Order of the Future: Chapter 5 – Lari the Ranger #1

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#5 of The Order of Future

Sorry for the wait. With this chapter a new protagonist enters the stage. Because of time with work etc. it was delayed a bit. I try to be faster with the next one.

Disclaimer: This story is based on the game Guild Wars 2 and the story at the beginning of the race Charr, an antromorph sabretoth cat race with horns. While you might notice some setups and characters being close to NPCs they were influenced by the personal story in the game but crafted new with names and characteristics. The race Charr is owned by NCSoft. The story is copyright by me (Imya). Feel free to do art about characters or scenes in the story but please link to the story or name the story and me.

This story includes catmorphs and sexual content. If you do not like these kinds of content or if you are under the legal age in your country (normally 18) please stop reading here. For the rest: Enjoy and please give me comments.

Chapter 5 - Lari the Ranger #1

Even though the summer was already dying the air was still warm. The sun shone down on the plains and only good eyes could see a movement crossing the area with dry grass and soil. There were two figures with golden and silver fur and the brown dots of a cheetah. Both looked exactly the same except for one of them running on two paws with a golden pelt while the other ran on four with a silver hide. On a closer look small horns were visible on the head of the one walking upright. "Let's race to the end of these plains Silver. Our mission has not started yet and if we finish it as fast as usual maybe we will finally get promoted." Lari's yellow eyes scanned her companion. The female snow leopard gazed back. Both of them had the same eyes. This had been the reason why Lari had noticed her silver companion. It had been on a hunt like hundreds before in the snowy area of Silverpeak Mountain.

The snow under her paws did not make any sound. On bare paws, without all the extra most of her warband companions had to protect their feet, she silently ran through the Snowden Drifts. She could feel the cold snow under her feet and the chill wind all over her body. She wore a thin white pelt. Her fur color and the dots would else have given her away for miles. With the soft and warm white pelt she was like a big cotton ball driven through the mountains by the wind. She was on her way home after a mission. It has not been a demanding one but a fairly easy task. She was a new member of the Blood Legion and still had to earn her stripes. The young ranger had been a hand full for her legionnaire because she was so wild and energetic. He tend to send her on solo missions and most of the times boring ones. But despite her being annoyed by only getting jobs as a messenger or delivery girl she loved her eleventh warband. They were a bunch of nice guys and gals. Most of them she knew from her time in the Fahrar and they already knew her wild nature and did not tease her about it anymore. Lari was known as a loner and no one knew that she in fact felt lonely and wished for nothing more than a true friend to share her thoughts and feelings with.

Lari stopped in her tracks. A silent sound of something heavy hitting the snow made her scan the area around. The only sound had been the scrunch of the snow when something hit it but the missing of other sounds had her instinct on alarm. Such a sound could only be created by the jump of a predator. She ducked to the ground and squinnied her eyes. Her discovery was so sudden that she opened her eyes in a quick and surprised motion. Just a few steps away from her a big snow leopard gazed back at her. The big cat crouched near the snowy ground and in its maw there was a white snow rabbit that it just caught. But the eyes of this cat were the most surprising detail. Lari knew these eyes. They were the same eyes that looked back when she gazed into a mirror. The eyes were to the tiniest bit a copy of Lari's eyes. The snow leopard also seemed to have come to a similar conclusion because it did not move but just pierced her own gaze into the one of Lari. The dead snow rabbit fell out of the fangs of the big cat and both felines stood there for nearly half an hour not moving an inch, wind in their fur and the silence of this devastated snow plains around them. Then finally the snow leopard moved first. Silent step after silent step, as silent as Lari was moving just moments ago, it closed the gap between them until its nose touched Lari's. The knot inside the ranger burst in a sudden feeling of comfort and understanding. There was no questioning what happened and no words needed to verify. Both felt it at the same time: the close bond to each other, the need to be around the other and the warm feeling of love. Both knew that from this second on they would travel together as sisters. Nothing would ever bring them apart. Lari had found the one companion, the one true friend, the one family she had waited for. Her arms extended around the body of the feral cat and her paws caressed the shoulders and the back of her new sister. While she snuggled her head against the head of the now purring cat she whispered. "I finally found you silver!"

Lari smiled at the memory of these first moments of their journey together and raised her pace. Snow was not losing on her and was at her heals. Even though both were now running at full speed nearly no sound emitted from their steps. Both of them were silent hunters and fast runners. Sometimes her comrades of the eleventh warband of the Blood Legion teased her for being nearly like one of the Ash Legion. For the matter of her skills this was more than true but her heart beat with the Blood Legion every day. She would never want to join another Legion than her own. The end of the plains came into sight and Lari looked to her side. Silver still was next to her not losing in speed or endurance. Both feline were like one. Their legs moved in unison and their minds seemed to be linked. At the same second they tensed up their muscles and increased their pace by a notch. They were both predators on the hunt for this victory. A row of trees that marked the end of the plains drew closer and closer but none of both dropped the speed. There were hundred steps left, fifty, twenty, ten...

... both passed the finishing line at the same time with a leap. Lari came to a sliding halt while Silver rolled on the ground from her leap. "Looks like another draw for us, eh?" Lari laughed and looked up at Silver. She looked at her own eyes surrounded by white fur and a smirking muzzle. In her muzzle Silver held a fat rabbit. She had used the last leap to get a catch and claim her victory over her sister. "Okay, I get it. So my turn today, right?" Silver purred and dropped the rabbit. Lari bend down and ruffled her head. "You are a sneaky one, aren't you? But at least we got something for dinner." Lari looked towards the sky. The sun was half a paw over the horizon and it would be at most two hours until it was dark. They made it nearly all the way to the Black Citadel. The mission she had been given was to deliver a massage from her legionnaire to the tribune Trellock Amberstone. The massage was expected to arrive in two days but her legionnaire should have known that she would be faster. They would probably not make it before the dawn but in about three or four hours they would be at the citadel if they would walk. By running they could even make it until the darkness swallowed the day. "Come here Silver. We will have only a short break. We want to sleep in the camp, don't we?" Silver snuggled her head against Lari and licked her cheek as an answer. Lari laughed again and caressed the head and the shoulders of her friend. The break was short and they shared the rabbit. Lari was used to eating food raw when she was on a mission. This had a lot of convenient advantages. The first was that she would not lose time with cooking the meal. The second was that she could do it on the run with a fresh caught prey and the third, obviously, was that it was more convenient when she wanted to share with Silver. Even though Silver also ate dry meat if she had too she preferred fresh meat. With an eye to the setting sun both of them soon continued their journey. They did not run as fast as before but they established a steady trotting pace and so they managed to get to the Black Citadel just half an hour after the last light of the sun hid behind the horizon.

Trellock Amberstone looked down on the document that he received from the massager. He had seen her a few times and she was well known as the fastest currier of all legions. He looked at the date on top of the massage and raised his eye brows. Just one day for this distance was remarkable. He looked up and observed the golden furred charr and her silver coated companion. She clearly was a bit shy about being watched this fiercely so Trellock turned his eyes back to the document.

"Tribune Trellock Amberstone,

We met one of the Ash Legions warband here in the north and they informed us about the hardships in the fight with the fire legion. We were already on our way back to the Black Citadel but I was able to read the situation from the story of the Ash Legion. They said that the full remaining Blood Legion and a few of their own marched towards the camp. They also told us that there were a lot of casualties at the front. I could hear your mind over the distance and know that you most likely want us to join the force around the young centurion. With this massage I will send my fastest runner. The distance would normally take three days to deliver the massage but she will most likely be at the Black Citadel in two days or faster. If you do not agree with my decision send her back with your orders. She will find us. If she will not return within five days I suspect that you agree with my decision to head to aid the Blood Legion at the front. In this case you do not need to send her back. Even though she acts tough, she will be quite exhausted when she arrives. She had scouting and running the whole week already and if it would not have been for such an emergency I would let her rest already.

The mission we were given was a success. We secured the village and drove away the bandits. We also were able to secure the goods they stole and thanks to Soldier Lari Swiftpaw we were able to track every hideout of them. The area here is now secure and our help is no longer needed. We showed them the capability and power of the Blood Legion and made a lot of impression on the folks here. Faithfully

Oglana Firefist, Legionnaire of the eleventh warband of the Blood Legion"

Trellock smirked. Oglana was a very clever Legionnaire and he was sure that she would soon be a fine centurion when one of his centurions would make a mistake or would be promoted. She was a good tactician and was able to read between the lines of any information. She would have been a good addition for his Order but he knew that she had some kind of romance with her centurion so he doubted that she would join. Telling her without being sure was a risk he did not want to take. A silent rustle had Trellock lock up. "Oh, excuse me Lari Swiftpaw. I was a little bit absent minded. I will not need you for now. You may rest." He smiled and made a hand sign that she was released. "Thank you for your fast delivery. You live up to your reputation of being the fastest scout around." Trellock noticed that Lari was a bit shy around him. Well, of course she would be nervous around her tribune meeting him the first time and directly all alone. She was a fine young soldier. He watched her turning around and walking alongside her feral companion to the door. She was a bit taller than Eru and a bit more slender. Her body was like a spring and Trellock smirked when his eye caught Silver who was walking next to her. Their movements were very similar and even their bodies were very alike in their slender curves and their muscular legs. The only difference was for sure their way of traveling, one on two legs and one on four. He chuckled when the door closed behind them. This young soldier would come a long way but it would take a bit more time. He grabbed into his drawer and browsed through the documents of the soldiers. He took out the file of Lari and opened it. She had had a lot of records for misbehavior and break outs of her wild nature until she found Silver. Even though she still showed her wild side now and then her team work and her temper had developed by far and more praise then complaint had reached the file since then. Trellock browsed one paper after another and now and then he smiled or purred low: a nice file and a promising Soldier. He thought to himself that she would deserve a bit more attention and praise for her good work. After one hour he put the file back into the drawer and left his room.

The audience at the residence of Trellock Amberstone has been nerve wracking for Lari and she was happy to be out of the room. The highest officer she had been with was at a speech of Karn Ironshield when she entered the eleventh warband the centurion himself and he had not paid much attention to her. Being in a room with such a high officer as the tribune and all by herself was like a trial for her. She had bit her tongue to not let out her temper or behave in a wrong way. She had been warned by her legionnaire how to behave in front of the higher ups. When she exited his room she let out a long sigh and quickly moved to the camp of the Blood Legion. The camp was very silent. The only one around were the chef and some who helped him with his work and a few in the joint base hospital. She grabbed some lunch for herself and Silver, greeted Knuckle and then went to her room. She closed the door placed half of the food on the ground and let herself fall on the bed. Silver did not take much time to munch down the food and then jumped on the bed just when Lari finished her dinner. "Time for your prize, right? I have not forgotten Silver." She chuckled and put the bowl that had been filled with stew on a chair next to her bed. "Let me just get comfortable before we start, okay?" Silver purred as an answer and lay down on the bed. Lari was a bit hesitant. She walked to the door and held her ear on the metal plate. There were no noises from the corridor and it was no wonder. Only the blood legion was in this part and as far as she knew they all moved out to the front. "Looks like we have the full house for us Silver!" she announced and with a smirk returned to the bed. There was no need to show any dignity with no one around. She just undressed and put her sweaty clothes over the backrest of the chair. Silver followed her with her eyes and roared silently when Lari stopped for a moment after disrobing to stretch. "Yes, I know! Don't be so impatient!" she bluffed to Silver but followed her feral command and moved to the bed. "It's time to make you feel good, right?"

Lari moved her paws on the head of Lari and caressed her. She ruffled her fur behind the ears and massaged her neck. Silver directly started to purr loudly and showed Lari that her ministration was appreciated. The charr massaged the strong shoulders and the front legs and then moved on to the back. With long strides she massaged the back of Silver and loosened the stressed muscles of the snow-leopard. Silver buckled her back against the strong and welcome touch of her friend. She loved the times when they were alone and Lari would pay attention to only Silver. She rolled to the side and stretched her hind leg up to enable Lari to massage it as well. Lari rolled Silver on her back to reach for the other hind leg that her friend extended and then continue with the chest and the belly. She rubbed over the dugs of Silver with her paws and tickled her on the belly. The fur on the chest and the belly was still a bit wet from the long run. Lari looked down at Silver and an idea stroke her. When Lari won Silver cleaned and massaged her with her tongue because she had no fingers on her paws to massage her. The good effect with this was that all sweat was being cleaned away as well and Lari would now return this favor. If someone would be around it would be far too embarrassing for her but now there was no one around and also no one would come here this night. Why should anyone enter her room? All her room mates were with the eleventh warband on their way to the front. She relaxed and descended her head towards the chest of Silver. Silver carefully observed Lari as the charr extended her tongue and ran it over the fur. A light taste of salt and a rich taste of herbs and dust struck Lari's tongue. She did quite like the taste and started to lap the chest of Silver with long strides. The fur turned into a silky shine wherever Lari licked a few times and very slowly she moved on while she heard the purr of Silver growing stronger. Her feral friend seemed to like the ministration and while she continued to lap at the chest she caressed the neck and shoulders of Silver with her paw. It felt good to show her affection towards her friend the same way she had done so many times already. Lari started to like this way to massage and clean Silver more and more and understood why her friend had been so eager to clean Lari the other days. She closed her eyes, took in the familiar scent of her friend with a long breath and slowly ran her strong tongue over the fur and licked away the dust and sweat. She had been at her task for ten minutes already when she heard Silver's purr growing stronger with her last stride. She had felt something hard and small like a knot at her tongue and opened her eyes. She looked straight at the belly of Silver and on second glance she noticed the small dugs of the snow leopard. They were very pointy and clearly visible through the fur. Lari tried another long lick over the same dug and was rewarded with another loud purr. She giggled and while her paw moved to the chest to ruffle the now dry fur she continued to pay extra attention to the dugs of Silver while she continued to lick her clean. Because of this extra attention she took even longer and so it took her another twenty minutes to reach the end of the belly.

A rich scent struck her nose. It was not the earthy scent of the fur of Silver but something more spicy and strong. Her pas slid over the pointy dugs while her eyes followed her nose to the source of the scent. The fur between Silvers legs was wet and the charr could see puffy nether lips that were well lubricated by the feral cats own fluid. "Look who is in heat!" she whispered and licked her muzzle while her hand still caressed the pointy teats. She looked up the head of Silver and saw that the snow leopard had her eyes closed and purred steady and comfortable. It was clear as day that her friend liked her treatment. Lari returned with her eyes to the wet slit of her feral friend and took a deep breath while pondering over a quick idea. She could not decide if she should go for it. It would be something they had never done before but on the other hand she never used her tongue on Silvers fur either until today. Silver was her best friend so why shouldn't she make her feel even better? The thought hit a conclusion and with a smirk Lari slowly descended her muzzle towards the private parts of Silver and extended her tongue. Her first lick brought a gasp and mewls from Silver. The feral cat was totally taken by surprise and raised her head to see what Lari was doing. With long laps Lari licked off the watery fluid on the outside of Silvers folds. The taste was like nothing she ever tasted before. The fluid was a bit slick and she suckled on her tongue in ponder if the taste was more salty or more sweet. Soon Silver laid her head down again and closed her eyes. She was mewling clearly now. The actions of Lari were exactly what the snow leopard needed in this moment. With her heat circle kicking in to a new start just today her folds were very sensitive but not yet burning in nature's desire. Nonetheless her nether zone was now overwhelmed with a pleasure that she had never achieved before. Not even when she had licked herself clean during her previous heat. The huffing and mewling grew louder and filled the room while Lari continued to eat out her feral companion. She grew to like licking the juice out of Silver and because of the heat of her friend the juice he removed was quickly renewed by the feline snatch. Silver now lay on her back motionless. The twitching of her legs and tail and the constant mewling and moaning from her muzzle were the only thing the feline did in response to the ministrations of Lari. Lari felt herself getting aroused by the taste and the high potent musk of Silver. She felt her own nether region get wet even though she still had a few days before her own heat would start. Lari moved her own paw from the chest of Silver to her own crotch and started to caress her clitoris. She felt her own fluid coating her paw and soon her fur on her legs was wet. Silver meanwhile did continue to moan and mewl and her tail moved back and forth in pure bliss of the stimulation Lari put her through. Lari stopped licking and took a deep breath. Another idea crossed her mind. When she was doing so much for Silver maybe her feral friend would return it to her?

Slowly Lari moved her leg over the chest of Silver so that her pussy was just above the nose of the snow leopard. Said feline opened her eyes and looked up when the scent of Lari and a few drops of her fluid hit her nose. "Do you mind returning the favor?" Lari asked. Silver did not wait long for her answer. She leaned upwards and licked along the crotch with a slow motion. Lari tensed up and let out a hissing sound. It felt better than she had anticipated. The charr was engrossed in the high stimulation and arousal from the rhythmic licks of Silver that she did not move. She raised her tail to give Silver even more excess and lowered her hind against the maw of Silver. The snow leopard put her head back against the cotton of the bed cover and continued to lap at her friend's private place while laying relaxed under her. It took Lari a few minutes and a protesting mewl from Silver to snap out of her trance and move her muzzle down to her feral friends slit. Both of them moaned together and filled the room again in a mix of moan, mewl and purr. They continued like that for about ten minutes when Lari went even further and plunged her tongue as deep into her friend's hole as possible. This pushed Silver over the edge and with high pitched mewls and long moan she came down to a strong orgasm. Her walls contracted around the tongue of Lari and held it trapped deep inside her snatch. Her hind legs and tail twitched and even the tongue that was at the clit of Lari trembled from the shock of the snow leopards first orgasm. Like Lari Silver was a virgin. She was at the start of her third heat circle but she had never met any other snow leopard or big feline during any of her previous heats. They had been on missions all the time and normally she would just endure the burning itch inside until it died down. Silvers lions were burning and her back ached against the bed. After a few seconds Lari managed to pull out her tongue and she gazed at the glistering nether lips under her. They were still twitching and pushing out slick and fragrant fluid. It shot the love juice so forcefully that it even splashed on her legs and Laris nose that was just a few centimeters above it. Lari felt the tongue of Silver leaving her heated rump as the feline sank down exhausted by her own orgasm. Lari smirked and licked over her nose. She did not have an orgasm, which would also have been a first for her, but it was okay. This was the prize for Silver after all and that she had been able to get a bit of fun and pleasure out of it as well was appreciated and enough for now. The moan and mewl died down and only the huffing and purring of Silver and the heavy aroused breath of Lari filled the air.

When Lari's mind cooled down a bit from her arousal she heard something else aside from their breath: a silent third breath and very subtle movement from the direction of the door. The blood was rushing into the head of Lari and with a swirling mind she looked up into the face of another charr.

"That was a nice show you entertained me with. I would have stopped you earlier but you were too absorb into your intimacy to hear me and also..." he smirked "...I have to admit that I enjoyed the show." Lari was speechless as she looked right into the amber eyes of her tribune Trellock Amberstone. When had he entered the room? Why was he here? Had they both been too absorbed into their pleasure to notice that the door was being opened and someone stepped in? Lari did not know what do. Her mind went blank and she just sat there atop of the exhausted Silver who had her eyes closed and still twitched. Lari's breath slowly returned to normal as she just stared at Trellock Amberstone. From her snatch her fluid constantly dripped down on the fur of Silver. The cover under Silver turned wet from the still silently flowing fluid from the snow leopards vagina. And in front of her, just a few steps away in front of the closed door, there was the male charr with a smirk on his lips and bloated nostrils who took in the heavy musk of the two females lovemaking.

...to be continued

Order of the Future: Chapter 6 – Lari the Ranger #2

## Chapter 6 - Lari the Ranger #2 Lari had not taken long for the decision to join this order the tribune told her about. She made the promise to be loyal and obedient, not talk to anyone outside the order about it and to follow any command given by...

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The Order of Future: Chapter 4 - Eye of the Storm

## Chapter 4 - Eye of the Storm Inia had changed again in the last days. They were nearly at the front and she got very lively. Her warbands were happy about her cheering up and they had the hunch that they had to thank the strong and young white...

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The Order of Future: Chapter 3 - In the Silence before the Storm

## Chapter 3 - In the Silence before the Storm The sun was at the zenith without anything out of order happening. Eru was kept well informed about the movement of the Ash Legion. Her scouts reported her that the Ash Legion had split into 3 groups with...

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