The Order of Future: Special 4 - The Order of Peace

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#21 of The Order of Future

I am sorry for the long wait. With this part I had the most problems so far. To be honest I do not like it much and wanted to re-write it many times but in the end decided to push it out like this to not make you wait any longer.

The next parts will be better.

Basically this special was to progress the story line and give some information about the birth of the first batch of litters of Cole. But I noticed the problems cause and this will not be a problem for the next specials that will resolve around Amra. I am still indecided if I will make one big special for Amra or a few smaller ones.

The extra chapter is already finished as well (and I like this more). I will post it most likely either before my vacation (I will be away for 2-3 weeks staring next week) or when I come back (depending if I forget to post it or not).

Disclaimer: This story is based on the game Guild Wars 2 and the story at the beginning of the race Charr, an antromorph sabretoth cat race with horns. While you might notice some setups and characters being close to NPCs they were influenced by the personal story in the game but crafted new with names and characteristics. The race Charr is owned by NCSoft. The story is copyright by me (Imya). Feel free to do art about characters or scenes in the story but please link to the story or name the story and me.

This story includes catmorphs and sexual content. If you do not like these kinds of content or if you are under the legal age in your country (normally 18) please stop reading here. For the rest: Enjoy and please give me comments.

Special 4 - The Order of Peace

Cole returned just a few days before Bahija would deliver. All of the girls were in the house and showed their pregnancy with big bellies. Even Yu and Sal showed an unexpected big bulge at their bellies. It was not normal for charr and Cole wondered if they may both have a rare case of twins. Elena and Ariana also showed big bellies and none of them were in a condition where they would fit his big member inside them. Cole being used to the weeks of endless fucks within Amra's Fahrar and having had a week journey without any female companion was pend up very hard and so Arem had to put up with him. The girls helped Arem to suck Cole's dick to give the boy a breather but Cole would take the boys anus so many times that the human boy puked his cum every day and he looked pregnant as well most of the time. The labor of Bahija was very fast and uncomplicated. She gave birth to a strong and healthy girl that looked just like her mother in feral form. She did not change form after being born as well as her mother who nursed her in her feral form. Cole wondered if the norn girl was just like a feral when she transformed but the newborn girl did not show the typically two ears of a charr cross breed with a feral cat. The next week Arem was able to relax again as Cole spent all his time with the new litter and her mother. He was so mesmerized by his first child that he did not think about mating the whole week until Yu and Sal finally got into their labor as well. When Cole saw Yu and Sal with their legs spread and Jukki with her big belly tending to them his member got hard in seconds. He was next to Bahija and without thinking he mounted her and pushed his rod deep into the love tunnel of Bahija. The snow leopard yipped in surprise but Cole bit down on her. While he still pounded her his mind went into alpha mode and he planned to knock Bahija up and get her a second litter directly. He waved to Arem who understood his gesture and brought one of the vials to him.

When Cole poured half of the vial into the muzzle of Bahija the snow leopard clenched around his dick and moistened. A long moan escaped her muzzle and Cole gave the half empty vial to Arem and started to pound real hard into the snow leopards snatch. The small litter Bahija had agreed to the name Bella watched her parents mate with big eyes. The increasing smell of heat had Cole in overdrive in no time and he did not stop when he came. He just pushed through his own climax and the climax of Bahija and when the children of Yu and Sal were finally born the belly of Bahija looked like she was pregnant again and Cole finally came to a rest atop the heavy panting feral cat still spurting inside the mewling snow leopard. After Cole rode out his afterglow he pulled out and his cum flushed out of Bahija. He moved to Yu and Sal and nuzzled them before he nuzzled their kids. They were both adorable little charr girls. Just when Cole put the cubs on the teats of their mothers both of them groaned again. Cole took a while to notice that both of them had one more litter in their womb but Jukki already pushed him away and helped the girls. Cole went back to Bahija and the snow leopard moaned. When Cole checked he saw the little Bella suckle on one teat and cum that was dripping down the belly of Bahija coated her little muzzle. The cub seemed not to mind though because she was too focused on the milk of her mother. Cole instantly went hard again and while he watched Yu and Sal in her second labor he pushed into Bahija again making her moan even more. He was careful not to push too hard to not disturb his firstborn's meal. Cole made Bahija squirm under him while his eyes were fixed on Yu and Sal. It was uncommon that charr had twins so he was excited about that. He climaxed three more time within Bahija filling her to the brim again and making her belly bulge nearly to the ground. Her cub on her belly moved to a teat more to the chest where it would not get crushed while its head was now damp from cum that ran down the belly of Bahija while they mated. Cole felt Bahija twitch around him and watched Yu and Sal finally giving birth to their second children. They looked very different from the first ones. They had the head, arms and shoulders that looked different from a charr and Cole imagined that they might be the features of a human baby. From their chest on they looked like a charr litter and slowly it sank in for Cole that Arem had knocked them up again even after they were knocked up already. The liquid must have been so powerful that they did not only go into a pseudo heat but into a real heat and were fertile at this moment. Cole slowly began to push into the feral cat under him while the other girls cared about Yu and Sal and even Arem joined them to look at his first children. After his forth climax he pulled out letting his cum gush out of its vessel. He grabbed Bella who had finished drinking and cleaned her from the liquid that got on her by mistake. Then he let Bahija lay down on the side and snuggled the cub between the fore legs of her mother to sleep. The next week Cole took Bahija most of her awake time. He only stopped when the litter wanted to drink and when the snow leopard slept he cuddled with Yu and Sal and their children. Even when the heat of Bahija went away a few days later he still mated her a lot and even though the snow leopard was not in heat anymore she still moaned under him. All of the cubs were healthy and Yu and Sal had recovered fast from their twin births.

At the end of the week it was time for Cyrene to go into labor. Bahija and Jukki helped the wolf to give birth to her litter while Cole watched them. He was very horny and without hesitation he knew who he would knock up next. The twins Yu and Sal obediently drank the liquid when he asked them to and while Cyrene groaned in her labor both sisters were moaning in pleasure and presenting for Cole. Cole chose Sal first and eagerly pushed into the heated passage of the charr girl. She wasn't as tight as she had been at his first time with her but she tightened up a lot since her child birth. Cole huffed into her ears while his tapered member pushed through her cervix and penetrated the womb again and again. It did not take him long to come down with a powerful climax making Sal reaching her orgasm as well. He kept his member deep inside her while he felt her twitching around him until the last drop of his load was milked by his lover. Then he pulled out and pushed his still hard dick deep into Yu. The sister also moaned and Cole established a fast pace pushing in and out of her cervix. Because Yu was now occupied Sal took all four cubs that now woke up and nourished them. Seeing the charr girl with the slightly bulged belly and the four litters suckling at her teats while she moaned in pleasure increased the lust and arousal in Cole and he came on the spot. Cole did not stop pushing into Yu driving her to her orgasm while spurting into her. He did not stop and did not pull out. He completely forgot about Cyrene while he just observed Sal and the four different looking cubs. He went on auto pilot mating Yu like the first time nonstop and through her spiraling orgasm. When he came too Yu was very exhausted and only moaned weakly while her love tunnel twitched around his spurting member. Cole caressed her belly that was as big as during her pregnancy. The erect dugs were wet and spilled a bit of milk every time he pushed in. Finally he pulled out and Yu tightened up so only a bit of his spunk escaped her. Cole had Sal hand over the litters to Yu who soon moaned weakly when all four started to suckle the leaking teats. Yu started to relax and the seed seeped out of her. Cole already had Sal in mating position and pushed in and out at the same pace as before with Yu. He lost himself in pleasure again and when he regained his mind Sal was filled as much as Yu and the litters slept again in the arm of Yu. The legs of Sal's twin sister were wet from the leaking cum. Cole pushed in to the hilt making Sal moan very strong and finally looked to the wolf in labor. Her litter, the split image of a wolf pup, already drank from the teats of her mother. Cole pulled out and moved to them with his member still dripping semen. He nuzzled the exhausted Cyrene and the cub before leaving them to rest. Sal still was up but very exhausted and cum started to drip out of her snatch. Cole did not hesitate to plug her up again and soon he was pumping into the exhausted charr while her twin sister slept soundly with the cubs. The days to come were a test of endurance for Cole and the girls but Cole was far more trained in continuous sex than them and so he had to restrain himself whenever they got tired. Every time he fucked the one girl the other was either sleeping or nourishing the cubs. He calmed down a bit after their heat diminished and would let them rest more building up a lot of tension while waiting for the time he would take them.

Jukki was the next to go into labor. When she started to groan and the other girls grouped around her Cole took Cyrene to the side and told her to drink the liquid. He wanted to make sure she would carry his next cub like her sister. Cyrene did not object but she turned into her norn form. "I will have to go back and explain where Bahija is and this will be difficult if I am stuck in the wolf form." She explained and Cole did not mind. The moment she gulped down the liquid and the scent of her heat filled his nose he picked her up and pierced her pussy with his dick while standing. He locked her in a deep kiss while he pumped in and out of her with a fast pace making her emit a muffled moan in his mouth. Cole did not hear the groan of Jukki giving birth. He would just pound Cyrene again and again and his arms began to hurt from holding her all the time. He kneeled down and lay her on her back to continue pounding her tight snatch and together they moaned while Jukki groaned and got help from Sal and Yu at giving birth herself. When Cole came for the second time and he felt the belly of Cyrene bulge he stopped and had both of them get a break. He kept inside her but broke his kiss and looked at Jukki and the charr girls. The asura girl groaned in discomfort but at this moment she seemed to be at her last labor and Cole saw the cub pushing through her tunnel. Jukki groaned loud a last time and soon after Cole could hear the cry of a child and saw a tiny bundle being handled over to Jukki by Sal. Jukki held the cub in her arms and guided its head towards her breast. When it started to drink Jukki smiled and panted exhausted. It was a girl and looked just like Cole imagined an asura child would look but it had a tail which showed that it was not a pure asura. Cole started to slowly move again and Cyrene under him moaned softly. He noticed that the energy of the norn girl was spend and she would hold out for at most one of two more times. He went slow to not exhaust her even more and made her moan and squirm under him. With long strides he pushed in and out and moaned in unison with her. He spared Jukki just a glance to see that she fell asleep with her child in her arms. The other girls also settled down with either their litters nestled tightly against them or a big belly to show off. Arem watched Cole and Cyrene with lust filled eyes but he knew that he would not be allowed to join in. Cole wondered if he should have the boy at least get a blowjob from Cyrene but when he came the next time he felt her body relaxing right after her climax and knew that she was spend for the night. He pulled out and waited until most of his spunk was spilled before he cleaned her up and tugged her into soft furs together with her litter and put a warm fur over them to make sure she would not get cold. Then he moved to Arem and for one hour they both had a bit boy on boy fun together. Arem soon moaned as loud as Cyrene and Cole made sure to reward the boy with a belly full of his spunk. When the belly of Arem was bulged and round and Cole felt his own fatigue he pulled the boy into an embrace and covered both of them with a fur without pulling out. He felt the boy twitch around his member and moan softly while Cole caressed the big belly of the human boy. The next day Cole would let Arem take part in his mating of Cyrene even though the boy was only allowed to get a blowjob or take her anal. But Arem seemed not to mind so much as he finally was allowed to at least take part in the show he was only able to watch the last weeks. When Cole spent time with Jukki and the new litter, a boy they called Jarod, Arem spend time with Cyrene. Cole even allowed him, when they agreed to it, to take Yu and Sal and the girls seemed to have mercy with the pent up boy and helped him to blow up steam when their litters were sleeping.

When it was Ariana's time to have her child Cole did not even need to utter a single word. When he looked up with a hard member between his legs he already saw Juki downing a full vial and climbing atop of him horny like never before. She did not mind that her own litter and those of the others were awake and looking at her mounting the alpha but let him sink in to the hilt in one go and moaned satisfied when her belly bulged out from the big member that poked into her. Cole could not do anything more than moaning loud and holding the small frame of the asura girl while she grinded up and down in his lap tightly rubbing around his member. Cole did not mind it at all. Not only was Jukki special to him but also he could concentrate on the feeling and closing his eyes while the girl did all the work. In the background he heard Ariana giving birth and groaning but he left her to Sal, Yu and Cyrene that helped her in her labor. He would be in the way anyways. Giving birth and assisting with it was something where a man would not be of much help. This was something he learned back in the black citadel but also from his girls. Nonetheless he wanted to be present at the birth of his litters and it turned him on quite much. The tight tunnel around him twitched and Cole could hear Jukki moan load when she came down with a powerful orgasm. He was a bit behind and his member started spurting when Jukki was already gliding up and down again. The small girl did not bother to stop or pull up but just let her belly inflate and go on with the pounding. Cole opened his eyes and licked over her face. He love every curve of the small asura girl. Her big muzzle, her soft and long ears, the breasts that were round and bigger than they used to be. He licked over them and earned a long moan from Jukki while she did not stop moving up and down. A bit of milk tickled out of her breast and he licked it up. He liked the taste and suckled a bit on her chest which made her come down with a second orgasm. Cole continued to lick Jukki while both of them were so lost in their love making that they totally missed the birth of Arianas child. It was a boy and it looked pretty much like the ones of Yu and Sal. When Cole finally turned his attention from Jukki, who was now exhausted after her fifth orgasm and had a big round belly from the spunk, to Ariana the human girl and her litter were already sleeping. Cole took his time while regenerating his energy and spurting deep into the already filled womb of Jukki to check out the new addition to his family. "It is a boy." Said Yu softly when she came over to lick Coles muzzle with affection and place a kiss on it. Cole purred and caressed the hind and tail of Yu while the spurts in Jukki revived once more. "I think we will call him Andru!" Cole whispered back when they broke the kiss. He was careful not to wake Jukki or Ariana. Sal soon also joined in with Cyrene and Cole gave all of them a long and affectionate kiss before they settled down with their cubs to sleep. Cole picked Jukki up without slipping out and settled down on a fur as well. Elena carefully picked up the sleeping Jarod and put him at the chest of Jukki so that the small boy lay between Cole and Jukki. "Good night myprecious alpha" Cole whispered into Jukkis ear and kissed her on the forehead. Then he closed his eyes, caressed the head of the sleeping Jarod and fell asleep while his member splashed the last spurts of his seed into Jukki.

The next days the asura girl was on overdrive. She had taken an overdose of the liquid but Cole was not sure if she had done it on purpose. She still was pretty much in control of her body and mind and just extremely horny. Cole was amazed again how resistant the mind of Jukki was to the daze of her artificial increased heat. She demanded a lot from him so that he was exhausted more than once per day but she always remembered to feed her child or take a break now and then. The other girls got very horny just by watching them and Cole allowed Arem to fulfil their needs which the boy happily did.

When the week ended and Elena got into her labor the heat of Jukki was already gone but she still rode him daily. Cole ogled to Ariana who he wanted to get pregnant again as well and Jukki knew exactly what he wanted. She did not wait for him to request Ariana to take the liquid but handed Ariana the liquid herself. The human girl looked shyly to Cole when she drank half the vial and the heat increased by every second. Cole had her lay on the back and he stepped over her and slowly pushed into her soft and tight pussy while Jukki licked his balls and tail base. Ariana was as tight as Jukki even though her body was bigger. Cole loved her moan when he drove his tapered dick to the hilt into the young girl. With a grin Cole noticed that Arem got hard himself while watching his twin sister being mated. Yu and Sal helped Elena to give birth but they were the only one who focused on the older human girl. Cole was able to smell the arousal of Cyrene and Bahija who sat next to them and watched him mate with Ariana. Most of the cubs were sleeping and only Bahija nursed her litter while watching the show. Ariana moaned in ecstasy while Cole's barbs rubbed her inner tunnel and her clit closer to her orgasm. Jukki had always been Cole's favorite of his wives but Ariana was the second for him. He did not know if it was the fact that she was as tight as Jukki or that this shy girl was so intense and innocent in her act but he loved to mate with her nearly as much as with Jukki. Then again he did not really favor one of the girls for the other. He loved the snow leopard form of Bahija and all the other girls just as much. Cole shoved his member in and out slowly making sure his barbs stimulated the female below him as much as they could. He managed to make her cum shortly before he could not hold back anymore and spurted deep into her fertile womb. He sure did not stop there. He continued to push into her while spurting into the girl and when his spurts subsided he had her turn around and get on all fours into his favorite mating position. He did not waste any time and directly pushed into her again. His penis glided even deeper into the girl's womb poking at the end of the small chamber inside her. Cole carefully licked her neck while he started to increase his rhythm. He hammered her hard with a fast pace and she moaned loud with each push and pull. Cole lost count of the times he came in Ariana or how many times she came. The other girls helped them out by licking his balls and her breasts and clit. When Cola came to sense from his love crazed clouded mind he found Ariana huffing under him exhausted with a belly as big as Elena's has been a while ago. The older human girl was already sleeping safe and sound with her litter in her arm. Cole lay down on his side pulling Ariana with him. He did not pull out but left her space to nurse her litter that just awoke. The pressure inside her was nearly a discomfort and he knew that he had to pull out soon to let her empty but he wanted to savor this moment for a bit longer. He caressed her belly and she moaned every time he moved inside her. When the litter had his fill Cole pulled out and gave Ariana a release of the immense pressure. She sighed in relieve and soon after she and her litter were sleeping in Cole's arm. He left it to the other girls to clean them up to not disturb her in her sleep any more.

The next day Cole woke up long before the others driven by his hormones that were going crazy with the heat scent of Ariana. He really wanted to start mating again but he also did not want to disturb the sleep of Ariana. He needed her to recover to hold on longer this day. When he looked around his gaze fell upon Elena who was awake. She was even shyer than Ariana and Cole found this very amusing every time the older human girl was looking to the ground shyly. He carefully got up and placed a pelt over Ariana before moving to Elena. "You did great Elena!" he whispered and caressed the small litter in her arm. It was a girl of the name Eriu with the same mix look than the boy of Ariana but obviously with a small difference. His hard-on started to hurt from the arousal he felt and he could not think straight. He could hardly control himself and finally he presented his dick in front of Elena who hesitantly started to suck him off. It felt good but Cole felt even more in need to push deep into a female. He looked around again but none of the others were awake yet. Then his eyes fell upon the half empty vial of liquid on the table. He did not think about it but just pulled out of Elena's muzzle, ignored her surprised look and fetched the vial from the table. "I am sorry to not give you more of a rest but..." he gave her the vial and Elena looked at it for half a minute before obeying his command and drinking it. Her moan was long and soft when the heat cycle in her started. Cole did not lose much time with foreplay. He rolled her on all fours and then pushed into the soaking wet pussy of the human girl while the litter was put securely into a pile of pelts near them. Like with Ariana he licked her neck caringly but his thrusts were not caring at all. He was pent up and driven by the heat scent of Ariana and now as well Elena. The human girl's moans got louder and soon both of them moaned in unison when they came at the same time. A few orgasms later the other girls began to wake up from the noises they made. Elena was filled to the brim and looked like she never gave birth just a day before but still waited for her labor. When Cole noticed that Ariana woke up he left the exhausted Elena to rest and to nurse her now awakening litter and moved to Ariana. He had a lot of energy to spare and the girls seemed to run out of it faster. He filled the sisters both in turns and whenever one was empty again he would switch his female and pump her full of his semen again until her belly was big and round.

When the week was over and the heat of both girls declined Cole calmed down a bit as well. As long as the smell of their heat still lingered in the room he would take all his females in turn but after a few days Jukki decided to air the room to finally have him snap out of his constant arousal and focus on other tasks that needed to be taken care off.

Cyrene returned to her family to find an excuse for their absence and the still absent Bahija. They seemed to take the excuse that they were on a long hunt and Bahija still was hunting much easier than Cole had thought when Cyrene returned and told him about it. All the other girls also visited home once to show their faces and not raise suspicion. For them it was much easier as they were not gone for over a year because they had not shapeshifted the last year. They were all officially working towards diplomatic matters or doing work that would require a long absence. When their bellies swell again they stayed around the house most of the time and did not return to their families. Cole had to return to his work as well as he was the representative for diplomatic matters of the Black Citadel in Lion's Arch now. He had to travel back to the Black Citadel now and then but Trellock did not ask him to join the orders activities or meetings. Cole was not sure if this was because he wanted to have all the girls for himself or because he did not want to increase the work load on Cole. The young charr did not mind though because he already had his own unique set of females that he bred successfully.

The Order of Future: Special 5 – Challenge the Pack

## Special 5 - Challenge the Pack A year had passed since the first visit of Cole in the new hideout of the order of the future. He just had been here until a month ago looking for their litter Ruby, a very energetic little charr girl. He also visited...

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[Taraji] Character Sheet & Prologue — A hope of life

**Name:** Taraji **Swahili Meaning:** Hope **Nicknames:** not yet... **Species:** lion **Gender:** female **Age:** 6 month (at start of role play) **Pride:** lost / no Pride **Family:** she only knows the name of her mother "Malaika"...

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The Order of Future: Special 3 – The Fahrar

## Special 3 - The Fahrar Amra caressed the head of the young panther that lay next to her. She was just one day away from her new Fahrar and spent the last night in a cave with her new companion before she would return. Amra had intended to find...

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