Prison Stream Story 1: Bovines Before Vulpines

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Another kinky kiki story, where the unfortunate vixen has been sent to a re-education facility.

Bovines Before Vulpines For Kiki By Draconicon

Kiki shuddered as she was pulled out of her cell again. The thick fingers of her bovine captors pinched at her upper arms, and her jumpsuit dragged along her as she was pulled down the lane.

"Come on, bitch. Time to hook you up to the chair again."

The vixen whimpered at that. Already? She thought that she had at least a few more hours to get over the last session before she was taken back there. She'd been in it for hours. Days, even, and she hadn't been able to recover just yet. Worse, she never remembered what happened there; it was just a blur, yet she was exhausted by the time she was brought back to her cell.

Her legs collapsed under her, but it didn't stop the guards. They just kept dragging her, the two bulls chuckling at her weakness.

"She's losing it, isn't she?"

"What do you expect? Vixen bitch; she can't even keep up with the cows. How do you expect her to do anything right yet."

Of course I can't. You monsters aren't giving me a chance to rest at all!

She looked towards the other cells, seeing her friends and the people she knew from the resort she used to work at. Foxes, almost entirely, though a few other species cropped up here and there. She knew many of them by face, if not by name, and she begged silently for some sort of sympathy.

None looked up. She knew that they were afraid, but she'd hoped that some measure of kindness would be shown. Sadly, there wasn't any.

Ever since the bovines had taken over the island, everyone had been rounded up and assigned a new role in life based on the world order the new conquerors believed in. Considering most of the island's population consisted of foxes, that meant that a number of them were assigned roles that they could barely stand. Those that protested - like her - were sent here.

She looked towards the sliding door ahead. It used to be a rehabilitation facility for those with sexual disorders. The bovines had turned it into a re-education camp for those that disagreed with them. Her guards were just two of more than three hundred that wandered the halls, keeping order and 'instilling bovine values' on the women that were locked up here. Kiki winced at the thought; the screams from the other women suffering it had been terrifying.

The room echoed as the loudspeaker announced a door opening, her guards pulling her arms behind her back. The bulls on the other side smirked at her, waving their comrades through. As she passed by, the guards snickered at her, and she swore one of them looked down her jumpsuit. The vixen tried to cover herself, but the guards stopped her.

"Taking this one to the chair."

"Oh, yeah? How many days so far?"

"Three. This is day four."

"Oh ho ho. This is when the magic happens, huh?"

"Heh, you know it. After today, this little slut's gonna know her place."

Kiki stiffened at the name, but the bulls only laughed at her. The outer guards stepped out of the way, and they continued dragging her down the hallway. She swore that the other guards were doing...something, behind her, but she couldn't tell what.

It didn't take long to reach the chair, considering it was one of the first rooms after the security chamber. The bulls dragged her through, throwing her into the medical exam room, and tying her down to a chair that left her legs in the air and her back flat. She grunted as her breasts flopped up and down from the impact, shivering in fear as the bulls tied her down, her arms out to her sides and her legs as spread as they could go. It actually hurt from how far they were pushed out. She closed her eyes, waiting for them to leave, like usual.

Instead, they stayed. She whimpered, shaking her head.

"Please, just go."

"Oh, we're not going this time."



Her head whipped to the other side, and she choked as she slowly brought her head back around.

"Vixens don't talk back. You do what you're told. Got it?"

"G-g-got it."

"Nah, nah, dun't goo hurtin' de patien'."

She looked around the bulls at an older cow coming in. The female was wheeling a tray in with her, and on it were a number of needles, each one filled with a different sort of liquid. The vixen didn't know what any of them were, but she didn't think she wanted to have them in her body.

The cow walked over to her, leaning down and patting her cheek.

"Can' goo hurtin' doom bests like dis. Yoo train 'em, den leet 'em doo whut dey larned."

"What are you...what are you going to do to me?"

"Jus' whut yoo need, gurl. Jus' whut yoo need."

The cow's hand felt almost creepily affectionate, but she was so starved for it that she turned her cheek against it. The bovine chuckled before withdrawing it, turning back to the bulls.

"Sta't de ting."

Kiki watched in frozen fear as the bulls pushed several buttons on the wall she faced. A screen was lowered from the ceiling, pressing down until it was only a foot above her face. The wide screened box was large enough that it covered her vision from one side to the other, particularly as they strapped her head down.

As it turned on, Kiki felt her memories stir, particularly as a spiraling black and white image filled the screen. Her eyes were drawn down towards the center almost immediately, like she was trained to do it.

"Dat's it, gurl. Kep lookin'."

She didn't want to, but she had no choice. Her eyes were glued to the screen, and even when small images flickered up from beneath the black and white spiral, she couldn't look away. She saw the pictures of vixens bowing before the cows. She saw them prostrate before the bulls. Every picture showed a vixen or a fox in submission, in servitude to some bovine or another.

The soft white noise coming from the monitor felt like a distraction - and a welcome one - at first, but soon turned into a problem all its own. Kiki's eyes widened at the words she heard, the commands in the static.

"Submit. Serve. A vixen is below all. Submit. Serve. See your proper place."

She tried to close her eyes, bringing them to half slits, but she couldn't close them completely. Something about the spiral kept her staring, kept her watching the show in front of her. It was a painful, horrible thing to watch, to see her species seen as so low...and yet some part of her agreed with it.

Kiki couldn't believe it, but she almost wanted to nod in approval at the sight of the different vixens bowing, and shake her head at the ones that still resisted. She should have been applauding their defiance. What was wrong with her?

The needle suddenly pressed to her shoulder shocked her, almost letting her look away. Kiki heard the cow woman stepping back.

"Yoo bools al' ready?"

"Yes, ma'am. How much longer?"

"Ah, jus' a few mur shots."

A few more shots until what? She didn't know, and it scared her all the more. She tried to open her mouth -

And then the injection hit her. She hissed, arching her back as her body throbbed, her nerves feeling like they were pushed almost to the edge of her skin. Everything was hyper sensitive, from her head to her toe. The slightest movement made the jumpsuit feel like a rasping washcloth over her fur, and even the table under her would have felt painful were it not for the cushions supporting her.

Worst, perhaps, was the sudden gushing at her crotch. She felt the jumpsuit soak, and her face burned as she realized that her body was going into a forced heat. The last time she'd felt like this, she'd taken the week off and locked herself in her room for the whole time; now, she could feel it all coming back in a rush.

The screen changed. Still with the spiral, still showing foxes in subservient roles, but in much dirtier images. Kiki gasped at the sight of the vixens taking a bull cock to the hilt, both in their mouths and between their legs. Some few pictures even had them raising their tails and...and...

She gasped, her hips bucking all of a sudden as the images and spiral threw her over the edge to an orgasm. Completely untouched, hands free, she came, soaking the crotch of her jumpsuit even more.

"She's getting pretty damn close."


The cow's hand and the next needle slid into view. To Kiki's humiliation, her jumpsuit was pulled aside, exposing her chest. The needle flashed as it sunk into her left nipple, the vixen screaming at the pain of it being penetrated.

"Hoosh, gurl, hoosh."

The cow's free hand covered her mouth, leaving her silenced as the needle pulled out. Her breast burned, and...was it growing? It felt like it was growing, but she couldn't look to be sure. And as the needle stabbed into her other breast, it was too hard to think of anything but the pain.

The needle came out a few seconds later, but even then Kiki couldn't look down. She had to look at the spiral. It showed more and more vixens, more of them suffering from the effects of disobedience. She saw them with breasts larger than a cow's udder, crawling on all fours with their fat bellies sagging and their fatter asses raised. She saw them being used, their mouths open and drooling with no thought in their eyes.

That could be her, she realized. The more she disobeyed, the more she would lose herself.

She swore her breasts were already bigger, and it wasn't just the injection's heat that made them feel that way. She could feel the pressure the older vixens described, and knew they were full of milk.

"De best's ready. 'ave yer foon, bools."

The clip-clop of hooves were all the warning she got before she felt a large hand over her crotch. Kiki couldn't even speak as they ripped her soaked jumpsuit apart down there, and she winced at the hard feeling of a cock pushing between her legs. She'd only seen them before, never felt them, but it had to be that.

"The camera on, George?"

"Yep. Take that cherry."

Kiki bit her lip, but there was nothing to stop her scream as she was filled for the first time. Her body shook in a second orgasm, and her eyes opened wider, staring into that pin-point of the spiral as she had her virginity taken. The hot flow of blood was different to her juices, and she felt it on the bull's cock, and on her inner thighs.

"Heh, think she'll remember this?"

"Hey, she better, or she'll just end up in here again."

I'll remember...I'll remember...I'll be a good girl...I promise, she thought as she lost herself in the spiral, her body going limp as it was fucked.

The End

Prison Stream Story 2: The Never-Ending Bribe

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