The Order of Future: Chapter 17 – The next Generation #2

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#18 of The Order of Future

Finally I finished the last chapter. This will be the last chapter of the main storyline. All that will now come are specials that cover alternative story lines (like Coles Story). In this chapter there will be the intro to the "Amra arch" story line which is the next set of specials.

I am sorry that this is a bit shorter and does not contain so much juicy content. The next special will have more of all this for your. (I started to write it already).

As this is the last chapter I present you with the basic information of all characters that appear in the main storyline at the end of the story.

Feel free to do arts with any character from this story but please link to the story if you do.

If you want to do any story (side Story) with one of the characters please ask beforehand to make sure I do not have something planned for this character already.

Disclaimer: This story is based on the game Guild Wars 2 and the story at the beginning of the race Charr, an antromorph sabretoth cat race with horns. While you might notice some setups and characters being close to NPCs they were influenced by the personal story in the game but crafted new with names and characteristics. The race Charr is owned by NCSoft. The story is copyright by me (Imya). Feel free to do art about characters or scenes in the story but please link to the story or name the story and me.

This story includes catmorphs and sexual content. If you do not like these kinds of content or if you are under the legal age in your country (normally 18) please stop reading here. For the rest: Enjoy and please give me comments.

Chapter 17 - The next Generation #2

Amra watched the sleeping Nana and her red cub that was safely rested at her belly with a smile. Then her gaze fell upon Cole who lay in a corner sulking because Trellock forbid him to mate with any females right now. Amra was very short before delivery and all others had cubs. If they demanded they still could get a session with Trellock but all the mothers were too occupied with their cubs to also tend to Cole's needs. Amra was unable to sleep again because her belly felt so bloated. Next to Nana there was Silber and her cubs right next to Lari with her cub. The other 3 females -Eru, Wyan and Iria - were with Trellock. They all got their cubs just last week. Iria had one pitch black cub that was a miniature version of herself and Wyan got two black panther hybrid cubs with one being the first male cub of them all. Trellock named Iria's cub Nior. The baby girl of Wyan was given the name Sari and the male Shun. The small cub of Nana got the name Starlet because it was born under the stars. Mia's two childs had been given the names Midnight and Dawn.

It had been very hectically in the night of Nanas labor. Everything went well and no one noticed at the Fahrar that she was pregnant because charr did hardly gain any weight in their pregnancy. Nana had been a strong girl keeping up with all the exercises at the Fahrar without fail. At Thursday night a few weeks ago she suddenly felt the start of her labor and managed to sneak out of her sleeping chamber and to Cole without anyone noticing. The boy sneaked them out of the Fahrar and out of the black temple through a secret tunnel they had discovered before. He carried her half way to the hideout before she went into labor and he was the only one assisting and helping her with the childbirth. Amra had to praise him to keep so calm under these conditions. After this Cole carried her and the cub to the hideout to have her get some sleep but a few hours later Silver brought both of them back to the Fahrar after all of the females cleaned Nana and made sure she was okay. It had been hard for Nana to be apart from her newborn litter for the whole day. The other females had taken over the nursing of the cub and when she reunited at the Saturday she cried from joy and Cole got a big praise from Trellock for his good judgement and reaction.

Someone nudged her and Amra looked to the side. Apparently she had not been the only one that was awake. Shadow made sure that everything was okay with her and licked over her belly. Amra ruffled his head and kissed him. "Thank you big boy." She whispered. The panther seemed to feel that he was the father. Like he had done for Wyan a week before he had not left Amra's side in the last days and helped her whenever he sensed that she was having pain or felt uncomfortable. He was one caring big tom for sure. Amra lay on her side and took a few minutes to find a comfortable position. She felt Shadow lay down behind her and cuddle against her back with a low purr. This felt reassuring and she felt sleep leaping for her until...

... with a loud groan Amra suddenly shot her eyes open again. A pain shot through her whole body and she knew that this could only be the labor starting. Shadow directly was up again and started to lick her head. This helped her a bit to not panic and to distress herself from the pain but with the next labor she groan loud again. Amra looked around in the dark room and only saw the eyes of Silver flash open and looking to her. The snow leopard already was starting to rise but when she noticed Shadow with Amra she settled down with her cubs again and just watched them. Amra was thankful for it in a way. Shadow was enough to comfort her right now and she knew if something would go wrong the big tom would wake up everyone and Silver would be the first to be at her side. In addition she was happy that it was silent and there was no fuss around her. She remembered the times of the childbirth of Eru when she had been taken wildly by Cole. Amra was not sure if she would be happy about such a loud environment at the task she had in front of her. Around 10 minutes later she did not care anymore if it was silent or loud around her. The interval between the pain got shorter and all she felt or noticed was the pain and Shadow who made her feel safe. She felt a stream of water between her legs and knew that the main act just started. For the next thirty minutes she was shaken by cramps of the labor again and again until finally with a lot of pain she managed to push out the first of her litter. She did only see the pitch black fur of the cub before she closed her eyes again in pain. The next litter took a few more minutes until it decided to leave the warm womb. Amra felt that it was not the end yet because there was still something moving inside her stomach. Ten more minutes she lay there in pain and totally exhausted she finally managed to give birth to a third new hybrid cub. It was just yet that she noticed that fires had been lit and the others had woken up. They all watched the three small black cubs that were now suckling at Amras dugs. Amra was totally spend and closed her eyes from the bright light. She felt the licks of Shadow and the voices of the other charr but she could not hear what they were talking about. Now and then a small voice of one of the cubs came through the noises but Amra only concentrated on the wonderful feeling of her empty womb and the small suckling muzzled at her teats. The pain left was so faint that it totally faded under the happiness flushing through her body. Her paw caressed over the small new life at her belly and while feeling the cubs drinking their fill she finally faded away to sleep. Her lack of sleep in the last days and the exhaustion of this night made her sleep for a long time and so she woke up a lot of hours later to a cub running into her by mistake while playing. She heard Eru scolding the cub, whoever it had been, and when she opened her eyes the first gaze was towards her belly where three little balls of black fur were sleeping tight.

The next few days Amra slowly gained back her energy. She lay on her pelts nursing the litters while trying to recover from her childbirth that took a lot from her. Normally charr could directly jump into action again after child birth but the hybrids took a lot of energy to bear and there had been three after all. Shadow was very caring and stayed with her most of the time. He became very protective over Amra and her litters and allowed no one to come close to Amra until she gained back a bit of energy at the third day and finally got up. The charr girl looked around and saw the other cubs playing around in joy except Reena who was again snuggled up with her mother Lari and enjoyed the calm silence around her mother. Her own three cubs gained energy very fast in the coming week and soon they already started to roll around over each other and show as much energy with playing like the other cubs. Amra did not let them play with the others though until another week passed by. She now decided that they were strong enough to join the others and soon the small hybrids ran around with the other cubs, charr and hybrids, and the only one spending most of her time with her mother was still Reena. Trellock gave her cubs names. Amra had two girls who were named Alina and Dana. Alina had red eyes like her mother while Dana got the black eyes of her father. The male cub also had red eyes and Trellock named him Demon. Amra had to admit that this name was fitting not only because he really looked like a mischief little demon with his black fur and the red eyes but also because he became a very cheeky boy that loved to play rough games. Even though he was one of the youngest cubs he soon was one of the highest ranked cubs in their group. Only Enid, the child of Eru, could beat him in their play fights and ranked higher. She was without doubt the leader of the cubs and the only one of the cubs who could control Demon. Amra's boy also took a liking in teasing Reena but Amra did not know if this was because he liked the golden furred cub or because he was just mischief. He tended to bite her and tried to animate her to play. The adults only stepped in when he went too far and made her cry. When Amra apologized to Lari the older charr just laughed and told her: "It is okay. She will have to learn to get along with the others anyway and maybe he can urge her to join their games once in a while. They will soon begin their training anyways and she needs to learn that she can't cuddle all day." Lari seemed to have a soft spot for her child and was unable to be too strict with her firstborn. Therefore she seemed to be happy about Demon to take over this part and trying to force her daughter to take part of the wild games and activities of the other kids. But Demon was not only cruel to Reena. When he got her to join them he took over the role to protect her and soon Reena followed him wherever he went. He was like a male protecting his pack and soon Amra had four cubs nestled at her belly at night because Reena started to cuddle up with Demon every night.

In the next weeks Amra only had eyes for her cubs. Trellock came by now and then but most of the time it was just Amra, Silver and Mia watching the kids. Cole and Nana were at the Fahrar only visiting them on the weekends and all the other adults had to do their jobs because it would raise suspicion if they were absent for a longer time. Lari visited them every day and continued with the training of Amra. She did learn fast and soon she knew everything about scouting and surviving in the wilds and with the energy in her body returning she also soon managed to be an even opponent for Lari in their play fights. Amra noticed that Cole became very grumpy and soon found out why. He also had been very interested in the cubs and played with them but he seemed to be bored and angry most of the time just sitting in a corner and sulking. The reason was that he was been kept outside of most activities. The females did not engage him for anything because they were so occupied with their cubs. If one of them felt itchy and wanted to have a male inside them it was always Trellock who would claim his right to take these rare opportunities. Now and then Nana would give Cole a blowjob when he looked very blue-balled and from her stories of the Fahrar she did this now and then there as well because Cole was pent up. Amra knew that this was her gratitude for his help when her childs were born and that she did it only for him. Instead of a lover Cole had taken the place of a brother figure for her. She was totally submissive to Trellock and the childbirth deepened her affection and love for the alpha. There was no place for Cole as a lover in this relationship and Amra felt a bit sorry for her friend. She still loved Cole more than Trellock but her love for Cole was not stronger than her love towards Shadow. He was the father of her childs after all and in the last weeks he was so affectionate towards her that she fell deeply in love with him. She also remembered all the times she had with the feral beast and started to dream of her next heat and that she would have him take her. She noticed that her body carved for sex with a feral beast rather than with a charr and she took a liking in the thoughts to bear hybrid cubs. She just adored all of them, not only her own, and soon took care of all hybrid cubs and had them occupied.

But the lack of sex or attention seemed to not be the only reason for the depressed feeling of Cole. It was true that except for the blowjobs he did not get any attention but Amra noticed that Cole also separated himself regardless of the actions of the females. His sulking turned into pondering or planning. His face showed concentration when he was sitting in the corner in thoughts. Amra wondered what the guy was up to. Maybe it was just about the graduation of the Fahrar that was about to happen in a few weeks. She overheard Cole taking with Trellock about it and the old charr started to give Cole private lessons. Actually Trellock gave Cole more attention than the females did and helped him to prepare for the final exam in the Fahrar. The day of the final exam drew close and finally Cole and Nana were tested. When they returned to the hideout at midnight after the week of exams they looked very exhausted but Cole still had a big smile on his face. Trellock brought them and broke in the news for everyone. Cole had aced the exam and was praised as the best in their class. Nana had not done so well but she seemed to be comfortable with the outcome. She cuddled Starlet and joined the celebration with the others. Trellock managed to get both of them under the command of Inia. This way it was easier for them to get special tasks which could get them a bit time in the order. After everyone congratulated Cole Amra also closed in and gave him a hug. "You did great!" she whispered and licked his cheek. "To award you I do not mind letting you take my rear this one time. I think Trellock will allow it." Cole seemed surprised and at the same time excited. She could smell his musk increasing and felt his penis crawling out of its sheath and pressing against her stomach. They moved to a corner away from the celebration of the others. Amra looked at Trellock that watched them split off and just hoped the old charr would not stop them. She wanted to give Cole something he longed for in the last weeks. The old charr seemed to know what she was up to and just nodded. It seemed that he did also think that this result was in for a special price.

Cole guided her to the corner and laid out pelts on the ground to make it comfortable and cozy. Then he started to lick her face and neck and run his tongue over her chest. He played with her nipples that got hard within seconds and suckled on them to draw milk. Amra still was nursing her cubs so she still had milk to give and Cole seemed to like the taste of her baby meal. He suckled on each of her teats and gulped down the milk while Amra moaned in the pleasure of being milked so forcefully. When he moved further down and licked her clit her dugs still leaked small drops of milk that made the fur on her chest and belly wet. Despite being blue balled for a few weeks now Cole had become quite the gentleman and caring lover. Amra could feel the teachings of Trellock but also the energy of youth within Cole's actions. The boy pushed his tongue deep into her snatch making her moan and juice up. When she came down with her first orgasm she clamped around his tongue and held it inside. Cole seemed to savior the taste of her and when she let loose of his tongue he started to lick over her tail hole. Cole had her tail hole wet and slippery before he lined his dick with her sphincter and pushed in. He joined her in a loud moan and she could feel him twitching in anticipation. He leaned forward while pounding her and started to kiss her deeply. The milk that leaked out of her dugs made both of their fur wet and his chest and belly rubbed over the teats and increased the arousal in Amra's body. She closed her eyes and just enjoyed the kiss with Cole.

"What you doing?" a silent voice asked in the middle of their muffled moaning in their kiss. Amra shot her eyes open and broke the kiss to look next to her. There was Reena with Demon next to them watching them mate with big eyes. Amra saw the same question in the eyes of Demon. He did not speak. Not only because he was born later and but also the hybrids seemed to not have the voice box to speak charr language. They seemed to have the intelligence of a charr but their body did only allow them to do the noises of a feral cat. "Well, just a bit adult fun." Amra avoided the question. "You will learn about that when you are older my dear." She smiled and hoped they would be pleased with this answer. Their faced showed the opposite though. "Did you want something from me?" she asked and now she saw both cubs grinning mischief. "Milk!" Reena demanded and Demon mewled loud. Amra had learned to interpret the noises of the hybrid cubs and knew most of the time what they wanted to say. And this long and demanding mewl meant that Demon was hungry and wanted milk. Amra signed while she signaled Cole to stop his rutting for a moment. The boy complied with a low growl and sat up not pulling out of her rear. All other females had stopped feeding them with milk by now and all of them already got solid food but Amra still had milk. Reena soon found out, with the help of Demon, how to get the tasty side-dish even when her mother stopped giving her milk. It was not only Reena but also the other hybrid cubs that took advantage of the fact that Amra was still nursing. She sighed again and then just tapped her belly. "Well then you two hop on." She invited the cubs and the golden and black bundle of furr jumped on her belly and directly went for the source of the tasty milk. Amra started to moan when they first licked the excess of milk drops from her dugs and then started to each take one teat and suckle on it to draw their meal. Cole started to slowly hump her again. This made the cubs sliding a bit back and forth and they giggled while holding themselves in position with their pointy small claws and suckled from the moving ground. The small claws did not hurt Amra much but she still groaned a few times before moans took over once again. The feeling of having milk being sucked out of her and her tail being penetrated brought its own kind of pleasure to her body and she soon started to mewl and moan with the increasing rhythm of Cole. A new giggle made Amra look at her stomach and she saw Cole licking the back of the head of the cubs in turns. The drinking cubs seemed to arouse him as well because soon after he erupted inside her and painted her tail hole white. The suckling of the cubs brought Amra close to her own second climax and when Cole started to move and pull his semen coated dick a bit outside to push back she climaxed as well and milk shot into the muzzle of the cubs. Surprised both of them let loose and with the next push of Cole they slid down Amras belly into her nether region. A lot of happened at the same time. A surprised mewl from the cubs followed by a yipp of Reena and a moan of Demon. Amra felt something brush over her erect clit and then it landed in front of her pussy and something small barely pushed through her nether lips. She moaned and got up with her upper body to check what happened. Cole came to a halt half outside of her and she could feel him starting to spurt his semen inside her again. Amra watched at the space between Cole and herself. Reena had slipped all the way down and landed with sprawled legs on his cum soaked dick. She could see her tail pressing against his belly and her legs and hips being soaked by the warm fluid. Demon must have been able to hold himself a bit longer because he landed in front of Reena. His hind was against the belly of the girl and his nether region pressed against Amra's sopping vagina. He was too small to get aroused like Cole but it seemed that his little member slipped a bit out of its sheath and was half erect. This way it seemed to have pressed between her slick folds. Her fluid soaked his fur fast and soon started to damp the fur or Reena. Despite this being an accident and not being funny Amra could not help but smile. The cubs looked so cute with milk around their muzzle and being soaked in the fluids of their love making. She felt Cole move a bit and directly raised her hand. "Stop moving Cole!" she demanded and Cole froze in his tracks his spurts inside her slowly dying. Amra picked up the surprised cubs and rescued them from their wet spot. She started with Reena and cleaned up the cub from her unintended bath. After she was finished she started to clean Demon and let Reena suckle from her teats to get over the shock. Soon both cobs recovered from the surprise and finished their meal. With a giggle they jumped down and busted off to the others to join their games. Amra looked after them with a smile while she felt Cole pumping in and out again.

The weeks went by and Cole had left to a journey. He seemed excited and hyped about this. From Trellock she heard that he was to meet a few kids from other races to continue the diplomatic relationships he started around Christmas. Cole had volunteered for it and would also scout the regions and give reports once in a while. Amra knew that Cole would not come back for a long time, maybe a year, maybe more. It became very silent in the hideout now. The charr cubs had been put into a Fahrar leaving only the hybrids that were under the responsibility of Amra now. She finally stopped giving milk but now and then the cubs still tried to suckle some tasty liquid out of her. Nana was put into charge of a Fahrar where she would observe their cubs and make sure no one would get suspicious. With the increasing work load on Eru and Iria as centurions and Wyan as legionnaire it became only Mia, the housekeeper of the hideout, and Amra these days to care about the cubs. But this changed one day when Trellock came into the hideout with a mission for Amra.

"The space in here is too small for the cubs." He started and Amra knew what he meant. The cubs were growing bigger and were now nearly half as big as a feral cat. Their games were so energetic that the big room because very crowded. "They should also get some fresh air and sun. I do not want them to stay in the dark for their whole life." Amra nodded. This thought had made her ponder as well because she did not want her kids to be hidden away here forever. "It is not possible to put them into a normal Fahrar because everyone would directly see what they are and this would raise suspicion and questions. Therefore..." he smiled, "... you will go to a new secret place where you will build a Fahrar for hybrids and teach them." Amra was a bit surprised. She had just finished her training and still had a lot to learn. This was a very big task and had a lot of responsibility. In the fire legion she would never have dreamed of getting such an honor and even here she felt a bit overwhelmed by this news. "Do you think I am good enough for this?" she asked but Trellock laughed. "Sure I am. You will get help from Lari and Mia once in a while." He explained her. "First you need to catch yourself a companion because you are a hunter like Lari and should at least have one. The next month you will most likely not be able to find one as you will have your hands full with training." Amra still could not believe how much Trellock trusted her. A few of the cubs were his own, the childs of him and Silver, and he trusted her with these cubs? "Do you accept this task?" Trellock asked her and she smiled happily. For a minute she did not know how to express her thanks for this honor but finally she just brought a "Yes my alpha!" over her lips and grabbed Snowflake who was playing next to her and cuddle the surprised cub. "You will teach them how to hunt and fight. You will also teach them about the order and the rules. And over all you should try to learn to understand what they say so you can teach others to understand them." Amra knew what he meant by that. As their mother she knew most of the noises Demon and his sisters made but if they were to take part in missions they needed to be understood. After all they were not companions that normally formed a strong bond with their master and therefore could communicate their feelings without noises or words. "You will now bring the cubs to the new location together with Lari and Mia and then catch your companion while they look over them." Trellock commanded and Lari just stepped into the hideout and smiled to Amra. Amra did not lose any time with second thoughts. She just rose and moved to the big chest that held her gear. While she geared up Trellock explained Mia what she needed to do.

They only traveled at night and rested in caves at the day to not be discovered. The cubs were excited and it was hard to put them to sleep on the day and have them keep quite. Demon enjoyed the night air and busted around and the others followed him. With Enid gone he was the uncontested leader of them now, the alpha cub of the hybrids. Silver and Shadow caught him and the other cubs and brought them back to the charr. Silver controlled the small male in the next nights to ensure he would not run away and endanger them of being noticed. After the third night they finally arrived at a secluded valley surrounded by mountains with only a small and curved path leading to this new hideout. The valley was a few miles in diameter and Lari showed Amra around. There were actually two tunnels that led into the valley. Both had big wooden gates keeping them shut and being concealed by mud making them look like a normal rocky wall from inside the tunnel. Lari explained her that she had created these gates to prevent the kids from going outside the valley and conceal this hideout. Now Amra understood why Lari had been absent for the last weeks and what she had done. It had been Lari who found this valley. The kids loved the new home very much and started to run around and play the whole day happy to be able to enjoy the sun for their first time. Amra smiled and let them play while she prepared the beds for the night. In the middle of the valley there was a big rock, nearly 10 meter high) with a natural cave in it. They layed out the pelts they had brought with them and made sure that everything was nice for the night. Lari explained her that they planned to build a house eventually but this would take too much time and would need more helpers. As this was a very secret base only members of the order were able to help with building the house and therefore they were short of hands right now because all others had their tasks. After spending one night with the kids and explaining them that Mia and Lari would take care of them until she returned Amra set of. She had one week to find a companion and she already knew what she wanted. Lari explained her where to find the panthers and Amra was eager to get her very own panther like her loved Shadow.

Overview Characters:

"Male" characters: Trellock <Species: Charr, Fur: Brown, Eyes: Amber> Cole <Species: Charr, Fur: Black with White stripes, Eyes:Brown> Shadown <Species: Panther, Fur: Black, Eyes: Black>

"Female" characters: Eru <Species: Charr, Fur: Pure White, Eyes: Crystal White> Lari <Species: Charr, Fur: Yellow with Black circles, Eyes: Yellow> Silver <Species: Snow Leopard, Fur: White with Black circles, Eyes: Yellow> Mia <Species: Charr, Fur: Black with White stripes, Eyes: Ice Blue> Wyan <Species: Charr, Fur: White with Blue stripes, Eyes: Blue> Inia <Species: Charr, Fur: Pitch Black, Eyes: Green> Nana <Species: Charr, Fur: Rusty Red, Eyes: Brown> Amra <Species: Charr, Fur: Multicolor Red-Brown-Black-White, Eyes: Red>

"Children" characters: Enid <Gender: Female,Species: Charr, Fur: White, Eyes: Amber; Father: Trellock, Mother: Eru>

Reena <Gender: Female, Species: Charr, Fur: Yellow with Black circles, Eyes: Amber; Father: Trellock, Mother: Lari>

Snowflake <Gender: Female, Species: Hybrid, Fur: White with Black circles, Eyes: Amber; Father: Trellock, Mother: Silver> Lilly <Gender: Female, Species: Hybrid, Fur: White with Black circles, Eyes: Amber; Father: Trellock, Mother: Silver> Whity <Gender: Female, Species: Hybrid, Fur: White with Black circles, Eyes: Amber; Father: Trellock, Mother: Silver>

Midnight <Gender: Female, Species: Hybrid, Fur: Pitch Black, Eyes: Black; Father: Shadow, Mother: Mia> Dawn <Gender: Female, Species: Hybrid, Fur: Pitch Black, Eyes: Blue; Father: Shadow, Mother: Mia>

Starlet <Gender: Female, Species: Charr, Fur: Rusty Red, Eyes: Amber; Father: Trellock, Mother: Nana>

Sari <Gender: Female, Species: Hybrid, Fur: Black, Eyes: Blue; Father: Shadow, Mother: Wyan> Shun <Gender: Male, Species: Hybrid, Fur: Black, Eyes: Black; Father: Shadow, Mother: Wyan>

Noir <Gender: Female, Species: Charr, Fur: Pitch Black, Eyes: Amber; Father: Trellock, Mother: Inia>

Alina <Gender: Female, Species: Hybrid, Fur: Black, Eyes: Red; Father: Shadow, Mother: Amra> Dana <Gender: Female, Species: Hybrid, Fur: Black, Eyes: Black; Father: Shadow, Mother: Amra> Demon <Gender: Male, Species: Hybrid, Fur: Black, Eyes: Red; Father: Shadow, Mother: Amra>

The Order of Future: SPECIAL 2 – The Order of Peace

## Special 2 - The Order of Peace The air in the sleeping champer of the Fahrar was warm but there was a cold chill in the air. Cole noticed that he was wet from sweat and that his member was erect. Like so many nights before he had dreamed of the...

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The Order of Future: SPECIAL 1 - Christmas at Lion’s Arch

## Special 1 - Christmas at Lion's Arch A special time had come into the land and while the females were gathering in the secret hideout for the few free days they got from work Cole was packing for travel. Trellock had told him that he would...

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The Order of Future: Chapter 16 – The next Generation #1

## Chapter 16 - The next Generation #1 Amra moaned loud while her eyes were fixed on Eru. On top of her was Cole who, with the training of Trellock and the girls, had become a good lover over the last weeks. Amra got to like this clumsy boy and they...

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