The Order of Future: Chapter 3 - In the Silence before the Storm

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#3 of The Order of Future

Sorry for the late third chapter. I hope you like how it turned out. The next chapter may take a few weeks, but I try to bring it as soon as possible.

Disclaimer: This story is based on the game Guild Wars 2 and the story at the beginning of the race Charr, an antromorph sabretoth cat race with horns. While you might notice some setups and characters being close to NPCs they were influenced by the personal story in the game but crafted new with names and characteristics. The race Charr is owned by NCSoft. The story is copyright by me (Imya). Feel free to do art about characters or scenes in the story but please link to the story or name the story and me.

This story includes catmorphs and sexual content. If you do not like these kinds of content or if you are under the legal age in your country (normally 18) please stop reading here. For the rest: Enjoy and please give me comments.

Chapter 3 - In the Silence before the Storm

The sun was at the zenith without anything out of order happening. Eru was kept well informed about the movement of the Ash Legion. Her scouts reported her that the Ash Legion had split into 3 groups with the strength of a full warband. Two were on the flanks inside the woods and one seemed to scout behind them. The scouts had not contacted the Ash Legion. It was enough for Eru to know what they were up to. She was sure that they had commands to function as backup and to eliminate enemy scouts to keep the march of the blood legion a secret. But nonetheless Eru would have to file a complaint for not being informed about this activity. It rubbed her in the wrong places to be guarded from the shadows like a group of whelps.

She let the warbands rest for half an hour and eat something before they went on with their journey. It was just a few hours later, in the middle of the afternoon, when a scout approached her with an urgent message. "Centiurion Whitestorm, I come from our right flank, a good 300 steps into the forest. I heard the sound of a heavy battle. The warband of the Ash Legion seems to have encountered a larger group of the Flame Legion. Ion Darkspot went further to see if he could help or at least find out more about the fight. I went back to inform you. From the voices and the sound of weapons the Flame Legion had higher numbers than the warband of the Ash Legion. Eru raised her hand to have him stop talking. "Quick! Get this message to my first warband. They are to shift their position in a line at our right flank close to the trees. On my command they are to enter the woods and follow me. You will lead the way." The scout nodded and went to inform the first warband. Eru waved for the legionnaire of the third warband to come to her. Her name was Reana Softpaw but everyone called her Snowflake. She also had a white pelt, even if it was not as glowing as Eru's pelt. "Snowflake, you will lead the rest along this way. I will lead the first warband to aid the Ash Legion. Just do for a while as if you were me for the case any other Flame Legion spies are around." Her voice was very low so that only Snowflake could hear her. The legionnaire nodded and and in an blink of an eye Eru was a few steps behind her and in the shadows of the threes on their right flank. She looked back and saw the legionnaire Juron Blackstrike of the first warband. Behind him the first warband already had lined up. A small sign with her paw waving toward the trees and the line from Eru to the last of the warband breached the line of the wood. Fifteen warriors were gone in a second but soon others filled their places so it was nearly impossible to see what happened. Eru directly turned and followed the scout who had just returned. She did not care about the loud cracking noises under her paws. Speed was more important than silence right now. It did not take long until Eru heard the noises of the fight. A few more steps and they saw the battle.

On a small clearing the battle was at the end already. Only a handful of the Ash Legion stood their ground with around fifteen of the Flame Legion surrounding them. At the edges of the clearing were a lot of heavily insured fighters of the Ash Legion and now and then also one of the Flame Legion. It was clear that the Ash Legion had been ambushed and had more casualties. Eru did not drop her speed. With a fierce battle cry she charged into the ring of Flame Legion fighters and broke through it to the middle. Her warband followed her, spread out and around them to attack them from behind. Eru saw a pitch black young charr lying on the ground at the edge of the circle of defense of the Ash Legion. A fighter of the Flame Legion stood over her with a spear in his hand and threw down the long weapon to impale his foe. Eru tensed the muscles of her right arm and threw her heavy mace. With a crackling sound the mace smashed into the head of the fighter. His spear missed the chest of the fighter on the ground and instead impaled the arm. While doing a sliding full stop Eru grabbed the spear, pulled it out of the arm and threw it against the next enemy that tried to approach her. Shield raised in front of her she kneeled down next to the Ash Legion fighter on the ground and watched the wound. It was not serious but it bled very strong. Inside of the circle there were more insured fighters, some in more serious condition. Eru concentrated all her resolve to activate the energy and send it to her comrades around. The mystical power of the guardian filled the air around and filled the clearing in no time. Pieces of the energy were led by her mind into the body of the insured comrades and instilled small healing energy into them. Eru knew, that this was not enough to heal them but it would stop the heavy bleeding and maybe save them for a few more minutes from dying. The foes of the Flame Legion saw their fate shifting and wend to flee. Eru reached out to her mace that had droped a few steps away next to the dead spear-fighter. "Do not let anyone escape! Blood for Blood!" she shouted and charged forward in pursuit of the fleeing enemy. It did not take long for her and her warband to reach them. None of the Flame Legion escaped their wrath and when Eru returned to the clearing the surviving Ash Legion fighters had just droped down to rest and care for their friends.

Eru did not ask any questions. She sent the two scouts to the other warbands of the Ash Legion to inform them what had happened. The one behind should cover the now open right flank. After they had left Eru turned to the fighters of the Ash Legion. "Who is the one in command of you?" she demanded, now with a sterner expression on her face. The pitch black furred Charr, who Eru just had saved from being killed, raised her uninsured hand and her voice sounded exhausted and weak. "I am Inia Blackshadow, centurion of the Ash Legion and leader of the warbands around." Eru's eyes gleamed on the other centurion. The old anger about their secret behavior came back but she closed her eyes for a second to fight the urge to take her to task. When she opened her eyes again she could see the fear in the eyes of the other centurion. Eru extended a paw to help her stand up. "I will leave my complaints for later." She just remarked. This was neither the place, nor the time to start a fight. "We will quickly patch up the wounded and then join the regiment. The one of you who are not insured will carry the insured in the middle. Where is the legionnaire of this warband?" Eru looked around but none answered. Then Inia, who had not yet taken her paw to stand up, turned to her back and caressed a dead fighter behind her. The male charr had red fur with white spots and a strong build. "Furon Rustbreaker was the legionnaire but we can not help him anymore. He died right at the start of the ambush in the attempt to save me." Eru looked down to Inia. She could feel the sorrow that was taking over the centurion. "I can understand your pain but we have no time to weep." Eru commanded and waved to her own warband that just finished patching up the most serious wounds of the insured. "Ara, you will carry the legionnaire. Are there any more dead or insured people who can not move on their own?" It turned out that there were two more dead fighters and one who was too insured to run himself. Eru commanded her warband to carry those as well. She did not want to leave any comrade in the wild, insured or dead did not matter, for the Flame Legion to find later and have their fun with them. They gave their best for the black citadel and tried to protect her regiment. She would later honor them, when they were in the camp of the frontier. She could also not waste any soldiers to bring them back to the black citadel. She had an order to fulfill. Inia just nodded and watched Ara picking up her Legionnaire. She did not react directly when Eru called her. "Inia Blackshadow, centurion of the Ash Legion, do you hear me?" Inia turned around to Eru. The white guardian had a stern face and raised eyebrows. "I asked you who the new Legionnaire of this warband should be." Inia shook her head. She had not thought about this until the moment Eru issued this task. She stood up and looked around to see who of her warband was fit enough to take the command. She extended a paw to the shoulders of a big Ranger. "Fry Silkvoice, you will be the new Legionnaire. May you have a better fortune than Furon." Her voice broke and she looked back to the dead corpse of Furon the the arms of Ara. "Good Legionnaire. We will keep the honors for later. Take your warband and follow us." Eru grabbed Inia under her healthy shoulder and dragged her along. In a light jog she led the group back to the regiment. It took them far longer to reach them as before, because they could not run as fast while carrying the insured and dead. On their way they crossed the warband of the Ash Legion who was commanded to take the right flank now. They looked in shock to their dead comrades but Eru urged them to move on with their task. Inia just nodded to them to follow Eru's commands. The centurion did not argue with the energetic centurion of the Blood Legion. She was too exhausted and also her head was spinning. She had to admit that she would not have known what to do right now. She just went along and tried to bare her pain. Eru raised the number of scouts now that an attack had happened. She also sent a massager to the seventh warband to inform them about the attack. They should be alert for possible attacks on them. The Ash Legion moved closer to the regiment and the scouts often brought along commands for them when they went back from reporting to the centurion. The rest of the day went in peace and no other attack or sighting of the Flame Legion happened. At dawn Eru spotted the seventh warband. They had reached the meeting point before them and already set up a camp for the night. On a small plain the tents stood one next to each other. Guards patrolled around the camp and the scouts switched places to scout the area for possible danger. Legionnaire Fry Silkvoice had been announced to his warband but it was clear that this warband would not go far in this war. Only five of the warband were fit enough to fight. Three were dead and seven were heavily insured. Most of them could still run but fighting was out of question for them. Eru had told them that they would join her old warband to guard the insured back to the black citadel once they arrived at the frontier. Without questions or complaints the Ash Legion fighters had accepted that Eru took over the command over them. Inia was not herself this evening. She let her shoulders hang down and like a whelp that did a bad thing she sneaked to the tent of Eru close to midnight. Eru had called for her and commanded that no one would enter her tent except her. She wanted to talk to the centurion of the Ash Legion in private.

"Inia, please enter." Eru invited the guest. She had a few pelts layed out on the ground and lay on one of them. "No one will disturb us. I told everyone to leave us alone." Inia managed to bring up a small smile as an answer. She still felt horrible about the death of her soldiers. "I know that you still have a lot on your mind with the dead and injured soldiers of your warband. I am sorry for your loss and I can assure you that you could not have done anything to save them." The expression of Eru went to a sterner one when Inia sat down on a pelt as well. "The reason I called you was that I wanted to complain about the Ash Legion sneaking around us without notifying us. This was very offensive for my regiment..." she looked up and saw into the grief filled eyes of Inia. "... but I think I will let this complaint slide for now. I do not want to bring you any more hard feelings at the moment." Eru had a soft and caring spot despite her toughness. This was the reason her warbands loved her so much and Inia also melted away in the gesture of friendship she received. She knew she had done badly against Eru and her actions have been a lack of respect for the centurion of the Blood Legion. That she had the command to keep it secret was no excuse. She saw now that this secrecy had led to the situation. The Blood Legion might have been faster on their help if they would have stayed in contact all the time and... "How do you feel now? Is your arm better?" Eru ripped Inia out of her thoughts. Inia looked into the white eyes of the centurion. Even in the dark tent these eyes seemed to sparkle like stars. Inia just noticed that there was no light source inside the tent. Only a dim light shone through the thick tent walls but the fur of Eru soaked the light in and reflected it as if it would shine itself. It seemed for Inia as if Eru was the source of the little light inside the tent. Like herself she was not wearing her armor right now but a simple robe. Eru's attentive eyes looked at the pitch black fur of Inia. Eru and Inia were like total opposites: Eru with white fur and white eyes, like a shimmering star at the sky, and Inia with the pitch black fur and black eyes, like a shadow. Inia was a few centimeters bigger than Eru and she was three years older. Inia knew about the centurion of the Blood Legion. Everyone in the Black Citadel knew about the youngest Centurion ever. One year before Inia had been called that. She also excelled in her skills but now that she sat in front of Eru she had to admit that Eru was more muscular and had an aura of leadership around her. Inia was of a soft nature. There had been more than one situation where she had doubted her own capabilities as a centurion. And also Eru had rescued her from certain death... Inia just noticed that she had not thanked Eru for that yet. How could she sit here and not bring up her thanks for saving her life? "Centurion Whitestor..." - "Eru!" Eru commented with a stern voice. "Just call me Eru. All my soldiers do so and we are not in an official protocol here. May I call you Inia as well?" The centurion of the Ash Legion nodded and gulped. "Eru... I wanted to thank you for saving me back there. I thought I would die at this moment. I did not hope for you to come to my rescue. I owe you my life. If there is anything I can do for you..." She looked up and the look in the white eyes of the other charr let her stop in her sentence. They seemed to size her and look right through her into her inner self. After a few moments of silence Eru extended her paw and placed it atop the paw of Inia. Eru had thought about the possibility to trust Inia. She had to test if she could truly trust the other centurion. "I would have an offer for you. But this offer would mean that I have to trust you unlimited. Do you think you could handle such a trust?" Eru followed the eyes of Inia as they moved to the paw and then back to her eyes. "My life is yours. I will never betray your trust whatever you may ask of me. Eru smiled and decided to give it a try. She would test the trust before she was sure. But maybe this was a present from fortune for her. "Good, will you swear to me to never betray the trust? Will you swear to be obedient to any request I may voice, silent about any secret I may tell you and loyal until your death?" Inia winced. This had been unexpected but she also noticed that this was some kind of test from Eru. She felt that Eru tried out if she could really trust the other. It was natural because they had just met. It took her a few minutes pondering about it and then she answered with a soft voice: "Yes, I swear."

Eru smiled and pet the paw of Inia. "Then I will trust you and first I will ask of you to never speak to anyone about everything that we have done or will do inside this tent tonight. Any information you might get is to be kept inside and never told." Inia nodded slowly. The paw of Eru was removed and Inia noticed her shifting in front of her. She looked up. Eru held a slip in her hand and just threw it behind herself. Inia made small eyes while Eru continued and pulled her robe over her head. White fur floated out of the cover and Inia squinnied her eyes a bit more. Eru sat in front of her totally exposed and naked. The white charr now spread her legs a bit to the side and showed off her pink vulva to the stunned black centurion. "Wha..." Eru placed a paw in front of her muzzle to signalize Inia not to speak. Then she grabbed one of the paws of Inia and moved it towards her mound. The centurion of the Ash Legion realized instantly that she was to pleasure the younger charr. She had sworn to be obedient but she had not thought that Eru would ask for something like that. She rested her paw over the soft mound of Eru while thinking how to react to this request. After a minute and with a deep sight she decided that there were worst things she could have been asked for as a reward for being rescued and she started to carefully rub the ping flesh and the white fur around it. Eru lay back and moaned satisfied. The soft paw of Inia felt much better than when she did this herself. After being introduced to sex by Trellock she had released herself from the stress of the day nearly every time she was alone. Having someone else doing it felt better though than she could ever make herself feel. She had never thought about having such an intimate relationship with another girl before. But she already liked it. In addition Inia knew how to rub the right places with velvet like paws. Her fur was nearly as silky as Eru's and Inia used her paw pads optimal to rub her clit and the sides of the mound. Inia listened to the approving moans of Eru. She still felt weird about rubbing another girl like that. She felt the other charr getting wet and her clitoris hardened under her ministration. Inia had done it to herself a lot of times, even more when she was in heat, but she never had touched another female down there. After a while she was over her first reservation and started to try harder. She tried all the good spots she had discovered for herself and she even extended one pad to carefully spread the folds. Her paw soon was wet from the love fluids of Eru and she smelled the feminine odor of Eru in the tent. It smelt quite nice. Inia never had noticed her own scent this much but now that she smelled the female pheromone of Eru she also felt her own body reacting to it. "Kiss me..." moaned Eru and Inia was dragged out of her thoughts. Without thinking about it she rose to her knees and crawled forward. Her paw did never leave Eru's wet mound. A bit hesitant and frightened she closed in with her head towards the head of Eru who had moved up into a half sitting position. Inia looked into the eyes of Eru and in this moment she felt the paw of the younger charr behind her head and pushing it forward. She felt the fangs of Eru touching hers. She felt her hot lips meeting her own. And she felt the tongue that slowly invaded just a little bit into her own mouth. All the time she looked into the eyes of Eru and saw the softness, the love and the caring in those eyes. They were not only sparking in energy but also glowing in a soft and warm light. Inia had never looked into eyes like that before and she lost herself in them. Her had did not stop moving and she already felt the fur around Eru's mound soaked wet like her own paw and the fur beyond. Eru slowly kissed the other centurion and moaned into the kiss. This female knew how to pleasure her and the hot kiss reminded her a bit of Trellock. She tried the same that he had done back then. She stuck her tongue out to invade the muzzle of her partner just a bit, then retracted it and pushed forward again. Inia stared into her eyes all the time and Eru felt that the other female as well was getting aroused. She broke the kiss and leaned back a bit to have a small distance between their heads. Without a word she caressed the back of Inia and slipped under her robe. Inia's eyes looked surprised but she did not fight against it when Eru slowly pulled down the slip and a pair of pants that Inia wore under the robe. After she had dismissed these like her own slip she slowly lifted the robe of Inia and pulled it over her head. Inia did only stop teasing her mound for a second to slip out of her robe but then continued. Eru let the robe fall down behind Inia and her paws slowly wandered down the spine of the other female. She leaned forward a bit more and pressed her upper body against the other. Eru felt the stiff dugs of Inia against her own and it aroused her even more. She rubbed herself against Inia and the stimulation at her dugs had her moan again. Her paws still trailed down until they lay on the hind of Inia. With one hand she caressed the base of Inia's tail while the other hand slowly moved around her hips towards her front. When Eru brushed over the mound of Inia she felt that the other female already was nearly as wet as she was herself. The clitoris of Inia was hard and poked out of her mound and the flesh was well lubricated and soft. Eru felt however that the mound of the older char was a bit tighter than her own. It deemed to her that Inia maybe was what Trellock had explained her as 'a virgin' meaning she had never had mated with a male before. Eru began to wonder if Inia had this kind of intimate contact with another female before. She was at least very good at pleasing her. While Eru was in these thoughts and closed her eyes she experiences something like a mini orgasm. It was not as strong as the orgasm she had with Trellock but still a wave of pleasure washed over her and she moaned deep. She tried to keep it down because even if her tent was a bit away from any other tents and she had told others to not interrupt them she was not sure how far someone could hear it. Her ears twitched and she heard singing and celebrating from the outside. It seemed like no one would hear it even if she were next to them.

Eru remembered something from the night with Trellock. She stopped her ministrations of Inia and leaned a bit back so that there was a bit of space between them again. She raised her soaked paw and licked it. "You taste good Inia." She complemented and looked into the eyes of Inia. She other female had a bit shy look in her eyes but after a moment she also raised her soaked pas to her mouth and tasted it. "You too.... Eru." She whispered. Inia was more concerned than Eru to be heard as it seemed. "Really?" Eru asked and Inia nodded. "Don't you want to taste it more directly then?" She offered and spread her legs a bit more while cocking them up a bit. The look in Inia's face showed Eru that the only reason why she could not see Inia blush was her thick black fur. "If you want me too." She answered and moved a bit back. Then the black charr descended her muzzle to the mound of Eru and with a hesitant lick began to lap off the wet fluid. Eru crashed back into the pelts and put her paw over her muzzle to muffle the moan a bit. With herself being in a highly aroused state already she was very sensitive in her genitals. The pleasure that flooded through her was unimaginable. "That feels awesome... do it more." She whispered and spread her legs even more. Inia licked a second time and lapped up all the fluids with constant laps of her tongue. Eru produced even more to fill in the lack of fluids though and so Inia was slurping them soon. Her tongue did not only brush over Eru's clit but also invaded her folds and licked through the inside. Eru moved her paws down to the head of Inia and pushed it back. "You... should... feel... good... as well." She moaned and signalized Inia to lay over her with the head reversed. Eru felt the hard dugs of Inia pressing on her own again when Inia lay atop of the white charr. The black glistering mound of Inia was just a few centimeters above the muzzle of Eru and Eru took a long and deep whiff. The scent of Inia was sweet like her taste. Eru liked the scent and she raised her head a bit and extended her tongue. She heart a surprised squeak from her rear that was muffled by a paw right after. Inia seemed to like this as much as she did. She licked a second time and a third, brushing over the lips and the clit of Inia. She was rewarded with a long and lustful moan from Inia. The two female charr moaned and ate each other out. After a while Eru did the same as Inia and pushed her tongue inside of the folds. Inia gasped in surprise. It felt much better than anything she could have done to herself. Even if Eru had asked Inia of that under the promise to obey any order and even if this had started just as a test, Inia did not regret that she had decided to do this. She had never felt so good before. Before this night she would never have thought about such an intimate relationship with another female. Because of duty and indecision she had never encountered males as well. There had been quite some handsome males who asked her out so far but she had ever refused. Either she was too absorbed into her work or she just took their interest as reaction to her heat. But tonight this all did not matter. It did not matter that she was not even in heat. This was the best night she had in her life. She had never felt this good before and she knew that she would never forget this night. Just as Inia was lost in her thoughts she felt the mound around her tongue clutching and then spasm. Eru had reached her climax and while she moaned into the mound of Inia her body was rocked by a hard orgasm. She extended her tongue and Inia gasped again. There had never been something this deep inside her. The tongue brushed over her intact maidenhead and pressed points around it. The tip even went a bit further through the small gap under the maidenhead. Inia felt a strong feeling building up inside her and a few seconds later she clenched down on Eru's tongue as well. Fluid after fluid was not gushing out of the mounds of both females. Eru's head was bathed in the warm, sticky and sweet love juice of Inia while her own liquid just gushed over and inside the muzzle of her partner.

Both laid down panting for a few minutes and felt their hard dugs digging into each other. After they cought their breath again they began cleaning up each other's private parts. Eru caressed the base of Inias tail in this process. Inia also cleaned Eru's hind and tail base because all the fluid has streamed over it. When they were finished cleaning each other their mounds were glistering and they were moaning softly again. Inia had not the power to rise and so just rolled to the side down from Eru. Eru turned herself while lying until she was face to face with Inia. She softly licked over the muzzle of Inia and cleaned it from the rest of her own fluids. "I hope you enjoyed this as much as I have." whispered the white furred charr. Inia smiled and licked the head of Eru until it also was clear of any love fluid. "Yes, I would never have thought it would feel this good." She replied. "Thank you Eru. I feel a lot better and more relaxed now." She placed a small kiss on the nose of Eru. "Call me whenever you want to do this again." Eru grinned and licked over the nose of Inia. "When we return to the black citadel I will show you my biggest secret." - "Okay" replied Inia and then she fell asleep. She did not even notice Eru cuddling next to her and drawing a pelt over both of them.

... to be continued

The Order of Future: Chapter 4 - Eye of the Storm

## Chapter 4 - Eye of the Storm Inia had changed again in the last days. They were nearly at the front and she got very lively. Her warbands were happy about her cheering up and they had the hunch that they had to thank the strong and young white...

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The Order of Future: Chapter 2 - Eru the Guardian #2

## Chapter 2 - Eru the Guardian #2 Eru woke up far later then she normally would. The first thing she felt was emptiness in inside her and a wet a sticky feeling from the fur beneath. Unlike the few times she was half awake this night she did not feel...

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The Order of Future: Chapter 1 - Eru the Guardian

**Chapter 1 - Eru the Guardian #1** "Eru?" the voice of her childhood friend seemed far away. There she was, a cub barely able to walk staring at the burning house. Inside she could still hear her parents scream in pain. Her mother had thrown her out...

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