Order of the Future: Chapter 6 – Lari the Ranger #2

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#6 of The Order of Future

Sorry to keep you waiting. A few unforseen events (like a lumbago I was downed with in the last days) kept me from working on this as much as I wanted. I am on my way to feel better so no worries.

Here is the second chapter of the new heroine and as you will see this will have a full additional chapter to end the "test" for the order for this member. I hope you like how it turned out. (I am to tired to do a second reading for errors now. I will check on them the next days because Word also is not perfect with detecting them. :))

Disclaimer: This story is based on the game Guild Wars 2 and the story at the beginning of the race Charr, an antromorph sabretoth cat race with horns. While you might notice some setups and characters being close to NPCs they were influenced by the personal story in the game but crafted new with names and characteristics. The race Charr is owned by NCSoft. The story is copyright by me (Imya). Feel free to do art about characters or scenes in the story but please link to the story or name the story and me.

This story includes catmorphs and sexual content. If you do not like these kinds of content or if you are under the legal age in your country (normally 18) please stop reading here. For the rest: Enjoy and please give me comments.

Chapter 6 - Lari the Ranger #2

Lari had not taken long for the decision to join this order the tribune told her about. She made the promise to be loyal and obedient, not talk to anyone outside the order about it and to follow any command given by the tribune as the head of the order. She knew that he just offered it to her because he knew that she would keep her word. With the actions that happened she could have thrown out of the blood legion and also he could have reported it. All others would have made fun of her. She felt a bit blackmailed even though the tribune never really told her what he would do if she would not join his order. He just had asked: "Lari Swiftpaw. Do you want to join a secret order to protect the black citadel?" Her heart was bound to the blood legion and she loved the black citadel and so she agreed without a second thought. She would have agreed to any request at this moment where she had been embarrassed to the bone. Maybe it was just her imagination or her fears what the tribune could do if she would not have promised. He had been very kind and did not pressure her but crawling on the bed with her pussy dripping in her kitten cum and being eaten out by her feral companion while being found by her tribune had shocked her. Her mind had been numb and she just agreed to everything. And here she was. The moon already set at the edge of the mountain she was climbing up. The tribune had given her a very good description how to find the rendezvous point. She looked around and sat down on a big rock. Silver cuddle up with her and purred. Lari extended her paw and ruffled Silver behind her ear. The wind picked up and there was nothing both of them could hear besides the rustling of the trees in the strong wind. Lari looked up to the moon. The cold wind in her fur let her mind clear up a bit and she took a deep breath. She loved these nights. Normally she could forget everything around her and just let her heart and mind flow with the darkness of the night. But today she could not clear her mind of the thoughts about this evening. It had been awesome. She had felt like nothing before and shared an unforgettable night with Silver in ways she never would have dreamed of. And then from one moment to the other the best night of her live had turned into a nightmare. Here she was, ready for anything she would be taken for. Any duty she would have to do with the order. If it was to protect the black citadel then she was sure that she had to fight and do secret missions. She wondered if she would be capable of doing the job requested from her and who else would be in this order. She was not afraid anymore. She was not uncertain about the order or her future but she felt excitement. Maybe this was the adventure she ever wanted to take. This was some important task that only she could do. While she still pondered what the order would want from her the moon completely hid itself behind the mountain.

A heavy step on the street half a mile away made Lari and Silver look up at the same time. Lari squinnied her eyes but with the moon gone and only a few stars peeking through the gaps between the clouds she could only see a large figure closing in with big steps. She closed her eyes to sharpen her other senses. From the sound of the steps it was a charr and the stranger wore metal weapons and armor. But this was to be expected when someone would wander around at night. These areas were mostly safe but bandits or wild animals could attack a single traveler at night here. The wind shifted and now blew from the direction of the figure. Lari recognized the scent and opened her eyes. A quick look to Silver revealed her that her hunch had been true. Silver also had picked up the scent of Trellock Amberstone. Lari caressed the head of Silver while she watched the tribune closing in with long steps. "Good Evening." The tribune's voice was a whisper clearly trying to avoid the attention of others than the two female felines sitting in the grass. "I knew you would find this with ease. It is not far until we reach our secret base. There I will explain a few more things to you." Lari raised to her paws and Silver also got up very quickly. Silently they followed the massive char. Trellock Amberstone was a few heads bigger than her and far stronger in build. She had heard a lot of stories about him and his legendary fights in the past. Watching his back from this close it was not hard for her to imagine how he had been on the battlefield. She could see him in her mind clearing a way through hundreds of enemies unfaltering. When the tribune suddenly stopped Lari nearly collided with his back. On the last second she was able to stop and look up. Trellock Amberstone pointed with his finger towards a big bush on the side of the hill. The area here was rocky and the bush concealed a door in the surface of a big boulder. Lari followed the invitation and stepped through the door with Silver into a small room. The tribune soon followed, closed the door behind them and led her through a labyrinth of tunnels. At least he had lit a torch so that they did not have to stumble around in the dark. Lari was a bit surprised when they entered a big room with a lot of torches at the wall and fine pelts all over the ground. Trellock Amberstone lit all torches and put his torch into one of the free holders next to the door.

"Make yourself at home." He declared when he started to doff his armor. There was a chest at one side of the room and he put his armor and weapon into the chest. Lari followed his example and put in her bow and daggers. When the tribune was finished he stood there only in short pants and a linen shirt. He looked at her surprised. "What are you waiting for? There is no danger here. You can put down your armor too." He offered with a smile. Lari felt the blood rushing into her head. She only had her undergarment on under the leader armor. The gaze of the tribune however made clear that he expected her to do as he said and so she started to disrobe with nervous paws. Trellock moved into the middle of the room and sat down. She felt his eyes on her all the time. He seemed to like the sight of her disrobing in front of him. "If you are ready please come here and have a seat with your companion... what was her name again?" - "Silver" Lari answered with a wavering voice as she put the last piece of her armor and her boots into the chest and closed it. She just noticed that this room was very warm. With the torches around and all the pelts she now understood that maybe Trellock asked her to disrobe because she would else have sweat to death in time. Still a bit embarrassed she closed in to Trellock and sat down in front of him into a very nice and warm white pelt. Silver snuggled up with her, closed her eyes and purred while Lari shyly looked at the pelt in front of her crossed legs. "We will do a test here in this room. It is safe and no one will find us here. Relax and don't worry." His voice was low and warm. Lari looked up into his amber eyes and managed to show a faint smile. "We will test your obedience today. If you pass this test you may be informed about the secrets of our order." Lari nodded. She was ready to take the test and show the tribune that she would stand for her promise.

"Well, I enjoyed the show you and Silver were giving me back in your room but unfortunately I was not there to see the whole show. So as a first task would you mind to repeat this show for me you two?" Lari was shocked and did not move. Her head felt like it was exploding in shame. He wanted her to do this again now in front of him? How could she do this with someone else around? Her eyes traced to the side and hit the eyes of Silver who was now looking up. The intelligent Snow Leopard understood what Trellock had said and from her tongue that licked her lips already it was clear that she had far less inhibitions to grant the wish of the male charr. The voice of the tribune ripped her off her thoughts. "You can put the rest of your gear into the chest as well. You can even imagine that I am not here if you are so concerned about that but I already saw you so what is there to lose?" his big paw padded on her head and she looked up with a shy grin. On one thing he was right. There was no reason to be reserved around him and not disrobe. He had seen her in the most compromising situation. This was how she had ended up here in the first place. If she would allow him to watch them making out... maybe she could forget he was there and feel this awesome feeling again? Silver already started to lick her paw and with a deep sigh Lari raised and walked back to the chest. "Remember what you swore." Trellock rumbled behind her back. "Show obedience without hesitation. We are here to test this today." Lari nodded and opened the chest. It did take her far longer than needed to disrobe and put all her clothes inside of the chest. She had never been this close to a male before less alone naked. But at the same time she felt embarrassed she also felt excitement. She felt dampness between her legs. The thought of Trellock watching her had aroused her body without her noticing. She returned to Trellock and Silver. While the male charr sat back to watch the show Lari crouched down on all fours and kissed Silver. She inhaled the scent of her sister and noticed that the air was heavily filled with her heat and the sweet aroma of her juice.

With a slight push she signaled Silver to roll over to her back so that she could reach the belly. The licks of Lari over Silvers dugs brought out a deep moan from the snow leopard. Lari decided to start slow. While her tongue slit over the small nubs that were getting erect her paw caressed the rest of Silvers belly and played with the other tits. Lari worked her way over all of the dugs moving towards the head of Silver. With her tongue she licked the fur between the top rows of dugs up to the muzzle of the snow leopard and placed a small kiss on the nose. By this time she had forgotten about Trellock already. One reason was for sure that he was not making much noise to interrupt them but another was that she was so focused on making Silver feel good that she just forgot where they were. Her muzzle finally met with the muzzle of Silver and while her hands caressed over the chest and belly, rubbing every single nub on the way, of Silver her tongue snaked itself into the mouth of Silver. The taste of Silvers' saliva and the warm and wet maw that met her own and the big tongue of the snow leopard that answered her greeting led Lari into a realm of intimal connection to her sister that she had never been before. She let her body slowly decent to Silvers' and the warm fur and the erect dugs that poked into her belly aroused Lari as much as it did for Silver. With her paws the charr caressed the ears and the head of the feral cat while they were locked with their muzzles in a deep and loving kiss. Lari felt a wet spot at her leg and noticed that this was where it met the nether region of Silver. Her friend was lubricating like wild between her legs. Lari moved a paw down to stroke the slit of Silver and noticed that all the fur around, the tail base, the legs, the belly and her own fur were wet and smeary. She extended one finger and slit it between the lips of Silvers pussy back and forth just penetrating the lips a few millimeters. She felt the clit of Silver already swollen and sticking out of her nether lips. She played with it a bit and earned a muffled moan from her friend. Finally they parted their muzzles and while Silver now openly mewled and moaned Lari licked around the muzzle and the nose of the feral beast. "I love you so much Silver and I will make you feel really good." She whispered and moved down the throat and the chest of her friend. Her tongue lapped every hair on its way and Lari suckled a bit on every dug. Even though nothing came out she still earned a big moan from Silver every time. Lari finally reached the region between Silvers hind legs and the fur at her chest that rubbed over this place on her way down was drenched in the slimy fluid of Silver. Lari began to clean up the wet fur on Silvers belly and legs while new lubricant slowly dripped out of Silvers snatch and on her tail base. The strong aroma and scent of Silver made Lari tingle between her legs as well and she moaned with Silver while licking up the feral cats love juice. Some minutes later the fur above the quivering nether lips was almost dry and Lari moved to the fur beside the mount and below. She let her tongue slide over the twitching nether lips and the tail base. Because new liquid oozed out of the slit of Silver all the time it took Lari twice the time that she had taken to clean the area above the opening to get the fur below as dry as the fur above. She now licked directly over the nether lips to collect any new fluid that was being produced. Lari moved down a bit now and then and licked over the tail hole of Silver. This seemed to stimulate the snow leopard very strong because a loud moan was echoing through the room while her tongue met the before untouched opening. The charr moved up again to lick up the new build fluid from the snatch of Silver. When she carefully suckled at the clit of Silver she earned a long and lustful mix between a moan and mewl. A pulse ran through Silver and by the quivering and spasm of her nether lips and the juice that was slashing into the muzzle of Lari the charr new that she had yet achieved another orgasm for her friend. The strong taste of the pheromone empowered love juice of Silver made her own snatch start to drip in her own produced lubricant. She licked a few times more over the nether lips and revived the dying down quivering each time for a few seconds but soon she raised her head and looked up to the head of Silver that was dangling to the side with the tongue dangling out and a hard huffing breath. Lari crept over her exhausted friend up to her head and ruffled the fur along the way with her paws. The last gulp of Silvers love juice still in her mouth she kissed her friend and let it slide into the ferals muzzle. "This is your lovely taste." She whispered into the ear of the snow leopard while Silver gulped her own juice down. Lari noticed her own juice dripping down on the belly of Silver and her own high arousal and need of satisfaction. "It is your turn now." She decided and rolled to the side on her own back watching up to the celling. The celling was out of solid rock. Because of the natural structure the light of the candles could not reach every corner and so Lari was offered a picture of dancing lights and shadows.

It took a few minutes until she felt Silver rising beside her and her friend started to run her tongue over Lari's fur. The cat also started with Lari's top and lapped over her chest and breasts. The dugs of Lari's breast were hard and erect already and Silver earned her first moans from Lari by nibbling and suckling on the charr's tits. But Lari was far more impatient and pushed the head of Silver towards her rear and spread her legs. Silver understood too good what her friend wanted from her and soon the room was filled with hard breaths, moans and groans. Silver had lined up behind Lari, lowered her head and lapped at her nether region with the same intensity that Lari had bestowed hers before.

Both of the females had forgotten the presence of tribune Trellock Amberstone. While Silver stood behind Lari and licked over the folds of her charr friend she held her rump high and the tail even higher. Her swollen vulva dripped a constant flow of fluid to the furs between her. She did not really pay attention to her backside that much. It started to tingle again because the growing scent of Lari and her taste was fueling her heat. As much as Lari had concentrated on making her feel good the snow leopard now concentrated to make her big friend feel good. A short glance up to the head of Lari showed Silver that the charr had closed her eyes and put her head into the neck. She was riding the good feelings Silver was causing her and it was clearly visible how much pleasure Lari felt. Even though the charr was not in heat there was no way to not feel aroused by the ministration of Silver. Her fluid tickled into her own fur at the tail base but soon was lapped up by her feral friend. She just sank into the stimulation and the growing feelings deep inside her pussy not noticing anything else than the rising need inside her stomach and the tingling feeling in her pussy. Her lips grew more sensitive with every stroke of the big and wet tongue of the snow leopard.

Silver felt like something was changed and her attention was led away from the snatch in front of her but mechanical she continued to lick her friend's pussy. There was a movement next to her but she did not move her head because she did not want to stop her actions and leave Lari frustrated. A silent and deep voice whispered into her ear. "You are doing a good job for your master. But it seems like you are still in need just as much." For a short moment Silver stopped liking and left her tongue at the entrance of Lari's slit. When she moved her head a bit to the side she pressed her tongue through the lips and was thanked by Lari with a tremble and a loud groan. Silvers yellow eyes met the amber eyes of Trellock. "I will help you out with that. Just go on." He whispered and then his eyes left her vision and she felt him moving to her back. On the one hand she was curious what the male charr meant by his words but on the other hand she did not want to stop caressing Lari with her tongue. Lari had explained her that Trellock would give the commands and she had to obey them as well as if they were from Lari herself. She retracted her tongue out of the snatch of Lari and continued to lick the nether lips of her friend. Silver nearly yipped and her tongue pressed a bit deeper into Lari's folds than they were before when she felt a long and hot lick over her slick and puffy pussy. For some reason this felt even better than before Lari's tongue. Silver wondered if this was because she knew that this time it was a male or if this male was just more experienced. But her sensible folds trembled and quivered and reacted to this act of Trellock by slashing a bit of liquid onto his tongue. When she was dripping before she was now overflowing. She nearly felt like she was peeing by the amount of fluid that collected within her canals and greeting the thirsty tongue of Trellock. He hit her hymen and she felt the pressure on it. Her whole hind tingled now and his tongue moved in and out just slightly touching her hymen and then moving around the inside of her nether lips and out again. He sure knew how to make her tense up in arousal and pleasure. Her tongue only moved with half the speed as before and she started to groan between her licks. Lari did not notice any of that. She was in her own world of pleasure not taking note of anything around her except the tongue that caressed her nether region. Silvers hind moved a bit higher to give more excess to the generous helper behind her. She started to make small chirping sounds every time her pressed his tongue through her labia. From time to time his tongue played with her clit and gave her an extra stimulation. Then all of the sudden he pulled away from her rump and she felt the chill of the cold air on her drenched nether region. His hand still held her ass and he caressed the base of her tail with his thumb. She pressed her rump up against his hand to show him that she wanted him to make her feel even better. She felt the hand trailing forward over her flank and along her hips towards her front legs. It caressed around her front leg and then was placed next to her paw with one digit caressing her paw digits. She startled when his voice suddenly was close to her ear. She missed that he had moved so close because of the pleasure she felt. She noticed that Trellock was over her and he just lowered his body so that the fur on his chest and belly met the fur on Silvers back. "Get ready for the main act." He just whispered and at the same time Silver felt something poking her swollen folds. It slid slowly between the puffy nether lips and the lubricant of her own fluid helped it to slide directly to her hymen. She gasped and wanted to jump forward but a soft grip in her neck pinned her in place and made her freeze in her steps. The big yaws of Trellock closed around her neck. He did not bite hard but his teeth hit the right pressure points to make Silvers body produce more pheromones and making her unable to move. The next seconds felt like an eternity for the feral cat. She felt something, that she knew by instinct had to be his penis, press against her hymen until it started to hurt. The stimulation of the big meat that slit through her folds was not able to block the pain when he slowly but steadily pushed through the last of her resistance and popped her cherry. Silver moaned in pain but stood still. Lari had not yet noticed that Silver had stopped licking her. She still was in her own clouded pleasure world oblivious of her surroundings. Stopped for a moment by the resistance of Silvers hymen the big dick of Trellock pushed through and when the resistance let up it shot further through the feral cats tunnel right to her cervix. She felt the tip poke her cervix before it was pulled back. Again it poked the entrance of her womb but her muscles were tensed up from the pain of this sudden intrusion so that they still blocked further invading of her inner sanctum. The third powerful push of Trellock Finally breached the tight lock and he massive organ pushed into the womb of the snow leopard. Silver felt Trellocks balls slap against the wet fur under her pussy when he pushed the next time and his tip pushed all the way into her womb nearly hitting the end of it. She felt his full length sliding through her tunnel until the tip was just out of her cervix and then sliding back again. The pain subsided and pleasure hit her again. She began to push her hind against his pushes. She felt her fluids, which were now sopping out of her pussy every time he pulled back, running down her legs in rivers. She just noticed that he had released her neck when his head descended next to her own and his tongue extended out of his muzzle and licked the slick pussy in front of them taking in the fresh aroma of Lari. Silver just stood there still awestruck by the stimulation and pleasure his massive dick was causing inside her. Her mind went blank and she did not remember the task she left undone when he first entered. Her heat made her mind clouded and her body in need of being filled even more. Her body reacted without any input of him and gripped his invading member as if it did not want it to leave again. Even though her ears picked up the sloppy and wet smacking of his balls against her hind it did not reach her mind. His strong musk weaved around her and she took it in with a deep breath which then transformed into a loud and lustful groan. She began to purr, mewl, groan and moan one after another with each of his pushes. She just let her heat take you to a trip of eternal bliss. She let this male ride her and all her senses were directed to her inside and the enormous feeling that he was causing there. She did not hear his slurping noises right in front of her when he licked up the fluids of Lari. She did not feel his tongue licking the tip of her nose now and then and him suckling on her tongue that just hang out of her muzzle. She just stood there letting him take her like he had to. Her heat told her that his was the only right thing to do. Let this male bread her and the longer the better. A powerful orgasm washed over her and her muscles clenched hard around his big love tool. Trellock had endurance and it took another big orgasm of the snow leopard to trigger his own. He was pent up. Not only did he not have any female for weeks now but he also had been strongly aroused by the sight of the female pair before he decided to take action himself. Hi pushed his penis as deep as possible finally slamming hard and deep enough to touch the end of the womb and then began to inseminate her. Her contractions milked his cub-maker and he was as eager to give all this live giving milk to his female. Within seconds he filled her womb completely with four powerful slashes of his seed. Her tide canal and his big member sealed of the entrance of the womb and so the next three shots stretched her womb out and the pressure pushed his seed into her fallopian tube. Her stomach even bulged a bit from the massive amount of fluid he gushed into her. The pain from her overstretched womb made her mind clear up a bit and she finally noticed other things around her than just the sensation inside her. His body felt heavy while he rested on her still locked tide deep inside her. His member still twitched and pushed smaller loads of seed into her already overly filled womb. Silver got used to the dull pain of her stomach and started a deep purr that was only interrupted by low mewls. She noticed that even though he seemed to rest on top of her he stilled licked Lari's folds and at this moment Lari also came down with a powerful orgasm that was accompanied by a load roar of the female charr. The male char atop of her huffed a bit exhausted from the exercise. Silver licked his chin with a week chin while making chirping sounds. At this very moment she was in love with the strong male that had brought her to a realm of pleasure she never had known before. She felt one of his hands caressing her belly, stroking her dugs and rubbing her slightly bulged belly while his hip started to make small thrusts every few seconds.

To be continued...

Order of the Future: Chapter 7 – Herbs and Heat

## Chapter 7 - Herbs and Heat Silver could smell the scent of pelts, her own heat, a strong musk and the scent of Lari. With her eyes still closed she took a deep breath and took in the scent of Trellock that weaved around her. A cold chill on her...

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Order of the Future: Chapter 5 – Lari the Ranger #1

## Chapter 5 - Lari the Ranger #1 Even though the summer was already dying the air was still warm. The sun shone down on the plains and only good eyes could see a movement crossing the area with dry grass and soil. There were two figures with golden...

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The Order of Future: Chapter 4 - Eye of the Storm

## Chapter 4 - Eye of the Storm Inia had changed again in the last days. They were nearly at the front and she got very lively. Her warbands were happy about her cheering up and they had the hunch that they had to thank the strong and young white...

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