukki seemed to have enhanced it ten times." Bahija gave him a stern look and then looked to her own belly. Then she looked back to him. "What do you want to tell me?" The feral cat started to carve something into the floor. With the dried liquid all over it there was no problem to have a layer to paint at. Cole looked at the pictures. It seemed that it was not the ability to speak that was preventing her but the different anatomy of a snow leopard that was not made to form words. The pictures were very simple but Cole could make out a cat that transformed into a Norn and below this a cat with a cub in her belly that tried but could not. "You can not transform when you are pregnant?" he asked in surprise and the feral cat nodded. "So this means it worked? You are pregnant?" he stated in excitement and Bahija made a gesture that showed shyness and embarrassment. Cole did not regard this gesture but closed in to her and kissed her on the muzzle. He rolled her on her back and before the feral cat could object his growing member pierced through her libido and with a purr he pushed all the way into her fertilized womb. The thought of having impregnated his first female and a snow leopard nonetheless excited and aroused him so much that he needed to be connected with his loved mate at this moment. "I am very happy. I love you Bahija." He whispered and even as Bahija was surprised and not content with his actions she now closed her eyes, returned his kiss and purred while he slowly pushed in and out of her sore passage and finally washed her fertilized womb with the cum that made her pregnant.

After a few days of rest Bahija and Cole set off to Lion's Arch to meet Jukki. It was still a bit early but they had to go some distance to Lion's Arch and in addition Cyrene was to meet them there as well so it would be good to be there in ahead of the time. They could just travel normally because in her snow leopard form it did not look suspicious for Bahija to follow Cole. At night they cuddled up to each other and after her tunnel and his penis weren't so sore anymore he would take her once every night. Cole felt a strong attachment to her because he knew that she had his cubs. He explained her the effects of the liquid and that it seemed to be a great success. It had been a shock for Bahija at the start but she came around quite fast and now seemed to be content with being pregnant.

They crossed Snowden Drifts and entered Lornar's Pass. They made sure to stay on the streets now because this area was more dangerous and they were not experienced enough to fight a group of the monsters roaming through this area. As long as they kept their feet on the street there was no problem though. They traveled a few days until at one evening they heard a shout. The area they were crossing was very isolated and so they directly scanned the area. The noise seemed to come from somewhere behind the next bend around a rock. Cole and Bahija dashed to the bend of their road to see what was waiting for them. A big charr was fighting against a huge ice monster and Cole saw more monsters lying around. The fighter was badly injured and seemed to be on the edge of death already. Cole did not hesitate and drew his sword while Bahija got ready as well. Alone the charr would have lost but with all of them together they barely managed to kill the monster. The charr collapsed on the dead ice monster and with his last energy he pointed towards a nearby bush before he went limb. Cole checked him but he was dead already. They could hear a roar of more ice monsters from the mountains and knew that they had to leave fast. It was uncommon for them to come down to the roads but Cole did not want to test his strength against more of these monsters. He wanted to run away but stopped in his tracks. He needed at least to check what the old charr wanted to show him and so he moved to the bush and looked inside.

Two small pairs of eyes met his. Two small charr, probably a good few years younger than him and in the age to start training at the Fahrar, cowered in the bushes with fear in their eyes. Cole did not take long to decide. He reached out and grabbed them. He whispered "No worries little ones. I will bring you to a safe place." He turned around and placed one of the cubs on the back of Bahija. "Hold tied!" he commanded and moved the other cub in his arm to have a better grip and being able to run. The scent of both cubs revealed to him that they were both girls and their fur, cloth and ears were such a good match that he was sure they were twin sisters. They had a pure white fur with cute ears and very tiny horns that were starting to grow. Their cloth were white as well so it was hard to tell where the pelts started and their fur ended.Their eyes were unique but had a slight difference between each other. Both had one blue eye and one green eye but for the one in his arms the blue eye was right, for the other it was left. Without further thoughts about the girls Cole dashed forward and Bahija followed him. He could see the cub on her back gripping hard to not fall down and made sure he ran next to Bahija to catch her in case she was not able to hold on. They soon fell into a fast trot and went on for 30 more minutes before Bahija guided them to a cave behind some bushed that was a good twenty feet from the road. The noises of the monsters had become more and more silent and Cole was sure that they were able to escape. In the cave he took some of the pelts on his backpack on the ground and placed the cubs on them. He and Bahija were breathing hard and sat down themselves to catch their breath.

"Thank you for rescuing us." A shy voice whispered. A bit of light got through the bush and so he was able to see that it was the girl with the blue eye on the right. "I am happy that we came at the right time. What happened?" The other girl started to sob but the girl that spoke up seemed to get it together. "Father wanted to bring us somewhere else but then these monsters attacked us and followed us to the road." She explained. So this old charr had been their father. "Why were you out here and not in the black citadel?" Cole asked as he wondered now why cubs would be at this place. "I don't know. Father said they do not want us there and this is why he raised us in these lands." Cole somehow understood. Their father must have been an exiled charr or for some other reason he thought his daughters would be killed when going to the black citadel. This also made clear that he would not be able to send them back to the black citadel. This would be something to be thought about later though. "I am Cole and this is Bahija. What are your names?" he asked and pointed at the snow leopard next to himself. "I am Yu and my sister's name is Sal." The small girl replied. Cole smiled. "Nice to meet you Yu... and Sal" he added looking at the girl that still sobbed. Bahija nudged her and licked over her face and Sal stopped crying. "Do you have anyone that I can bring you to?" he asked and Yu shook her head. "We only had father but he is now..." now even she got tears in her eyes and Cole moved a bit closer and placed his arm around both of the siblings. "It is okay. I will protect you from now on." He ensured them even though he still did not know what he would do with them.

In the night Bahija and Cole snuggled up with the smaller cubs to make them feel safe and they stayed in the cave to make sure no monsters were around anymore and to think about their next steps. The cubs were a bit bigger than Jukki and after one day they started to feel comfortable around Cole and Bahija. They adapted pretty fast to the loss of their father and Cole had to be amazed by their toughness and strong will to live. Yu had more energy and temper while Sal was very shy and soft. It was Sal who cried now and then and needed to be comforted but Cole already felt like protecting them. To not risk leading the monster to them, or any charr that might mean harm to Yu and Sal, they decided to not start a fire. They held each other warm with the pelts and by snuggling up against each other and ate cold food. At the third night when both of the girls slept tight together under a pile of pelts Cole and Bahija were sitting together in the dark and Cole caressed her head. "We need to move out soon." He whispered to not wake the girls. The moon was bright this night and he was able to see the white fur of Bahija and her glimmering eyes. "I think Jukki can help us to find a safe place for them because I think I can not bring them back to the black citadel." He explained. Bahija just answered with a purr and Cole caressed her chest and belly. He went over the dugs and they were hard after a few strokes. Cole took in the air through his nose and smelled her arousal. Because of the girls they had not taken any sexual advance within the last nights and so both of them were pend up. "Well, I think it would not hurt to do it once. They are asleep after all. But we need to be silent." He whispered, stripped his clothes and kissed her head. She did not object when he bit her neck and mounted her slowly pushing in and out. He went very slow and carefully to not moan too loud. Both of them purred in unison and their breath was getting faster. When they both got to their climax they could not hold their voices down anymore and let out a unified moan that echoed in the small cave. After he rode out his orgasm and felt Bahija lying down exhausted under him he checked on the corner where the girls were sleeping. They seemed to have not woken up as the pile of pelts still was there.

He carefully pulled out and the breath of Bahija showed him that she went ahead to sleep. He moved a step back and washed his tongue over her opening to clean her from the remnants of semen and love fluids. They did not want the girls to wake up before them and notice this but...

"What were you doing?" the silent voice of Yu startled him and he jumped to the side. "Don't startle me like that." He replied and looked into the twilight. It seemed only Yu woke up and a closer look showed that her twin sister still was sleeping in the pile of pelts. "I was making Bahija feel good." He explained and hoped Yu would not ask any further. "Can you make me feel good as well?" the little girl asked and Cole stopped in his tracks. "What do you want me to do?" he asked and the small girl smiled. "What you did to Bahija. You said this was feeling good, right?" Cole did not know what he should do. Licking this small girl was sure not something he thought about right now, even less with the danger of her sister waking up. "No, this is not possible. You are too small for this." Yu took in her breath and Cole knew that she was about to burst out so he quickly added. "Wait, do not shout, you will wake them up. Okay, let's make a deal. If you help me to clean up my penis I will make you feel good, okay?" Cole was sure that the girl would decline such an offer. "How should I clean it?" she asked and Cole was taken in surprise. "With your tongue naturally." He replied without thinking. The little girl wrinkled her nose. "You don't have to. You will get to know about this soon enough anyways..." he pressed his paws in front of his muzzle to not moan loud as the little girls curiosity seemed to have won over her disagreement and her tongue lapped at his member that directly jumped back to action. Cole wanted to stop her but then again she would give up soon anyways so he just leaned back and closed his eyes imagining that it was Bahija. The small tongue was inexperienced in pleasuring but very thoroughly in cleaning and Cole had to hold down his moans when she licked his sack, sheath and rod until it was clean. "Is this okay?" she asked and smiled up to him. On her nose there was a bit of cum and he bent down and licked it away. "This was great. I guess I have to make you feel good now, right?" he whispered but he was not really happy about having to go through with this. He waited for her to strip but she seemed to not know what to do. "What are you waiting for." She asked and he smiled. "Well, you would need to put off all your clothes if you want me to do the same as I did with Bahija." He replied and he could see her looking at the ground in embarrassment. Cole hoped she would decline it but just when he thought she would take her request back she stripped off her white pelt and the under garment. In the moonlight her white coat seemed to glow and Cole looked at her body carefully. It was marvelous and cute. He could barely see her small slit between her legs. "Here we go. Be careful not to be loud and if you are about the shout put a paw in front of your muzzle, okay?" he announced and then he lowered his muzzle between her legs, pushed her backwards on her back softly and started to lick over her slit. Even after a few minutes there was not much progress. Possibly she still was too young to produce the endorphins that made this pleasurable. She just giggled now and then because he tickled her and finally he lifted his head again and called it an end.

"Now off to bed." He said and smirked. This girl was probably a year younger than Nana and even Nana had only been receptive to the pleasure because of the liquid. "But I did not feel good yet. You promised to make me feel good." She replied and jumped on her feet. She stood in front of him with her head now a bit over him. "Like I said you are a bit too young for it." He answered. This was a hard one. How should he explain to her that it would take one or two more years for her to enjoy such actions? "But you promised." She said a bit louder and Cole pressed his paws over her muzzle. "Silence!" He whispered and looked around. The other two still were sleeping deep and without waking up. "Well there might be one way to make you feel the same at what I did but I am not sure if we should do that." - "What is it?" she wanted to know. "A liquid! If you drink it you might feel what big girls feel for a while." He explained. There was no going back now and he cursed himself for this thought. He did want to keep the promise but he was not sure what such a strong drug would do with this young girl. "It is very rare but I have some here. But only if you promise me to be silent and not wake up the others will I give some to you." She nodded and held her paws in front of her muzzle. He sighed and got one of the remaining vials out of his bag. He knew this was a bad idea but he already promised it. He decided that half of it should not have such a strong effect and maybe only last a few hours. It was just for licking her after all. He returned to Yu and let her drink half of the vial before putting it back. The moment he put the vial back into his bag he knew that he miscalculated big time. He heard a muffled mewl and a strong scent filled his nostrils. He turned around and saw her rolling around on the ground just like Bahija did and her scent had his now flaccid member's attention right away. It was fresh, sweet and undeveloped but Cole noticed the clear scent of heat. What was he thinking giving the little girl this liquid. He quickly moved to Yu, picked her up and moved to another corner away from Bahija. "It was a bit too strong after all." He remarked and saw her struggle against the hot feeling inside her. In the low light from the moon he saw her pussy red and puffed. The moment the liquid took effect blood had rushed into it and urged it to produce love juice. The fur around her slit was already soaking wet. "Hang in there. I will make it feel better in no time." He whispered and started to lick her cute cunt.

Her smell was intoxicating already but her taste was like a drug for his mind as well. He did no longer think about pleasuring her but to satisfy himself by lapping at her pussy and licking off all the love juice. It was serving both purposes though because she also started to get big eyes and moan into her hands with every lick. Over the next minutes he regained control little by little while the girl seemed to lose it with every lick. She came down with her first orgasm and he pulled back licking his lips. "So this is what it feels like. Are you satisfied now?" he asked and smiled at the small cub. He sat back and looked at her slowly getting back up from her orgasm. "This was wonderful." She whispered and staggered towards him and he made sure she did not fall and held her in front of him. "More please." She requested and Cole suspected that her whole body was now on fire by the liquid. It would not hurt to give her one more oral. Cole knew that he did something he should not have done when his nose touched the pussy of the standing girl and parted her lips. Love juice flushed over his nose and filled it with a strong odor that had his penis rock hard directly. The strong and potent scent filled with a lot of pheromones turned a switch in his head and his mind went blank. He picked the surprised cub up and held her in front of him. He licked her dugs and slowly lowered her towards his lap. Her legs went left and right from his legs and spread while he lowered her even more. The little girl did not yet know what would come. The tip of his dick parted her small puffy folds and for a split second Cole went clear again and began to notice what he was about to do. But then warm love liquid gushed over his dick and the lips quivered and all his care went away. His muzzle closed over her muzzle giving her an intense kiss and putting his tongue into her muzzle while at the same time he pushed her down on his dick and with help of gravity broke through her hymen and glided into her love tunnel. He heard her muffled groan in his muzzle and felt her arms trying to push her away but his arms just wrapped around her keeping her immobile while his head pressed down with the kiss and gravity helped him to slowly slip into her until he poked at her cervix with only a third of his dick inside her. The heat in her body was nearly as strong as for Bahija and her hot walls gripped at his member with strong spasms. A new orgasm rippled through her body leaving her confused and unable to think. Cole felt how each time her body relaxed for a second gravity pushed her body more on his dick and the tip of his rod pierced through her cervix already. Slowly he pierced into her womb until his head was in her womb completely. But this seemed to be the limit as it poked at the end of her womb with his dick still having 1 third out of her. He could feel her body shiver from pain and pleasure and her love tunnel contracted in her orgasm squeezing him to his climax. Yu was unbelievable tight. Her tail hung down only twitching with the contraction of her orgasm. Her groans turned into moans and Cole also moaned into her muzzle while continuing the silencing kiss with her. Then his member exploded and flooded her with his liquid. Cole could feel the sudden pressure on his tip and her belly bulging out fast with each spurt. He opened the eyes he closed in the last minutes and saw into her eyes. They were filled with tears but he also saw the daze of pleasure in her mind that he was so acquainted with. He never really planned to do this. It happened because of a combination of her curiosity, his lack of control and miscalculation with the effect of the liquid. Jukki sure did a good work with this liquid. It was the most potent drug Cole ever had seen. Not that he had seen much but he could not imagine any drug that worked so fast and had this effect. But right now he did not think about any consequences. He just enjoyed filling the small body that sat on his lap. He imagined that this was the feeling Trellock must have had with Nana. Even though Yu was a bit bigger than Jukki she was much tighter and also younger. Even though this had been suggested by Yu without knowing where it would lead Cole did not regret this. It was the best reward he could have wished for saving Yu and her twin sister. Her belly kept bulging out and soon was pressing hard against his belly. Her tunnel was gripping so strong that even the high pressure was unable to break the seal and Cole saw her consciousness fading in the exhaustion of the pleasure and the pain. He broke the kiss as her body went limb. Her heat still was strong and the heat around his dick was nearly unbearable. He felt like melting inside her spurting more and more seed into her. Coming to his sense he tried to pull her off to release the high pressure. He was sure that she was at the limit and he did not want to hurt her. He promised her that after all. He managed to slowly pull out with each relaxing of her muscles and after one minute only the head was still inside her with some of the liquid already finding its way out. He stood up to pull her off completely.

"What are you doing with Yu?" a soft voice asked behind him just when he was about to pull the girl off. He turned around while pulling her off and cum flooded over his dick and on the ground splashing on the cloth and face of Sal who stood behind him. Cole looked at the twin sister of the girl in his arms for a long time before he found his words. "I am sorry Sal. Did I surprise you?" he bent down with Yu still on his arms leaking his cum and deflating her belly. He faced the other girl and licked over her face to clean her. "You do not need to worry about her. She could not sleep and I just made her forget about what happened and feel real good to help her sleep nice and tight." He explained. Sal looked at her sister's body that was twitching now and then but lying in his arms peacefully. Her muzzle showed a satisfied smile and she was sound asleep. "Did you also have trouble to sleep?" he asked Sal and smiled. Sal looked at her sister who just stopped leaking the cum. Her belly was only slightly bulged and Cole started to clean her from the remnants of cum. Sal nodded with a shy smile. She was much softer than her sister and Cole was sure they woke her up with their action. Cole moved out of the corner with the puddle of fluids and fetched the warm robe of Yu to gear her up warm for the night. He did not put on her undergarments to not wake her up. He put her back into the bed out of pelts and then looked down to her sister that had followed him around. "How should I help you falling asleep again?" he asked her. With his mind under control he was not about to rut the other small girl without reason. Sal looked at the smile in the face of Yu and then turned to Cole. "I also want to forget and fall asleep feeling good." She replied. Cole was a bit surprised by this response but his member did not object this thought. Even though Cole was sure Sal did not know what would be coming like Yu did before he only thought about this for a second before deciding. "If that is what you want I do not mind." He whispered with a smile and fetched the half full vial from his bag. He was wondering if he should use the full rest of the vial. It did have a bit too strong effect on Sal's sister but then again this was her twin sister and she did want to feel the same so he just gave her the vial and told her to drink it while he already helped her out of her robe. She drank the rest of the vial and he put the empty vial into his bag before he saw her showing the same reaction as her sister. He places a paw on her muzzle to silence her mewling while he stripped her off her undergarment and whispered softly into her ear. "You need to keep silent to not wake the others okay? Hold your paws in front of your muzzle!" and she complied with his command and tried to muffle her mewls with her own paws while he picked her up and moved her to the corner that still had a puddle of cum on the floor.

He also brought her undergarment with him and told her to put it into her muzzle to not make too much noise while she was to crouch on all fours. Cole started to lick her pussy and her tail moved high in the air at his first lick. She was in Cole's favorite mating position but first he would make her squirm in pleasure with his tongue. She smelled just like her sister and the scent of the cum-puddle that she was crouching in seemed to have her juicing up even more than Yu. Cole loved the taste of her flowing love juice and his member was erect in no time just by sniffing and licking her pussy. Cole caressed her hard nipples as well and earned an orgasm from her much faster than he did from her sister. He looked into her eyes and he saw that she already went into a heat crazed daze. He did not wait long after her climax. He pulled out the underwear from her muzzle and soft moans escaped her. Then he moved atop of her poking at her entrance with his hard member. Cole knew the tightness that he was to expect and that in this position the gravity would not help him. He went into the mating position he had with Jukki and bent his head down to face Sal. Her gaze was already blurry and he knew that she would hardly understand him but still he talked to her. "This might hurt a bit first but you will soon feel very good, I promise." He told her and then he pushed his muzzle on hers to lock it for a deep kiss and muffle the sound when he would enter. His arms on her shoulder pressed back while his member pressed forward. He applied more force than for her sister and his member pierced faster through her hymen and her heat glowing tunnel but it also stopped at her cervix like for her sister. He could feel her body wince in the pain and a muffled groan in his muzzle. He was not sure if it was because he went fast, because of this position or because she seemed more aroused than her sister but her tunnel felt hotter and more slippery. Even though she was as tight as her sister and gripped strong he managed to pull out strongly earning another wince and groan from her and pushed back holding at her cervix. She winced at any movement from his dick inside her if it was in or out. Cole was sure that this was because her tunnel went sore directly from his fast pull out but there was no other way to take momentum because her grip was to strong. The pain made her tunnel grip even stronger and it got harder for him to pierce into her. He felt tears drip on his yaw but there was no going back now. He had to pound her until it felt good for her as well. Cole pulled back until only his head was in and then took extra momentum to push back in. This time he managed to pierce the cervix forcefully and poked at the end of her womb. Like with her sister only his head fit into her womb. He waited a minute to have her adapt to having the cervix pierced before he started to move again. First he only moved with small movement that were just rubbing the head of his member along her cervix never leaving her womb entirely but when her heat driven orgasm started and overpowered her pain he started to hammer in and out of her to reach his own climax. It only took him a few more strokes until he pushed in to the limit and his balls smacked against her wet pussy. Her tunnel and womb still convulsed around him as he let go his stream and inseminated her. Her belly was filled as fast as her sister's but Cole pulled out and pushed in while gushing his seeds into her and with this a bit of the semen flooded out of her and so the bulge of her belly when he came to a halt was only half the size of her sisters. He ended their kiss and she breathed heavily. If it was because of the pain or that Sal had more energy Cole did not know but she did not yet collapse and held on moaning silently while her belly still was filled with the last spurts.

"You did great. How was it for you?" he asked but she just stared at him and breathed. She was very exhausted and her eyes also showed that she was not in control of her heat crazed body right now. Cole smiled, licked over her cheeks to clean away her tears and then pulled out completely. Her belly deflated as fast as her sisters and soon she too only had a small bulge left from the semen that was kept sealed within her womb by her cervix. Cole picked her up and cleaned her nether region and the paws that had touched in the puddle of cum. When he licked her slit she quivered and he put some extra attention to her nether region. He also licked her tail hole. She still was not showing signs of sleep but rather with the regeneration seemed to gain some energy back. Cole reminded himself that he wanted to put her to sleep with this like her sister but he found it cruel to pierce her sore tunnel right now. He licked over her tail hole again and then decided to have Sal already learn a new aspect of her new found pleasure. He placed her at his lap like he did with her sister before and started to rub his still cum lubed dick over her slit and sphincter. He saw the sense returning into her eyes when his member just rose to full length again. He smiled, licked her cheeks and then placed his muzzle on hers for a deep kiss again. When his tongue twirled around her tongue he aimed at her rear entry and pushed her down like he had done with her sister before. Her eyes popped wide open and she groaned loud into his muzzle. He had to restrain her arms like he had to for her sister and like this he established a small but fast movement in and out of her tail hole penetrating her with only a third of his slimy member at most. After a few minutes her heat and pleasure took over and her groans turned into moans and mewl. Her rear was even tighter than her love tunnel but her body was more exhausted and so she did not grip as strong as before. He soon reached his own climax and felt that even her exhausted body also closed in. He held back as long as he could but finally he released his seed inside her rear and pulled out so that only the tip was in her tail hole to have the seed he splashed in flood out directly. He did not want to increase the discomfort for her any more. Her arms now did not struggle anymore and so he stroked her nipples and clit until she also came down with her third orgasm. This knocked her out like her sister and Cole cleaned her, packed her warm into the robe and placed her next to her sister. Cole felt sleep knocking at his door as well and so he lay down next to Bahija cuddling against her and closed his eyes. The last thing he felt was his flaccid member smearing the cum-cocktail all over the nipples of the snow leopard.

The next three days, until the effect of the liquid seemed to wear off, were a test of endurance for Cole. He had to explain Bahija why the two charr siblings were behaving like heat crazed cats but she seemed to accept his explanation. They did not understand what their body demanded or why but they rolled around the floor presenting their pink pussies to him until he took them. Sometimes even Bahija helped out and licked the pussy of one sibling while Cole pounded the other. Cole did not have to make sure they stayed silent so he let them moan as loud as they wanted. Fortunately for them not many travelers came by this road and so no one noticed that they were in the cave just a few steps away from the road. Cole used their heat to train them in vaginal, oral and anal sex and he also tried out different positions like them lying over each other while he was rubbing his dick between their pussies. Once a day he also took Bahija who was aroused by the strong smell of heat and musk in the cave. When the heat of the both siblings finally subsided they were so into these actions they just learned a few days ago that they still presented to Cole. Before they finally left to continue their journey he took them both and filled them again leaving a small bulged belly from seed that was sealed within their womb by their tight passage. This was not visible under their robe though so when they hit the road it just looked like a charr boy going on a journey with his twin sisters and a pet. Every night when they were in a place where no one could watch them he would take one of the sisters or Bahija. It was not as much fun as when they were in heat but Cole still enjoyed it whenever he was pend up and wanted a release. After one more week they arrived at the passage to Lion's Arch a few days before the promised day.

"I already guessed that you would arrive ahead of time." Cyrene was waiting for them at the passage to Lion's Arch. Cole was not sure how she had been able to be faster than they were but Bahija did not seem to be surprised. Cyrene looked at the twins who hid behind Cole. "I will explain later. They are part of us now." He explained to Cyrene and then he caressed their head and explained to the sisters "This is Cyrene. She will not harm you." Cyrene smiled and turned to Cole again. "Jukki contacted me and told me of a hourse in the mountains around Lion's Arch. It is not used and we can use it. She will come in a few days and meet us there." Cole was surprised by this turn of events but this was Jukki for you. She already planned their stay and even found a house for them. Cyrene led them to a path that led around Lion's Arch and then climbed into the mountains. They did not meet anyone and after an hour they arrived at a small house in the middle of nowhere. Cole wondered who would have built this house at this place. There was sure no one coming here and the house looked old and as if no one lived in it for years. "I did the cleaning already." Cyrene smiled and opened the door. Inside it looked much more comfortable. There were four rooms in it; a big bathroom as well as two smaller rooms (on of it a kitchen) and one big room with a fireplace. Cyrene lit a fire she had prepared and soon the house was nice and warm. Cole explained about the sisters and why they were here but he did not tell Cyrene about what he did to them yet. Cyrene was also more interested in Bahija and why she did not turn back yet. "This is a long story but I will tell you later. First I want to know why you were not going with Bahija directly. She only mentioned some training but not what this training was about." Cole looked interested at Cyrene while Bahija lay down exhausted from the day and the siblings cuddled up with her. Cyrene smiled big and showed a lot of excitement. "I learned how to control my spirit." She explained excited. Cole looked a bit confused. Even with their game back in the old hideout he did not know much about Norn. "Your spirit?" he asked and Cyrene giggled. "Well like Bahija. I learned how to transform into my soul spirit." Cole began to understand and was a bit excited. "So you mean that you can also transform into a snow leopard?" Cyrene laughed and shook her head. "No, my spirit is a wolf. Do you want to see it?" Cole nodded but his member also made itself noticed. "Erm Cyrene, would you do me a favor and put off your clothes first? I really want to observe the wolf form of you thoroughly." Cyrene giggled again. She seemed so excited that she did not mind any detail when it was about showing off her new skill to Cole. She stripped off her clothes and Cole saw that she was more muscular than before. She must have trained not only the transforming. Then she crouched down on the floor and concentrated. Unlike Bahija it took her one minute until her body started to transform and Cole saw that Bahija also watched the transformation of her sister with a stern look. The twin sisters Yu and Sal were already sound asleep and did not notice anything that happened. Cole took a step forward when the transformation was completed. He did not have much to do with wolfs before. He had seen some dogs that accompanied humans or even charr but he never saw them from this close. Her fur was white like the fur of Bahija with a bit gray on top of her head and black socks at her paws. Her size was about the same as the snow leopard and her eyes were deep blue. The fur was long and her tail was fluffy and wagged slowly. He crouched down and caressed the head of Cyrene who seemed to like this touch. "You look gorgeous. May I observe you a bit longer?" the wolf nodded and he roamed over her back and then her chest and belly. Like for a charr there were lines of dugs on her belly and chest. Cyrene whimpered in pleasure when he caressed them and when he got to her nether region she presented it to him and seemed to enjoy him touching her wolf pussy. It looked different from a charr or snow leopard pussy. It bulged out a bit and there were actually three nether lips instead of two. They formed a triangle with a slit horizontally and one in the middle of the first going vertically down. He sniffed at it and the scent was very faint. It was clear that Cyrene was not in heat. He licked over the slit to test the taste but there was no love juice on it so it tasted very mild. He continued to lick her pussy which earned silent moans from the wolf. Cole was not sure if this was what Cyrene wanted. The way she presented herself to him looked like she wanted to try this since she was able to turn into a wolf. Sure enough she must have been pent up from the long time she did not have him to take care of her needs. He moved to her head and caressed it. "You really want me to mate with you now, am I right?" she nodded and looked at the ground. She still had a lot of her shyness in her. Cole thought for a moment. He did not know how easy wolfs were aroused but with her not being in heat he was less excited about it. He hadn't planned on doing this the moment he reached Lion's Arch but he did also not object to kick this up a notch for Cyrene and for himself.

"Okay Cyrene, as a reward for your transformation I will show you a good time." He stated and he could see her excitement. "I even have another big present for you." He went to his bag and fetched the last vial of fluid. He just hoped Jukki would bring more of it with her. "I need you to drink this. It will make it much more pleasurable." He commanded and opened the vial. He held Cyrenes head and poured the liquid into the wolf's maw. Cyrene did not seem to mind drinking this as her mind was so focused on getting her reward. Then the effect kicked in and her eyes, filled with lust, grew softer and filled with even more lust. Cole could directly smell her heat and was once again surprised by the fast effect of this liquid. He put away the vial and looked over to Bahija. The cubs were sleeping and Bahija followed Cyrene with her eyes and watched her sister going crazy with heat from the liquid. Cyrene was actively licking her pussy to satisfy the fire within her and then she looked at Cole and with a yowl turned around, putting her tail high and presenting to him. Cole was sure that her heat was unbearable and she needed release. With a chuckle he closed in and sniffed at her pussy. The scent was different from a cats scent but without a doubt it was heat. Coles mind swam in pheromones and he began to lick at the overflowing mount. The heat had taken all other thoughts out of Cyrene and like her sister a few weeks ago she just moaned and yowled while Cole licked her and probed inside her with his tongue. Her taste was driving Cole crazy with lust and his member was rock hard. He had to fight hard to keep his usual routine to wait until his female had her orgasm first. With a yowl and a strong contraction of her vaginal muscles followed by a shower of her love juice and pee Cole finally got her to climax. He evaded the stream of pee and licked her pussy clean with three short licks afterwards. When the pheromone heavy scent of her pee hit his nose he was unable to resist his urge anymore. He climbed atop of her, bit her neck and while he felt the rippled go through her body he pushed his member deep inside her to the hilt and felt his big penis glide directly into her womb. As a wolf she was not as tight as Bahija in her snow leopard form but with her walls clenching at his member Cole enjoyed it nonetheless. It felt different in the wolf than it did in the snow leopard but the melting heat was the same and Cole could not hold back anymore. He hammered Cyrene fast and hard making her moan and yowl in ecstasy. Her orgasm did not stop as her sensitive inside was stimulated by his dick all the time. His climax washed over him and he splashed her belly full of his seed while still hammering in and out. Cum splashed out of her pussy every time he pulled back but still enough flooded into her womb to make her belly bulge out a bit.

Cole was not sure if this was because she now was in the form of a wolf, if she improved her endurance or if he was just exhausted but Cyrene did not grow exhausted even after the third time he came inside her. This time he pushed deep inside and kept her bottled up while her belly filled with more of his semen. It bulged a bit more and he could hear the moaning and whimpering of Cyrene under him. He rested atop of her to catch his breath. Her body still was contracting around him and milking him for more of his seeds. The pressure of the seed inside her passage was still strong and nearly hurting his sensitive flesh. Cole licked over her cheeks and then looked up to Bahija. Her big sister still observed their love making and it seemed to Cole that she had a smirk around her muzzle. Cole wondered if this was because Bahija knew that if he managed to impregnate Cyrene her sister would not be able to transform back as well. For Cole this thought was bringing back energy into his body. He needed to thoroughly breed this wolf until it was full of cubs. He started to move and scratch his barbs along Cyrene's sensitive love tunnel. Her dying orgasm directly jumped up again and her contractions increased. Cole went with a slower pace now to not exhaust his body too much and pulled out to push in again. He moaned into her ears and she replied with moaning. Her tongue hung out of her mouth and saliva was dropping on the floor. Cole was sure that her eyes, that he was unable to see right now, were in a daze. After three more climaxes of Cole and a lot of more cum in the puddle under them and an increase of her belly he came to a stop and noticed that Cyrene also breathed heavily. He waited a few minutes before he pulled out and a waterfall of cum splashed on the ground. He moved around to her head and kissed her muzzle. Then he presented his nether region to her and waited for her to lick him clean. He knew that Cyrene was not happy with the taste but in this situation she seemed to not mind. Like in a trance she licked over his nether region until there was no cum or juice left on it. Her belly emptied enough to hold a tight seal on the rest in her womb now. He cleaned her up as well and then picked her up to lay her down next to her sister and the twins. She needed some rest and so did Cole. Cole's member was hard again because of the heat filled air but he also felt sleep knocking. He cuddled up with Cyrene and could not resist to push his hard member into her slick passage. With a moan he started to do small motions while being in to the hilt and licking over her ears. "Good night Cyrene. You did great." He whispered and with a gaze to Bahija he also bent forward and licked over her face. "I wish a good night to you too." He said and then he closed his eyes. His hip was pumping in and out at a slow pace with small movements and when he came to a stop and filled the belly of Cyrene with more of his potent seed he finally fell asleep with his dick still buried inside her heated passage.

Cole woke up the next morning with a heavy lick on his face and he opened his eyes. In front of him there was Cyrene and she woke him up with a wolf kiss. He seemed to have slipped out of her during the night and his flaccid member now pressed against her belly and made it slick and slimy. "Good morning Cyrene. Did you sleep well?" he asked but the wolf just turned around and pressed her dripping pussy into his head. She must have woken him up to have him quench the fire within her. Cole could see by her actions that she was not thinking straight but only about being mated. With the fresh scent of her heat weaving into his nose and the view on her cunt that was dripping love juice and semen his member returned to life in no time and he was rock hard in seconds. He pushed his face forward and plunged his tongue deep into her. She tasted wonderful and the scent drove his mind crazy. He noticed Bahija and the twins moving into another corner to give him more room but at this moment he forgot about them completely. There was the beautiful wolf in front of him that needed his full attention. Cyrene moaned and finally let out a long howl when she climaxed for the first time this day. Cole could not hold back and mounted her instantly earning a moan from her. She was very sensitive right now but Cole did not care about this. The heat around his dick drove him crazy but he controlled himself to move slowly to last longer. When the sun was high and threw it's light into the room Cole already had his fifth climax. He did not count the climax of Cyrene but she had plenty already. The slow pace worked good for Cole to not lose energy too fast but Cyrene already started to get weaker with every orgasm. Her belly was bulged big but every now and then Cole pulled out and let something out before plunging her again. Around noon, and Cole's sixth climax, the twins brought some food for them. Cyrene was barely awake enough to chew it but Cole hungrily ate the cold food and he felt the energy return to his body. Bahija moved behind him and started to lick his balls and the connection between him and Cyrene until her sister let out another howl and her legs became wobbly with her next orgasm. She had become a moaning bitch that was happily presenting and holding herself up for Cole even in her exhausted state. Cole pulled out his dick to let half of the content of her belly gush out and over Bahijas muzzle before he pushed his member back in. It was slippery and hot and he hilted with one quick movement. At the next climax of Cyrene the wolf passed out and Cole had to slowly guide her down on her side to make sure she did not hurt herself. He did not pull out though but continued to ride her still heated pussy. All the presenting from Bahija and even the twins did not help right now. He was focused on breeding this bitch until he could go no further. Bahija and the twins started to satisfy each other while they watch the hot show and when the light outside started to get dark Cole finally exhausted his last reserves and with a last orgasm he collapsed atop the sleeping Cyrene buried deep inside her and spurting a small load into the over filled womb. He felt Bahija biting in his neck to drag him to the side and his member slipped out of Cyrene. He could feel the small tongues of the twins licking over his member and fur to clean him but then he also drifted to sleep.

The next morning began with Cole tending to the needs of Bahija and the twins and took each of them once much to the disagreement of Cyrene. The wolf was yowling and jumping around presenting her slick pussy to him and trying to have him put out the fire within her. When he finally got to her he did not stop though and another day full of activities awaited them. The third day was no different and on the fourth day the heat was diminishing and Cyrene gained back her sense. Cole and Bahija watched her trying to transform back without a result and then Cole explained her why Bahija was not transforming. Cyrene looked surprised and a bit upset that Cole did tell her now of all times but when Cole apologized and asked her if she would not have wanted to have experienced this instead she soon stopped being angry and caressed her head against her alpha. Cole rested for a day without mating any of them because he member was sore and hurt from the repeated sessions with Cyrene. They cuddled up instead and Cole explained the order to Yu and Sal, who Bahija really was and why she and Cyrene could transform as well as that they were now gamma within the order and had to listen to him. He told them that with a bit of luck they, as small as they were, would bear cubs and he promised them that within his order they would always be welcome and safe. They started to live a normal life for the rest of the week and it was only now and then that Cole would take Bahija or Cyrene. He wanted to rest up good because if Jukki brought the liquid with her he knew that he would have a lot of fun to come.

Jukki arrived very early in the morning when they were all sleeping and they woke up with her happy good morning chant. She was surprised to find Yu and Sal here but Cole explained in short that they were orphans and outcast and the order would protect them. Jukki was very interested in them because he longed to examine their bodies but she seemed to be a bit hesitant because they were still so small and she did not know if they knew about the orders activities. She examined Cyrene very thoroughly because she was very interested about the anatomy of a wolf. Her thirst for science could not be satisfied. When she greeted Bahija she remarked that the snow leopard put on some weight but she seemed to not notice why. Bahija really had gained a bit and her belly was slightly bulged from her pregnancy. It was very faint and nearly impossible to notice but Cole was sure that soon her belly would be round and very noticeable like Silvers had been. While they were eating Cole asked the question he was most interested in. "Jukki, say did you bring more of the liquid you created?" Jukki smiled big and pointed at her bag. "I managed to make ten more vials before coming here. I hope this is enough. You still did not tell me what this liquid is supposed to do. Did you already test it?" Cole smirked and looked to Cyrene and Bahija who were eating from the ground as they were still in their animal forms. Jukki had been so excited about all the new science objects that she seemed to not have paid mind to the fact that the sisters did not transform. "Yes, I already did some tests and it seems promising." - "And? What is the effect of it? I thought about testing it but then again I decided to wait because you might know better what to be beware of with this." Cole smiled and put a hand on her shoulder. "Do you want to try it out and experience the effect for yourself?" His taunt did not miss. This was science and Jukki naturally was sure to not miss such an opportunity. Cole had her get a vial and instructed her to drink it. Her eagerness did not leave any room for hesitation. She downed it in one go and like with the others before the effect was nearly instant. She moaned loud and let herself fall on the floor while her pants directly showed a wet mark. Cole crouched down next to her and started to strip the moaning Asura girl. She moved her hand inside her panties after he slipped of her shirt and then he gripped her pants and panties at the same time and dragged them down. The scent of the fluid splashing out of her pussy was strong and Cole felt his member preparing to get hard. While he completely pulled the pants off he licked over her slit and she leaned forward on her hands and just moaned. The effect seemed to be very strong on her small body. Maybe half the dose like with the twins would have been better but now it was too late anyways. Cole helped her with her burning desire by licking over her slit and her ass as well as her back making sure to make her whole backside wet from his saliva. He licked along her ears that seemed to be one of her erogenous zones because she let out a loud moan when he licked along them. He whispered into her ear. "Yes, this is one of the effect. It directly starts a very strong heat." He chuckled and licked over her cheeks while his finger slipped inside her pussy. The effect of the drug was so strong inside her small body that she directly climaxed and he saw her eyes fainting into daze already. He pulled out his finger and picked her up. She faced away from him and he held her close to his chest roaming over her breasts with his fingers. His muzzle was next to her ears licking them now and then to bring another load moan out of her. Her pussy dripped a lot of hot fluid on his hard member coating with a slick layer. "The other effect is..." he continued and he spoke slowly so that she could understand him even in her lust filled state. "... that you are now able to receive my cubs." With this words he pushed her down hard on his dick. She screamed in a mix of lust and pain. She was tighter than Cole remembered but the slick fluid made him slip right into her womb without a problem. The tight cramping around his dick nearly hurt and so he just kept her impaled on two halfs of his dick without moving for the moment. He caressed her belly and felt his dick inside through the skin. She was just moaning unable to think straight. The clamping of her felt gorgeous and Cole soon started to pull her up and push her down. It took him a few more minutes until he was in to the hilt and loosened his grip to let the gravity push her strongly on his lions. Her second orgasm kicked in and he followed right after starting to inseminate her and have her belly bulge strong already. He had rested the last days with very little activity so he had much energy and sperm to give her. He roamed over her chest and licked her ears which held her in orgasm to milk him until he erupted a second time and made her belly bulge so strong that she was nearly twice her width. Jukki still did not have much endurance and Cole felt her going limb and losing her consciousness. Cole left her impaled on his dick. This time he would have her wake up with him still inside her. She should feel her big belly this time and notice how big it is. He put his arms around her and reached out with his paws for her little feet. He massaged them and then caressed over her legs to her hips and over her belly until he fondled her breasts again. Yu and Sal watched her belly with big eyes. He waved to them to put their paws on her belly softly and feel how bloated Jukki was. He was sure they could feel the weak spurt of his member from his dying second orgasm. "You were nearly as bloated as Jukki Yu." He joked and smiled at the small charr girl. Yu looked to the ground embarrassed. Sal discovered the breast of Jukki and was excited because she had never seen something like that before. Cole encouraged the twins to like them and help Jukki to feel good. He heard the Asura girl moan in her sleep when they licked over her chest, the boobs and her erect nipples.

Cole had started to move a little up and down and he felt Jukki slowly gaining consciousness again. She was round like a balloon and Cole made sure not to move too much so that he would not weaken the seal he made inside her. He wanted her to see her own belly this time. The twins still licked her chest and Cole could feel her body heat up again. Cole got to another orgasm and spurted inside her again which woke her up again. She groaned loud and opened her eyes looking in disbelieve on her big belly that grew bigger with each spurt he added to her inner chamber. Her mind seemed to have cleared up by the pain and she let out a surprised cry. "What is this... ouch.... What did you do to me?" she demanded and tried to move but her heavy body prevented her from lifting herself. "I just wanted to show you this time how big your belly is when I fill you." Cole whispered and licked her ears. A moan mixed into her groans. "Isn't that enough already... ouch... I feel like I am bursting any minute." Cole put his yaw throat on her shoulders pressing her down and licked first over her boobs pushing away the tongues of Yu and Sal and then over her belly. "I think you can still fit a bit more my dear." He answered and licked over her bloated belly again. "Be strong Jukki. I promise that this will be the only time I put you through this. It is science after all." She growled and pushed his head away. He held her arms softly and returned his head next to her ears to lick them until she moaned again. The pressure on his dick started to hurt but he held on and spurted his last spunk into her. Then he lifted up and held her impaled on him while standing in the middle of the room. He got a mean streak and called Cyrene over. The wolf came by very hesitant. "Be sure to catch as much as you can." He told her and with one paw he pulled her head up and with the other Jukki from his member. With two fingers he split the maw of Cyrene open to receive the strong burst of cum that was splashing down. Cole could feel Jukki clamping hard when his member was just in with the head. The sudden gush of semen out of her brought her to a new orgasm and Cole kept just inside her feeling cum float around the tip of his member, over his sack and then onto the head and into the slightly opened mouth of Cyrene. He really had a mean streak knowing that Cyrene did not like the taste at all but at this moment this gave him an extra kick. He pulled Jukki off his dick and placed her between the yaws of Cyrene holing Jukki's body and Cyrenes head in place to make sure she got the full load. He heard Cyrene gulping hastily to clear her mouth but to no avail. Jukki still was half as bloated as before and it took nearly a minute until her belly deflated enough for the fluid only to drip down. The wolf looked at Cole with a very upset look while he let her go and she licked her lips and muzzle clean. "Sorry Cyrene!" he excused himself. "I just thought this was the perfect opportunity to have you get used to the taste." He joked. She was not amused. Her belly was a bit bigger than before from all the seed she had to drink and she trotted into a corner and lay down to clean her head and legs that were full of cum. Cole cleaned Jukki while he had Yu and Sal clean his nether region and legs from the excess of the cum. Bahija also looked a bit discontent with his actions and moved to her sister to help her clean up and comfort her.

The heat of Jukki kept going for four more days but Jukki seemed to be clearer in her mind after the first experience than the others had been. She still presented herself eagerly and Cole was sure she was burning from the heat all the time but she also took her time to talk to Cole about the liquid or discover different ways to masturbate and satisfy herself without him. For her this was a great opportunity for science and her structured mind might have been the best resistance to the mindless craziness of the heat. When Cole told her again that she might bear his cubs and that he got Bahija and Cyrene pregnant, the reason they could not transform back, she was excited. She had been the first to voice the wish to have cubs with Cole back in their old hideout last Christmas. She was far less demanding than the others before her but when she was hot and demanded his attention she also was much more commanding. At the times when she sought his penis out for satisfying her heat she did not take a no or even hesitation. She climbed atop of him and pushed his member inside her before Cole could even react. One day Cole woke up from the feeling of her riding his dick because she could not wait for him to wake up first. She took him oral and anal on her own choice and in a way he was most satisfied in this four days because his member was not sore or burning but all the time in the best condition to do a hard pounding. Jukki had negotiated between Cole and Cyrene and after a day of sulking the wolf and her sister accepted his apology and they were as close as before. Cole promised to not force Cyrene to this again and in return Cyrene gave him an oral without being asked and gulped down his full load. She still did not seem to like it very much but at least she seemed to feel more comfortable with the taste now. In the times between demanding to be fucked by Cole Jukki spend a lot of time with the others. She did a thoroughly check on the naked twins and licked their pussies until they giggled and moaned. She got Cyrene to lick her clean or pleasure her after the sessions with Cole and in return licked the wolf and brought her to climax. She tamed Cole a bit so that he would not fuck her to unconsciousness again and this way she managed to get him to take the others once a day as well to have them join the fun and her rest in this time. Her sweat heat smell reeked in the house all the time and her pussy was dripping nonstop but she had her urges very much under control and much more than Cole who was driven by her smell and wanted to take her more times that she let him. After the fourth day and with her heat diminishing she agreed with Cole that this liquid was a full success but she also said that they might have to find the right dose to make the effect more manageable. One day after Jukki lost her heat Elena and the human twins arrived at the house. Jukki had explained them where to find it and it seemed that they had to search for it for a full day and therefore were late.

Elena only greeted them shortly and left the twins with them. She had to take care of some business her father had for her and bring a massage to someone in Lion's Arch. After that she would come back and had time to spend with them. She had been ordered to care for the twins and take them to a journey and show them a bit of the outside world after sending the message and so they had time for a few months until their father would search for them. Jukki explained that she also had time because she was to go and experience the world as well. It was common for Asura kids of a certain age to go out into the world and discover new things and so no one would be suspicious of her not sending messages or appearing for some time. Elena left them very fast after greeting all of them so she had not much time to talk. The twins looked excited. Arem greeted Cole like a brother he had not seen for long and looked pretty excited.

Cole and Jukki had discussed how to dose the liquid and they wanted to test a lower dose with the Ariana. Cole had told her that he took half of the dose for the charr twins and like Ariana they were probably too young to get pregnant. Ariana was the same size as them and so Jukki took half of the liquid and split it in three for all of them to test the result. Cole had told her that he would like to take Ariana while he would let Arem take the twins and have some fun with them. At the evening they had the small ones strip and Cole explained to them how the pairings would be. Arem was directly full excited and looked at the naked charr girls with lust. Cole ensured them that he would watch them and they would not be harmed. They were a bit shy about doing this with Arem but agreed to it after Cole talked to them and said that Arem was a very lovely boy. Ariana also was a bit hesitant but after a long talk with Jukki she agreed to take the liquid. The three girls took the liquid and the dose really seemed to be more reasonable. It took ten minutes for them to feel the effect but the smell in the room exploded in an instant with all three girls going into heat. It was not quite as strong as before but Yu and Sal moaned and touched themselves. Their pussies were puffed and red and dripped from their juice. Cole explained Arem that he should go slow because it would be very hot and a new experience for him and Ariana was to lick Sal while Cole was preparing her and help her through the start of her heat. For Ariana it was the first time so she was confused by the hot feeling but Yu and Sal were used to a much stronger heat and therefore enjoyed the tingling fire inside them and showed off to Arem.

Yu crouched on all fours and Arem first licked her. He liked the taste but his member had something different in mind and so he jumped her right after the first few licks and pushed his hard member into her. A loud grunt came from Arem as his dick melted inside Yu and he did not think about the hints of Cole before. He started to slam into Yu making her moan in pleasure and soon reached his Climax. "Stay inside her until you are ready again." Cole commanded. "Do not pull out before you make her climax as well Arem. This is your task here." The boy seemed not to have any thoughts about pulling out at all. He rode out his orgasm and directly pumped in again. Cole in the meantime moved over to Ariana who was starting to lick Sal instructed by Jukki. "Don't worry. I will make you feel even better than you did last time." Cole promised and started to lick her. Ariana let out a high pitched squeak from the sudden pleasure that hit her and pressed her pussy against his muzzle. "You seem to like that." Jukki joked and watched the girl giving in to her first heat and letting her body command her actions. She soon came down with a strong orgasm at the same time that Arem erupted inside Yu for the third time. The charr girl seemed to enjoy the ride even though she had to reach her climax yet. Sal looked at her with a bit of jealousy in her eyes. Cole pushed the panting Ariana against the pussy of Sal and whispred into her ear "Do not forget to help Sal feel good as well.". He bent Sal's legs so that her knees were pointing into the air and were to both sides of Arianas head and the human girl started to lick her folds. Her shins pressed against the shoulders of Ariana. Cole smiled and stepped over Ariana and pointed with his big dick at her entrance. He crouched down over her, pressing her upper body closer to the pussy of Sal, and started to lick over the digs of Sal who moaned in the double attention. Then he held Sal in place so she would block Ariana's movement forward with her legs and pressed inside Ariana. A surprised gasp and a muffled moan was all he could hear from Ariana. He had pushed her mouth right on the pussy of Sal and her tongue seemed to have slipped in by the strong reaction Sal was showing. Cole pressed his lips on the lips of Sal and pulled her into a loving kiss while his hips started to press forward in the hot and slick but very tight tunnel of Ariana. Cole pulled back and pushed in again and established a slow pace. Little by little he poked at the cervix and pierced through it and after five minutes he finally was inside her womb and felt her beginning to spasm around him. It took him a few more strokes until he rested in her quivering womb and started to fill her with his seeds. Her tightness was amazing. She was nearly as tight as Yu and Sal. While Cole rode out his orgasm he heard a strong moan from Yu and broke the kiss with Sal to look to the other couple. Cole must have managed to make the charr girl come finally and Cole saw that he must have cum a lot because the belly of the girl was clearly bulging a bit. "Arem carefully pull out and Yu hold it in if you can." Cole commanded and they managed to part with only a bit of cum spill outside. The pressure seemed to be not too uncomfortable as Yu was smiling and moaning and rolled to her back to rest. Cole carefully moved back and put his hand under the shoulders of Ariana to pull her with him. "You got one more girl to please Arem!" he mentioned and he saw the lustful glowing in the eyes of Sal. Arem was eager to fulfill this request and directly moved to Sal. He did not wait for the charr girl to get into mating position but directly lay atop of her and pierced her pussy with a strong push and made her moan in pleasure. Cole pulled out of Ariana and her bulged belly deflated a bit as her filling flooded out of her. Cole picked her up and carried the still dripping girl to the other charr girl who was resting with eyes closed on the ground. Cole placed the legs of Yu the same way he did with Sal before and Ariana between them facing her pussy. "Ready to get some serving of your brothers taste?" Cole asked and Ariana seemed to not object. He softly pressed her on the folds of Yu and the charr girl shot her eyes open and moaned. Cole quickly pushed inside Ariana again and moved over her just like before. He silenced the moan of Yu with his kiss and while he heard a mix between muffled moaning, slurping and gulping from Ariana he started to pound the human girl again. Her passage was even slicker than before and Cole slipped in to the cervix and out without problem despite her tightness. He came much faster this time but he just pounded right through it and her hot love tunnel helped him to stay erect and bottle her up. A bit of semen squeezed out when he pulled back but most of it stayed inside. Cole broke the kiss with Yu who directly moaned loud and looked at the belly of the girls. Yu's belly was nearly completely deflated while Arianas belly was showing a big bulge now. He saw the eyes of Ariana showing the first signs of love daze and her tongue plunged deep into the folds in front of her to dig for more of the semen. At this moment Yu splashed a lot of fresh juices over her face while her pussy gripped the tongue and entered another climax. Sal also reached her climax and maoned together with Ariana and Cole. The human girl just started to squeeze and Cole pushed in a last time and held himself deep inside her to ride her orgasm. "Should we switch again?" Cole asked Arem and the boy, breathing heavy but smiling, nodded. "Okay, make sure that you pull out carefully like before and bring her over slowly." He commanded. Like before he made Sal seal her big belly to have another serving for Arem's sister. Cole helped Yu to stand up and for Sal to lie down carefully without spilling too much of her seed. Ariana seemed not to care about any of this. As soon as the shins of Sal hit her shoulders she put her head down by herself and started to press her tongue inside so hard that the semen splashed all over her face. "Someone took a liking on your spunk." Cole whispered to Arem but the boy did not listen. He already had Yu rolled on her back and took her like he took Sal before. Both of the kids were moaning strongly until Arem took an advance and pulled Sal into a kiss which muffled their moans a bit. Cole smiled and began to move his hip again. "Make sure to serve her well." He whispered to Sal before he licked over her face and joined her in a kiss like he did before with Yu.

Cole pushed in and out of the twitching tunnel of Ariana. Her heated passage guided his member in and out and the pressure when piercing the cervix was strong. He heard Arem cry out in his orgasm as he started off by filling Yu with his spunk again but Cole would take it long and hold it in until he could not hold it anymore. His member was on fire and the tunnel was like magma floating around it. Cole enjoyed the feeling of Ariana's heat on his dick. He would make this one last. From the corner of his eye he noticed Arem to start moving again. Bahija and Cyrene seemed to have started a game of their own judging by the mewling of the snow leopard and the yowling of the wolf. Cole could hear Jukki talking to Arem and Yu even though he did not hear what she said. Cole felt his rod gliding in and out and getting closer to the climax. The spasms of Ariana's body around it increased and a loud moan from Ariana indicated that her climax just started. Cole pushed in and out a few times more and felt the contraction of the tunnel until he pushed in one last time and held his member deep in the quivering passage. It milked him again and spurt after spurt made Ariana's belly bulge even more. When Cole felt the increase of the pressure he moaned and pulled a bit back to let it pass his dick. When he broke the kiss with Sal and looked to Jukki who was watching the belly of Ariana. He knew what she wanted to tell him and pulled even more out until his hard member slipped out of her and spurt after spurt painted her back with semen. After a few seconds he pushed his member back in and filled the space that the flushing out spunk left within her again. When his spurts stopped her belly was clearly bulged but not overly stretched and she did not groan in pain but moan in pleasure. The noises next to him signaled that Arem and Yu also came to a conclusion. He carefully pulled back and took Ariana with him until he was crouching on his knees and she still sat on his dick keeping the seal on her cervix strong. "Just a little moment and you will feel a big relieve." He whispered to Ariana but the little girl did not listen. She was moaning and her mind seemed to have gone blank. "Arem, do you want a serving from your twin sister?" Cole asked when Arem pulled out and the boy understood what he wanted. Obedient as he was he kneed in front of Cole who stood up and pulled Ariana from his dick. The spunk flooded out of her. "Open your mouth." Cole asked him and when Arem complied the charr placed the pussy of Ariana over it so that Arem could savior the taste of Ariana and Cole combined. It was too much for him to drink and so most of it spilled out of his mouth and ran along his chin, chest and into his crotch. Cole watched Yu bubbling cum out of her pussy as she just moaned and closed her eyes waiting for her belly to deflate. Sal did not leek cum anymore thanks to Ariana. Her belly was only slightly bulged and she also closed her eyes and both sisters seemed to be satisfied and tired. "I think the girls need a rest." Cole stated to Jukki who was looking up to him. "Do you mind taking care of them with Bahija and Cyrene?" Jukki nodded and went to the two feral animals who stopped licking each other and accompanied her to the charr girls. The cleaned the girls up and brought them to the sleeping pelts on the ground. Ariana in between also emptied herself except of a small amount that only was slightly bulging her belly. Cole and Arem cleaned her up and after Cole had Arem clean him as well he brought the girl over as well and placed it next to the twins. "Good night little ones!" Cole whispered and kissed the head of each of the girls. Then he moved to the table and had Jukki clean the rest of his fur and Arem and together they started to take care of the mess they made on the ground. Half an hour later all of them lay cuddled up on the pelts without any clothes and drifted into sleep. Jukki cuddled up against Cole's stomach and he could feel her slightly wet pussy strafe his sheath. His dick however had enough activity for now and kept in its cover. Arem cuddled up with the already sleeping charr girls while Cyrene and Bahija lied down next to the two pairs of twins and held them warm with their pelt.

Despite the smaller dose all three girls were in heat for the next three days and taunted the boys with their dripping pussies. Arem only was aroused by the view but Cole was soon totally captured by the smell of the three girls. Ariana's sent was sweater and softer than the smell of the charr girls but combined all three were much stronger than even Bahija had been. Jukki made sure to keep Cole and Arem in check and prevent the girls from being overpowered and that they went over their limit. Cole was thankful for that in a sense because he noticed with the others before Jukki joined them that he lost control pretty easy in their heat scent. Jukki managed to call sense into him even when he was clouded by the heavy pheromone filled air and more than once Cole thought that Jukki was a fine alpha female. The days passed by and when the girls scent diminished and their need vanished, Elena returned from the task of her father and joined them.

Cole greeted Elena with a smile and her siblings hugged her as a greeting. All except of Elena were naked as they did not bother to put on clothes even now that the heat of the girls was gone. "You missed some exciting experiments but we left something for you." Cole explained her. Elena was quite interested in the kind of experiments but Cole and Jukki did not go into detail. "Why are Bahija and Cyrene still in their animal form?" the human girl asked when she entered the living room. She was quite sharp to notice that those two did not transform back yet. "This is part of the experiment." Cole evaded the question. "You will soon understand." Elena seemed to wonder about this answer but did not dig deeper into the matter. "So what kind of experiment is it?" she asked but Cole pointed at her cloth. "First you need to put off your gear." He requested and Elena started to strip with a sigh. She was used to this behavior of Cole from the last time they met and she was sure that she knew what was coming. She did not realize how close but also how far away she was with this suggestion.

"We left half a vial for you." Cole stated and picked up the vial that still had half its content. "No worries we tested it already so there is no danger. You just need to drink." He explained after Elena had given him a skeptical gaze. The girl took the vial hesitant and drank the content. The taste was strong but okay and she placed the vial on the table before the effect suddenly kicked in. Cole felt his cock creeping out of its sheath when the strong odor of Elena hit his nose. The effect had taken a minute to make itself noticeable but now the pussy of Elena dripped and she already had her hand on it and played with her wet lips. "What was this liquid?" he shouted and dropped down to her knees and started to moan. "Just a heat driving liquid that allows us to breed and have cubs." Cole answered as if there was nothing special to this. He did not wait for Elena to catch up on this news. He dropped down to his knees behind her, pushed her upper body a bit forward until he could see her slightly quivering wet folds and pointed his dick directly at her entrance. "I am sorry that I am not preparing you for this but I think you are wet enough and I just decided that I will make you cum with my toy." He explained and pushed forward into her pussy. He moaned in unison with Elena who directly gripped with her tunnel around his dick. Cole did not stop at that and pushed further. Her tunnel was tight but not as tight as the girls the last days. He pressed so hard that he directly went through her slick passage, past her cervix into her womb. Arem was watching him go at his sister and Cole could see that he was showing a pretty big hard-on himself. Cole turned Elena a bit and twisted his dick inside her while making her spin around it until she faced him. He spread her legs so that they were placed around his tights and licked over her boobs. Elena only was able to moan because her heat made her so sensible that she felt every scratch of his barbs and jolts of pleasure shot through her body. "Do you want to join the fun?" he asked Arem and spread the butt cheeks of Elena to show Arem which hole he had reserved for him. The boy did not need a second offer like that and quickle moved behind his sister and sat on the knees of Cole. Cole collected a bit of her slimy love juice with his finger and smeared it around her after. "I can not allow you to take her pussy right now but you may take your sisters back door. I am sure she has nothing against it." Cole chuckled as Arem did not hesitate any minute to pierce his sister from behind. Elena let out a high moan when she was pierced and Cole began to do small movements while Arem pumped in a high pace. He could feel Arem's member against his rod inside and it was quite stimulating. Arem grabbed around the chest of Elena and caressed her bobs while Coole dragged the heat crazed Elena into a kiss. The other girls around seemed to feel aroused by this show as well and soon Cole could see them in the corner of his eye licking each other and moaning softly. Cole did not mind that and completely ignored it. He felt Arem pushing inside deeply and then erupting. Cole continued to push in and out. He tried to get Elena to come before he was about to explode. The girl moaned into his muzzle and Cole felt her moving her hips against their thrusts. When Arem came for the fourth time Cole could feel the belly of Elena move a bit. Cum must have found its way through her digestive system and now filling her stomach. Elena moaned and Cole could feel ripples traveling through her body. Her climax was about to start soon. He increased his pace and already felt the spasm start. With a last afford he pushed in and out feeling his own pressure rise until she suddenly clamped down and sent him over the edge. He pushed inside her hard and started to gush his seed in her receptive womb. He broke the kiss and Elena moaned and chirped while Cole emptied himself into her as well as Arem. While the charr enjoyed the afterglow and the growing belly of Elena, Arem already moved again. Left from his leach he was eager to pump his sister full of what he was worth. Elena was sweating and Cole started to lick her face and chest and taste the salty sweat on his tongue. His last spurt entered her womb and Elena's belly was filled good with his spunk. Her belly was round and pressed against the belly of Cole. He could still feel her clamp and Arem move and pressing against his dick from the other side of her tunnel. "I hope you are enjoying this as much as I do." Cole whispered into her ear but her eyes were dull already and she just continued to moan. Cole knew that at this moment she was just a breeding vessel and this was what he would use her for. He started small movements together, much slower than the frenzy ride of Arem, and felt the wet filling around his dick which aroused him even more. Arem came again and Cole could feel the small spurt adding to the girth of Elena's belly slowly. Elena was twitching and seemed to have been lost in a slow circling orgasm. Every one of his females had a tightness and quality that Cole valued very much. He looked around the room while he purred in bliss. The other girls were watching them double teaming the human girl. Jukki looked interested. Everything was science for her after all. The charr twins Yu and Sal licked each other maybe still feeling a bit of a tingle from their recent artificially started heat. Cyrene and Bahija lied next to each other watching the ritual taking place in front of them. With this Cole would mark the fourth girl with his litters and he was sure in one year or so, when Yu and Sal and Ariana would be old enough, he would increase his breeding stock. At this very moment, feeling the satisfaction with the knowledge of his work and how they were truly bred he could understand Trellock for the first time. It was probably not really all about the future and getting cubs to strengthen the front lines. Cole was sure that Trellock just enjoyed knocking up the females of his order. There sure was a lot of pleasure in the activities of the order but at this moment Cole realized that the knowledge of knocking Elena up was far more satisfying in the back of his mind than just filling her with his spunk. Unlike Trellock Cole did not think about how to use the cubs later and where to bring them. He just thought about filling the bellies of all his girls with cubs and making them his breeding vessels. On an instinctual level this brought a satisfaction and pleasure that Cole did never feel when he was just mating with Nana or Amra. This realization and fulfilling feeling made this moment and this pack he created to the most important thing in the world.

When Cole erupted the next time Elena collapsed from her exhausting orgasms and Cole could feel her being filled to her limit. He gave a hand sign to Arem to pull out and the boy, who just had his latest climax as well, looked not satisfied when he followed this command. Cole still enjoyed the feeling of his spurts inside the overly filled belly that pressed against his stomach while he had Cole clean Elena's butt and his sacks. When Cole had mercy with Elena and pulled her off Arem still was between Cole's legs and while Cole rose to his feet he showered Arem with the fluids that ran out of Elena very similar like he did not Ariana. He just did not force Arem to drink it this time but Arem seemed to catch a bit with his mouth on his own and savor the taste. The belly of Elena only deflated half and Cole was sure that this was not just because of the rest that was sealed inside her womb but also because Arem must have put quite some fluids into her stomach and this would take much longer to escape. She did not look too uncomfortable but started to breath steadily and sleep peacefully so Cole handed her to Jukki and the others for cleanup.

"Just one more female to fill." He chuckled and Arem faced him. The boy understood directly. Cole and Arem had come to a conclusion at Christmas and as much as Arem was a friend he was clearly under Cole and would do anything he commanded. In return Cole would make sure to give him some freedom as well as he did with Yu and Sal or with Elena. Cole sat down on a chair and had Arem sit on his laps. Then he slowly pulled the boy up and with care pushed his still hard and slimy dick inside his rear by pushing Arem down and impaling him on the big rod. Arem let out a moan and groan and Cole started to do small slow movements while with every push his member impaled a bit deeper into Arem. "Ariana, come here for a moment please." Cole beckoned the human girl while he continued to push into the moaning boy. "Let's see which belly will be filled first." He joked and picked her up. He sat her with the face towards them on the lap of Arem and helped the boy to guide his member into her rear exit before dropping her on her brothers dick and pushing it in to the hilt. Ariana joined their moaning and her twin brother started to lick her flat boobs while the movements of Cole did not only move the big charr dick inside the boy but also the human penis inside his sister and pleasured all three of them. Cole could smell the arousal of Ariana and a gaze down between the twins revealed to him that her pussy was juicing up and making the belly of Arem wet and slippery. He licked over her face and pulled her into a kiss while he continued with his movement inside Arem. The human boy was the first to cum but the quantity was not that much. Cole could feel him twitch around his member and increased the pace. Ariana also soon moaned and Cole could only imagine that she achieved her orgasm as he could not directly feel her contracting. Her hot juice dripped down the sacks of Arem and on Coles nether region which triggered his orgasm inside Arem. He broke the kiss and looked between the twins and saw that Ariana's belly was only slightly bulged and increased a bit over time. It took half a minute until the belly of Arem also increased its volume. It soon pressed against the belly of Ariana and beat her in size. With a smile Cole started to move again even though he still was spurting his last load. He would be sure to fill Arem to the limit first and show him who the alpha was. Now that Cole had broken the kiss the twins had found each other's lips and locked up in a deep kiss. Cole let them be and enjoyed the stretching and slippery canal of Arem. The little boy just slipped to the hilt on his dick and Cole loved the sticky wet mix of fluids that rubbed between the buttrocks of Arem and his fur. The next time Cole erupted inside Arem still did not seal the fate of the boy. The belly of him grew big and also the belly of Ariana increased but there were no signs that he reached his limit. And so Cole had to settle in for a third session with the boy and it did not take him long to reach his third climax with them. The moaning of the twins, the wet slippery fluid between him and Arem and the twitching feeling of Arem's walls around him had Cole spurt his load much faster than the two times before and the first spurt already seemed to push the limits. The boy coughed and he wanted to lean forward but there was Ariana still impaled on his dick. "Look like I win." Cole stated. "Do you want to have a taste of me through him?" he asked Ariana and pulled her head towards Arem's head. Ariana just came down from an orgasm and so she did not fight against it. She just locked lips with Arem who, also lost in the pleasure and the pain of being stretched to his limits, did not fight it either. Cole could hear him throw up his cum into the mouth of Ariana and with her head swimming in lust the girl just swallowed it. "Feed her my cum." Cole whispered to Arem but he did not get any reaction from the boy. He just continued to throw up a mouth full of cum every time the heavy spurts of Cole reached his stomach. Cole pulled out of him but the boy still coughed up cum into his sister's mouth and then Cole slipped the dick of the boy out of her rear and pierced it with his own spurting member. He filled the rest into Arianas bowl and when he pulled out and checked their bellies she would only lose by approximate 10% to her brother. The siblings were still locked in the cum-filled kiss and moaned while Arem coughed up the last cum to feed it Ariana. "That was fun in its own sense." Cole stated and picked the siblings up. Their legs seem wobbly and so he sat them down on the ground and kneeled in front of them pushing his dick between their locked lips. "Mind to do the clean up?" he asked and the twins started to lick over his member and sack and clean it from cum. With everything Arem coughed up his belly was nearly the size of his sister's now and both of them looked exhausted and drifting off to sleep. After cleaning them both he put them next to Elena and let them rest. Their bellies looked like they were pregnant and Cole knew that it would stay this way until they went to the toilet.

The next days were a fun ride for Cole who made sure to breed Elena thoroughly. The twins were deflated again and joined the others in sex games while Cole tended to Elena. Cole made sure to have her belly bulged all the time and when her heat finally passed a few days later he had no doubt that she would carry his cubs now.

Even without the heat Cole and Arem did have some fun with the girls now and then. They mostly did it in the evening now and for the day they played outside, went to Lion's Arch to get supplies or a group of them went on a short journey while the girls still were able to move without any trouble. One week passed by and became two and soon three. The girls all picked up a bit of weight and especially Bahija now showed clear signs of pregnancy. One day Jukki pulled Cole to the side to talk about some serious topic.

"I just checked on Ariana, Yu and Sal because they said that they were not feeling well." She looked up to Cole who was not sure what the Asura girl wanted to tell him. "Well, I confirmed it." She opened to him. "They are all three pregnant." Cole was a bit surprised. He had been sure that they were still too young for that and that the heat of them only had been a temporary pseudo heat. "You mean it really worked on them too? So Arem got the girls and I got Ariana?" he asked but Jukki shook her head. "I am not sure. You told me that you did it with Yu and Sal before him right? I am not sure if you impregnated them at this time or Arem did it." Cole was sure that there was no question about it. "Well they went into heat again for Arem so they could not have been pregnant already, or not?" Jukki pondered. "You got a point there. But it seems like we got to wait for them to have their childs to know." Cole and Jukki exchanged gazes and it was clear what both thought about. The scent of Jukki increased and Cole got hard very quickly. Without any further word Jukki climbed atop of the sitting Cole and while she pressed her back against his chest she guided his member inside her snatch and let herself being impaled on his massive flesh. Cole caressed the belly of Jukki and with a smile he began to purr while Jukki slowly moved up and down and aroused both of them. Her Belly already was pretty big and except for Bahija she looked much more bloated and pregnant than the other girls. While Cole splashed his seed inside her a good ten minutes later and pulled out between each splash to not put too much pressure on the kid resting inside of Jukkis womb he let out a loud moan and when the climax of both was over he wrapped his arms around Jukki, licked her ear and whispered. "Our second experiment was a big success my love!" His member went flaccid and was sandwiched between his belly and her back while he kept licking her ears. His eyes went through the room watching all the other girls playing together. Arem was seeking release by mating his twin sister. Like Cole had instructed he only used her rear hole. He remembered how eager he had been in the Order of the Future and Arem now reminded him of his younger self. It had not been long, maybe a bit over year, but so much happened. Being here with all this girls and his own order he felt much older now and here Cole was in control.

Here, Cole was the Alpha!

The Order of Future: Special 3 – The Fahrar

## Special 3 - The Fahrar Amra caressed the head of the young panther that lay next to her. She was just one day away from her new Fahrar and spent the last night in a cave with her new companion before she would return. Amra had intended to find...

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The Order of Future: SPECIAL 1 - Christmas at Lion’s Arch

## Special 1 - Christmas at Lion's Arch A special time had come into the land and while the females were gathering in the secret hideout for the few free days they got from work Cole was packing for travel. Trellock had told him that he would...

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The Order of Future: Chapter 16 – The next Generation #1

## Chapter 16 - The next Generation #1 Amra moaned loud while her eyes were fixed on Eru. On top of her was Cole who, with the training of Trellock and the girls, had become a good lover over the last weeks. Amra got to like this clumsy boy and they...

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