Prison Stream Story 2: The Never-Ending Bribe

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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It seems that Blaze has other people that share her nymphomania. Meet Harley, a dingo thief too horny for her own good.

The Never-Ending Bribe For Blaze By Draconicon

"Psst. Hey. Hey, guard."

Hayley pressed herself up to her cell bars, making sure that one of the metal beams pressed between her breasts. The jumpsuit the dingo was wearing was tight enough that it immediately highlighted them, and even in the dim moonlight that was all the cell block got at night, she knew it immediately had the zebra guard's attention.

"What's up, Hayley? Trying to get that shank of yours back? It's not going to happen, you know."

"Oh, I don't mind that." Like hell I don't. "I just wanted to make you an offer."

"Uh huh?"

The zebra took a step closer. His blue outfit hugged his body in all the right ways, to her eyes, and he was definitely pulling off the equine stereotype from what she could see. He paused, just out of reach, looking down at her breasts.

"And what sort of offer do you have in mind, short stuff?"

Keep it together, keep it together, she thought as she forced herself to keep smiling.

"I thought you might like a, to keep the boredom away."

"Heh, oh really? And what will this company cost me?"

"Oh, I don't think much. Just a little walk in the moonlight, perhaps?"

The zebra was right up against the bars now, and she lowered her hand down to his bulge. Oh, it was big, alright; if he'd been outside the prison, she would have stolen a newspaper to get him to make her bend over. She chuckled, squeezing it.

"Think we could make a deal, handsome?"

"Heh, I think I'm tempted."

"Oh, really? And how could a poor little dingo like me sweeten the pot?"

"Tell you what. You turn around, shimmy out of that outfit and raise your tail for me? I think I could find a way to let you out for a walk."

Heh, buddy, with a cock like that...No, no, he was talking about my height and everything. He's...ah, damn. Curse you, sexy horse!

She turned around as she rolled her eyes, pulling the orange jumpsuit off of her shoulders and then down completely. She had never worn underwear under it, so she didn't need to bother with a bra or a set of panties. The one piece landed at her ankles, and she kicked it towards the back of her cell before walking backwards towards the cell door.

As soon as she felt the cold bars against her ass cheeks, the dingo leaned forward and grabbed hold of her ankles. Her tail went up, and she heard the zebra's zipper go down.

"Heh, so which hole you want, handsome?"

"Oh, I know what one I want. You just stay right there."

She knew his choice as soon as she felt his spit land on her asshole. Arching her back and her hips a little further, Hayley grabbed her ankles tighter, taking a few deep breaths to relax herself. This was going to be -


It felt like getting her lungs kicked up to her teeth, the air leaving them in the space of a second as she went wide eyed. The zebra had smashed his cock inside of her without any consideration besides that first glob of spit. If it hadn't been from so much experience...well, she didn't want to think about it.

The zebra didn't stop at that, either. He grabbed her hips, starting to hump and thrust into her right through the bars. She reached back, rapidly pressing her fingers inside her wet pussy and stringing the liquid up to his cock. It wasn't much, but it was at least making it so it wasn't giving them friction burns.

Not that the guard seemed to notice. He was too into giving her ass a good fuck, ramming into her again and again. And she admitted, once there was some lube, it was starting to feel good. A cell-made toy crafted of soap didn't match something good and living. The dingo let her tongue hang out, starting to rock back against the bars -


God fucking fuck fucker fuck fucking-face! Hayley whipped her head to the side, looking for who had called out. Even as she glanced for the source of the shout, her guard didn't stop fucking her.

Eventually, a stag walked up to the cell. His antlers nearly bumped the bars as he got closer, and his eyes widened at the sight before him. More importantly - to Hayley - his crotch tented significantly as well.

"Fred, what...we don't...I mean..."

"Hey, stud, you want a turn too?"

The stag looked down at her with his eyes wider than ever. Squirming, the dingo slipped off of the zebra's cock (despite his protests) and stood up again. She smirked as she gestured to herself.

"I'll make you the same deal I made him. Let me go for a little walk, and keep quiet about what you're seeing, and I'll give you a little company before I go."

"You...are you serious right now?"

"Man, I was just fucking her ass. What do you think?"

"And she LET you?!"

Hayley arched an eyebrow.

"You're new here, aren't you?"

"Yeah, sorry about that, Hayley. Herbert here hasn't been around for long."

"Hasn't - Fred, we don't just fuck prisoners!"

"Just let it go, man. She wants it as bad as we do."

The zebra opened her cell door. Hayley was tempted to run, but she had given her word. Plus, that cock was just too good to let go before she had her fun with it. She smiled, patting her bed for the zebra to join her, and spreading her pussy lips wide for the stag to see.

"Come on. Nobody's getting hurt here. And it's not like you guys get a lot of pussy anyway."

"...You promise no one will find out?"

"Herbert - Herbert, right?"


"The only people that are gonna know about this are you, me, and Fred here. Now get that dick out and start pounding my pussy."

While the stag was doing just that, the dingo turned her attention to that big black zebra dick at her side. Licking her lips, she straddled the equine's thighs, standing almost on tiptoe on his legs, before lowering herself down. The flared head of his cock brushed against her hole once, twice before she sat down hard, taking it up to the hilt and moaning loudly.

"Quiet, Hayley. Don't want to wake everyone else up."

"Mmmmph...damn big..."

"Come on, Herbert. Get over here before she starts howling."

Despite his nervous nature, the stag was very well built, and he sported a very nice cock of his own. With Fred grabbing her around the waist and guiding her ass up and down his cock, she spread her legs out wide to bring the buck in. His cock brushed her pussy for a second before sliding in.

With one moaning above her and one behind her, Hayley settled herself in for a nice, long, goodbye fuck. The thick shaft in her ass and the thinner but longer one in her pussy soon find a nice rhythm to fuck her, and she wrapped her arms around the buck to encourage him to keep going. She wanted him to take her fast and hard, to plough her right into the zebra behind her.

With a few whispered words, he did. She fell back, her legs pulled up in the air as the zebra humped her hard, spreading her ass wide open. Herbert was blushing the whole time, but he fucked her just as hard, his balls slapping against her, his hands groping her chest and squeezing her breasts like a man possessed. She knew he hadn't had pussy in a long time, and she was glad to be proven right. She smirked up at him, just as she went over the edge.

Fred gagged her with one hand before she could howl out loud, but he couldn't stop her from squirting. Her pussy clenched hard around the buck, and she knew he'd be carrying her scent around for a while after that round.

It didn't take much longer for Fred to cum, his load spewing deep in her ass. He pulled out at the last second, letting the rest of it spray over her tail.

"Hey...that's gonna take...forever to get out."

"Heh, consider it a souvenir."

As Herbert rolled her over, the zebra laid the key down by her bed. He smiled, nodding at it as she got into a doggy style position, the buck going to town on her pussy.

"It'll be there when you're done."

"What will be?"

All three of them turned to the doorway of the cell. Two more guards - a wolf and a bull - stood there, their arms crossed. More, they were getting bulges of their own, looking at the scene. Hayley looked at them, and then at their tents, and groaned.

"Uh...a little company for a little walk?"

The guards chuckled at her, walking over to stand by the bed. Hayley looked back at the buck. He was blushing terribly, muttering explanations and how this wasn't his fault. She rolled her eyes, forcing her hips back on his cock and interrupting him in mid-apology.

"So, uh, what do you say, guards? Either of you want my mouth until he's done?"

The guards looked at each other, but it was the bull that gave in first. He unzipped his pants, fishing out a thick cock that looked like it could use some attention. The dingo licked her lips before swallowing the tip into her mouth.

"Well, go on, Herbert, get back to fucking her!"

"But what about regulations?"

"You're already balls deep in her. I think you threw those out a while ago."

Hayley grinned. So what if it was two more officers she had to deal with? It was just another half hour of fun, and then she could leave and never look back.

"Okay, and after Ronald and Regis, make sure that you send the Dalton brothers. They'll last for an hour at least, and she might be getting exhausted around then."

"You got it, Warden. Hey, how did you know she'd try this?"

"A lot of experience, John."

The otter looked at the video feed, watching as the dingo humped her body back and forth between the bull and the wolf, the buck walking red-faced from the room. He adjusted his purple (non-regulation) top hat, and chuckled at the line of guards waiting their turn to 'surprise' them outside the cell.

"A LOT of experience. Now get it set up. I'll just...enjoy the show."

The End

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