The Order of Future: Chapter 1 - Eru the Guardian

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#1 of The Order of Future

This is the second writing of the beginning of this story because I lost the old attempt in a crash of SoFurry. I therefore decided to type it on word first to have the original. While I had to rewrite the first chapter I decided to make it longer and not only be an intro to the story but already including the first adult stuff.

Disclaimer: This story is based on the game Guild Wars 2 and the story at the beginning of the race Charr, an antromorph sabretoth cat race with horns. While you might notice some setups and characters being close to NPCs they were influenced by the personal story in the game but crafted new with names and characteristics. The race Charr is owned by NCSoft. The story is copyright by me (Imya). Feel free to do art about characters or scenes in the story but please link to the story or name the story and me.

This story includes catmorphs and sexual content. If you do not like these kinds of content or if you are under the legal age in your country (normally 18) please stop reading here. For the rest: Enjoy and please give me comments.

Chapter 1 - Eru the Guardian #1

"Eru?" the voice of her childhood friend seemed far away. There she was, a cub barely able to walk staring at the burning house. Inside she could still hear her parents scream in pain. Her mother had thrown her out of the door but directly afterwards Eru heard a crack and half of the roof collapsed and blocked the way out. The flames were hot and like hungry demons they devoured everything within their Grasp. All the small whelp could do was staring at the fire in disbelieve. The fur of the young Charr glowed in the bright light of the fire. Her crystal white big eyes sparkled and reflected the flickering. Other people joined in the cries and other Charr came from all around and tried to fight the fire. But all Eru could hear were the loud screams of her parents and the cracking of the fire.

"Eru, wake up!" the youngster slowly faded from her dream. She slowly opened her eyes but the picture did not change much. She still stared into flames. It was not a house though but just the camp fire they had set up for the night. "Are you alright?" the soft voice of Wyan asked her. Eru looked up to the older female. She had the fur of a white tiger, blue stripes and eyes, long straight horns and a very big and strong build. The younger Eru was not yet fully grown and even for her age she was small. Her silky white fur shined in the light of the fire like a star and her big white eyes looked cute. Despite her looks she was one of the strongest fighters of the blood legion and stronger even than Wyan. Her short white horns poked out of her head and her ivory colored teeth sparkled like her eyes. Eru was much younger than Wyan but she was the Legioneer of the group. Eru nodded to the Question of the older female and when she raised her voice it sounded soft and sweet. "Just this dream again, Wy." She replied and stared back into the fire. "Just this dream..." Wyan stood up and lay one paw on Eru's shoulder. They had been friends since Eru had been brought to the Fahrar and they had been like sister from first sight. Wyan always felt like having to protect Eru and even now while Eru was her superior and exceled her in combat strength she looked out for her. "My watch?" Eru asked and looked up to Wyan again. Wyan settled down on some moss and looked up to the full moon. "Yes, if you are up to!" She giggled. There was never a time Eru was not up for a watch or a mission. Wyan had a hard time getting her to rest once in a while. This might also have been the reason for Eru to raise in ranks on her young age this quickly. Even this mission had been deemed to be too difficult for a full group but Eru had set out alone with Wyan to gather some secret battle plan of the flame legion. With two Charr they had done more in just a week than a full group would have achieved in a full month. Being from the blood legion they did not sneak in either but they breached into the camp of the flame legion with the settling fog in the morning. Eru had killed all the guards on their way without them even having a chance to alarm the camp. At the time they noticed the first dead guards Eru and Wyan were far enough to only hear a faint sound of their roar. "We will be up before sunrise so be sure to rest." Eru said and rose to her feet. Wyan snickered and closed her eyes. With Eru on the watch she was as safe as within the walls of the Black Citadel. Soon she was sound asleep and with the first rays of the sun the two of them already closed in to the Black Citadel.

"Good Job both of you. These plans will help us a lot." The tribune Trellock Amberstone looked proud at his brave warriors after he heard their report. "You are the best example for the power of the blood legion. You both deserve a special reward." The tribune first looked to Wyan and nodded in agreement with his thoughts. "Wyan Silverclaw, you will be promoted to a legionnaire. You will take over the group of Eru as the new commander." Wyan looked a bit shocked to receive the position of Eru but got back her composure right away. "Eru Whitestorm, you will take over as a centurion for the retired Barble Wintercloud. You will be responsible for the group of Wyan as well as a few others and manage them." Trellock was hardly able to keep his composure. It was clearly visible how proud he was. Eru was his favorite of the whole legion. He ever treated her like a daughter and supported her right from the moment he saw her first in the Fahrar. "You are the youngest centurion the blood legion ever has seen." He added and with the honors he also gave them both a big clap on the shoulders. "Legionnaire, go to your group and tell them about the changes in the command and let them get ready for moving out. You will leave tomorrow for the outpost near the location of the hidden head quarter of the flame legion we discovered with these plans. We need to move quick and I know no other legionnaire I would trust more with this." Wyan threw a fast glance to Eru and then lowered her head towards the tribune. "Yes, tribune Amberstone. We will be ready by first light tomorrow." With these words she turned around, exchanged a quick smile with Eru and left the room. Eru stayed in the room because she was not yet excused.

Trellock walked to the right and the left a few times and then turned around to Eru. He was smiling from one horn to the other. "I am very proud of you Eru. You have exceled my expectations by far." Eru smiled back. When they were alone they never used the formal way of talking. She liked these moments of privacy with Trellock. When the tribune was looking out for her like a daughter it was nothing against her feelings for the tribune. She loved and respected him like a father and ever tried to meet his expectations. That he was proud of her was enough for Eru to feel satisfied. "I do not only want to give you this new position but I also want to invite you to a secret order. You can decide if you want to join or not but if you join you will have to follow the rules of the order any time."

Eru was exited and curious about this order. It was clearly visible in her eyes but she did not say anything. "The order, " Trellock continued, "will not work against the Black Citadel or the legion, so do not worry. In matter of fact it will exist only to keep the Black Citadel strong for a long time. It is to be kept secret tough and you should never talk about it to others. The three most important rules for this order are loyalty, obedience and discretion. Are you interested and want to hear more?" Eru nodded even if her eyes already said everything there was to.

"Good, then I will give you the first three rules and I will test you on these rules. When I think that you have what it takes, I will tell you more about this order." He held one finger up and counted. "First: You should never talk to any other outside the order about this order except when I command it." Another finger joined the first. "Second: You have to be loyal to me and only to me." Eru nodded. It was already this way right now. "Third:" a third finger flew up "You have to obey any command from me without hesitation or questions." Again Eru showed compliance and Trellock lowered his hand. "First I will test if you can keep this a secret and stay loyal to this code. When I decide that you pass this first test I will let you know where we will conduct the tests for the other two rules. You may now go and celebrate with Wyan. I think you have a lot to talk about.... But keep the order a secret, understood?" Trellock smirked. He knew about their sister-like bond and knew that Eru was eager to talk about all the news with her. "I await you tomorrow at ten here in my office to introduce you to your new duties as centurion. Take your time to also think about the order but only outside of work, okay?" Eru smiled and lowered her head like Wyan before. "See you tomorrow tribune!" she replied in the formal way again to give a proper discharge.

The Party at this night was short but joyful for all members of the group. They congratulated their loved former legionnaire for her new position and welcomed Wyan as their new legionnaire. It was a sign of respect for both of them that no one questioned their creditability for these positions. By midnight everyone lay in their beds and got a big rest before moving out in the morning.

A few weeks had passed and the assault on the flame legion went back and forth. Eru had been on the front two times to organize the groups, check on her former team mates and help to determine the best strategy. Despite her being highly recommended by the tribune the other centurions did not respect her much because of her age. She was not even fully grown but wanted to stand on par with them. Eru had a hard time that they at least listened to her opinion during the meetings. In the end only very few of her ideas were being used and the battle was stuck in a stalemate at one pass. The warriors of her groups however looked up to her. Her former group knew her very well and had shared a lot of stories with the other groups. The other groups valued her fighting spirit and will to never give up that she showed all the times at the fronts. When she returned to the Black Citadel for more plans and discussions with the other centurions or the tribune she longed to go back to the front and be with the warriors rather than the Charr of her rank and honor.

For the last day Eru had been feeling a bit strange. There was a weird slightly painful feeling in her stomach and her mood had changed a lot, which was strange for her. On meetings the other centurions had smirked at her. Especially the male Charr eyed her with interest and arrogance. Eru counted it as reaction to her mood swings and this made her even less patient. It was two days after she started to feel unwell when tribune Trellock summoned her to his office and send anyone else out.

Trellock took a deep breath threw his nose and his nostrils were flaring before he smiled and looked up to Eru who was standing in front of his desk. "Eru it is nice to see you doing so well in your new position. I observed your actions very closely and not only have you adjusted to the job of a centurion very well, you also have kept your promise about the order. Therefore you passed the first test. For the second test we will meet at a secret base of the order. It is outside the Black Citadel but not far. I will officially send you there on a mission." Trellock opened his desk and fetched a sealed document. "You will find the location here. Talk to no one about the location or the content of this document and burn it as soon as you have memorized it. I will see you there at nightfall." Despite his smile Trellock seemed very serious. Eru knew instantly that Trellock trusted her with highly confidential information. She took the document, opened it and looked at a map and a few pictures that indicated the location of a hidden cave. It also described how to open the hidden door and a map of a maze that waited inside. After five minutes she went over to the torch and burned the documents. Trellock had waited for her to finish and watched her burning the document right in front of his eyes. He was a bit surprised because it had been a very short time since Eru started to look at the content. "Have you memorized everything?" he asked. Eru nodded and she spook so silent that her sweet voice did just reach Trellock. "I will be there tribune. I will make sure that no one is following me."

Eru managed to get out of the Black Citadel without anyone following her. Despite her being sure she was not observed by anyone she went a long way to the location, crossed several rivers and woods to have anyone who might track her lose the track. She found the secret door hidden behind a bush and opened it regarding the instruction that had been painted on the document. The maze was no problem as well. She had memorized it perfectly and at the time the sun was setting outside she entered the dungeon that was the base of the order she would today become part of. Eru was excited and for a moment forgot all about the strange feelings in the past days. Her heart was beating hard in anticipation of the next test from Trellock.

Eru did not have to wait for long. Trellock came into the small cave that was the entrance of the base a few minutes after her. He looked up to her and moved to the sides to light up a torch. "We will go further into the base for the next test. Follow me." With that he took the torch and led her through a lot of tunnels until they went through a pelt of a bear that hung over the entrance to a cave slightly bigger than the one of the entrance. When Eru stepped into this room she directly noticed the big difference to the other rooms they had passed. The floor was covered by pelts and it felt soft and warm with each step under her feet. Trellock lit a few other torches on the wall and then quenched it. The room now was filled with light from any direction and Eru could see beautiful pelts from tigers, bears and many other wild animals.

"Have a seat!" Trellock offered her and pointed towards the ground while he also sat down. Eru noticed that Trellocks nostrils were flaring like in the office. She did not know this behavior from him. Despite being curious of this new behavior of Trellock she followed his offer and lay down on a warm and wonderful pelt of a white tiger. "I am thankful to you Eru that you decided to come here and join the Order of the Future." Eru looked up. "The Order of the Future?" she asked and Trellock nodded in agreement. "Yes, the Order of the Future. We will ensure a prosperous future for the Charr and the Black Citadel. We will ensure that all legions will stay strong for a very long time." Eru was excited. This sounded like a very big plan and a big responsibility that she would have to bear with being part of such an order. "How are we gonna ensure such a future?" she asked curiously. Trellock raised his hand and signaled her to stop asking and listening to him. "I will tell you after you passed the last test. For now I tested your loyalty and how good you could keep a secret. You passed with perfect scores on that." Eru smiled big and proud over this praise. "The next test will also be about loyalty, about obedience and how much I can trust you. I hope you will pass this test with ease as well."

Trellock singled her to stand up and rose to his feet as well. "Eru Whitestorm, do you swear to always obey the Order of the Future and me as its leader. Will you follow any command and order given to you from me without questions or hesitation? Will you be loyal and never talk to anyone about the order, it goals, it outposts or members to someone outside as long as you live?" Trellock looked her into the eyes and waited for her response. Eru did not need to think about it. She had decided long ago that she would trust and follow Trellock wherever he would take her. "Yes, I swear by my life, by the honor and the name of my legion and my Fahrar that I will be loyal, obedient and keep anything about the order a secret." Trellock was pleased and lowered his paws. "So we will start the last test that will bind you to the order. To show that you have nothing to hide and obey any orders from me now take off your armor and weapons and put them into the chest at the wall there." He pointed at a wooden chest at the far end of the room. Eru did not ask or hesitate. She went to the wooden chest and started to take off her armor. First she placed the weapons, her shield and her mace, in the box, then the shoulder plates and the other armor. The last item she put in was her helmet when she looked back to Trellock. She was wearing only the light shirt and her underwear. "All clothes are considered armor because you can hide something even within a small shirt." Eru knew what he meant and blushed. It was true, that in the Fahrar she had been naked around others a lot while washing or changing clothes. They never had been educated in any way other than fighting. For soldiers it was common that they were also seen naked by others, even off the other gender. But normally this was not when she was alone with a male let alone someone she felt close too. But it was a command and if Eru wanted to pass this test, she had to obey it. She tried not to show any hesitation and stripped of her shirt and then her underwear. When she loosened the strips of her slip she noticed a wet spot on it. She noticed these for the last days already and ever thought it was just her sweating more than usually. But now that she was in front of tribune Trellock this was making her embarrassed even more and she quickly put it into the chest with all her other clothes. Then she slowly returned to the middle of the room following the beckoning hand of Trellock. Despite being naked her fur kept her warm. But even without her fur it would have been warm enough, because the pelts and the torches were making the room warm and cozy.

"You showed your obedience well. I will now exam your values for the order. Crouch down on all fours as if you are ready to jump. Show me your strong muscles by tensing them as if you want to jump towards a prey." Eru did not know what Trellock was aiming for but without thinking she did what he demanded. It reminded her of her training in the Fahrar where they were examined by the teacher. They also had to crouch down in jumping position and he felt the muscles in their legs to see if they had trained well. Back then she had not been naked though. Eru dropped down to her paws on all fours and lowered her shoulders nearly to the ground. Her hindquarters also crouched down but hovered over the shoulders. Her legs tensed up like being ready to jump. Her tail went back and forth like she was seizing up a prey. At the moment she got in position though she felt something cold between her legs right at her nether. It took her a second to realize that not only her pants had been wet but also her nether was glistening wet and now that she raised her hindquarters the movement of the air felt cold. Eru blushed again, even if it was not visible through her fur. There was no going back now though if she did not want to fail the test.

For Eru it was something she could not explain. Her mood swings, her feelings in the past days and the wet spot between her legs. In the Fahrar they thought her from early age to fight and how to be a good soldier. No one ever told her about biologics and that females had something called a heat circle when they got into maturity age. Not having any other female around that she could trust in the last weeks, because Wyan still was at the front, had left her clueless about her first heat and what this would meant. Eru also never really wondered about where cubs came from, how they were made or about the difference of male and female. She always had just fighting and how to be a good soldier in her mind. So her embarrassment was more driven by her body than by her mind. She felt embarrassed but did not know why.

Trellock slowly felt up the muscles of Eru's front legs. He felt the muscles in her back and on her belly. He slit over her dugs a few times while feeling up her breast and belly muscles. A shiver went through Eru's body. Her teats already were erect and pointed out from her heat and the soft touches of Trellock. Her nether began to moisten even more and the scent Eru had smelled for a few days but never put into connection with herself grew very strong by the minute. When Trellock felt up her ass and the muscles on her hindquarters and legs her pussy was already dripping small drops to the pelt below her. For Eru was wondering what this was. Was it sweat? She was confused by the dripping but did not dare to move until she was commanded to. She wanted to pass this test and hear the Trellock praise her again. While Eru was lost in thoughts Trellock had ungeared as well. Because Eru was just looking forward and dared not to look back she did not know that Trellock was standing behind her naked now with his spiked penis already starting to rise. Eru smelled a deep musk through her own scent. She did not know that it came from Trellock but her body noticed the male musk and her arousal kicked up a notch. When Trellock softly grabbed her tail and raised it she moaned involuntarily. Her mind went blank not understanding anything why her body was reacting like that. Her instinct just took over and her tail rose high towards the ceiling of the room. "Relax a bit Eru. You do not need to be that tense." Trellocks warm voice commanded. The command went directly to Eru's body bypassing her brain. Her muscles relaxed a bit without changing the position. Eru yelped in surprise when the paw of Trellock carefully slid along her slit taking off a big potion of her girly moisture. Trellock put his finger into his muzzle and savored the fresh and strong taste of a female in her first heat. "Oh sorry, did I surprise you? Do not worry. This will feel good for you." Trellock calmed her down but he would not have needed it. Eru's mind was already blank. In fear to move and fail the test and from not knowing what was going one let alone what her body was doing.

Trellock placed his paw back on her entrance and carefully rubbed along her nether lips. He felt the silky skin of nethers that had never been touched by anyone, surely not even by Eru herself. Her moisture and scent increased one more time and soon his paw was soaked in her girly fluid. After a while he slowly parted her nether lips and slit in a finger. Her breath became shorter and now and then a moan escaped her muzzle. Her tail was raised high by itself now. Eru's body already got into the best position for this treatment to continue. Trellock slid down to her clit and softly rubbed it until it began to get erect. He helped her clit to pass her nether lips and massaged her lips and the clit until Eru was close to her climax. Eru just went along with all of it. Her only thought in her mind was still to keep enduring this test and pass it. Little did she know that this was already past any conventional test.

Trellock kneeled down behind Eru and his muzzle closed in on her nethers. He still had the taste of her sweet aroma in his mouth but he wanted more and he wanted to taste it from the source. His first lick over her nether lips called out her first climax in her life. The girl cum splattered into his mouth and he greedily lapped up all the juice savoring every single trop of this fantastic taste. Again he was at awe about Eru's obedience and power. The girl had not moved from her spot once and even now after climaxing she did not break down but still had her hindquarters raised high and her body in the same position as before. She just was the ideal girl for this. She still was a cub in body but her first heat finally kicked in and he would make her a woman today. He wondered when he started thinking of her that way. He ever had loved her like a daughter. She was the daughter of one of his best childhood friends after all and he cared for her after his death. She had been brought into the Fahrar far earlier than others because of the death of her parents and she had exceled in anything there. Maybe Trellock just had been victim to her charm. Even though she was not fully grown yet she had an aura of beauty and perfection around her. The fur that was shimmering in a magical light, her big crystal eyes that you could get lost in seconds within and her scent. For sure her current scent was very alluring but he ever had loved her scent: sweet, soft and innocent. She was just a perfect girl. His tongue invaded her nether lips and he lapped all the juices that were still seeping out and gulp them down after tasting them for a few seconds in his mouth. His nostrils flared every time he took in the air in deep breaths through his nose. His hands caressed her legs and ass softly and his eyes observed every spasm of her lips and every drop that drew through them. He still felt a bit guilty for doing this to an innocent girl that knew nothing about sex or mating. He was not entirely innocent on this fact. As if he had planned so from her early cubhood he did ever put her into more fighting practice instead having her learn about social and biological topics. Trellock shove this thought away and concentrated on the job at hand. There was no going back now. He already started to take advantage of this girl. There was no going back at this point anymore. Now he had to pull through this till the end and even if he wanted, his instinct was already leading him to take care of this beautiful female. It was a very rare possibility to get a so fresh and naïve girl to himself to do what he wanted to do. She would not go anywhere. She would not tell anyone. She would obey him on any order he would give and she would let him do whatever he wanted. And he already was taking advantage of her there was no sense in feeling guilty about continuing now.

It was a while after her first orgasm that Eru started to feel more clearheaded again. Her mind, taken by surprise, slowly started to follow the actions around and starting to process what was happening with her body. She still did not understand but it felt good. The arousal made her moan and the scent around her made her hot. Her mind did not want this to end. She never had felt this good and somehow it felt like all the uneasy feelings from the past days were flying away because of this awesome feeling she just received. Right when she started to recognize everything around her again and wake up from her daze, Trellock pulled his tongue away and out of her leaving her pussy cold and dripping. "We will now come to the last phase of the test and it might hurt a bit. Bare it good Eru. It will be alright." Eru was not sure what Trellock was talking about but if the last phase of this test was up, she must have passed the previous ones even if she did not remember. She wondered if this feeling her body was going through was part of the last phase of the test. If it was she did not want this phase to end but she also knew that if she wanted to pass the test she had to hang in there whatever would come. Her scream echoed through the tunnels of the base when Trellock mounted her for real and pierced into her in one stroke. Her pleasure and arousal had neither been able to block the pain and shock from the sudden and violent intrusion of Trellock nor had she been prepared for the pain. Having been riding arousal and pleasure for over half an hour her mind had not been ready for this. Trellock had not been kind or sensible with this. When he took the last whiff of her scent and moved over her his mind was only filled with the need to shove his malehood up to the hilt into this beautiful fresh and virgin female. He bit down her neck and held her in place. She was helpless to his mercy and even if she wanted her body would not let her fight back. With a powerful thrust his spiked member pierced through her nether lips and her hymen in one go. He cry and trembling of the body from the pain only heightened his arousal and he felt himself swell up bigger than he ever had been before. He rarely had a chance to let his urges go with a female and he never had such a young female in her first heat. Butt hell he loved it. Her tightness was indescribable and if it would not have been for her extreme dampness he would not have been able to slip through her folds. He was amazed that he even managed to hilt himself inside her, passing her cervix with the second thrust and fill her so deep that his tip touched the end of her womb. She was small alright but she was the perfect size for him. He barely fit inside her. The only thought inside himself at this moment was 'Why did I not do this earlier?". He was in heaven and while Eru grunted and moaned in pain under him he did not listen or care about it. He retreated only half his length for a few seconds just to push himself back inside until he hit the end of her womb. His balls smacked against her drenched fur between her legs. His barbs were raking her tunnel and her clit until the pain vanished and pleasure took over from the stimulation. The painful screams changed into high-pitched squeals and lustful moans. Trellock felt his climax approach but he tried to hold it as long as possible. He wanted to ride this pleasure and tightness for a longer time. But a few moments later it was no use. He roared loud in pleasure when his prick shot dozens splashes of cum inside his female. He was all pent up and soon he filled her womb to the brim. He still was coming and because his member swelled up even more and Eru was so tight already, there was nowhere for his spunk to go. Her massaged the erect nipples of Eru and caressed over her belly. He felt how it slightly bulged on the immense load he was placing inside her. Giving by her scent and taste earlier she was in full heat and with this much of cum inside her she was sure to get pregnant. He was pleased with his work. His orgasm nearly died down at the time he felt an increase in tightness and heard a roar from Eru. The feeling of being filled for the first time had kicked off her second orgasm. Her mind went blank again and her body started to milk the spike member inside her. She did not understand any of this. She just rode the pleasure and arousal like being on auto-pilot. She felt how her womb was building up the pressure but her tunnel and her cervix still squeezed out more of the spunk from this intruder. Her roar died down and the pressure increased when the dying orgasm of Trellock was once more revived by her squeezes. Another load of nearly the same volume as the previous shot into her already filled womb and made her belly bulge even more. Her stomach started to hurt from the pressure but her cervix still squeezed and locked the entrance tight together with the meaty member of Trellock. Her lustful moans turned to a mix of sounds of pain and arousal. Her orgasm did not die down so fast because Trellock stimulated her nipples and clit with his fingers now. Despite her enormous stamina Eru finally reached to point where she could take no more. She was exhausted already from his teasing and from the pain and ride before her orgasm. But now all the energy left her body and her muscled relaxed. Her mind went into darkness fading away from the conscious realm. But even when losing her conscious and relaxing her muscles she still held her position like she had been commanded. Her will to pass this test made her held the hindquarters high and stay in this position for Trellock. Her arms dropped to her elbows and her legs to her knees but they were in a well spread and steady position to hold her and Trellocks weight. But all her other muscles relaxed and so did her cervix to finally open the seal it formed with the dick of Trellock. While fading away the last think Eru felt was the fading pain and the wetness that rushed through her tunnel and squeezed past the thick member of Trellock and then a stream of thick cream pouring out of her nethers and making her legs slimy and wet. With this last feelings and her dying orgasm she fell into slumber while Trellock rode out his orgasm.

.... To be continued.

The Order of Future: Chapter 2 - Eru the Guardian #2

## Chapter 2 - Eru the Guardian #2 Eru woke up far later then she normally would. The first thing she felt was emptiness in inside her and a wet a sticky feeling from the fur beneath. Unlike the few times she was half awake this night she did not feel...

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