The Order of Future: Chapter 14 – Training Camp #1

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#14 of The Order of Future

And there I am finished with the next chapter. It was too long and so I had to split it up into two parts. But the second part will be out pretty soon.

This two chapters will for now seal the core members of the order. After these chapters there will be some more chapters about the members and also the cubs but there will be a poll in the next chapter for your input on what you want to hear next. (So the alternate endings so to say.)

Disclaimer: This story is based on the game Guild Wars 2 and the story at the beginning of the race Charr, an antromorph sabretoth cat race with horns. While you might notice some setups and characters being close to NPCs they were influenced by the personal story in the game but crafted new with names and characteristics. The race Charr is owned by NCSoft. The story is copyright by me (Imya). Feel free to do art about characters or scenes in the story but please link to the story or name the story and me.

This story includes catmorphs and sexual content. If you do not like these kinds of content or if you are under the legal age in your country (normally 18) please stop reading here. For the rest: Enjoy and please give me comments.

Chapter 14 - Training Camp #1

Lari woke up early. She could hear the muffled sound of the battle at the edge of the forest but from the sound of it there were only a very few of the enemy left. She looked to Amra who was still asleep. The feral cats also still had their eyes closed but a twitch of the ears gave Lari the suspicion that they also were awake and listened to the sound of the fights. Silently, not to wake Amra, Lari rose into a sitting position which also brought her companions into action. Silver opened her eyes and looked at her with a soft purr. Shadow even jumped to his feet and a sudden musk hovered to the nose of Lari. She shook her head to Shadow and nodded into the direction of Amra. She did not want to wake up the young charr let alone have her witness how the big panther would claim Lari as his mate. Shadow seemed disappointed but lay down again. His ears still scanned the area and it did not take long for him to face the entrance and bare his fangs. The cloth at the entrance was pushed aside and the head of Wyan, the legionnaire who was friends with Eru, appeared. "It is okay Shadow. She is a friend." Whispered Lari to put Shadow off alert. With a gesture of her hand she made clear that Amra was still asleep and got up from her bed. She gave hand signs to her companions to guard Amra and stepped out into the morning air. The red morning sun peeked through the treetops like a fire that was waiting for the chance to burn down the forest. Lari took a deep breath and stretched to get the heavy feeling out of her limbs. "Good Morning... Wyan, right?" the older charr nodded. "Yes, that's right Lari. Good Morning!" She smiled and Lari returned the smile. She liked the battle proven charr in front of her. She was friendly and soft in her approach but her built was strong and her movement was adept. She was the perfect role model for a legionnaire. Also she seemed to not be too attached to the title itself. Wyan had offered Lari to just call her by her name instead the title, at least at non official meetings like this one. "I am sorry that I had to wake you up so early." She apologized. "No worries!" Lari giggled. "I was up anyways. I was just being lazy and rest my body." Wyan nodded and continued with her report. "Unfortunately you will not have much time to rest. I came to tell you that Eru read through the orders and that she is to return with you, me as last part of my warband and the warband of Inia from the Ash Legion. The battle is nearly over and someone else will take over the command for the rest." Wyan seemed to be happy about this change. No doubt Eru has earned herself a break from the fights but Lari suspected a different reason behind this. As far as she knew Eru has been the first member of the Order and was the only Alpha female. This would mean that she were most likely pregnant as well and would soon be due. Even though charr could bear children and directly go into the battle again it would bring up questions and suspicions if she suddenly would have a child and no father would be in sight. This would not only hurt her reputation but also bring the danger of a reveal of the order. "When do we depart?" Lari asked and looked into the eyes of Wyan. "In one hour. We will also take this flame legion girl with us to get her out of the battle zone. You will lead us the fastest and safest way back to the citadel." Lari saluted and responded: "I will do as ordered Legionnaire!" When she looked up their eyes met and both started to giggle. Lari felt refreshed around this legionnaire which did not cling to her title. She was like a big sister of some sort even though she just met her yesterday.

The hour passed fast and they were soon ready to depart. Lari woke up Amra and explained her that they would bring her back to the black citadel where she would be safe. The girl seemed to be okay with this decision and did not even ask. She just got ready to depart with the group. When they met the others - Inia with her warband, Wyan and Eru - it took a bit longer because a lot of the fighters of all warbands and the centurions and legionnaires felt the need to personally see their former commander off. Lari understood that Eru did not only earn the trust of them but their love. There were a lot of words of thanks and good wished for the way back and it took them half an hour to finally depart for their journey back. Lari guided them through the forest far away from the normal streets to avoid running into the flame legion. They circled around a few battles where the flame legion was being outnumbered and without chance and encountered a support unit that brought weapons and food to the front for the flame legion. Or better they were supposed to do that because Eru did give the command to attack them right away and this evening they had a good share of the food and were packed with a few additional weapons of their spoils of the battle. Other than this the journey was uneventful. Soon they got into safer regions and Lari led them to the street again. The rest of the way was a breeze without trouble and with a good mood in the group. Amra, the girl of the flame legion, recovered fast but she seemed to be a bit uneasy around so many fighters she did not know. She cling very much to Lari and the only others she really felt comfortable to talk with were Eru or Wyan. At night Lari let her sleep next to herself and they were surrounded by Silver and Shadow. Amra and Lari grew to like each other as if Amra were her little sister or daughter. It was not quite the relationship and understanding that Lari had with Silver but they shared the mutual respect and Lari noticed that Amra wasn't clingy just because she was shy around the others but rather because she was attached to her savior and guardian. Before they had departed Eru had given Lari the task to be Amra's guardian and protect her. The bond between her and the young charr got deeper because of this connection and Amra was eager to follow any command of Lari as best as she could. It took them only two weeks to get back to the citadel and after an official report at Trellocks office and his agreement and confirmation to Lari being the guardian of Amra she took her back to the quarter of the blood legion to rest. Amra did feel a bit uneasy in the new environment but she loosened when she got into the room of Lari. Her warband was still on the front so she had her room all for herself. Lari was a bit pent up because she had not found relieve in the past weeks. With Amra around she did not want to let Shadow take her. Lari was afraid that this would frighten Amra and raise suspicion. But she was not sure when she would find a moment where Amra would not cling to her. And then there was the request of Trellock to get back to the hideout of the order by next week and Shadow was to go with Trellock at the end of the week. Lari was sure that Trellock wanted to give him some actions and because Lari knew that Shadow was pent up as well she was happy to let Shadow go by then. There was no possibility for Lari to sneak out with him anyway because Amra was there all the time. The only relieve Lari could catch were short sessions where she joined in with Silver after Amra fell asleep and they got off a bit of their sexual frustrations. But she had to come up with an excuse for leaving Amra next week, would she not? Pondering about I she decided to give Amra a warning beforehand to make sure she understood.

"Listen Amra, I will have to go to a special meeting next week so I might not be here for one or two, maybe more days." Amra, who was just learning how to care for weapons from Lari, looked up from her work. "Where do you need to go Lari?" she asked and her hazelnut eyes looked right into the yellow eyes of Lari. "I.... well I have a secret meeting of a group of people." She tried to explain. Shoot, she already pointed towards the order so this might be hard to keep secret. "It is for the legion." She tried to safe her statement but Amra seemed to be too smart for that. "If it is for the legion why can't I come with you?" Amra just joined the blood legion. Trellock allowed her to be part of the blood legion even though she was not yet assigned a warband. Lari was told to show her the ropes of fighting and everything important. Naturally Amra was still in the age where she would go to a Fahrar but because she never got any training and maybe also because Trellock still had some reservations about her background she should not join the Fahrar but learn from Lari. "See... like I said it is a secret meeting so... do not talk about it okay?" Lari was not sure how she would get out of this. Amra still scanned her with her smart eyes. "But if it is so secret why did you tell me then?" She asked. Damn was this girl smart thought Lari. "Well... it slipped out before I knew." She admitted. Amra was not pleased with being fobbed off by Lari. "But now that I know it: Can I come with you? Please!!!" Amra showed her teeth in a cute smile. She hit Lari's soft spot like a daughter would do. This girl could be so damn cute when she tried to get Lari to do something for her but it was not possible. She could not bring Amra with her to the order because of the rules of the order let alone let her watch their actions there. "This is not possible because it is a secret.... order where only members are allowed. Please be a kind girl and tell no one what we talked about, okay?" Amra still was not pleased. Her curiosity was awake now. "What about I join the secret order and then go with you? I will keep quiet, I promise!" Lari was not sure what to answer. After all Trellock was the only one who could allow her to join and also she did not want to drag Amra into the order. With all the little girl had experienced it might make her feel abused again. In addition she was still young. But Lari did not find a solution in her head on how to keep Amra silenced about this matter so she tried to be as open as possible. There was no sense in hiding it now. "See, I can't decide who enters. This needs to be allowed by the leader of the order. Also there are very strict rules that you would need to follow and it would tie you down to the order strongly." She hoped that the mentioning of the strong binding of the order would scare Amra from this idea but... "What are the rules? What is the reason for the order?" Lari was at a loss. She already broke the rule and there was only one way to make up for it. With all that Amra knew the only way would be to get her to live by the three core rules of the order and maybe hold her onto the promise to be able to join at some point. "Well, the reason is to protect the black citadel and the rules are to never speak about it, to obey every command of them without questions and to be loyal to them. I know this sounds like..." she looked into the eyes of Amra but the girl did not seem to be scared off by this rules. "And you still can fight in the warbands? And you play a big part in the protection of the citadel?" Lari nodded. "But the rules are strict and it might not be as fun as you think." But Amra looked excited. Lari could see that this was the adventure she had hoped for. Maybe even the fact that she did not know what they did exactly and that this was like a secret agency did excite her. "I want to join too. I will follow these rules. Can't you ask the head of your order for me?" Lari was at a loss. Well at least she would not have to tell Amra that she was against it. She was sure that Trellock would tell her that Amra was to wait until she was old enough to be mated. Sure he got Cole involved but this was only because of Mia and he was a boy. "I will try to ask him for you." She took out a piece of paper and started to write a request explaining what happened. Then she gave it to Silver and told her to bring it to Trellock without speaking his name aloud. "So, Silver will bring the request to the leader. Can we continue with our lesson now?" Amra seemed to be satisfied with this and turned to her weapon again. They were currently polishing weapons so Amra could learn how to take care of her equipment in the field. "When do you think the leader will answer?" Lari looked at Amra with a stern face. "We are in our lesson Amra. It will arrive soon enough." And with that the conversation about the order was finally over... ... at least for this moment.

Nana moaned loud. Five days had passed since her test for the order and she began to get used to the activities or "training" how Trellock called it. He had explained her that the order was founded to bring strong littlers into the black citadel to make sure that they had enough fighters for the battles. The first times he took her it hurt more than it was pleasurable but the pain subsided after a few days and now she was moaning under the male charr who "trained" her. Trellock had explained that she was artificially put into heat by the tea she got from Cole. This pre-started her heat circle and she would bear Trellocks cubs without telling anyone. But the one humping her right now was Cole. He was only allowed to take her tail hole because only Trellock, the alpha, was allowed to mate her vagina while she was in heat. Cole was eager and full of energy. Where Trellock let her rest at least ten to fifteen minutes between their acts Cole was ready to go within a few minutes. Trellock also was the better lover between those two. He would make sure that it was pleasurable for Nana but Cole just "used" her to get off himself. When Nana woke up for the first time after the test she had been bloated. Her belly bulged out a lot because of the massive amount Trellock put into her. She remembered the pain from the stretching of her belly but Trellock had been nice when he noticed her discomfort and pulled out. A stream of slimy liquid had flushed out of her snatch and she felt like she was peeing. That day Trellock and Cole took her at the same time - Trellock into her pussy and Cole into her tail hole. At first Nana was close to rebel against this treatment. She felt only pain and wanted to stop being in this order but after two days the pain subsided and pleasure took over. Her mind began to starve for Trellock to take her just like her body did all the time. The heat demanded her to raise her hind towards the big charr whenever she regained her energy. In these past days the old charr introduced her to all different kinds of sex. He trained her in taking both males into her muzzle, in her pussy and her tail hole in different positions. She even was told to lick Mias nethers and drink the semen of Trellock who had his way with her just before. Mia for her part was very sweet to the little girl. She cared for Nana and helped her to get cleaned up after a session with either Cole or Trellock. She also caressed her at the times it hurt and cuddled up with her at night when they were allowed to sleep. Soon Nana saw Mia as a big sister even though she was higher in rank.

Cole erupted inside her and again Nana did not come because Cole just was rushing to empty himself in her ass without tending to her needs. Her heat driven mind went crazy for relieve and when Cole dismounted her she looked around to find Trellock. She found him just finishing up with Mia who chirped loud and came down with a powerfull orgasm. Nana crawled to the cupple and when Trellock pulled out of Mia she mewled and presented herself to Trellock. Her nether lips were drenched and her inside burned in need. The heat, barely lit but not extinguished by Coles mating, overpowered her mind that was not able to grasp the whole meaning of this. Trellock smiled down to her and caressed her head while Nana cuddled her head against the big paw that stroke her. "Did he leave you hanging again?" asked the big charr and Nana mewled louder. Trellock bend down and licked her hot lips. She moaned instantly and the pleasure exploded when his strong tongue parted her libido and invaded past the point where once her maidenhead was. Her pussy produced a lot of liquid and Trellock slurped it up. "You still taste wonderful." he exclaimed. The blood rushed into her head while the adult charr took a deep breath of her scent. She did not know why she was so excited whenever Trellock praised her. Somewhere in her maiden heart she felt fluttered and happy whenever he pointed out that he loved her. The tongue ran over her belly and licked every nipple of her a few times. Then pressed his lips over hers and she could feel his tongue invading her muzzle. Obediently she opened her mouth, closed her eyes and returned his kiss. Her head was spinning whenever Trellock kissed her like that and while her mind went blank again she noticed him picking her up and soon she felt his member poke at her entrance. She felt his hands squeezing her butt and tail while he slowly shoved his big meaty rod inside her. Nana moaned into his muzzle while he slowly advanced with a steady pace. After nearly a minute her nether lips finally touched his balls and the tip of his penis digged into the back of her womb, a feeling she was used by now. Trellock poked a finger into her tail hole and slipped it in and out. The cum of Cole was a good lubricant to help his finger invade her and the pleasure from this alone was more than Cole did with his whole act. Trellock slowly pulled her up and pushed her back down while caressing her tail base and tail hole. His tongue played with her tongue and she could feel all the small fireworks inside her explode at the same time when her orgasm finally came. She squeezed his member and his finger hard and sank into his arm. He broke the kiss and let her breath. Her body was shaken by the spasms and a big smile was placed all over her face. She finally had been able to reach her climax after over half an hour of Cole taking her again and again but never enough to get her to orgasm. Trellock pulled out his finger and stroke her back and tail base. "This is how you should treat a lady!" he told Cole who now was next to the couple again with a hard member. Nana looked to the side still smiling to show Cole how much better Trellock was than him. His face looked a bit sour and he turned to his sister to take her this time. Nana looked up to Trellock again and deep into his amber eyes. "Who is your alpha Nana?" he whispered and she smiled. "You are Trellock. You are my alpha." She moaned and while her orgasm still went on she felt him filling her up with his seed.

Eru walked through the night leading both her friends Wyan and Inia. Trellock had sent different drinks to them to prepare for the test and he did not tell Eru what the drinks meant. She did not have such a drink but Trellock ensured her that the drinks were nothing bad but only for the best preparation. The wind was strong and even though Eru was cautious she took the fastest way to the hideout. She had only told the basic information to Wyan and Inia but in the look of Wyan she could read that she knew what awaited her or at least she had an idea. Wyan knew that Eru was pregnant and most likely her smart brain figured out that Trellock was the father and what this order was all about. Even though she still ensured Eru that she would join. Trellock already told her that both would be instilled the rank of a gamma for the moment. Eru pondered if she was okay with Wyan joining the order. She was like a big sister and even though she did this willingly and seemed to know what was awaiting her Eru felt guilty about dragging Wyan into this. Or was she jealous about the fact that she had to share Trellock with even more females? The last days had been days of fulfilment and surprises. Trellock had quite some progress done with the order while she was gone. He also told her that he would tell her a big secret of the order after the test of her new recruits was finished. Eru was curious but Trellock did not spill a word. Trellock had been very pleased when Eru told him that she had two possible candidates and that they were loyal to her already. Trellock gave her the liquids and gave instructions to take it one cup a day and not mix them up. It was important that both took their own drink to purify their body for the ritual. To Eru's surprise both of them liked the drinks and described it as a strong herb tea with a unique but good taste that left a tingle in their stomach. The last days Eru had not been able to spend her time with both of them but today they met outside the black citadel to finally take the test for the order.

The three female charr reached the entrance of the hideout and Eru let them in. When she lit the torche and led the way she smelled something that was new but also well known. She pondered all the way to the cave what this could be but finally she reminded what it was. Both her friends seemed to be in heat. Eru knew that Wyan was normally very consistent in her circle and that it would still take a week for the next one. She was smart herself and soon linked the status of those two females together with the tea of Trellock. This must have been the reason for this instruction. Surely she had been in heat at her test and it was the best way to tie them to the order by having them get pregnant on the test. Eru sighed and brushed away her jealousy. Trellock had pleased her every day since she was back and tended to her needs. Without being in heat her body was not demanding so much attention and she knew how much the body of her friends would need Trellocks attention this evening. Her alpha would have an easy game with them in this state but Eru did not feel guilty. She was sure that both of them would have joined even if they knew before. She just hoped for them that it would not hurt so much because both of her female friends were still virgins. She had confirmed that at their sessions in her tent.

The cave was warm when the three females entered. Torches along the wall and a fire in the fireplace did spend light and heat. There were five others in the room. Of course Trellock who was watched in surprise by her companions. Then in a corner there was Mia covered by pelts. In front of her, also covered by pelts, was the young Nana, a Fahrar friend of Cole. Trellock had explained Eru how Miu joined the order and that she was taking care of the hideout right now. The fourth one was Cole, the brother of Miu, who looked excited and already ran around naked. Eru smiled to the adolescent charr and turned to the fifth member in the cave. This was not a charr but Shadow, the big panther of Lari. The huntress had told Eru that Trellock sometimes took one of her companions as a guard and that they were cared for in the hideout sometimes. She had not gone into more details but Eru suspected this to be another cautious factor in making sure that no one found out about the hideout. The feral cats would surely bring down any unwanted guest. "Should we prepare your friends for the ritual?" he asked and Eru nodded. She explained the other females that they had to leave all their gear in the chest while she stripped naked herself. Trellock also stripped naked and commanded Eru to show both her companions to position for the test.

While Wyan was just smiling as if she had seen this coming anyway Inia was a bit shyer. She still eyed Trellock with reservation but she did not rebel against the command. Soon both of them crouched down on all fours with their butts raised a bit into the air. Wyan even already put her tail to the side knowning what was sure to come. "Cole, you should help our beautiful black friend here to relax and Eru, do you want to help your equally beautiful striped friend?" Eru giggled. She loved the charm of Trellock and she was sure every female was this way. He had compliments for all the ladies and made them feel good. "Sure, leave that to me." she answered and dropped behind Wyan. She looked a bit surprised to Cole who was already lapping at the slit of Inia eagerly. She had expected herself to help because there were two but she did not see it coming that Trellock would even involve Cole. Inia first stiffened up but soon Eru saw her nether lips glisten with her fem juice. The scent of heat weaved around her and aroused Eru as well. Before she turned to the hind of Wyan and started to prepare her for the act she shot a last glimpse at Cole and noticed that his penis was poking out of its pouch. She wondered if Trellock really would let this youngster do the test for Inia or he was just doing the part of getting Inia ready. The taste of Wyan finally drew her thoughts away from the question what role Cole would play and she concentrated of making this most pleasurable for Wyan. Soon the attention of both females in heat was completely directed to their loin. Eru could feel Wyan relaxing under her and she doubled her afford with probing through Wyan's nether lips with her tongue and playing with her clit. The juices of her friend soon had her muzzle drenched and Eru licked her lips to get them a bit clean. The well-known strong taste of the heat empowered juice of her friend aroused Eru even more. She thought about the sessions they did in her tent and the fun they had together during the heat of both females. Eru did not notice the first nudge at her shoulder but she noticed the second one. She looked to the left and saw Trellock. He pointed at Inia's rump and Eru looked to the side. Inia sure was aroused but she saw on first sight that Cole did not know the right spots and Wyan was far in front of Inia. Trellock poked Cole and signaled him to step to the side and Eru took his place. The taste of Inia's heat also was not new for Eru. It was quite different but Eru liked it as well. It was the same memory of their treesome that crossed her mind while she heard the slurping sounds of Trellock next to her. He took over at the rump of Wyan and Eru was soon been able to hear the combined moan of both her friends. Trellock seemed to go a bit slower to let Inia keep up with her arousal but Eru heard the loud and strong roar of Wyan when she reached her orgasm nearly a minute before Inia finally voiced her long and lustful moan that introduced her climax. Eru was drenched between her legs as much as her snout was. Trellock nudged her again and signaled her to move to the side again to let him have a taste of Inia as well. A hand sign of Trellock brought Cole back to them and Trellock instructed him to lick Eru to have her get a release as well. "You have very sweat friends." Trellock added. "Relax Eru and let us do the rest of their test." The licks of Cole erased the question of who "us" was from her mind. She noticed that he was inexperienced but with a few pushes she positioned him right and pointed at the places he was supposed to lick. She closed her eyes and let him pleasure her while the slurping sound next to her rose again and she heard her friends moan again. Eru knew by experience how sensitive they must feel right now after their climax. In addition they were in heat which most likely tripled the effect. She wondered who Trellock would take first when she heard both of them groan in unison. Eru knew that this groan only could mean that their maidenhead was pierced and they were just deflowered but how had he done this to both of them at the same time? She opened her eyes while continuing to moan and looked to her side where Inia was located.

She was not surprised when she saw the big frame of Trellock above Inia, biting her neck and pushing in and out. The pitch black charr hissed in pain when he retracted and exhaled a noise between groan and moan when he pushed back in. Even though her face showed clear discomfort she did not move an inch. Eru knew that this was not only because of the command for the test but also because of the spot Trellock bit. Trellock finally pushed all the way in forcing a loud moan out of Inia and slapping his balls against her drenched slit when he came to a halt hilted inside her. Eru raised her upper body a bit higher to watch through the gap between Inia and Trellock to see Wyan. She saw the face of her friend in a mix between pain and pleasure and a big black snout biting her at the same spot Trellock was biting Inia. Eru did not want to believe her eyes. The one who was atop of Wyan was Shadow, the feral panther cat. His nostrils flared to take in the intoxicating scent and when Eru raised a bit more she saw his hips pushing into Wyan with strong strides and making her best friend moan and groan in pleasure and pain. She was not sure if Wyan even knew who was mating her. She wanted to get up and move to Wyan but in this moment she noticed Nana, the small girl, crouching down beside Cole and joining him in licking Eru. The little girl sure knew the right spots and a moan escaped Eru. While still wondering how such a little girl knew about all this stuff Cole got up and moved behind Nana. Before Eru even could utter a word he already pushed her tail to the side and his cock deep into her pussy. Nana moaned loud and her tongue was pushed deep into Eru making her mind forget about the task at hand and focusing on the small charr in front of her. Cole bent over and imitated Trellock by biting Nana into her neck. The small girl groaned in discomfort because her eager but inexperienced lover did not hit the right spot. Eru, still moaning, extended a paw and squeezed the yaws of Cole to have him loosen up. Cole looked up to Eru in surprise but she just smiled and pointed at the correct spot. It took the young male charr two more tries until the pain in the face of Nana turned into trance and bliss. While moaning Eru caressed Nana and Cole with one paw each and licked Cole behind his ears. The two adolescent were so cute in their try to do it like the adults and that Nana now only showed pleasure and bliss awakened the suspicion in Eru that this was not her first time. Maybe Trellock trained them to be lovers in the future and taking forth the future of the order. Little did she know that Trellock was the one taking the virginity of this tiny girl and in addition put her full of cubs. Finally she reached her climax with Nanas eager licks and let herself fall back and roar in pleasure. She closed her eyes and lay on her back while she still felt the licks of Nana on her sensitive nether lips. She listened to the sounds around her. The groan of Inia and Wyan that slowly turned into moanes, the squelching sound of all three males pushing in and out of their females and the chirping sound of Nana being in high aroused pleasure. A short time after Cole was the first to come. Eru could hear him stop moving and roaring when he emptied his load into her already fertilized womb. Nana herself just moaned but no sign of her reaching her climax already. A few minutes later Inia cried out in a powerfull second orgasm and nearly at the same time Trellock roared to mark his climax. Eru imagined hearing his powerful jets of cum splashing into the waiting fertile womb of Inia. And finally Shadow voiced a loud roar accompanied by a slosh of his semen in Wyan's womb and a loud roar of Eru's best friend. Eru opened her eyes again and her first glance hit Trellock. He licked the back of Inias head while staying deep buried inside her. Cole seemed to imitate him and licked Nana while riding out his climax deep inside her. Under the head of Inia Eru could make out the pair behind them. The black panther licked Wyan's head like Trellock did and Imya imagined that he also still was buried deep inside her best friend. She heard Trellock whisper to the females that were next to each other. "You both passed the test and so I will tell you about the order..." Eru knew that he would now explain how the order worked and only listened with one ear. He told them about the duty to bear cubs but to Eru's surprise he also told Wyan that she would bear the cubs of Shadow because of a special medicine he gave her and that it was confirmed to work before. Eru saw the face of Wyan show a bit of surprise and disagreement but there was nothing that could be done now and Eru knew that as well. She had smelled the heat of Wyan and if it was true what Trellock said Wyan would be full of half feral cubs soon if not already. She was a bit angry at Trellock for treating Wyan like that but when she saw him lick her cheeks and talk to her softly about this being a pride to be one of the few to bring out a new species she knew that he did not want to hurt Wyan but that this was because of the goals of the order. Eru was exhausted from the day and her recent climax and leaned back. There was nothing she could do about what was done and as long as Wyan did not complain it seemed to be okay. She closed her eyes again and while she drifted off to sleep she heard the groan and moan of the female charr beside her start again as well as a soft moan of Cole and Nana who also seemed to start a new session on their own.

The Order of Future: Chapter 15 – Training Camp #2

## Chapter 15 - Training Camp #2 Lari sighed again. She was in her room together with Silver and Amra and filled a cup for her protégé. She was a bit stressed not only because she still had to wait to join the others in the order and learning about...

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The Order of Future: Chapter 13 – Nana joins the order

## Chapter 13 - Nana joins the order The wind was cold and the sky dark. Nana clung to the arm of Cole who went beside her. A big charr had fetched them from the Fahrar and led them out of the black citadel through a secret tunnel. Nana was sure she...

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The Order of Future: Chapter 12 – Cole’s Mission

## Chapter 12 - Cole's Mission It has been a great change of pace for Cole when he returned to the Fahrar. Sometimes when he found some time to be alone he would masturbate to release the pressure inside him. It was unusual to leave the Fahrar even...

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