The Order of Future: Chapter 12 – Cole’s Mission

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#12 of The Order of Future

I am sorry for the long wait. I finally was able to complete this story.

A lot of in my life demanded my attention and therefore the delay kept piling up.

After this I will be unable to give another updated for at least a month but I will try to bring the next update as soon as possible.

Disclaimer: This story is based on the game Guild Wars 2 and the story at the beginning of the race Charr, an antromorph sabretoth cat race with horns. While you might notice some setups and characters being close to NPCs they were influenced by the personal story in the game but crafted new with names and characteristics. The race Charr is owned by NCSoft. The story is copyright by me (Imya). Feel free to do art about characters or scenes in the story but please link to the story or name the story and me.

This story includes catmorphs and sexual content. If you do not like these kinds of content or if you are under the legal age in your country (normally 18) please stop reading here. For the rest: Enjoy and please give me comments.

Chapter 12 - Cole's Mission

It has been a great change of pace for Cole when he returned to the Fahrar. Sometimes when he found some time to be alone he would masturbate to release the pressure inside him. It was unusual to leave the Fahrar even for sleeping so he could not return to the secret base of the order to take his sister. The next time he would be off the Fahrar would be in a few weeks. He already was excited about this. There would be a month he would be able to spend with his family. But also he had to fulfill the task he was given by Trellock. A task that excited him but he also did not know how to complete. Trellock had explained to him that he was part of the future of the order. As he was a young charr he would be the next generation and it was important that he would carry on the spirit. For this he would also need a partner of the same age to fill the next generation with strong members. Trellock asked him to look for potential new members for the order in his Fahrar. Cole knew that this meant females because he and shadow were just exceptions. He noticed that Trellock did not plan to add a lot of males to the order. But the task he was given left him a bit clueless on how to start. Because he was not supposed to speak about the order he could not go around and recruit the girls of his Fahrar. He had to find possible candidates and check if they would keep silent before contacting them. Trellock told him what he was looking for: strong and talented females that would make a good breeding stock for future offspring. Cole already had a girl in mind. To be honest he had a crush on her for months now and it was more his affection for her than anything else that had him hoping he could convince her to join. She also seemed to show interest. If it was just because of what he had to go through with his father or something else that intrigued her he did not know but she seemed to search his company many times. Cole was not up to make a move though because he was too scared what would happen if she would not agree and he told her about the order already. The days passed and he would go to a secret spot more often to masturbate and instead of her sister he thought about this girl with the name Nana.

Far away Lari settled for the night together with her companions Silver and Shadow. She had found a nice place for the night in a cave that she hid with some branches. She did not expect an ambush but she wanted to be undisturbed this night and go all out with Shadow. The panther seemed to already spot what was coming when Lari disrobed and put her clothes into her backpack. At the time she dropped to all fours the heavy weight of Shadow already was atop of her and she moaned from his thick member pressing through her labia. Silver, curled into a ball for the night already, threw the couple a short gaze and then closed her eyes to sleep. Different than the snow leopard her companions did not get much sleep this night. Even if Lari was filled with a litter already she was hot for Shadow. She felt like she had to make up for the last weeks where Shadow only cared about Mia. As soon as he left her she already raised her hips again.

Lari felt sticky and her pussy was sore. She could feel Shadows cum bubble around her already fertilized eggs and the goo dripping out of her burning cunt and run down her legs. The fur on her lower half was soaked in their combined juices and a small puddle formed under Lari that consisted mainly from Shadows cum but also from her own love juice. Her labia trembled in the cold air and she remained in the crouched down pose on her knees and elbows. Shadow had exhausted her and she was on the edge of sleep just maintaining this position because she was too tired to move and lay down. She moaned when Shadows hot tongue slid along her red nether lips. Her voice was just a silent whisper. "No shadow... I need to rest a biiiiiiiiiit..." Shadow did not listen to his master. The scent of their love making had him erect non-stop without going flaccid in between. He would not spare his master... or rather his bitch... more than a minute after pulling out. While the charr protested he already mounted her again and pushed his tapered dick into her gaping pussy. Because her inside was sore she was oversensitive and felt each little nub on his huge rod. Her arms slipped on the wet floor and her face crashed into the puddle of their love juices. A bit pushed into her maw and she tasted the warm love honey while moaning exhausted. Her body shivered in ecstasy and she felt a rush of pheromones gushing through her body. Shadow held her scruff to keep her from sliding away while he pumped in and out with a fast pace. Lari's consciousness began to be clouded and the only thing that held her up was Shadow. Her whole body relaxed and this helped shadow to hilt her one last time and shower the future litters in her womb with his cum one last time. Then he crashed down to the side taking the charr with him. He did not pull out but just lay down next to Lari, still balls deep in her snatch, and licked her head while sleep also came over him. Luckily for both of them the night was warm. Their love juice began to dry and make Lari's fur sticky.

A rough tongue woke Lari up. She felt the tongue licking her clean of cum around her nether region. Her fur was just a bit damp from cum but she felt that her snatch and the fur around it were clean already. She also did not feel the slimy ooze dripping out of it. She moaned and opened her eyes. She had expected to see Shadow but instead Silver stood behind her and did her best to clean her. Lari looked around and saw Shadow in a corner of the cave. He reacted to her gaze and moved a food closer before a low growl drove him back into the corner. It was clear that Silver was not only of higher rank in the order but also was in command between the cats here in the wilderness. Lari closed her eyes again and let the snow leopard clean her thoroughly. It took an hour before every last bit of Shadow's cum was licked out of Lari's coat and Silver ended her bath with licking the muzzle of Lari. "Thank you my dear." Lari whispered and hugged the female cat. Silver knew what made Lari feel comfortable and refreshed again. Shadow did not budge from his corner. Once or twice he tried to get closer but every time a gaze or a growl of Silver drove him back. As much as Lari had been in control of Shadow last night Silver now showed her control over him. Maybe Silver sensed that he went too far with her beloved charr sister and was cross with him. Lari however did not have a grudge against him. Even though she would have preferred if the panther would have stopped at the end he only had given her what she desired. But Lari also knew that this night would be the last one where she let the panther have her for the next days to come. If she were to let him hump her every night she would never arrive at her destination. Shadow seemed to sense that he would not get another round with Lari or Silver and started to clean himself as well. He did not leave his corner while Lari put on her clothes and shouldered her backpack. "Ready to go you two?" Lari asked and Shadow jumped to his paws. Slowly he closed in while he had a wary look for Silver. Lari caressed Silvers head and showed her that it was okay to let him close now. With a ruffle over Shadows head she welcomed him, moved away the branches in front of the cave and they set off to their journey.

Cole was masturbating hard with the picture of Nana inside of his head. He thought about her slender curves, her rusty red fur, her deep brown eyes and the cute white horns that were just starting to develop and barely poked through her fur. He was at his secret place to ponder on how to ask her out but instead of getting to any conclusion he just started to masturbate the moment he thought about her. He was totally lost in his fantasy and did not look around him. It was safe in this small cave anyway. No one ever came here and it was miles to the Fahrar. He just had to make it quick or else the trainers would notice that he was gone for a long while. When he was just away for a short time he could say that he needed relief (which was true in a different sense than they believed). The cave was just high enough for him to sit in and the entrance was so small that he had to crouch through on all fours to enter. No one would come here by chance and find him. Time was fleeting. Trellock had sent him a package with a bottle. In his letter he wrote, encrypted to not get anyone else on a hint towards the order, that he hoped Cole already was close to completing the task and that he should give this drink to her starting one week before the vacation. Now it was only two weeks to go and he soon would have to manage to talk to Nana about this. His hand moved in a fast pace while he drew closer to his orgasm. Just a few more seconds and he would be able to blow his load and paint the walls of the small cave with his cum.

"What are you doing here alo..." a voice shouted at him at the moment he was about to come. He turned around in a shock and his member started to shoot his semen all over the head of a small charr that had found him and poked out of the tunnel to the cave. Cum landed on her nose and even slashed into her mouth which had make her stop in the middle of her sentence. In horror Cole looked into the brown eyes of... "Nana?...." he asked in disbelieve while his member, held by his hand, still pumped out his love fluid right into the open muzzle of Nana who was just an inch in front of him now. The young female was as shocked as he was. With the scent of his strong musk, that lay heavy in the small cave, and the taste of his cum on her tongue she stared at him while she breathed hard. Cole came to first. "Nana... I am sorry... I didn't..." but he was cut by a piercing screech which made him panic. Not only was it nearly unbearable for his ears with the echo in the small cave but also he was afraid that someone would hear and come to her aid and when they found him like this... Without thinking he just reacted, grabbed the head of Nana and pulled her into the cave and onto his still pumping dick. He was not much endowed but Nana was still very small and so his member slit all the way into her throat silencing her screech and making her gag and gasp. Her eyes went wide while her nostrils flared and took in the air with heavy and fast breaths, taking in his strong musk from the source directly at the fur above his member. Her body went limb by the shock and sensation of his musk and taste and the lack of air. Cole wanted to calm her down and apologize to her but the moment when his tip scratched her throat and slid along her tongue the stimulation overwhelmed him and let him forget who was in front of him and what he was doing to her. His member got even harder and while he held her cum painted head softly in his hands he began to slowly pull back and push into her muzzle. Lost in his pleasure Cole did not care if Nana was over her shock already or still frozen. At least she did not move or try to escape his grasp. She even started to use her tongue to lick his balls whenever he pushed in. Cole had his eyes closed and just enjoyed the feeling on his cock while Nana still looked with wide eyes into the fur at his belly. She could not see much because with her stuck in the tunnel there was not much light coming into the cave and also she was so close to Cole that all she could see was his body. She began to mewl while sucking on his dick. The taste in her muzzle and the musk in her nose had gotten her very wet and though she did not know why or what this was.

It didn't take Cole long to come. He spurted into her muzzle while pumping back and forth and he could hear the echo of her gulps to not suffocate on his sperm. He finally looked down and with his hands caressed her cum painted face while he came to a halt with his balls nearly at her chin and his twitching member in her three quarter in her muzzle. Slowly he came too while Nana gulped down the last of his cum. He realized what he had done. This mistake would have destroyed any chance he had to talk her into the order. It had to be like this. With a apologizing look he stared down into the brown eyes, barely visible in the dim light, that looked up to him also slowly coming to. His member went limb and slipped out of her muzzle. With a purr she licked her lips clean and her tongue vanished inside her muzzle. Cole could clearly see that she had not grasped the whole event yet. It must have been her first encounter with something like that and she seemed just overwhelmed and unable to decide if she liked it or not.

Suddenly Cole noticed that she lay on the cold rocky ground and moved a bit back while taking her paws and dragging her inside. "Nana... I am sorry..." he did not find the right words while Nana let him drag her into the cave. He grabbed her at her ass to pull her into a sitting position because the cave was barely big enough for both of them sitting. His hand missed the mark a bit and he hit her underwear between her legs. He felt that it was soaked in her juice and his heart began to beat faster. Blood rushed into his head. He quickly helped her to sit and pulled back his paws. Interested he held them in front of his nose and took a whiff. The scent was faint but sweet. Not as strong and mature as the scent of his sister or Lari but in a sense he liked it. He licket his paw clean and also liked the taste more than the taste of his sister. The girl still had not found her voice back and he looked into her face that was stick from his cum. He could not let her like this. With shaking hands he pulled her head closer and he whispered: "Sorry Nana. I will clean you up at least." And he started to lick her face with a wild beating heart and a roaring of the blood in his ears. He slid his tongue over her forehead, the muzzle, the throat and the ears as well as the small pointy sprouts that would with time become horns. "I really am sorry Nana." He repeated and the girl seemed to finally coming out of her daze. She looked into his eyes and if not for the fur or the darkness Cole would have seen her blushing. "Cole?..." she whispered and he winced a bit when he heard her voice. This made this all real and not like a dream. "Yes Nana?" he carefully answered. "What... just happened?" Cole had no answer for that. How could he tell her that he just forced a blowjob on her after cumming all over her face? After a few seconds silence where he could hear his heart beating he dodged the question with another. "Are you okay? I did not hurt you, did I?" - "No... I am okay... it is just... I don't understand what just happened." - He sighed in relieve. At least she seemed not to hate him yet. "Did you... you know... like what we did?" - "What did we do?" Cole still was not confident of telling her directly so he insisted on his question. "Did you like it?" It took Nana a minute while her face looked like she was thinking hard. "It was... okay I guess." She answered slowly as if she was unsure how to describe it. Coles heart celebrated. Maybe this was the chance he had waited for. He never had planned to do this to her... at least not before she was in the order... but now there was no going back and he could also try to get this going into the direction he planned for weeks now. "Can you... keep a secret?" he carefully asked and changed the topic. "You mean what we just did?" she asked and looked into his eyes. Cole cursed her for being so cute because his rod already made itself poke out of the sheath again. "Yes, this as well... can you keep it a secret between you and me?" She hesitated before she agreed to it. "Well... there is another secret that I could tell you but you have to never tell anyone else. Promise?" he said bravely. Now it was everything or nothing. "What is the other secret about?" she asked but he just looked into her eyes. "Promise?" - "Okay, I promise." She replied. He felt that she was curios. "Okay, you have to swear to never tell anyone what I am about to tell you now, okay?" - "I swear!" she whispered excited as this seemed to be a very big secret. He hesitated now. "Well, there is a secret order that I recently was accepted to that exists to protect the Black Citadel. I just thought, if you can really keep this secret.... Would you like to join it?" he looked into her eyes. "It is only for the best of the Elite!" he added. "Do you think I am good enough for that?" she asked and he smiled and licked her nose. "You are best suited for that." He answered and in his head he could not agree more that she was the one he wanted to join. "How do I join?" she asked and Cole could hear her voice sounding a bit shy. "You first... have to show that you can follow the rules. The rules are..." Cole hesitated to think about the rules in his head. " never tell anyone about it, to follow any command of the order without questions and to be loyal to the order. Do you think you could do this?" He could see Nana slowly nodding and whispering into his face. "I think I could do this. But how long do I have to do this and who will test me?" Cole pondered about it. He was sure he would be the first to judge but the final test would most likely have to be concluded when he first took her to the hideout. He thought about the bottle that he got a few days ago from Trellock. On the bottle it just said 'One cup every day one week before.' And he knew that this was to be given to the girl he recruited. He did not know what was in this bottle but he had to follow this command. "I will test you for the next week and if you pass you will have your final test in a secret hideout of the order." He whispered back to Nana. He could hear a loud cry of an eagle through the tunnel and winced. The light in the tunnel got darker. "I think we should quickly go back." He suggested and pointed at the tunnel with his head. Nana turned around and saw the light in the tunnel as well. "I guess you are right. I was supposed to search you and if we do not hurry, the will send the next one." Cole was in panic. If he was found with her in this cave everything would be in vain. It would be hard to explain this. He helped Nana to turn around and crawl into the tunnel. He pulled his pants up and followed her. The scent that emitted from between her legs had him half erect again as he tailed her through the few meters of the tunnel. When they exited the cave he looked around. No one was near. Only she knew about his little hiding spot. "Do also tell no one about this cave, okay?" he asked her and in the light he could see her red fur and the brown eyes looking up to him. "Sure, didn't I promise already?" she said and with this she dashed into the direction of the Fahrar.

Lari and her two feral companions sneaked through the forest. She had encountered some camps of the flame legion but because they did not know the situation with the battle they moved cautiously. From the reports she knew that they would be on the top of a hill in a forest but she was not yet able to see it. Up to now all the camps had been empty but voices made the three of them hide in the bushes. Slowly and carefully Lari and the cats continued into the direction of the voices. She wanted to avoid any enemy but the only other way would be to break out of the forest and cross the street and Lari did not want to give away her position to possible guards of the flame legion. She crouched down and signaled Silver and Shadow to also stay still when the camp of the flame legion appeared before her. It seemed to be one of the supply camps that were built in the middle of the forest. Lari came to this conclusion because she tracked a female between a dozen males. It was very uncommon that the flame legion had females with them. They only were given tasks like cooking or as a medic and never were allowed on the front. The female seemed to be in an argument with the males. Lari looked around and saw that only three of the twelve had weapons. They seemed to be the guards while the others stood around the female who was shouting at the biggest of them who looked like a commander of a sort.

"I got enough of your nonsense. I am fighting better than you will ever learn to." Apparently the female was not content with just being used as a cook. She was young but scars in her face and at her arm showed that she had experienced some physical abuse. The big male hit her in the head with his claw and drew a bit of blood. "Silence Amra! You as a female have no right to talk to me like that. Cooking and tending our wounds is all you are good for!" a smile crossed his face. "Or do you want me to suggest you for reproduction? You should be in the age to fuel our front with strong and young fighters, are you not?" Lari could not believe how this flame legion commander was talking to her. As if she was a slave of a sort. She had to admit that what he suggested was not much different from the Order of the Future, fueling the front with new warriors by getting a lot of offsprings, but Trellock was much different. He did not force her... well maybe he did at first... but he was caring and lovely. He also did not belittle her like this scum of a commander she stared at. It took everything from Lari to not jump out and attack this filthy douchebag right now. A lick at her paw brought her to sense before she lost it and a short gaze to the side revealed Silver who felt her anger and tried to calm her down. The laughter of the other charr in the camp drew her attention again. The female charr which apparently had the name Amra, tried to attack the commander but two others held her for him to hit her again. "You dare to try to attack me? You really are asking for it, aren't you?" He ripped her shirt off revealing even more scars on her chest. From the face and the body of her Lari guessed she was around the same age as Cole. She had a colorful fur with different shades of brown going from nearly black spots to the rusty red shoulder. Her fur looked like a pile of leaves in fall. Even her face had at least 5 different shades of brown and her eyes were hazelnut colored. There was just one white dot between her eyes. Her face was twisted into a grimace of anger and pain. The douchebag started to grope her fur and move his paw to her belly. "I had my eyes on you for a while now. You are still a virgin, aren't you? Well we can fix that for you. You seem to beg for me to teach you a lesson anyway." The fight of Amra was not only one of anger. Fear mixed into her face and panic. Lari had heard that the fire legion was not very friendly with females and suppressed them but this was far worse than she expected. Her claws extended directly and her body trembled. But still the soothing lick of Silver and her better judgment held her from bursting into the certain defeat. She forced herself to think about her mission. She had to bring the order to the battlefield. This ruckus was the best distraction for her to pass by this camp. The armed guards were so transfixed on the fight that they would not notice her even if she ran through the forest. Before they would be on her heels she would be out of reach. But her muscles just tensed up for a jump and her body kept motionless in the bushes. Her eyes were transfixed on the scene in front of her unable to move and leave this girl alone. Amra now trashed around her legs and kicked a few of the males but they only laughed. She had not the power to break free or hurt them being held like that. Her face showed disgust when the douchebag licked her face and her chest.

A piercing pain dragged Lari out of her trance. Silver had bit her in the paw. Not strong but just strong enough for her to feel it. She looked at her feral sister and knew that she wanted Lari to go on with her mission. Every second she stayed here was dangerous. Any time a guard could turn away from the scene and notice them. She fought down the emotions and anger inside her and forced herself to only think about the mission. She looked at the guards. One was very close between her and the group in the middle of the camp. The other two sat together a few steps away to the right. The had their weapons positioned next to them and like to one in front of her were just fixed on the fight between their commander and the little girl Amra. They laughed and forget to stay alert. This was the best time for Lari to sneak away. She moved one step back and turned her head to the path she wanted to take when she heard a cry of a male, a loud smack and a screech of the girl followed by the laughter of the males. Her eyes were drawn back to the scene. The girl lay on the ground with blood on her head. The hand of one of the commander bled as well and it was not hard to piece together what happened. She had bitten him and he, in anger, had hit her hard so that she crashed down to the ground. All the tension in Lari broke free like a Vulcan. Reason was not in her head anymore. Lari was not sure if it was her maternal instinct of protection that led her to do this or just that she could stand it as a fellow female. In a split of a second she turned around and broke through the bushed into the camp. Before the guard that stood with the back to her could react she already had her dagger out and the blade left a deep cut mark in the neck of the guard who broke down where he stood. Silver and Shadow had reacted instantly as well when their master did what she was not supposed to. They followed her on the heels and attacked the guards who reached out for their weapons. They did not even touch the weapons before he fangs of the feral cats dug deep into their throat and held them until they stopped moving. In total surprise by this ambush the 9 males that were left stared at the intruders in disbelieve. The three seconds that took them to grasp the situation were enough for Lari to wound one charr, who was about to grab Amra, at the arm with her dagger and get a safe grip at the shoulder of the young female. Without stopping or caring about the surprised shouts she dragged the dazed girl with her and dashed towards the bushes. She just growled to the girl "Run for your life!" and together they broke through the branches into the forest with the feral cats on their tail. The trembling girl stumbled at first and Lari dragged her with them but soon she gained her balance and even though Lari did not let go of her arm she ran on her own barely being able to keep the pace with Lari. The shouting voiced of the flame legion soldiers moved further and further away. In her head Lari was wondering if she should have killed them all while they had no weapons but on the other side the fading voiced of them revealed that they would not catch them. They would first have to collect their weapons and when they were on the pursuit they had to find out which way they went.

Lari took a few turns to make sure they had a harder time to follow them. She had to pace herself down for the young girl who seemed to be very exhausted but kept on running. Lari could not stop to check her wound or make sure she was okay. With a strong grasp of her arm she kept running. Lari knew that when they caught up to them she would not get away lightly. She considered herself lucky that they already were close to the camp of the Black Citadel... that was if it was still standing. There had been no report for the last week and therefore she was sent to check up on the situation. Shadow and Silver were a bit ahead and scouted the way in front of them. The white fur of Silver led the way for Lari and around ten minutes later they broke out of the forest. Lari could see a big plan with a few trees here and there. In the middle of the plain there was a big hill with a forest on top. This had to be the camp that she wanted to reach. The sight however lowered the hopes of Lari. Originally she had planned to sneak in at night but at day it seemed impossible for her. A few groups of the flame legion were spread out around the plains. There were no big battle groups or camps set up in the plains but still a few skirmish groups roamed around and branding against the fortress of trees at the top of the hill. They still had around one mile to the hill and then a few hundred steps to the top. Even though there were no groups of the flame legion directly in between them and the hill it would be impossible to get there unnoticed. But there was no time to think about the danger. She could hear the voices of their pursuers getting closer while she stood there and tried to decide on what to do. Amra, the girl she rescued, pumped air in and out heavily. She was at the brink of exhaustion and far over her limit. Other than the older charr next to her the girl was not used to fighting or running like this. Lari was far better trained and as a scout was used to run at high speed for a long time even in rough terrain. A growl of Silver got Lari back on track. She jumped forward dragging the girl with her. There was no time to search for a hideout or thinking about what to do. It was either gambling on getting through to the top or letting the group behind her catch up. They covered a third of the distance when the pursuit group broke out of the trees. They spotted them directly and the loud tune of a horn echoed over the plain. Lari noticed that one of the groups that was about to climb up the hill turned around and noticed them. She increased her pace and Amra finally was not able to keep the pace with her. Lari noticed that the girl stumbled and nearly fell. She pulled at her arm and hefted her half on her shoulder. The girl was not very heavy but carrying her slowed down Lari a bit. She still was faster than when she would have kept the pace of the exhausted girl but it was also clear to her that she would not be able to reach the top of the hill before the way was cut down by the group in front of her. Still she remained on her course hoping that she would be able to break through somehow. They reached the bottom of the hill and started the climb but all her hope were gone when she looked up and see the fire legion warband in front of her already in position to welcome her with raised arms. She would not be able to break through this even if she would have had her weapons in the hand and not carrying the now fainted girl. Shadow and Silver now ran directly next to her. They would not go down without a fight and Lari felt sorry that they would die like her. She slowed down her pace. At least she would not directly run into their blades but this was only delaying the inevitable. The group behind them just reached the bottom of the hill and now she was stuck between the two groups just 100 steps parting her from both of them.

"Do you like the taste?" Cole looked up to Nana who just emptied the drink he gave her. Her brown eyes had changed in the last days. They seemed even softer when she looked at him and it was clear that she was quite fond of him. They did not go into the small cave again. Cole was not sure if he should ask her to help him out with his growing urges and he also was not sure if he could control himself enough to keep him from taking her like he did his sister. He was sure that this would be against the command of Trellock because they had to have their first experience like that at the test of entrance. "This tastes good. What is it?" she asked. Cole did not know what exactly was in it. Trellock just told him that this was a preparation for the test and ritual to get into the order for every female. He also remembered that his sister told him about getting this drink before she was taken to the secret base. He guessed that it had to do with testing if they would follow the command to drink it and to make them feel comfortable. "This is a team I got from a good friend." He replied. He could not tell her about Trellock yet. For starters this Fahrar was of the iron legion. He would sound suspicious if he told them that he still had connections to Trellock. In addition Nana could get frightened and it could add to the danger of her spilling the word to someone if she got wind from the leader of the order. "Do you have one more cup?" she demanded. She had a glimmer in her eyes that revealed that she loved the taste and maybe also the effect she felt from the drink. Cole remembered the letter he got with it. He was to give her only one cup a day. On the one hand the bottle would not last if he would give more and on the other hand an overdose might be bad for her health. "I was told that this tea is very strong and it can be dangerous to drink more than one cup a day..." he tried to explain. He did not even know if this was the fact but it was the best answer he could think of. "But when I meet my friend again I will ask him if you could drink more." There were two days left until they would get a break from the Fahrar. This was normally a time where they could either spend it at the Fahrar or with their family. Cole already notified his trainer that he would spend it with his sister and they did not ask more questions. Getting Nana to join him was a bit harder because she would normally spend this time with her family. Her father was at the battle with the flame legion but her mother was still in the Black Citadel. He already told her that the test to get into this secret order would be in the first week and maybe she would already get some work to do in the order in the following weeks of the month they had off the Fahrar if she were accepted. It was however very hard for her to come up with an excuse to not spend this break with her mother but instead go with him. Cole had send a message to Trellock through his sister. He told the massager that the letter could be given to the tribune because he knew where his sister was but he did not tell him that in reality it was for the tribune himself. They did not catch suspicion. It was well known that Trellock helped his sister and him to hide while the assassins were on their heels. All in the iron legion believed that Mia was still afraid and this was the reason she did not show herself. None of them suspected her to be any more than a nuisance to Trellock and with the story of open aversion that they had before no one got suspicious of the fact that Mia was made into a mate for Trellock.

"Did your sister already answer you with an idea?" Nana asked him. She also believed that Cole just asked her for help. He had not told her that his sister was part of the secret order but just that he would ask her for help in an excuse for them to vanish for the break. He had an excuse with going to his sister. With the open believe that she was still hiding in fear no one would be suspicious if he would go into hiding for the month. Nana on the other hand would have to explain this to her mother. Also her mother should not get wind of the order or the activities there so it would be hard to keep it secret if she would return to her mother every day. "No answer yet!" he replied and looked into his hands. "There is not much time though." He sight. Nana moved closer to him and nuzzled him. In the last days, since the second day he gave her the tea to drink, she got a lot more clinging. She would nuzzle and lick his face at times when they were alone. Cole looked around but no one seemed to be in sight. He nuzzled her back and caressed her hand. "We will find a way." He promised but still he did not know how he would manage to get her to the hideout without an excuse.

The two days passed in a flash. Every day Cole had Nana drink the tea and the bottle finally was empty. She was eager to drink the tea and Cole also noticed other changes in her. Not only did she cling to him even more with every day but when they were alone he could have sworn that her smell got stronger. He thought that this was maybe because of him getting used to her but he clearly noticed this faint sweet smell the minute she appeared next to him and this let him think about their adventure every time. He got hard in a matter of seconds and it was hard to be around her without dragging her into the cave again and have her pleasure him. Somehow he managed to pull through all this. The last day of the Fahrar before the break had come and Nanas mother appeared before they could get a good excuse. Now she stood with her mother at the entrance. The day was stormy and her mother had crouched down to speak directly into Nanas ear. Cole was down because he had not heard anything from Trellock and he did not manage to get Nana free for the order. He had anticipated the day of her test in hope to finally do all the things he only thought of in the last week. He was eager to test her and train her like Lari trained him. Cole was pent up from the last week. Not only had her scent him on the edge every minute they spend together but also did he not get to masturbate the full week. He got a bit of relieve in his wet dreams at night but this was no substitution for it. Nana and her mother were finished with their conversation and Cole still stood there waiting for a message of Trellock what he should do next and observing the two with a sad heart. To his surprise Nana kissed her mother and turned to him while her mother left without her. She started to run to get out of the wind to where Cole was. "My mother got a special task which leads her to the front where my father is. She is moving out with her warband and she said she has nothing against me staying with you and your sister for this time." The heart of Cole skipped a beat in joy. Without hesitation he grabbed her and pressed a kiss on her muzzle before giving her a hug. He was lucky that no one took note of them. Nanas mother was already away and the few kids that were left played at the other side of the yard. "So in the end you will be able to take the test this evening." He stated and looked happy. She just looked at him with her deep brown eyes and he could see her excitement of the new adventure this test was promising. Little did she know what would happen this night but Cole was as excited as she was for a different reason.

A sudden loud battle cry silenced all the laughing and shouts of both of the groups surrounding Lari. The group that stood between her and the top of the hill suddenly fell forward with spears in their back. A group of fighters took their place and Lari directly knew who the one was that led them. The white fur and this aura the young char was spreading left no doubt that this was the centurion Eru Whitestorm. Lari let herself sink to the ground exhausted and softly lay Amra next to her while the group of fighters passed her to kill her pursuers. Silver and Shadow did not leave Lari's side and Silver cuddled her head against Lari's arm with a purr. They were finally safe.

The next hour went by fast. Lari explained who Amra was and that she rescued her from the flame legion. Eru gave Lari and Amra a tent to lie down and called the medical staff to look after the young girl. Lari handed her report to Eru as well as a secret document of the order explaining who she was. Eru could not say much in front of the others but she nodded to Lari and told her that she would have a long talk with her later. Because Eru had to go to a strategic meeting and had a lot of other tasks to fulfil Wyan filled in to inform Lari about the situation. They had fended off the big army of the flame legion but smaller groups still tried to attack them. One reason might have been that they managed to capture a few of high ranking officers of the flame legion but in addition to that the flame legion was desperate. The ash legion warbands roamed around at night and cleaned up some of their camps. Also they knew exactly where the main base of them was and they were in the preparations of a full scale attack as soon as there was no danger for the camp anymore. This was probably also the reason why the flame legion tried to hold them at their location. They already started to move away from their main base to leave this area. Later Lari lay on her pelt on the ground of the tent with Silver and Shadow next to her. She looked to the sleeping girl next to her. She had bandages around her body and her head but a smile showed that she finally relaxed and left the bad experiences behind her for tonight. Lari smiled as well and extended a paw to softly caress the cheeks of Amra. She imagined what her child would look like when it was in the age of Amra. Her paws glided over the belly of Silver who was also lying on the side. Her belly was clearly bulged and showed that she was pregnant. A tiny head bumped against the wall between the litters and Laris hand. She smiled and caressed over the belly. "I am very curious how your litters will look like." She whispered and with last nuzzles from Silver she finally closed her eyes and got her well-deserved rest.

... to be continued

The Order of Future: Chapter 13 – Nana joins the order

## Chapter 13 - Nana joins the order The wind was cold and the sky dark. Nana clung to the arm of Cole who went beside her. A big charr had fetched them from the Fahrar and led them out of the black citadel through a secret tunnel. Nana was sure she...

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The Order of Future: Chapter 11 – Mia the “Iron Princess” #2

## Chapter 11 - Mia the "Iron Princess" #2 Mia woke up with a wet slapping and slurping sound that seemed to come a few yards from her head, a painful sore feeling from her heat puffed snatch and the feeling of something thick gliding in and out of...

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The Order of Future: Chapter 10 – Mia the “Iron Princess”

## Chapter 10 - Mia the "Iron Princess" Trellock sat in his office only half concentrated over the documents under his eyes. His mind went off to the order of the future and his females. He had been a bit upset when two weeks ago Lari came back with a...

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