The Order of Future: Chapter 13 – Nana joins the order

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#13 of The Order of Future

I am back from my vacation and directly finished the next chapter.

I hope I did not leave you waiting for too long.

This chapter will bring the day Cole awaited for long. But it will it go like he imagined? You will soon know.

Disclaimer: This story is based on the game Guild Wars 2 and the story at the beginning of the race Charr, an antromorph sabretoth cat race with horns. While you might notice some setups and characters being close to NPCs they were influenced by the personal story in the game but crafted new with names and characteristics. The race Charr is owned by NCSoft. The story is copyright by me (Imya). Feel free to do art about characters or scenes in the story but please link to the story or name the story and me.

This story includes catmorphs and sexual content. If you do not like these kinds of content or if you are under the legal age in your country (normally 18) please stop reading here. For the rest: Enjoy and please give me comments.

Chapter 13 - Nana joins the order

The wind was cold and the sky dark. Nana clung to the arm of Cole who went beside her. A big charr had fetched them from the Fahrar and led them out of the black citadel through a secret tunnel. Nana was sure she had seen him before but she did not remember who he was. The only thing she knew was that this male wanted to bring her and Cole to his sister. Nana was excited and for some reason she felt tingly in her stomach. She wondered when they would be able to escape from Cole's sister to get to her test. Or maybe they would be escorted away as well?

The big male silently went in front of them caring about staying near the trees to not be seen. Heavy rain clouds covered the stars and the moon and the rain began to fall. Nana knew that no one should follow them because Cole's sister still was hiding in fear of assassins.

The rain got stronger and Nana began to freeze. Her clothes were totally soaked as well as her fur and they were walking through the stormy night for nearly an hour now. Nana could swear that the big char even led them in circles but finally they reached a big bush and Cole pushed her through an open door that was hidden behind. She heard the breath of Cole and the adult charr and a silent scratching noise when the door was closed. The wind was instantly locked out and the only sound Nana could hear was the dripping of the water and the breath of the three of them. A torch was being lit and the male charr went on while Cole signaled her to follow him. They went through a maze of caverns and tunnels until they stood in front of a big hide that seemed to cover the entrance of another hall. Nana could feel the warmth emitting from the room behind the hide. The adult charr pushed the hide to the side and Nana followed them into a big cave that was illuminated by a lot of torches around the walls and a big fire in a chimney at the other side of the cave. The room was warm and comfortable and Nana only shivered a little bit from the remaining cold. "Good work Mia. It is very comfortable and warm." The adult charr mentioned and Nana saw a female charr sitting in a corner on the other side covered by hides. She raised a hand but did not reply. They walked near a big chest at the wall and the male charr fetched a towel from it before turning around to the kids and trow it to Cole. "You should get rid of the wet clothes and dry yourselves off or you will get ill." He began to disrobe himself and fetch another towel. "You can also prepare her for the test." The older male stated. It took Nana a while to realize that this was the hideout of the order and she was already about to get tested. This male seemed to be of the order as well as the female in the corner. She turned around because she felt a bit ashamed watching the adult charr strip naked. Cole next to her already was out of his clothes and she felt her blood flow into her head when she realized that he stood next to her completely naked. Cole just finished drying his fur with the towel and moved his head close to her ear to whisper to her. "You should take off your clothes as well. There is a chilly air inside even if it is warm and you will get ill if you keep them on... and also... well he did give the command and as you know the rule says..." Nana nodded. She was to obey and now even more than ever because this night was her test. She was a bit embarrassed but she started to strip off her clothes. Soon she was only in her underwear and started to dry her fur. "You need to take off your underwear as well." Whispered Cole and she yipped in surprise and jumped to the side shyly. The gaze of Cole directly into her brown eyes was enough to tell her that this was a command and she had to do it. Maybe this was only because she could get ill if she would cool out but she was very embarrassed. She had never been naked in front of a male, not even in front of her own father. But she wanted to join this order and maybe this was the test to give her very extreme commands and check if she would obey them. It took her a few minutes to dry her fur off with slow and shy strokes. When she looked up she directly looked into the males eyes. He seemed to watch her dry off with interest. She looked to the ground ashamed but did not dare to speak up. There was one spot that she had been unable to claim. Directly between her legs, the fur was wet again every time she dragged the towel over it. The touch also let her tingle in her nether region. She probed with her fingers and felt that her labia was puffed and slightly swollen. She had noticed this in the last days already but now, that she was naked in front of Cole and this other male, she felt very embarrassed about it. "Well, Cole? You help her to prepare for the test. We will first check her body if she has the physical trait to join the order." Nana wondered what this meant but it seemed that she had to go through some kind of examination if she was healthy and strong. They had such examinations in the Fahrar and so it was nothing new for her but normally there were only girls and women present at the examinations. She was a bit scarred about what would come but she took all her courage together and followed Cole into the middle of the room. She had decided to join this order and there was no going back now. While she looked to the ground while following Cole she noticed that the whole floor was covered in pelts which made the floor soft and warm.

"You need to crouch down on all fours like this." Cole mentioned and when she turned her head to the side she saw him on all fours with the hind half high as if he was getting ready for a jump. His tail was raised to the ceiling and below his clearly visible tail hole she saw his dangling sacks and a red tip of his penis poking out. She felt a rush of heat in her nether region and that the fur between her legs got wet again. She hastily looked away and hesitated. With a shy short gaze towards the adult male charr who still observed her with keen eyes she crouched down next to Cole and imitated his position. She did not raise her hind that high though and tried to cover her snatch with her tail. Cole whispered "Stay like that until you are told otherwise. Your test is not to move from this position." And he got up again. Nana's ears picked up the steps of the adult charr who now closed in to the adolescents. She was too shy to turn around and yipped when she felt a big paw lift her tail to the ceiling. She wanted to pull it back between her legs but the paw held the tail firm and the voice of the adult charr reached her ears from behind. "Relax your tail little one. There is nothing to fear." The fear in Nana did not vanish but it triggered a submissive mode inside her. She knew she would not be able to flee this and she also wanted to pass this test and so her mind connected to the command faster than she could think about following it and relaxed her tail. The tail was instantly pulled away from her nether completely and she felt a cold chill on her wet and puffy slit. "Cole, you should clean her a bit and make her relax. She should feel comfortable for the test." The male continued and Nana gasped for air when she felt a small tongue licking over her labia. Nana froze in this position unable to move. She was afraid and embarrassed about him licking her at her pee hole and at the same time she felt a rush of an unknown tingly feeling building at the place he licked and spreading into her belly. It was a warm tingle and soon she relaxed and the unknown tingle turned into a very nice feeling. Without her noticing she let out a soft moan and started to like the licks and waiting for the next one every time the feeling of the last faded away. She felt that her lower lips became even wetter not only from Cole's tongue but also because she seemed to produce a liquid that flowed out of her snatch. The sudden voice of the adult male surprised her because she had been totally in trance from the good feeling. "How does she taste Cole?" - "Very good! She tastes a bit sweet." Her friend replied. "You are making me curious." The older male said and Nana felt the blood ring in her ears. Now that Cole had stopped licking her mind cleared up a bit. She could hear a bit of shuffling behind her. "Let me get a taste too." The adult continued and before Nana could think about what this meant she felt a much larger tongue running through the fur around her nether lips and brush her clitoris. She let out a surprised and loud moan. This feeling had been so much more intense than the licks of Cole before. She felt long strokes of the tongue going over her full labia, rubbing her clit and even washing over her tail hole and the base of her tail. Her tail instantly shot high into the air by instinct. Nana did not even understand what her body was doing but her mind clouded fast and she just moaned and sank into the new intense pleasure. She felt the tip of the tongue press through her labia which made her pussy burn in pleasure. She moaned and her hip move up. Her ass was now as high as Cole's had been but Nana did not notice this. Her body took over and knew exactly the correct position to give these pleasure makers the best access. Something was building up inside of Nanas belly. An intense feeling that grew stronger and stronger until...

... Nana did not know what happened. She screamed out a strong moan and her whole body contracted. Her pussy gripped around the invading tongue. It was pressed against her hymen but the pain of the stretching was not strong enough to get through the waves of pleasure that rushed through her small body. All the good feelings exploded and seemed to have broken down a dam inside her. She felt water gush through her tunnel and to her snatch where it was lapped up by the tongue that was now free again. With the time the spasms died down and left a strong tingle in her snatch. Her mind slowly cleared up and her pussy felt cold in the chilly air without a tongue to lick it. She felt the water from within her drip down her fur and running down her legs.

She yipped again at the stimulation when the big hot tongue slit over her snatch again. But this time it moved forward over her tail hole and the base of her tail to her back. Nana closed her eyes and felt the tongue lick over her back and shoulders until it reached her head. It washed her face and licked her nose. Nana just kept her eyes closed and let herself sink into the relaxing feeling of these licks. She felt a big body around her. Like a protecting shield it was over her and at her sides, even behind and in front of her. It was like the one time when she fell asleep in the lap of her father and felt him all around her. Something poked at her slit and made her moan again. It was not a tongue but something harder but at the same time soft. It brushed over her clit and made her stretch her back and then slipped a bit higher into the middle of her nether lips. She felt it part her lips softly and send jolts of pleasure through her body. The small tip that had brushed her before seemed to get bigger. Nana wondered what it was. The thing now reached her hymen and a slight pain from the pressure added to the pleasure when suddenly...

... Nana shot her eyes open and a loud cry escaped her muzzle when her hymen was torn apart with one swift and strong push. She still felt the tingling pleasure but it faded away in the pain that she felt from her tunnel. The thing that entered her had nubs all over it that rubbed her inner walls. She never had something caress her this deep in her love tunnel but the pleasure it caused her was overpowered by the pain of this thick meaty thing rubbing along her torn and sore hymen. Her eyes adjusted to the face in front of her when she heard a load and lustful moan escaping from the muzzle that faced her from above. The big male charr was crouching over her and bending his head down to face her. It was upside down but bent all the way to look into her eyes. Nana felt tears rolling down her eyes from the pain and she sobbed. Her vision got blurry but she felt the breath of the older charr in her face and a lick of his tongue over her nose and muzzle. Nana groaned in discomfort when the big rod inside her was pulled back a little and scratched her with sharp barbs. The rod directly pushed back in and managed to slip a bit deeper. Nana could not go anywhere. In front of her was the licking tongue and behind her was a big barrier of his body as well as the rod that pushed into her and made her want to jump forward. She was caught between a faint moan when the pleasure added to the pain while the rod pushed into her and a painful groan when the barbs raked her when it was pulled back. A dozens of pushes and pulls later she felt the tip poking against a barrier inside her. It hurt a bit when it put pressure on this barrier and with each push the pressure grew stronger. Nana's nose picked up a heavy musk that weaved around her. This musk made her pussy produce even more liquid and the pain faded a bit with the extra lubricant to guide the intruder inside her. The big charr pushed a few times more and her inner barrier hurt every time until...

... Nana felt how the wall inside her opened and she felt a burst of pleasure when the big rod with the nubs slipped into her most inner parts. Behind this barrier, the cervix, she felt a chamber where the rod invaded until it hit the back. Nana remembered that her mother had once told her about the womb where babies were when they were not yet born. She did not know much about the facts of life. It had not been part of the training in the Fahrar and her mother once only gave a short answer when she asked and told her that she will tell Nana when she got older. Up to this point Nana never had been really curious about this topic but right now, while feeling the tip of the rod poke painfully at the back of her womb, she started to take interest.

Nana's thoughts fade away in the mix of pleasure and pain that she did not understand. Her tunnel, from labia to the cervix, was sore and she felt every nub and every barb that massaged her inside. Her eyes were still full of tears and she pressed them shut to endure the pain while moaning loud and full of lust. Now and then, when the rod inside her hit her painfully hard at the back of her womb, she heard a wet smack behind her and felt something hit her drenched pussy from behind. To her surprise this added to her pleasure even though her inside hurt a lot. Her mind got consumed in the rodeo of pleasure and pain and soon she got used to the pain, or it got weaker, and she was just moaning and chirping in rhythm with the rod being pushed inside her. Long ago did she lose track of time or of her surroundings. From time to time she felt the hot breath of the big charr in her face or a lick over her nose. Something was building up inside her, a feeling even stronger than everything before. It grew nearly unbearable as if it wanted to break out but Nana did not know what it was. It felt like the pleasure from before unfolded thousand times inside her. Before she could grasp an idea of what this was she was hit by a powerful orgasm that shook her whole body. Her love tunnel and pussy clenched around the meaty stick forcing a groan from the head in front of her. The big intruder that just pushed in was held inside and unable to move. The big charr above her started to lick her face and she heard his groan turning into a deep moan. A low purr emitted from the body above her made her whole body vibrate. The feeling inside her was new but wonderful. Nana mewled, chirped, moaned and purred at the same time. She was overwhelmed by this new feeling and even her body did not know what to do with so much pleasure and how to express it. At the moment the flames inside her started to die down a bit the big meaty thing started to spurt something inside her. It was hot, like molten iron, but instead of pain it brought a new wave of hot pleasure. Nana felt as if she would burn from the inside and her body rippled again around the heavy intruder. Nana could even hear the liquid splash inside her. She felt her womb quickly being filled to the brim and the liquid pressed into some even deeper parts that seemed to be connected to the womb and that Nana did not even know the name of. She moaned while her womb stretched out painfully and made her belly bulge. Nana however did not notice it and felt no pain anymore. The second orgasm had knocked the light out of her. Her body was too small to keep up with this sudden pleasure and her energy was long depleted. The last thing she noticed while her belly was being filled more and more were hands that caught her when her body relaxed and went limb as her senses faded away into the darkness.

Cole looked up and could not help feeling jealous. He pushed in and out of his sister Mia, like the countless times before, but there was nothing satisfying about it this time. He just felt betrayed and angry and he took it all out on his sister who moaned under him.

It had been perfect and he had been so excited when he finally was in this cave together with Nana. He had not really noticed it before but he loved the young charr. He felt more special about her than for anyone else. Even though he mated before he never wanted it this much. Eagerly he showed her how to position for him. When Trellock told him to lick her he thought that this was the confirmation that his dreams would come true. He also did not think anything was out of the ordinary when Trellock asked him to let him get a taste of her. It was just fair that he would want to taste a new member, right? Her taste had made him rock hard and he just waited for Trellocks command to mount her. Instead Trellock started to make Nana moan and lift her tail. Cole had seen it before. Maybe Trellock did not trust him to bring her to orgasm like he did with the other females most of the time before taking them. Cole was transfixed on the snatch of Nana which was starting to produce a constant stream of love juice. Trellock noticed his gaze and pointed at his half erect member. Cole directly understood the command and with a sigh he had complied. Sure pleasuring Nana would have him aroused just as much as it did Cole. Trellock seemed to want to enjoy this before he let Cole test and train this girl. Cole started by licking the balls of Trellock while he heard the slurping noises from Trellocks head. The musk he produced and the alluring scent of Nana that hovered to Cole's nose made his senses swim. He had to admit that he got used to the musk of Trellok and it did arouse him as much as the scent of the females. Maybe it was because Trellock requested him to lick his member regularly that his mind linked it to mating as much as the scent of pussy juice.

Cole moved his tongue along the glistering dick that was soon full erect. He lapped over the deep line between the heavy sacks and up to the tail hole of Trellock. Cole knew that Trellock liked this and he got his proof in a long moan from his alpha. Soon Trellock took his paw and shoved Cole's head under his nethers. Cole understood that Trellock wanted him to take his member into his muzzle. Trained to obey Cole complied and soon he was sucking on the big member that did not completely fit into his mouth. He did not really like the taste but he was used to it and on the other hand he had a good motivation today to get this over with. Cole knew exactly what aroused Trellock. He fondled his balls and the base of his tail. It did not take him long until the member in his mouth began to twitch and leak pre cum. Cole did never go to the end with a blow job because normally Trellock would ask it after the act to get cleaned up. He felt a paw holding his head and showing him up and down. Cole understood that Trellock wanted him to bob his head. Cole was surprised when Trellock suddenly pushed his hind down and the paw pushed Cole's head up so that the member slit all the way into his throat. The jaw of Cole hurt from the size of Trellocks member and he gasped for air. The heavy musk that Cole smelled when his nose was pressed into the fur above Trellocks member made his own member twitch in anticipation. Nana and the day today were totally erased from his head right now. He was just the muzzle bitch for his alpha. It became more and more painfull for the jaw of Cole and also he started to suffocate. Finally he felt the slashing of Trellocks orgasm in his gullet and Trellock let him pull back a bit to empty the rest of his cum into his open muzzle. Cole's jaw still hurt when he gulped down the jizz. He definitely did not like the cum of Trellock. It did taste much stronger and not as sweet as the juice of Nana. At this moment he regained the memory of Nana and why he was here. Mechanically, and slowly because of the pain in his jaw, he licked the member of Trellock clean before Trellock let him get up and sit down a bit away. Cole rubbed his jaw while he saw Nana come down with a powerful orgasm as well. His other hand moved to his hard member that started to hurt from just being erect. Soon Trellock would let him get on top of Nana and then he would finally claim her and make her his mate. The scent of her got stronger and he could clearly smell it. It hit him like a hammer when he realized that even if it was a bit sweater she smelled just like her sister and Lari when they were in heat. No other girl his age had her first heat yet and Nana was one of the youngest and nearly one year younger than Cole. Cole wondered if this liquid he gave her to drink was the reason for her going into heat. Or maybe she wasn't in heat but just smelled like that?

Trellock was finished licking her snatch and now started to clean her up. Cole saw him lick the sweat off her body, from her back, her shoulder and even her head. Cole rose to his paws to get close to Nana. This must be the moment when Trellock would let him take over. Except for he did not let him have her. Cole froze in his steps when Trellock moved over Nana and slowly but ruthlessly pushed his far too big member inside her soft and slim vagina. Cole could not move but only looked at the pair that was so different in age and size. He heard the crying and groaning becoming a moan and soon Trellock was pushing in and out with very little and careful strokes. He was not even able to hilt her. A third of his member still was outside of her when he came to a halt. Cole saw him lick her face and stimulate her. Despite him not approving of Trellock taking his girlfriend to her first time the whole scene was highly arousing to Cole. He touched his member and started to masturbate but it only hurt because he was too hard. He needed release. He needed to put his member inside of Nana and pound her like Trellock was doing. When Trellock finally managed to breach the last barrier of Nana and sank in with nearly three quarter of his member Cole finally was not able to hold back. He had to get some pussy now and the only way to get it was....

... Cole did not ask or prepare his sister. He just walked over, pulled down the pelts that covered her and pushed into her pussy in one go. The scent of Trellock's and Nana's love making was heavy in the room and Cole was not able to ignore it. He slammed inside his sister without caring about her surprise or pleasure. While pounding his sister he watched the other couple. Trellock still was bent over Nana and licked and kissed her face. If not for the massive size difference they would look like a loving couple. Cole did not notice when he came in Mia. He just continued with the same force while his cum splattered out of her pussy every time he pulled back. Trellock lifted his head and Cole could see him holding her body. He slammed down one last strong time and roared loud. Cole could see the belly of Nana bulge in seconds. It did bulge more than Cole ever had seen. The amount of Trellocks cum was a lot for an adult charr but Nana quickly looked like at the end of a pregnancy. Cole saw that she had her eyes closed and that her body went limb. She seemed to have lost her consciousness.

With a sulking face Cole slammed home one more time and washed the cubs of his sister in his cum. Cole did not know if it was because he came a lot or because the sex show in front of him was over but his member began to get limb. For Trellock this seemed not to be the case. He lifted up and sat down still buried three quarter into the younger girl. Because her body relaxed he seemed to slip in a bit deeper when her body weight pushed down on his erect penis. Trellock licked her neck and massaged her belly. He took good care of her dugs that pointed out of her overstretched belly. Cole pulled out of his sister and moved to her head to have her clean his nether region. Trellock looked at Cole satisfied and his balls and dick still twitched lightly sending the last spurts of semen into the young body of Nana. "Thank you Cole. You brought in a pure juwel." He stated and smiled to Cole. "You should be promoted to Beta for this deed. I guess I will give her the rank of a Gamma for now." Cole was still jalous at Trellock but he felt a bit compensated with the new rank. In his head he already saw himself testing out the other females and also Silver. As long as Trellock did not forbid it he was allowed to mate with her now and he loved to try it. "When she wakes up we will train her to take it into her tail hole as well." Trellock announced and nodded to Cole. "But I think this will not be tonight." He licked her neck and ears and placed a soft kiss on her cheeks. His hip just slightly moved and her body moved along. Cole noticed that Trellock was stuck in her tightness and that he would not move until his member was softening. Also the cum inside her seemed to be trapped because she was stretched to the end and there was no space for the cum to leak. When Mia licked him clean and kissed him on the forehead he felt the exhaustion come over him. Trellock rose to his paws and closed in on them. He lay down next to Mia on his side still deep inside of Nana. "It will be warmer for her this way." He explained and faced Mia so that Nana was in the middle. Cole hurried to move between Nana and his sister. His flaccid member brushed against her bulging belly and from behind he felt the noticeable bulge of his sister's belly. Something moved inside it and Cole knew that his were the cubs that grew in her. She did not look as bloated as Nana but it was far more visible than Cole had seen it for any pregnant charr yet. Most likely this was because her cubs were not completely charr. But he would leave the thought about how they would look like for later. He noticed that sleep grabbed at him. He cuddled up with Nana who lay in front of Trellock. He kissed her forehead like his sister did to him while Trellock shared a more intimate kiss with Mia. Cole could feel the dick of Trellock slowly work inside of her belly or rather he felt something move inside as if a water balloon was being moved and the water was swaying. His member went erect again but at the moment when he noticed he already fell asleep.

... too be continued

The Order of Future: Chapter 14 – Training Camp #1

## Chapter 14 - Training Camp #1 Lari woke up early. She could hear the muffled sound of the battle at the edge of the forest but from the sound of it there were only a very few of the enemy left. She looked to Amra who was still asleep. The feral...

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The Order of Future: Chapter 12 – Cole’s Mission

## Chapter 12 - Cole's Mission It has been a great change of pace for Cole when he returned to the Fahrar. Sometimes when he found some time to be alone he would masturbate to release the pressure inside him. It was unusual to leave the Fahrar even...

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The Order of Future: Chapter 11 – Mia the “Iron Princess” #2

## Chapter 11 - Mia the "Iron Princess" #2 Mia woke up with a wet slapping and slurping sound that seemed to come a few yards from her head, a painful sore feeling from her heat puffed snatch and the feeling of something thick gliding in and out of...

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