Order of the Future: Chapter 7 – Herbs and Heat

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#7 of The Order of Future

I am sorry for the long wait but I made the chapter a bit longer. Maybe you can guess what Trellock aims to do with this two beautiful females and how he wants to put his plans to bear fruits. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I also hope it will not take me so long to write the next chapter.

Disclaimer: This story is based on the game Guild Wars 2 and the story at the beginning of the race Charr, an antromorph sabretoth cat race with horns. While you might notice some setups and characters being close to NPCs they were influenced by the personal story in the game but crafted new with names and characteristics. The race Charr is owned by NCSoft. The story is copyright by me (Imya). Feel free to do art about characters or scenes in the story but please link to the story or name the story and me.

This story includes catmorphs and sexual content. If you do not like these kinds of content or if you are under the legal age in your country (normally 18) please stop reading here. For the rest: Enjoy and please give me comments.

Chapter 7 - Herbs and Heat

Silver could smell the scent of pelts, her own heat, a strong musk and the scent of Lari. With her eyes still closed she took a deep breath and took in the scent of Trellock that weaved around her. A cold chill on her puffy and wet nether lips and the fact that there was no heavy body atop of her told her that Trellock must have moved off her while she slept. After their threesome time Lari had been the first to fall asleep and Silver had driven into slumber soon after wile feeling the big meat of Trellock moving in and out in short thrusts. Silver did not know how long she had slept but she felt fresh energy inside her. With her senses awakening again she felt something oozing out slowly from her slit and dripping down on her leg. She lay on the side and her belly felt less stuffed than it had felt the before she fell asleep. A new scent slowly crept in with the other scents. A scent of herbs she never had smelled before. At the same time her sharp ears picked up the sound of Trellocks silent steps on the pelts. With a deep yawn she opened her eyes and rolled over. Trellock had his back to her and seemed to prepare some bowls where he inserted water. Then she saw him taking some herbs from a bag and mixing them into one bowl. For the second bowl he chose herbs from a different bag. Curious Silver rose to her paws carefully to not wake Lari who was sleeping next to her. Lari was covered by a big pelt but Silver wondered why Trellock had done this. This cave was very warm with the fire in the fireplace and pelts all over the ground. A few silent steps were all she had to take to stand next to Trellock when he just finished to mix the herbs into the water.

"Ah, good morning silver." Trellock whispered to her and threw a quick look to the sleeping Lari. "I prepared something for you." He told her while he ruffled the fur between her ears. "The herbs in the water will give you new energy." He explained and placed the first bowl in front of Silver. Interested the snow leopard sniffed at the water but the scent was only very faint. Cautious she extended her tongue into the water and retracted it to savior the taste. The taste of the herbs was very faint as well but it tasted fresh and good. The water left a light tingling on her tongue and muzzle. She tried a small sip and the tingle crept down her throat and into her stomach. She trusted Trellock enough to know that he would not poison her to death and the drink was really refreshing. The tingle did not last long but she felt herself beginning to wake up very quickly and the energy inside her kept rising. She did not know if this was due to the fact that the water was very cold or because of the herbs. While Silver drank the water in the bowl Trellock carried the other bowl to Lari. With a big spoon he started to put small amounts of the water into the mouth of Lari as if he was tending to an ill. Silver stopped drinking. Was Lari really ill? Was this the reason she was covered with a pelt? She closed in to Trellock and Lari and watched Trellock feeding Lari spoon after spoon of the water. "Don't worry. She is just exhausted and sleeping. I just make sure that she has a relaxing sleep and can regain her energy." Trellock whispered and smirked. With one look to Silvers bowl he confirmed that she did not drink all of it yet. "Drink up my dear. I will be done here in 10 minutes or so." Silver returned to her bowl after confirming with a lick over the forehead of Lari that her friend did not have fever. Now and then she looked to Trellock who continued to feed Lari while she just gulped down the small amounts of water in her sleep. The tingling in her belly held on longer the more water she drank. After the full bowl was empty and she returned to the side of Trellock her belly tingled and a few silent noises came out of her belly. The feeling was pleasant though and so she did not mind the tingling and started with her morning bath. Unconsciously she positioned herself in a way that her exposed pussy was faced towards Trellock who was just one step away. She started licking her front legs and everything she could reach at her chest and back. Then she curled up and cleaned her belly. Her rouge tongue slit over each of her dugs numerous times and a small moan escaped her muzzle every time the tongue hit the sensitive and erect dugs. She felt the chill between her legs increasing as new kitten cum squelched out of her nether lips and drenched her rear and tail. When she reached her nether region the scent of her heat was overwhelming. She saw a puddle of clear fem cum and the sticky white cum of Trellock in the fur around her mound. Some of the cum was dry because it must have oozed out this night but some was fresh as small drops still found their way out of her nearly empty womb. The strong scent of her own heat and the rest of Trellocks semen aroused her even more and she lapped at her opening long after the fur on her hind and her tail was cleaned already. She stuck her tongue deep into her tunnel and scooped out every little drop of the delicious mixture of their juices. Silver grew a liking to Trellocks taste and she was a bit disappointed when she had cleaned out all of his reminders in her. The moans of her grew into groans of frustration and she let up of her dripping cunt.

This was the time when Silver noticed that Trellock had finished feeding Lari and watched her self fellatio with his big amber eyes. Being a feral she was not easily embarrassed just by the fact to be watched by others while she was cleaning herself but she just noticed her position and how eager he watched and could not help her blood rushing into her head. He beckoned to her and slowly she followed his request. The closer she got to him the stronger his alluring scent got. She remembered the last evening and what a pleasure was associated with this scent and her body reacted directly. She licked her lips, clenched her nether lips and felt the cold chill on them when a gust of wind touched her drenched backside. Her scent grew stronger and she was dripping on the pelts under her again. "Help me clean as well." He whispered and pointed down at his own private region. Silver noticed that his member was already sticking out and pre cum dripped from the tip. The fur around it was still sticky in dried liquid of the same mixture that she just had cleaned herself from. Even though she felt the strong need of her body she was still a bit hesitant. She never had been so close to a male organ before. Until yesterday she never had been close to any male at all and as he took her virginity yesterday, this would be a first as well. Slowly she licked her lips and closed in to the big red meaty rod. She could see where the spikes extracted when it was full erect. She ogled at the shape that was getting wider from a very pointy tip. His member jumped a bit at her first touch. Her tongue slit over the flesh and licked of the pre cum. The strong taste of the fresh liquid sent tingles through her body. She took a second lick and a third and soon she lapped actively on his member. After a few licks over the meaty part she turned her attention to the fuzzy features. She licked the fur between his legs and his big sacks. It took a few licks at each spot to get off the dried liquid. He strong licks heard a moan from Trellock who leaned back and gave her full access to his private region. Her nose poked between his sacks when she cleaned his tail base and licked over his tail hole. The strong scent that she took in with a deep breath made her whole body tingle and quiver in anticipation. She wanted to turn around at this moment and have him take her again. There was a job to finish before though and so she continued to clean his fur off their combined dried love juices. She finished her job with a lick over his meaty member that was now fully erect. She licked the tip a few times that was oozing pre on a slow pace now and then moved away her head to look up to Trellocks head. He had his eyes closed and it took a few seconds for him to stop moaning and notice that she had stopped. He looked down at her and put one paw on her head. "Don't stop. Keep going." He said and pulled her head forward so that his member slit into her muzzle. His barbs scratched over her tongue and her gums and the tip of his penis hit her throat and made her gag. On reflex she wanted to pull back her head but after a few centimeters his paw blocked further movement and pushed her forward again. In a steady pace he bobbed her head up and down on his member and she was forced to let his meat slide inside her muzzle. Silver came over her first shock and concentrated to not gag every time he hit the end of her muzzle. Her gum and tongue burned from the scratches of his barbs. On the same time she felt her muzzle produce more saliva and her body tingle from the strong taste of his member in her muzzle. Soon he did not have to push her forward anymore but she bobbed her head obediently how he instructed her to. She tasted his pre cum and started to suckle on his penis. Trellock threw back his head and moaned loud while he enjoyed her blowjob. After a while he moved into a crouching position while he kept himself in her muzzle and moved over her. His hind paws next to her front paws he stood over her with his member buried deep into her muzzle. She did not know what he planned and just held her muzzle steady to go with it. Her nose was stuffed between his belly fur and his member and his musk was alluring and stimulating her very strong. She let out a muffled yiff as she felt one of his paws touching her tail and moving it away. His member slit up to the hilt and her nose pressed against the fur above his member. She gaged when his member sliped deep into her throat. Her nose was now only filled with his sweat and musk and her yaw dropped by the sheer sudden fullness of her muzzle. She wanted to pull back but a muzzle that was placed on her nether lips blocked her way back and forced a tongue into her swollen and over sensitive vagina. The rush of pleasure drove out muffled moans from her and her tongue dropped out of her muzzle and brushed over his dangling sacks. This earned a loud moan from Trellock. "Oh yea, lick my balls Silver." He moaned and pushed his hips a bit forward. Silver got used to the big penis in her muzzle and throat. Her breath went fast because there was not much air to get in the gap between his member and his belly. She started to lick his balls while he scooped out her kitty juice from her snatch. Silver felt a strong gush of his semen after a few more minutes as his member twitched and erupted in her muzzle. He pulled back enough that his nutritious gift would land in her muzzle where she could savor him. At the same time her body trembled in her own orgasm that was triggered by his tongue and the sudden strong taste of his semen in her muzzle. She gulped down his goods while she splashed her own juice into his muzzle. After the last spurt of cum exited his member he pulled back and his big and wet member plopped out of her muzzle. She took a long and deep breath and took another gulp of the last load that he had erupted. Silver dropped to the side and while still breathing the cold air exhausted she looked up to Trellock who now lay on his back on the pelts and also breathed hard.

Silver slowly recovered and for the next ten minutes both of them just lay there and caught their breath. Lari had not woken up but still slept peacefully. She had not noticed that her best friend, the snow leopard Silver, had given her first blowjob to the tribune. The tingle of her nethers subsided and only the light tingle that had been caused by the water she drank earlier still lingered inside her. But when Silver calmed down she also noticed that the tingle fainted away as well and another ten minutes later, when Trellock raised into a sitting position again, the only tingle was again at her puffy slit that was wet from her heat. "You are a fine kitten." Trellock said and she turned her head to him while keeping her body lying on the side. "This should be enough time for the herbs to have done their job so should we go to the next action?" Silver did not understand what he meant but she felt energy returning to her. Also she felt an itch in her snatch that needed to be scratched. She raised to her paws and took the few steps to Trellock. She rubbed her side at the side of the charr and ran her back from head to tail under his chin. When her tail base just passed his chin she raised her tail, sliding it at the side of his nose in full length, and raised her rump so that her quivering cunt was directly in front of his twitching nose and weaved its strong scent of heat against him. Her provocation did not miss its mark. A look back over her shoulder revealed that his member poked out again already and she mewled when his tongue slit across her folds and lapped up the juice that lubricated her nether lips. On instinct her body moved in a wider stance and she pressed her rump against his nose. When he continued to lap at her nether lips she groaned in annoyance. She wanted him inside her. Even though she had an orgasm just a few moments ago the fire deep inside her had not been satisfied with this. It rather had been lit to an inferno that only one thing could put out. Her heat and frustration had never been this strong and unbearable. Maybe it was because she just recently learned about mating. Finally she saw Trellock rising and she noticed that his big rod was hard again. He moved over her and she welcomed his heavy weight on her back. He did not need to push her tail away because she already put it to the side to enable him to have easy access to the place where she wanted him. Finally she felt the pointy tip of his penis brush over her folds. Her nether lips gripped it and they tried to pull it in. She felt the gentle bite in her neck and a rush of hormones gushing into her body making her even tinglier and finally she felt the pressure on her nether lips and the rubbing and scratching of his meat while he slowly entered the snow leopard. A load moan escaped her muzzle and she felt saliva dripping over the edges of her now open muzzle. Her tongue hanged out on the side of her muzzle. Her inner tunnels still were a bit shore from the last night but she welcomed the burning scratch of his member. Trellock slit into her with one slow constant movement. He parted her drenched flesh and a slurping noise escaped from her tunnel. He did not even stop at her cervix but pushed through it in the same pace and entered her womb until he hit the back of her cavern. Silver mixed short chirping noises between her moans. Her full body tingled. She was aroused and sensitive to the maximum and every millimeter of his big dick caused her a small pre orgasm and sent waves of pleasure through her trembling body. And at this moment Trellock started to rock his hips and pull out just to push in again. The moans of Silver turned into grunts and she came down on a powerful orgasm with his second push. The spikes of his penis scratched but she could not feel any pain. For her over sensitive tunnel it just added to the pleasure and her inner muscles gripped his rod hard and squeezed it. He continued what seemed for hours to Silver and her voice soon became husky and she just huffed and moaned very deep with each of his pulls and pushes. She was lost in a world of pleasure and orgasm. Her mind went blank and she was just a trembling cock sleeve that was lost in a spiraling orgasm. Silver could not tell if it was one never ending orgasm or if her body calmed down between multiple of them. She felt shore and pain added to the pleasure but this aroused her even more. She instinctively knew that this was what her live was about. To be bred by her big and strong male. To be mated and moan under him and feel the endless time of pleasure. While her energy depleted more and more she still did not want this to end. Her trembling legs could barely hold herself up but her will kept her hind raised to meet him again and again. Her shore tunnels, cervix and nether lips started to burn. They were raw but Trellock still kept going. Silver was so husky that he could not tell the painful groans from the pleasure driven moans and he too was reaching his peek. Three more pushes and Silver felt her senses fading. While her inside started to get numb she still was highly sensitive and so she felt the splash of his first orgasm. He filled her tiny womb to the brim and like the day before it pressed into her fallopian tube and to the waiting eggs. The pain of the pressure woke Silver up a bit again and she felt her belly bulge a bit from the ongoing spurts. Trellock held himself buried deep inside her and filled her with gushed of semen. Her inside contracted a last time in the final orgasm and then she faded away to sleep. She did not feel that Trellock started to pump again and that with each pull of his penis a big wave of blood, semen and kitty juice sloshed out of her abused cunt. She did also not feel his second and his third orgasm as he continued to ride her while she was unconscious. Her hot and heated body had driven him into a purse mating machine that did only care for pumping her full of sperm over and over again. But he also hit his limits not long after and after his forth orgasm he collapsed atop of her and let himself fall to the side taking the sleeping beauty with him. He recovered enough after a few minutes to pull his burning red rod out of her and move into a sitting position. He saw the mix of blood and love fluids and he felt sorry for this wonderful snow leopard who had made him go through the most awesome orgasm in his life. He scooped out the fluids in the outer part of her love tunnel and licked over her shore puffy nether lips. In her sleep she winced a bit and moaned but she would not wake up. He moved Silver to a dry spot and covered her with a few pelts. In her exhausted state she could cool out and the last thing he wanted was having one of them falling ill. He caressed the head of the beautiful beast and placed a soft kiss on her nose. "Sorry that I did not hold back my dear. Sleep deep and well." He looked over to Lari and smiled tired. She had slept through the full action even though they had been pretty heated in the middle and it had been everything but silent right beside her. But the sleeping herbs he had given her in the night before he went to bed had done their work. It was not that he did not want her to witness his act with Silver but he wanted her to rest and gather energy for what he had planned next. He did give her the last dose of the other herbs this morning and they should work fast. Maybe their effect already started but this evening they should unfold their full effect. He had planned to let her sleep until then. He was so exhausted himself that he would not want to go into another mating session right away anyways. "Anticipation is the best." He mumbled and took some scrap cloth to wipe away the puddle he made with Silver. He picked up the pelts that were drenched and put them together with the scrap cloth into a big barrel in the corner. Then he grabbed a few pelts from a pile next to the barrel and put them into the empty spot. Finally he lay down at a spot a few steps away from Lari and blanketed himself with another few hides. With a last fulfilled sigh and a lovely gaze to the sleeping snow leopard he closed his eyes and fell asleep as well.

Lari did not know how long she had slept. She turned around and yawned as she slowly opened her eyes. The candles on the wall still burned and the fire in the fireplace did it's best to fill the cave with warm air. A few pelts were placed on her and kept her from the chilly air that traveled through the cave and tried to invade the space of the fire. A few steps away from her she saw Silver also covert with pelts. Lari only remembered that she had fallen asleep after a strong orgasm from Silvers licking. A movement from behind startled her. She turned around and looked into the eyes of Trellock Amberstone who lay a few meters away and seemed to have woken up at this moment as well. "Good morning Lari Swiftpaw." He greeted her and his deep voice filled the cave with. "Good morning tribune." Lari answered and blood rushed into her head. She remembered that the tribune had observed her intimate session with Silver and he must also have witnessed her passing out on the last orgasm. Trellock lifted his upper body into a sitting position and the pelts fell down revealing his bare chest. The blood pulsed in Lari's head. "Have you slept well?" he asked and looked her in the eyes. Lari looked to the ground and whispered. "Yes tribune. Thank you for the pelts." The tribune chuckled. "You can call me just Trellock here. It is just the three of us. Silver, your partner, seems very exhausted." He added and when Lari looked up he gazed towards the sleeping snow leopard. "I think we should let her sleep when we get up now." He rose to his paws and moved to one corner. Lari turned around to Silver and she crawled the few steps on all fours to her to caress her head softly. The pelts fell from her body on the ground and the chill breath in the air brushed her fur. It was not enough to make her freeze because her fur was quite a good warm coat but when it brushed over her nethers she felt a cold chill. Lari just noticed that she was still naked. She turned around and saw Trellock approaching. "You also want something to drink and to eat?" he asked and waved with a cup and some dried meat. She met up and the words she wanted to say kept stuck in her throat. Trellock was naked as well. She could see his fuzzy sack swing between his legs as he closed in and when he crouched down to give her the meat and the drink she saw a dark whole at the tip of his sheath. She could not take away her eyes from his dangling sacks and so she did not make any move to take the food from him. "You are still a bit sleepy, aren't you?" he asked and she could hear a chuckle that made her rip the eyes of his crotch and look up to him. "I am sorry tribune..." she stuttered but he smiled at her and pushed the meat and the cup into her hands. "Trellock is fine I said." He padded her head and sat down just in front of her. The air that was put into motion by him sitting down weaved around her and she smelt a strong musk. Unconsciously she took a deep breath and inhaled the male aroma. Her snatch tingled and she felt herself getting aroused and wet between her legs. "Go on and eat." Trellock told her and she heard him munching on a piece of meat. Confused by her own arousal and the whole situation she just followed his command and ripped off a bit of the meat and chewed on it. She felt that she was thirsty all of the sudden. She raised the cup to her lips and downed it in one go. The water inside had a light aroma of herbs she did not know. It seemed to be a cold tea of some sort. The food and the water settled down in her stomach and she felt energy raising and the pulse of the blood in her head faded away. She felt refreshed and continued her meal deep in her thoughts about the musk that got stronger any minute. And also there was another scent that grew strong but Lari could not determine what this other scent was.

After they finished Trellock took the cups back to the corner where he fetched them and the air around was cleared of his musk for a moment. Laris head cleared up as well with the fresh air and she noticed that her cunt was silently dripping. She looked to Trellock and moved her paw down to slide a paw digit over her nether lips. They were drenched in her fluid and when she moved her paw back to her nose she noticed that the strange smell before had been her own. The strong musk of Trellock had aroused her more than she had been yesterday. Lari looked to the ground and put her paw into her maw to savior her own taste. Her own taste did add to her arousal and she felt that her cunt lubricated itself a bit more with the alluring fluid. "Would you like to go on with the test now?" The voice of Trellock ripped her out of her thoughts. Without thinking she just looked up to the eyes of the male charr who was now sitting in front of her and nodded. "Sure, as you wish." With a grin the male extended his hand and grabbed her paw. "Well, we were at obedience, right? Yesterday I watched you having your fun, now I want to experience the fun you put Silver through." He pulled her forward so that her upper body bent and her head came to halt a few inches in front of his crotch. His strong musk sent chills of arousal through her body and she was undecided if he really meant her to lick him or if she even wanted this. A soft push on the back of her head made his motives clear as her nose was pushed against his crotch. She took in his male musk with a deep breath and her body overthrew her mind and decided for her. A tongue snaked out of her muzzle and licked the fur at his sheath. It tasted strange. A bit like the smell around her but also a bit like silver had tasted yesterday. Trellock released her head and moaned as she took a long lick over his sheath and started to clean him. Lari startled a bit when a small piece of red flesh poked out of his sheath and against her nose. She had never been so close to a male let alone to its male organ. The paw returned to her head and urged her to go on. With long strides she licked over the fuzzy private region of Trellock while his rod appeared more and more. She licked over his heavy balls and the musk in his fur, wet from her saliva, when her nose was pressed between them as she tried to reach the fur beneath nearly made her faint. Her full body tingled and she felt her leg getting wet from the juice that dripped out of her snatch. Two paws grabbed her head and positioned her above the red rod that now was completely out of the sheath. With a paw digit Trellock softly opened her maw and pushed her down on his dick so that it slid down her now open muzzle. Pre tickled the back of her muzzle when his pointy tip hit it. A strong taste filled her mouth and urged by the paws of Trellock, who now massaged her head and jaw; she closed her muzzle around his cock and started to use her tongue to suckle on it. His strong taste aroused her even more than the taste of Silver had aroused her yesterday. Even though Lari did not understand why her vagina produced so much liquid, far more that she had produced while being licked by Silver the day before, but at the moment she did not lose any thought about it. She licked off the pre that pushed out of Trellocks member each time she suckled and she started to bob her head up and down in a small motion. At this moment it just felt right to do this. Even if she had hesitated before she now wanted to continue this. Once she had overcome her shyness about this she started to enjoy it. Lari didn't need Trellock to urge her anymore. She actively slurped and sucked, licked and bobbed around his dick and made him lean back and moan from the experience. Lost in an never ending circle Lari continued until she felt his penis twitch inside her mouth and start to spurt a large quantity of semen into her muzzle. She was surprised by it and opened her jaw. Most of the semen dripped down from her chaps and on the fur beneath it. "You should not waste it, should you?" Trellock asked her and in Lari's mind was so clouded in the taste and the act that she went down on the still spurting rod to lick the balls and fur around the rod clean of what she spilled. The tip of his member was pushed into her throat and even though she gaged and he spurted splash after splash down her gullet she kept licking while she gaged around him. The contractions of her gag added to his pleasure as her throat squeezed his member hard. A minute later when Trellock noticed that Lari had stopped breathing because she did not manage to take him at the same time he pulled her head up to release her from the tight plug. He had finished spurting his seed into her stomach and let her lick off the reminders around his private area while he came down from his orgasm and his member started to soften a bit.

"Now my part of the deal!" he said and lifted her upper body up so that she was sitting again. His paw grabbed her head and lifted it to look into her yellow eyes. "I will make sure you enjoy it just as much." He said and kissed her on the cum drenched muzzle lips. His tongue invaded her muzzle and a rush of pleasure washed over Lari. She let him push her onto her back and her legs opened on her own. He kept locked with her muzzle while his paws explored her body and rubbed her erect dugs. The kiss lasted a few minutes but for Lari it seemed far longer. When he finally broke it she just let her head fall back on the pelt beneath her and moaned as eh moved down to lick over her sensitive tits. Arousal filled her body once more and she gripped the pelts with her paws and squeezed them strong to hold in the pleasure that was about to break out. She endured it for three licks over her over sensitive clit. Then the dam burst and she came with a powerful orgasm right at the time when his tongue probed through her labia. She was blessed with a strong stream of kitty fluid from her snatch that he drank down as if it was booze. Lari did not understand why her body reacted so strong to Trellock. Little did she know that the herbs he gave her drove her heat and accelerated her cycle. Even though she still would have had 10 days to her heat the herbs had her already deep in her most receptive phase by now and her full body was sensible and ready to be bred. And Trellock was up to fulfill this duty. While she slowly came down from her powerful orgasm He moved up again with his tongue and went over all her sensitive teats making her body tingle in new pleasure. His head came to halt next to her head and he whispered in her ear. "This might hurt at first but don't worry. You will enjoy it." Lari had no time to catch up in her head with what he was about to do. She felt a high stimulation as his dick slipped through her well drenched and puffy labia and the moment she felt the painful pressure on her hymen his powerful push already burst through it and he popped her cherry in one go. He had put up more force than he had for Silver and the powerful push kept going. He wiggled it through her tunnel that was contracting from the pain of her cherry being popped and with all his weight he pushed against her cervix until the muscles released a bit from the contraction and he rushed in right to the hilt and poked painfully at the back of her womb. Lari roared in pain and for a moment she only felt burning pain. Then he pulled back all the way to her entrance and the barbs of his fully erect penis scratched her painfully and started a fire inside her directly sore love canal. Trellock on his side did not care for the moment as she groaned and screamed from the pain. He pulled back and pushed into her and his pace got faster with every push. Soon Lari changed from screams to only low groans mixed with moans. She had gotten used to the burning feeling inside her and the pain was now dull. Her inner parts were a bit numb from the pain but under all this she started to feel pleasure. His barbs scratched her clit every time he pulled back and when he pushed in his tip brushed her G-point for a second before it invaded further into her womb again. Her inside squeezed and contracted around his still hammering dick when she came down with another powerful orgasm from the pain and the raising pleasure. Her lustful moans grew stronger with every push of Trellock and the heat took over. The puddle of blood and semen that was around her tail base and soaked all her fur on her hind grew larger with every pull as he scooped out her love juice and the blood and it splashed out against his returning crotch and dripped down on her tail base. The squeezing of her brought Trellock close to his orgasm as well. He tried to hold it in as long as possible but with a last push he exploded in her filling her womb to the brim like he had done with Silver before. While this triggered the third orgasm of Lari she felt his semen soak into any corner of her womb and with the fifth and sixth spurt it reached into her fallopian tubes and he kept going until she also felt the pressure on her womb like her feral sister and her belly bulged out a little bit. She still cramped around his dick in her dying down orgasm and the spasms milked his twitching and spurting cubmaker hard. Trellock felt the hard dugs of her poking into his stomach as her belly bulged out even more and he kept spurting. Even after the spurting died down his dick still stayed erect and hard. Pushed down to the hilt with his drenched sacks resting on her tail hole he plugged up her uterus and kept all the life giving seeds trapped inside his female. "You will have wonderful cubs." He whispered into her ear. She could not respond. On the one hand exhaustion made her very sleepy at this moment and on the other hand he pressed his muzzle against hers and pulled her into a deep kiss while his hind quarter kept pressed against hers to keep his seal tight and make sure that his seeds would do their job in her pre-started heat.

... to be continued.

Order of the Future: Chapter 8 – Alpha, Beta, Gamma

## Chapter 8 - Alpha, Beta, Gamma When Lari woke up next the heavy musk of Trellock was all around her. Her nether region tingled as well as her belly. With a mix of a yawn and a moan she ran her paw along her belly while keeping her eyes closed. Her...

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Order of the Future: Chapter 6 – Lari the Ranger #2

## Chapter 6 - Lari the Ranger #2 Lari had not taken long for the decision to join this order the tribune told her about. She made the promise to be loyal and obedient, not talk to anyone outside the order about it and to follow any command given by...

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Order of the Future: Chapter 5 – Lari the Ranger #1

## Chapter 5 - Lari the Ranger #1 Even though the summer was already dying the air was still warm. The sun shone down on the plains and only good eyes could see a movement crossing the area with dry grass and soil. There were two figures with golden...

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