The Order of Future: Chapter 2 - Eru the Guardian #2

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#2 of The Order of Future

Finally the second chapter. You can be part of the decisions for the story to continue. More at the end of this chapter.

Disclaimer: This story is based on the game Guild Wars 2 and the story at the beginning of the race Charr, an antromorph sabretoth cat race with horns. While you might notice some setups and characters being close to NPCs they were influenced by the personal story in the game but crafted new with names and characteristics. The race Charr is owned by NCSoft. The story is copyright by me (Imya). Feel free to do art about characters or scenes in the story but please link to the story or name the story and me.

This story includes catmorphs and sexual content. If you do not like these kinds of content or if you are under the legal age in your country (normally 18) please stop reading here. For the rest: Enjoy and please give me comments.

Chapter 2 - Eru the Guardian #2

Eru woke up far later then she normally would. The first thing she felt was emptiness in inside her and a wet a sticky feeling from the fur beneath. Unlike the few times she was half awake this night she did not feel the warm body of Trellock next to her. She had woken up a few times in the night by her own orgasm and had felt Trellock pounding in and out of her. She did not know how long the tribune has done it this night but from the stickiness of the fur she lay on it must have been quite some. Eru rose into a sitting position and took a deep breath through her nose. The air was heavy from her own scent of heat and the strong musk of Trellock and their mating. For Eru this scent was quite arousing at this time and she started to like it. Her white eyes scanned the room and tried to find her mate. He was lying on a cheetah fur not far away and seemed to also have awoken. "Good Morning Eru." He greeted her and smiled. His amber colored eyes sparkled a bit like gold in the light of the fire he seemed to have lit on one side of the cave. Eru retuned the smile a bit confused. She still had not taken in everything that happened last night but the feeling of his spunk in her womb made it clear that it has not been a dream. Also the burning of her sore nether region was telling her that not only this 'test' has happened but also that Trelock 'tested' her a long time after she has had fallen asleep. The 'test'! "Erm... tribune Amberstone I..." Trellock raised his hand and rose to his feet. "You want to know about the test, right? And do not say tribune here. Just say Trellock okay?" Eru nodded very shy and her eyes went to the ground to his feet. Her head flew up to him again when he started to continue. "I am pleased to tell you that you also passed the last test. You are now a member of the order of the future and I will tell you what this order is all about. But I think you should clean yourself while I explain, right?" Eru blushed. It was just now that she noticed that both she and Trellock still were naked and that she was sticky from this night's action. She looked around for a tube and water but could not find either. Trellock smirked when he noticed the reason for her gaze. "There is no water here in this room. You will have to do it the old way." Eru looked at him confused but he just raised his arm and ran his tongue along it to show Eru what he meant.

"Come a bit closer to the fire. I will lay a bit more wood into it to make it warm for us. And while I am telling you the reason for this order you will clean yourself." Trellock moved to the fire at the end of the cave and looked back. Eru was still hesitant. It was okay to wash herself in front of someone else the normal way. She was used to that from the Fahrar. But washing herself with her tongue was very embarrassing not something she would normally do or even having someone watch her doing. Trellock seemed to understand her reason and waved to her. "Come on Eru. Remember the rule about obedience?" Eru slowly raised to her paws and came over to Trellock. On her sign she sat down a meter from the fire and looked over to Trellock. "What are you waiting for? You may start cleaning yourself." Eru looked one last time to Trellock but he seemed to be serious and she had sworn to obey him so she extended her tongue und started to lick over her arm. There was a lock of stickiness from the fur she had lain on and it tasted strong and a bit like the smell that was lingering around. She did not really like the taste much but there was no helping it. She carefully ran her tongue over her fur again and again until it was silky and shining again like always. She had cleaned her complete right arm when she noticed that Trellock had not said anything yet. She looked over to him. The old Charr sat there and watched her cleaning herself. His member was already poking out of his sheet and the tip was visible between his fur on the belly. Her gaze reminded him about his promise to tell her about the order.

"Well... first of all I have to say sorry to you for startling you like that yesterday. I think I went a bit to rough because I was very eager for it." Eru raised an eyebrow but with a look of the amber eyes she continued to clean herself. "You see, what you have experienced so far is pretty much the foundation of the order of the future. You know about mating and what it is meant for?" Trellock observed the movement of Eru with his eyes and waited for her to look up and respond. Eru just shook her head and continued to clean herself. "Okay, what we did yesterday is called mating. Normally it is done when a female and a male love each other very much and it is meant to produce litters." Eru stopped in her motion and looked up. "Am I getting litters now?" she asked hesitant. Trellock saw that she was a bit afraid of this thought. "Yes you will but this is nothing to be afraid of. You know we currently have high casualties in our war with the ghosts of Avalon and the fire legion and the youngsters in the Fahrar are not good material for soldiers in most cases. The order takes the best females with the best qualities, like you for example, and will create litters for the Fahrar with the best genetic foundation. They will have a good mother and me as father." Eru stopped again and looked up to Trellock. "So I have to bear litters for the Fahrar?" She asked and her voice still had some of the fear from this unknown task swinging with it. "Yes!" Trellock answered. "Don't worry. You will be my alpha female and the one I care most about. This is also the reason why you are the first to join the order." - "Alpha female?" Eru did not understand what Trellock meant. "This is like in a pack of wolfs. I am the alpha male and everyone in the order has to follow my command. You will be the alpha female and apart from me everyone is to follow yours. You will have the highest rank after me." Eru looked a bit into his eyes and then continued to clean herself. She finished with the arms and started to run her tongue across her belly. Trellock was a bit distracted by her but got himself together very quick and continued with her description. "You will also look out for other females to join the order. You will not tell them exactly what we are but just if they are interested in a secret mission. The females you will select must be obedient, young and strong. Apart from this you will also mate with me as much as possible. If you get into heat, this is the feeling you might have felt the last days and that was causing your scent, you are to come to me immediately to get bred again. When you get close to birthing the child you will be 'send on a mission' and go here to have it. No one should ever learn about you giving birth or being pregnant, understood? This could give away information about this order. We will educated the children a bit longer than usual here in the mountains and then send it to the normal Fahrar. They will be obedient and strong and also they will learn the rules of the order." Eru had stopped cleaning herself and looked up to Trellock. She had not yet cleaned her middle section and legs. Trellock noticed her hesitating. "Go on with your cleaning. You do not need to mind me here. You also need to clean your legs and your nethers." He noticed that she was embarrassed because this would mean to show his nethers clearly visible for him. It was funny that she was so aware of this all of the sudden. The last night and what he thought her just now must have made her understand how much of an embarrassment it was for all females to be seen in such a compromising position. "I like the few of you cleaning yourself so please go on." He smirked while he said these words and was proud of himself and his training of obedience he had given her in the past when she spread her legs wide and showed of her nether region when she started to clean her legs.

For a few minutes he just watched silently how she was cleaning herself. She ran her tongue over her leg and her paws with long strides and soon both of them were clean and shining. Eru turned her muzzle towards her nether region and sniffed at it. The strong scent of her heat and of Trellocks spunk around it weaved into her nose making her slit quiver and juicy. Trellock did not miss this and his erection rose out of his sheet. He carefully moved a bit closer to watch her running her tongue first over her lips to clean everything around it and then she entered inside herself for the first time. It was a new and wonderful feeling for her. Her heat still has been strong and being around the scent of Trellock her needs and arousal had grown by the minute. Despite her tries to clean herself her nether juiced up even more. For each lick that scoped out the juices and rests of the sperm of Trellock there was even more juice being produced and soon her slit was overflowing with her juice. Eru moaned and continued to press her tongue deep inside her. She learned by experience how wonderful it was to pleasure herself with her tongue. From cleaning herself from the mix of their love juices she already had a liking to the taste and so she greedily tried to get even deeper to reach every drop of Trellocks cum that she could reach. The male Charr on the other paw was nearly at his limits. The new fresh and strong scent of heat and the first class view of this young and innocent female licking herself to orgasm was driving his urges crazy. He felt the need to mount her here and now again. Slowly he approached her. She was so much into pleasing herself that she did not notice him until his head collided with hers and pushed it back so her tongue slipped out of her folds. The cold and empty feelings of her nethers were soon replaced by the tongue of Trellock who lapped up her juices now. A surprised mewl escaped her muzzle but was soon silenced with a juicy kiss directly on her muzzle lips from Trellock. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and let the lapped up juices flow into her maw. With his kiss he pushed her head further back so that her body began to straighten and she soon lay on her back and the tip of his hard member tickled at her entrance. Her crystal eyes looked deeply into his amber orbs and there was love and submission written all over her gaze. Her needs and her heat together with the love she had felt for him had made her into the submissive female Trellock wanted. She was slave to everything he would do to her, far too inexperienced to fight her inner urges. He broke the kiss because she was far smaller than he was and it was hard to keep it while pressing forward. When he entered her with a long and steady stride she mewled cute like a small kitten and her tongue was licking his throat in a lover's manner. Trellock hilted himself and then slowly retracted his member. His barbs were raking her inner walls but it did not hurt her because he moved slowly and she had accustomed to his member in the act last night. Instead it aroused her and his member slipped easily back and forth lubricated by the juices of her tunnel. His tip pierced through her cervix and right into her womb. Drops of pre dripped into her womb joining the rest of his spunk from last night. Then he pulled back until his tip nearly left her nethers and pushed back again. Every movement of him was commented from Eru with a high pitched mewl. He could tell that she enjoyed the ride. Yesterday she had been so innocent to everything that had to do with sex. She had not even known what the word 'mate' meant let alone that a female goes into heat. He could still not believe it that he finally had done it to her. She had always been like a daughter and where it felt wrong it also felt so right. While he rode back and forth and Eru was lost in her pleasure and had her orgasm approaching he thought to himself that he had to find an innocent and fresh young female again like Eru was just a day ago. Not that he was bored with Eru already. He would ride her and enjoy it every time. She was special to him after all. But it had been so much fun to deflower a virgin innocent young female and ride her all night long. He had planned for a long time to have many young females in this order which was more or less his harem but at this moment he had the strongest resolve to go on with this order and no matter what others might think if it were to be exposed. He would get as much females as possible and make them all pregnant. His thoughts went back to the task at hand. Eru had become a bit more silent after her orgasm that Trellock only barely noticed because he had been in thoughts. He was very close to his orgasm as well and he trust a last time into her and sprayed all his cum into her. One, two, three, four... five times he came into her. She moaned and mewled weakly beneath him. She still was exhausted from last night and so lost her stamina right after her first orgasm. She did not faint yet though but she was not pushing back at him and not clenching as hard as before. Trellock rode through his orgasm and started to pump again. He wanted to have at least three orgasms before pulling out and he wanted Eru to feel every of them. He felt his balls becoming wet again from the juices that were pressed out of her nether lips with each time he pulled back. The underside of her tail also was wet and slimy. He could feel every of her erect dugs through her fur when his body rubbed over hers. Trellock placed his paw at the back of her head and pushed it softly towards him and into a deep kiss. His tongue snaked around in her muzzle and she also extracted her tongue to meet his. Their tongues danced around each other while Trellock pumped in and out and both of them had their second orgasm. Now even Trellock was noticing that his stamina was a bit drained from last night's session. His movements slowed down a bit and his big member slit in and out slowly and in long motions running his barbs along the inside of Erus tunnel as if they wanted to massage it. He broke the kiss and moved his muzzle to her ears. "You are mine now. You will not mate with any other male but only with me. I love you so much Eru." He pulled his head back and looked into Eru's half open eyes. "I... love you... too." She whispered through a couple of mewls that she let out because of his barbs raking her while he pulled back. He pushed into her one last time and his meaty member erupted inside her one last time. He felt her weak clenching and knew that his orgasm had triggered hers as well. Trellock wrapped his arms around her and pressed her very close to himself. He felt her pointy dugs being pressed inside his fur. He felt her spasms around his dick while it was slowly softening and slipping out of her. He pulled her into one last kiss that lasted for a few minutes before they both fell asleep again, exhausted and happy from their second mating session.

A few days had passed since Eru's initiation into the order of the future and her heat was dying down. Eru had returned from her 'mission' just yesterday. Eru still felt sore between her legs. Trellock had been quite insatiable as long as her heat had lingered in the air. Even after it died down he still mated her for over one day driven by the scent that was still in the cave until he noticed that she would not lubricate as much as before. He gave her a break but made her promise to meet him once in a week, on her free day, in their hideout to tend to his needs. Eru was distracted by all that she had learned in the last week and so she had her work done a bit slower than she used to be. It did not yet sit with her that she would be to have litters. She never had thought about this topic until this one morning when Trellock opened to her that she were to carry his children. Not that she minded to have Trellock as her mate but all this was a bit to sudden for her. Trellock said that they might recruit someone for the order who might help her with the confusion she might go through but until then she were not to talk to anyone about her pregnancy. This was the easiest thing for her to do. She would not have known who to ask for advice anyway. If Wyan would be here it would have been something else but for now she also was happy that Wyan was not here. Eru knew she would not be able to keep this a secret from her best friend for long. She had to raise this concern to Trellock the next time they were to meet in the hideout. Maybe it would be best if Wyan would join the order but... then this meant that Trellock would also mate with her or not? Eru did not know if Wyan would love Trellock as much as she did and if she would mind. Also deep inside her she felt like she would not want anyone else to mate with him. She knew though that he would do it and that she had to befriend the fact that he would father children with a lot of other females. Was this also love that she felt? This jealousy about others who might mate with him? Eru found it hard to discern between her love as a mate towards Trellock and the love she always had for him before. He had been like a father to her but now she realized that this was completely different and that what they had done would normally not be done between father and daughter.

"Centurion Whitestorm?" one of her legionnaires approached her while she had been idling over her plans on the table lost in her thoughts about what happened. "Do you mind a minute?" Eru looked up and smiled. It was Airy Snowflake, a legionnaire who was only a year older than she was. She had befriended her right after she had become her centurion. "Airy I think I told you, that you all can call me Eru, did I not? Please drop the centurion when it is not for ceremonies or in front of higher ups." Airy smiled and corrected herself. "Excuse me Eru. It is just that you are so different from our last centurion that we have problems to adjust to this. He was very strict and ever wanted to be called by his title." Eru shove the matter away with a gesture of her hand and her white orbs looked into the blue eyes of Airy. The strong legionnaire had reddish fur and long curved horns. One of her ears was slit at the end from a fight she had to become legionnaire. Her long and pointy fangs looked intimidating and her sharp claws had proven a lot of enemies that even without a weapon at hand Airy was not defenseless. She was very close to Eru in her fighting spirit and strength even though she lacked a bit of the tactics and combat experiences. Also her wild nature led her into trouble a lot of times and she was none to argue or going with a good thought plan. She was rather one to charge forward, slice everything into small pieces and then try to get answers. "What did you want from me Airy?" The legionnaire ripped her gaze away from the eyes of Eru. Everyone had the same issues with Eru. Her eyes were so unique and captivating that they got lost when they looked into it. It had been not only for her outstanding reputation, her strong will and her good charm that Eru had been accepted as a centurion from any subordinate. Her eyes also had been a big factor. Whenever someone wanted to argue with her she just needed to gaze into their eyes and they would fall silent. Her eyes could be intimidating in a good way. It was not fear that people would feel from them but an urge to help her. Gazing into her eyes made people feel relaxed. Her eyes had a charm on themselves to make anyone wanting to protect her and Eru was using this to her advantage when it was needed.

The legionnaire took out a sealed document and handed it to Eru. "This was delivered for you. They said it is urgent." Eru looked at the seal. It was from tribune Trellock Amberstone. Maybe this was summoning her for the order? It could also be a new order for one of her warbands. She took the document. "Thank you Airy... Please wait a moment." Airy had been on the jump to leave already after delivering but now stopped in her tracks. "I might need you depending on the content." Eru opened the document and read the hand writing of the tribune.

"To the centurion of the Blood Legion Eru Whitestorm.

We got a message from the forces on the front. Unfortunately the incompetence of the centurions at the sight had shifted out luck to the worst. Three warbands have been annihilated and we have a lot of injured fighters in the other warbands. I sent them a command to hold their ground until we send them a relief. You will by tomorrow morning assemble as many of your warbands as possible and sortie towards the front. You will relief all of the commanding centurions and send them back with the injured soldiers. All not injured will join your force and you will show the fire legion not to mess with the blood legion.

This setback has driven the imperator to distrust our capability of solving this alone. He insists to have the ash legion join us in this crusade. As much as I dislike it we have no choice here. The Ash Legion will get to the front a day after you because they need to prepare or so they said at least. Do not let them take the command out of your hands. You are the one to decide. They should follow your command. I got the approval from the imperator that you will be the highest in command and you can be trusted more than these airheads who are currently there. I know you will manage to get them to follow you. I expect good news from you within a few weeks.

Please also look for good soldiers to receive special honors.

I wish you and the Blood Legion success in this mission.

Tribune Trellock Amberstone

PS: Your old warband is not with the missing warbands. They will guide the injured back to the Black Citadel.

Eru sighed deep as she read the last sentence. She knew that this was the one thing she wanted to know by hearing this bad news. Wyan was safe and so were all her old comrades. She wondered how the others were. She hoped that she would be able to bring them back the hope and believe in victory. A rustle made her look up. She nearly had forgotten Airy. "Ah, right. Sorry Airy. This is an urgent message and I need you to relay an order to marching order to all our warbands currently available. If I see this right...." Eru shoved away a few documents and looked at a list she had placed underneath. "... there should be 5 warbands available of the seventh and the eleventh are not back yet." Airy nodded to show that she understood. "There was a message from the seventh that they will arrive here tomorrow. They are currently resting half a day from here." Eru pondered and looked at her. Then she decided. "Do you know where exactly they have set up their camp for the night?" Airy came a bit closer. "Yes, the massager told me their location. Do you have a map here?" Eru got a map of the surrounding area out of a drawer at her table and put it over all documents. Airy pointed at a position to the east. "This is their current location. The massager still is in our quarters and getting a good rest and a meal if you need him for further information." Eru looked at the map and measured the distances. The front to the camp of the flame legion was to the northeast. They would not quite come by them but it was not that far away either. "Get me this massager her at once Airy. You go to the other warbands and inform the legionnaires. We will depart with the first light. Everyone has to be full rested and armed at this time. Also tell the chef to come here. I need him to relay a massage to the eleventh if they arrive after our departure. Now hurry and go." Airy saluted and ran out of her office. Eru put the map to the side and gathered all her documents to store them in the drawer. She red Trellocks massage again. 'Please also look for good soldiers to receive special honors.' Was a sentence that made not fully sense for someone who might not know but Eru knew exactly what he meant. Trellock told her to look for new members for the order. As much as Eru would not want to share him with anyone she knew that she had to search for other members. It was for the future of the black citadel after all. She sighed and put this massage away as well before locking the drawer. Then she fetched two pieces of empty paper from the edge of her table and her writing feather and started to write two massages. She rolled them and sealed the documents with wax and stamped it. On the scrolls was written 7th and 11th. Right after she finished sealing the scrolls it knocked at the door.

"Come in. I already await you." She shouted hoping that this was either the chef or the massager. There were both of them. "Thank you for following my request this fast Knuckle." She tuned to the chef first. He was an old Charr who was called Knuckle by everyone because he made a very good hock and also because he was complaining about his joints all the time. "I also thank you for coming. I will get to you in a minute." She greeted the massager or the seventh warband. "Knuckle I need you to relay a massage to the eleventh warband." She handed over the document with the number 11 on it. "It is very important that they follow this order as soon as they arrive. Please have a good meal ready for them any time because they have to depart very quickly and I do not want them to starve. They should be able to rest a bit while eating. Also please prepare a lot of food for our departure tomorrow. I will take away all the warbands and the seventh will join us. Please pack something good for them because they just returned from a mission and might need some strength. There will be a bigger group of injured soldiers coming in the next week so please be ready to feed them. Sorry for the extra work. I know I can count on you." Knuckle took the document and looked a bit grumpy. He looked into the eyes of Eru had had to laugh. He never could reject a request from her in the past and it has not changed when she became centurion. He nudged her shoulder and lifted one hand for a farewell greeting. "I will not let you down Centurion." - "Eru, Knuckle! You know you should call me..." the door closed behind the snickering chef. He could not resist teasing her a bit. He knew that she preferred to be called by her name from everyone. Eru snorted through her nose and turned to the massager. "Sorry for that. You are the massager from the seventh warband, right?" The young male Charr saluted. "Keorg Songfire at your service centurion." He shouted and Eru made small eyes. "Just Eru is enough here Keorg. You are new to the blood legion right? I don't think I have seen you before even though your face is familiar." Keorg looked at her and backed off one step. Her gaze was a bit intimidating for him. Eru noticed it and canceled her disapproving gaze. "I just entered this year cent... Eru. We have only met on the ceremony last month when you became centurion." Eru relaxed. Now she remembered. This was why his name was not familiar to her. She just had seen him once at the ceremony. "Okay, I hope you have rested a bit and eaten something because I have to send you back to your warband immediately." Keorg nodded. "Yes cent... Eru. I am ready to relay the commands for my warband." - "Good, here is the command. Please relay them directly to the legionnaire Serun Thunderclaw. The document includes a contact point where you will meet us. Get enough food for your warband and tell them to rest well tonight. It should be enough if they depart with first light tomorrow. It is the same distance from your camp to the rendezvous point then it is from here." Keorg saluted to Eru and put the scroll into a leather scroll holder that was especially for massager and kept the scroll safe and dry. "I will relay this order and we will be there. With your approval I will now leave and depart as soon as I got the food supplies." Eru dismissed him with a movement of her hand. Everything was prepared and she leaned back. She had to prepare herself and also she wanted to go around and talk to some of the soldiers. She liked to keep in touch with them because she needed to be trusted as much as she needed to trust them. And you could only trust someone that you know.

It was the first light of the day when Eru led five of the warbands out of the gates. She saw a few Charr sneaking around in some distance observing their departure. She was sure that these were agents of the Ash Legion and so she did not pay it much attention. She would raise her concerns about it to the centurion of the Ash Legion when they arrived. The eleventh warband has neither arrived yet nor a massager from them. Eru hoped that they were alright. But there was no use worrying about them now. Like the seventh they were not her responsibility originally but belonged to another centurion but Eru could not help caring for them as if they were from her warbands. She cared about all comrades no matter which centurion the served. At noon they drew closer to the meeting point of the seventh warband. Eru had scouts keep scanning the area ahead and behind and kept high alert for everyone. Not that she feared an attack but it was never wrong to be cautious when traveling with so many people. After all she was responsible for every of them now.

.... To be continued.

You can influence the story in the future. Is there anyone you want to see being "recruited" for the order and 'tested' by Trellock (or even others)? I have a lot of different setups in mind already but I also want to know what you would prefer. Do you want to see Wyan be the next to join or Airy or maybe some other Charr (only female for now)? Maybe some yet unknown soldier of the blood legion or will it be someone from the ash legion (or even the flame legion)?

Please tell me in the comments of this chapter who you would like to see next in this, now that you know what the order is all about. You can also tell me what kind of action you want to see in the future (not limited to next chapter). Some F/F maybe or even M/M? Should Trellock get someone even younger than Eru for his 'Order'?

The next chapter will have a big part about the fight against the flame legion but it will surely also feature sexual content. I will be away for a month from the second week of July. I am not sure if I manage to write the next chapter before but I will most likely not be able to write it from where I will be then. So please be patient if my next chapter will be mid of august. I love to hear your comments on this chapter.

The Order of Future: Chapter 3 - In the Silence before the Storm

## Chapter 3 - In the Silence before the Storm The sun was at the zenith without anything out of order happening. Eru was kept well informed about the movement of the Ash Legion. Her scouts reported her that the Ash Legion had split into 3 groups with...

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The Order of Future: Chapter 1 - Eru the Guardian

**Chapter 1 - Eru the Guardian #1** "Eru?" the voice of her childhood friend seemed far away. There she was, a cub barely able to walk staring at the burning house. Inside she could still hear her parents scream in pain. Her mother had thrown her out...

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