The Order of Future: SPECIAL 1 - Christmas at Lion’s Arch

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#17 of The Order of Future

It was a long wait for you but here I got the special ready after another night shift.

Because it got really long (27 DINA4 pages this is 1/5 of the current value of all chapters of this series) so I did not double check the spelling and phrasing this time. If there are some major mistakes please don't be cross with me but I wanted to get this christmas special out to you before new year.

I hope you had a good year and an even better is about to come for you. Have a great new year and stay tuned in the next year for a continuation of my story.

This chapter is in the time line and features Cole and a bunch of new characters that will not appear in the main story line. If you read the poll of me you might notice that the topic is one of the suggestions there (or at least the prelude of it).

Disclaimer: This story is based on the game Guild Wars 2 and the story at the beginning of the race Charr, an antromorph sabretoth cat race with horns. While you might notice some setups and characters being close to NPCs they were influenced by the personal story in the game but crafted new with names and characteristics. The race Charr is owned by NCSoft. The story is copyright by me (Imya). Feel free to do art about characters or scenes in the story but please link to the story or name the story and me.

This story includes catmorphs and sexual content. If you do not like these kinds of content or if you are under the legal age in your country (normally 18) please stop reading here. For the rest: Enjoy and please give me comments.

Special 1 - Christmas at Lion's Arch

A special time had come into the land and while the females were gathering in the secret hideout for the few free days they got from work Cole was packing for travel. Trellock had told him that he would accompany him to Lion's Arch, the big city which also functioned as trading point between the races. Trellock was there for a special meeting of diplomats of the races. Cole had wanted to stay for the days of vacation with the females but Trellock had decided that he should go with the tribune. As much as he was angry and sad to not be able to spend this vacation with Amra and Nana he also was excited. It was his first journey to this city and it would be the first time he would see the other races (apart from the glimpse on a human diplomat one year ago when he visited the Black Citadel). Trellock had offered the leader of Coles Fahrar to take to the city and got the permission directly. It wasn't every day that a young charr got such a chance and even though Trellock was from a different Legion they knew the relationship of him with Cole and that it was the tribune who saved him and his sister at the crisis around the murder of their father. In the Black Citadel the charr were also preparing for the big celebration of Christmas, the light festival. Trellock told Cole that this was also celebrated in Lion's Arch. Cole was not sure if Trellock wanted to prevent him from being around the females while he was out for the one week journey or if there were other reasons. For now he did not really like the idea of wasting his vacation for this journey. Because of this Cole was in a bad mood when they bid their Farwell to the females of the order and set on their journey. The days of the travel to the big city wasn't very exciting because Cole just sulked the whole time. Instead of looking outside how the scenery changed from the warm climate to the cold and snowy winter landscape he just sit inside the wagon and looked at the roof. He only listened half to the words of Trellock that Cole would meet a few of the diplomats in Lion's Arch and when the meeting began he would be able to play with the other kids. He did not care about other kids. He just wanted to be with Nana and Amra, the other females and the cubs in their hideout. When they arrived at the Lion's Arch and the wagon stopped he was in such a bad mood that Trellock needed to remind him to smile and be friendly because this mission was of high importance and they needed to make a good impression.

The meeting in the evening was far different that Cole had imagined. His sulking directly vanished when he stepped into the big hall with all the other races. He saw Humans, the only race he had seen before. A small race that Trellock named as Asura, a very tall and strong race that looked like bigger humans but was referred as Norn by Trellock and Creatures that looked very alike to plants and were called Sylvari. Between all the adult Cole could see some children as well. Only the Sylvari seemed to not have any children with them but he saw at least 2 or 3 children per other race. He was the only charr child and he began to suspect that there had been a reason for Trellock to bring him along. With him there were in total 7 children. There were 1 Asura girl which was only half the size of Cole, 3 Human children with one boy and two girls, one girl in size between Cole and the Asura girl and the other two just a head smaller than Cole was, and two Norn girls. The older Norn girl was clearly one head larger than Cole and very crafty. The younger one was about the same height as the older Human children. Their parents introduced them to the group of people talking while eating from the buffet.

"This progeny girl of mine is called Jukki. She is a very bright and curious child." A slightly bigger Asura said. Cole noticed that the easiest way to determine the Gender of Asura was by the voice. Judging by this the one who introduced Jukki was her father. The small Asura girl looked at Cole with interest while standing half behind her dad as if she was a bit afraid of him. "There is my oldest daughter Elena and the twins Arem and Arianna!" The human man introduces his offsprings. The twins seemed to be very excited and looked around a lot. Elena on the other hand seemed to dislike this situation and looked to the ground most of the time. "My older daughter and strongest child in our village is Bahija and we named her little sister Cyrene. Hopefully she will follow her sister's footsteps one day." It was clear to Cole that the mother of the children who just introduced them did favour the older sister and was disappointed from the other child. They sure looked much difference not only in size but also in muscles and behaviour. While Bahija was scanning Cole with a cold and commanding stare her sister seemed to be flustered like the Asura girl Jukki. "This is my mentee Cole. He is still in training but I am sure that he will one day be a great warrior." Trellock introduced his young companion. Cole could not help but to be a bit proud about this introduction and looked up to the adults with confidence to not let Trellock down. The rest of talks between the adults soon got very boring and by the reactions of the other children, except Jukki who was following every word, Cole was not the only one who felt like this. For Cole it felt like days until they left the hall and went across the city with their children. The adult seemed to have come to the conclusion that their children should have some time together in the celebration of Christmas in Lion's Arch. There were a lot of songs being sung and a lot of sweet stuff to eat. It was very late when all of them came in front of a large building in front of a big rock. The adults told their children that they would stay here together. They were not to leave for the next days until the adults came back and not let anyone in. Cole understood directly by the big and heavy doors and the location that the house had been chosen to have them safe. When they would close the gates of the yard it would be hard to enter the area and the doors of the house looked like even a bomb could not breach them.

"I know you want to go around the city a bit more but we will be at the meeting for 5 days now and sleep there. We came to the agreement that no one would return here and we sleep near the hall to keep you safe. There are parties who want to prevent this meeting and would take you hostage to force us to something. You will shut the door from the inside and do not open until one of us comes back. There is enough food for you and there should be enough space to play." Trellock explained it to the children while the other parents just nodded. Cole did not quite understand why they did this but accepted the words of Trellock. He was not sure what he would do for these 5 days or what he could play with the other children. He started to sulk again but Trellock bend down and whispered into his ear: "You have fun there Cole. Do whatever you want but do not hurt them too much. You can see it as a test to see if you can size the leadership over these completely different children. And you do not need to tell me anything. It is a test for yourself." The old charr smirked and winked to Cole. He was probably joking. "This is the perfect chance for you to get a feel of the other races." Trellock said in normal tone and winked to him again. Cole was sure that he meant something with this but at this point he was still too confused why he brought Cole with him when they would be stored away anyway.

The big and heavy door closed behind them and they turned the keys. There were a total of 3 keys to lock the door in addition to bolts securing the door in addition. This was like a war bunker and Cole took the lead with a torch in his hand to go through the entrance hall. There was not much in the house so they were soon done with exploring. There was a big room with carpet over the whole floor and mattresses stapled in one corner. There were over ten mattresses that were clearly meant for sleeping. On one side there was a big fireplace at the wall and a lot of stapled woods next to it. They lit the fire and soon the room got a bit warmer. Cole noticed that the Norn were sweating strongly and that for them the cold atmosphere before was much more comfortable. Cole himself had his fur and therefore did not mind the previous temperature as well but the Human children and the Asura girl demanded the fire to be lit because they felt cold. The other rooms were much smaller. One was full of different vegetables, another room with hung meat. A third room was the kitchen that had everything to prepare the food. Cole just hoped that one of the girls was able to cook because he never really liked cooking. If it would come worst he would just eat the meat raw he decided. The only two other rooms instead of the big entrance hall were a small restroom and a big bathroom. There was no distinguishing between male or female. It was just one toilet in the restroom and in bathroom next door were a big bathtub and a shower. The bathtub was so big that it looked more like a pool. It had the same length and width than the kitchen. Cole was not much interested in it because he was not so fond of bathing.

The children returned to the big room with the fire and started to arrange the matrasses in a circle and sit down. Bahija decided to take control of the food and got all other children to help. Cole did not feel well standing in the kitchen and having to cut meat and vegetables but with the help of Arem and Arianna, who he connected directly with, he managed to get the hang of it fast. Instead of sitting down at the kitchen table they decided to go back to the big room, sit on the mattresses and eat while discussing what else they could do. "What do you think this all is about?" Cole asked the others. He still wondered why they were locked up here. "If you mean why we are here together and no one of the adults will come here it is obvious, is it not?" the small Jukki exclaimed. By the gaze of the other children in the circle Cole could see that they were as clueless as he was and he felt a bit more confident that he was not the only one to wonder about this. "You really do not know? Well then let me enlighten you." The small girl giggled and looked into the face of anyone. The previous shyness she had at their first meeting seemed to have gone completely. "It is clear that despite what our parents said they do not really trust each other. They expect the other races to take advantage of us children and take them as bait or for blackmailing. Therefore they decided that they would lock us away and even they would not come near us to prevent a situation from happening that one of the parents would snatch the child of another." Cole nodded. He had understood this much as Trellock had explained it to him... more or less at least. "But why did they bring us then in the first place?" he asked the Asura girl. "If we really are in the danger you talk off..." he made a fierce grimace as if he did not think anything like this could ever happen to him, "... why did they bring all of us with them instead of coming here alone?". "Isn't that clear as well? Do you really thing the 4 races, if we take the Slyvari out of this, would really sit together for 5 days without brawling or fighting when the things they discuss are this important? We are hostages to keep the leaders of the diplomats at bay. As long as we are here they can't just hit and run. They would not leave us here. And as we are not supposed to open the doors until they all come back it is impossible for them to attack the others and flee with their child, isn't it?" Cole understood the logic of Jukki. This child sure was smart as well as this tactics. He wondered who suggested this. Now it also made sense why Trellock took Cole with him. "But Jukki why are we more than one per race. In addition: are they not afraid that we might have been asked to kill all the others and open the door?" Jukki laughed. "Well I think this is connected. If not for at least 3 races rally together this would be hard." Cole looked around and the other children looked as curious to the explanation of Jukki as he was." "See, the reason why we have two Norn and three Humans is clearly because they wanted them to protect each other. If a fight really broke out they would fight together and have more chances of getting out of it, right? This is the same if someone really would manage to get in here from the outside. I think they decided on these numbers on by the physical strength or combat skills of the different races. This is why we have three Humans, two Norn and one Charr. I think they were just over cautious here." - "But wouldn't it then make more sense if you were not alone but with other Asura children in here?" Cole turned to the side. Bahija seemed to be not so pleased about the fact that the Charr were considered to be stronger in the explanation of Jukki. When he turned back to Jukki the small girl smiled. "Well, I guess this is why they prepared more futons. If I count correctly they had suggested having 4 Asura children here. But this would only have been more risk for our parents. We know that we are far inferior in physics to the other races. Even if we were 4 and it would come to a fight we would not have a chance in a brawl with fists and claws. We have other traits." She smiled and the others looked a bit angry because they knew that she meant that Asura were far more intelligent than the other races. They sure were... at least by what Cole had read about them... but she sounded a bit conceited on how she phrased it. "Hey don't take me wrong. I do not think less of you because of this? I can't say for sure if there are not a lot of Asura thinking they are superior to the other races but I am just curious and know that each of you has their own Strength. It was not me who decided that I would go alone here, okay?" Cole gave her a small smile and the others also seemed to gulp down their anger about her words. "It is okay!" said Elen. "We know how intelligent the Asura are and you are sure smart but I also think you are still... does it come across negative if I say sane?" The shy girl looked apologizing to Jukki as she was not sure if her phrasing would offend her. "I know what you mean, no worries. I am not cross with you for it. Geniality and insanity are very close to each other like my grandmother always says!" She laughed and soon all of them joined in. "So now that we have eaten we should decide what we will do for the 5 days. It does not seem like they put in much into this hideout. No books, no gadgets or tinkerwork, nothing." Cole pondered what they could do. "Maybe some kind of game? Does someone know a game we could play?" It was Jukki again who answered before someone else could utter a word. "Well, how about we play 'I want to know you!'?" - "How is this played?" Cyrene asked. She had a very tiny voice for a Norn Cole decided. She was not only inferior in her build to her big sister but also her behaviour was more fit the the size of Jukki. But in her words there was a clear sign of curiosity. Cole began to wonder if behind all her shyness she was very similar with Jukki in more than just her voice. "Really easy! One of us gets to start and he will ask someone else about something he wants to know. This can be questions about their race or about them personally like what they like to eat, what they learn in school, how they live or so. This way we will get to know each other better and learn something about the other races. It's cool right?" Cole nodded and the others also seemed to agree to play this. Jukki really was smart. Why not take this opportunity to learn about the other races. In the Fahrar, if they would learn about this at all, it would be far harder to get this information than directly from one of this race. They decided that Jukki would be allowed to start and started the game. Before they knew they were at it for hours until they were so tired that they just fell asleep on the mattresses. They just pulled over the covers and lay down not caring about rearranging the mattresses. Jukki was fast asleep already next to him and cuddled against his right side. She seemed to be very comfortable with his warm and soft fur and Cole was too tired to care about it. From the other side he felt Cyrene cuddle against him. The two girls took him as their cuddle toy as it seemed. Cole just closed his eyes and thought about the girls he really wanted to cuddle with. But they were far away in the hideout near the Black Citadel.

At the next day after breakfast they continued the game but soon it became a bit boring for most of them. Even Cole was beginning to feel bored while the human twins and Bahija already took their leave and now were playing some fight with sticks and wrestling. Elena sat next to the fighting group and observed them. Cole would have loved to join them but it was not so easy to get away from Jukki and Cyrene. They seemed to have taken a liking on him and were very curious about charr and him. He already told them about the Fahrar, his education, how the black citadel looked like, his favourite food and even about a few famous charr that he already had contact with like Trellock or Eru. Cole had been surprised that the gils even knew about them but then again Trellock was a battle hardened warrior and often acted as a diplomat and Eru was considered one of the smartest commanders in battle so it was clear that the other races heard at least a bit of them. While he only listened to the chatter of the girls with one ear his mind went off to Nana and Amra. He missed them and he thought about his memories of them bending forward and presenting their pussies to him and....

"Hey Cole, what is the matter?" Jukkis energetic voice pulled him back to reality. She looked a bit huffed and her eyes were fixed on Cole. "Erm... what? Sorry can you please repeat that?" - "I was asking what you want to know about us next. It is you turn." Still a bit stuck in his memories he mumbled "I wonder how other races look naked.", without even thinking about it. He came too when he noticed both of them blushing and looking at him with open mouth. "Oh sorry, I did not mean to... I didn't mean... I mean..." he was in a loss of words about how to explain it to them. It never had crossed his mind to suggest to them to strip down. He knew it was very inappropriate and also very inconsiderate to ask girls to do this... at least outside of the order that was. Carefully he looked at Jukki and Cyrene who still did not say anything. "Okay, I don't mind." Jukki whispered and got Cole by surprise. "I mean it is not as if I do not also want to learn more about the charr anatomy. I have read in books about it but seeing it first-hand would be so much more educational." Cole did not expect her to agree on this suggestion that he never had meant to speak out loud. Cyrene seemed to be a bit more reserved and blushed hard but she just closed her mouth and nodded. "So what do you both say we change location for this and we all show each other how their race anatomy works? No need to involve them into it, is there?" she gave a stern look to the three other kids that were still fighting and occupied in their own discussion about fights and wars. It was clear that Jukki was not into this kind of things and by the blush of her when she said it Cole got suspicious that she was shy about stripping in front of everyone. Cole realized that she was serious about this and she also wanted him to strip down. Even though it felt wrong to do this in front of these kids who were still strangers to him he was comfortable with it as he was used to strip in front of others from the order. "Let's move to the bathroom. This is the last place the others would go right now, right?" Jukki whispered and she rose to lead them to their target. Cyrene was very hesitant and blushed hard when she was following the small girl and Cole was still in thoughts if this really was right. Then again as long as they were okay with it he would not mind. Not that he really was interested in seeing them naked as much as to see Amra and Nana but at least it was better than just sitting there and listen to a boring conversation. When they entered the bathroom they lit the lights and locked the door from the inside.

Cyrene sat down on the floor while Jukki turned to Cole. "Well, you will begin and put off all your cloths." - "Why me?" Cole asked and looked down to the girl. "Because..." she started, "... you are a guy and also you purposed this, didn't you?" - 'I did not purpose to strip myself.' He thought but with a sigh he started to open his garment and lay it on the table that was in the corner. It was weird being stared at by the blushing girls that were not even charr. For a charr girl he would have hardly been able to tell if they were blushing but the heads of Jukki and Cyrene were in a light red and they did not take off their eyes. After Cole pulled down his underwear and lay it on the table he turned around as natural as he could. The girls' eyes directly focussed between his legs but not much was visible there at the moment. His rod was hidden in his sheath and only his sacks were dangling in front of him while he looked back to Jukki. "I guess that means it is your turn now Jukki." He mentioned and sat down on the floor like Cyrene. "Not much to see, huh?" Jukki exclaimed while coming a bit closer to observe his sheath. "I read about it. In this sheath your penis is hidden, right?" Cole started to feel a bit uncomfortable by the stare of the girl. "Erm... right... it is your turn now, remember?" - "Wait... we agreed that we could observe the anatomy of one another. So let me finish observing it, okay?" Cole sighed. This girl was very headstrong but after all he wasn't really that curious about seeing them naked so he just gave in. It would not hurt to let her look, right? "Okay, well then observe all you want you too. But do not forget your part of the deal later." Cole just was happy that the half erection from earlier when he thought about Nana and Amra already had died down when he entered the bath. The only thing that still lingered a bit was a faint musk coming from his parts but he was sure that the noses of the other races would not pick up this scent. "Well then can you please stand up again? I can't observe when you are sitting." Jukki asked and Cole did as she asked with another sigh. He sure would be happy when this was over. He began to get bored of it already. When he stood in front of the girls Jukki came even closer and observed his legs, their shape and the fur but soon came back to his sheath. She did not observe much above his nether region because her eyes were just a bit over his orbs. Even Cyrene got closer now sitting on her knees next to Jukki and looked at all the spots Jukki pointed at. Cole did not look down until he felt tiny hand touch his furry balls and a finger pulled his sheath open a little. "Hey...." He huffed surprised and looked down. "What is the big idea here?" Jukki giggled and looked up. "Sorry, did I surprise you. I just wanted to observe this sheath and your furry sack. It is so much different from the guys back at home you know?" - "So? How does it look like at your home?" Cole asked mildly interested. The touch of the small hands had taken him by surprise but they were so carefully and softly cuddling the fur of his nethers that it felt quite nice. "Oh, I only saw it once at a guy and it looks much different. Asure do not have a sheath you know. When the boys change their clothes you can directly see their penis. How about Norns Cyrene? Did you see the penis of a boy already?" The other girl was much more reserved and her voice was nothing more than a whisper. "Just once my little brother. It was pretty much like you explained for Asura I guess." - "And?" Jukki looked up to Cole again. "You are quite hung here. Is this normal for charr or are you bigger than a normal boy in your age?" Cole pondered. He did not see much boys his age naked. Well it happens in the Fahrar sometimes but he never really checked them out or compared himself to them. "I guess I am a bit bigger than the average." He avoided the question. "Can you get your penis out so I can observe it as well? I heard you have barbs on your penis, is that true?" Cole started to feel a bit uncomfortable. He was not used to discuss the shape of his penis let alone having someone to command him to make his penis appear out of the sheath. "Well, yea it is true but I can't just get the penis out. It only comes out when I have to pee..." he was shortly before saying '...or when I mate someone.' But he kept from saying it. Jukki seemed disappointed. "So this is true as well. Only if you pee or if you are aroused, right?" Cole did not answer. Jukki seemed to accept that she could not see his bare penis and the barbs and waved him down. "Can you lie down so I can observe the rest of your body? You are... a bit too tall for me you know." Cole took a deep breath. At least this would mean that it would soon be over and so he lay down and let her observe his horns, his teeth, his four ears and all the other special features of his race. She was very excited and compared the information she must have gotten from books with the real specimen she had in front of her. Cyrene just listened to what Jukki had to say and followed her hands but she did not ask anything or touched him. Her head never let go of the red taint that Jukki lost as soon as she started her observing. After a good few minutes that felt for Cole like hours she finally was finished with him. "Now then I guess it is your turn, right?" he approached her with a smirk. He was not really that much interested but he wanted to give back a bit of what she did to him. Jukki felt a bit uncomfortable but she unbuttoned her shirt and her skirt. "Well... deal is deal." She whispered a bit shy and then placed the shirt and the skirt on the table. She took far longer to take off the underwear and when she was completely naked she returned to Cole and Cyrene who waited sitting on the floor. "Don't you want to undress while I observe Jukki, Cyrene? I mean you will have to anyways and this will make it faster, right?" Cole said this half out of consideration for the silent girl. She had been far less disturbing and so he spared her from stripping while the others were watching. Cyrene was very hesitant but she found no excuse and so she moved to the table and left them alone. "Just lay down Jukki. I think this will be more comfortable for you than standing and I can observe you this way as well." He commanded Jukki and the girl was far more hesitant than it was before when she observed him. He looked at her body and it seemed a bit weird to him. Her chest showed small bulges. "What are those called?" he asked and pointed at her boobs. "These are breasts. Do you want to tell me that charr girls do not have them?" Cole shook his head. "They do not have bulges on their chest. They just have a few dugs but you can't see them under the furr. Their upper body is not that much different from boys you know..." he moved closer and observed the breasts. In the middle there was something very alike the dugs of female charr but around it there was a swelling that was lifting them a bit from the furless chest. A faint scent got into his nose and had it twitch. It was a familiar yet strangely unknown scent. It did scent a bit like Nana or Amra when they were in heat but much more faint and sweeter. Cole directed his gaze to the lower part of Jukki's body and between her legs. She had her legs closed and he pulled at them to have them open a bit. "What are you doing?" Jukki sounded surprised. "Oh... sorry. I just wanted to have a closer look. You hat a close look at mine too, didn't you?" Jukki blushed hard but let him part her legs so he could look at her exposed pussy. It looked much different from a charr pussy. It was a vertical line with a nub at the top. A bit under the line was the tail hole of Jukki, just that she had no tail. Apart from this it looked very alike a tail hole of a charr. The snatch of Jukki glistered a bit and he saw that there was a bit of moisture around the slit. The scent was clearly coming from this slit. He put forward his nose until it was hovering over the slit and too a sniff. "Why are you smelling there?" Jukki seemed to be very embarrassed and tried to push him away. "Hey, I let you observe mine as well, right? We charr observe things by smell and taste. This is just my way of observing." Jukki stopped pushing him away and put her hands over her eyes. "Well then do it quick okay?... this is so embarrassing." Cole, free again, put his nose so close to the slit that it nearly touched it. The smell was nice. It reminded him a bit of Nana and Amra but it was much lighter. If he had to describe it the smell of the charr girls was stronger, heavier and wilder. Cole loved their smell but he also took a liking on Jukkis smell. It sure did smell nice and by the feeling in his sheath the smell was also capable of making him feel aroused. Maybe Jukki would be able to see his exposed penis later. He took another big sniff and when he let his breath out he could feel her pussy shiver from the warm air being blown over it. Cole wondered of Jukki would be as easily aroused as Nana or Amra. He never planned to go this far but now he was eager to try and see if Asura people were aroused by the same things charr females were. He extended his tongue and slowly brushed it over her slit from the bottom to the top and over the little nub at the end. He earned a long moan and a silent cry from Jukki. She shot to a sitting position and he had to pull back his nose to not get caught by her closing legs. "What are you doing? Why did you lick me there?" Jukki seemed angry but Cole just grinned at her and answered the same as before. "You had your methods and I have mine. Didn't I tell you before that we observe by smell and taste? Are you going back on your word now or what?" Jukki looked at him with an open mouth. Cole expected her to turn him down and call the deal off but Jukki seemed to be stubborn about keeping her promise. "Fine!" she hissed. "But be careful okay?" she lay back down. "You know? It would go much faster and easier I you would crouch on all fours. ...If this is okay with you." He added. Jukki seemed like she wanted to say something but then just turned around and crouched on her knees and hands. Her head was red and she refused to look back but just looked forward. Cole noticed that Cyrene had stripped down all her clothes and sat down a few steps away looking at the fight Cole and Jukki had over his observation methods. She also had a red head.

Cole turned his attention to Jukki again. He liked the position of her. Her legs were a bit spread to support her body and he had a clear vision of both her holes. Her slit slightly opened and cole could see the nub at the end swell a bit. He decided that his was a clit even though it was a bit different from charr ones. He put his muzzle back behind her slit and brushed it over the clit and then the slit. There was a bit more lubricant on it now and it tasted very good to Cole. It was like when the fem juice of Nana would have been diluted with a lot of water. The soft but sweet taste was wonderful and once again Cole felt himself getting aroused. He wondered how far Jukki would let him go. This was sure fun to try out he thought. From the head of Jukki he heard a muffled moan. She seemed to try to hold her voice in but he still could hear it. Cole wondered if the other kids would hear her when they went to the bathroom but then again the room had a very thick door and most likely no sound would be traceable in the hall even if they shouted. Cole continued to tease Jukki and licked her phinkster. By the quivering of her pussy this did arouse her a lot. He returned to her slit and licked the lovely sap out of it spreading her nether lips a bit. Jukki moaned load when he parted her libido and pushed his tongue in. He observed the inner of her pussy. It feld very similar to a charr pussy and he also hit resistance soon. He could feel the maidenhead and the shape of it reminded him of Nana's maidenhead. He massaged the maidenhead with his tongue driving out more of Jukki's love juices. She seemed to have put her mind into not complaining whatever he did or maybe she was just enjoying it too much? Cole did not care. He ran his tongue through her virgin pussy until he could tell by a shiver going through her body and her pussy squeezing that she must have gotten a mini orgasm. Her body seemed to relax a bit even though she still held herself up good. Cole pulled out his tongue and Jukki started to pee on the ground the moment he left her. The pee reeked strongly of her arousing scent and Cole felt his cock rock hard poking out of his sheath. After the rain of pee stopped he licked over her slit one more time and licked off the remnants of the fluids. Her pussy started to juice up again and was slippery and moist. Jukki was just huffing and moaning and breathing strongly. It was clear that this was her first orgasm and that she still was shocked and surprised by this. She just kept in this position with her eyes closed and riding out her own orgasm. For Cole though the situation was unbearable. Licking her love juices and hearing her sounds had made him very aroused and he wanted to pound Nana or Amra right now how he used to when he got aroused. But all there was were these two girls. Cole thought for a second. Would it really be okay? He heard it was impossible for the different races to breed and have children but then again, would he even fit? He never thought Jukki would let him go this far with his prank but now that he was here his mind started to cloud and he was barely able to stop himself from humping her. Her furless and tailless rump with the quivering pussy and the love juices dripping from it had an alluring attraction to him. He realized he already went too far. There was no going back so would it hurt to go further? Would he even fit? There was only one way to find out and his pheromone clouded mind opted to try it out. He did totally forget about Cyrene. For him there was only Jukki who would have to be taken by him and made his bitch. His tongue parted her lips again when he ran it from her clit that now poked out to her phinkster and then over her rump. He ran his tongue over her spine until he was in her neck. Jukkis head was faced down and she still tried to recover from her orgasm. Drool was dripping out of her mouth. "Listen Jukki! I will do another test with you." He whispered into her ear. "It might hurt a bit at first but I promise it will feel even better than this before very soon. So please bear with the pain, okay?" He was not sure if she was even listening or understood what he was about to do. She was a smart girl but right now he took all the reason and thoughts out of her mind. He understood this because he had seen it happen with Amra and Nana or with his sister. Jukki looked even tighter than Nana and he wondered if he would be able to penetrate her at all. She was too small to bite her in the neck like he normally would do to lock his females while he penetrated them. But he remembered the way Trellock took Nana. He had bend over her and supported her with his arms. At the moment he remembered this picture he did not even worry about the question if he would fit. The difference between Trellock and Nana had been far greater so there was no question this would work out somehow. He slid forward and placed his arms next to Jukkis head to support her shoulders when he would slide forward. He felt his hard rod only millimetres away from her pussy. He could feel the warmth of her pussy on his tip. A silent gasp under him and a surprised gasp behind him happened when his penis parted her lips. His tapered cock slowly slipped through her tight pussy lips and the lubricant helped it to slip right to the maidenhead. Yukki put her head in the back and groaned when she felt the pressure on her maidenhead and Cole pulled a bit out to take momentum. Then he placed his arms steady to hold her and curled his head down until he faced her. He took a deep breath, pushed her shoulders back while his hips moved forward in a constant slow movement not stopping at the barrier that wanted to deny the access. Jukkis eyes flew open already filled with tears when the pain hit her and her mouth opened to cry. Cole pushed his muzzle towards her mouth and his tongue inside so she could only make a muffled scream. He could feel her tears dropping into the furr of his yaw while his member pressed in until it hit her cervix. Even lubricated she was still too tight for him to go any further. He was only 2/3 in her but he felt her tunnel squeeze him strongly. He waited a few seconds before he slowly pulled back which caused Jukki to let another muffled scream out. She was sure feeling the barbs now that she wondered so much about before. He pulled back until only his tip penetrated the pussy and slowly pushed in again. He went with a much slower pace than he would with Nana and Amra but he learned a great deal from Trellock and knew that for a tighter bitch you needed to go slowly. It took a minute before the screams of Jukki turned into moans and she actually started to swirl her tongue around his and suckle on it. She came around quite nicely when the first pain subsided and made way to the pleasure. Like with his charr lovers Jukki also started to adapt to the barbs and they were only a slight distress now and added to the pleasure with his dick sliding in and out stopping at the cervix. Even when she relaxed a bit Cole was not able to penetrate her womb yet and could not hilt her like he wanted. Cole could not believe he was actually doing this. This sure was exciting and an activity Cole loved but he never would have thought doing this to other races before it happened. Cole took in the sweet light smell of Jukki, the taste of her pussy mixed with her saliva on his tongue and the feeling of her tight canal rubbing around his dick. Right now at this time and place he wished that he had some of the crossbreeding liquid of Trellock and start his own order of the future with all the girls in this mansion. He would make them his females even if he could not really impregnate them. This would have to wait for later though. He had to take care of Jukki now, his tight and small girl that was feeling better and better around his cock. Cole broke his kiss with Jukki and her loud moans echoed in the bathroom. Cole savoured her taste on his tongue and at the corner of his eye he noticed that Cyrene was watching them mate with an open mouth and a red head. She seemed to have frozen by the surprise and just observed the bigger charr push in and out of the small Asura girl. Cole joined Jukkin in her moans and grunts while he started to move faster. Her tunnel was lubricated enough to have him slip in and out very easily and also it seemed to have adapted to his size and stretched a bit. Soon Cole was so much into it that with every push in his balls were swinging forward and touching the outer lips of Jukkis pussy before swinging back. The tightness of Jukki made him crazy with lust and he just had to cram himself in entirely. His thrusts became harder and harder but his penis stopped at the cervix that still refused to let him into Jukkis womb. After a few more minutes when he felt pretty close to his own orgasm he could feel the walls around his meat twitch and introduce the next orgasm of the girl. She had her legs spread wide and he mouth open dropping saliva on the ground. She constantly was moaning with Cole's rhythm and by the small chirps now and then Cole knew that she would come down with a big orgasm soon. Even though her voice was so much different and she was a different species the sounds she made were nearly the same as Nana or Amra. But Cole had all gone and forgotten about his friends at home at this moment. The only thing that counted was this female beneath him and to cram all of his manhood into her claiming her as his own. He felt getting close and worked extra hard to push his member in entirely. The all happened within a second. The orgasm of Jukki kicked in with a loud moan and a contraction of her tunnel while only his tip was within the folds at this point. He pushed extra hard to cram himself in against the resistance and then the contraction loosened in the spasm for a second which had him spear down her passage all the way and split her cervix open. He finally got in to the hilt and his balls smacked wetly against her pussy while her orgasm took her on the ride around his cock. He could not hold out any second longer and the moment he breached her womb he already started to inseminate her with big spurts. Her contracting muscles of the cervix sealed the entrance and had him flush all of his life giving seed into her womb. He could feel the pressure of his spunk on his tip but still the contractions around his dick milked him for more of his fluid. Jukki came hard and splashed a lot of girl fluid over his sack. Within her orgasm she even started to pee. He just noticed it by the pressure that streamed against his sack but he did not care. He had come to a stop above her breathing heavily and continuing to spurt inside her while he noticed her eyes blur out and become dull like he had seen for Amra. He was sure that Jukki just entered the submission mode and that her mind was now clouded by her pleasure and he had full command over her. Cole rode out his orgasm and then tried to pull out but her muscles still kept him locked and he had no way to even force himself out without doing critical damage to her. He leaned back and took Jukki with him into a sitting position. Jukki sat on his dick that was hidden to the hilt in her snatch. Cole lowered his muzzle and licked over the ears and the face of Jukki. "That was wonderful Jukki." He whispered and she just smiled with her love canal still twitching. Cole could feel his last spurts enter her overfilled womb and his paw caressed her belly that was bulging out as much as Nana's did when Trellock filled her. Cyrene still watched them silently and Cole finally turned to her. While he was resting with his still hard dick buried in Jukki he was slowly gaining his breath again. Cyrene sure had been aroused by their mating. Cole could see that her pussy, that was barely visible, glistened in a lot of juice and he inhaled through his nose. He could smell his own musk, Jukkis smell that had grown stronger now and a faint smell that was different from both of them and must belong to Cyrene. It smelled a bit sourer but it still was sweet. At this point Cole remembered that he had one more female to fill in this room and even if he had not been planning on this he felt excited and his member twitched a bit inside Jukki. He did not mention it yet as he still was buried in Jukki. He also wondered if Cyrene would comply as much as Jukki did. The small Asura girl finally fainted and went off to sleep. Cole had worn her out and while his member got a bit softer and Jukki relaxed he was able to pull out. His spunk flooded out of her and into his lap. He carefully lay her down on the floor and got up. His fur was dripping from his seed.

"Hey Cyrene, would you mind giving me a hand to clean myself?" he asked the girl in front of him with a smile. The girl pulled her hands over her snatch and her head went dark red. She nodded and turned to the water tab. "Oh no not with water. Would you mind doing it like we charr do? You wanted to learn about charr anyways, right?" Cyrene stopped in her tracks and Cole closed in. When she turned around his slimy dick poked directly at her mouth. She opened her mouth in surprise and tried to back away but Cole was faster and held her head in place and pushed it a bit towards his member. His half erect member sprung back into action when it parted her lips. She could not prevend him from pushing his cock into her mouth and he could feel her tongue wash over his barbs. "That is the right way, girl." He said with a grin while she suckled on the slimy tip on instinct to get the fluid that was flooding her mouth down her throat. By her smell Cole knew that his musk in her mouth kicked her arousal up. She fought a few times to get her head back and his dick out but he just held her head in place and left her no choice to choke or swallow his fluids and suckle on his dick like a cub on the teat of the mother. She breathed through her nose and took in his strong musk directly from the spot above his sheath. He pushed a bit and felt himself slip into her throat. She coughed and he pulled back directly. He did not want to suffocate her. A bit of his spunk that had been on his fur now decorated her nose. When Cole felt his dick being cleaned he pulled out of her carefully to not hurt her with his barbs. She took a few deep breaths when her mouth was finally free but Cole was not about to have her stop cleaning. He put his balls into her face and smeared his cum over her nose. "Please clean this as well. I am sorry that I can't do it myself. I promise, I will return the favour." Cyrene tried to back away again but he held her in place and she seemed to come to a conclusion and cope with the situation. With a sigh she extended her tongue and started to lock the fur of his balls. Cole released her and just stood in front of the sitting girl and had her do her stuff. He was sure that she was afraid what he would do if she would not comply but for him the only thing that matters was that he was in control right now. He took the chance to observe her from above while she cleaned his fur from his semen. Her... breasts... if they were called the same as for Asura... were bigger than Jukkis. They clearly buldged out and looked soft and inviting. She had a slender body but he could see a few well trained muscles on her arms, her belly and her legs. Seeing skin without any fur over it turned Cole on. He started to take a liking in girls of other races. If they were all like Jukki he would not mind having one of them as a toy instead of a charr. While he observed her she had cleaned his sack and most of the cum on his legs. She did not look so pleased with the taste looked up to him with a stern face as if she wanted to tell him that she did was he asked and now was angry about it. Cole crouched down and licked her face clean. He savoured his own taste while she closed her eyes and tried to back up again. Because the table was right behind her she did not get far and her back bumped against the leg of the table. She gasped in surprise, opened her eyes and her muzzle and put her hands protective in front of her. "Don't worry. I told you I would return the favour, right?" He picked her up and sat her on the table. Her face still was filled with fear. "Don't worry. I will make you feel real good." And Cole broke through her wall of hands with his muzzle and started to lock her boobs. She tried to stop him but at the same time she moaned when his tongue flicked over her teats. Cole discovered that the teats were as sensitive as the dugs of a female charr and the swelling around it seemed to also add arousal when he touched it. He pressed his muzzle against one of the boobs and his tongue wen t all out over the flesh and the teat. His left hand caressed the other boob in the meanwhile. With his right hand he held Cyrene in place. Her arms now went limp on her sides. Either she had given up in try forcing him off or she was just starting to feel so good that she had no energy left to fight against him. Cole put her back down on the table and moved his muzzle down her belly and between her slightly spread legs. Cyrene was clearly taken by the surprise of the pleasure and her own arousal. She spread the legs a bit further to grand Cole full excess and he did not complain. He probed her clit and the slit that looked very similar to Jukki's slit just a bit bigger. He let his tongue invade her libido and parted her lips. After a short push he could feel the maidenhood of Cyrene as well. She already was moaning from his licking. The amount of juice she already had produced made it clear that watching Cole and Jukki go had Cyrene aroused very strongly. This might have been the reason why Cole had it so easy with her. Her head was swimming in endorphins. Cole felt his hardon and could not wait any longer. He rose and spread her legs. He pulled her a bit more to the edge of the table but left her lying on the back. Then he lined up his dick with her pussy. He smell, different but also more powerful than Jukkis, had him fight hard to hold back even a second. But like with Jukki he warned her beforehand: "Cyrene this might hurt a little at first but no worries. It will feel good in no time." He did not wait for her answer. He speared her and pushed through her maidenhood in one go like with Jukki. But this time he did not hold himself back to do it slowly. Her eyes popped open and she let out a scream. Cole was able to muffle it a bit with his paw until it died down and would stop ringing in his ears. She was much tighter than he thought and he stopped again at the cervix. But Cole pulled back a few times and slammed home and soon he breached her cervix and penetrated her womb. For the first minute Cyrene was sobbing but soon she moaned and groaned like Jukki did before. Cole started to lick over her chest and her face while he humped her and then pulled her up to a kiss. He lifted her and let gravity pull her down and impale her on his rod entirely. Cole could feel himself push against the end of her womb while his balls hit her pussy with a smack. He pulled her up and let her sink down again. This sure was very exhausting but Cole loved the feeling of her being pulled over his cock. He tripped for a moment and staggered a few steps back until he regained his balance and continued to have her ride him. He looked down to see what he tripped over and it had been the food of Jukki. He was now standing over her head and with each smack when the drenched pussy lips of Cyrene hit his crotch a bit of her fem juice dripped down on Jukkis face. Cole did not mind though. Seeing the juice on Jukkis face just turned him on even more. Soon it got too exhausting for him to hold Cyrene and so he pulled out and put her on the ground. He flipped her and helped her to get into a crouching position like Jukki before. On his mean streak he even organized it that her pussy was now directly over the Asura girl face. Then he hit home again. Cyrene was as submissive as Jukki was before. With being in his natural breeding position Cole dig even deeper into her gliding in and out of her womb. More and more liquid dropped down on the face of Jukki. As Cyrene was big enough for Cole to use his usual habits he attempted to bite her neck. But there was no fur to hold on to and so he just slightly pierced the skin of her neck. It seemed to not have the same effect on her than on Nana or Amra though. Norns seemed to not have the pressure points at the same spot or maybe he missed it because there was no fur. She just groaned in pain and he let go directly. Instead he started to lick her neck and with one hand fondled her boobs. Cole felt that he was getting close and wondered if he would do it right for Cyrene to reach her climax at the same time. For charr he knew how to trigger these and for Jukki it seemed to have worked as well. But he was not entirely sure if Norn were different in this regards as well. With the last pumps he grinded his barbs all the way from her pussy through her cervix to her womb and back. He shoved himself in a last time as deep as he could and started to squirt his spunk into her at the same time that she also came around and exploded in a twitching and clamping orgasm. He moaned with her in unison and Kept buried into her while her spasms squirted girl juices out of her filled snatch. It dripped down from his balls onto Jukki who still seemed to be unconscious. "Didn't I tell you that it would feel good?" He whispered into Cyrene's ear and licked over her cheeks. She came too from her pleasure clouded trance and breathed heavily and her snatch clamped around his member. Cole caressed her boobs and belly and noticed that her belly also bulged a slight bit but he was not sure if this was from his load of from the muscles he saw there earlier. Where Jukki had been exhausted by the act Cyrene seemed to be fine. Cole could tell that she was physically trained hard and had endurance. Her moans got weaker and after one more minute he felt her relax. This however seemed to had her bladder as well relax and release its content. Cole felt the warm stream against his balls and then splashing down on the poor Jukki who now woke up by the strong smelling shower. Cole could hear her mumbling under their lower body. "Look like you are awake now." He said and extended his paw until he caressed over the slit of Jukki which earned him a moan. He pulled out of Cyrene and felt the sperm gush out of her pussy right into the face of Jukki. She must have opened her mouth by surprise judging on the muffled sounds that Cole could hear. He Moved to the side and watched Jukki with her face full of piss and cum and gulping down the cum that got into her mouth. "Sorry for the sudden wakeup call." Cole joked and caressed her head while Cyrene also sat down on the side to allow Jukki to sit up. "And there I wanted to watch you two." She said when she came too. "Nothing we can do about it. But maybe you can watch next time." Cole mentioned with a grin. Cyrene looked at him blushing. Cole was sure both of them were as sore as Nana had been when she had been taken for the first time. Then again Nana had got a lot of more sessions that night. "That was something else." Jukki exclaimed and looked up to Cole while sticking a finger in her snatch and feel the sticky fluid in her. "I read a lot about it but no book could ever describe how it feels. I do not have a comparison for Asura boys but charr to make up quite a lover, don't you think Cyrene?" The Norn girl just Smiled and checked the slimy fluid flowing out of her snatch herself. "Mind giving me a tongue for clean-up?" Cole asked and while Jukki seemed to not get it Cyrene winkled her nose. Cole knew she did not like the taste. "Well as Cyrene helped me with it earlier, how about you help me now Jukki? I mean help me to clean my lower body like charr do!" he pointed at his loins and then licked his finger. Jukki seemed to get what he was expecting from her. "Well if Cyrene did it I will not lose. It is learning about charr after all." And she closed in and gave the fur on his leg a lick. It felt different from when he forced Cyrene to it. Jukki was eager and also it looked like she liked the taste much more than Cyrene did. He rose to all fours to get her better access and while she licked his member and balls clean, not without checking out the barbed dick that she had been so interested in, Cole pulled Cyrene over and licked her snatch clean. Her taste was a bit stronger than before and mixed with his musk. She moaned silently when he brushed her clit and he made sure to rub it with his tongue a bit before he continued to clean her ass, tail hole and belly. Then he pointed at the snatch of Jukki that he could not reach because the Asura girl still licked his balls. "You should help her too." He stated and even though Cyrene did not look happy she complied with his demand. Soon Jukki was moaning around his balls and dick and after ten minutes all of their nether reagions did not show any trace of urine or cum and only a big of fem cum. Jukkis belly also shrinked down to normal. Cole was sure both still had his seed in them but at least there was only a little left that would not yet leak out. When they were sitting there clean and naked on the ground Jukki looked up to Cole with sparkling eyes. "So will you now show it to me so I can watch?" Cole smiled. "I think Cyrene wants to have a break as much as you need one, right?" The Norn girl nodded. She felt really sore and with them not being in heat they did not carve for a repeat so much. Even though the cum in their wombs made them kind of horny their snatch demanded a break. "Well," Cole continued, "then we only got one way for you to watch me. You need to get one of the other girls to come here. Maybe..." he thought about it. With a Human his collection of sex today would be completed. "... how about Elena?" he looked to Juuki. "Do you think you two could make her come here and take part of this? You should not tell her what we did though." Cole wasn't sure if Elena would come around as quietly as they did. She had not shown that much interest in the information about other races. Jukki pondered. "I think I can manage to get her here. But Cyrene might have to help me to get her to strip. I think you should wait there until we got her that far." Jukki pointed at the bath-tube. Cole was sure she also thought that it would not be easy to get her to agree. But he was sure with Jukki and Cyrene he had the perfect allies to get the Human girl. What would come afterwards was to await later.

Cole waited in the bath-tube hidden under the high wall that parted it from the rest of the bath room. He did not bother clothing himself as only the girls would go out by their plan. If someone else would step in during this time he could ever say he wanted to take a shower. Jukki had clothed again and left to get Elena while Cyrene put her clothes on and waited in the bath room. Cole notices that a bit of his cum was dripping down when they got up and there was a small spot on their pants when they put them on. He got aroused already and hoped that Jukki would get Elena to come here soon. His member was half erect already in the thoughts about adding one female to his little order.

It took Jukki five minutes until she returned with Elena. It looked like Jukki had gone with the excuse in having a bath. She closed the door behind them and Cole could hear all three of them disrobing. They were chattering and suddenly he could hear a crash as if someone stumbled and a surprised shout: "What are you doing Jukki?" Elena was clearly spooked. "Just observing your body. This is a special technique that is used by the charr to investigate other specimen or each other." Cole looked over the edge of the wall. To his amazement Elena was laying on the ground and Jukki licked her breasts. They were not as big as Cyrenes but they looked soft and curvy. "Cut this out Jukki! You are not even a charr, are you? Why are you doing this?" Jukki giggled and replied. "Oh, this is what is wrong with you? Well we can change that. Right Cole?" Cole knew that this was the call for him and stood up. Elena was clearly scared when he emerged from the bath-tube and even more when her gaze directly fell upon his now full erect member. "Don't worry Elena. We will not hurt you. At least not much. It will feel really good for you too." He smiled and crouched down to continue to lick Elenas boobs. She objected but on a sign of Jukki Cyrene and she held Elena down and got Cole all access that he wanted. Where Juuki would not have had the strength to subdue Elena Cyrene had it. She was bigger and stronger than Elena and held both her arms while Cole held her legs, holding his body between them. He traced down her belly to her snatch and licked over it. Even though Elena still seemed not content at all he earned a moan from her between all her shouting. Cole was not afraid of the noises getting outside with the heavy door but the noises confused his head and ringed in his ears so he lifted Jukki and sat her slightly cum leaking snatch directly on the opened mouth of Elena. Jukki sighed and got the idea behind this while the voice of Elena was muffled. From the long moan of Jukki the tongue of Elena slipped into her snatch before the human girl could pull it back. Cole continued to probe the snatch of Elena and parted her nether lips with his tongue. Like he hoped the maidenhood of Elena was there as well. He would be able to pop her cherry as well soon. The taste of her was very similar to Cyrene but it was a bit softer. He could feel her muscles contract in the try to get free but there was no chance for the girl to overpower Cyrene and Cole. Her muffled moans got stronger and soon she stopped fighting back and her body trembled from her excitement and arousal. Her juice began to flow quite nicely and when Cole pulled the tongue out it dripped out of her snatch leaving it well lubricated. Cole decided to tease her a bit more and began to rub his barbed dick along her slit. He parted the pussy and rand his dick up and down until the pussy was slippery and twitching. Jukki, who was sitting face to the bottom of Elena on her face and checked now and then that she was not suffocating her, observed his actions interested, even Cyrene could not take her eyes off. Cole did not cease his teasing until she squirted and her lips gripped at his penis and squeezed it. She got down with a small orgasm just from him rubbing his dick over her clit for a few minutes. Jukki to moaned and squirted a bit and Cole could hear Elena gulping as she was in no position to spit it out. Cole was sure that shortly after her orgasm Elena would have lost some energy and he would be able to bring her into position. He signalled Cyrene to let her free and lifted Jukki from her face. Elena just lay there breathing heavily and still moaning a bit with a dark red face. Cole rolled her over and lifted her body up to position her arms and legs. He was right. She was still in the shock of her first orgasm and did just crouch there on all fours without fighting but he saw in her eyes that she was starting to gain her mind back. He quickly moved atop of her and put himself into position. "What are you dooooo----AUUU!" she screamed but Cole struck gold in the middle of her sentence. He had put forth so much momentum that he penetrated her much more violent than Jukki or Cyrene. He went right through her hymen while breaking it, rushed through her love tunnel and speared her cervix open to poke the back of her womb in one second. Cole put his muzzle next to her ear and whispered. "No worries. This was the worst part. The pain will soon turn into a wonderful feeling, you will see." He held her shoulder with his head while his lower body started to do rhythmical movements in and out. Like with Cyrene he pulled out until only the tip was at the position of her former maidenhead and then pushed in with a strong force penetrating her womb every time. Cole saw tears dripping down her eyes at first and she groaned in discomfort but after a few minutes of his work she actually turned them into moanes and her eyes started to fade away like Cole was used to from females in sexual trance. His barbs massaged her inside very well and he moved so fast that her cervix had no time to close between pulling and and pushing back in. And Elena sure was sensitive. She soon came down with an even stronger orgasm than the one before but Cole just pushed through the contracting tunnel without slowing down his pace. He knew from the girls at home that the mind of Elena would soon be broken and she would just moan and lift for her as long as he would keep her in this trance of arousal. It was hard to tell when the orgasm died down and a new rose because she twitched all the time until Cole finally did his final push into the quivering womb and started to unleash his load. He held himself back to not go all out but still he roared when he filled her. There was much more than he filled into the others before this time because her orgasms and her still milking contractions got him pent up pretty well. He felt pressure on the seal of her cervix and her pussy but he pressed against her strongly poking at the pack of her womb. With his paw he confirmed that her belly was bulging at least as much as Jukkis belly did before. But he was still not finished. Still he spurted inside her and when Jukki giggled and licked his balls the dying stream renewed itself and continued to fill her to the brim. He remembered the image of Nana with the bulged belly when Trellock kept her bottled up for a long time like that. Cole rested like that and let the last drops seep into Elena while she just moaned from the dying down orgasm and groaned from the pressure in her belly. Jukki was very interested in the bulge and caressed it. "Her belly is really bulging out. You had a lot to give her, right?" Cole looked at her with a smile. "You were out cold but your belly did bulge just as much." He replied and caressed the belly of the Asura girl. Jukki blushed but turned to the belly of Elena directly. "It is hard to see like that. Do you think you could move a bit so I can observe it better?" Cole grinned. This girl was really a curious fellow. Every situation was a matter of science for her. He rolled to the side and dragged Elena with him carefully making sure that she stayed bottled up. Then he sat on the ground with her on his lap like he did with Jukki before and support her body with his paws while gravity pressed her down hard and helped Cole seal her snatch shut. Elena slowly regained her mind and started to groan and moved her hands to her belly. When she felt how bloated it was she looked down in disbelieve. Her quivering finally stopped but from the discomfort of her belly she cramped her muscles which were making the seal inside her even tighter. This aroused Cole again and he started to slowly push upwards. The movement was very small but a few barbs glided back and forth over her cervix and her well lubricated love tunnel. She moaned silently but she still kept her senses. "What did you do to me?" Elena asked and tried to get up. Cole pushed her leg down with one arm and with the other paw he carefully caressed and massaged her boobs. "Well we were... we are mating Elena. Doesn't it feel nice?" - "It did feel nice but my belly is stretching and starting to hurt and... wait what? Why did we mate? I can't mate with you. I am not old enough to have kids!" "Don't worry." Jukki caressed over her belly again. "The big species can't cross breed." Jukki looked up to Cole and her gaze said all when she continued "Unfortunately!" Elena was not convinced. She still tried to no avail to stand up. Cole still kept up his small rhythmic movement up and down and he felt that he came close to another orgasm. The pressure of the slippery slime on his member felt good. A bit of the goo slipped out of the cervix when he pulled back and soon he felt his crotch feeling slippery and wet. "Let me go... please! I need to go to the toilet." Elena said with a blush. Cole understood now why he was so flustered and clenched her muscles. The belly must press at her bladder and have her need to go very badly. "Just let it go here. We don't mind." - "Well but I mind. I do not like going on the toilet with all people watching... .uuuuh!" Cole lifted up with her still sitting on his dick and got into a low crouching position while supporting her upper body. He still pushed in and out very carefully. He put one hand on her bladder and squeezed it to urge her to let her urine flow. She clamped down hard on his cock which sent him over the edge. He started to inseminate her again with a loud moan. The extra pressure did the job and she started to pee while trying to cover her pussy with her hands. This took Cole by surprise and had him stagger a fews steps around so that this time the sitting Cyrene was showered in the yellow stream. Elena had much to give and it all went over Cyrene's head and her body until it dripped down her crack. Elena yipped in embarrassment and surprise as well as Cyrene. In addition Elena groaned directly because the extra spunk Cole put into her stretched her to the limits. Cole felt it pressing him out and because he felt that Elena really was in agony he decided to relieve her. He pulled her up and his dick plopped out with a wet slurp. In addition to the yellow water now the white cum flooded down on Cyrene who was not fast enough to evade it. Jukki stood next to the whole scene and observed it with growing interest. Cum flooded over Cole's rod and balls as well and ran down his legs. The tip of his dick was still between Elena's folds and still spurting. Cole pushed it in and out a bit without pushing deep enough to seal the stream. When his spurting died down he slowly lowered Elena to the ground where she was sitting on her knees and holding her hand in front of her pussy to hold back the still leaking cum. "I think this time Elena will do the cleaning." Cole decided and without waiting for her to catch up he pulled her head to face his dick and shoved it into her muzzle. Taken by surprise Elena took it all in and down her through until she touched the cum covered base with her face. Cole pulled her head back to get her to breath and after a few coughs he put it in again but this time made sure it would not go down her throat. "Don't worry, just clean everything with your tongue. This is the deal here." Cole said and kept her from pulling back. First she did not move but when the last spurts of his semen came out of his member she soon had too much in her mouth with the saliva to hold it. As Cole pressed her hard against his member she seemed afraid that he would push it down her throat again when she opened her mouth so she swallowed the whole load in small gulps. By the look on her face she did not dislike the taste like Cyrene did. She looked rather content with the taste like Jukki. Cole softened his hand behind her head and when she raised her hands and grabbed his balls to move them for better cleaning he knew she came around and let her free. Cole sure enjoyed it even more when Jukki joined in from his backside and started to lick on his sacks, legs, tail hole and even the base of his tail. Cole just knew he got the knack of training girls already. Even if at home Trellock got it with the girls and he was just someone who was allowed there to have fun this was different. Here he was in control. He was the alpha and if they were tricked or forced at the beginning would not count. He was sure that these three girls already were submissive to him and he was sure that the rest of the days they would stay in here would be no disappointment.

The four kids took a bath together and got all clean again. The girls felt a bit sore but they also told Cole that it was one of the best experiences they ever had. Cole introduced them to the rules of their small pack. He would be the alpha and the others were to do what he said and never talk about it. He was sure they would be embarrassed to tell anyone anyways but they swore to follow his command. And so they named their group the Order of Peace because it would bring just love and affection between their races instead of hate. And they would try to learn as much as they could about the differences of their races and share their knowledge to understand another. The conversation also went to the difference in their genitals. The girls' description of the dicks of their brothers or other boys in their race was much different than Cole's. He wondered how exactly a dick for their race would look like when it was so different. "I also would love to see the vagina of a charr once." Jukki said. "Well, I have no female charr here unfortunately. Else I would ask her for you, but how about comparing the different of my dick and the dick of your races. Do you thing that you would get your brother to help us on that for educational reasons Elena?" The human girl looked at Cole and pondered. "I am not sure. He might agree to show it to us but I think we have to let him in as well after that. It would else be hard to give an excuse for this and have him keep quite. Also I think if we take him we also need to take my little sister. They are twins after all and rarely go somewhere alone." Cole pondered. He was not sure if it was a risk to do this but he would trust Elena to handle it. "Can you handle this Elena? Try to give them as little information as possible. You can maybe get them interested by telling them that we will learn more about each other race." He turned to Cyrene and asked her what was on his mind for a while. "What do you think Cyrene. If we take those two in we might as well take Bahija in as well. Do you think she would participate in the order?" Cyrene looked unsure. "Well... All she thinks about is fighting and war so I am not sure if she would agree to something like that. Also she is following the teaching of my father of a pure and strong Norn community so I think she might not be fond of the idea." Cole pondered. "So you think she might try to fight us when we suggest this?" Cyrene lowered her head and nodded. "She would never forgive me if I told her what we did I guess. And she would tell father." - "Well we will think about this later. It would make things much easier in here if all of us were in the order. For now we need to find a time to introduce the twins to our group without her noticing." When the four children wrapped up their bath and dried themselves with the towels they decided to try their move at night when Bahija was sleeping. According to Cyrene she had a very deep slumber when she was not faced with bloodlust or fighting spirit. This would wake her up.

The girls went to create dinner while Cole waited in the big room with Bahija. The siblings were sent to help in the kitchen so Elena could give them the explanation without Bahija noticing it. Cole agreed to do a few practice fights with Bahija and they fought a few duels with weapons and without. Cole was sure to sheath his claws to not hurt her. Of three fights he managed to barely win two but in total they found out that they had nearly the same combat power. Cole wondered if he was able to win because Bahija was exhausted already. On the other side having warmed up with the other fights had her at an advantage as well.

The kids talked about different topics at their dinner. There was warm soup and meat as well as vegetables on the plate. Cole was hungry after his day activity and took a good share. He notices that the girls also ate more than the last evening. Jukki, Elena and Cyrene also shuffled a bit when they sat down and moved to sit on their knees afterwards. Cole suspected them to still feel a bit sore and sensitive at their snatch or maybe they got aroused again? After dinner they played a few more games and then dragged their mattresses next to each other and went to bed. Jukki and Cyrene were cuddling at Cole again even closer and more consciously than they did the last night but this time Cole did not mind it at all. He extended his paws and rubbed over their bellies through their night grown before he closed his eyes. It was Jukki who woke him up. The clock, that Jukki had with her, had midnight on the display. Elena was silently waking up the twins while Cyrene checked if her sister was really sleeping. Then they silently went over to the bath room and lit the lights. The twins looked excited. They were told that this was a secret meeting and if they wanted to be part of it they would learn something about the body of each race. "Why are we learning about it in the bathroom?" asked Arem and looked to his sister. With the door shut there was no possibility of Bahija picking up on them. "Because you will see directly" she answered and the others already were disrobing their night grown. "Come on you two. Just disrobe with us. There is nothing to be afraid of." The siblings seemed more excited than afraid. Cole suspected that they were not embarrassed about stripping naked. Both Arem and Arianna disrobed as well and soon they stood in the middle while the others were sitting around them. Cole observed Arem first because he knew how a human pussy looked like, and felt like, already. There was no sheath but just a layer of skin over the penis of Arem. It was flaccid and lay on the dangling sacks. They were both much smaller than Cole. He was not sure if this was only because they were younger or also because of the race. "Stand here together Cole and Arem so we can compare them." Asked Jukki. She pulled Arianna to the side and down on her knees in front of Cole who stood next to Arem. His member was still sheathed and all Arianna could see was his dangling sack and the sheath. "Arianna you can observe the penis of Cole while your sister will show us the one of Arem!" she decided. They had decided before by drawing straws would be first to check out Arem. Elena had told them that she too only saw it a few times from a distance and never from up close so she was curious as well. "No worries Ari. I will show you what to do. Just do what I do on Arem with Cole, okay?" The younger girl nodded. She was curious and already eyes Cole with interest.

All the girls were looking intensely on Arem's dick because they knew Coles already. Cole also was interested in it and looked back and forth from one twin to another. Elena extended her hand and started to fondle the balls of Arem very carefully. He let out a surprised moan. Cole also suddenly felt a small hand under his sack that started to carefully fondle it. He looked down at the cute girl that fondled his sack with a smile while looked to her brother from time to time to see what her sister was doing. The dick of Arem started to twitch a bit and rise while Cole's dick also showed the first signs and had the red tip poke out of its sheath. Elena leaned forward with a blush and earned a long moan from Arem when she licked the tip of his half erect dick. It directly jumped and gained length fast. Arianna would not be outdone though. She also followed her sisters lead and licked over Cole's tip that was poking out. It extended and after a few licks his penis stood full erect outside of its sheath. Cole moaned when Arianna copied her sister as well on the next move and slipped his dick inside her mouth and out. Her sister told her to lick around it and suckle on it while she showed her with Arem what she meant. The little boy was totally amazed and moaned while he laid his hands on her head while she was slowly bobbing forward and backwards. Arianna even still continued to fondle his sacks which made Cole feel aroused very strongly. This cute girl sure was a fast learner. When she saw that Elena took the whole length of Arem in her mouth she tried it as well with Cole's dick not noticing the difference of size of their dicks. She chocked when the dick slid into her threat and Inhaled strongly the musk around his base before Cole helped her to pull his dick out and free her throat with a cough. "Don't try that yet little one." He explained. "Just go on with what you were doing up to this point." After a short while Arianna continued and Cole could feel his pleasure building up. Arem already came in his sister's mouth and she swallowed it and then licked his dick clean before she let his red rod out of her mouth. Cole got a good look on his dick. No barbs and it was much shorter and thinner. He understood now why Elen had been so tight. Humans seemed to be smaller in size. Jukki directly filled in because she also wanted a taste of Arem. She continued where Elen left off and when Cole started twitching with his orgasm Arem fed Jukki as well with his load. Arianna was surprised by the sudden shot of his semen and tried to pull back as there was so much flooding into her little mouth but like with the other girls Cole held her head softly in place to have her drink his spunk. With her mouth quickly filling she tried her best in swallowing but it was too much for her. Her tries howsoever made cum get into the wrong exit and splosh out of her nose. Cole bend down and licked her face when Arianna started to sob because it was so unexpectedly. "It is okay Arianna. Sorry for not warning you." The warm words and his licking made her giggle and soon she smiled again. Jukki now had bent down on all fours for Arem but he was not sure what to do out of this situation. Cole pet his head and when he looked up he grinned to him. "Just follow my lead. This time you just do everything I do, okay?" - "And you follow me Arianna." Jukki said with a smile and gestured her to get on all fours as well. Arianna complied. Cole was surprised how naïve and easy going the twins were. He also went down on all fours and started to lick over the butt and the clit of Arianna. Arem imitated him and licked Jukki. While the Asura started to moan lightly Arianna yipped surprised and looked back while Cole continued to lap over her slit and played with her clitoris. Soon she also let out a soft moan but her face still showed confusion as she did not know what to make out of this feeling. She began to produce girl cum and it tasted even sweeter than Jukkis. Cole started to puss by the taste and it emitted directly to her clit when he licked her there. By the hard member Arem was showing it was clear that he liked the taste of Jukki as well. Cole parted the nether lips of Arianna. When Arem imitated that as well Jukki already came down with a powerful orgasm while Cole still licked over Ariannas hymen. When Arem tried to put his tongue even deeper Cole stopped him. "Have her rest a bit for now. Just wait a bit and I will show you the next step soon." He whispered and then continued to serve Arianna. She took a minute longer until she also got her first orgasm. It splashed a bit but not as much as it did for her sister but like the other girls before when the orgasm washed away pee flowed out of her relaxing pussy. Cole sniffed on it and could make up a lot of pheromones in the pee. He licked once over her slit which earned him another moan and then he signalled Arem to copy him again. He washed with his tongue over Ariannas clit and then her tail hole further along her spine until he licked the neck. Then he licked over her cheek once and whispered into her ear. "It might hurt a little bit for a short moment now but I promise it will feel good soon. Just brace yourself for the pain okay?" He did not wait for her answer but moved further and while his dick already probed on her entrance and parted her lips slightly he adjusted his arms to block her shoulders and not push her forward. He bent his head back like he did with Jukki and licked over Ariannas face. "Ready?" she nodded. He suspected her to be even tighter than Jukki and so he went very slowly. He could feel his tapered dick part her folds and brush along her clit. The head wasn't even in completely when he felt the barrier of her hymen. She was tighter even as Jukki and he saw tears forming in her eyes when he applied pressure to the hymen. He did not back up though. He slowly but steadily pushed forward while she closed her eyes shut and clenched her teeth to brace the pain. Tears were flowing out of her eyes. With a sudden jolt he popped her cherry and her eyes flew open. She still braced herself from crying out loud but her eyes were full of tears looking at Coles eyes and he extended his tongue and licked her face clean of all the tears while he pressed further. She was so tight that he nearly hurt himself by pressing himself in inch by inch. He hit her second barrier but he did decide to not stop at the cervix but press forward. The pressure got stronger and stronger and he felt her clamp up in pain. He licked her face and whispered "Just relax!" and when she complied and relaxed a bit his pressure pushed through her last barrier and he entered her tiny womb. He pushed all the way to the back end of her womb but still there was one third of his dick outside of her. He came to a stop and kept buried in her while he licked her face again and again to sooth her. He could feel his barbs dig into her flesh from the sole tightness but they would not scrap until he moved. "Are you okay little one?" he asked and she just nodded. "I will wait a bit and then start to move okay? It might hurt again when I pull out for the first time." He licked her face again and she clenched her eyes shut to brace the pain. She hissed when he pulled back slowly and scraped her with his barbs. They were not as hard as an adult charr but they still dug into her tunnel and made the tunnel sore with the first pull. Cole established a very slow rhythm where he pushed in until he bottomed out and pulled out until only the tip was in. Then he pushed in to the end of her womb very slowly. She groaned a few times before the numbness of her sore tunnel settled in and the pleasure began to take over. Arem next to him had a much faster rhythm and by the time Arianna started to moan he already came in Jukki. The Asura girl did not get even close but she still smiled at Arem and gave him a kill when he pulled out exhausted. Cole took his time and now Arianna was chirping under him. She was well lubricated now and Cole could slip in and out very easily even though she still was very tight. He picked up the pace a little bit and enjoyed the ride. She was tighter than Nana or Jukki. Cole let his hands roam over her chest while he was moaning in unison with Arianna. She was nearly as flat as a charr without fur. Cole wondered if the boobs would swell when she got older like it did for her sister. He played a bit with her teats and then moved his paw a bit lower. When he placed his paw on her belly he could feel every movement of his dick inside. He felt the bulge move back and forth and grind her insides. Cole moved his hand even lower and touched her clit which brought an extra moan from her. Shortly after she was not able to hold herself in and exploded in a powerful orgasm the little girl squeezed his member hard and he barely was able to push it into her womb before the tunnel around his dick was clamping him hard and made any further movement impossible. Cole groaned and moaned from the pressure. It did hurt a bit because she just became even tighter and Cole was trying to get his own release as well. But with her spasm around his dick he could only wait until it died down a bit and she would relax before he started to move again. He licked her face and slipped his tongue even into her now open mouth. She was moaning and suckled on his tongue while her body shivered in her first orgasm. Now all the others were watching them but Cole did not mind. He just waited for her to loosen up so he could take her again and cream inside her. It took a few more minutes until this happened. If not for the incredible tightness and massage her contractions did on his member he might have gone flaccid by now. But her body kept him aroused through all the time that he could just wait stuck within her. He felt her juices dripping down his sack and on the floor but all that mattered was to get free and move again. When she relaxed a bit and her orgasm died down he directly started to move slowly and picked up the pace pretty fast. She was so sensitive after her orgasm that she directly started to twitch and moan again until she finally fainted from the exhaustion and the never ending circling orgasm. Cole noticed it by the moaning getting weaker and her body going limb. He did not mind this though. He had done this with Amra and Nana and it would only be a few more pushes before he would finally be able to cum. With her muscles relaxing from fainting he slid in and out more easily stretching the tight tunnel to its maximum. He poked into the back of her womb a few times more before he came to a stop and with a roar emptied himself inside her. He could feel his own strong spurts on his paw that lay on her belly. He could feel her bulge very quickly when he filled her and while he still spurted into her he moved back taking her with him like he did with Jukki. Like with the other girls he sat down and had Arianna on his lap impaled on his dick. Her tightness was stronger than Jukki or Elena. Cole still spurted inside her. He was sure that Arianna's belly bulged more than any of the girls before. He watched Arem take Jukki again and something inside him was angry about it. The human boy needed to put on a leash and know his place. "Arem?" Cole said strongly while he still pushed up and down inside Arianna a few inches while still spurting inside her. "Did you have fun?" the boy smiled. "Yes, this is really fun." He replied. "Good. Because from now on you will ask me before you do this to any of them, okay?" Arem stopped to smile and looked confused at Cole. "What do you mean?" Cole grinned. "Hear, in this order her, I am the Alpha. You are a Gamma. This means you will do anything that I say just like the others, okay?" - "But why? Can't we both have fun?" Arem seemed to not get the point who was in control here. "Didn't you hear me? I am the Alpha and my word counts. You will have fun when I say so, okay?" The girls did not step in. Even Elena kept quiet and watched their argument. When they agreed on forming the order earlier they all agreed that he would be the alpha and they would be Betas and listen to everything he said. Arem still did not agree to his words. Cole could see that he suggested to have the same rights as him. In his anger about the rebellious boy Cole pushed into his sister a bit harder and spurted the last drops. He caressed her full stretched belly that looked like the pregnant Amra. Cole wished her belly were filled with his cubs but because he knew that he had no crossbreeding herbs it would not happen. Cole got up and stood in front of Cole. Her fem juice dripped down his sacks. "Lick my balls Arem!" he commanded but the boy did not move an inch but looked just at Ariannas big belly. "You are hurting her! Stop it!" Arem replied and moved in to push Cole over. Cole had it with him. He pulled Arianna up and with a lot of power managed to pull her off his dick. His cum flooded out of her and all over his dick and Arem who stood there surprised and frozen. Cole handed Arianna over to Elena who sat down with her sister in her arms caring for her and then grabbed Arem. The younger boy did not have time to react until he was pushed down to the ground. Arems body was slippery from the cum but Cole managed to turn him on the belly. Arem fought back fiercely and tried to lift himself up with his hands and feet. He did not manage to come further than a crouching position on all fours as Cole leaned on his back with one arm and started to smear the cum over the bottom of Arem. He penetrated his rear with his paw and Arem screamed and tried to get Cole off him. The charr however shifted and held Arem down with his chest while he took aim. Arem tried his best but the floor under him got slippery and he had a hard time to keep his balance with the heave charr pushing him down. Cole placed one arm in front of Arem's shoulder and fixed him with his legs and the arm while his other paw collected a scoop of the cum that dripped down of Arem's body. Arem seemed not to notice what Cole was after until the tapered dick poked at his well lubricated phinkster. Cole heard Arem take a deep breath and he knew that the boy would scream very loud. He took his paw full of cum and pressed it on Arem's opened mouth. The cry of Arem never could be heard. Only an angry gargle when the cum filled his mouth and a splotch when from the scream he pushed what got in his through through his nose and back on Coles paw that still held his mouth shut. Cole penetrated him without mercy or hesitation. A third of his barbed dick slipped into the ass of Arem well guided from the lubricant on it. Cole let out a moan while Arem let out a muffled mix of a cry and a gargle because a lot of cum was still in his mouth. Arem did not think about gulping he just sucked in the air through his cum filled nose and with a muffled gargling scream pushed it out of his nose again. Cum dropped out of his nose and his eyes were filled with tears of humiliation and pain. The girls just looked in shock unable to help Arem. They already were under Cole's command and did not intend to go against him. In addition they would not be able to beat him at all. Cole pulled back and pushed in again and he heard the sloppy slurping sounds of his wet dick against the rear exit of Arem. Cole remembered how Trellock once took him this way as a punishment and enjoyed to dominate the other boy. He had a lot of training with taking females in this hole but he had to admit that this boy was far tighter than any of them. He was as tight as his sister's snatch and Cole started to get aroused by spearing his rear. He heard muffled sounds of sobbing under him and a heavy breath through the nose from the boy. The caring side of Cole kicked in when he noticed how much pain Arem was feeling at this moment. He knew it for himself how much it hurt being penetrated in the rear without preparation so abruptly. He felt a bit sorry for losing his temper there and decided to ease up a bit on the boy. He removed his paw from the boy's mouth and sat it next to his hand to block his other shoulder with his arm. The boy coughed and sobbed while Cole slowed down his rhythm a bit and pushed in and out with long strokes. With each push he gained an inch inside Arem as the boy started to relax exhausted from his crying and the pain after Cole slowed down. Arem even started to moan lightly between his sobs and Cole bend down his head to face the boy. Even though the human boy was moaning his eyes still showed fighting spirit and anger. His cute face looked terrible with the snorts of cum and his eyes red from crying. His mouth was opened a bit and he emitted a grunt every time Cole pushed in and a hiss when he pulled out and ran his barbs against the inner walls of Arem. Cole remembered the training of Trellock. That his partner should feel protected and good and that a good mate needed to comfort the females through their pain. For Cole Arem right now was like a female and he was the Alpha of this order. The thought of having to comfort him and make him feel good kicked in when he saw this boy's face and so he extended his tongue out of his muzzle and locked over the face of the surprised boy. He licked over the eyes and cheeks to clean them from the tears. He licked over the nose and muzzle to clean off the rests of his own cum and then he pushed his tongue inside his mouth and pressed his muzzle against it. First Arem did not react too surprised by these actions of Cole but when Cole started to lick inside his mouth and play with his tongue the boy gave in to the arousal and his tongue also slit along the tongue of Cole. 'What a fine female you are!' thought Cole when Arem even started to suckle on his tongue. Cole felt the boy relax and go softer with each of his pushed and he slit in until he filled the boy with two third of his dick. He closed his eyes, savouring the kiss and the feeling inside Arem, and just imagined it was a female he was doing at this moment. A faint twitch around his member and a muffled moan around his tongue made Cole open his eyes. Under the belly of Arem he saw the tiny dick of him twitch and splatter cum on the floor. Never would Cole have expected to make Arem cum with penetrating him. After all he did make him feel good so he might have learned this lesson from Trellock well. Cole felt himself getting to his climax as well a few minutes later and he pushed in one last time and broke the kiss. He moaned loud when he splashed inside Arem whose penis still was leaking cum as he was filled himself. Like before Cole did not pull out and when the pressure became too much he felt a barrier inside give way and let it splash even deeper. Like with his sister Cole pulled Arem into a sitting position after his first big wave had washed over him and rested with his back on the wall to the bath-tube. The boy was in a daze what Cole noticed from the dull look in his eyes. It took a while until Cole could feel his belly swell up little by little. His cum must have found the way through the anal system to the stomach of Arem. Cole was not finished yet though and also Arem still spurted now and then and small amounts of his semen seeped out of his dick. Let's see if we can make your belly as large as your sisters. Cole said in amusement and smiled. The girls who had been shocked now looked very interested at the two boys and the filling belly of Arem. It already bulged out clearly visible and Cole caressed over it. Suddenly Cole felt a grip of the muscles around his cock and heard Arem cough. The boy was sweating a lot and his belly was nearly as big as his sisters. He looked pregnant alright. Cole groaned from the heavy grip and spurt a bit more into him but this did tip the balance. Arem coughed again and then he puked a mouth full of cum up his throat and spit it on the ground. Cole understood. While the womb only had one exit the stomach had two and the pressured just had become too much for Arem. "I am sorry Arem." He whispered to apologise for his bad understanding of the situation and he leaned Arem a bit forward to make it easier for him. Arem coughed and puked up three more times until Cole managed between the phases where the boy relaxed to pull out of his rear. A bit of cum flooded over his member but it soon stopped and the belly of Arem did not shrink much. The boy stopped coughing and puking though. Cole carefully let Arem down and lay him on the side. He then turned his muzzle to the ass and member of Arem and started to clean him up. He got him like that and so he took responsibility to make up for it. Arem groaned but after a few minutes he started to moan again from Coles licks on his member. Cole made sure to clean the full body and even the face and belly of Arem while the girls cleaned the bath room from all cum and puke on the ground. Cole watched Arem. The boy still looked pregnant and only a small dripping from his ass showed where he inserted all this cum. His ass must have locked up. Cole knew this feeling when he needed to go to the toilet but held it in until he would find one. Arem's eyes slowly returned to normal and he even started to smile when his sister caressed over his belly and made a joke about his look. Cole stood up and looked down on Arem. "I am sorry for the hard start but I hope you had a bit of fun at the end at least. Will you now accept me as your alpha?" he smiled at the boy and waited for his response patiently. Arem raised his upper body with his belly nearly bringing him out of balance until he was on his knees in front of Cole. He looked up to the charr and then smiled. "Okay!" he replied and finally followed Cole's earlier command and started to lick his cum slick balls. Cole just waited there and let Arem show his submission as the younger boy cleaned up his dick, the legs around his nether region and his cock for Cole. When he was finished he tried to stand up but his belly pulled him out of balance and Cole caught him. He lifted him up and took him into his arms like an ill child. "I will bring him to the toilet!" he explained and when Elena opened the door for him he carried Arem out. When the door of the rest room closed he looked down at the boy in his arms, licked over his belly and chest and whispered: "You know Arem! You make up a pretty cute girl." With a smile he sat him on the toilet and sat down on the floor to wait for Arem to finish his business. He could hear splosh after splosh of spunk flood down into the toilet as the belly of Arem shrank slowly over the next minutes. "Are you cross with me?" Cole asked now that he was alone with Arem. He caressed the deflating belly and looked into the face of the other boy. "No.... even though it hurt a lot at first. I was a bit cocky, right? I ever get told that but you are the first to put up with it. And even though my ass still stings it felt pretty good at the end. " Arem smiled. "So what do you say? Friends?" Cole asked him and offered his paw. "Friends!" Arem added and put his hand into his paw. The sploshing died down. There was still a small bulge at the belly of Arem but it was barely visible. "Done already?" Cole asked and pointed at the belly. "Well, it does not want to come out anymore. I guess I need to give it some time." Arem responded and caressed his own belly. Cole was not sure if with time he would deflate much because it felt so good that he might take a ride on the boy again. That was if the girls did not tire him out. "So you are ready for some cleanup." Cole stated and lifted the surprised Arem. He turned him around and started to lick his ass and balls. His tongue even flicked over the cock of his friend and made him erect in no time. Arem started to moan and push a bit more of Cole's spunk out of his ass. Cole made sure to clean this up as well. It did not take long for Arem to orgasm again and he shot his spurts over the toilet. After cleaning up the toilet both of them left the bathroom together with a big smile on their face. When they entered the bit room Cole could smell his own musk coming from the others even if the smell was faint. In addition he also smelled all his girls which made him proud and a bit aroused but he was sleepy as all of them were and so he got into his bed right away. This night not only Jukki and Cyrene cuddled up but the others also snuggled together as close to him as possible. Cole caressed the belly of Jukki with one paw and the belly of Cyrene with the other. They still were slightly bulged and when he probed a bit deeper he could feel something sticky and wet on their pants between their legs.

At the next morning Bahija was the first to wake up. She shook her head over the other kids that snuggled together and went to the bath to wash. Cole woke up when she returned and he noticed that he had a hardon. The smells of the females combined with his musk had him pretty aroused. Even more as Jukki was now lying atop of him snuggling into his fur while Cyrene and Arianna snuggled with his arms and side. Bahija noticed him waking up and laughed. "She did this all the time with me when we were younger and sleeping in the same bed." She pointed at Cyrene. Cole smiled and tried to move his arms. "Well, it seems not much changed and she got company." He joked to not make Bahija suspicious. He carefully wiggled out his arms from the grip of Cyrene and Arianna and softly picked Jukki up. Carefully to not wake up the others he rose and put Jukki into the empty spot that he left. Then he stepped next to Bahija. "Sure was late last night." He mentioned and Bahija just grumbled. She had been the first to fall asleep last night so she did not know that they went to sleep soon after to be able to have some night activity. "Wonna grab some breakfirst?" Cole asked and looked at Bahija. This was actually the first time her directly spoke to the Norn. She looked at him with a proud statue and intimidating gaze. "Not before my morning training." She passed him without another word and went to the hall. Cole was not sure if he should follow her or stay. He looked at the sleeping girls and Arem and then decided to not wake them up but watch this training Bahija was talking about. She was doing situps and pushups and did not care about Cole watching. He decided to join in and do some exercise. Even though this was a vacation time he remembered that the others in class might do some training to get ahead in the Fahrar. His exercise with the girls was sure also some kind of endurance training but it did not hurt to do some normal training while he had nothing else to do. Soon both of them were doing pushups or situps next to each other and Cole displayed that he was at least as fit as Bahija. She also noticed this and it seemed to rub her pride in the wrong places. "What would you say about a bit combat practice?" she suddenly asked and stopped in her activity. Cole also stopped his pushups and moved into a sitting position looking over to the crafty Norn. She was a head taller and more bulk than Cole. She looked at him like he was having any chance of victory at all and she would praise him by allowing him to spar with her. "Well, I don't mind." He said. "Which weapon do you want to use?" She just wrinkled an eye brow and smiled in a proud and derogative way. "Close combat with no weapon. Or are you not up for this?" Cole started to get a bit angry. He felt that she thought very little of him. Sure she had more mass and was a big higher - a fact that would be different when he would be grown up though - but he was no kitten either and trained to fight from a very young age. "If this is what you choose!" he exclaimed cold and readied himself for combat. She circled around him and he followed her with his eyes remembering what his mentor used to say. Make your enemy believe that they have a weak spot of you and strike at the last second. He waited and soon she jumped him from the side. He evaded but not fast enough and got a hit from her on his shoulder. She was fast and strong. He staggered back but she did not give him much time. She grabbed his arm from behind and bent it on his back. Cole roared in pain and forced himself around. He did not notice that he had his claws unsheathed when he pulled his arm free and his claws got tangled up with her clothes. The force of his sudden movement and his sharp claws cut the side of her skirt together with her underwear. He did not hurt her skin but now she stood in front of him but naked. "I am sorry." Cole tried to explain but he had to sidestep and evade a blow from Bahija. "I see how you want to fight there." She just shouted and while Cole still tried to gain his balance he saw her slowly shifting into a snow leopard with a white fur, spots and a bushy tail. Cole was reminded of Silver at home and his lions couldn't help but to jump in his pants. He looked at her extended claws and knew that this hit her pride and she was going to hurt him when she could. This was now a real fight and not a training fight anymore. A sharp smell hit his nose and he noticed that her scent now weaved heavily in the air. In the snow leopard form the scent was much stronger and familiar to Cole. It did not help much with his member that was slowly creeping out of the sheath and becoming hard. Cole knew the smell so good that his body reacted directly. If she had been before or not, in this form at least she reeked of heat. It was this second while he inhaled her intoxicating smell that his mind did see one scenario that would not only help him in winning this fight but also get him exactly what he wanted right now. In a fight fist to fist when trying not to hurt her badly with his sharp claws when he was trained to kill his opponent was very hard. Dominating her like he did with her sister would not work out because she was too strong and he discovered that humans would not respond to his bite like charr did. But he knew that snow leopards did have this weak spot. He knew exactly where it was. Even though he never had been allowed to take Silver the spot was the same as for charr. He pulled his shirt off to be able to move more freely. He would have to dodge her attack and directly launch his attack. He was trained to hit the right spot for what he was going to do. For combat it still would give her a chance to fight back if he would fight normally. But when he would mount her he had a chance. He looked her over to check his chances from their body size. She was a bit smaller than Silver and around his size now. The perfect size for what he had planned and she did not know about what was coming. He would be able to surprise her and maybe she wasn't even thinking he might do what he planned to. He did not know if she could shift back easily and escape his plan but this was all he got to try now to get out of this with the least injuries. He had not much time to think about it as she launched her first attack at this moment.

Cole could hear a scream from the door of one of the girls. These noises sure had them woken up and if his ears were right it was Cyrene. He would not turn though because he had to concentrate on Bahija and she also seemed to think of the same way because she did not flick an ear to this interruption. She jumped and he was barely able to evade to the side. When he circled on the spot he saw her taking a long curve to come back and he spotted her weak spot. As a snow leopard she had a harder time than him to turn around after an assault. He could use this to gain the upper hand. He dodged two more assaults of her and then she jumped while turning getting a bit out of balance. This was all Cole needed. He sidestepped and gave her a light blow to disturb her balance even more. Instead of turning she had to land on all fours to and do a full stop to not topple over and Cole did not give her the time to do anything else. The moment she hit the ground he already was next to her and his jaw snapped with precision and aiming at her neck. She did not have time to react. She let out a loud roar when he bit her neck and tried to swipe to the side. While Cole jumped on her he pulled down his pants with his paw. Luckily for him he was still wearing the pyjamas what were easily stripped down. With a kick of his legs they flew on the ground. The snow leopard stood at the spot and Cole could feel the ripples through her body as the endorphin flushed through her veins. Cole knew he did not have much time and dragged the fur on her neck a bit back when he landed behind her and his chest hit her back. Her heat-smell had him rock hard and he shoved aside her tail with his paw and pushed his thick member into the slippery and tight passage. He felt her cherry popping and his dick gliding through her tunnel with the force of his hard push, right through her cervix and kit the back of her womb when his balls collided with her pussy with a wet smack. She roared in pain from the intrusion but with him having her pinned and the sudden confusion by the hormones in her blood and the intrusion in her pussy she did not move. Her Body even took over for her. Cole noticed her tail that had been pressing against the side of his base being dragged to the side and her hind legs shuffle into a wider stand. Cole pulled back with a strong force scrapping his barbs through her clenching tunnel and forcing another loud roar out of her. He then pushed back in and established a fast and hard hammering pace. She roared and groaned loud for his first five pushes but soon moans mixed in with the sounds. Her heat was helping Cole to gain control of her much faster. He knew from his training with Amra that females were more sensitive and driven by her instincts during their heat. He felt the wonderful softness and wetness around his dick while his moans, the moans of Bahija under him and the wet slurping and smacking sounds of his dick and balls against her pussy was the only sound in the room now. Cole did not even think about the other girls that were sure watching right now. All that mattered to him now was the female he was to breed and a snow leopard nonetheless that he dreamed of to try. The scent of her heat increased and he felt his arousal kick up a notch. He only had had the chance to mate a female in heat yet when he was allowed to take Amra. But this time there was no Trellock who would tell him if he was allowed or not. He was in control and he would breed this cat until she would be full to the brim. He felt the big cat beneath him shiver and then without a warning her body convulsed and cramped around his member. Cole pushed through the tightening passage right into her womb and tried to keep his pace. Her orgasm was a hard one and as she was more sensitive and highly aroused it continued through his hammering. It died down and then increased again wearing the energy out of Bahija. Cole felt himself coming close and he let go of her neck convinced she would not go anywhere in this state. He pushed in a last time with all his strength and roared loud as his member started to flood her womb. She just stood under him sweating and shivering while he noticed that his cum that sploshed into her womb triggered yet another small orgasm. Her insides were very sensitive and her pussy pulsed and splashed fem cum all over his hard working balls. He licked her ears and neck and cheek while his member continued to pump her full of his seed. He had been pent up and soon he felt her womb fill up. She did not move or do anything besides moaning and quivering. Cole spurt his last bit for this shot but he was sure not about to let it end like that. After a short break he started to pull out slowly and push back in. She moaned and her muscles twitched. He knew that her sensitive and sore insides would make his ride a long lasting orgasm once again soon. He picked up a bit slower pace than he had before to regain his energy and not exhaust it. Soon the orgasm hit her body again and he felt her clenching all the way until he stopped to fill her again. He caressed her chest through the fur and his paw played with her erect dugs. Her body responded directly and he felt the passage becoming wetter and wetter. His hands moved over her belly and to his satisfaction he felt it already bulging slightly. He caressed it and she was already this much filled that he felt his own spurts through the vibrations of her skin. She just stood there with her tongue dangling out and her legs shivering in exhaustion. Cole was sure her mind was clouded and broken like it had been with Amra and Nana. She would come around later but for now her body and instincts had taken over and made her hold this position as long as he was in her. When he picked up his pace her body relaxed more and more. Even though he still could feel her orgasm going on her body did not have enough energy for it to clamp at him very strong anymore. When he was close to comming the next time Bahija was out of energy and her legs gave in. He caught her body and helped it to lie on the side. Then he lifted one of her legs and hammered her a few times in this position. Then he rolled her on her back entirely and pumped into her slowly while observing her bulged belly jiggle a bit. He saw that she had her eyes barely open and he knew that she would soon faint. He bowed his head down and licked over her dugs and then over her muzzle. Before she drifted away he sticked his tongue into her muzzle, played a bit with her tongue and touched her lips with his until her eyes closed entirely. He pushed in a last time and filled her again. Her belly looked as if she was a few weeks into pregnancy and Cole savoured this moment to think about Silver and how much he wished he would be able to do this to her. He caressed the overly stretched belly and then pulled out. The cum flooded out and covered her tail base and his nethers with cum. His member dropped down on her tail base directly in front of her tail hole. He looked down with a grin and his member twitched. Then he poked her entrance and pushed in. It felt wonderful for him, very tight and slippery. And while he took Bahija for the last time this morning he thought about the three days to come, all the fun he would be having and what he would do to all these girls. He had been angry at not spending this vacation with Amra and Nanna and missed out on the activities in their hideout but now he did not regret it that Trellock took him along. This was even better than what he would have been able to do at home because here he would be in full control and he was able to fulfil a dream. This was the best Christmas he ever had.

The Order of Future: SPECIAL 2 – The Order of Peace

## Special 2 - The Order of Peace The air in the sleeping champer of the Fahrar was warm but there was a cold chill in the air. Cole noticed that he was wet from sweat and that his member was erect. Like so many nights before he had dreamed of the...

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The Order of Future: Chapter 16 – The next Generation #1

## Chapter 16 - The next Generation #1 Amra moaned loud while her eyes were fixed on Eru. On top of her was Cole who, with the training of Trellock and the girls, had become a good lover over the last weeks. Amra got to like this clumsy boy and they...

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Late Night Secrets

The big gray wolf crouched at the door of his baby girl, 12 at age, his only child, to find out about the moans and roar. His thoughts were already running wild. - There it was again, this lustful sound a moan of a girl, sweet and pure. And then...
