Exhibitionism Stream Story 9: Cops and Convicts

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Another story for Skywing here, as Axel shows off Freedom Friday, a lovely little tradition in which both the cops and the convicts in the legal system are required to take part.

If you like these little short stories, consider coming in during my weekly streams and getting one for yourself. They're only $10, and customized for your needs.

Cop or Convict? for Necross by Draconicon

Axel smiled as he stepped up to the stage that looked over most of Bantan Park. Usually, the view was dominated with the trees and lakes and the open grassy areas that made the park such a lovely place for families to come and spend the day. Those were still there, of course, but the main thing that held people's attention were the boxes that were stood up all over the place. Rather than cops surrounding the place, today it was a collection of slightly blank faced 'civil servants' as they called themselves.

The bat just called them 'hypno-helpers'. It was more accurate.

Chuckling to himself, the bat stepped up to the podium at the middle of the stage, looking out at the already large crowd of people that had come out for Freedom Friday. He smiled at them, waving for them to calm down.

"Come on, everyone, I know you're excited, but we'll get to the fun stuff soon enough. Just settle down, and we'll make sure that everyone has a good time."

It took a few minutes for everyone to stop shouting and pay attention to him, but Axel eventually managed it. Not without some frustrations, though. There were a couple of moments - and a few loudmouths - that had tempted him to call some of the hypno-helpers from their duty at keeping the under-18 crowd out to deal with the troublemakers, but he handled it well enough. Clearing his throat, the bat continued.

"So, before I begin, is there anyone here that hasn't participated in Freedom Friday before?"

A few hands went up, including those of a fifty year old man and a young, eighteen year old female. Axel nodded.

"Okay, then for your benefit, I'll give you a quick explanation.

"Freedom Friday is a day of equality established between our beloved mayor and my father, Chief Beau of the city police department. On the first Friday of every month, a select number of police officers and criminals are checked, sealed, and put out in the boxes that you see before you."

He waved towards them. The boxes were split about half and half, with one group flat and square, while the other boxes were upright. The former had two holes, one on each side, and the latter had two as well, though slightly differently positioned. All were currently sealed with hydraulic metal doors, the bat knew, and wouldn't open until commanded.

"As you can see, all of these men are sealed up without any sign of who is in which container unit. I'll come back to that later, though. Each of you has been assigned a card, right? Anybody not have a card?"

Nobody complained, and the bat nodded.

"Good. Those cards have $18 each, paid for by your entry fee for Freedom Friday. You use those to open up one of the holes on the boxes. For the squat ones, you'll get to use either the mouth or ass of one of the officers or convicts inside. For the upright ones, you'll either let out their cock or be able to use their rumps as you wish."

The newcomers gasped, while the old hands grinned at the thought. Axel would have, if he hadn't been at the microphone. He looked forward to having a bit of fun for himself, particularly considering he had a bit of an unfair advantage over the rest of the group.

"When you're done with your round, you'll be prompted to make a choice. Cop or Convict. When you've pressed the button over your choice, you'll get a refund on your card if you're right. If you're wrong, well, you still paid $3 to get to fuck someone.

"At the end of the day, you'll get back in cash whatever you still have on the card, and if you run out, you're welcome to stay and watch. Everyone get the picture?"

The crowd muttered to each other, but there didn't seem to be any questions. Axel smiled, the bat raising his hand.

"Then I declare this Freedom Friday begun!"

With surprising speed, the crowd collapsed, everybody running off towards this or that box. Axel grinned as a surprising number of men ran towards the upright boxes; apparently there were more subs out this month than he'd expected.

Of course, not everybody was headed towards the big boxes. There were some rather large guys heading towards the flat boxes too, and he imagined that some of the officers and convicts were going to be getting very sore by the end of the day. The sight of the orca and dragon heading towards the box that he knew held Officer Derrick left him wincing for the pup, but not all that much.

After all, every single one of the guys was hypnotized. Having seen to it himself, he felt utterly confident that they'd get through it without any sort of trauma, and he doubted more that any of the guys would remember much of it. Every month prior, the convicts and cops had remembered nothing more than a relaxing day, and he had no indications that this month would be any different.

The bat strolled down the park, looking for a few boxes that he knew would be particularly fun. Unfortunately, his father's box - he could tell it was Beau's due to the cock sticking out the front, stuck up the ass of an eager poodle - was currently occupied, but he had other choices to work with, so he wasn't too disappointed.

Of course, considering the other boxes he was interested in were all the way on the other side of the park, it meant that he had quite a trip to make.

At least I'll get some eye candy on the way.

He grinned as he made his way back, pausing at one of the boxes to watch as a large, green dragon pounded at the guy inside. Judging by the serial number, Axel guessed it was one of the convicts; they tended to have the odd numbered ones. Even he, however, couldn't tell who was in the box. They were so well sealed that air barely had a chance to get through, let alone any light. Cocks could get through at one end or the other, but the only things that they'd see was an open mouth or a waiting hole.

The green dragon was just about done by the time that Axel reached him, and the bat sat down on a bench at the side to watch. Licking his lips at the sight of that tight green ass, he waved when the dragon turned to look at him.

"Having fun there, big guy?"

"Hell yeah. The guy's pretty damn tight. Must be a cop."

"You sure? I've heard a lot of rumors about what they get up to in the locker room."

"Heh, no way. If this was a convict, his ass would be WAY looser. I'm betting it's a cop."

"Your money, man."

The dragon came, and hard. With a thick load of cum spurting deep into his toy, the dragon pulled out, his slimy, foot long cock dripping on the ground as the scaly hit the 'cop' button on top of the box.


"Ah, fuck..."

"Heh, told you."

"Ah well. At least it's just $3. Best $3 I ever spent, really."

Axel got up, patting the dragon's cock as the green guy looked down on him.

"Hey, you're the chief's kid. Got any pointers of which boxes'd be good?"

"I shouldn't be telling you that."

"Heh, but you're gonna, aren't you?"

"Call me a naughty bat." Axel chuckled. "Look around for B452. You'll find a nice hybrid in there that'll be lubed up and ready to be fucked."

"And is he -"

"Ah ah, not spilling that secret."

"Damn...Fine, see you, kid."

Patting him on the ass, the dragon walked off, and Axel went his own way as well. He stretched his arms over his head as he walked down the green, the bat's whip-like tail swishing from side to side as he passed by box after box of people enjoying themselves. So many naked men and women lined the open areas of the park, and most of the boxes actually had lines around them where people were waiting to take their turn.

Some even tried to cheat by getting the answer for who was in the box by watching the current fuckers. They wouldn't have much luck; not only did the buttons randomly change their input (with the icons for the buttons changing as well) but they had a privacy screen around them so that the people to the sides and behind couldn't view it. Axel smiled; that had been his father's idea, during one of the hypno-sessions between them.

Axel paused again at one of the longer lines, watching as some of the people waiting gave each other a hand - or even a muzzle - as they waited for their turns in lines. Dogs and cats were stroking each other's cocks, a cow woman was blowing a horse, and there was even a point where a dragon was rimming a mouse.

Heh, so good to see so much stress being released out here, Axel thought. It was one of the biggest reasons that he'd gotten into hypnosis in the first place, to help relieve the stress of other people that they didn't know that they had. Freedom Friday took so much stress off of people as the two classes of society that could influence them most - officers of the law and criminals - were taken out of the equation entirely, leaving only the chance to have fun and enjoy themselves.

Passing by a pair of kissing foxes, the bat finally found one of the other boxes he was interested in. Lo and behold, nobody else seemed to have taken it yet. Chuckling to himself, Axel pulled out his own card and slid it along the mouth side of the squat box.

"Samuel, Samuel, how long I've waited to have your mouth here."

The lizard inside - and he only knew that Samuel was a lizard because he recognized the box code - only moaned, his mouth held wide open by restraints inside the box. Drool ran down the opening, and the bat wasted no time. Pulling his pants down, he grabbed hold of his cock and shoved it inside.

The soft warmth of the hot mouth made him moan. Groaning in pleasure, the bat immediately set to thrusting back and forth, grabbing hold of the box.

"Hey, is his ass taken yet?"

Looking up, panting hard, the bat shook his head at the bull that wanted a turn.

"Take it...Or hey...take mine."

"Ain't gonna turn down a free ass..."

"Not on Freedom Friday, anyway..."

The End

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