Order of the Future: Chapter 8 – Alpha, Beta, Gamma

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#8 of The Order of Future

This time the update came quick. I found some time today to finishe the chapter to let you know how the three spend their time. This will be the last chapter of the threesome of them. There will be one more about this characters though before I move on with the next main character (and maybe back to Erui as well). It gets a bit sticky but I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: This story is based on the game Guild Wars 2 and the story at the beginning of the race Charr, an antromorph sabretoth cat race with horns. While you might notice some setups and characters being close to NPCs they were influenced by the personal story in the game but crafted new with names and characteristics. The race Charr is owned by NCSoft. The story is copyright by me (Imya). Feel free to do art about characters or scenes in the story but please link to the story or name the story and me.

This story includes catmorphs and sexual content. If you do not like these kinds of content or if you are under the legal age in your country (normally 18) please stop reading here. For the rest: Enjoy and please give me comments.

Chapter 8 - Alpha, Beta, Gamma

When Lari woke up next the heavy musk of Trellock was all around her. Her nether region tingled as well as her belly. With a mix of a yawn and a moan she ran her paw along her belly while keeping her eyes closed. Her nipples were erect from the arousal of her body and she felt wetness between her legs. Her belly was still a bit bulged but it did not feel filled to the brim like before her sleep. Her puffy lips felt empty and in need of satisfaction. She was sure that this had been one of the reasons for her to wake up. Lari took in the musky air with a deep breath and started to rub her cunny. Her paw was soaking wet within a few seconds and a lustful moan escaped her muzzle. After a few minutes playing with herself with her eyes closed and not only drenching her paw but also her thighs she opened her eyes and looked what was in front of her twitching nose. The question why Trellocks musk was this strong around her was answered right after she opened her eyes. Trellock slept next to her and he must have slipped the covers from himself in sleep. His closed eyes and his steady breath told Lari that he was fast asleep but one part of him was active and awake. His penis poked out of his sheath half erect. His body had no chance to ignore the heat of two females nearby even in sleep. Lari eyes focused on his red member and she leaned over Trellocks body while licking her lips. Her covers glided to the side and revealed her strong heated scent. She took a deep sniff at his member. She could smell her own scent and his strong musk combined. Her paw moved even faster in her own snatch to keep up with the increasing arousal. An experimental lick made his member twitch a bit and jump out of the sheath completely. His taste was rich and strong with a salty flavor. It did not take long for the heat crazed charr until she had lapped away all the sticky and dried fluids in his fur around his private place and started to suckle on his dick. She aimed to get it stiff and ready for her to mount. Her snatch was near its limits and she needed to have him inside her pretty soon. She rose to all four paws to have better access and stood over him the other way around. Her mound hovered over his nose and she was weaving with her tail to get her heat scent all over him. Her vulva dripped her fluids constantly on his closed mouth and throat. She went down on his dick to the hilt. Even though she gaged when she got it into her throat she still pushed all the way down until her nose was pressed between his sacks and she could take in his strong aroma. When she tasted his first pre-cum she yipped by the sudden feeling of his tongue on her clit. She heard her juice splash when she clenched her nether lips and Trellock gulp. "This is a nice way to be woken up." He stated and she felt his member twitch as it reached full erection. When he licked her nether region again she moved forward on all fours and let his penis drop out of her muzzle. She moved beside him and turned her hind towards his head. A slurping and squishing sound was emitted by her snatch when she clenched and relaxed her labia and winked with it towards Trellock. She readied herself in a wide and stable stance and raised her hunches to show him that she was ready to be taken by him.

He did not make her wait for long. She let out a long and deep moan when he slowly shoved his member through her labia. She could hear him grunt between her moans and he set her inner parts on fire. The pain of his barbs scratching her was not as bad as the previous time. One the one hand she got used to it and also she was slick from her own juice even more than before and so it slid in and out with ease. Trellock bit her nap while he increased his pace and Lari huffed and groaned by the sudden rush of endorphins gushing into her body. Each push of Trellock was met by a push backwards by Lari. She came down with one orgasm but Trellock continued with his pace and pushed in and out her clenching tunnel. With a last big push hilting his member Trellock came down to his own orgasm and splashed his semen into her womb again. Both of them moaned in unison when a rough tongue licked over her clit and his balls. Lari could beel his member twitch even more and spurt more of his sticky fluid into her. On the same time he released her nap and she could feel that he looked back. With him on her back she was unable to look herself but Trellocks words confirmed her suspicion on whom the spender of this lick was. "Good morning Silver." He greeted her followed by another unison moan of the charrs when Silver licked a few times more. Laris belly filled even more than it had been the last time because Trellock did not stop to cum. But Lari welcomed the dull pain of her belly being stretched and by the feeling of his seed pressing into her fallopian tubes again she came down with another strong orgasm. With dangling tongue out of her muzzle she recovered with huffing breath after she calmed down from her last orgasm. Trellock still twitched inside her but his spasm also died down and she felt his tongue lick her on the head. His member started to soften in her tunnel and she felt the trapped fluid beginning to push through the gaps his member left now and coating his member, her love tunnel and both their nethers in a sticky and wet mess. With her own orgasm dying down she felt a furry body running along both of the charrs side. She turned her head to the side and saw that Silver snuggled her back against them while she passed the loving couple. The scent of her heat was as strong as the new found scent of Lari when Silvers hind passed the heads of the two charr. She moved in front of the mating pair and her tail was raised high to give them full access to ogle at her puffy and drenched pussy. With Trellock on her back Lari was unable to move a paw and Lari was a bit too far away for her to reach her with her tongue but Trellock seemed to have taken over the duty to return the favor. He extended one paw and Lari felt his weight increase atop of her. He brushed over Silvers puffy clit and labia making the snow leopard squeak in pleasure. Lari looked along the body of Silver and saw that the feral cat now looked back over her shoulder while her tail weaved back and forth. She had seen this by feral cats in mating season already but she was sure that Silver was not really asking Trellock to mount her. Little did she know that Silver had already been claimed by Trellock.

Lari felt his member popping out of her love canal and as she relaxed all the fluids in her womb pressed out and flooded out of her cunt. Her complete hind legs were drenched in seconds and she could feel a puddle forming under her hunch. She felt something wet and slimy touching her under her tail base and pushed around her tail. She felt his dick rubbing along her back and leaving a sticky trail while her flanks were touched by his soaked hind legs. He was walking over her on all fours. He stopped when he was half over her and his chest hovered over her head. She looked forward and saw Trellocks head align with Silvers tail. She could not see what he was doing but the slurping sounds of his tongue in her snatch in addition to the raising moans of Silver gave Lari a clear impression on the action. She felt his penis becoming full erect again and pressing against her back while her furr on her lower half was drenched by his legs and privates that leaked on her. Lari looked to the ground and rode out the last tingle of her body when the stream that leaked out of her pussy subsided slowly and became a dripping. After a few minutes she felt him move again. His member brushed the back of her head and when she looked up she was blinded by his sacks falling on her eyes. Her face felt hot and sticky in a matter of seconds and she felt the hot balls of Trellock slip further down her nose and an overwhelming musk surrounded her nostrils. She opened her eyes again when she felt the last of his soaked fur leave her face and her yaw dropped open by the sight of him pushing his hard member with a loud "splosh" into the feral cunt of her sister. While he pumped away at a fast pace she could not believe that he really would mount a feral let alone Silver allowing him to. She could not help but feeling betrayed by both of them but at the same time the sight and their combined scents aroused her own body and she could not take away her eyes from them. Frozen in a position as if she was waiting to be mounted again she just stared at the raised tail of Trellock that revealed his tail hole and balls, the slapping of his wet balls against Silvers drenched mound when he hilted with each push and the gushing out kitten juice every time he pulled back. It splashed in front of her and some of it even splashed on her nose and muzzle. His drenched hind glimmered in the light of the fire. It took Lari over a minute to snap out of her daze. She looked down at the puddle that was forming under them and she did not know what had driven her to do this but she lowered her head and after a few sniffs she moved forward and started to lap at the sticky liquid. New liquid splashed down from above and drenched her face but she continued to lap until there was very little left. She was in trance and while she started to lick at Silvers clit and over Trellocks balls, which slapped against her drenched face every time he pulled back, she started to wonder if she had come to get addicted to the taste of their fluids. She earned loud moans from both of them and Trellock pushed in one last time and held himself locked up with Silvers mound. Lari could feel him twitch under her tongue and she also felt Silver shudder. Both of them must have had an orgasm at the same time. No new fluid came out of Silvers pussy and Lari saw that Trellock plugged it up good with his big member. Robbed of her source of fresh liquid she started to lick both of the clean. She earned more moans as she licked their legs and privates and even the tail base of Trellock. Lari found out that she liked the combined liquids of the three of them on the legs of Trellock most arousing and her own snatch dripped constantly. Trellock started to move again and Lari could not believe that he actually was up for another go. She felt betrayed once again because he seemed to prefer Silver over her. But on the other side she got new fresh fluids of Trellock and Lari from the snow leopards snatch now every time he pulled back.

"Lari!" she heard the shout between moans from Trellock while he continued with a slow pace. "How about you poke your head between our legs and lay down to lick Silvers dugs?" he asked and Lari felt a bit offended. He did not even thank her for the stimulation. When he called out she thought he would tell her to get ready but it seemed he was thinking about Silvers pleasure more than about hers right now. "Lari?!" he asked again and the tone of his voice made it clear that it had not been a request but a command before. With a sigh Lari poked her head between their legs and turned around to lie on her back. She could hear the squelching sound of his member in her love cavern, the munching sound of the juiced moving inside Silver and the huffs and moan of both mates now clearly and on the same time it offended her she also got aroused by it. She felt her belly get soaked by the love juice splashing out of Silver and soon her fur was drenched and it dribbled towards her own nether region. With a second sigh she started to lick at the belly of Silver. A couple of chirping noises escaped from the muzzle of Silver when Lari licked her over sensitive teats. It took only a short while until Lari calmed down from the feeling of betrayal. This was her sister after all and she cared about her feeling good so she would do her best to make this a memorial time. She started to caress the belly of her feral friend and felt that it bulged out much more than her own did this morning. Trellock seemed to not hold back any of his desire and semen inside Silver. When she started to suckle on the dugs of Silver she felt the feral kitten shudder and Lari knew that Silver just achieved another orgasm. She saw in her mind how her body was spasm and contracting around Trellocks big penis and she could hear him slosh more semen into the feral cat making her belly bulge a bit more. Then both of them came to a halt and Lari's tongue and paws were the only motion. A few minutes the bodies over Lari did not move until Trellock seemed to start to pull out of Silver. "You can now stop this and get out of there." He exclaimed and Lari took this as an indication that her tingling inside would soon be soothed by Trellock again as well. She Started to move backwards to slip back under them but at the same time she noticed Trellock move backwards. A waterfall of fluids gushed down on Lari while she moved back drenching her from tail to nose. She was just unter Silvers pussy when the last stream of fluids game down and Lari opened her mouth to take in the last shot of the fresh fluid. She felt sticky and wet. There was no furr on her that was not drenched in cum. "Rrrrrr! You are one sticky kitten." Trellock whispered to her and while Lari felt blood rush into her head he placed a kiss on her muzzle. Then he moved up to Silver to give her a kiss on her muzzle as well and Silver let herself fall to the side exhausted.

"I think it is time I tell you about the order, is it not?" Trellock asked while he sat down at the next try spot in front of the puddle of juices on the pelts. Lari heard his words but her body, crazed by heat, only saw his softening member and smelled his alluring musk. She crawled forward through the puddle of cum and while lying in the middle of the puddle she moved her muzzle to his member and started to lick it. "Maybe I overdosed a bit." Trellock said with a low voice as if to himself and then he tickled her behind her ears and said "Well, just listen to me while you are doing it, okay?" Lari nodded while she took his meat into her muzzle and started to suckle on it. Silver also came over to them but she seemed to prefer a dry spot next to Trellock. She curled up to a ball with her muzzle against her nether lips and while her ears were faced to Trellock to listen to his explanation she licked her own snatch clean. "The Order of the Future..." Trellock started "...is an order to keep the black citadel strong. The thing we need the most are new warriors because the war keeps getting longer and longer. For this reason we need to have strong charr. I invented this order to get whelps out of the best females of the charr with the best and strongest male." Lari looked up to him and licked around his balls disappointed that his member seemed to soft down even with all her licking. "You should never talk about this order because it is a secret and we do not want any spy catching a word of it. Also we have a hierarchy in the order that is based on the laws of a pack." He extended the paw that was not caressing Lari and softly padded Silver on his side. "There is one alpha male, this is me of course, and an alpha female. The alpha female is Erui. You might already know her." Lari sure had heard of Erui. She was the celebraty of the blood legion and the youngest centurion of the black citadel. "The next in the hierarchy are the beta. They are the highest other member and inside the order may take commands only from the alphas. Then we have the Gamma and so on until we reach the omega. But we have none of them yet." Trellock smiled. "I decided that Silver will be a Beta starting now. That means she will take commands inside the order only from me and Erui. You..." and she looked down on Lari who stopped her motion and looked up to him with his flaccid member in her muzzle. "...will be a Gamma. Don't be upset. Outside the order your positions towards your feral friend will be the same but here she will rank higher." Lari let his member plop out of her muzzle. Her saliva dropped on it. "I am..." Tellock took both paws under her arms and lifted her up while he dropped his head. "Don't worry. There is not much difference between you and you both have to obey my command. Also you can raise in ranks with tasks." He explained and kissed her on her cum coated muzzle. Lari still felt a bit bad about being graded lower than Silver. Not that she would think of herself more than of Silver. They had always been the same rank between each other but it struck her a bit that a feral cat had a higher rank than herself. Lari knew that this was not a time to complain. She had already sworn to be part of this order and follow its rules. There was no going back now anyways because she already made herself Trellocks bitch. And even as a Gamma she might have a good chance of gaining ranks outside the order more easily with Trellocks goodwill. Even more because she was a couple with Silver and her friend even was a Beta. Lari started to get comfortable with this thought and her mind went back to her surroundings and the tingling feeling of her body. She licked Trellocks lips when he finished their kiss and let her go. She lay down in the puddle so that her full underside was drenched in the warm and sticky fluid. Then she rolled around like a cat in heat and rubbed all her fur into the fluid while presenting her puffy nether lips to Trellock. "Would you mind to give me a second sill as well?" she asked him with an alluring voice. She saw Trellock lick his lips as he looked down to his messy and sticky char slut.

'The dose must have been far too strong!' thought Trellock. Lari was not completely herself there rolling around in the juiced of him and Silver but the picture had something arousing. Lari had turned into a sex crazed slut and Trellock wondered how long these herbs would last. He only got them by chance from a shaman a long time ago. The herbs he gave Lari were for stimulation and to get females into heat. However it had been meant for animals and not charr. The Shaman had used them to breed animals. The herbs he gave Silver were of a different kind. They changed reception limitations and allowed cross breeding of animals that would normally not be able to breed. The Shaman had used them to populate near distinct races again by crossing them with other races. Because Trellock had been so interested in the effect the Shaman had given him a big amount of the herbs and now knowing what to do with them he just had stored them away in his room. But he had directly remembered when he saw the pair making out in their room and planned to try them out to see if they even worked on charr. He had to remember to use a smaller dose on the heat driving medicine. Even though he liked the effect and it was quite a show he got there right now he did not want to need for such matters. He only meant for her to get into heat to be receptive and take her position in his breeding order. But he would take the chance today to teach her all of the parts of sex she was going to provide him with in the future. "Okay my sticky Gamma, raise to your paws and get into mating position." He commanded her and saw that she was quick to meet his demand. Her whole fur dripped into the puddle under her and her tail that was moved up above her back sent constant drops on her soaked fur. He heard her purring in anticipation and decided to not let her wait any longer. Even though this session would surely be different than she expected. His member woke up and jumped to action getting rock hard.

Lari's mind was clouded by the heavy scent around her. She did not know why her body was so demanding for the liquid but without her mind controlling her she was rolling and bathing inside the puddle of love juice from Silver and Trellock. The warm liquid felt right on her fur and her skin. She was soaked and slimy but it felt good. Her pussy and her inside burned in need and she beckoned Trellock with her body trying to get him to soothe the fire inside her. Her body was fast to get into position when Trellock finally complied and told her to get ready. She felt the warm fluid dripping down from herself and on her back from her tail. She looked over her shoulder and licked her sticky lips with her tongue while she saw Trellock approaching. She felt him moving over her. He seemed not to care about her fur being drenched. She felt his fur soak in the fluid from her own fur when his chest and belly hit her back. He licked her neck before biting into it carefully and sending electricity down Lari's spine. She anticipated the lovely feeling when he would finally push through her labia and into her inner tunnels. She felt a paw roam over her tail base and her pussy and smearing the sticky and slimy fluid all over her back side. She felt something poke her tail hole but before she could react he already pushed hard and aided by the slimy fluid he seemed to also have rubbed on his member and on her tail hole he slipped in to the hilt in one go slapping his big fuzzy balls against her sensitive nether lips. Luckily for her it did not hurt much because of the lubricant. She only felt a little pain from being stretched so suddenly but her relaxed muscles let him slide in in one go without resistance. A rush of sensation rolled over her body. In a weird way this felt awesome and a moan escaped her muzzle. "I see you like it in your tail." Trellock mentioned and let go of her neck. "This will make it much easier for you when I train you." And with these words he pulled back until his tip was the only thing between her tail-ring and pushed in again. Lari let out a piercing screech as the pain of his barbs shot through her body. Because her anal canal was much tighter than her love tunnel the raking hurt much more. Even the lubricant on his member had not been able to make it more comfortable. She could not see the blood spill into the puddle below her when Trellock pulled out but she felt the burning fire of her directly shore anal passage. His pushing in again did hurt now as well at the same time as it sends her little jolts of pleasure. Trellock ignored her screams. She soon was husky from screaming and tear ran down her cum soaked cheeks from the pain. But between her husky screams there were moans and a constant purr. She found the pain nearly as stimulating as the pure pleasure before and she came around his member squeezing hard with her anus from the burning pain. While she groaned in pain with each of his pushed or pulls she saw Silver in the corner of her eye and moving past her. The feral cat placed herself directly in front of Lari and raised her tail. The heat swollen vulva of Silver danced in front of her nose weaving her heat over Lari. Even though Lari concentrated hard on her hurting butt she knew by instinct that Silver wanted to have her tribute for the snow leopard higher rank. Or maybe the cat was just in need but for Lari it did not matter. She pressed her muzzle against the snatch of Silver and pushed her tongue deep inside. This muffled her groans and the Lari could hear the slurping sound on her hind. Trellock huffed and moaned over her. He seemed to enjoy himself. Then Lari felt a gush of fluid spill into her as Trellocks penis twitched and shot his hot semen into her. The hot fluid soothed her pain and sent her into another orgasm contracting hard around his member. He continued to pound her but her anal canal went numb and did not feel any pain, only sensation and stimulation. The next time he splashed her anal canal full of his white and sticky love juice all three of them shared an orgasm. Lari felt her senses fading away when Trellock pulled out of her. The last thing she saw when she crushed down into the puddle with a splash was Trellock moving over her and with a loud slurping sound mounting the snow leopard once again. Then Lari fell asleep.

...to be continued.

Order of the Future: Chapter 9 – Taming the Beast

## Chapter 9 - Taming the Beast The cold air calmed Lari's senses. Her strong legs moved quickly and made her eat away the miles. She felt a tingling in her snatch and a chill between her legs told her that her pants were soaked. It has been two days...

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Order of the Future: Chapter 7 – Herbs and Heat

## Chapter 7 - Herbs and Heat Silver could smell the scent of pelts, her own heat, a strong musk and the scent of Lari. With her eyes still closed she took a deep breath and took in the scent of Trellock that weaved around her. A cold chill on her...

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Order of the Future: Chapter 6 – Lari the Ranger #2

## Chapter 6 - Lari the Ranger #2 Lari had not taken long for the decision to join this order the tribune told her about. She made the promise to be loyal and obedient, not talk to anyone outside the order about it and to follow any command given by...

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