The Order of Future: Chapter 15 – Training Camp #2

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#15 of The Order of Future

Already a new chapter (yes I told you I already finished it and now I decided to already air it). This is the second part of the training camp.

I also opened a poll:

Please tell me what you think and what you would like to see next.

The next update could take a bit because I will have a lot of work to do in the next month.

Disclaimer: This story is based on the game Guild Wars 2 and the story at the beginning of the race Charr, an antromorph sabretoth cat race with horns. While you might notice some setups and characters being close to NPCs they were influenced by the personal story in the game but crafted new with names and characteristics. The race Charr is owned by NCSoft. The story is copyright by me (Imya). Feel free to do art about characters or scenes in the story but please link to the story or name the story and me.

This story includes catmorphs and sexual content. If you do not like these kinds of content or if you are under the legal age in your country (normally 18) please stop reading here. For the rest: Enjoy and please give me comments.

Chapter 15 - Training Camp #2

Lari sighed again. She was in her room together with Silver and Amra and filled a cup for her protégé. She was a bit stressed not only because she still had to wait to join the others in the order and learning about how the test had gone for Wyan and Inia but also because Trellock sent the answer to her request to take Amra for the order. Despite Lari's certainty that he would refuse he accepted the request and already sent her the special brew that would help Amra to pre-start her heat. Lari knew all about the effect and knew where it would lead Amra. On the one hand she felt guilty that she was going to drag Amra into the order after all she had to go through on the other hand she knew that Amra herself requested this. She did not know the real meaning of the order but she agreed to do anything the order requested her to do. For now this was to drink this liquid and Amra did with excitement. Lari was not sure if the dose wasn't too strong for her but as instructed she gave two full cups of the drink each day to Amra. It was the seventh day already and just one more day to the big day when Amra would be tested. Lari could already smell the sweet scent that emitted from the adolescent charr. From the reaction of Amra she noticed that she did notice some changes but were not sure of what to think of them. Lari was sure that at the next day she would be full in heat and feeling the frustration and confusion that went with the first heat like Trellock most likely planned. This made her an easy and obedient target for the test just like Lari had been for him. On the positive point of view it had turned out good for Lari so why should it not for Amra. Lari was sure that because of Amras size Trellock would let Cole do the test. The poor boy would finally get someone in the order as well. Lari cuddled the head of Amra and stroke her fur. Even now the different feelings fought within Lari. She had feelings like a mother for Amra and giving her to the order knowing what awaited her there, to be the breeding stock for Cole, didn't sit entirely well with her. But there was no going back now. She herself had requested Amra's entry. Lari was sure Trellock would have never brought this up himself. Sure Lari had expected him to decline and have a reason to tell Amra that it was not possible and because of this believe she had been quite surprised when Trellock accepted her. In his message Trellock forbid Lari to tell Amra anything more and to help her prepare for the order. The huntress did the best in her ability to comply and see the positive things in this turn of events. At least she did not have to bring up excuses and could spend more time in the order now.

The last day passed quickly. Lari distracted Amra with weapon and armor polishing as well as a few combat training sessions until the sun set in the west. Like Trellock instructed her she let Amra sleep half of the day before evening to gain energy for the test. In the darkness of the night she brought Amra out to the fields, took a long way through the forest to ensure they were not being followed and then entered the labyrinth together with Amra and Silver. The heat of Amra was now very obvious as the scent had picked up a notch in the last day. Lari knew that Amra was soaked between her legs and being well aware of the circle of life Amra should also know what it meant. She did not ask Lari anything though but just followed her while she surely felt the chill of these caves on her nethers. When they entered the hideout Lari saw all members together. Mia and Cole were sitting in a corner in the back next to the fire together with Wyan, Eru, Inia and a little girl Lari did not know. Shadow came to Lari's side and nudged her as a greeting. His nostrils flared wide at the intoxinating scent of Amra but Lari sent him away with her hand. Trellock closed in and greeted them. "Welcome back Lari and welcome to the hideout of the Order Amra!" he spoke in a warm tone. Like it was the rule in this hideout all of the others were naked already and Lari led Amra to the big chest. "You know the preparations for the test Lari. Please help Amra to feel comfortable before we start the test." Trellock commanded while padding the head of Silver. Lari told Amra everything about disrobing to show the trust while she wished that she could at this moment just bend down and have Trellock fill the void she felt for the last weeks. She was not sure if her alpha would take her before the test was done. He would most likely want to observe the test done by Cole but maybe he would satisfy Lari as well during the time. His strong musk hovered around the two new female charr and Lari felt her nethers tingle in anticipation. She was sure this hormone filled scent would have an even stronger effect on Amra and the empowerment of her scent proved her suspicion right. She had taught her that obedience was very important in the order and so Amra disrobed without a question but when she stood naked in front of Trellock Lari saw her covering her drenched fur at her crotch. When Lari led her to the middle of the room and Trellock followed them with his eyes she could feel the shyness of Amra. She froze stiff and shivered a bit when she had to take the crouching position and present her hind and she would not lift her tail but tried to cover the damp fur between her legs with it. Trellock slowly moved towards Amra who now closed her eyes. He licked his lips, flared his nostrils and Lari saw how much this scent aroused her by his member that already poked out of his poach. "You do not need to be afraid Amra." He said softly. "We will not harm you in any way. But before the test I might as well help you to relaxe and feel good so just stay like that and let me help you to lose your stress." Lari saw him kneel down behind the smaller charr and caress her tail base and hind. Trellock stroked along her legs and a soft whimper and moan showed that Amra felt every touch and that it did stimulate her greatly. Her tail moved a bit to the side when she moaned a second time with her eyes still pressed closed and Trellock moved his head close to her tail, extended his tongue and started to slowly lick over her nether lips. Lari knew how good Trellock was in serving a female and that he would prepare Amra to relax and let Cole take her later. Just thinking about the memory how good it felt when he licked Lari made Lari getting damp herself. She sat down and began to caress Silver who lay down beside her and also watched the test of Amra from a few meters distance. After a few licks Amras mind was not able to control her body anymore and Lari saw her tail raising high into the air to give Trellock better excess to please her. Her eyes still were shut but not as forcefully as before. Her muzzle now emitted a constant purr and soft moans every time Trellock licked her nethers and caressed her body. Lari saw him stroke over the dugs of Amra which made her mewl with every touch. She seemed to be very sensitive there. She could hear the gulps of Trellock that kept up with the increasing stream of powerful girl cum at the snatch in front of him. Trellock pressed his tongue a bit into Amra's snatch and earned a loud moan from the girl. He also seemed to enjoy himself and Lari could hear him purr deeply. She was sure that the vibrations of his purr were now sending jolts of pleasure through the body of Amra and it only took a few more minutes until Amra started to let out short chirping noises. Her mind seemed to be confused and consumed by the feeling and her body even pushed back against Trellocks tongue. Lari was sure that she would soon come to her very first orgasm and this would be when the test would really start and Cole would come into play. But the next that happened was not the explosion of feelings inside the small charr but Trellock suddenly stopped inhaling the scent of the small pussy in front of him. With his hands he still stroked the base of her tail and short twitches of the end of Amra's tail signalled that she would soon reach her climax. Lari closed her eyes and her paw moved to her own snatch to softly stroke it with a moan.

A sudden gasp of Amra and a painful groan let Lari open her eyes in a flash. First she thought Amra disappeared but then she noticed that this was not the case. The big frame of Trellock covered her full body. Lari could see him bend his head to the chest to lick the head of Amra who was giving a mix of grounts, maons, chirps and groans while her small body seemed to erupt and spasm. Her tail, caught between the body of the male and her own small frame, twitched fast and showed that she just had a body shaking orgasm. To Lari's surprise Trellock was balls deep inside the tiny snatch of Amra moaning and groaning to the sheer tightness of the female below him. Her spasm seemed to squeeze his member so hard that it hurt him but at the same time he looked in awe and highly stimulated. His heavy balls still dangled behind Amra and smacked against her wet libido now and then. He must have penetrated her at the moment she was about to get her orgasm which let her feel the pain of her maidenhood being ripped but at the same time her orgasm seemed to have covered up most of the pain with pleasure. Lari saw him licking her muzzle and then stick his tongue into it. He placed soft kisses on her lips and nose before returning to lick her face. Amra's mind seemed overwhelmed by the new feelings. Her groan soon vanished in chirping moans and a loud rhythmic purr and Lari saw her body relaxing. Trellock, free again, took the initiative and began to establish a good pace in pushing in and pulling out of his small lover. Lari knew that after an orgasm a girl was most sensitive and so it did not surprise her that the tail of Amra twitched nonstop which signalled that she was caught in a whirling orgasm. The old charr was sure that Amra's mind went blank and that she now was lost in the new found pleasure. She was impressed by Trellock and his strategy. This sure was the fastest way to get them to obey. Lari was sure that Amra would not come too sense until Trellock would stop and that her heat was lit completely now and would lead her to offer herself to him without restraint after that. Lari just hoped that the mind of Amra could hold on without breaking. Her current expression, the tongue that hung out of her muzzle and the eyes that were just gazing forward, did show clear signs of a broken will and mind. Amra just let Trellock do as he pleased and her body did push all thoughts into the back and changed Amra into a robot to be used by her alpha. It took about ten minutes, with Trellock having the expression of pure bliss on his face, until he finally came to a still stand. His balls were drenched in the juices of Amra and pressed against her puffy slit which was stretched to the limit by his massive rod. Lari could see his balls contract and with a loud roar he emptied himself inside the younger female. Lari heard the sloshing sound and the gulps inside Amra's stomach. Trellock claimed her and made her his love mate and pack member. He stayed like that for a few minutes while Amra's belly showed a clear bulge from the amount he put into her. Even though Lari was sure that this must cause some distress to the small charr Amra still moaned and chirped and pushed back against the dangling balls of Trellock in trance. There was no doubt that all thoughts left her mind and her body was just reacting to the stimulating it got. Her moans and the twitching died down and both, male and female, came to a relaxed unison while Trellock pumped in the last of his semen and slowly caressed her bulging belly. With a moan of both lovers he pulled out and streams of cum poured out of the far too small veil that held it. Soon there was a small puddle below Amra but she seemed not to care. Her libido still quivered and winked. Trellock moved off Amra and sat down right in front of her. With his paws he guided the open mouth of her to his dick and soon after the small girl licked over his glistering rod and cleaned him.

Lari's attention was led to the hind of Amra when the little girl started to moan again. She tracked Shadow who was licking the girl while his nostrils were wide open. Lari wanted to say something but a hand sign by Trellock, who seemed to have observed Lari's reaction, stopped her. While the heavy musk in front of her nose and the taste of Trellock most likely fuelled the sensation and in her body and made her hormones go crazy Shadow also got more and more excited. His penis already was hard and erect. Without being allowed to do something Lari had to watch him mount Amra, bit her neck and push his big rod into her in one go just like Trellock did before. After a short groan Amra directly started to moan again. Lari knew the pleasure his rod could bring by experience but she was surprised that Amra was not in pain with her being much smaller and Shadow being more endowed than Trellock. The feral cat soon established a fast pace while Amra went back into the chirping and twitching sleeve for her lover. Her drool dripped on the dick of Trellock who seemed to be amused by the show. While shadow was grunting and shoving his rod in and out to the hilt soon Trellock caressed the throat and the head of Amra. It looked a bit cute how the little charr was pinned by the big feral cat that bend hard to hold her neck while pounding her and the big charr in front of her softly stroke her fur. If not for the act of Shadow they looked like a caring family. A strong push and a roar from Shadow, who now released Amra, finished the much shorter session and again her belly bulged from the seed of her lover. The black panther dismounted his female much faster than Trellock had done and again her belly deflated while the thick seed flushed out of her and increased the puddle. Trellock beckoned Shadow to take his place in front of Amra and lay in a way that she had easy access to his loins. Slowly coming down from her own orgasm but not showing any signs of being led by her mind rather than her hormones Amra started to lick the cum coated meaty rod of Shadow while Trellock sat down next to Amra and looked to Cole. "Come here Cole!" he commanded and Lari winced at the sudden words. She looked around and saw that all the other females' eyes were glued to the show and they also seemed to be surprised that Cole was now called. But maybe he would take the virginity of Amras tail hole like he did before with Mia. Cole followed the command quickly. His penis already was hard and Lari could see that it was painful for him. She could understand him being highly aroused by this show. She herself, despite worrying about Amra, was soaked and played with her pussy. Trellock whispered something into the ear of Cole and he looked surprised and eager. Without any questions or further words the young male charr moved behind Amra and with a sigh of delight he pushed his rock hard dick into her quivering soft pussy. A muffled moan came from Amra who had her muzzle around the penis of Shadow. It was clearly visible that the stimulation for her was not quite at the same level than before but Cole was clearly enjoying it. His face had a happy grin and he hammered her with a fast pace. Trellock poked him and whispered something Lari could not understand. Cole bent forward and the big charr pointed at a position in the Neck of Amra. Lari understood that the alpha was most likely taking this opportunity of the test of Amra to show Cole the ropes of mating. At the third try Cole seemed to hit the right spot. Amra raised her head and began her chirping moan mixed with a purr. Lari knew that this spot made the head of a female swim and her body more receptive to pleasure. The hormones that now flooded Amra's body would make every stimulating of Cole three times as pleasurable. Cole soon pushed in one last time very hard and hilted inside Amra. Then Lari saw him contracting and inseminating the young partner. Trellock spoke to him silently again and showed something with his paw under the belly of Amra. From the reaction of Cole who was soon picking up the pace again Lari suspected that he was referring to the amount of cum in her belly. Lari remembered that with being young Cole was very inexperienced but also had a lot of endurance. Without letting go of Amra he rode her three more times until her belly started to swell slightly. Her tunnel seemed to have tightened enough to not let anything slip out while Cole was in her even though he was far less endowed than the other males. With his last orgasm Amra also seemed to finally reach her own. Her tail twitched in the common way and her body shivered accompanied by a roar from her.

After finishing pumping his seed into her Cole dismounted her and moved to her head to get licked clean. Again the puddle below Amra was fed a new load of Semen but before she could cool down Trellock was behind her again and pushed into her with one swift movement. Lari was surprised that he already pounded her again but she suspected that Trellock had plans to take this far longer and that this had been the reason for her to be well rested. A moan behind forced Lari to look around and she noticed that the other females' were not able to hold on any longer. The show had all of them highly aroused and right now they were starting to pleasure themselves. The small girl, even smaller than Amra, had her tongue deep in the snatch on Inia who was tending to Wyan. The big charr put Eru into a lot of pleasure. Behind the small girl Mia just crouched down and licked her slit. Silver also got up and moved over to them. She positioned herself behind Mia and started to lick her. Lari could not stop herself anymore. She rose to her paws and moved between Silver and Eru to close the circle. The alpha seemed not to mind doing Lari a favour and while the yellow charr started to put her tongue into her fural friend she felt a very experienced tongue snake through her own labia.

Amra's mind was blank. She just acted how her body dictated her. At first there had been a bit of pain but soon enough there had only been endless pleasure. When Trellock dismounted her the chill on her quivering nethers had her starving for him to fill her again. Before her mind was even realizing it she already was licking at his cock and then felt an even bigger rod fill her snatch. She only looked up once and to her surprise saw Shadow, the feral cat of Lari, on top of her. A light piercing pain in her neck had her vision went blurry and her body feel hot. She just closed her eyes and let the pleasure take her over. She did not hear her own purr and mewl and moan. She just received pleasure. There was nothing more. No pain, no vision, no feeling, just the pleasure. When the big cat dismounted her she soon smelled his overpowering musk in front of her and without opening her eyes she just started to lick him. His taste was intoxicating and it took her a while to realize new pleasure from her snatch. The dick that filled her this time was far smaller but when she felt the pain in her neck again and the hormones rushed through her body all blurred out again and she just rode the pleasure. Again the musk in front of her changed and if she would have to guess without looking it smelled much younger. Without hesitation she licked on the penis that was placed right in front of her while she felt being filled again. The only thought in her mind was that this was Trellock again. She did not recognize her lovers by scent or by vision but only by the feeling of their dicks in her love tunnel. She was being filled to the brim again. She barely felt her fallopian tubes being filled again while her womb stretched and her belly bulged out. Then the plug inside her was removed again and switched with the big prick of Shadow. Amra not only lost count of how many rounds each of them already had with her but also of time. There was only the moments of pure bliss and pleasure and the moments of emptiness when the valuable load inside her gushed out to make room for new. In a rather long break her mind slowly got a bit clearer and she finally opened her eyes a bit. Trellock was sitting next to her and whispered something to the small charr boy and Shadow. Then the boy moved to her head and shoved his erect penis right into her muzzle. She gasped in surprise and gagged when he hit her throat. Fortunately for her he was the right size to not suffocate her and soon her body took the cock as if it was natural and the strong sweet musk of the boy filled her muzzle. She would have screamed at the sudden immense pain she felt from her tail hole if not for the meaty rod in her muzzle. In the corner of her eye she saw the feral cat on top of her and from the feeling of it pushing hard into her tail hole. A few pumping movement from him brought him in to the hilt and she felt his balls smack against her wet folds. He started to push in and out in short thrusts and just when the pleasure started to be on par with the pain she felt Trellock push deep into her love tunnel. The sudden stimulation had her mind go blank again and without sense of time or feeling anything than the meaty dicks filling all her holes she purred and moaned around the prick in her muzzle. When her mind came too all the rods were out of her holes and she felt a lot of tongues lick her clean. It took a few minutes until her mind was clear enough for her to open her eyes. She was being licked by several female charr. She made out Lari and Eru and the girl that was even smaller than her. Eru licked over her face while Lari licked her dugs and chest. The little girl licked her labia and dig her tongue inside her which made the tingle in her snatch to never stop. Shadow lay at the side of Lari while Trellock was visible in the distance probably humping one of the other females. She could not see the small boy but she did not care. She closed her eyes and let the females clean and pleasure her.

Cole was surprised when Trellock called him to the new girl Amra. She was around his age and not quite as cute as Nana but also very pretty. She had brown eyes and a fur in different shades of brown. The biggest surprise was when Trellock told him that he could take this girl into her pussy. Up to now he only had been allowed to fuck the females in heat in the ass or get a blowjob but this time he would be able to do the real deal. His member was rock hard and hurt so he did not lose any second. The moment he sank into the hot flesh he felt like melting. This was far better than taking them in the tail hole. It was more amazing than the time he was allowed to mate Nana after she had been out of heat. This was what real mating was supposed to be. He could not control his body anymore but rutted the girl as hard as he could until Trellock poked him and told him to bend forward over the girl. She was the perfect size for him to reach her scruff comfortably. Trellock explained him how he should do it right but even so he still needed a few tries until Amra below him was overcome in a rush of hormones and it felt like she was getting even hotter and softer around his dick. He lost the sense of time. He did not know how long he had been pushing in and out until he came. He was about to pull out when Trellock instructed him again. He told Cole to not pull out until he also managed to put enough into Amra to have her belly bulge. A challenge and a command and Cole could not do anything else than to take the challenge. After a couple of orgasms he finally managed to make her belly bulge and when he pulled out and moved to her head to have her lick him clean he felt like flying in the clouds. He had by far forgotten the other females and even Nana. All that was in his nose was the heat scent of Amra, all he could see was her obedient and submissive body and all he could feel were her tongue that seemed to melt his now half limb dick again. While Trellock took her again and she turned in a moaning sleeve for his onslaught the alpha explained that they would train her the full night and taking turns with her. He would not only take his time to train her to be a good omega, the rank he planned for her, but also train Cole to be a good lover and tend to females like they deserved. Cole could not count the times he pushed his member into the pretty girl that was just a moaning ball of fur for him to push his penis into right now. Cole soon found the magical spot in the neck of a female on the first try by instinct and learned to restrain himself, take the right angles to do the most pleasure for the girl and make her purr and moan in bliss. Even if he did not have the grid and thickness of Trellock or Shadow he soon managed to bring her to orgasms as many times as the other males. Trellock also told them that he was curious which sperm would be taking her eggs. He revealed that the tea he let Lari give her was not only out of heat driving herbs but also had the cross breeding herbs in it. This would give all of them the same chance of fathering the litters even though Trellock would have the best chances because he was the first to take her. But the purse chance of being the one to impregnate her excited Shadow and Cole as well and they gave their all to pump her full of their life giving seed.

Around the middle of the night Cole noticed that the other female had begun to pleasure themselves in one big orgy. The sight of Nana eating out by his sister and the sight off their love making increased his libido and made him push in even harder. After this small glance he did not look at the other females again but purely concentrated on Amra. This girl was tough and had endurance. She still was not knocked out but moaned and chirped under them. While they got a break once in a while she had someone stuff her snatch none stop. Only a minute at most was between one male pulling out of her and the next pushing in. Her pussy soon looked sore and red but she did not seem to feel any pain but purred and moaned the moment one of the males entered her. It was a bit after Cole noticed the other females that Trellock had another suggestion. Cole should take Amra in the muzzle, Shadow should spear her still virgin rear and he would take her pussy to train her in a triple assault. Cole was not sure of the girl who was not bigger than he was could take both Shadow and Trellock at the same time. She groaned in pain when Shadow pinned her but it was muffled by his dick in her muzzle. Her throat felt wonderful and he pushed in without thinking about her distress. When Trellock pushed into her pussy she moaned and purred around his dick which felt awesome. The vibrations of her throat that also transmitted into his dick through her tongue and lips made him lose control directly. He humped her face a few time before spurting his cum into her gullet. Trellock and Shadow continued with their hammering for ten more minutes before they filled her to the brim and dismounted her. The puddle beneath her got bigger again. Trellock did not give the girl much rest. It took the males a few minutes before they were ready and hard again. Trellock had them switch positions each time and so they took her together the second half of the night. At the last combined fuck Cole was buried deep in her tail hole and sandwiched between Shadow and Amra while Trellock pushed his dick to the hilt into the little girls muzzle but directly pulled back to not suffocate her. Cole knew that not only the tail hole he pushed into and the pussy were sore but also her throat. Her mewl and moan became very husky the last hour and her body was not moving much on her own but showing clear signs of exhaustion. When he pulled out after Shadow and felt his legs and nethers being flooded by the semen of the black cat that now gushed out of her snatch he sighed and said loud: "She really is a very nice slut, isn't she Trellock?"

Cole did not know why he said this word but one glance on the amber eyes showed him that he did say something wrong. Trellock may have been very hard and demanding on his females of all age in this harem but he always treated them special and with honor. They were his princesses and ladies and at the moment Cole voiced this disrespectful word he knew that Trellock would not go along with that. The stern face of the tribune looked directly to him and his golden eyes scanned the eyes of Cole. "It is getting into your head, right? I guess I should teach you one more lesson or two!" Cole was afraid of this response. He was not sure what Trellock would do. "I am sorry! I did not mean it..." but Trellock silenced him with one sign of his hand. "Girls, you clean her up well and take care of her. She has amazing stamina and did a great job. She passed her test in flying colors!" Trellock called out to the females that seemed to just have woken up. While the females grouped around Amra and made sure to move her away from the puddle and clean her Trellock took Cole to the other side of the room. "I will teach you the worth of a girl." He began in a low voice. "For the next hours you will be my girl and I will show you to respect them." Without further ado he turned Cole around so he lay on his stomach and before Cole could do anything he felt a piercing pain in his tail hole. The cum slick dick of Trellock speared his rear and if he would not have put a paw on the muzzle of Cole the youngster would have screamed loud. But only a muffled sound came out under the paw while Trellock used the lubricant of his own cum on his dick to push in and out in a fast pace. Every time Trellock pulled out Cole could feel his barbs scratch the inside of his tail hole. It felt like his inside were ripped off and dragged through the opening below his tail but surprisingly soon his tunnel got a bit numb and when Trellock erupted inside him the hot seed were like a soothing liquid to quench the burning pain. Cole felt his inside being filled and because it could not exit through his tail hole it pushed deeper into his inside. When Trellock finally pulled out Cole could feel a bit of the cum leak down on his balls. Cole thought that finally the punishment for his slipup was over but when he tried to get up Trellock pushed him back into a crouching position, just the same position Amra had been before. Trellock moved to his head and put his still half erect dick into Coles muzzle and commanded him to clean him. This was nothing new to Cole but as soon as Trellock was clean and hard again he moved to Coles rear and pounded him again. "I will train you in this just as good as the girls as well." He commented and then he just took Cole like he would a female. Cole felt humiliated even more when he noticed that all the females, who just finished cleaning Amra, watched their show. Trellock did not let him away for a long time and Cole was sure that outside the cave it was noon already when Trellock finally let up and came a last time inside Cole. The last hours had been more pleasurable than the start. At some point the pain of his sore rear had turned into pleasure until Cole nearly begged for Trellock to stuff him again after each session. Cole himself was able to come every time at the end and his mind went blank during the act. But his energy finally depleated and Trellock reminded him that he should take this as a lesson to watch his behaviour. While Cole sank into the arms of his sister Mia who caressed his head softly and sleep knocked at his door he saw Trellock being surrounded by the females and even Amra and they started to clean him up.

The Order of Future: Chapter 16 – The next Generation #1

## Chapter 16 - The next Generation #1 Amra moaned loud while her eyes were fixed on Eru. On top of her was Cole who, with the training of Trellock and the girls, had become a good lover over the last weeks. Amra got to like this clumsy boy and they...

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The Order of Future: Chapter 14 – Training Camp #1

## Chapter 14 - Training Camp #1 Lari woke up early. She could hear the muffled sound of the battle at the edge of the forest but from the sound of it there were only a very few of the enemy left. She looked to Amra who was still asleep. The feral...

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The Order of Future: Chapter 13 – Nana joins the order

## Chapter 13 - Nana joins the order The wind was cold and the sky dark. Nana clung to the arm of Cole who went beside her. A big charr had fetched them from the Fahrar and led them out of the black citadel through a secret tunnel. Nana was sure she...

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