The Order of Future: Chapter 10 – Mia the “Iron Princess”

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#10 of The Order of Future

Sorry for the wait. This chapter introduces a new female main character. I hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: This story is based on the game Guild Wars 2 and the story at the beginning of the race Charr, an antromorph sabretoth cat race with horns. While you might notice some setups and characters being close to NPCs they were influenced by the personal story in the game but crafted new with names and characteristics. The race Charr is owned by NCSoft. The story is copyright by me (Imya). Feel free to do art about characters or scenes in the story but please link to the story or name the story and me.

This story includes catmorphs and sexual content. If you do not like these kinds of content or if you are under the legal age in your country (normally 18) please stop reading here. For the rest: Enjoy and please give me comments.

Chapter 10 - Mia the "Iron Princess"

Trellock sat in his office only half concentrated over the documents under his eyes. His mind went off to the order of the future and his females. He had been a bit upset when two weeks ago Lari came back with a male panther instead of the requested female one. After setting a few rules with one being that Silver would not be fucked by the black feral he accepted him in the order. He saw a very close bond as lovers between Lari and Shadow that was as deep as his bond to Silver and maybe this would bring opportunities in the future? Silver clearly already showed signs of pregnancy as well as Lari. So the herbs of the shaman seemed to work and Trellock was excited and curious about the cubs Silver would bring to the light of this world. Shadow was give the rank of a beta for now but Trellock made clear that he was only to mate with Lari at the moment and also only if Trellock did not want her himself. One good thing about the new feral cat was that no one would wonder when Silver would be showing clear signs of pregnancy. A purr let Trellock look up. Shadow sat in a corner of his office eating a piece of meat with clearly visible pleasure. Trellock looked down on the documents again. A tribune of the iron legion has been killed a few days ago and anyone was looking for the culprit. Trellock did not like the tribune and had several arguments with him in the past so the death of the tribune did not interest him very much. The fact that he murder seemed to be for internal reasons within the iron legion was a much more interesting fact. Also his daughter and his son had gone missing shortly after. His daughter was a beautiful but arrogant and domineering charr. She was hardly older than Erui but seemed to boss around others under the name of her father. Trellock did not know much about the son. He was still in a fahrar and from what was heart he was a shy boy. Trellock tossed aside the documents about the murder of tribune Metalfist and looked at the next document. A smile crept over his muzzle when he read Eru's handwriting. It was a report about the front and that everything was fine. Her old warband arrived a few days ago and brought the message with them. It seems as if the old friend of Eru Wyan decided to stay with her. The wonded were threated and the quarter of the blood legion got livelier again. Lari had been put into charge to make sure everyone got what they needed. At the moment she was probably walking around with Silver so see if anyone of them needed something.

Someone knocked at the door and Trellock put the documents into a drawer before he raised his voice. "Come in!" he demanded. A figure in a long coat and with a hood covering the face stepped in. Shadow jumped to his paws and snarled. As long as the murder case was not solved Lari had left him with the duty to protect Trellock. Trellock raised his hand to show Shadow that it was okay for now. The door closed and Trellock spoke to the new person. "Would you please put down the hood so I can see who you are?" he requested and the person followed his order. The face of a beautiful charr was uncovered. Her fur was black with white stripes between her eyes that were of a deep blue color. Her cold eyes looked down to the sitting Trellock with a degrading stare. Trellock directly knew who his visitor was. This was Mia Frosteye, the daughter of the deceased tribune Metalfist. "Well, what do we have here?" Trellock smirked and looked up to the girl. Her nickname "Iron Princess" fit her. The behavior she showed even towards older or higher ranking officers was that of a spoiled princess. "What brings you here to me Mia Frosteye?" he asked her. "To ask for help!" she stated with a cold voice. "Help with what?" - "Help with investigating the murder against my father and hiding me and my brother." Trellock observed the cold eyes and the unchanging facial expression of Mia. She was very good at showing dignity all the time and not revealing what she thought. "Why do you not ask the iron legion for it? You know your father and me never were on good terms. What makes you think I would help you better than his legion?" A silence came upon the office. Only the purr of Shadow, who was now continuing his meal, could be heart for one minute. Trellock did not plan to break the silence himself and so he waited for his answer. Mia kept her composure but the break before she spoke up showed Trellock that it was hard for her to admit. "I believe that the murder is someone inside the iron legion and therefore do not know who I could trust. Also you would be the last one they would think that I ask." Trellock smiled. Just as he thought the "princess" was good at using her head. It was true. If the princess was targeted no one would ever suspect her with Trellock. But it surprised him how much faith she had that he would help her after all that happened between him and her father. His eyes wandered to Shadow who finished his meal and licked his muzzle and paw. Then he looked back at Mia who was still standing in the room. He offered her a seat with a nod to the chair in front of his table and stood up. "I think we should talk a bit more about this. Do you want some tea?" Mia was clearly surprised by this sudden agreement and nodded. While Mia sat down Trellock moved to the cupboard and picked up a cup. Mia could not see the grin over his muzzle when he opened two small boxes that were hidden in the back of the cupboard and put a few herbs from each into the cup. Then he put some water into the cup and mixed it until the herbs had completely settled within the water and a nice aroma filled the room. "This is a very nice tea I got from a shaman a few years ago. The herbs give off their flavor in cold water even and it is relaxing." He gave the cup to Mia and she directly started to drink. Trellock wondered if she maybe did not have much food or water in the last days. He sat down on his chair and looked into the blue eyes of Mia. "To hide you will be very hard knowing how famous you are. I bet that some people recognized you and so they might know already that you approached me. And in addition, what would you pay me for hiding you? I will take a big risk myself as well for poking my nose into internal matters of the iron legion." Mia looked into his amber eyes for a while before she answered. Her voice was still as cold as before. "With my father dead and unable to get to his residence I can't give you much. All I have is the clothes I wear." Trellock looked into the face of the charr in front of him and pondered how to go on. "So you offer yourself in return for hiding the both of you?" he asked and for a moment he saw a change in her facial expressions that showed that this has not been her intend. "I did not mean that..." she said in a calm voice that could not completely cover up her raising anger about this offer. Trellock stopped her with a hand sign and continued. "Well, there might be a way to save the both of you and keep you hidden from the iron legion until the murder is caught. But it will also mean that you would learn a big secret about the black citadel and before I tell you more we need to know if you can keep this secret." Trellock tried to read in her eyes what this answer caused inside her but she kept her composure. Trellock was a bit impressed about the dignity she showed even in this situation. "If this can save me and my brother I would swear every oath and keep my lips sealed about everything that I would see or hear." Trellock nodded. He took an empty paper out of his drawer and wrote something on it. He could feel the cold eyes of Mia on him while he was writing for a few minutes. Then he dried the paper with some powder and rolled it into a scroll sealing it with wax and his seal stamp. "Shadow, you need to bring this to your mistress Lari. She needs to act as soon as possible." He called to the panther. Shadow jumped to his paws and came to Trellock and took the scroll into his muzzle. A few seconds later he already left the office and the door closed behind him leaving Trellock and Mia alone. Trellock noticed that Mia's cup was empty and pointed at it. "Another one?" - "Yes please. It tastes good, thank you." She replied surprised by the sudden question. Trellock took his time to fill in the herbs and pour the water into the cup while thinking about his next steps. He returned the tea to Mia and sat down on his chair again. She already had the cup half empty when he sat down and he smiled at her eagerness.

"What I tell you now is top secret and even the other tribunes do not know about it. You should better keep your promise." Trellock looked into her eyes to underline the importance of this secret. "I will introduce you to a secret order called the Order of the Future. As the name suggests it handles matters to ensure a bright future for the black citadel behind the scenes. When you pass the test of the order you will be part of it and follow its rules. But you will also be protected by the order and no one will ever touch you or your brother." Trellock knew that he threw her a life line and she would catch it whatever would be attached. "But you have to abide by the rules of the order of the future. You must always be obedient against your superiors in the order, never talk to anyone outside the order and you need to be loyal and follow orders without hesitation. Would you agree to these rules?" Trellock locked into the face of Mia with a stern gaze. Mia nodded slowly. "I will swear by my life that I will always follow these rules!" Trellock smiled and rose from his chair. "Then I will make sure that you will be introduced as soon as possible and that you are safe until then. A loyal member of my legion will take care of you and hide you in her room until this day arrives. I will visit you every day and give you an update on how everything is going. Oh..." he halted because something came into his mind. "... Do you know where your brother is?" She looked up to his eyes and with a sigh revealed it. "He hid himself in a forest outside." Trellocks smile was warm and friendly. "Tell Lari, the member I was talking about. She will fetch him later and bring him to a different safe house. It would raise too much suspicion if she would bring him to the blood legion quarter because he is not grown up yet." Trellock noticed her worried lock but at this moment someone knocked at the door and on his word Lari entered together with Silver and Shadow.

Mia waited in the room for Trellock Amberstone to come and fetch her. She had been very nervous the last days that someone might find out that she was in the blood legion quarters and target her like her father. The last three days she had been here with only Lari, an energetic huntress or Silver her pet with her. Twice a day the tribune himself visited her and sometimes he would leave with Silver or Lari leaving her with the other one. Mia had done some small talk with Lari but there was not much they could still talk about. She asked her for the wellbeing of her brother every time Lari took her watch and Lari ensured her that he was well and healthy. Now Lari just stared at the door while the four females waited for Trellock to arrive. This morning the tribune told Mia that he would bring her to the hideout of this order of future. Mia was happy that she finally could relax a bit starting this evening. She did not know what would await her. Trellock or Lari never told her what this test would be but Trellock ensured her that she would do fine as long as she followed his orders. Mia sipped on her tea. This morning Trellock had brought her a carafe of the tea she already had in his office like all other days before. He told her that if she would drink a cup at morning, noon and evening it would help her to calm down. The tea tasted different than any other she have had yet but in a strange way it was good. Now while she was waiting she noticed a tingle between her legs and a secretly probing paw confirmed her suspicion that her snatch was wet again. She had noticed this morning that her heat circle seemed to have come a bit earlier this month. Maybe all the stress she had been through the last week caused her hormones to go crazy. At any other time Mia would not have minded at all but she was a bit concerned if the tingle would disturb her concentration at the test. Also she noticed that her heat called out to her whenever Trellock was around. She did not notice before but this morning she smelled the strong and manly musk from Trellock. It was just after that encounter that she noticed that in the last days she seemed to have gone into heat. A knock at the door ripped her off her thoughts. "For the Blood Legion and the Order" Trellocks voice whispered and Lari quickly opened the door. Trellock entered the room fast and a black shadow slipped past him that turned out to be Shadow, the male panther, another pet of Lari. He moved in to Mia quickly and while Trellock spoke to Lari silently and the huntress left the room Mia noticed the panther sniffing on her crotch. She was sure that the feral beast could smell her heat and just hoped he would no alarm Trellock. She pushed his nose away and kneeled down beside him to caress his head and cover why she pushed him away. "Are you ready to depart?" Trellock asked and looked down to Mia. "Yes, I am ready. I just need to put on the robe." Trellock grabbed the robe from the bed and gave it to her. Mia quickly concealed herself in the robe and pulled the hood into her face. Trellock also put the hood of his robe over his face and grabbed her with one arm. Mia could smell his strong musk now that he pressed her against his body to pass the door together with her. "We must hurry and make sure no one notices us." He whispered and with Shadow taking the lead the two charr started their journey. Mia did not look at the surrounding much. Trellock had told her not to look around because it would raise suspicion and so she just looked at the way beneath her feet as Trellock led her away from the black citadel though a dark night. The walked for twenty minutes until they reached a hill and Trellock sent Shadow to scout the area to make sure no one followed them. When Shadow returned and seemed to be relaxed and with no alarming gesture Trellock led her to the backside of a hill and suddenly they stood in front of a door concealed by a bush. Trellock pushed her inside quickly, let Shadow in as well and then closed the door behind them. Mia just held the arm of Trellock afraid to take a step inside the utter darkness they had entered. Without the stars to give a bit of light it was too dark to even see her own hand in front of her eyes. Mia shut her eyes when the torch jumped to life and slowly she opened them again when Trellock started to lead her into a tunnel that led inside of the hill. Mia was a bit afraid by the labyrinth they now crossed but at the same time each step made her relax more because this labyrinth also gave her peace and the impression that with each step her murders would be further away and she would move out of their reach. This hideout seemed to be the perfect hideout against anyone who would seek her. When the three of them entered a big cave Mia sighed in relieve. She felt safe here and with the room getting brighter and brighter with every torch Trellock lit at the wall she felt her nervousness and fear fade away. The smell in this room was strange and Mia could not make out what it was but she also did not care for the moment. She looked around and the whole ground was covered with pelts and a pile of pelts and some chests and barrels stood in a corner. Another big old chest was placed at one of the walls. Trellock hung his torch into a torch holder next to the entrance through which they entered. Mia looked around and noticed that it was the only entrance and that a pelt hung in front of it to keep the cold air of the labyrinth outside. Trellock moved to the big chest at the one wall and opened it. But instead of taking something out of it he started to undo his armor and place it inside of the chest until he only wore his undergarment. Mia tried hard not show the discomfort she felt by the male stripping in front of her. He looked at her with a surprised look. "You do not need to be shy Mia Frosteye. This hideout of the order requires us to undo all out clothes and weapon as a sign that no one has to fear being attacked inside here and show that we do not hide anything from each other." With these words he slipped off his underwear and put it into the chest as well. He seemed not so concerned about Mia looking at him but she just received her first gaze upon a full grown up naked male. Her eyes were drawn to his crotch where his penis rested invisible in his furry sheath. Blood rushed into Mia's head when she noticed that Trellock followed her gaze and quickly looked into a different direction. She felt the glare of Trellock on her when she slowly moved to the chest and started with undoing her robe. She could feel Trellocks eyes on her while she stripped for him but despite her growing discomfort she remained calm and contained her dignity just like her father once had taught her. Her hand stopped for a moment when she grabbed her panties as the last bit of clothes. She could feel the fabric being drenched in her juice and she hesitated a bit before meeting with Trellocks waiting look and reminded herself about the rule of the order to be obedient. Maybe she behaved like a child in his eyes and with a sigh and a fast push she undid the panties. Her juice formed a line to the panties before it splattered and sprinkled on the pelts below. She quickly picked her panties off, folded them and placed them under the robe in the chest.

Trellock smiled at her and beckoned her to the pelts while he sat down. "Have a seat. We will now commerce the test of the order." Mia was taken by surprise that it would be so suddenly and padded over to him. The smell of his musk when she drew near him was overwhelming. Without his clothes he emitted an even stronger scent. She felt the fur around her snatch soaking in the fluid that rushed out of her heat driven vagina. She quickly sat down and crossed her legs in the try to hide this fact from Trellock. But she had not counted with Shadow. He jumped to her directly and pushed his head into her lap. With long strides he started to lick her snatch. She nearly moaned but she tried to keep her composure again and pushed his head away. It seemed to work. The panther moved away towards Trellock. "You don't need to hide you private area. This is only natural." She heart Trellock and blood sting in her head by the embarrassment. She tried hard to not let him notice her embarrassment. "So I would say with the first test we will help you out with that. You will be more at ease with the test to come this way." Trellock continued and when Mia looked up she saw his amber eyes looking straight at her. "You should get on all fours and I will have a taste and clean you." He explained her but in his face she saw a stern look and she knew it was an order she could not deny without already breaking the rule of obedience to the order. She suddenly felt that this was the first of her tests already. Unsure of where it would lead her she forced herself to bend forward and put a proud stance on all fours. She felt a cold chill on her nether lips and a drop of her juice fell down to the pelts. "Just close your eyes and relax." Trellock said before she felt his rough tongue on her labia. Mia suppressed a moan and took in the air with a silent hiss. She tried to keep all of the feelings inside her and not show Trellock how much her body called out to him but it was impossible. Her body showed it for her. The fur around her snatch was drenched in a matter of seconds and she felt slimy fluid seep out of her as fast as he lapped it off. A first loud moan escaped her muzzle when he hit her clit with his tongue. The tail that Trellock had to move aside by himself first now was pushed straight into the air and her body demanded the tongue with quivers and clenches. The tongue moved away from her snatch but at the moment Mai wanted to open her eyes and look back what was going on the tongue returned and surprised by the sudden return of the pleasure Mia let out a short mewl. The tongue even started to lick over her tail base, her tail hole and the fur on her legs between the licks on her pussy. Mia lost the thoughts about this being a test and just let her mind be consumed in the pleasure. She felt the tongue lick her more eagerly and then it stopped suddenly again.

Mia yipped when a heavy body crashed down on her back and when she wanted to jump away in instinct she felt a piercing pain in her neck followed by a rush of tingling feeling that filled her full body. He body did not listen to her and she felt frozen in this position. A poking at her nether lips proofed her suspicion right and her mind just caught up with the situation. The moment she had asked Trellock to help her and her brother she had already thought that such an outcome could be possible. That Trellock would ask her to pay with her body. Maybe this thought and that she found out that it would not be too bad to partner up with this strong charr and have cubbs with him made her get into heat earlier. She had heart of wild animals going into heat he moment they encountered a mail of their liking. Mia coughed to hide the painfull groan when her maidenhood was pierced in one go. Aside of being big endowed Trellock also seemed to be eager to mate with her. He pushed in and out in a high pace and soon Mia felt him hilt to her backside and the balls slapping against the wet fur under her pussy. "You seem to enjoy yourself." She heard the voice of Trellock. But something was strange. The voice did not come from behind or above but in front of her. She quickly opened her eyes just to see Trellock sitting in front of her and watching the mating session with a half erect penis in his hands. At the moment she rolled her eyes up to see a glimpse of the black head of the panther she already felt the feral beast empty his balls inside her womb until it was full to the brink. Mia felt disgusted and humiliated while Shadow pulled out and scratched her love tunnel with his barbs. This time she could not cover her groan and she moaned loud in pain and pleasure. "Stay in this position. This will be your test this evening: to stay in this position no matter what will happen." Trellock commanded her before she sank down to the ground. The black feral beast now lay down next to her and cleaned his own nether region with ease. Mia kept in the position on all fours but glared hateful to Trellock. She understood that this was done to humiliate her and to take revenge on her father that could not take it himself anymore. She could just stand up and flee and she would not have to endure any more of this humiliation but she understood too well that she had no choice. Even if she would find the way out of the labyrinth she would not only be lost and dead without the protection of Trellock but also if any word about this came out she would never be able to show her face inside the black citadel. This order was most likely all a lie and just an excuse to lure her here. Also what was there to lose at this point? She already had been defiled and humiliated by the feral beast. Giving up now would mean to make the act she had been forced to completely for nothing. The worst that could happen would be that Trellock would let the beast upon her again but this would not be more humiliating than this time and also she now was prepared. Trellock could take her himself but she had counted this possibility in from the start so it did not scare her. Mia noticed Shadow getting up to his paws and while he started to lick on her labia and made her fight hard to not let out a moan of the pleasure she saw his penis getting hard again. Round two was to come and there would be nothing she could do against it so why fighting it? She could also try to enjoy it a bit. Because she was sure that Trellock would be pleased about it she raised her tail and offered herself to Shadow. She could hear a surprised gasp from behind her where the entry to the cave was. She turned her head around and at the moment she saw her brother standing here next to Lari and Silver Shadow already mounted her and she felt the piercing in her neck and the pain in her vagina again. Mia's head burned as much as her inside. This was more humiliating and serious than she had imagined. Why did Trellock bring her brother in her and even more why did they have to enter at this moment? She died in embarrassment on the thought that she beckoned a feral beast to mount her right in front of her little brother. He would not understand why. He just saw his sister who begged a feral panther to mount and fuck her. Mia snapped out of her thoughts too late. She noticed that she had not hidden her moans as Shadow fucked her hard and that she was moaning like a whore. She tried to suppress the moans now but the pleasure and arousal that had built up inside her was too strong for her to fight down with her endorphin clouded mind. She let herself sink into the pleasure and mewl and moan until Shadow filled her to the brim a second time. The pain was not as strong as the first time when Shadow pulled his barbs over her burning inside. She panted heavy while she felt her body cooling down far slower than the last time. A motion to her right caught her eye when her mind was clear again. She turned her head and saw Lari behind her now naked brother. She fondled his balls while above her paws his member was fully erect from the show Mia just had given him. "What are you doing?" she asked and shot an angry glare to Trellock who was still sitting in front of her. She felt the cum of Shadow seep out of her and coat her crotch and legs. "Well..." Trellock grinned. "... you both will have a test of obedience today and also it would be cruel to leave him hanging after the show you just gave him!" With an even bigger grin he turned to Lari. "Did you teach him the rules he has to follow?" - "Yes Trellock!" she answered and while Mia still was stunned by the whole scene Trellock rose to his paws and moved to her hind. She wanted to move away and not let her brother see even more of this but she remembered the command of Trellock that she was not to move if she wanted his protection. Mia closed her eyes and prepared herself for what she thought would come. The big dick of Trellock entering her like Shadow had done before. The voice of Trellock however did shock her even more. "Have you ever seen a pussy up close?" he asked and after a few seconds a very silent voice of her brother replied. "No." "Well then come here... what was your name?" - "Cole, sir!" - "Oh you do not need to call me sir here, Cole. Just Trellock is fine. Come here. I will give you a quick lesson about females and mating." Mia could not believe it. This was going too far. She wanted to move but she felt her Tail being grabbed by Trellock who seemed to have foreseen her action. "You can touch it if you want. Explore it on your own. I am sure your sister has nothing against it." Mia knew she had no choice but accept it. If you would try to fight Trellock here she would lose his protection and also she was not sure if she could prevent it even if she fought. With her brother here Trellock could even blackmail her to hurt him. He did not say any of that but the mind of Mia only saw the possibilities and these facts alone stopped her from fighting against Trellock. She felt a very hesitant paw touching her labia and her pussy quivered in return. In a strange way it aroused her heat swollen vulva even more that this was her brother doing it to her. Her senses faded and she did not listen to the conversation of Trellock and Cole. The older male was just encouraging the younger one to explore her. She did not need to hear any word he said. It would only add to her embarrassment. After a few minutes she felt a small tongue lick over her vagina. Her voice chirped from the sudden rush of pleasure and at the same time it disgusted her that Trellock made Cole lick out the semen of Shadow she also enjoyed the treatment. She felt him touch her tail base and her tail hole and he seemed to smear some of the liquid around it and press a finger inside. All this added to her pleasure and she felt her body finally approaching an orgasm. The tongue was removed and the finger was pushed completely into her anus. The finger was thick and supposedly from Trellock. The spreading hurt a bit but it also was very pleasurable to have this finger slide in and out. Mia came down with an orgasm a few minutes later. With her anal tunnel squeezing this finger it still pounded in and out of her and something slapped against her wet and sensitive pussy. Mia's mind cleared up a bit. The moment she realized that this was no finger in her ass was when the thing started to spur inside her. She mewled in surprise and looked back over her shoulder. She saw the happy face of her brother who just had his first orgasm in her ass. A "What....?" escaped from her muzzle. Her anger against Trellock grew. He humiliated her more and more and now even had her brother fuck her ass. Now Trellock guided the young charr to her head so she did not have to turn over her shoulder to see him. "You got him dirty, you should clean him!" he suggested and pushed the youngster on the ground in front of her. Mia looked at the spunk coated member of her brother and his furry sacks that were drenched in her fluids. While she still ogled her brother she felt Shadow mounting her again and soon the black cat rutted her and ravaged her inside. With her orgasm just past her she was super sensitive and she could not prevent herself from purring, mewling and moaning from his penis that was pumping in and out. She was long past the point of no return and now it was all or nothing. She lowered her head and started to lock the penis of her brother that jumped back up and was erect in no time.

In the following hours Mia just held this position, sucked her brother off who came a lot of times in her muzzle and let the panther rape her again and again. With her inside being more sensitive she achieved a few orgasms herself. The only thing she was thankful for was that she had her first orgasm with her brother and not with the feral beast. Her little brother moaned with her and fell asleep long before her. She did not know how many times they did it until Mia was just too tired and Trellock let her off the hook. She just collapsed where she stood laying her head on the belly of her brother and her hind inside the pool of the combined fluids of Mia and Shadow. On an instinct trained during this evening she extended her tongue and licked over the crotch of her brother before she fell asleep.

The Order of Future: Chapter 11 – Mia the “Iron Princess” #2

## Chapter 11 - Mia the "Iron Princess" #2 Mia woke up with a wet slapping and slurping sound that seemed to come a few yards from her head, a painful sore feeling from her heat puffed snatch and the feeling of something thick gliding in and out of...

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Order of the Future: Chapter 9 – Taming the Beast

## Chapter 9 - Taming the Beast The cold air calmed Lari's senses. Her strong legs moved quickly and made her eat away the miles. She felt a tingling in her snatch and a chill between her legs told her that her pants were soaked. It has been two days...

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Order of the Future: Chapter 8 – Alpha, Beta, Gamma

## Chapter 8 - Alpha, Beta, Gamma When Lari woke up next the heavy musk of Trellock was all around her. Her nether region tingled as well as her belly. With a mix of a yawn and a moan she ran her paw along her belly while keeping her eyes closed. Her...

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