The Order of Future: Chapter 4 - Eye of the Storm

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#4 of The Order of Future

Sorry for the long time. This is only the first part. I will update the story in the next days. (I did not find the time to finish the chapter yet but I did not want to make you wait any longer. There is a nice cliff hanger and you may try to find out who comes in. :))

Disclaimer: This story is based on the game Guild Wars 2 and the story at the beginning of the race Charr, an antromorph sabretoth cat race with horns. While you might notice some setups and characters being close to NPCs they were influenced by the personal story in the game but crafted new with names and characteristics. The race Charr is owned by NCSoft. The story is copyright by me (Imya). Feel free to do art about characters or scenes in the story but please link to the story or name the story and me.

This story includes catmorphs and sexual content. If you do not like these kinds of content or if you are under the legal age in your country (normally 18) please stop reading here. For the rest: Enjoy and please give me comments.

Chapter 4 - Eye of the Storm

Inia had changed again in the last days. They were nearly at the front and she got very lively. Her warbands were happy about her cheering up and they had the hunch that they had to thank the strong and young white centurion of the Blood Legion for that. Whatever she told Inia in their secret meetings at night was making Inia smile again and get over the hard feelings she had in failing to protect her first warband. But not only was the mood of Inia a reason for them to feel indebted to Eru. They soon understood why such a very young charr had become a centurion. Where ever she was and was giving commands or just walked along the troops and talked to the soldiers they felt their mood and motivation go up. She had an aura of strength and authority around her despite her young age. They understood why the Blood Legion cheered towards her when she came by and tried to be around her at the camp fire before ever one went to their own tents. At the same time that she had the aura of authority around her she also was someone they wanted to protect. Like a little sister that was energetic and strong but could break at the slightest gust of wind. The five days they traveled together made them feel close and whenever she gave a command they did not think about her legion or that she was not their commander originally. They just followed every command she gave with pleasure. Inia had become very clingy to Eru. She was around her all day and night and even seemed to spend the nights together with her in her tent. Her warbands thought that she would guard the sleep of the blood legion centurion to thank her for saving her life. The mood and the spirit were therefore high when they arrived at the front and joined with the other forces there.

"Eru - thanks to the big cat for you to finally arrive!" Wyan waved to them while she stomped towards them with long steps. "I hoped they would send you. You will not have much time to rest. In two hours the centurions want to assemble for their next battle meeting and..." Eru cut her words off with a slight hand sign when Wyan reached them. Inia looked a bit angry at Wyan. They had walked the full day and Eru had not made any pause. In the break she had checked on the wounded and taken over guard points to have the soldiers rest. The sun was already setting and like a red ball touched the treetops. If there was someone who deserved a long and good rest it was surely Eru. "Wy we cannot wait that long!" Eru decided and Inia looked at her in surprise as she turned around to the troops behind her. "Legionnaires! Have your warbands get a well-deserved rest and a good bite. I will know where I can find you." She turned to Inia. "Inia, please assemble all the Ash Legion warbands around and lead them into the camp. They should also rest and replenish their energy. We might need them soon. You eat something too but in half an hour meet me at the commander's tent." When Eru saw the protest in the eyes of Inia she laid her hands on the shoulders of the slightly bigger charr. "I know Inia but there is no time to waste now." Eru turned around to Wyan but her paw softly brushed over the chin of Inia when she turned away. It could have been seen as a coincidence but Inia knew that she wanted to tell her that everything was alright. "You have half an hour to fill me in on the details of our situation. Let the other centurions know that the meeting will take place in half an hour." With that and a last smile towards her troops and Inia she followed Wyan and they soon reached the camp and Inia soon lost them between the tents. She hurried up to fulfill the task she had been given. With her soft step she silently broke through the trees into the wood. Only two warbands were patrolling on the left and right flank behind the regiment. The scouts from the front had merged with the main army a while back after they brought the message that they would soon arrive at the camp. Inia used her secret shadow step to move between the trees without making a sound like a shadow. It was just a few minutes that she suddenly stood next to her legionnaire and whispered the command of returning to the main army and settle down in the camp before she turned to the direction of the other warband. There was not much time to loose. The second warband was much further behind and even for the skilled Ash Legion centurion it took a while to find them. They had stopped in the shadows of a big rock and when she approached them her legionnaire already signaled her to approach silently. Something was up. Inia moved close to the legionnaire and followed the direction his finger was pointing with her eyes. She narrowed her eyes to slits to focus on the one small gap that was going through the trees until it breached the edge of the wood on the other side. There was a movement of red armors. The Flame Legion was marching into the different directly of the camp. She softly patted her legionnaire on the shoulder to praise him for this discovery. With an approving gaze around all the other members of the warband she nodded towards the camp and gave them a hand sign to follow her. Even if the Flame Legion was moving into their back she would get them to rest now. They would send others out to scout their next movements. The half hour Inia had got was nearly up when she arrived at the camp. She grabbed a bite on the run while her warbands sat down around a camp fire and stretched their arms and legs. One of them handed her a big jar of ale and she took a long gulp before she returned it. "You will deliver the message to the scouts of the camp and then rest as well. I have to go to the meeting of the commanders." With mixed feelings she moved through the tents towards the big tent in the middle. Around her she saw more insured fighters than healthy ones. She had a bad feeling about this whole thing.

Wyan had filled Eru in on the details. With their warband only one more warband was still intact completely. All others were either killed or had a lot of injured. In total there were soldiers that would match up to four warbands who still could fight and a lot more insured. With the six warbands of the blood legion she brought and the two still intact warbands of the Ash Legion she had eleven and a half warbands to use. But she had to at least send her old warband and the half warband of the Ash Legion back to the citadel. Maybe they would even need more protection because it was a number of insured fighters that would sum up to thirteen warbands that were to be protected. In any normal situation she would guard the insured with all warbands left to get them home safe but this position was too important to lose to the Fire Legion. She would send Wyan and Fry back with their warbands and have them take all the insured as soon as possible. This was a tough battle to fight and that there were over twenty confirmed warbands of the Flame Legion did not help her much either. She was in thoughts going over tactics in her head when she entered the commander's tent.

The muttering in the tent went silent when she entered the tent. Then one big spotted male charr with wide shoulders and a shiny armor stepped forward and glanced at her with anger sparkling eyes. "Centurion Eru Whitestorm! Who do you think you are to command us around to assemble here earlier? We were having dinner if you care and we are not the babysitter of some whelp you thinks..." a surprised squeak came from Inia who just entered the tent behind Eru when the white centurion extracted her claws and whipped them over the cheek of the big centurion. "I am the commanding centurion from now on Centurion Prago Thunderfist. And I my first command will be that you will take your incompetence as a leader and help to carry the insured back to the black citadel." It was grave silent in the tent. A second strike with her other hand had sent Prago, who was nearly double her size, to his knees. Her claws stuck deep in his leg and she slowly pulled her claws out while her gaze had his eyes captured. The white eyes were like a sparkling fire. Prago, dumbfounded by sudden reaction, did just stare at her with submissive eyes. He had not expected such a reaction from her. Eru just walked past him and towards the big table that had the map of the area and a lot of figures on it. It took a minute for Prago Thunderfist to get over his surprise but then he whirled around. "Who said you could take over the commander here. You injured a superior and..." he shouted with a loud voice. Eru was already calm again and just turned around to the limping old charr, recovered a document out of a bag at her waist and showed it to him. "You are not my superior, here is the proof that I am taking over the command and was there anything else?" her voice was low but a dangerous sizzling atmosphere filled the room. Even if her eyes were soft now and her voice was sweet as it could be it just felt like everything tensed up to break out with a big storm over the bigger centurion. Prago stepped a few steps back and gazed at the document. There was the seal of tribune Trellock Amberstone on it and it clearly proved her words right. Also he felt the danger he was in. His leg and cheek still burned and he could hear the blood tickling down to the ground in the breathtaking silence around him. "I believe you need to go to the medics." Eru just added and turned around. "You are dismissed Prago!" and with this said she ignored him. He stared at her back for a few minutes with everyone around them just watching the scene silently while Eru studied the enemy figures on the table before her. After a long while that seemed like forever Prago let his shoulders hang down, and turned to the entrance of the tent. "As you order field commander." And with these words he left the tent. Everyone who looked after him could clearly see that his fight at this front was over and he would leave defeated and in shame.

Deep inside Eru was happy that this was over. It had been hard on her to be so aggressive towards a fellow centurion but it had been unavoidable. Trellock had told her to hold her ground here. Even if her actions were very brutal and she would normally not resort to this it was the fastest path to get all of the centurions to listen to her. The last days and the situation in the camp had taught her that there was no minute to waste if she wanted to turn the tables again and hold this camp against the Flame Legion. The real fight still lay ahead of her. She would have a talk with Prago at the black citadel. It had been even more challenging for her because Prago once had been her big idol in the Blood Legion. He was known as a good strategist but lately he had become a bit arrogant and decadent. It was going downwards with the centurion that served for over fifteen years in this position and was already considered for a legion position not too long ago. Eru knew that this was a big setback for him and she felt with him deep in her heart. But she could not have avoided showing him how stuck he was in his believes and how weak he had gotten lately. She just hoped that he would recover from this soon once he had a good rest and a talk with tribune Trellock Amberstone. With a sigh Eru ripped her thoughts off these worries. This was neither the time nor the place for them. "Sorry for the uproar but we have lost enough time already. We need to plan our actions for the next days now." She started with a calm and warm voice getting the attention of everyone back. In the following hours Eru discussed the situation, received news from the movement of the Flame Legion and formed strategies on how to hold the ground and how to bring back the insured safely.

Eru had been right. Time was going short on them. The next day reports already came in about the big army, which Inia and her warband spotted the day before, cut off the route back to the black citadel. With her quick judgment she had managed to send out several scouts of the Ash Legion to warn the black citadel and look for the eleventh warband of the Blood Legion that was still missing. Eru hoped that they could land a fatal blow coming from behind. But in her strategies she did not rely on them arriving anytime soon. She only relied on what she knew. There were warbands of the Flame Legion all around them. There was no way to get out the insured without crushing one side of the enemy but on the way home to the black citadel the largest army blocked their path and she was sure a few more traps were laid out for them as well. In the night she had the soldiers that could still move but not fight dig big holes into the ground of a small forest not far from the camp. Heavily guarded they planted planks and nets over the holes together with branches and covered it with soil and leaves. She had everyone who could not fight take shelter in these bunkers. Prago, the fallen centurion, was left in charge of these troops. He had the command over her old warband, the survivor of the first warband of the Ash Legion and the insured charr from the front. The plan was for the main army to lead the Flame Legion away and hold their ground two miles to the north. One reason was that Eru hoped the troops would move with them and that the insured could come out and regroup at the black citadel this way. The other reason was that the new location was a small hill with the best position to hold off an enemy of superior number. There was a small forest on the top of the hill and they would be able to build a decent wall between them and the enemy.

The sun raised golden over the treetops. Prago's troops already had taken cover in the bunkers and the camp had been packed. Without unnecessary noises they marched towards the north. Scouts had informed her that a single warband was atop the hill they aimed for. She sent the two warbands of the Ash Legion to kill them before the main army arrived. Everything worked perfect to this point. When Eru arrived the Ash Legion already had control of the hill. It did not take the Flame Legion long to notice what happened. Large troups were marching towards them from east, west and south. The Flame Legion surrounded them right when they finished the walls made off logs and soil. Eru had come here to flat the camp of the Flame Legion but now they already were on the defensive. The good thing about their new location was that Eru did not need to send out scouts to know how many were coming. They could observe the whole area around because there were only a few trees in the plains around the hill. At this evening the storm broke loose. Waves of enemies branded against the hill and the walls they had created. The Blood Legion stood their ground, threw spears and shot arrows at the closing in armies. The centurions were placed around the hill to command the troops that were defending the walls. They had barely enough to cover the edges of the forest because only half of them were on duty of the defense. To hold on as long as possible Eru had half of the troops rest while the others were defending. Led by Inia the Ash Legion had dug a drain around the forest in 50 yards distance. It went around the forest and was directly at the edges of the hill. They had filled it with branches and spears and drenched everything with oil. They had used up nearly all of their reserves on oil but the first night was the most important. Quite a few enemies already fell into the traps and found their death or were badly insured by the spear pits. At dawn Eru gave the command to fire burning arrows at the pits and set the wood and oil on fire. Trapped between the fire and the spears of the defenders the Flame Legion was stuck and helpless. They were good targets in front of the bright fire and none of the defenders died this night. Only a few received minor wounds from spears or arrows that hit their legs or arms. Two hours after midnight the waves of enemies died down a bit but there were still a lot of coming. Eru walked towards her tent together with Inia. They talked about the success but both knew that this was only the beginning. Hopefully they would end the night without any more insured fighters. Eru had saved quite a few of her warbands with her shield. She had not stood behind them to command but fought in the first row. She had crushed some of the enemies that managed to reach the defense wall and jump over it. She had blocked arrows and spears and mustered all her energy to heal the minor wounds and protect her fighters. After hours of fight even Eru was exhausted and she had been happy when Karn Ironshield, the centurion that also had the eleventh warband under his wings, came to her relieve. Like herself he was a guardian and she knew that he had the same mindset as she did regarding protecting his friends. The tents were hid deep in the forest but the shouts and noises from the fight were still loud here. It died down a bit when the two centurions entered the tent. The heavy cloth and furs locked out most of the noises and only a faint clash of spears to shields could be heard. They were in the eye of the storm, the last oasis of silence and peace.

Like the nights before Eru and Inia released their tension by having an intimal time together. Eru sat on the pelts naked with spread legs and Inia was lapping at her vagina with long strokes. Eru moaned and spread her legs a bit more. Her love juice started to leak from her private place and Inia purred satisfied when she tasted the liquid that she had come to like so much. Suddenly the entrance of the tent was parted and a high figure entered the peace of the tent. For a short while the distant noises of the battle drew into the tent until the closing entrance locked them out again.

"Wy?!" Eru was a bit in shock to be found in this compromising position by her best friend. "This, erm..." Wyan smiled. "No need to tell me Eru. You are growing up after all." Inia had stopped licking Eru with a wince when Wyan entered and still hovered over Erus private parts hesitating. "May a big girl join your fun whelps?" Wyan joked and already started to undress. Eru slowly gained her composure back. She had never thought of doing something like this with Wyan even though they were close like sisters. Maybe this was because she just recently has found out about her inner desire and how good this felt. She settled her paw on the head of Inia to signal her to continue which the black furred charr did with a clear visible discomfort about Wyan watching them. "What... Uh... brings you here Wyiiii... why aren't you with the woundeeeeet." Eru asked the standing female while she moaned from the arousal of being licked by Inia. The tiger furred white charr looked down to the couple and smirked. "Oh... I nearly forgot why I am here in the first place. Centurion Prago Thunderfist sent me to inform you that the plan has succeeded. We were able to wait until the troops of the flame legion passed us and then escaped. They are already far enough away to not being bothered by any flame legion until they reach the citadel." Eru closed her eyes with a loud moan because she reached a mini orgasm at this point. "And..." she gasped "... is every one .... Aaah... okay?" she looked up to her friend. Wyan smiled. She had disrobed completely and now crouched down next to Eru. "Yes, Prago gained a bit of his pride back and lead them wonderfully. I think he was stronger this night than he as all the weeks before. He took over the command over my warband for now. But let's keep the details for later. Let me show you whelps how the big girls play this game." And with this she moved her head towards Eru's chest and started to lightly nibble on her dugs while her one paw lightly caressed the back of Eru's head and her other paw fondled her tail. This double attention of Wyan and Inia did not take long to send Eru into a strong orgasm leaving her groaning and panting on the laid out pelts splashing her female juice all over the muzzle of Inia. Wyan shoved Inia away and started lapping up the never ending stream of Eru's juice while Eru was struggling against the overwhelming feeling. Her nether has become so sensitive that she tried to push Wyan away but the bigger female just positioned herself above Eru with her own snatch right above the panting muzzle of her superior. "I will not let you away when I have discovered a weak moment my dear. Put your tongue to use too and you Inia may help me at my tail hole to catch up with you girls." Even though both of the others were her superiors and she was just an legionnaire they both gave in. Inia was in a submissive mode all along and submitted to Wyan as friend of Eru as fast as she had for her savio. Eru was far too exhausted by her still continuing whirling orgasm to complain any more or struggle against the heavy body on her own. She put the rest of her energy into licking the folds above her nose between moans, groans and huffs. A pitch black muzzle quenched soaked in cat juice appeared right above her and started to lick under the raised tail of Wyan. She smeared the juice coating her muzzle fur around the tail base and now and then her tongue met Eru's and they tangled them together before continuing their task. In her estrogen clouded mind she noticed that the maidenhead of Wyan was as intact as the one of Inia. Just as this crossed her mind she heard a muffled huffing voice from her own rear. "You are not as young... aaand iiinex... ...perienced than I thought my dear." Wyan moaned. "Did youuuu... ....get the reeeeeeal deal alreeeeeady.... ...or was it an accident?" Eru felt the blood shoot into her ears on this remark and noticed that Wyan found out that she had sex with a male before but she did not react. Her mind clouded and her body exhausted and still trembling in the blissful orgasm that still continued she just concentrated on her task without wasting energy on anything else. A few moments later Wyan snaked her full tongue all the way inside Eru's twat and had her scream in the final roar of her orgasm splashing her joices all over the muzzle of Wyan this time. Her screams were muffled by the nether of Wyan who sat down on her forcing Eru's tongue past the nether lips as well. While Eru felt her spasms die down she noticed that Wyan also was shaken by a powerful orgasm and she heard her moan into her twat. Juiced streamed into the muzzle of Eru and she gurgled with it too exhausted to gulp it down. The excess of the juice spilled at the edges of her mouth and soon her complete head was wet and sticky. When Wyan lifted her rump up from Eru Inia came to help and lapped the dripping juice from the muzzle of Eru. A soft mouth to mouth kiss from Inia got most of the liquid out of Eru's throat and the mighty centurion was left huffing and panting laying on a dripping wet pelt with her head and her rear soaked in her own and Wyans cat juice.

"I think we managed what no battle has managed so far and exhausted out centurion." Wyan giggled and looked down to the white furred charr under her. "But I guess someone is still missing her turn here!" she exclaimed and gave the pitch black muzzle a lick. "Hover that sexy ass of your over her muzzle so she can taste you as well when I take care of you." The biggest charr of them ordered Inia. She helped the smaller black charr to get into a half crouching position right above Eru with her damp vagina hovering over the nose of Eru and her muzzle facing the wet and slimy lower body of the centurion. Eru got a firsthand view on Wyan eating Inia out. She used her paw digits to poke the tail hole of Inia, smearing her juice over the full backside and her tail and using her tongue to skillfully wiggle through the pitch black folds. It didn't take long for a mix of Wyans saliva and Inia's juice dropping down into the muzzle of Eru. The young charr was too exhausted to do anything other than pant and taste the strong taste of a combination of both other females juices that mixed in her mouth. Soon also Inia reached her orgasm and soaked Eru's wet fur on the head even more. But Wyan had not enough yet. The two older females pleasured each other with paws and tongues leaning over the different parts of Eru until the silky white furr all over her body were drenched in sticky liquid of both other females. At some point in the middle the exhaustion got Eru and she fell into a deep sleep.

When she woke up the next morning the other two had already cleaned her completely from the fem cum. She smelled a sweet smell and opened her eyes to find the glistening folds of Inia right in front of her nose with the owner of it tugged on the one side of her holding her warm. Her own folds were wet as well and she felt that something was between her legs. She moved her head and looked down to find Wyan who scissored her pressing her own virgin slit against her little sisters sacred snatch. With a low moan Eru closed her eyes again until a few minutes later all of them got up and they dressed to start yet another day of heavy fighting. But all three females had something to look forward too because without saying it all three already planned to continue their session in the next night.

... to be continued

The Order of Future: Chapter 3 - In the Silence before the Storm

## Chapter 3 - In the Silence before the Storm The sun was at the zenith without anything out of order happening. Eru was kept well informed about the movement of the Ash Legion. Her scouts reported her that the Ash Legion had split into 3 groups with...

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The Order of Future: Chapter 2 - Eru the Guardian #2

## Chapter 2 - Eru the Guardian #2 Eru woke up far later then she normally would. The first thing she felt was emptiness in inside her and a wet a sticky feeling from the fur beneath. Unlike the few times she was half awake this night she did not feel...

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The Order of Future: Chapter 1 - Eru the Guardian

**Chapter 1 - Eru the Guardian #1** "Eru?" the voice of her childhood friend seemed far away. There she was, a cub barely able to walk staring at the burning house. Inside she could still hear her parents scream in pain. Her mother had thrown her out...

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