The Order of Future: Chapter 16 – The next Generation #1

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#16 of The Order of Future

I am sorry for the long wait but because of some health problems and an overload on work (on my actual job) it took me a bit longer. All is fine now (except still a lot of work on my job) so no worries.

This chapter (and the next) will be a bit different from the other chapters because it will be all about the next generation (so the litters). I will finally reveal my idea of the hybrid between charr and feral and this will ring the bell for the finals of this series. As far as I think there will be around 20 chapters in the end but as you know side stories will pop up afterwards (the poll is still open to vote:

Disclaimer: This story is based on the game Guild Wars 2 and the story at the beginning of the race Charr, an antromorph sabretoth cat race with horns. While you might notice some setups and characters being close to NPCs they were influenced by the personal story in the game but crafted new with names and characteristics. The race Charr is owned by NCSoft. The story is copyright by me (Imya). Feel free to do art about characters or scenes in the story but please link to the story or name the story and me.

This story includes catmorphs and sexual content. If you do not like these kinds of content or if you are under the legal age in your country (normally 18) please stop reading here. For the rest: Enjoy and please give me comments.

Chapter 16 - The next Generation #1

Amra moaned loud while her eyes were fixed on Eru. On top of her was Cole who, with the training of Trellock and the girls, had become a good lover over the last weeks. Amra got to like this clumsy boy and they spend a lot of intimate time together. She knew that he was in love with Nana who seemed to be more attached to Trellock now. Every time Trellock took her, just like at this moment next to them, Amra offered herself to Cole to get his mind of the jealousy and help him with the hard member he always got by watching Nana and Trellock in their act. Amra could hear the deep moan of Lari next to her and knew that her mentor was just being pounded by Shadow.

But despite all the moaning and pleasure all three females had their eyes locked on Eru. The alpha female was surrounded by the other females and was about to give birth. Amra still did not know who knocked her up but judging by the big bulge she shared with Mia her suspicion was that Shadow had been the one to claim her. There was no certainty though because through her whole heat and beyond she had been taken nonstop by all three males. She still could not remember much of the week she had been in heat presenting for the males again and again. Her mind had gone blank after the test already and the few moments when she was clear while the other females clean her up or she was sleeping had only been a burning desire in her snatch. These times however had been very rare. She mostly only remembered an ongoing pleasure and pounding. Even after she had been shore in her love tunnel, her tail hole and her throat she still had been taken without pause and she remembered that the pain of her sore inside added to the pleasure and made her squirm underneath her lovers. The first clear memory had been the day when her heat had stopped. She remembered that she felt bloated and her belly had been bulged out very strongly. Even though the males let her veil empty a bit after each act the amount inside her has been a lot and with Trellock plugging her entrance when she woke up the cum was unable to get out. She remembered that without the heat the sore inside had started to burn painfully and the acts of all three on this day had been more painful than pleasurable. But still they had made her moan and whimper. When Trellock noticed that her heat was over he left her to Cole and tended to the needs of his other females. Amra did not know if they had a share in the week of her heat or not. Amra even did not know that it had been a week before Lari told her. For Amra it had been like an eternity and at the same time not more than a few hours because her mind was unable to remember anything except the burning pleasure and desire her body had signaled her.

In the weeks after that she had been used to train Cole in the right mating. Trellock showed him the right spots to please a female and how to claim her right. Sometimes he would take Amra before to show Cole how it was done or he would take another female for the show and Cole was to imitate it with Amra. The first times Amra remembered it had been not very pleasurable because Cole was inexperienced and hit the wrong spots more than the right. But after a week of training Cole had turned into an experienced and thoughtful lover. He knew all the good spots now no matter if it was in her pussy or her tail hole. He experimented with Amra and even found the right spots to lick and touch when she was giving him a blowjob. But not only Cole had been trained but all the females as well. Amra had learned to take the three of them together into all her holes and by now it did not make her feel uncomfortable anymore. Nana, with being nearly a year younger, only got trained to give a muzzlejob while one of the males was drilling her pussy or tail hole. All of the other females, except Silver and Eru, had received the same training even though Trellock praised Amra the most for being so good in pleasing the three of them. There was just one time when Amra thought about why she was okay with all this. This was like the nightmare she ever had dreamed of while she had been with the flame legion. To be used as a breeding vessel - and she was just that in the order as Trellock explained her - for all the males around here. But she came to the conclusion that this was nowhere like the flame legion. She could go into fights here when she learned all from Lari. She might have been forced into this at first but it had been her request to join the order without knowing what it was. And in addition she had lovely males around her that did also look at her pleasure. She doubted that it would have been the same in the flame legion. After coming to this conclusion she decided to not think about the flame legion anymore and just throw herself completely into this order.

Eru groaned in front of her and Amra's eyes were fixed on the white charr. A low purr emitted from Amra. Seeing Eru giving birth to her litter excited and aroused her somehow. While she looked at the wide open pussy of Eru she moaned from the hammering of Cole. She could tell that he also was aroused more than normal by this sight. His thick member already started to twitch and seep pre-cum into her womb while pistoling in and out of her snatch. Then Amra saw the head of the litter in the tunnel of Eru but it took another few minutes until it was finally out. When the small baby was picked up and put next to Eru who was lying at her side Amra let out a big roar that came in unison with all the other two females and the three males. The sight of the birth seemed to have brought all of them to their climax at the same time and while the litter started to drink the milk from the teats of Eru the three pairs panted heavily and rode out their orgasm. Amra could feel Cole twitch strongly and her own love tunnel contracted in her spasms. While her orgasm still went on she felt Cole starting to hump back and forth again. The other males had dismounted their partner and now got cleaned up by them but Amra knew that Cole would normally dismount only after two or three sessions. While this had been a good way to get off herself at first now it was driving her crazy since Cole learned to make his females come at the same time he did. She was far too sensitive during the orgasm and his mating at this state kept her locked in the orgasm as long as he would push in and out. Cole knew this as well and he loved the feeling of her spasm around his member while he took her. Even Amra got to like it in the last week. She just opened her muzzle and moaned while her breath went faster. Her body lost its energy fast by this constant orgasm and Amra knew that Cole would continue until her energy was depleted and she would drop to the ground exhausted. The cute litter in front of Amra blurred out and her surrounding faded away when her mind went blank and she just went into reception mode. Her whole body twitched under Cole and she barely felt him spurt inside again and after a minute starting to hump again. When he came the third time Amra was completely spend. She relaxed and let herself sink down. Cole supported her until she lay on the side. Then he turned her on her back and placed a soft kiss on her muzzle. Amra was too exhausted to return his kiss as her body still kept spasm and squeeze his spurting member. He kept inside her to ride out his orgasm. But the birthing of the litter seemed to put Cole into overdrive. After a minute he started to rut her again and Amra could not voice any protest because she was too exhausted to even open her eyes. Her body however reacted on its own. Slower than before but static it twitched around him and squeezed the invading rod. A very faint moan escaped her muzzle and she just drifted between conscious and unconscious while he rode her not only one more orgasm but two. After the fifth orgasm in total Amra only felt him start again while she lost consciousness and drifted off into an exhausted sleep.

When Amra woke up she could hear the moans of Nana next to her. Cole seemed to have switched to her when she fell asleep but when Amra opened her eyes she saw that Nana also was close to lose her consciousness. Her gaze went blank and her tail was twitching nonstop while Cole pushed in a last time and savored his climax in the contracting body of the little girl. "I told you to not overdo it with them. You should care about their body as well. Look Nana is spent as well." Trellock was sitting next to Eru and cuddling with her while looking at the sleeping litter in her lap. Inia was lapping at his dick that stood full erect. Cole let up from Nana and turned to Amra again with greed in his gaze. Amra knew that he was far from being satisfied. She did not know how long she had been out but she felt a bit of energy returning into her. With a sight she turned around and offered herself to him. He was a good friend after all and even if she would have preferred to get a bit more rest she was up to help him. She saw that he was strongly in need to release himself a few times more. While she felt him enter her with a fast pace and starting his rhythm Amra reached out a paw and dragged Nana in front of her. The little girl sure was exhausted and sweated strongly. Amra started to clean her while pleasure rose inside her again. She wondered how Nana was keeping up so good with her small body. The little girl nearly had the same endurance than Amra. Maybe it was because she was taken by Trellock more often than Amra these days but on the other hand Shadow was not allowed to mate with her yet. Nana was nearly used as much as Amra by Trellock or Cole but the old charr had his eyes on her more than on Amra. When Cole was overdoing it he stopped him to help the little girl to recover. For Amra he seemed to wait until she was unconscious if he stopped Cole at all. But Amra did not mind either. If it was for her friend Cole she would even let him fuck her unconscious to get off the sexual frustrations. Amra was for Cole what he wished Nana to be and in return Amra felt that Cole really got in love with her. As much as Amra felt special about Cole he seemed to feel special about her and he would always take Amra first even before Nana nowadays.

The days were flowing by and it was Silvers turn to give birth. This was the moment all of them anticipated the most because they would see the first hybrid between charr and a feral cat. Lari had her litter just the day before and the dark little charr now slept next to the white one of Eru while the alpha female watched over them. Lari and Shadow were next to Silver to help her in giving birth. Amra was - again - being pounded but this time it was not Cole but Trellock who claimed her for this event. Cole had to settle with his sister because Trellock forbid him to take Nana today. He had overdone it the day before with Nana and Trellock wanted her to get some rest. Amra had been very busy giving pussy to the three males in the last week. While the other females got the most time to talk and watch the litter of Eru Amra had been used to vent the pressure inside the males. The next in the lines had been Wyan and Inia while Cole was only getting a few times with them. The reason was apparent because most of the other females were much further into their pregnancy and needed the energy for the litters inside and the birth they would give. And the females that just gave birth also were on a break with only a mating when they demanded it. But they were mostly caring for their litters. Today Amra did not give much mind to her pleasure either. Her focus was on Silver even more than before on the other females. All the questions on how the litters would look like would be answered today. Between the moaning of Amra and Mia there was the groan of Silver when the waves of her labor hit her. Amra did not even notice when Trellock stopped and spurted his seed into her already fertilized womb. While her litters were washed in the cum of the alpha her eyes were fixed on Silver. Soon Trellock moved again and without Amra even realizing she started to moan again. She had not felt the spasms of her own body when she hit her climax. Her mind was so eager to see the cubs of Silver that she did not care about anything let alone her own pleasure. This was a routine for her. Something she got used like breathing. Amra felt as if her whole life has been nothing more than giving pussy to Trellock, Cole and Shadow. Her breath went faster as her sensitive body reacted even with her mind being caught in the pain of Silver. But when her second powerful orgasm hit her again when Trellock spurted into her the third time she closed her eyes for a few seconds. When she opened them again it was there: the first litter of Silver. On first sight it was just a kitten cub. It looked like a miniature of Silver: a small snow leopard with a white pelt without markings. Soon there were two more litters and Silver dried them with her tongue before she let them drink on her teats. It was just yet that Amra noticed something that was different from a normal kitten cub. Instead of the two ears of a snow leopard these cubs had four just like a charr. Other than that they seemed to be the split image of Silver. Their body looked totally feral and if not for the ears no one would ever think about these being Trellocks cubs. All the other females looked at the small cubs with interest. They caressed them and told Silver how cute her cubs were. The snow leopard seemed to be pretty exhausted but she also looked happy. After the three cubs drank their fill Silver rolled to a ball and placed them at her belly to keep them warm. Just like this Silver, exhausted and tired, fell asleep and the other girls made sure to let her sleep and recover the energy she lost from giving birth. It was then that Amra noticed the sensation of her own body. Trellock had started to push in and out again and for the first time this night Amra focused on her own inside and not on what was in front of her. Her body twitching around Trellock while he took her again and from the sounds of Mia's moans Cole was in for a challenge of endurance with Trellock. Amra felt exhaustion dwelling inside her as well. Her mind had not noticed it before but her body was tired from the orgasms and her mind started to swim between the pleasure and sleep. She did not even notice that she slowly drifted into a sleep while she felt the dick of Trellock pistoling into her and soon she did not know if she already was dreaming or still conscious. Her dream continued what she experienced before. In her dream Trellock took her again and again and actually the dream was just the vision she had from the actions that her exhausted body was put through. This evening Trellock was as insatiable as Cole.

Another week passed by. Soon Cole and Nina would have to go back to the Fahrar and the other females except Amra and Nana only came to the hideout at the evening. They could not be absent from their work without causing suspicion. Only Silver stayed with them in the hideout and cared for her cubs. The other cubs were in the care of the females who stayed here. With Trellock and Shadow gone for the whole day it was just Cole that took them during the day. This meant a lot of more free time to watch over the cubs or talk with Nana and Mia for Amra. Cole would take Nana and Amra for the most of the time when he wanted a relieve but he also participated in their discussions until he felt to horny to resist the tempting females that he had for himself during the day. Fortunately the belly of Nana was not bulged that much and so the other kids in the Fahrar or their teacher would not catch up on her state. They would just think that she gained a bit weight maybe. Trellock had explained them that Nana would come to the hideout once a week. This had already been announced to the Fahrar but they said that Mia would like to meet her once a week together with Cole. The three kids of Silver played wild together. They were bundles of energy and only the child of Eru was as energetic as them. Lari's child liked to cuddle up in the lap of one of the females and just listen to their conversation. She did not join the wild play of the other kids most of the time. They were all girls and Amra wondered if this was a side effect of the herbs or just luck. The three girls of Silver were like normal snow leopard kittens. They looked even more feral now except for the ears and Silver already gave them the first lessons in hunting. Most of the time the little ones hunted the end of the tail of one of the females or they hunted each other. For them it was a game where they could exhausted all the extra energy they had. The names for the girls were given by Trellock except for the child of Eru. The white charr girl has been named by Eru and she named her Enid. The childs of Silver were called Snowflake, Lilly and Whity. Lari's shyer child had been given the name Reena. Amra caught herself with thinking about names for her litters already. Even though she knew that Trellock would name them she picked her favorite names. Maybe she was allowed to name one of them when it were more and from her bulged belly and the kicks inside she bet there were at least two.

The days passed by and the time for Nana and Cole to return to their Fahrar was finally there. They both were being washed in hot water by the other females to make sure they would not carry the scent of mating when they returned. This would have been very suspicious in the Fahrar even more because Nana was not supposed to have gotten into heat already at her age. Trellock brought them back to the black citadel while Amra stayed in the hideout with Mia, Silver and the cubs. The belly of Mia was as big as the Belly of Silver had been and Amra was sure that it was only a matter of days until she would bear her cubs. Amra thought about Cole and how much she missed him already but Lari returned to the hideout and continued Amra's training. They did not leave the hideout because the belly of Amra would cause a lot of questions but Amra learned all about polishing weapons and armor, taking care of leather armor and learned the different herbs and animals from pictures Lari brought with her. This week was by far the most silent and relaxed one Amra have had since joining the order. Even Trellock only came once this week and when Mia finally was in labor Amra, Silver and the cubs where the only ones to witness it. It was a very silent birth except for the periodic groans of Mia. Amra assisted the older charr while Silver watched over the sleeping cubs. Mia took even longer for the birth of her litters than Silver did. Amra was very uncomfortable when she saw the pain and agony Mia went through. Not only were her litters not completely charr but also they were more of them what was very unusual for charr as well. Amra thought about her own belly that was already clearly visible. She would have to go through all this as well when her time would come. For Silver it had been no different than giving birth to normal feral children but Mia was not as relaxed as Eru or Lari had been. After a long fight the first litter was out and Amra picked it up. A hybrid from a charr mother and a feral father seemed to have the same characteristics than the other way around. For Amra the black furr ball looked just like an image of its father. Silver closed in and began to lick the litter clean while Mia was too occupied to even look at her child. She breathed heavily and the next litter was already on the way. Luckily for Mia it was the last one as she also had two cubs and while Silver licked the second pitch cub clean Amra put the dry one on the tits of Mia so it could drink. Mia was exhausted and with a absent gaze she looked at the drinking litter that soon got company of its sibling. Amra caressed them and checked the gender. She nearly expected it before she confirmed it but they were two girls again. Silver and Amra backed off and Amra put a pelt over Mia who smiled exhausted and fell asleep soon after her litters. Silver also curled around the rest of the litters and Amra decided to lie down next to the snow leopard, cuddle against her and close her eyes. While she faded away to her dream world she felt the cubs in her belly moving around. She caressed her own belly and with mixed thoughts about the time when she would be giving birth she finally fell asleep as well.

The Order of Future: Chapter 17 – The next Generation #2

## Chapter 17 - The next Generation #2 Amra watched the sleeping Nana and her red cub that was safely rested at her belly with a smile. Then her gaze fell upon Cole who lay in a corner sulking because Trellock forbid him to mate with any females right...

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Late Night Secrets

The big gray wolf crouched at the door of his baby girl, 12 at age, his only child, to find out about the moans and roar. His thoughts were already running wild. - There it was again, this lustful sound a moan of a girl, sweet and pure. And then...


The Order of Future: Chapter 15 – Training Camp #2

## Chapter 15 - Training Camp #2 Lari sighed again. She was in her room together with Silver and Amra and filled a cup for her protégé. She was a bit stressed not only because she still had to wait to join the others in the order and learning about...

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