Exhibitionism Stream Story 8: Party, Presents, and...Pussy?

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Another story for Ray, with some weres getting some fun.

Party, Presents, and...Pussy? for Ray by Draconicon

When it came to Don's birthday parties, he had two different ones. The first was for his coworkers and a few other friends he had who wanted to show him a good time, give him a few gifts, and generally show that they enjoyed having him around. Don enjoyed those well enough, and he frequently looked forward to them during the year.

The second was with a far smaller crowd, only two, in fact, and it was a lot more...stimulating. Usually.

Don took another sip from his bottle of beer, swilling it around in his mouth for a few seconds before gulping it down. He shook his head, the little effect of the alcohol fading before he could feel more than the edge of it. Glancing down at the bottle, he sighed at the large paw that held it.

"I wonder what my coworkers would think if they found out I was a werewolf."

"Probably get you to prove it." An orange tail passed another bottle to him, and he took it. "Hey, what's the matter, man? Usually you're a lot more up than this."

"Hey, give him a break, Jack. He's in the middle of tax season."

"Just curious, Vic. Just curious."

The kitsune and lion kept talking, but Don tuned them out. Victor was close, but not quite there. Yeah, tax season was stressful on most accountants, but it was something he was used to by this point. After working fifty of his seventy-five years at one accounting firm or another, he had the yearly rush down to a science, and he only got tired from it rather than exhausted.

No, it was more the fact that he just didn't know what he was doing anymore. The daily routine was getting more and more ingrained in his mind, and it was harder to be spontaneous anymore. What was the point of having such a long life if this was all he was going to do with it, day in and day out?

A tail and then a clawed hand shook him. Rather hard in fact.

"Hello, hello, earth to Don. Anybody in there?"

"Yeah, yeah." He shook some spilled beer off of his hand. "Sorry, I was just thinking. What's up, Victor?"

"Your cake."

"My...what? What are you talking about?"

"Geez, you living under a rock all year?"

The kitsune turned him from the table, and Don blinked. The table behind them hadn't been there just a moment ago, and it was covered with a cake bigger than he was. That was saying something, considering he neared seven feet in his were form, and the cake went even past that. Around it were a number of presents as well, each one wrapped in the same pink color as the cake's icing.

"Your cake, man. You wanna have it, or not?"

"Since when the hell do you guys get cake like this?"

"Well, it is your 75th, old friend." The lion chuckled, standing at his other side. "We wanted to do something a little bigger, considering how the last few years have been."

"So...you bought me a giant cake?"

"Geeeez, man. You're seventy-five, but you're still as innocent as a pre-teen, I swear."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh for - Misaki, just come out."

The top of the cake popped open like a lid, and a small featured, flat but very cute face poked through.

"Awww, Victor. Why'd you go and spoil the surprise?"

"He wasn't going to get it anyway. Come on out."



Don pointed at the cake as the top closed. He looked back at his friends, then back at the cake, staring as the top of it folded open and revealed that it had been hollow all along. Slowly stepping out of it was a petite asian woman, her black hair running over her shoulders and the ends barely stopping above her nipples. Not her breasts, her nipples, as the werewolf realized that she was completely nude.

Carpets match the drapes, as well, he thought.

He shook his head as she stopped at the end of the table, her hands on her hips and her hips thrust to the side. She seemed completely confident in herself, despite facing three creatures like him that were most definitely non-human. He could only draw one conclusion from that.

"That isn't the real you, is it?"

"Oh, we have a smart one here, don't we? Well, fuzzy wuzzy, I was going to keep it a surprise until later. Some furry guys like having a human rubbing up against them; makes 'em feel all nice and warm and on top of the world."

"I deal with hard, cold numbers all day, ma'am. I'd like to know what you really are."

"You are all such spoilsports. No surprises for me at all."

"Please, indulge me? It is my birthday, after all."

She chuckled.

"Well, it's part of my act, anyway. Watch close, birthday boy."

Don cocked his head to the side, turning to look back at his friends. Their smiles told him that he would enjoy this, but neither offered him any sort of explanation of what was going to occur. Shaking his head, he turned back -

  • Just as the human thrust her hips to her right. It was a shocking motion, but more shocking was the sudden ballooning of her right ass cheek. It popped outwards, making her hips and rump look far larger and thicker than before. He leaned forward in interest as she thrust her hip the other way, a similar change happening at lightning speed. Don had to admit, he was impressed; most weres couldn't control their shifting that well, and that was with years of experience behind them.

He noted the thickening around her pussy, too. As cream colored fur ran along her crotch and rump, her sex seemed to swell, though not to the exaggerated size that her ass and hips had achieved. They were puffy, however, and they hung much lower than the average woman, very visible.

She caressed herself, and as her hands ran up her sides, running along her slender body, she continued to grow. The swelling wasn't particularly large after it went above her belly - which had grown some paunch, but nothing obese - but her growth came back with a vengeance as her hands reached her chest. It was like watching a water balloon swell under a faucet, except less comedic and more arousing.

Don smiled widely, his tail wagging as he leaned forward, watching as she pinched her nipples as they swelled beneath her fingers. Her general size, and the brushy looking tail that she grew, told him all he needed to know.

"You're a tanuki, aren't you?"

"Mmmm, you're a smart one. What gave it away?"

"Your pussy, mostly. You seem to be the only species that is that naturally stretchy down there."

"Heh, I thought you were an accountant. Where do you get off talking like a biologist?"

"Blame a mis-spent youth."

Don smiled to himself as her transformation continued, a light brown fur covering her upper arms and legs, and a darker brown running down to her extremities. His sheath felt incredibly full and his cock eager as her face transformed, her nose and lips pushing forward with an expression of bliss as her muzzle took shape.

It wasn't just him enjoying it, or even him and the two guys behind him. His nose picked up her scent as well, rich and heavy with her own arousal. Even if he hadn't, she flaunted herself to them, leaning back as she completed her transformation and spreading her legs to show the juices running out of her. Don would have chuckled if he wasn't so entranced by the sight. It was always much more sexy to see a transformation being enjoyed rather than done as a torture.

"You've got a lot of talent, ma'am."

"Oh, stop calling me that. My name's Misaki."

"Nice to meet you, Misaki. I'm -"

"You, wolf boy, are the Birthday boy. You." She pointed towards the lion. "You are the Pride King. And you...hmm, you're Tails."

"...Really, man?"

"You have them, don't you?"

"Yeah, but...really, Tails?"

"Eh, they can't all be winners." Misaki turned her smile back to Don, sitting down on the edge of the table. "Ready to have a little fun, birthday boy? Tails and Pride King told me that you haven't been having much fun of late. Don't want to be making many pups or something?"

"Well, no. I mean, it's irresponsible, and -"

"No wonder you're so boring. You haven't done a darn thing since you started out as a werewolf, have you?"

"Well, I've -"

"We're fixing that now."

She moved too quickly for Don to respond, and the werewolf found himself shoved back in his chair. The back of it was supported on the table behind him, but he couldn't get it back upright before Misaki joined him, sitting on his lap. Her pussy soaked his crotch almost immediately, and he blushed as his cock quickly responded, growing up against her until it was throbbing against her sex.

"You know what to do at least, hmm?"

"It's not like I haven't used it, you know."

"Not in the right way, you haven't. Boys?"

The lion and kitsune moved around him, the two of them taking up different positions on each side of the tanuki. The former stood behind her, and the latter stood with his balls a little too close to Don's head for his comfort.

"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like, man? We're having an orgy. Sheesh. This isn't happening a minute too late, I swear."

"An orgy?"

"When better than your birthday, old friend?"

Don felt like he should have had a response to that, but it was a little hard to think when a beautiful tanuki was sitting on his lap. No, scratch that. When a tanuki was sitting on his cock, and sliding it inside of her. The werewolf moaned, leaning his head back and sticking his tongue out as he panted.

"Ooooh god..."

"That's the first thing you've said all night that makes sense."

"Don't stop..."

"Don't worry, birthday boy. I don't plan to. Now, get fucking me, you guys. I don't want to be able to walk normal when I leave."

The End

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